Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bmarketing - 3research."" "subject:"bmarketing - 1research.""
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Generation Y online shopping behaviors and habitsRossi, Audrey Laëtitia 01 January 2003 (has links)
Online marketing opportunites regarding the teenage market are often underestimated due to the fact that the general information to date is neither particular, specific nor exact. Therefore, this project aims at giving guidelines for webmarketers willing to capture the "consumers of tomorrow".
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Research study on laddering technique in depth interviews on alcoholic beverage consumption and brand preferencesAloulaqi, Mohammed Saleh 01 January 2003 (has links)
This research study will clarify with facts and evidence that drinking alcoholic beverages is a social problem in American society. It will also focus on indepth interviews using the laddering technique on a small sample of eight respondents.
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Spokojenost zákazníků / Customer SatisfactionPišková, Martina January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis of customer satisfaction of the internet shop Nejbaby, s. r. o. The first part explains the theoretical concepts associated with the chosen theme. The second part is devoted to analyses of the external and internal surroundings of the selected enterprise and also includes a marketing research containing data collected via customised questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire assessment, proposals are presented in the last section, aiming to increased customer satisfaction.
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Marketingová strategie produktu / The Product Marketing StrategyKřešťák, Filip January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the problematics of e-shop revitalization. Its main goal is to provide a proposal of an adequate marketing strategy for product lines, offered on the e-shop of selected company, based on performed analyses and research. The thesis is divided into three main chapters which represent theoretical points, analytical part and an original solution proposal. Theoretical framework definition is followed by internal and external environment analysis, which creates prerequisities for the marketing research realization itself. Observed results form a base for suitable marketing strategy design.
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Návrh marketingové strategie služby sKým.cz / Marketing Strategy Proposal for "sKým.cz ServicesMareš, Karel January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis creates marketing strategy for the starting web project- sKým.cz. In the first part, I am presenting general knowledge necessary for understanding the issues of marketing strategy. The next part contains analysis of current market situation. The output of the diploma thesis are proposals of marketing strategy for project Ským.cz. These proposals are meant to increase the market share and the overall profitability of the project.
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Strategie vstupu na nové trhy / Strategy of Entering to New MarketsPosoldová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
V diplomové práci je představena strategie vstupu na geograficky nový trh pro nedávno založenou společnost. Misí společnosti je skrze ukázky pražení kávy, ochutnávky kávy přiblížit svět kávy, a zároveň poskytnout zákazníkům kvalitní čerstvě upraženou kávu. Cílem práce je na základě kritické analýzy nového trhu navrhnout strategii na jeho vstup. Diplomová práce obsahuje teoretické poznatky, analýzu vnějšího a vnitřního prostředí (Porterovu analýzu pěti sil, PEST analýzu, SWOT analýzu a marketingový výzkum) a návrhy řešení.
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Marketingová komunikace / Marketing CommunicationBulínová, Sabina January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with marketing communication of the Hervis company. The first part of the thesis contains theoretical knowledge. The second part introduces the company, marketing mix and communication mix. Recommended suggestions for improvement of communication mix with aim to approach new and current customers and therefore raise the awarness of the company, is based on performed analyses and questionnaire survey.
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Analýza spokojenosti zákazníků a návrhy na zvýšení její úrovně / Customer Satisfaction and Proposals for Its ImprovementŠlosárková, Iveta January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with customer satisfaction issues of selected Thai restaurant in Brno. Using relevant methods are proposed appropriate measures to increase the current level of customers' satisfaction. Marketing research is used to do this, and it is conducted using a questionnaire survey. Based on the data capture, the data are being analysed and they provide input for evaluating and setting up suggestions to increase total customer satisfaction level.
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Návrh změn marketingové komunikace konkrétního ateliéru / Proposal of Change of Marketing Communication of a Particular AtelierMičíková, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The Master´s thesis deals with the proposal of change of marketing communication for a particular atelier that should lead to raising public awareness of the atelier and also subsequently increase its potencial customers. Master´s thesis contains of theoretical knowledge related to the topic, analysis of current state and own proposal of changes. The proposal of changes are based on theoretical knowledge and results obtained by analyzing the current state of atelier.
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Návrh strategie rozvoje podniku působícího ve městě Prostějov / Proposal of Strategy development of a Company Operating in the City of ProstějovObořilová, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is a proposal development strategy of the Vinoteka Rek, which is based in Prostějov. Analysis conducted was aimed at research of internal company resources and external environment. The results of the analysis show market position and identifies source of competitive advantage. Diploma thesis contains such proposed changes that would lead to an improvement of its existing position among the competitors.
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