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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Testing for speculative bubbles in foreign exchange markets

Weerapana, Akila January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

Evolutionary Psychology: The Academic Debate

Suplizio, Jean 09 August 2005 (has links)
This dissertation examines the academic debate that surrounds the new field called "Evolutionary Psychology." Evolutionary psychology has emerged as the most popular successor theory to human sociobiology. Its proponents search for evolved psychological mechanisms and emphasize universal features of the human mind. My thesis is that in order to flourish evolutionary psychologists must engage other researchers on equal terms -- something they have not been doing. To show this, I examine the stances of practitioners from three other social science fields whose claims have been shortchanged by evolutionary psychology: Barbara King in biological anthropology, George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in empirical linguistics and Annette Karmiloff-Smith in developmental psychology. These researchers are also involved in cognitive science investigations that bear on evolutionary psychology's key claims about the mind and how it works. Evolutionary psychologists make three key claims about the mind. The first (1) is that the mind is massively modular; the second (2) is that this massively modular mind has been shaped by the processes of natural selection over evolutionary time; and the third (3) is that it is adapted to the Pleistocene conditions of our past. Evolutionary psychologists seek to elevate these three claims to the status of meta-theoretical assumptions making them the starting place from which our deliberations about human cognition ought proceed. These claims would constitute the framework for a new paradigm in the ultimate sense. I argue that elevating these claims to such a status is not only premature, but also unwarranted on the available evidence. This result is justified by evidence produced outside evolutionary psychology by those disciplines from which evolutionary psychologists explicitly seek to distance themselves. / Ph. D.

Sammanställning av föroreningar i Munktellstaden Eskilstuna

Dumyan, Emelien January 2024 (has links)
Munktellstaden i Eskilstuna har en historia som ett stort industriområde. Innan det omvandlades till en kulturell plats med konstmuseum, sporthall och andra kulturella faciliteter, var området känt för sin industriella verksamhet, särskilt inom mekanisk verkstad, som inkluderade Munktells Mekaniska Verkstad, som senare blev Volvo Construction Equipment. Som ett resultat av den industriella verksamheten och den tidigare hanteringen av olika material, har det rapporterats att det finns flera föroreningar i området. Dessa föroreningar inkluderar tungmetaller och petroleumprodukter. Delar av Munktellstaden i Eskilstuna har undersökts mellan år 1998 och år 2016. Att sammanställa resultaten från markundersökningar och rapporter ger en bra översikt över föroreningsnivåerna i området under den aktuella perioden. Diskussionen om möjliga källor till de påträffade föroreningarna är viktig eftersom det kan bidra till att identifiera de huvudsakliga källorna till föroreningarna och därigenom möjliggöra åtgärder för att minska eller eliminera dessa källor. Att påpeka luckorna i data är också relevant, eftersom det ger en insikt i vad som saknas i kunskapen om föroreningarna i området och kan fungera som riktlinje för framtida undersökningar. Diskussionen om icke undersökta föroreningar är betydelsefull eftersom det kan finnas potentiella föroreningar som ännu inte har upptäckts eller undersökts. Att identifiera dessa kan vara avgörande för att få en mer komplett bild av föroreningssituationen i området och möjliggöra mer målinriktade kontroll- och saneringsåtgärder. Riskanalysen som gjorts, där man diskuterade risker för människors hälsa, markmiljö och risken för spridning till Eskilstunaån, ger en övergripande förståelse för de potentiella konsekvenserna av föroreningarna i området. Detta kan hjälpa beslutsfattare och intressenter att prioritera och planera åtgärder för att hantera de mest akuta riskerna för människors hälsa och miljön.Studiens slutsats ger en tydlig bild av föroreningssituationen i området och de övergripande resultaten. Det är viktigt att notera att många ämnen i området har halter som överstiger Naturvårdsverkets generella riktvärden för mindre känslig markanvändning (MKM) och de platsspecifika riktvärdena för grundvattnet. Dessutom identifierades föroreningar i vissa delar av området med halter som överskrider riktvärdena för farliga avfall (FA).Det faktum att existerande data inte är tillräckligt för att skapa en fullständig bild av föroreningarnas omfattning är en viktig insikt. Detta betonar behovet av ytterligare undersökningar och forskning för att få en mer detaljerad förståelse av föroreningarna och deras spridning i området.Det är positivt att risken för människors hälsa inte anses vara aktuell i nutiden, eftersom människors exponering för föroreningarna är begränsad. Ändå är det viktigt att fortsätta övervaka och överväga hälsoriskerna, särskilt om området skulle användas för mer känsliga ändamål i framtiden.Den identifierade risken att föroreningarna sprids till Eskilstunaån är en allvarlig fråga som måste tas på allvar. Vattenförorening kan ha långtgående konsekvenser för både den lokala miljön och för människor som är beroende av vattendraget för sina behov.Slutligen är rekommendationen om att införa kontrollprogram viktig för att hantera föroreningssituationen och minska risken för att föroreningar sprids vidare. Ett kontrollprogram kan bidra till att övervaka föroreningarna, implementera lämpliga åtgärder och se till att föroreningarna inte sprids till känsliga områden.

A mid-Atlantic study of the movement patterns and population distribution of the American horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus)

Grogan, Whitney Nicole 23 December 2004 (has links)
In conjunction with Cambrex, a biomedical company that utilizes horseshoe crabs for the production of Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL), a study was conducted to investigate movement patterns and population distributions of horseshoe crabs to increase understanding of mid-Atlantic horseshoe crab populations. In addition, areas of the shoreline of Tom's Cove, Assateague Island, Virginia were investigated as possible locations for annual spawning surveys. Twelve thousand five hundred horseshoe crabs were tagged and released in Chincoteague, Virginia and Ocean City, Maryland as part of a movement study; 431 (3.45%) were reported as resights. The mean distance between site of release and site of recapture for all resighted crabs was 68.3 km; maximum distance moved was 493.7 km. During 1999-2004, demographic data were collected from horseshoe crabs harvested in Chincoteague, VA and Ocean City, MD. The proportion of females (p < 0.0001) and juveniles (p < 0.0001) sampled varied from year-to-year, but no trends were observed. This study also showed that a greater proportion of females were observed in the juvenile cohort sampled compared to the adults sampled (p < 0.0001). The spawning survey revealed that spawning activity in Tom's Cove varied between years. On May 30th, 2003, 1,192 horseshoe crabs were observed spawning on the northern shoreline of Tom's Cove. The maximum number of horseshoe crabs observed spawning in the same area in 2004 was 94. This study provides no evidence for isolated subpopulations in Chincoteague, VA or Ocean City, MD. It also shows that horseshoe crab sex and age ratios fluctuate annually, therefore requiring a long time series of data to detect trends. / Master of Science

American Eel Subpopulation Characteristics in the Potomac River Drainage, Virginia

Goodwin, Kevin R. 21 July 1999 (has links)
The demographic characteristics of American eels (Anguilla rostrata) are believed to vary with latitude and distance inland from the ocean; eels are generally thought to increase in length, age, and the proportion of females in inland and more northerly areas. Understanding this variation is necessary for the sound management of eels, but investigations into characteristics on a broad scale within drainages are scarce. Eels in the Potomac River drainage, Virginia, were sampled over a two-year period in both near-coastal and inland areas to describe characteristics in each area as well as to understand drainage-wide patterns. Inland data resulted from sampling in the Shenandoah River drainage and near-coastal data resulted from sampling tributaries to the lower Potomac River. Movement and growth were also investigated in inland areas. Eels from the Shenandoah River drainage were significantly longer (median = 763 mm TL) and older (median = 11.5) than those found in the Potomac River tributary sites (median = 142 mm TL; median = 2.0, respectively). Both total length and age increased with increasing distance inland and sex ratio shifted from varying ratios of males:females in Potomac River tributaries to all females in the Shenandoah River drainage. Movements confirmed through mark-recapture over periods ranging up to one year were short, generally <100 m, with the longest detected movement being 1.5 km. Recapture rates were low and may be due either to low sampling efficiency, long-distance movements, or a combination of these factors. Growth and 95% confidence interval from five eels recaptured after approximately one year was 43.0 +/- 29.7 mm/year. CPUE decreased with increasing distance inland, confirming information reported by others for Virginia streams. / Master of Science

A Case Study in The Project Norrbotniabanan - Comparison of Geotechnical Solutions for The Foundation of A Railway in Wilderness Areas from A Sustainability Perspective / Jämförelse av geotekniska lösningar för grundläggning av järnväg på lösmarksområden ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv - En fallstudie i projektet Norrbotniabanan

Laudon, Benjamin, Samuelsson, Alexander January 2024 (has links)
The construction and property sector account for a significant portion of Sweden's greenhouse gas emissions, with 21.7% of the total emissions in 2021. The sector's high construction rate poses a challenge to achieving Sweden's climate goal of net zero emissions by 2045. According to a report from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, it is unlikely that the goal will be achieved. The Norrbotnia railway is a planned 270-kilometer railway between Umeå and Luleå, considered to be an important part of the future Northern European railway system. It is expected to bring significant benefits to both the population and businesses in northern Sweden and neighboring regions by improving connections to the existing railway network. The construction of the railway is complex and requires both technical expertise and careful consideration of environmental and sustainability aspects. The Norrbotnia Railway project faces geotechnical challenges, particularly in handling extensive loose soil areas. This requires specific reinforcement measures to ensure the stability of the railway and meet settlement requirements. In large projects like this, it is crucial to carefully plan and implement ground reinforcement measures with regard to ecological, economic, and social sustainability. To enable an assessment of suitable reinforcement methods for a selected stretch along the railway, interviews have been conducted with clients, authorities, consultants, and university lecturers. Additionally, various foundation reinforcement methods have been compared in a climate calculation to evaluate their environmental impact and efficiency. The results of this study provide valuable insights into how to combine technical feasibility with sustainable solutions. / Bygg- och fastighetssektorn står för en betydande del av Sveriges växthusgasutsläpp, med 21,7% av de totala utsläppen år 2021. Sektorns höga byggtakt utgör en utmaning för att nå Sveriges klimatmål om nettonollutsläpp till 2045. Enligt en rapport från Naturvårdsverket är det osannolikt att målet kommer att uppnås. Norrbotniabanan är en planerad 27 mil lång järnväg mellan Umeå och Luleå, och anses vara en viktig del av det framtida nordeuropeiska järnvägssystemet. Den förväntas medföra stora fördelar för både befolkningen och näringslivet i norra Sverige och angränsande regioner genom att förbättra kopplingarna till det befintliga järnvägsnätet. Byggandet av järnvägen är komplext och kräver både teknisk expertis och noggrann hänsyn till miljö- och hållbarhetsaspekter. Projektet Norrbotniabanan står inför geotekniska utmaningar, särskilt när det gäller hanteringen av omfattande lösmarksområden. Detta kräver specifika förstärkningsåtgärder för att säkerställa järnvägens stabilitet och uppfylla sättningskraven. Vid stora projekt som detta är det avgörande att noggrant planera, genomföra grundförstärkningsåtgärder med hänsyn till ekologisk, ekonomisk och social hållbarhet. För att möjliggöra en bedömning av lämpliga förstärkningsmetoder för en utvald sträcka längs järnvägen, har intervjuer utförts med beställare, myndigheter, konsulter och universitetslektorer. Dessutom har olika grundförstärkningsmetoder ställts mot varandra i en klimatkalkyl för att utvärdera deras miljöpåverkan och effektivitet. Resultaten från denna studie ger värdefulla insikter i hur man kan kombinera teknisk genomförbarhet med hållbara lösningar.

Joan of Arc as Personal Ideal and Literary Symbol in the Life and Writings of Samuel L. Clemens

Grimes, Mary M. 01 1900 (has links)
This thesis offers a different concept of Mark Twain, who worshiped Joan of Arc and considered her the ideal of womanhood.

The Influence of the Frontier on Mark Twain

Freeman, Stella Mae 08 1900 (has links)
There are critics who believe that the real Mark Twain was born in the East, while others say that the frontier made him. I have considered evidence on both sides and have definitely concluded that Mark Twain was and is a product of the frontier.

Leveraging Partial Identity Information in Spatial Capture-Recapture Studies with Applications to Remote Camera and Genetic Capture-Recapture Surveys

Augustine, Ben C. 03 April 2018 (has links)
Noninvasive methods for monitoring wildlife species have revolutionized the way population parameters, such as population density and survival and recruitment rates, are estimated while accounting for imperfect detection using capture-recapture models. Reliable estimates of these parameters are vital information required for making sound conservation decisions; however to date, noninvasive sampling methods have been of limited use for a vast number of species which are difficult to identify to the individual level–a general requirement of capture-recapture models. Capture-recapture models that utilize partial identity information have only recently been introduced and have not been extended to most types of noninvasive sampling scenarios in a manner that uses the spatial location where noninvasive samples were collected to further inform complete identity (i.e. spatial partial identity models). Herein, I extend the recently introduced spatial partial identity models to the noninvasive methods of remote cameras for species that are difficult to identify from photographs and DNA from hair or scat samples. The ability of these novel models to improve parameter estimation and extend study design options are investigated and the methods are made accessible to applied ecologists via statistical software. This research has the potential to greatly improve wildlife conservation decisions by improving our knowledge of parameters related to population structure and dynamics that inform those decisions. Unfortunately, many species of conservation concern (e.g., Florida panthers, Andean bears) are managed without having the necessary information on population status or trends, largely a result of the cost and difficulty of studying species in decline and because of the difficulty of applying statistical models to sparse data, which can produce imprecise and biased estimates of population parameters. By leveraging partial identity information in noninvasive samples, the models I developed will improve these parameter estimates and allow noninvasive methods to be used for more species, leading to more informed conservation decisions, and a more efficient allocation of conservation resources across species and populations. / Ph. D. / Noninvasive methods for monitoring wildlife species have revolutionized the way population parameters, such as population density and survival and recruitment rates, are estimated while accounting for imperfect detection using capture-recapture models. Reliable estimates of these parameters are vital information required for making sound conservation decisions; however to date, noninvasive sampling methods have been of limited use for a vast number of species which are difficult to identify to the individual levela general requirement of capture-recapture models. Capture-recapture models that utilize partial identity information have only recently been introduced and have not been extended to most types of noninvasive sampling scenarios in a manner that uses the spatial location where noninvasive samples were collected to further inform complete identity (i.e. spatial partial identity models). Herein, I extend the recently introduced spatial partial identity models to the noninvasive methods of remote cameras for species that are difficult to identify from photographs and DNA from hair or scat samples. The ability of these novel models to improve parameter estimation and extend study design options are investigated and the methods are made accessible to applied ecologists via statistical software. This research has the potential to greatly improve wildlife conservation decisions by improving our knowledge of parameters related to population structure and dynamics that inform those decisions. Unfortunately, many species of conservation concern (e.g., Florida panthers, Andean bears) are managed without having the necessary information on population status or trends, largely a result of the cost and difficulty of studying species in decline and because of the difficulty of applying statistical models to sparse data, which can produce imprecise and biased estimates of population parameters. By leveraging partial identity information in noninvasive samples, the models I developed will improve these parameter estimates and allow noninvasive methods to be used for more species, leading to more informed conservation decisions, and a more efficient allocation of conservation resources across species and populations.

Disciples and discipleship in the Gospel of Mark, with particular reference to Mark's contrast between male and female disciples

Cox, Nicholas Christopher 31 January 2007 (has links)
This study is an exploration into female discipleship. Its primary aim is to compare and contrast Mark's portrayal of male and female followers of Jesus respectively, while its secondary aim is to establish what lessons there may be for the social status of Christian women in the kingdom of Swaziland. These ends will be pursued by looking at Mark's portrayal of male disciples and the contrast he draws between them and the female followers of Jesus. This study then concludes that Mark has a more positive view of female followers than he has of male disciples, and this may stem from the conduct of male disciples he has observed in the Church of his time. / New Testament / M.TH. (New Testament)

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