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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metafysikens död, teologins möjlighet? : Jean-Luc Marions tänkande i kritisk belysning / The end of metaphysics, an opening for theology? : A critical study of the thought of Jean-Luc Marion

Mattebo, Kenneth January 2023 (has links)
In this essay I explore some of the theological consequences of Jean-Luc Marions antimetaphysical philosophy of religion. Inspired by Heidegger and Nietzsche Marion works from the definition of metaphysics as "onto-theology". This means that the western metaphysical tradition from at least Fransisco Suarez made the fundamental mistake of conflating the being of God with the beingness of created beings. This was done in an attempt to give an all-encompassing general description of the world in one universal science. In this science God as Causa Sui (the self caused cause), functions as the first efficient cause of the world. The result from this thinking was according to Marion that God became limited to the conditions of the study of Being. God became knowable as a being. In this process the worry is that theologians lost a sense of wonder for the divine and God became more of a necessary piece in the rational universe. According to Marion this "God of the philosophers and savants" can no longer be the revealed God that judaism and christianity has confessed to but an idol created in the image of man. Therefore, Marion goes on the search for the “God beyond Being”, the God who is infinitely different and other than his creation. One can describe Marions project as exercises in apophatic or “negative” theology with the tools of phenomenology. All of which aims at describing something at the center of faith that he believes it is impossible to completely describe, and that the attempt to do so will not get you closer to what you are looking for but actually further away. For him metaphysics represents the hubris of conforming everything, and thus also God, to the conditions of man. And this can only make idols in mans own image, never reach the divine. How then does God show himself? This is answered by Marion with his description of “saturated phenomena”. Phenomenologically speaking everything that shows itself gives itself. Man is not the starting point nor the condition of possibility of what can show itself. God can thus give himself completely, without limit, and man experiences God without fully being able to make sense of the encounter. This encounter is the saturated phenomenon par excellence. Theologically speaking Marion pinpoints the encounter with God in what for him is the very center of the christian revelation namely the celebration of the eucharist which he describes as the hermeneutics of the eternal Word by itself. The theological/phenomenological vision of Marion has been wildly debated. In this essay I explore some critical responses to Marion from the english speaking world with a focus on his theological thinking. To do this I chose to present the main critical points made in respons to Marion by John Milbank, Graham Ward, Bruce Ellis Benson and James K.A. Smith. This critique is then discussed under three headings “embodiment”, “the divinity of Christ” and “knowledge of God”. In my judgment some of the critical points raised loose their force as they ignore the definitions Marion explicitly lays out and read too much into his discussions of the role of metaphysics in theological discourse. I also try to show that some of the critique becomes strange when one places Marion in the context of a self professed Roman Catholic whose theology reasonably should be seen as a contribution to (at least) that living tradition. Other times it is hard to asses Marions thought and the critique as you can choose what types of descriptions to emphasise and what to downplay. This is especially an issue with respect to what Marion calls the icon and its functions. Some of the critical points do seem valid to me and pose serious questions to Marions project as a whole, especially the way Marion wants to place knowledge of the divine in a separate category than other knowledge and the consequences this has for our ability to know and speak about God. In most Christian epistemology the inability for humans to know God is simultaneously because God is other than us and also because of sin, but this distinction is seemingly lost in Marions thought. Another difficulty is how to describe Jesus Christ as the incarnation of “God beyond being”. The tendency of Marion is to emphasise the hidden presence of God in Christ in such a strongly kenotic language that his theology runs the risk of falling into docetism.

Jean-Luc Marion's Phenomenological Approach to the Trinity and Its Inspiration for Christian Theology

Kim, Hyunjhik January 2023 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Andrew L. Prevot / Thesis advisor: André Brouillette / The philosopher Jean-Luc Marion presents a phenomenological approach to the Trinity. He criticizes traditional trinitarian theology based on metaphysics in that it fails to resolve the intrinsic contradiction between the unicity of the one God and the plurality of the persons of the Trinity. He proposes, rather, 'trinitarian revelation'; in this, Jesus Christ, the par excellence revelation, unveils the Father, while the Holy Spirit guides the beholder to see the icon of the Son from the proper perspective. This anamorphosis model overcomes the limitations of the metaphysical theology of the Trinity; it stresses that the beholder sees the sole visibility of the Son and appreciates the communion of plurality in charity within the mutual relationships of the persons of the Trinity. One of the outstanding points of Marion's phenomenological approach to trinitarian revelation, moreover, is that the viewer is involved in triune God's unveiling. Believers can experience 'trinitarian revelation' through praying personally and participating in the sacraments of the Church. In this conversation of the perspective, they receive the gifts of sacrifice, forgiveness, and communion as the manifestation of the communion of charity among the persons of the Trinity. Paradoxically, as with the communion within the Trinity, these gifts are not directed inwardly to the individual believer, but they are gifts to be given out to others. This is how God reveals himself in Marion's trinitarian mode and how we participate in that revelation of triune God. / Thesis (STL) — Boston College, 2023. / Submitted to: Boston College. School of Theology and Ministry. / Discipline: Sacred Theology.

The effect of the home and school diet on the nutritional status of children at the Konnarock Training School

Boyer, Jean McNei January 1943 (has links)

The singin lass : a reflection on the life of the poet Marion Angus (1865-1946) in the form of an account of her life and work, and three extracts from 'Blackthorn', a novel

Chalmers, Aimée Y. January 2010 (has links)
Part 1 of this thesis comprises a biography which, for the first time, places Marion Angus within her historical, family and social context. A version of this was published as the introduction to my edited collection The Singin Lass: Selected Work of Marion Angus (Polygon, 2006). Assumptions made about the poet's activities and attitudes derive from critical reading of archival material: her published 'diaries', letters and prose, as well as her poetry. The appraisal of her work places it within literary contexts. The development of her linguistic awareness of the Scots language is traced and the extent of her commitment to it noted. I conclude that assessment of her work has frequently been affected by erroneous judgements about her lifestyle and that the poetry, which has greater depth than it sometimes is given credit for, illuminates her struggle rather than defines her character. Her strength and resilience, as well as her contribution to Scots literature, should be respected and admired. Part II comprises three extracts from Blackthorn, a novel based on aspects of the life and work of Marion Angus. My starting point was the marked contrast between her earlier prose and her later poetry. This, I believe, reflects an actual family crisis which is central to my narrative. The extracts presented here (dated 1900, 1930 and 1945-46) present a credible alternative to inaccurate assumptions which were made about her life. I explore two actual significant relationships in her life: with a sister who becomes wholly dependent on her, and with a younger friend who looks after her in her final year. In the absence of any firm evidence of lovers, I speculate on other relationships.

The spatial distribution of alien and invasive vascular plant species on sub-Antarctic Marion Island

Ramaswiela, Tshililo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc )--Stellenbosch University, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The patterns of spread of non-indigenous species and the factors influencing their distribution have been studied infrequently on Southern Ocean Islands, where the prevention and control of biological invasions is a priority for conservation management. Owing to its remoteness and relatively small size, sub-Antarctic Marion Island provides an ideal opportunity to investigate the patterns of spread of invasive species and the factors likely influencing the distribution of alien species. Therefore, this study provides a spatially explicit documentation of the alien and invasive vascular plant species on Marion Island, the change in their distribution patterns through time, an assessment of the correlates of the current distributions, documentation of species rich areas, and provides recommendations for control based on these data and life history data available for each species. To ensure comprehensive coverage for the current estimate of distributions, a combination of a systematic (spatially explicit) survey and an ad hoc data collection method was used to examine the abundance and occupancy of each alien plant species across the island. The spatially explicit survey was used to identify sampling sites on a ½ minute by ½ minute scale (926 m × 926 m) which resulted in 348 sites across the island, whereas 2356 additional presence records were added during the ad hoc sampling. The residence time of each species was also estimated from the first records reported in various literature. While it has been documented in many studies that residence time is an important factor explaining species distribution, this study showed that distribution of alien species on Marion Island is not explained by residence time. The alien plant species on Marion Island differ markedly in their occupancy, distribution and rate of expansion. Agrostis stolonifera, Cerastium fontanum, Poa annua and Sagina procumbens are all expanding their ranges, whereas the range of Stellaria media appears to be contracting. Cerastium fontanum is the most widespread species on Marion Island while Sagina procumbens is the most abundant (number of records) and most rapidly expanding species on both Marion and Prince Edward Islands. Generalized linear models demonstrated that altitude, distance to human disturbed sites, and nearest neighbour presence are all significant and often strong correlates of spatial variation in alien vascular plant species richness and individual species presences on Marion Island. In particular, alien species richness on Marion Island declines sharply with increasing elevation, and that the distribution of the most widespread species is spatially aggregated. The surroundings of the Meteorological station and Mixed Pickle hut exhibit high richness and a high likelihood of the presence of individual species. None of the models developed for this study resulted in habitat type being significant explanatory variable for the distribution of any of the alien plant species, although from the records alone it is clear that the salt spray vegetation type is avoided. Together with assessments of the life history of the species, the current distribution data suggest that few alien plant species can be easily eradicated. Most are already too widespread already for cost effective eradication. Moreover, given the current rate of spread of Agrostis stolonifera, Cerastium fontanum, Poa annua and Sagina procumbens, and their apparent lack of habitat preference, it seems likely that within the next few decades many lowland habitats will be dominated by these species. By contrast, Rumex acestosella, Agrostis gigantea, Agropyron repens, Juncus effusus, Luzula cf. multiflora and the newly established shrub species should be the subject of control or eradication efforts. This thesis provides comprehensive baseline data on alien vascular plant distributions as a benchmark for future assessments. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verspreidingspatrone van uitheemse spesies en die faktore wat hulle verspreiding beïnvloed is selde op Suidelike Oseaan Eilande bestudeer, waar die voorkoming en beheer van biologiese indringing ‘n prioriteit is vir bewaringsbestuur. Te danke aan sy afgeleëndheid en relatiewe klein grootte, voorsien sub-Antarktiese Marion Eiland ‘n ideale geleentheid om die patrone van verspreiding van indringer spesies en die faktore wat moontlik die verspreiding van uitheemse spesies beïnvloed te ondersoek. Daarom voorsien hierdie studie ‘n ruimtelik eksplisiete dokumentering van die uitheemse en indringer vaatplant spesies op Marion Eiland, die verandering in hulle verspreidingspatrone oor tyd, ‘n bepaling van die korrelasies van die huidige verspreidings, dokumentering van spesiesryke areas, en voorsien aanbevelings vir beheer gebasseer op hierdie data en die lewensloopdata beskikbaar vir elke spesie. Om omvattende dekking vir die huidige skatting van vespreidings te verseker, is ‘n kombinasie van sistematiese en ad hoc metodes gebruik om die talrykheid en besetting van elke uitheemse spesie oor die eiland te ondersoek. Die ruimtelik eksplisiete opname is gebruik om moniteringsplotte op ‘n ½ minuut by ½ minuut skaal (926 m × 926 m), met die resultaat van 348 plotte oor die eiland, terwyl 2356 addisionele voorkomsrekords bygevoeg is tydens die ad hoc versameling. Die verblyftyd van elke spesie is ook beraam vanaf die eerste rekords in die literatuur. Terwyl dit aangeteken is dat verblyftyd ‘n belangrike faktor is om spesie verspreiding te verduidelik, wys hierdie studie dat verspreiding van uitheemse spesies op Marion Eiland nie verduidelik word deur verblyftyd nie. Die uitheemse spesies op Marion Eiland verskil aansienlik in hulle besetting, verspreiding en tempo van uitbreiding. Agrostis stolonifera, Cerastium fontanum, Poa annua en Sagina procumbens brei almal hulle areas uit, terwyl die area van Stellaria media bleik te krimp. Cerastium fontanum is die mees wydverspreide spesie op Marion Eiland, terwyl Sagina procumbens die oorvloedigste (aantal rekords) en die vinnigste uitbreidende spesie is op beide Marion en Prince Edward Eiland. Veralgemeende lineêre modelle het aangetoon dat hoogte, afstand na menslike versteurde plotte, en naaste buurman teenwoordigheid almal betekenisvol is en gereeld sterk korreleer met ruimtelike variasie in uitheemse vaatplant spesierykheid en individuele spesie voorkoms op Marion Eiland. Uitheemse spesierykheid op Marion Eiland neem in besonder sterk af met ‘n toename in hoogte en die verspreiding van die mees wyduitgebreide spesies is ruimtelik saamgesteld. Die omgewing om die Weerstasie en Mixed Pickle hut toon hoë rykheid en ‘n hoë waarskynlikheid van die voorkoms van individuele spesies. Nie een van die modelle wat vir hierdie studie ontwikkel is toon ‘n belangrikheid in habitat tipe as ‘n verduidelikbare veranderlike vir die verspreiding van enige van die uitheemse plant spesies nie, alhoewel vanuit die rekords alleen is dit duidelik dat soutsproei plantegroei nie verkies word nie. Tesame met ondersoeke oor die lewensloop van die spesies, stel die huidige verspreidingsdata voor dat min uitheemse plant spesies maklik uitgeroei kan word. Die meeste is eenvoudig te wydverspreid vir koste effektiewe uitroeiing. Voorts, gegewe die huidige tempo van uitbreiding van Agrostis stolonifera, Cerastium fontanum, Poa annua en Sagina procumbens en hulle skynbare gebrek aan habitat voorkeur, is dit hoogs waarskynlik dat baie van die laerliggende habitatte binne die volgende paar dekades gedomineer sal word deur hierdie spesies. In teenstelling, Rumex acestosella, Agrostis gigantea, Agropyron repens, Juncus effusus, Luzula cf. multiflora en die nuutgevestigde struik spesie moet die fokus wees van beheer/uitroeiing pogings. Hierdie tesis voorsien omvattende basislyn data oor uitheemse vaatplantverspreidings as ‘n standaard vir toekomstige ondersoeke. / This project was funded by the South African National Antarctic Programme of the National Research Foundation (NRF – SANAP). Additional funding was provided by The Prince Edward Islands book fund.

Jean-Luc Marion : apologie de l'inexistence / Jean-Luc Marion : apology of inexistence

Vinolo, Stéphane 19 September 2017 (has links)
La phénoménologie de la donation se présente sous la forme d´un projet d´ouverture radicale du champ de la phénoménalité. Après avoir montré que la modernité a enfermé les phénomènes dans des conditions de possibilité dictées par un Sujet, et que la phénoménologie allemande a poursuivi ce geste en indexant les phénomènes sur l´horizon de l´objectité ou de l´étantité, Marion propose de reconduire le geste de la réduction phénoménologique à la seule donation. Ce faisant, il réintroduit en phénoménologie des phénomènes paradoxaux – phénomènes saturés – qui font violence, par excès, aux capacités réceptrices du Sujet. Marion introduit donc en phénoménologie une nouvelle modalité de l´invisibilité (et donc de la visibilité) que nous appelons « inexistence » (en opposition tout autant avec le non-être qu’avec la non-existence), dont la structure est paradoxalement fondée sur celle de l´écrit, puisqu´il s´agit ni plus ni moins, pour elle, que de présenter de façon positive une absence selon la logique de la signification. Ce faisant, et de par cette structure discursive de la visibilité, toute la phénoménologie de Marion peut être lue comme une véritable apologie de l´inexistence. / The phenomenology of givenness is presented in the form of a project of radical opening of the field of phenomenality. After having shown that modernity has enclosed phenomena under conditions of possibility dictated by a Subject, and that German phenomenology has pursued this gesture by indexing phenomena in the horizon of objectivity or of beingness, Marion proposes to reestablish the gesture of phenomenological reduction to single donation. In so doing, he reintroduces into phenomenology some paradoxical phenomena —saturated phenomena— which violate, by excess, the receptive capacities of the Subject. Marion thus introduces into phenomenology a new modality of invisibility (and thus of visibility) which we call "inexistance" (equally opposed to non-being as to non-existence), whose structure is paradoxically founded on that of writting, since it is neither more nor less, for inexistence, than to present in a positive way an absence according to the logic of meaning. In so doing, and through this discursive structure of visibility, all Marion's phenomenology can be read as a true apology for existence.

Some interrelationships between a community work and training program and selected indices of family functioning

Arnst, Audrey K., Dezsofi, Laszlo, Friesen, James R., Heer, Gary P., Holt, Bennett, Linkous, Courtney L., Watson, Edna S. 01 April 1969 (has links)
This was an exploratory study of some of the relationships between a Community Work and Training Program and the family functioning of certain participants in that program. The CWT projects studied were those operated by the Public Welfare Departments of Clackamas and Marion Counties, Oregon during the three –year span between January 1, 1965 and December 31, 1967. Participants' names were randomly selected from the records of the two welfare offices and the respondents interviewed during the summer of 1968. A questionnaire was developed which consisted of twenty primarily open-ended questions and this was administered to a total of sixty couples. The questions focused on changes in parental, child, financial, marital and social functioning which occurred during the time the husband participated in the work training project. To identify these changes a list was drawn up of fourteen indices of family functioning and these indices were later categorized under two general headings, external and internal to the family. The basic hypothesis was that the CWT Program contributed to positive family functioning. This was expanded into a guiding hypothesis which stated that family functioning is improved through participation in the CWT Program and that this improvement is associated with the program, work itself and the social work services provided by the welfare departments. To determine the validity of these hypotheses a number of null hypotheses were then advanced and tested. The findings of the study were as follows. Internal family functioning was improved during participation on CWT and this improvement affected the total family unit. External functioning, however, deteriorated and this was attributed to the reduced income resulting from the families’ dependence for support upon Public Welfare. The improved internal functioning was associated with the social work services provided and with the work itself. This improvement was evident despite the reported failure of the program to meet the two most important expectations of the participants, namely material benefits and vocational training. The most important limitations noted in the research were two. The first was the lapse of time which occurred between the interviews and the period when many of the participants actually worked on the program. Inevitably, such lapse of time had some effect on respondents’ recall. Second in importance in considering the possible application of the findings was the fact that some 15.58% of the respondents from Marion County were Spanish-Americans. This minority group would conceivably not be representative of another area. Among the program’s negative features mentioned by participants was the lack of choice available in job assignment and the inadequate compensation for performance on the job. Despite these, however, the overall conclusion reached by the research group was that participants in the CWT projects saw the program as beneficial in helping to maintain family life.

The Impact of the Donation Land Law Upon the Development of Oregon

Grout, Elwin Edward 18 July 1994 (has links)
The social and economic structure of Oregon was influenced by the Donation Land Law. The Congressional law conferred upon early settlers to Oregon 320 acres, 640 if married (and settled before December 1, 1850). Oregon attracted settlers who desired land and were uninterested in commercial agriculture. The Oregon settlers who took advantage of the law were in a position to create their own society and economy. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the social and economic structure created by the Donation Land pioneers and to identify their land disposition strategy. This thesis examined the fifty households that comprised the neighborhood of Fabritus R. Smith. The neighborhood is defined as the fifty households with whom Smith dealt in 1854 and 1855. The neighborhood of the 1850s was a communally based society in which production was geared for household consumption, not commercial purposes. Settlers exchanged goods locally on a market that functioned on the basis of barter and a personal monetary system. The progression of time brought changes to the social and economic structure. Lineal families working for themselves replaced nuclear families working in community as a productive force. Salem's growth, and the rise of a cash economy replaced exchange among households. Donation Land pioneers who deeded land to their children created the lineal family structure of society. The production of the lineal family remained geared for household consumption, not commercial purposes. The farmers of the second generation did not change their objective, only their strategy to meet the new economy. Two additional strategies were identified. Some Donation Land pioneers disposed of their land and used the money to pursue other ventures outside Oregon. Other Donation Land pioneers sold their land and moved to Salem.

Le principe don en éthique sociale et théologie morale : une implication de la philosophie du don chez Derrida, Marion et Bruaire /

Gnada, Boukari Aristide. January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Thèse de doctorat--Théologie morale--Rome--Académie Alphonsienne, 2006. / Bibliogr. p. 335-345.

The early development, design, and construction of the Marion Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers

Rector, Matthew D. January 2002 (has links)
This study has presented a history of the early development, design, and construction of the Marion, Indiana Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. A general history of the institution of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers provides the context for the establishment of the Marion Home. A historical review of the selection of the Marion site, its layout plan, design and construction of buildings, and landscape design between 1888 and 1900 was then provided. The development of the Marion Home is next compared with the 1890's developmental history of the Central Branch in Dayton, Ohio and the first ten years of the Danville, Illinois Branch in order to assess commonalities and differences in construction among three homes during the same period. In the conclusion, the evidence suggests that the layout and architectural design of three homes had many similarities during the 1890s and the turn of twentieth century. / Department of Architecture

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