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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh projektu rozvoje temné turistiky / The proposal of dark tourism development project

ŘEŘICHOVÁ, Alena January 2010 (has links)
The main focus of my diploma work is on putting forward a proposition to develop the Dark Tourism and develop a study whether the project may be vitable of the following aspects such as financial point of view, law of supply and demand, human resoures etc.. The "Museum of execution" was proposed and became the main point in the diploma work. Having carried out all the aspects of the feasibility study, this project was acclaimed as realistic and vitable.

Využití fenoménu zaniklých obcí Slavkovského lesa pro rozvoj cestovního ruchu / A usage potential of extinct villages of "Slavkovský les" for tourism development

BJALONČÍKOVÁ, Vlasta January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focused on expansion of touristic attractions in the region Karlovy Vary.The main purpose was to carry out an analysis of current condition of the protected landscape area "Slavkovský les" and consequently after getting primary and secondary data to recommend measures for improvement of the situation and to propose products which would utilize potential found for the benefit of tourism in the region. Extinct villages of ``Slavkovský les{\crq}q have became subject for tourism development, whose potential is the basis of the proposed product {--} Miniature park {\clq}"Slavkovský les".

Doprava a dopravní gramotnost v cestovním ruchu na Táborsku / Transport and traffic literacy in the tourist trade in the Tábor region

SEDLÁČEK, Lukáš January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the problems of transport and traffic literacy. The first part includes the analysis of the current state of transport services and of the traffic literacy in the Tábor region. In this part a field research was done on the basis of survey among the inhabitants of Tábor. The results of the field research were summarized and analyzed in the synthetic part of the diploma thesis. The results of this field survey imply that both the public transport and the traffic literacy in Tábor are on good level. This part also includes a study of practicability for implementation of trolley-bus transport in Tábor. The implementation of this transport in the route Tábor {--} Sezimovo Ústí {--} Planá nad Lužnicí would require an investment in an amount of circa 400 million crowns, however, indisputable benefit would be a decrease of emissions and acoustic noise in the town. In the conclusion, several suggestions for improvement of the current state are presented, whose aim was the improvement of the transport services and the overall transport potential in the Tábor region.

Demografisk sammansättning samt beteende hos medlemmar i panel

Johansson, Henrik, Kardell, Mathias January 2010 (has links)
The use of marketing research panels are a more and more frequently used source of information for studies within many different branches. The purpose of this report is to investigate the demographic composition of panels and compare it with the population of Sweden, a possible change in behaviour of respondents, and if the source of recruitment is the cause of possible differences in study results. The study was commissioned by Norstats Linkoping office. Sources for the data material include Norstat’s recruitment process and their two main panels with different recruitment sources. To enable a deeper investigation of behaviour we also constructed a survey that was sent to 2,714 members of Norstat’s internet panels. The statistical analysis includes contingency table analysis, multiple logistic regression, and Poisson regression. The results show that the demographic composition does not fully cover all the aspects of the Swedish population and some groups are less represented than others. The behaviour tends to differ between panel members that have responded to three or less surveys compared to members that have responded to twenty or more surveys. Source of recruitment does not seem to affect the results of studies, but it has some effect on the demographic composition of marketing research panels. / Användandet av paneler som källa vid undersökningar har den senaste tiden blivit en allt vanligare företeelse. Denna rapport har för avsikt att undersöka panelers demografiska sammansättning och överensstämmande med Sveriges befolkning, eventuell ändring av svarsbeteende samt huruvida rekryteringskällan ger upphov till kvalitetsskillnader hos medlemmar i en panel. Företaget Norstat har med sitt kontor i Linköping figurerat som uppdragsgivare till arbetet. Datamaterialet till studien har uppkommit från Norstats rekryteringsprocess samt från företagets två huvudpaneler med olika rekryteringskällor. För att djupare undersöka svarsbeteende konstruerade vi även en enkätundersökning som skickades ut till 2 714 medlemmar i Norstats internetpaneler. Den statiska analysen innefattar χ2-test, multipel logistisk regression samt Poissonregression. Resultaten påvisade att den demografiska sammansättningen i panelen inte fullt ut speglade Sveriges befolkning samt att vissa grupper undertäcks i högre utsträckning än andra. Svarsbeteendet hos medlemmar i paneler har en tendens att ändras från det att medlemmen har svarat på en till tre undersökningar, till det att den har svarat på tjugo undersökningar eller fler. Rekryteringskällan till en panel verkar inte ge upphov till några större skillnader i svarsresultat, men däremot finns vissa skillnader i demografisk sammansättning.

Návrh marketingového mixu / The Proposal of Marketing Mix

Nevrlá, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with the evaluation of the marketing mix of the specific business subject. It compares teoretical knowledges of the individual elements of the marketing mix with the reality. It analyses internal and external subject’s environment and it evaluates the questionnaire survey focused on the found problems of the individual elements of the marketing mix. The result is proposal fot the improvement of the current status of the marketing mix.

Podnikatelský plán pro založení mateřské školy / Business Plan of Kindergarten Foundation

Nakano, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
This master´s thesis describes the design and processing of a business plan for the establishment of private nursery school in Jihlava. The proposal responds to a market gab in providing nursery school services.The theoretical part defines the basic concepts related to business in this field and analyzes the structure of the business plan. The practical part is focused on the analysis of the environment and the specific development of a business plan including risk assessment and feasibility evaluation of projects.

Maďarsko - značka země, destinace a její vliv na vnímání mezi českými obyvateli / Hungary - a brand of the country, destination and its impact on the perception among Czech residents

Blahútová, Dominika January 2017 (has links)
The objective of the diploma thesis was to evaluate the current position of perception of the Hungary among residents of the Czech Republic in relation to its brand and its means of communication and bring some recommendations to support the promotion of the country in relation to tourism. The results will be available and provided to the selected interested organizations. To meet the specified objectives, it was necessary to analyze primary and secondary data. To obtain the primary data was made a quantitative research using questionnaires and additional qualitative research in the form of individual interviews. The result was that Czech citizens perceive this country positively, but they don´t perceive all of the communicated values that promote the attractiveness of the tourist destination. Recommendations were related to the construction of more effective promotional campaigns and the promotion of marketing communication tools to support the positive development of tourism.

Marketingová komunikace a brand management regionálních značek / Marketing communication and brand management of regional brands

Šmídová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on regional brand PRÁCHEŇSKO regional product communication and its assessment. The aim of this thesis is to make suggestions to increase the efficiency of communication of the brand PRÁCHEŇSKO regional product through an analysis of this regional brand and a realization of marketing research. The theoretical part deals with the brand and its direction as well as with marketing communication. There is also a definition of terms region and regional brand included. The other part deals with an analysis of regional brand programmes, that are available on the Czech market as well as PRÁCHEŇSKO regional product. The region Prácheňsko and the system of granting a brand and the certification of products through this brand are presented. Finally, a critical analysis of the brand and its marketing communication as well as marketing research that focuses on discovering of the knowledge PRÁCHEŇSKO regional product are given. In the closing part of this thesis, suggestions that should not only lead to increase the efficiency of the brand and its marketing communication but also to increase the consumer awareness are given.

Architektura 3M značek a práce s nimi, case study 3M – z pohledu B2B, interních specialistů a marketérů / Architecture 3M of brands and their applications, “Case study 3M” – the perspective of B2B subjects and internal specialists and marketing personnel of 3M

Vojta, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Brand portfolios of multinational firm are a complex organism which is managed by headquarter of organization, in particular by the brands architecture and rebranding. The distributors create a direct feedback relationship from the market and they significantly influence any success of brands. The specific work of marketing personnel with brands is thus influenced by many stakeholders on the market and, in consequence, the specific work becomes a complex marketing activity. This master thesis is concerned with the architecture of the specific portfolio of 3M and the work with its brands. The aim is (i) to map architecture of the specific portfolio of 3M House of Brands and (ii) to assess rebranding form 2015 and (iii) to analyze the work with 3M brands and to formulate recommendation for improvements of the work with 3M. The first part is considers the architecture of brands from a theoretical viewpoint which provides a basis for the mapping of 3M House of Brands. There is also specified marketing research methodology which is applied in the practical part of the thesis concerned with specific secondary data, questionnaire survey and deep interviews. In the practical part of the master thesis there is analyzed 3M Case Study, in which there is described and assessed the empirical research of 3M brands. The research consists of two parts: (1) questionnaire survey orientated on B2B distributors, and (2) deep interviews carried out with 3M marketing and special personnel. The comparison and synthesis of more qualitative data appears that the most important result. The 3M perspectives of the marketing personnel and the distributors on the selection of brand activities differ in spite the fact that their aims are similar. The key recommendation of this thesis is, therefore, to give more importance to preferences of the market and create upon this empirical basis more effective branding activities.

Komunikační strategie a zhodnocení uvedení značky Sládkova limonáda na trh / The Communication Strategy of Sládkova limonáda

Nováková, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the communication strategy of the Staropramen brand Sládkova limonáda. The thesis is aimed on the description of the marketing strategy of the brand with main focus on communication strategy. The emphasis is placed on current trends affecting the market and the strategies of companies presented on the market. The major goal is to create a communication strategy plan for Staropramen Sládkova limonáda. The communication strategy is based on theoretical knowledge, information and data collected through a questionnaire survey, situational analysis and subsequent evaluation of the strategy of launching the brand on the Czech market.

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