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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Up the Ocklawaha : En musikalisk transkription för oboe av tonsättaren Marion Bauer

Scott, Sabina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att finna lösningar i en begränsad repertoar för oboe, genom att belysa musik komponerad för violin av den ouppmärksammade kvinnliga tonsättaren Marion Bauer. Syftet var i förlängningen att inspirera andra musiker att utföra liknande studier. Detta genomfördes metodiskt genom konstnärliga val baserade på musikanalys och transkription till oboe av Bauers verk Up the Ocklawaha, Op. 6 som komponerades för den kvinnliga violinisten Maud Powell. Vidare egna inspelningar, musikhistoriska studier och intag av andra verk, såsom Clara Schumann-Wiecks tre romanser för violin och piano, Op. 22. I transkriptionen identifierades utmaningar i form av dubbelgrepp och flageoletter för violin. Studiens resultat påvisar lösningar genom konstnärliga val som prioriteringar av bärande meloditoner och oktaveringar. Resultatet indikerar att transkriptionen var fullt genomförbar genom noga övervägda konstnärliga val trots tekniska utmaningar. Studiens övergripande resultat belyser vikten av att framhäva kvinnliga kompositörer som annars i tillräcklig grad inte uppmärksammas.

Marion, Heidegger, and the question of givenness

Haas, Alexander 02 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

From Narcissism to Schizophrenia: The Subject and Method in Jean-Luc Marion, Emmanuel Levinas and Edmund Husserl

Pandya, Rashmika 01 1900 (has links)
This work explores three phenomenological views of subjectivity in light of methodological transitions within phenomenology since its inception. Jean-Luc Marion offers a critique of Husserl 's transcendental ego in Cartesian Questions. This critique characterizes Husserl's transcendental ego as a 'schizophrenic ego'. This criticism is aimed at phenomenology's intentionality thesis as well as the method of reduction(s). Marion is influenced by Emmanuel Levinas' ethics and takes issue with a 'theoretical bias' within Husserl 's thought, a bias that characterizes subjectivity in the same terms as objectivity. I frame Marion's and Levinas' views of subjectivity in terms of two seemingly opposed 'origins' of subjectivity: Marion's notion of subjectivity embraces a notion of an originally auto-affected subject, while Levinas' position privileges an originally hetero-affected subject. I argue that both these views of subjectivity remain within dualist perspectives. Both thinkers try to overturn a hierarchy of reason over sensation/ emotion/ feeling by calling for a radically passive institution of subjectivity through either a givenness prior to subjectivity (Marion) or the face to face encounter with an Other (Levinas). However, both positions end up instituting a new hierarchy, one where reason is subjugated to feeling. Rather than dismantling dualism both thinkers end up defending a revised hierarchical thinking. I argue that Husserl's transcendental ego is indeed a 'schizophrenic ego' (i.e., a split ego) in Marion's sense but that this is not a problem for classical phenomenology but an alternative to either an auto-affected subject or a hetero-affected subject. Husserl's works on internal time-consciousness and passive and active synthesis illustrate a necessary correlation between passivity/ activity, matter/ form, reason/ emotion, ego/ world and self/ other which moves beyond the hierarchical thinking associated with traditional dualist thought. Husserl's notions of correlation and synthesis actually suggest a subject that is always intentionally related to the world and others and is also intentionally self-related. The implicit aim of this work is to suggest an alternative to an ethics of irreducibility endorsed by both Marion and Levinas. Husserlian phenomenology offers the possibility of an ethics of reciprocity, which paradoxically does not undermine the irreducibility of the subject, others or the world. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Media Representations of Doping in Sports : An Analysis of How Media Frames Men and Women in Doping Scandals

Guglielmetti, Carolina January 2023 (has links)
In this thesis we delve into the profile doping scandals involving Marion Jones and Lance Armstrong. Our aim is to analyze how the online news media portray doping allegations in sports specifically on these two athletes. Through a textual analysis and approach encompassing framing theory and intersectionality we explore the gender biases that may exist in media coverage and examine the influence of these representations. The connection between media coverage of suspected drug usage and public sentiment was investigated by using methods mentioned above between two fields of sports- cycling and track and field. This research reveals that the choices made by the media when framing their stories about doping shape opinion. This study also underscores the role played on representation by the media on doping crises within sports. It emphasizes the importance of transparent reporting that fosters discussions. By using these findings as a foundation, we can promote fairness, objectivity and evidence-based reporting when addressing instances of doping in sports.  Furthermore, this study contributes to existing literature on how the media portrays doping allegations by providing a framework for examining how these incidents are depicted by media outlets.

Effect of Stakeholder Attitudes on the Optimization of Watershed Conservation Practices

Piemonti, Adriana Debora 30 January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Land use alterations have been major drivers for modifying hydrologic cycles in many watersheds nationwide. Imbalances in this cycle have led to unexpected or extreme changes in flood and drought patterns and intensities, severe impairment of rivers and streams due to pollutants, and extensive economic losses to affected communities. Eagle Creek Watershed (ECW) is a typical Midwestern agricultural watershed with a growing urban land-use that has been affected by these problems. Structural solutions, such as ditches and tiles, have helped in the past to reduce the flooding problem in the upland agricultural area. But these structures have led to extensive flooding and water quality problems downstream and loss of moisture storage in the soil upstream. It has been suggested that re-naturalization of watershed hydrology via a spatially-distributed implementation of non-structural and structural conservation practices, such as cover crops, wetlands, riparian buffers, grassed waterways, etc. will help to reduce these problems by improving the upland runoff (storing water temporally as moisture in the soil or in depression storages). However, spatial implementation of these upland storage practices poses hurdles not only due to the large number of possible alternatives offered by physical models, but also by the effect of tenure, social attitudes, and behaviors of landowners that could further add complexities on whether and how these practices are adopted and effectively implemented for benefits. This study investigates (a) how landowner tenure and attitudes can be used to identify promising conservation practices in an agricultural watershed, (b) how the different attitudes and preferences of stakeholders can modify the effectiveness of solutions obtained via classic optimization approaches that do not include the influence of social attitudes in a watershed, and (c) how spatial distribution of landowner tenure affects the spatial optimization of conservation practices on a watershed scale. Results showed two main preferred practices, one for an economic evaluation (filter strips) and one for an environmental perspective (wetlands). A land tenure comparison showed differences in spatial distribution of systems considering all the conservation practices. It also was observed that cash renters selected practices will provide a better cost-revenue relation than the selected optimal solution.

Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Carbon Dynamics during Storms in a Glaciated Third-Order Watershed in the US Midwest

Johnstone, Joseph A. 22 August 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The characterization of the nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon (NPC) export to streams during storms is an integral part of understanding processes affecting water quality. Despite the fact that excessive levels of these nutrients in the Mississippi River basin adversely affects water quality in the Gulf of Mexico, little research has been conducted on NPC dynamics during storms on larger (>20 km2) agriculturally dominated Midwestern watersheds. This project examined the storm export of nitrate, ammonium, total phosphorus, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the upper Eagle Creek Watershed (UECW) (274 km2) in Central Indiana, USA. Water samples were collected during five winter and spring storms in 2007 and 2008 on the rising and falling limb of the hydrograph, in order to characterize NPC dynamics during storm events. Stream discharge and precipitation was monitored continuously, and major cations were used to examine changes in source water over the duration of the storm and assist in the determination of potential flowpaths. DOC, total P, and TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen) tended to peak with discharge, while nitrate usually exhibited a slight lag and peaked on the receding limb. Total phosphorus, NH3-, TKN, and DOC appear to be delivered to the stream primarily by overland flow. NO3--N appear to be delivered by a combination of tile drain and macropore flow. Overall UECW displayed smoother nutrient export patterns than smaller previously studied watersheds in the area suggesting that scale may influence nutrient export dynamics. Further research is underway on a 3000 km2 watershed in the area to further examine the role scale may play in nutrient export patterns.

A demographic comparison of two elephant seal populations

McMahon, Clive Reginald 30 June 2005 (has links)
The demography of two elephant seal populations was examined and compared. This was done to investigate the reasons for the observed decreases in populations at Marion and Macquarie islands. While a well-established demographic programme had been in place at Marion Island since the 1980's (see Pistorius et al. (l999a) for a review) one had to be established at Macquarie Island. A long-term demographic programme was initiated at Macquarie Island in 1993 and hot brands were used to mark seals. Hot-iron branding was a rapid and reliable method of permanently identifying elephant seals that did not prejudice survival and did not appear to cause undue stress (in the short-term). Neither branding nor handling showed any long-term effects as measured by survival after one year. From the inter-island comparison of survivorship, age at first breeding and wean mass I concluded that the observed decreases in elephant seal numbers between the I 950s and 1990s in the Pacific and Indian Ocean sectors were driven by resource limitation in the Southern Ocean. A conglomerate of factors including local predation by killer whales and intra-specific resource competition was postulated as a cause for the inter-island (regional) differences in population trends. Presently it appears that per capita more resources are available to the Marion Island population than are available to the Macquarie Island population. The vital rates that had the greatest impact (elasticity) on fitness (population growth) for all populations i.e. Marion Island, Macquarie Island and South Georgia, were, in order of importance: (I) juvenile survival, (2) adult survival, (3) adult fecundity and (4) juvenile fecundity. At Marion Island juvenile and adult survival contributed equally to the fitness of the population while at Macquarie Island and at South Georgia Island juvenile survival was more important than adult survival in determining population fitness. The global population of elephant seals in 200 I was estimated at approximately 738 772 which represents an increase of I I % from the last world estimate (664 000). It seems clear from the evidence presented and reviewed here that the present changes in seal populations, unlike the period of direct exploitation in the 19th and 20th centuries, are neither a consequence of direct human interactions nor present-day commercial activities. While the significance of inter-specific competition between elephant seals and other Antarctic predators remain largely unknown or quantified, it would seem prudent that these relationships be studied. This is because resource competitors (toothed whales) have been increasing in number since the cessation of commercial whaling. Even though elephant seals are considered the most studied of all pinnipeds (Ling&Bryden, 1992) much remains to be learnt. Foremost are to gain a clear understanding of the in situ, diet of elephant seals and to assess the role pathogens play in the regulation of seal populations. In addition to these studies it is also important that the current long-term monitoring programmes at Marion and Macquarie islands continue, as they provide valuable base line information on the fate of elephant seal populations. / Thesis (PhD (Zoology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Zoology and Entomology / unrestricted


Prášek, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The Becoming-other of the Existence, Essay on Contemporary Phenomenology, is both a systematic and a historical study of phenomenology. By choosing a systematic problem of becoming-other of the existence it attempts to present and to confront five major contemporary phenomenologists in France within a single phenomenological field: Henri Maldiney, Claude Romano, Jean-Luc Marion, Renaud Barbaras, and Marc Richir. The study enters phenomenology with Edmund Husserl and presents some key original concepts invented by two generations of post-husserlian authors who marked out the road to contemporary phenomenology: Martin Heidegger, Erwin Straus, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jan Patočka, Emmanuel Lévinas. Then it turns to "evential empiricism" in the work of Maldiney and Romano who consider the existent and the world in their belonging-together: the event is thus understood as co-birth of the subject and the world. Nevertheless, because of the fact that the existence that "becomes-other" is necessarily a finite existence, a radically separated existence from the metaphysical transcendence of the world, three other authors must become involved in the discussion: Marion, whose adonné is a limit of the givenness, and then Barbaras and Richir who explore the most archaic layers of the subjectivity within a...

Let's all dance Ballet.---芭蕾舞與成年女性的身體實踐

杜綺文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的發問從研究者自身經驗以及大眾媒體內容出發,試圖瞭解成年女性學習芭蕾背後指涉出女性身體、芭蕾文化以及社會性別結構之間的何種關係,並從中探討女性身體在習舞的過程中,扮演何種角色。 對此,在理論的引用上,本研究以人類學的「體現」典範和美國女性主義政治哲學家Iris Marion Young的理論觀點,將女性身體視為一個知覺主體進行分析探討;在研究方法上,則採用「深度訪談法」以及研究者本身的「參與體驗」,以對成年女性的習舞身體經驗進行多方詮釋,從中瞭解該經驗所呈現、調和與轉化女性身體、芭蕾文化和社會性別結構的種種現象與關係。 本研究發現成年女性的芭蕾身體經驗共有三個特質:首先,成年女性在學習芭蕾的過程中,得以覺察自我身體感官,抒解身體壓力,並從社會角色回歸真實自我,對於身體的關注也不再僅集中在視覺觀感,同時也重視身體體驗。芭蕾的身體經驗成為成年女性擺脫社會角色,回歸身體知覺的「她方」國度。 再者,芭蕾身體經驗具有「轉化」的功能。此經驗一方面轉化了成年女性和日常生活的關係,改變成年女性在日常生活的姿態、生活行動的意義,讓成年女性有再詮釋個人與生活世界的能力。另外在「芭蕾學習文化」的部分,成年女性在日漸老化、退化身體的限制下,以親身體驗與實踐,重新定義學習芭蕾的年齡上限與可能性,也藉此展現女性身體的能力、自主與超越性。另外,在本研究也發現,成年女性的身體經驗讓過去象徵為男性凝視的芭蕾文化,轉變成女性自我體察與觀看,而重新定義芭蕾的觀看意義,此乃有別於過去女性主義的芭蕾研究結果。 最後,本研究發現女性身體乃是同時交織主客體面貌的多元身體,亦即女性身體在自我知覺以及社會性別結構之中來回游移,時為主體,時為客體,女性身體遂在自我和社會之間不斷變化其面貌。 女性身體有其能動性,但其也必須在社會性別結構之下扮演其角色,因此對於扮演主客體的女性身體的關注,可能不在於尋求身體的終極解放,而是女性身體如何在結構的限制之下,獲得更多的自主與選擇的可能。在本研究中,成年女性在芭蕾學習經驗中,回歸純然的身體知覺,即開啟女性身體自主的可能與契機。

The Role of Governor Price Daniel as a Legislative Leader

Green, James Ray 08 1900 (has links)
List of tables -- Chapter I. Price Daniel: a biographical sketch -- Chapter II. Governor Daniel and the fifty-fifth Texas legislature -- Chapter III. Governor Daniel and the fifty-sixth Texas legislature -- Chapter IV. Governor Daniel and the fifty-seventh Texas legislature -- Chapter V. Techniques used by Governor Price Daniel in Exercising legislative leadership-- Bibliography.

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