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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Industrial allocation and growth trajectories : a multi-level approach

Silveira, Fabrício January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the process of economic growth with heterogeneous agents from a multi-level perspective. Building upon Kaldorian and Evolutionary principles, growth is defined as a path-dependent and complex phenomenon, which requires structural variation and the interplay between demand and supply at distinct analytical levels. Two concomitant and dependent 'layers' of this process are emphasised: the supply-led 'intra-sectoral development trajectory' and the demand-led 'inter-sectoral development trajectory'. The key element in the first is the firm size, which is shown to have a non-linear influence on the process of technological change. The second layer is shown to depend on the growth of income and patterns of production and consumption reflected on the inter-sectoral composition and level of 'sophistication' of the productive structure. The key to understand divergent growth trajectories lies in the interaction between these layers and the contradictory effects imposed at each analytical level both by demand (top-down) and supply (bottom-up). The approach is both theoretical and empirical and the analysis reveals important stylised facts of growth at the firm, sector and country levels. The text is structured in four sections comprising 9 chapters. Section I introduces the theoretical foundations of the work and the limitations of Evolutionary and Kaldorian schools to explain the multi-level 'allocation problem'. Section II presents the databases and empirically assesses the influence of the (re)allocation of labour on growth at each analytical level. Section III investigates the foundations of the process of micro-meso and macro process of development. The final section proposes a unified theoretical framework to connect the multi-level evidence. The analysis reinforces the interplay between demand and supply in growth trajectories, prompting a number of original policy implications.

Evolução histórica da concentração da indústria de refino de açúcar na região Centro-Sul do Brasil e análise da sua estrutura de equilíbrio / Historical evolution of refined sugar industry concentration in Center-South of Brazil and analysis of equilibrium structure of this industry

Rodrigues, Laura Poggi 12 December 2005 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve, por objetivo, caracterizar a indústria de refino de açúcar no Brasil e identificar o modelo de comportamento da concentração de mercado da referida indústria para a região Centro-Sul do Brasil. Procurou-se analisar a influência dos distintos níveis de competição via preço e barreiras à entrada sobre a sua estrutura de mercado. Também foram analisadas a influência de fatores exógenos, como intervenção do governo, organização setorial e estratégias empresariais, na determinação da concentração de mercado do setor; o valor das barreiras à entrada para uma indústria média, baseada na análise da escala mínima eficiente de produção. Para tanto, utilizou-se o modelo teórico desenvolvido por Sutton (1991), que é o modelo do jogo de dois estágios para indústrias intensivas em sunk cost exógenos. Compararamse os resultados com os encontrados pelo autor para a Europa, o Japão, os Estados Unidos e Taiwan. Para tanto, definiu-se o mercado relevante como a região Centro-Sul do Brasil e calcularam-se a razão de concentração da referida indústria e a razão entre tamanho de mercado e nível de sunk cost exógeno. O valor encontrado para 2001 (σ/S igual a 0,8407%) é condizente com os dos países analisados por Sutton, que evidenciam o alto índice de custos irrecuperáveis e a existência de barreiras à entrada e explicam a estrutura de mercado encontrada. Verificou-se que a indústria de refino de açúcar no Brasil, inicialmente, foi construída por pequenos e médios grupos comerciais, com intensa atividade regional, sendo o setor regionalmente concentrado. Durante a fase de intervenção, destaca-se o forte caráter concentrado da indústria, apresentando na década de 1980, o CR4 da indústria de cerca de 80%. Nas décadas de 1990 e 2000, houve o crescimento e o surgimento de marcas menores, ao mesmo tempo em que a marca líder (União) teve reduzida sua importância no total das vendas do setor. Um dos elementos que explicam o forte caráter concentrado da indústria são as barreiras à entrada no setor: assim como as indústrias de açúcar refinado dos países analisados, a indústria de açúcar refinado do Brasil apresenta, de acordo com dados calculados para o ano 2003, alta barreira à entrada, em relação ao tamanho do mercado. No entanto, se, por um lado, a indústria apresenta elevados índices de concentração, por outro, acredita-se que os produtores de açúcar refinado não possam se utilizar desse poder de mercado junto aos consumidores. Os preços internos sofrem grande influência do mercado internacional, além da forte pressão do varejo supermercadista, também concentrado. Verificou-se que os preços descendentes ao longo do tempo são positivamente relacionados com a evolução da estrutura de mercado do período analisado. / The aim of the present work was to evaluate the refined sugar industryin Brazil and to identify its market behavior in the central region in Southern Brazil Accordingly, this study analyzed the influence of distinct levels of competition concerning price and entrance barriers on the market structure. Some exogenous factors, such as public regulation, sectorial organization, and strategies to set up costs, were also verified to determine the market sector’s concentration. the theoretical model of two-stage game for industries intensive in exogenous sunk cost described by Sutton (1991) was used to determine the value of the set up costs for a single plant of minimum efficient scale (m.e.s). Data of the present study were compared to those reported by Sutton (1991), whose study focused on Europe, Japan, United States and Taiwan. The present work, however, focused on the central region in Southern Brazil. The ratio of the market concentration of the sugar-refining industry, as well as the ratio of its market size and exogenous sunk cost was calculated. The value of σ/S found for 2001 was 0.8407%, consistent with the values found for the countries analyzed by Sutton; furthermore, this result evidences the high index of set up costs and existence of barriers of entrance, suggesting that that the industry of refining sugar in Brazil was initiated with small and average commercial groups, with a regionally-concentrated sector. During the regulated period the industry was highly concentrated (by the 1980s the CR4 was about 80%). In the 1990s, there was a great entrance of new brands and consequently a decline in the leader brand (União). One of the reasons that such industry is highly concentrated is the huge sunk cost. Like the refined sugar industry analyzed in other countries, the Brazilian refined sugar industry presented, in 2003, high exogenous sunk cost in relation to the size market.

報業通路的產業組織經濟分析 / Industry Organization Analysis of Newspaper Distribution Channel

平秀琳, Ping, Shiou Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣地區報業的通路結構及影響通路結構的相關產業結構因素。本研究以產業經濟分析架構中有關市場結構與市場行為互動關係(Scherer, 1990)切入,探討報業市場結構變項對報業通路行為變項的影響。此外,本研究也借用通路政治經濟學派(Stern & Reve, 1980),對於通路外部環境與通路內部環境互動的概念,探析市場結構影響通路結構的外部經濟因素。   在本研究中,以「組織規模」、「所有權型態」、「市場集中度」為市場變項,以「通路結構」為市場行為變項。   本研究以中國時報、聯合報、自由時報、中央日報及立報五個個案為研究對象,透過深度訪談五個個案的發行部門及其派報經銷商,蒐集有關報社通路運作的實際狀況。所得研究結果簡述如下:   一、報業通路結構方面   本研究所探討之通路結構,包括報業組織所採用之通路類型、通路長度、通路密度及通路競爭。五個個案報社在零售通路類型方面,大都僅採用直營人員或經銷商。訂戶通路類型則較複雜,五個個案大多採多重形式,透過經銷商、批報販、發行公司等類型發送報紙。   在通路長度方面,零售通路呈現兩極化發展,可分為一階通路和三階通路二種。訂戶通路則相當多樣化,各種通路長度都同時存在。在通路密度方面,不論零售或訂戶,各報皆採密集配銷策略。在通路競爭方面,一般來說都屬於中度或高度競爭。   二、組織規模與通路結構之關係   在組織規模與通路結構的關係上,本研究中的中國時報和聯合報屬於大規模,自由時報屬於中規模,中央日報和立報屬於小規模。整體來說,五個個案所呈現的通路結構,顯示規模愈大的報社愈傾向垂直整合,對通路的控制能力較強。   三、市場集中度典通路結構之關係   研究結果顯示,在集中度愈低的市場(亦即市場競爭愈激烈),報業組織會傾向採取開放性的通路策略,同時採用多種通路形式,零售密度會因競爭而達到飽和數字,訂戶通路也採取密集配銷的策略。

Fedeltà nella grande distribuzione moderna: il ruolo degli effetti di multiple reference e dell'identificazione cliente-distributore / CUSTOMER LOYALTY IN GROCERY RETAIL: MULTIPLE REFERENCE EFFECTS AND THE PIVOTAL ROLE OF SELF-CONGRUITY

MAGGIONI, ISABELLA 31 March 2014 (has links)
Nonostante la costante attenzione dedicata al tema della fedeltà del consumatore, la letteratura di marketing non è stata in grado di fornire una definizione condivisa e chiara del costrutto. Questo si è tradotto in una scarsa integrazione del tema della customer loyalty negli studi di consumer behaviour. L’analisi della fedeltà del cliente diviene più complessa nei contesti distributivi e in particolare per quanto concerne la grande distribuzione moderna. Questa tesi di dottorato presenta e testa un framework concettuale che descrive il processo psicologico alla base dello sviluppo di fedeltà nei confronti della grande distribuzione moderna. Il modello si fonda sul reference-based paradigm e si snoda in due fasi. Nella fase cognitiva vengono valutati gli effetti degli stimoli provenienti dallo store environment sulla formazione delle valutazioni dei consumatori in merito a functional congruity, self-congruity e attrattività delle alternative presenti sul mercato. Nella seconda fase vengono analizzati gli effetti di queste tre variabili sulla fedeltà del consumatore. Viene inoltre evidenziato come l’identificazione tra retailer e consumatore risulti essere di primaria importanza per la customer loyalty. Inoltre il modello include e testa l’impatto di fattori quali struttura del mercato, livello di conoscenza del consumatore e time pressure sul processo di sviluppo di customer loyalty. / Although researchers have wondered about the meaning of true customer loyalty for decades, literature still lacks a clear and shared conceptualization. This has also resulted in a poor integration of the concept of customer loyalty in consumer behaviour theory. The general debate on customer loyalty is even more complex when referring to the particular case of retail establishments, in which absolute consumer loyalty is not realistic and most shoppers purchase on a portfolio basis. In order to contribute to the understanding of customer loyalty, this thesis proposes and empirically tests a comprehensive conceptual framework aimed at analysing the psychological process underlying the development of customer loyalty in retail settings. Based on the reference-based paradigm and structured in two stages, the model considers three reference effects, i.e. functional congruity, alternative attractiveness and self-congruity and their role in the relationship between store environment and customer loyalty in grocery retail. The thesis acknowledges the pivotal role of self-congruity in the relationship between store environment and customer loyalty due to its interplay with the other reference effects. It also proves that market structure, shopping expertise and time pressure are of prime importance when analysing customer loyalty.

Book Publishing In Turkey: Problems And Prospects In The Context Of Industrialization

Boyraz, Cemil 01 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores the Turkish book publishing industry within the framework of historical development of book publishing since Ottoman practice onwards and current structure of the Turkish book market. The aim of the thesis is to understand recent trends, developments, and problems in the Turkish book market, within its specific historical conditions and in a comparative method to the current structure of book publishing industry in developed countries where book publishing is a global business and highly integrated to other sectors of cultural commodity production. The hypothesis is that although there have been profound changes in the Turkish book publishing sector on the way towards industrialization during recent decade, especially after 2000s / book publishing in Turkey remained an &quot / infant industry&quot / and Turkish book publishing market is still unsaturated as a result of serious problems continuing in different cycles of circulating capital in the Turkish book market and in preconditions of profit-maximization and capital accumulation processes / impediments on the creation of a large mass of readers and new genres / lack of an industrial organization of book production and business, and belated developments in regulative-legal framework in copyright regime.

Essays on deregulation in the electricity generation sector

Ajayi, Victor A. January 2017 (has links)
Over that past three decades, power sector reform has been a key pillar of policy agendas in more than half of the countries across the world. This thesis specifically concerns the empirical investigation of the economic performance of the international electricity generation industry. Drawing on the stochastic frontier analysis techniques, the thesis considers the influence of reform as exogenous factors in shifting frontier technology as well as shaping inefficiency function directly -determinants and heteroscedasticity variables. The first essay uses an extensive panel dataset of 91 countries over the period 1980 to 2010 to measure the impact of deregulation on efficiency and total productivity growth using stochastic input distance frontier (SIDF). Three specific issues are addressed in the first essay: (1) the relationship between deregulation and technical efficiency, (2) the extent of the rank correlation of the country intercepts with deregulation via their position on the frontier, (3) the trend of total factor productivity and its components. We establish a positive impact of deregulation on efficiency and some compelling evidence suggesting that the country intercepts equally account for the influence of deregulation aside efficiency. In particular, the technical efficiency index from the first paper reveals that most OECD European countries are consistently efficient. Building on this finding, the second essay investigates the performance in term of cost efficiency for electricity generation in OECD power sector while accounting for the impact of electricity market product regulatory indicators. Empirical models are developed for the cost function as a translog form and analysed using panel data of 25 countries during the period 1980 to 2009. We show that it is necessary to model latent country-specific heterogeneity in addition to time-varying inefficiency. The estimated economies of scale are adjusted to take account of the importance of the quasi-fixed capital input in determining cost behaviour, and adjusted economies of scale are verified for the OECD generation sector. The findings suggest there is a significant impact of electricity market regulatory indicators on cost. Cost complementarity between generation and emissions found to be significant, indicating the possibility of reducing emissions without necessarily reducing electricity generation. Finally, the third essay examines the performance of electric power industry s using consistent state-level electricity generation dataset for the US contiguous states from 1998-2014. We estimate stochastic production frontier for five competing models in order to identify the determinants of technical inefficiency and marginal effects. We find evidence of positive impacts of deregulation on technical efficiency across the models estimated. Our preferred model shows that deregulated states are more efficient in electricity generation than non-deregulated states. The result of the marginal effects shows that deregulation has a positive and monotonic effect on the technical efficiency.

Análise do mercado de TV por assinatura

Cahú, Maria Isabela Souza de Melo January 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Isabela Cahú (icahu@embratel.com.br) on 2009-07-13T17:42:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Isabela Cahu - Biblioteca.pdf: 797404 bytes, checksum: fab962ae5496badd4016fa45a6de60aa (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vitor Souza(vitor.souza@fgv.br) on 2009-07-14T18:24:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Isabela Cahu - Biblioteca.pdf: 797404 bytes, checksum: fab962ae5496badd4016fa45a6de60aa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2009-07-14T18:24:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Isabela Cahu - Biblioteca.pdf: 797404 bytes, checksum: fab962ae5496badd4016fa45a6de60aa (MD5) / A presente tese busca analisar as relações entre as estruturas de produto e custo e a verticalização mediante a aplicação da teoria microeconômica básica. Verificamos que os pacotes de canais ofertados ao consumidor podem ser explicados através de 3 efeitos: Discriminação de Preço, Complementariedade entre grupos de canais e Dispersão da propensão a pagar entre grupos de canais. Dentro das hipóteses indicadas acima, identificamos que a renda do consumidor, o estímulo ao consumo de um canal avançado mediante o consumo de um canal básico e/ou a dispersão da propensão a pagar justificam a estratégia de oferta mediante pacotes de canais de televisão. Constatamos que o mercado de TV por Assinatura é caracterizado pelo elevado poder de mercado associado à infra-estrutura de distribuição (custo fixo alto), e que a verticalização entre as empresas da cadeia produtiva do mercado audiovisual é um fenômeno comum desse mercado. Identificamos, ainda, que é possível existir práticas discriminatórias mediante imposição de limites ao uso de redes de distribuidora por programadoras rivais. Entretanto, a Integração Vertical pode ser motivada por questões de economias tecnológicas ou ganhos de integração de monopólios sucessivos que levam a ganhos de eficiência econômica no mercado e não configuram, portanto, práticas discriminatórias. Ao analisarmos os principais modelos para análise da estrutura de mercado, identificamos que o papel do custo fixo é determinante para a estrutura do mesmo e o número de firmas no mercado não determina a eficiência.

Estrutura de mercado e esforço tecnológico

Alves, Roberta Maitino de Oliveira 18 June 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:58:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 RobertaMaitinoOAlves18062007.pdf.jpg: 16825 bytes, checksum: 99be2509a3eaddc1aef448f1f46761ce (MD5) RobertaMaitinoOAlves18062007.pdf.txt: 217814 bytes, checksum: 29b746ec55e0a4699e24e93df7b3cbcc (MD5) RobertaMaitinoOAlves18062007.pdf: 634270 bytes, checksum: 9de621f0c946d4d9849a031a1c5b2c2e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-06-18T00:00:00Z / The relationship between market structure and technological innovation has been widely studied; however there is no literature’s consensus on how this relationship is shaped. An important attribute that makes the understanding of this relationship important is its possible influence on antitrust practices, considering that standard antitrust policy assumes that perfect competition is the best solution to maximize welfare. This dissertation investigates the impact of market concentration (measured as HHI index) on innovative activities expenditures for Brazilian industrial sectors. I test the hypothesis that competition influences firm’s internal R&D expenditures in an inverted U shape, as stated by Scherer and Ross (1989) and Aghion et al. (2002). Applying panel data analysis I find evidences that an inverted U shape exits and the HHI index that maximizes firm’s internal R&D expenditures is about 0.30. On the other hand, when specific industry effects are controlled, HHI index explanatory power decreases. Additionally I find evidences of negative relationship between competition and innovative expenditures for low risk innovative activities. / A relação entre estrutura de mercado e inovação tecnológica é um tema amplamente discutido, mas não existe concordância entre os autores que a estudam. Um dos aspectos que tornam o entendimento desta relação importante é seu possível impacto na praxis da política antitruste, já que esta assume que a concorrência perfeita é a estrutura de mercado que maximiza o bem-estar. Esta dissertação investiga o impacto da concentração de mercado (HHI) nos gastos em atividades inovativas para o caso dos setores industriais brasileiros através de uma análise de dados em painel. A partir de informações sobre os gastos em diferentes atividades inovativas e de características da indústria testa-se a hipótese de que a concorrência influencia os gastos em P&D internos às firmas na forma de um U invertido, como prevêem Scherer e Ross (1989) e Aghion et al. (2002). Os principais resultados encontrados indicam que essa relação em U invertido realmente existe e que o índice de concentração que maximiza os gastos em P&D interno é, em torno de, 0,30 de HHI. Apesar disso, quando efeitos específicos da indústria são controlados, o poder de explicação do HHI decai. Um segundo resultado importante é que quando se examina as atividades inovativas com menor risco associado, como capacitação tecnológica, a relação entre concentração e gastos inovativos é negativa.

Aspekty kolaborativních nákupů: Centralizace, rozsah a rozdílné tržní struktury / The Aspects of Collaborative Procurement: Centralization, Scope and Different Market Structures

Počarovská, Amália January 2018 (has links)
Procurement centralization is a process that includes policy decisions on the appropriate level of collaboration, aggregation and standardization. We analyse the main aspects of collaborative procurement: centralization, scope and different market structures. We use a unique dataset that combines Czech tender-level data with the manually-collected data on centrally procured tenders and financial firm-level data for the time span 2008 - 2016. We apply vector generalized linear model to the compulsory centralized procurement sectors and assess the market competition and concentration. We find several key aspects of centralized procurement: the centralization has a significant positive impact on the competition in selected sectors. The framework agreement is recognized as a positive setup of public procurement. We identified a strong negative evidence of the heterogeneity of the procured commodity. The design of centralization process and the degree of centralization is always bound by two elementary questions: the flexibility or unification trade-off and the set-up costs or unit costs trade-off. JEL Classification D44, H11, H57 Keywords public procurement, centralization, tender- level data, firm-level data, market structure, concentration index, vector generalized linear model, Herfindahl-Hirschman...

Trade liberalization, competition and market structure : theory and empirical evidence / Libéralisation du commerce, concurrence et structure du marché : théorie et preuve empirique

Elewa, Aya 06 July 2017 (has links)
Étant donné les caractéristiques du nouveau système du commerce international, il est important de revoir la théorie du commerce international dans un cadre d’économie industrielle (IO) qui capture la nature internationale de cartels, l’existence des firmes multiproduits, les interactions stratégiques entre les firmes (structure du marché oligopolistique) et l’hétérogénéité entre les firmes en matière de leur taille (grande vs. petites) afin de tirer des conclusions sur le fait que si la libéralisation du commerce sera suffisante pour encourager la concurrence ou plutôt une politique de concurrence rigoureuse devrait être appliquée en même temps afin de garantir un environnement concurrentiel et donc améliorer le bien-être. Plus précisément, les interactions stratégiques entre les entreprises jouent un rôle important dans l’évaluation de l’effet concurrentiel de la libéralisation du commerce. Cette étude vise à analyser, tout d’abord, comment l’ouverture commerciale et, par conséquent, la baisse des tarifs affectent le niveau de concurrence, la structure du marché, la formation des cartels et, par conséquent le niveau des prix. Deuxièmement, d’étudier comment le commerce affecte le comportement des firmes. L’utilisation des modèles théoriques et des données sur les firmes égyptiennes pour analyser ces questions me permettent de tirer des conclusions sur la substituabilité entre la politique de libéralisation du commerce et la politique de concurrence. Les résultats montrent que, dans un contexte de collusion entre les firmes, l’ouverture au commerce peut induire une augmentation du niveau des prix. De plus, les résultats montrent que les firmes multiproduits ajustent leur portefeuille de produit selon les caractéristiques des destinations. Enfin, proposant une structure de marché mixte quand on analyse le comportement des firmes multiproduits, montre que la mondialisation affecte la structure du marché par le biais de la sortie des petites firmes. Les effets pro-concurrentiels d’ouverture commerciale ne sont pas si évidents. Une politique de concurrence rigoureuse est indispensable afin de dissuader les comportements anticoncurrentiels. / Given the features of the new trade system, it is important to reconsider international trade theory in an Industrial Organization (IO) framework that captures the international nature of cartels, the existence of multi-product firms, strategic interactions between firms (oligopolistic market structure) and the heterogeneity between firms in terms of size (large vs. small firms) to draw conclusions on whether trade liberalization will be sufficient to enhance competition or should a rigorous competition policy be applied at the same time to ensure competition and hence welfare promotion. More precisely, strategic interactions between firms play an important role in assessing the competitive effect of trade liberalization.This study aims to analyze, first, how trade liberalization and, hence, a decline in trade costs affect the level of competition, market structure and cartel formation in the market and, hence the price level. Second, how trade openness affects firms’ behavior. Building theoretical model and using firm-level data from Egypt to analyze these questions allow me to draw conclusions on the substitutability between trade liberalization and competition policy. Findings show that trade openness, in a context of collusion between firms, may induce an increase in the level of price when there are sufficiently large firms in the market. Overall, evidence on a change in multi-product firms’ choice of product mix with tougher competition and larger market size in the destination is revealed. Finally, using a mixed market structure when analyzing multi-product firms’ behavior, shows that globalization affects the market structure through inducing the exit of small firms. Pro-competitive effects of trade openness were not so clear, a rigorous competition policy is crucial to deter anti-competitive behaviors with increasing trade liberalization.

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