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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolução histórica da concentração da indústria de refino de açúcar na região Centro-Sul do Brasil e análise da sua estrutura de equilíbrio / Historical evolution of refined sugar industry concentration in Center-South of Brazil and analysis of equilibrium structure of this industry

Laura Poggi Rodrigues 12 December 2005 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve, por objetivo, caracterizar a indústria de refino de açúcar no Brasil e identificar o modelo de comportamento da concentração de mercado da referida indústria para a região Centro-Sul do Brasil. Procurou-se analisar a influência dos distintos níveis de competição via preço e barreiras à entrada sobre a sua estrutura de mercado. Também foram analisadas a influência de fatores exógenos, como intervenção do governo, organização setorial e estratégias empresariais, na determinação da concentração de mercado do setor; o valor das barreiras à entrada para uma indústria média, baseada na análise da escala mínima eficiente de produção. Para tanto, utilizou-se o modelo teórico desenvolvido por Sutton (1991), que é o modelo do jogo de dois estágios para indústrias intensivas em sunk cost exógenos. Compararamse os resultados com os encontrados pelo autor para a Europa, o Japão, os Estados Unidos e Taiwan. Para tanto, definiu-se o mercado relevante como a região Centro-Sul do Brasil e calcularam-se a razão de concentração da referida indústria e a razão entre tamanho de mercado e nível de sunk cost exógeno. O valor encontrado para 2001 (σ/S igual a 0,8407%) é condizente com os dos países analisados por Sutton, que evidenciam o alto índice de custos irrecuperáveis e a existência de barreiras à entrada e explicam a estrutura de mercado encontrada. Verificou-se que a indústria de refino de açúcar no Brasil, inicialmente, foi construída por pequenos e médios grupos comerciais, com intensa atividade regional, sendo o setor regionalmente concentrado. Durante a fase de intervenção, destaca-se o forte caráter concentrado da indústria, apresentando na década de 1980, o CR4 da indústria de cerca de 80%. Nas décadas de 1990 e 2000, houve o crescimento e o surgimento de marcas menores, ao mesmo tempo em que a marca líder (União) teve reduzida sua importância no total das vendas do setor. Um dos elementos que explicam o forte caráter concentrado da indústria são as barreiras à entrada no setor: assim como as indústrias de açúcar refinado dos países analisados, a indústria de açúcar refinado do Brasil apresenta, de acordo com dados calculados para o ano 2003, alta barreira à entrada, em relação ao tamanho do mercado. No entanto, se, por um lado, a indústria apresenta elevados índices de concentração, por outro, acredita-se que os produtores de açúcar refinado não possam se utilizar desse poder de mercado junto aos consumidores. Os preços internos sofrem grande influência do mercado internacional, além da forte pressão do varejo supermercadista, também concentrado. Verificou-se que os preços descendentes ao longo do tempo são positivamente relacionados com a evolução da estrutura de mercado do período analisado. / The aim of the present work was to evaluate the refined sugar industryin Brazil and to identify its market behavior in the central region in Southern Brazil Accordingly, this study analyzed the influence of distinct levels of competition concerning price and entrance barriers on the market structure. Some exogenous factors, such as public regulation, sectorial organization, and strategies to set up costs, were also verified to determine the market sector’s concentration. the theoretical model of two-stage game for industries intensive in exogenous sunk cost described by Sutton (1991) was used to determine the value of the set up costs for a single plant of minimum efficient scale (m.e.s). Data of the present study were compared to those reported by Sutton (1991), whose study focused on Europe, Japan, United States and Taiwan. The present work, however, focused on the central region in Southern Brazil. The ratio of the market concentration of the sugar-refining industry, as well as the ratio of its market size and exogenous sunk cost was calculated. The value of σ/S found for 2001 was 0.8407%, consistent with the values found for the countries analyzed by Sutton; furthermore, this result evidences the high index of set up costs and existence of barriers of entrance, suggesting that that the industry of refining sugar in Brazil was initiated with small and average commercial groups, with a regionally-concentrated sector. During the regulated period the industry was highly concentrated (by the 1980s the CR4 was about 80%). In the 1990s, there was a great entrance of new brands and consequently a decline in the leader brand (União). One of the reasons that such industry is highly concentrated is the huge sunk cost. Like the refined sugar industry analyzed in other countries, the Brazilian refined sugar industry presented, in 2003, high exogenous sunk cost in relation to the size market.

Modelling management fees of mutual funds using multiple linearregression / Modellering av fonders förvaltningsavgift genom multilinjär regression

Hallberg, David, Renström, Erik January 2017 (has links)
This paper seeks to investigate whether management fees, set by mutual funds, rely on a set of explanatory variables. The study includes equity, bond, and money market funds, all investing in securities registered in Sweden. Results obtained from the project show that changes in assets under management, standard deviation, and tracking error, for a course of 5 years, can provide some explanation to what management fees mutual funds set. In turn, this raises many interesting questions on how capital flows and fund differentiation affects the fees. Also, a market analysis of the Swedish fund market shows that elements of monopolistic competition are present. Finally, because of the scope of this study, several suggestions on further research have been made. / Denna artikel ämnar undersöka huruvida förvaltningsavgifter, satta av fonder, beror på ett antal förklarande variabler. Studien inkluderar aktie, obligations och korträntefonder, vilka investerar i värdepapper registrerade i Sverige. Resultat erhållna från projektet tyder på att förändringar i kapital under förvaltning, standardavvikelse och spårningsfel (tracking error), alla uppmätta över 5 år, delvis kan förklara vilka avgifter fonder sätter. I sin tur väcker detta flera intressanta frågor över hur kapitalflöden och fonddifferentiering påverkar avgifter. Dessutom visar en genomförd marknadsanalys över den svenska fondmarknaden att karaktäristiska drag av monopolistisk konkurrens är närvarande. Slutligen, i samband med studiens omfattning, så har flertalet förslag på vidare studier gjorts.

Three Essays on International Trade, Market Structure, and Agricultural Cooperatives

Yen, Meng-Fen, Yen January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

電視傳播產業互動電視服務運作之探討 / The study of interactive TV service in the TV industry

黃瓊玉 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著傳播、網路、資訊等科技等發展,電視服務已可邁向互動電視服務。然而,因於互動電視服務不僅涉及科技、商業、政策等層面,更因其具有電視服務的大眾傳播特點,而影響社會大眾、法律規範,並促使商業運作的改變,故互動電視服務的研究,可以非常廣泛與深入。然而本研究為促研究聚焦而著力電視傳播產業投入互動電視觀看型、購物頻道型與商務型服務時,所需考量的觀念面和營運面之探討。 其中,可發現電視傳播產業提供互動電視觀看型、購物頻道型與商務型服務,具有的共同點:業者需具有的能力,包含提供互動電視轉播、附增與插播內容與服務等以滿足用戶觀看、交流與交易所需的前端與後端能力、對訂戶端收視情況與收視意見的回傳資料直接取得與運用的能力;而用戶需具有可與接收業者內容與其交流的家庭終端設備與操作設備。 互動電視服務與目前多頻道電視服務異同處是電視傳播產業業者在運作互動電視服務時應考量的要項。本研究發現可以延伸多頻道電視市場之市場結構-行為-績效而建構電視傳播產業運作互動電視服務時應考量的項目與架構。另外,多頻道電視服務演變為互動電視服務是需要時間;電視傳播產業業者應有互動電視服務市場開創期(即多頻道電視服務為主,而互動電視服務為副的時期)與互動電視服務市場競爭期(即互動電視服務普及化的時期)之觀念。業者身處於市場開創期之策略思維與身處於市場競爭期之策略思維應有異。 而業者投入互動電視觀看型服務,應了解此型互動電視服務乃著重提供用戶不涉及商務交易之觀看及交流的內容與服務,則拓展用戶的閱聽範圍與收視便利性是其著力點;用戶於節目收視面與廣告效力面的回傳資料是可幫助業者了解用戶的收視而利於營運的改進。至於探討電視傳播產業投入此型互動電視服務的市場結構-行為-績效分析,可以劉幼琍(1997)所提的多頻道電視市場結構-行為-績效分析為基礎,但須增加「資訊科技」以表達對直接互動層次與附增內容範疇等直接互動化層面之重視。而個別公司投入績效之探討,於開創期時,可從扮演互動電視服務先驅者角色之權威性優勢、附加互動電視服務而建立有線電視服務之差異化優勢、或以掌握訂戶直接回應而強化有線電視服務之資訊性優勢等探討之;於競爭期時,可從公司於以訂戶收視為終端、以企業廣告為終端、以回傳資料應用為終端等價值鏈之角度探討之。 而業者投入互動電視購物頻道型服務,應了解此型互動電視服務乃著重以提供用戶電視線上購物的內容與服務,則提供吸引用戶進行電視線上購物的內容及便利性是其著力點,亦即完善提供吸引用戶購物之前端內容以及購物前、購物時與購物後的(包括物流、客服等)商務流程,是提供此型互動電視服務的要件。而用戶呈現於購物前反應與購物後意見的回傳資料,可助業者對商品挑選、流程設計、服務內容等營運層面的改進。至於探討電視傳播產業投入此型互動電視服務的市場結構-行為-績效分析,可以互動電視觀看型服務市場結構-行為-績效分析為前端內容基礎,並於節目製作項目納入電視購物服務內容分析之考量,以表達對電視購物情境設計的重視,再加上流通業與Scherer and Ross(1990)產業研究的結構-行為-績效模型發展後端買賣執行的市場結構-行為-績效分析。而個別公司投入績效之探討,可以與其相近的線上零售商 (Afuah and Tucci,2003) 為探討方向。 而業者投入互動電視商務型服務,應了解此型互動電視服務乃著重提供用戶與加盟的第三方業者進行電視線上交流或交易的內容與服務為主,則拓展用戶進行電視商務的便利性是其著力點,即互動電視商務平台經營商須著重提供吸引並完善導引用戶到加盟的第三方業者視訊網站的(互動電視)內容/服務,而購物前、購物時與購物後的商務流程是加盟的第三方業者所需注意。而用戶呈現於要求導引前的回傳資料有助業者改進包含導引服務的內容與服務、導引後的反應及與加盟的第三方業者交易之回傳資料會影響業者與第三方業者加盟條件,故皆須注意、用戶於節目收視面與廣告效力面的回傳資料,可助業者對商品挑選、流程設計、服務內容等營運層面的改進。至於探討電視傳播產業投入此型互動電視服務的市場結構-行為-績效分析,可以互動電視觀看型服務市場結構-行為-績效分析為前端內容基礎,但部份項目須加入擔任導引服務提供者的考量,並須加上「入口加值服務」項目,以表達對導引服務提供者的注重。而個別公司投入互動電視商務平台經營商績效之探討,可以訂戶收視為終端或以企業廣告為終端等兩種價值鏈斟酌追求權威性、差異化或低成本策略為探討方向。 本研究期藉由對電視傳播產業投入互動電視觀看型、電視購物型、商務型服務運作的探討,而鼓勵資訊與電視傳播產業投入互動電視服務,以利互動電視服務的實務營運,進而發展電視商務,開創另一商務高峰,即是本研究目前貢獻。 對後續的研究建議,從研究內容與研究方法提出。在研究內容方面,一則可深入互動電視服務運作以外層面的探討,如與收入、投資、產業合作等層面,以利互動電視服務的實務發展。二則可深入其他互動電視服務類型的探討,如Tsaih et al. (2005)所提的互動電視網際網路型服務等類型,以促研究的完整。在研究方法方面,一則可以個案方式進行研究,而以第一手的實務資料擴大或深入研究。二則可以量化方式進行研究,而以數據資料的佐證、統計檢定的類推、真偽假說的實證等量化資料而強化研究。 / The development of information and televisual technology has led to a nascent market for interactive TV (hereafter, itv ) service. Since the provision of itv involves numerous sectors, this study discusses the different aspects of itv service including viewing, shopping and business service. In this study, the performance of individual service provider is analyzed at two different phases: the phase of development and the phase of competition. The study of the former focuses on pioneering authority, service differentiation and information, whereas study of the latter examines the value chain of user-viewing, business-advertising and data collection. The study shows that providers of itv shopping channel service are concerned with creating attractive content and managing easy shopping service. In analyzing the market structure, conduct and performance, this study includes the “TV shopping service content” and “design of TV-shopping surroundings” factors in investigation of the front end, and utilizes the model of market structure and economic performance of Scherer and Ross (1990) for examination of the back end. The study demonstrates that providers of business service are concerned with enhancing the content and improving communication service for users and third parties. Market research on viewing and communication patterns can offer significant insights for service providers. In analyzing market structure, conduct and performance, this study builds upon the model of front end research with the addition of “portal service” with particular emphasis on the factor of “guidance”. The performance of individual provider is assessed by examining the value chain of user-viewing, business-advertising and data collection. Issues of authority, differentiation and operational costs are taken into consideration.

Precursors and prices : structuring the Quebec synthetic drug market

Ouellet, Marie 08 1900 (has links)
Information recueillie sur les marchés des drogues de synthèse est beaucoup moins avancée que les études sur d'autres marchés de drogues illicites. La classification relativement récente des drogues de synthèse comme substances illicites, couplée avec ses caractéristiques distinctes qui empêchent son observation, a entravé le développement d’évaluations complètes et fiables des caractéristiques structurelles des marchés. Le but de cet article est de fournir un aperçu fiable sur la dynamique interne du marché des drogues synthétiques, en particulier sur ses caractéristiques structurelles et organisationnelles. En utilisant l'information obtenue à partir de 365 drogues de synthèse saisies par les policiers pendant un an, cette étude sera la fusion de deux techniques, soit la composition des drogues illicites et des analyses économiques, afin de tirer des évaluations fiables des caractéristiques structurelles du marché du Québec de drogues synthétiques. Les résultats concernant l'analyse de la composition des drogues indiquent que le marché des drogues synthétiques au Québec est probablement composé d'un nombre élevé de petites structures, ce qui indique un marché compétitif. L'analyse économique a également fourni des informations complémentaires sur le marché des drogues. Selon la région géographique les couts de la production et les relations entre trafiquant et consommateur influencent le prix des drogues. Les résultats de cette recherche mettent l'accent sur la nécessité de concevoir des politiques qui tient compte des différences régionales dans la production de drogue et reflète la nature compétitive de ce marché. / Research gathered on synthetic drug markets trails behind studies on other illegal drug markets. Synthetic drug's relatively recent classification as an illicit substance, coupled with its distinct characteristics that insulate it from detection has hindered the development of reliable assessments of the markets structural features. The purpose of this study is to provide reliable insight into the inner dynamics of Quebec’s synthetic drug industry, focusing on its organizational features. Using information derived from 365 synthetic drugs seized by law enforcement over a one year period, this study will merge two techniques, drug composition and economic analyses, under a common framework to derive reliable and comprehensive assessments of the structure of Quebec's synthetic drug market. Drug composition analysis examines the drug’s chemical and physical profile to make inferences about the market structure while the economic analysis examines price determinants for the same market, providing further insight into its dynamics and distinctive features. Findings from the drug composition analysis indicate that the synthetic drug market in Quebec is likely to be composed of a high number of small structures, indicating a competitive market. The economic analysis provided complementary information, finding that both differential production costs and trafficker-consumer relations may influence price variations, depending on the region. This study concludes by emphasizing that drug composition analysis should be diligently pursued by both researchers and enforcement organizations alike to effectively target and enhance our understanding of the intricate processes that underlie the synthetic drug market.

Strategie pro dopravní podniky k umístění na liberalizovaném trhu veřejné osobní dopravy / Strategies for transportation companies to establish themselves in the liberalized public transportation market

Gregor Wittner, Naděžda January 2007 (has links)
This diploma deals with the changes and challenges that transportation companies will face at the beginning of 2010 due to the liberalization of the public transportation market. It is structured into a first part describing the theory and a second part that applies the theory into praxis. The theory focuses on the development of public transportation, the nomenclature, and specific terms related to the public transportation market, legal changes, financials and other influencing effects. The complete diploma is written with focus on bus transportation. The second part analyzes the current situation on the Czech public bus transportation market and further expected changes starting with 2010. General recommendations are made and possible strategies described how to establish in the market. Finally there is made an explicit recommendation for a specific bus company

Seguros de habitação e automóvel no Brasil: uma análise da concentração e da demanda de mercado

Peres, Vivileine Maria 26 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-06-18T19:26:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VivileineMariaPeresDissertacao2018.pdf: 1101492 bytes, checksum: 5a711d1f9b1eb7fee0e640596c9e496d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-06-18T19:27:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 VivileineMariaPeresDissertacao2018.pdf: 1101492 bytes, checksum: 5a711d1f9b1eb7fee0e640596c9e496d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-18T19:27:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VivileineMariaPeresDissertacao2018.pdf: 1101492 bytes, checksum: 5a711d1f9b1eb7fee0e640596c9e496d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-26 / This work analyzes two issues in the insurance market in Brazil. In the period from 2001 to 2016, we analyzed monthly premium data of all companies in the housing and automobile sectors to find the market structure for each year. Afterwards, we estimate the automobile insurance demand of the federative states with respect to the value of the premium using semiannual data from 2002 to 2010 in each of the 27 federative units of Brazil. The study concludes, in the first part concludes that there exists concentration in the housing insurance sector and for car insurance, the concentration is low, so that most ahhevart structure is the perfect competition. Furthermore, it also indicates the sensitivity of the demand for insurance with respect to the premium paid.. The approach is illustrated using data from a Brazilian insurance company. / O presente trabalho realiza dois estudos referentes ao mercado segurador no Brasil. Primeiramenmte, no período de 2001 a 2016, analisou-se dados mensais de prêmio em reais de todas as empresas nos ramos de habitação e de automóvel para analisar a estrutura de mercado para cada ano. Depois, foi estimada a demanda por seguros de automóvel das unidades federativas em relação ao valor do prêmio por meio de dados semestrais de 2002 a 2010 em cada uma das 27 unidades federativas do Brasil. O estudo conclui, na primeira parte, em relação à estrutura de mercado, que existe concentração de mercado no setor de habitação, quanto para automóvel, existe a não concentração de mercado. Ainda, indica como a variação do prêmio afeta a demanda por seguro de automóvel na segunda parte.

1992年到1994年俄羅斯國有企業改革政策取向之變化 / The change of reform policy of state-owned enterprises in Russia from 1992 to 1994

梁絮萍, Liang, Hsu-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
當俄羅斯正經歷著政治結構與經濟體系同時轉變的考驗時,連年下降的國有企業生產力與總產量並未隨著改革工作的進展而有所提升,即使改革措施因為先前政策的成效不彰而有所調整,但俄羅斯的總體經濟表現依然不理想。為了探究 1992 年年初到 1994 年年中這段期間俄羅斯國有企業政策的內容、實施的成效,以及政策取向變化的原因,本文先從財產權途徑與市場結構途徑著手,分析決策過程中不同的部門對國有企業的預算約制、協調機制與市場結構的看法,然後歸納出兩種不同的政策取向:保護取向與效率取向。保護取向者以國有企業員工及立法機構的成員為主,主張維持現有制度與就業水準,避免失業引發社會問題,並增加對國有企業資源的投入以提高企業產量。效率取向者以新興的經濟學家及部份的內閣成員為主,希望建立新的機制以減少資源投入的數量,但賦予國有企業提高生產效率的誘因,使其提高產量,如此一來便可以減輕政府的財政負擔,並達到穩定金融及控制通貨膨脹的目的。1992年年初俄羅斯行政機構中的效率取向者取得了優勢的決策地位,並且開始採取穩定化與價格自由化等改革措施,但緊縮資源投入的改革方式卻造成國有企業員工的恐慌,從系統論的觀點來看,民主化之後的俄羅斯因為政策承受者的反饋機制開始強化,因此效率取向者的改革措施便遭到立法機構中保護取向者的修正,而開始向擴張支出的政策方向傾斜。雖然效率取向者試圖以憑證私有化政策換取民眾對改革的信心,甚至以發動流血政變、重新制定憲法等方式變更制度設計以重新取得優勢的決策地位,但因為其緊縮政策忽略了市場結構因素,難以提升企業產量,又引發企業員工對失業的恐懼,因此保護取向者便又在 1994 年年初佔領了優勢的決策地位,主導了政策的走向。總括 1992 年年初到 1994 年年中俄羅斯國有企業改革政策的走向,便可以得出政策取向在保護取向與效率取向之間連續擺盪,但結果卻受保護取向影響較深的局面。 / When people in Russia suffered from the transformation of the political structure and the economic system, the performance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Russia did not improve , either. In order to find out the options of reform strategy and the cause of failure, this research applies the property rights approach and the market structure approach to analyze the budget constraint, coordination mechanism, and market structure problems of SOEs. Combing those problems with the decision making process founded on systems model, we made a conclusion that there were two policy orientations in solving the SOE problems: one is the protection-orientated policy, and the other is the efficiency-oriented one. Most employees of SOEs and legislators preferred the protection-oriented policy because they were afraid of unemployment and bankruptcy of their enterprises by privatization. On the contrary, the efficiency-oriented government placed its emphasis on the rampant inflation and preferred to cut the government expense by reducing the investment in SOEs. At the beginning of 1992, the efficiency-oriented stabilization policy and the liberalization of price became the focuses of reform. Those retrenchment policies limited the spending of SOEs and reduced the government's popularity, too. In order to keep the enterprises operating, employees of SOEs and legislators expected more investment from the government. With the feedback function performed by legislators, the protection-oriented policy substituted the efficiency-oriented one from the mid of 1992. To dominate the reform strategy again. President Yeltsin dismissed the congress in September 1993 and called for the referendum of new constitution and the election of new congress in December 1993. Although the efficiency-oriented government tried to recover the public confidence of reform by controlling the inflation, but the employees, living in the fear of unemployment, did not place their trust in government. After the election, the protection-oriented deputies still occupied the majority seats and turned the direction of reform strategy again. In sum, the orientation of reform policy of SOEs in Russia swung all the time since 1992 to 1994, but the protection-oriented policy had more influence on it in general.

台灣運動商品化過程中的大眾傳播媒體角色 / The Role of Mass Media in the Commercializational Process of Sports in Taiwan

劉昌德, Liu, Chang-De Unknown Date (has links)

美國反托拉斯法與我國公平交易法中市場結構控制之研究 / The Control of Market Structure in U.S. Antitrust Law and R.O.C. Fair Trade Act

吳英同, Wu,Window Unknown Date (has links)
反托拉斯法所規範的層面,大致可將之歸納為結構面(marketstructure)與行為面(Conduct)。前者主要規範獨占、寡占及主要廠商(Dominant Firms)與廠商結合(合併)所形成的市場結構;後者則規範諸多廠商水平的合作行為與垂直限制交易行為。本文之目的,即在探討美國法上,如何致力於「競爭性結構」的規範制度與執行方法,以做為我國公平交易法執法及修法上的參考。研究發現以下各點:1.規模經濟的考量與廠商合併的運作,可謂美國產業結構形成的重要因素。台灣經濟發展的過程中,政府介入程度頗深,寡占與獨占事業多為法令造成。就我國實證而言,發現結構、行為、績效三者間具有高度相關,而競爭性之結構亦較能帶來整體績效最大。我國公平法目前對獨佔及寡占事業僅規範行為面,對建立公平競爭秩序成效恐屬有限;蓋就市場結構之控制而言,在我國多為中小企業之情勢下,獨佔、寡占之問題較諸結合,更為嚴重,在此特殊產業結構背景下,欲建立一真正具競爭性之環境,應自市場結構面(market structure)著手,可考慮賦予我國公平會或法院類似聯邦法院所具之衡平權,使公平會得將濫用市場力量的寡占、獨占事業解體(dissolution)或分割獨占公司之資產以建立另一與之競爭的實體等權限,以重建競爭結構,以建立競爭秩序。2.經濟理論與工具應妥善運用,以符立法本旨,美國聯邦交易委員會及司法部反托拉斯局均設有經濟分析專責單位,我國公平會亦宜指定專責單位,加強產業發展之研究並負責經濟分析事宜,俾針對業務單位進行個案所需,提供相關經濟分析協助。3.美國在規範結合行為方面,係以訂定指導準則方式為之,此法無論對執法機關或事業而言,皆有遵循之標準,避免雙方在執法及適法上產生不確定性之困擾。我國可參考之。4.近來我國貿易自由化進展迅速,企業經營環境已隨著大幅改變,競爭法的實施(如「市場」之定義等)應考量此一因素,才不會失之偏頗,造成國內產業不利損失。附錄:限制營業競爭行為與國際經濟的關係

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