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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketing Tools: Development and Implementation in Social Media / Marketingové nástroje: Vývoj a implementace v sociálních médiích

Bubela, Oleksandra January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this Master Thesis is to provide an overview of the theoretical marketing tools necessary for the development and implementation of the marketing campaigns in social media. The thesis work is structured in three parts. The first part describes the theoretical marketing tools and frameworks advised to be used for the development of the social media marketing campaign. The second part of this thesis work recommends the tools needed for the actualization of the campaign. The practical part of this thesis work, the third part, presents a showcase about The Ultimate Tour Competition 2013, a social media marketing campaign developed and implemented by the author using some of the tools suggested in the first two parts of the thesis work. The information and data needed for the development of the social media marketing campaign was acquired by the author during the internship in the TourRadar and by the means of secondary research.

Theoretische Fundierung und explorative Analyse der Nutzung von Web 2.0-Anwendungen

Niemand, Thomas 13 August 2012 (has links)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, welche Motive Konsumenten dazu verleiten, soziale Medien im sogenannten "Web 2.0" aktiv oder passiv zu nutzen. Hierbei liegt das Augenmerk insbesondere auf soziodemographischen und psychologischen Merkmalen der Nutzer. Als zentrales Ergebnis der Arbeit kann herausgestellt werden, dass sich die befragten 188 Personen insgesamt anhand von zwei Dimensionen: Aktivität vs. Passivität und soziale Motivation vs. individuelle Motivation in 5 Gruppen beschreiben lassen. Mithilfe klassischer und neuer Marketing-Instrumente (z.B. Virales Marketing) lassen sich diese Gruppen zielgenau ansprechen.

Le front social de la communication : Adbusters et la contestation de l'économie politique de la communication canadienne

Landry, Normand January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Vývoj sociálních sítí a jejich využití v marketingové strategii značek / Development of social networks and their use in brand strategy

Malíková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with development of social networks, their characteristics and characteristics of users from global and regional point of view. The main part of the thesis is concerning social media marketing. It describes and analyzes current situation in social media marketing between firms and the most important aspects of brand strategies within social media. Finally, the thesis shows the aspects on examples of the most successful brands in social media marketing.

Psychoanalytic maps of driving behavior inspired from Zizekian psychoanalysis : Tunisian context / Cartes psychanalytiques du comportement de conducteurs inspirées de la psychanalyse de Zizek : contexte Tunisien

Mekki, Fatma 30 September 2016 (has links)
L’insécurité routière est un problème de santé publique. Il n' y a pas de recherche qui a exploré la psychanalyse de Zizek pour comprendre le comportement du conducteur. Cette recherche est basée sur l'approche interdisciplinaire dans le cadre du mouvement "Transformative Social Marketing". La contribution théorique présente une nouvelle vision du comportement basée sur des concepts psychanalytiques de Slavoj Zizek pour comprendre le comportement du conducteur, comme une première en Théorie marketing. Elle présente trois groupes basés sur la triade Réel-Symbolique-Imaginaire qui oriente le comportement vers le respect/non respect du code de la route. La contribution méthodologique est "la carte psychanalytique" qui tient compte de la complexité du comportement. La contribution pratique est l'acte authentique, provenant du conducteur pour personnaliser le message adéquat dans sa voiture ainsi que le changer en utilisant la technologie "VANet" en tenant en compte de l'aspect routinier de l'acte de conduire. / The disobedience of traffic rules is a public health problem. There is an absence of understanding driving behavior from Zizekian psychoanalysis. The general scope of this research is based on the interdisciplinary approach in a Transformative Social Marketing. The theoretical implication presents a new view of human behavior inspired from Zizekian psychoanalysis (based on "conscious/unconscious" in a continuous process, Real-Symbolic-Imaginary Triad, Reflexivity, Interpassivity, authentic act). Three groups (Pleasing, Care, Refuge) emerge from the Real-Symbolic-Imaginary Triad that orients behaviors to obey or disobey traffic rules. The methodological implication is the "psychoanalytic map" as a new methodological tool for more understanding the complexity of driving behavior. The practical implication is an authentic act, emerged from the driver, to choose a personalized message which changes after a period using VANet technology.

Konsten att sälja utan att ropa ”KOM OCH KÖP!” : Att genomföra content marketing på sociala medier / The art of selling without Shouting ”COME BUY!” : Implementing content marketing on social media

Larsson, Anna, Tallberg, Linn January 2019 (has links)
Content marketing är ett fenomen som vuxit och blivit en trend, på grund av den stora tillgången av information som onlinemiljön bidragit med till företagen. Vad content marketing handlar om har visat sig bristfälligt bland forskare, då det saknas en tydlig akademisk avgränsning. Definitionen av fenomenet content marketing är många, och forskare uttrycker sig olika vid beskrivningen om vad content marketing innebär. Hur content marketing används och vad som är viktigt att förmedla genom sin content marketing på sociala medier skiljer sig också från företag till företag. Däremot är flera forskare överens om att en strategi är viktig vid skapandet av content marketing. Syftet med denna studie är skapa en nyanserad bild av content marketing på sociala medier. Detta eftersom det råder delade meningar om innebörden av content marketing inom forskningsområdet. Att avgränsa studien till sociala medier har gjorts då onlinemiljön är ett för brett område för studiens storlek och avsatta tid. En kvalitativ små-N-studie har genomförts med intervjuer av företag. För att kunna besvara studien syfte genom företagens beskrivningar om deras uppbyggnad av content marketing på sociala medier. En tematisk analys har använts för att kunna identifiera återkommande teman ur det insamlade materialet från företagen. Resultaten från denna studie visar på att processen för hur content marketing på sociala medier används styrs utifrån vilka mål företag har, samt vilka dimensioner som företag anser viktigast vid en specifikt kampanj. Däremot påverkas inte antalet steg i processen som helhet av antalet mål eller antalet dimensioner, utan skiljer sig från företag till företag. Samt att sociala medier bidragit till nya fynd i processen. Således är content marketing på sociala medier ett komplext arbete. / Content marketing is a phenomenon that has grown and has become a trend, due to the vast availability of the information that the online environment has contributed to companies. What content marketing is involving has proved to be insufficient among researchers, as there is no clear academic delimitation. The definition of the content marketing phenomenon is many, and researchers express this differently when describing what content marketing means. How content marketing on social media is used and what is important to convey through content marketing also differs from company to company. However, several researchers agree that a strategy is important in the creation of content marketing on social media. The main purpose of this paper is to create a nuanced depiction of content marketing on social media. This is because there is disagreement about the meaning of content marketing in the research area. The delimitation of this paper to social media has been done because of the online environment is a too wide field for the size and time allocated for this paper. A qualitative small-N-study has been conducted with interviews of companies. In order to be able to answer this paper purpose through the companies' descriptions of their structure of content marketing on their social media. Thematic analysis has been used to identify recurring themes from the collected material from the companies The results of this paper show that the process for how content marketing on social media is used is governed by what goals companies have, and what dimensions companies consider most important in a specific campaign. However, the number of steps in the process as a whole is not affected by the number of goals or the number of dimensions but differs from company to company. And that social media contributed to new findings in the process. Thus, content marketing on social media is a complex work.

Alimento seguro sob a perspectiva de consumidores em Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição no município de São Paulo / Food safe under consumers perspective in Food Services in São Paulo, Brazil

Vedovato, Gabriela Milhassi 15 June 2010 (has links)
Introdução. A complexidade da cadeia produtiva de alimentos (CPA) torna a Inocuidade de Alimentos (IA) questão fundamental em Saúde Pública, sendo os consumidores co-responsáveis neste processo. Objetivo. O objetivo geral foi identificar atitudes de consumidores em Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição no município de São Paulo acerca da IA, sob a perspectiva da responsabilidade compartilhada. Metodologia. Pesquisa social de caráter exploratório que utilizou um instrumento previamente desenvolvido e testado. Foi desenvolvida em três fases: (1) abordagem qualitativa para levantar representações sociais sobre o tema (n=66); (2) desenvolvimento de um instrumento quantitativo para avaliar atitudes em IA a partir do material empírico da etapa anterior, utilizando escala de concordância/discordância com cada um dos itens (tipo Likert 5 níveis); (3) inquérito com amostra representativa de cada serviço (grupos X n=230; Y n=275), onde também foram coletados dados sócio-econômicos e demográficos (utilizando critério brasileiro oficial) que permitiram comparações entre os grupos. Foi adotada a técnica Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo e seus preceitos teóricos para tratamento dos dados qualitativos e construção dos itens da escala. O instrumento foi testado (n=61) para análises de confiabilidade (índice de discriminação dos itens e cálculo do coeficiente Alfa-Cronbach-). Por fim, foram executadas análises descritivas, comparação de médias de escores entre os grupos para segmentação dos consumidores, e Análises de Componentes Principais (ACP) para extrair estruturas subjacentes de padrões de atitude em cada grupo. Resultados. As representações sociais diferiram de acordo com o perfil sócio-econômico e demográfico dos grupos. A escala final de atitudes (25 itens) obteve boa consistência interna (=0,65) e discriminação de itens (p<0,05). O grupo Y (menor nível educacional e poder de compra) apresentou maior média de concordância com itens de sentido negativo perante o tema. Na primeira ACP foram extraídos 10 (grupo X) e 8 (grupo Y) fatores ortogonais explicando uma variância de 61,4 por cento e 54,1 por cento, respectivamente. Foi observada uma melhor discriminação de atitudes entre os grupos a partir de uma segunda ACP. Ambos os grupos atribuíram valor ao nutricionista e identificaram papel preponderante dos órgãos governamentais e menor grau de responsabilidade do consumidor no cenário de IA. A preocupação com doenças transmitidas por alimentos pareceu ser um bom fator discriminante entre os grupos. O envolvimento do consumidor na CPA se estabelece com padrão de atitudes diferenciado segundo características sócio-econômicas. Discussão e Conclusão. Utilização de parâmetros estéticos e sensoriais para avaliar segurança de alimentos, maior preocupação com alimentos cárneos e maior nível de percepção de risco com insumos agrícolas corroboram os dados da literatura internacional. Os achados permitem o direcionamento de estratégias em marketing social para o aperfeiçoamento de ações educativas e de comunicação de risco, contribuindo para o direcionamento de políticas públicas para o foco no consumidor / Introduction. The complexity of food supply chain makes the Food Safety key issue in Public Health, and demands consumers share responsibility. Objective. The objective of this study was to evaluate consumer attitudes towards Food Safety focusing shared responsibility, in two different foodservices in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Methodology. Exploratory consumer research that used a survey questionnaire previously developed and tested. The study was developed in three phases: (1) qualitative approach to raise the social representations (n= 66); (2) the development of an attitude scale, based on the empirical material produced in phase 1, to assess individuals agreement/disagreement to each item (5-Likert); (3) survey with a representative sample (n=230 group X, n= 275 group Y), which were also collected socio-economic and demographic data (based on Brazilians official criteria) to compare groups. The qualitative technique Collective Subject Discourse and its theoretical framework were used to construction scale items. The instrument was tested (n= 61) for reliability analysis (item analysis, Pearsons correlation, and Cronbachs alpha coefficient-). Finally, was performed descriptive analysis, comparing mean scores between groups for targeting consumers, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was carried out to summarize the information for target and comparison groups. Results. The social representations differed according to the socio-economic and demographic status. The attitude scale (25 items) reached a good internal consistency ( = 0.65) and item discrimination (p<0.05). The group Y (lower educational level and purchasing power) showed higher mean agreement with negative statements. Ten (group X) e 8 (group Y) orthogonal factors were extracted in the first PCA, explaining a variance of 61.4 per cent and 54.1 per cent respectively. Better attitude pattern discrimination was observed from a second PCA. Both groups of consumers attributed great value to the nutritionist in the restaurant, identified key role of governmental agencies, and less responsibility to consumers related to Food Safety. The concern with foodborne diseases appeared as a discriminating factor between groups. The type of consumers involvement with the food supply chain varies according socioeconomic characteristics. Discussion and Conclusion. The use of aesthetic and sensory parameters to assess Food Safety, greater concern with flesh foods and higher level of risk perception of agrochemical hazards corroborate the literature. These findings allow the targeting of social marketing strategies for the improvement of nutritional education and risk communication, contributing to the direction of public policy focusing the consumer

A influência dos tipos de marca na opinião de valor e preferência de compra de um produto / The influence of brand types on consumer opinion of value and preference about a product

Castro, Luiz Alberto Marcondes Homen de Mello e 21 November 2011 (has links)
Tida inicialmente como um artifício de identificação do produtor e, desse modo, garantia de qualidade, a marca, desde o século XX, passou a ser considerada um poderoso signo que representa, implicitamente, experiências, valores, idéias e mesmo personalidade para o consumidor, adicionando às suas funções iniciais a capacidade de influenciar a percepção em relação a uma oferta e comunicar características de quem a consome. Com o acirramento da competição entre as empresas, houve uma proliferação de marcas a fim de se obter distinção em relação aos concorrentes. Esse movimento foi mais forte na categoria de bens de consumo, onde os compradores reduziram sensivelmente o tempo gasto nas compras; assim, a marca torna-se necessária para fazer o produto \"saltar\" aos olhos do consumidor no curto espaço de tempo em que ele está observando a gôndola. Assim, muitos tipos de marca foram criados, cada um com características distintas na sua identidade e posicionamento e diferentes efeitos sobre o consumidor. A fim de ampliar o conhecimento sobre essas diferenças e auxiliar na escolha do tipo de marca mais adequado para uma determinada oferta, este estudo exploratório se propôs a avaliar a influência das marcas genéricas, de fabricante e social sobre a opinião de valor e preferência de compra de um produto. Para isso, entre os meses de março e julho de 2011, coletaram-se, de 260 brasileiros maiores de 18 anos, opiniões e preferência em relação a tipos de camisetas e seus atributos. Na análise dos dados empregou-se a análise conjunta e de conglomerados, o teste t e a mensuração da elasticidade-preço da demanda. Entre os resultados, obteve-se o modelo de preferência por camisetas para 184 respondentes, observando-se que o tipo predileto é o de marca genérica, que não exibe nenhum signo aparente, com alta qualidade e baixo preço, sendo a qualidade, seguido pela marca e depois o preço, os atributos mais importantes para a preferência por ela. Também, foi possível observar que esses 184 respondentes podem ser reunidos em seis grupos diferentes segundo as suas preferências, sendo que a preferência pelas marcas e a sensibilidade ao preço e qualidade variaram entre eles. Sobre a capacidade da marca em cobrar preços diferenciados, na opinião de toda a amostra válida (248 pessoas), a de fabricante e a social podem aplicar, em média, preços 57% e 25% maiores, respectivamente, em relação à genérica. Já em relação à elasticidade, utilizada como aproximação da medida de fidelidade do consumidor à marca, observou-se que, no caso da necessidade de se comprarem duas camisetas que se diferenciam apenas na cor, os 248 entrevistados revelaram menor elasticidade à marca genérica, seguida pela social e a de fabricante. Todas essas análises foram produzidas, também, segundo o gênero sexual e a preferência declarada pelo tipo de marca de cada participante. Portanto, com os resultados apresentados neste estudo, acredita-se ter contribuído para a geração de um comparativo entre os três tipos de marca avaliados que poderá servir de subsídio na decisão de qual tipo de marca adotar para uma oferta e servir de insumo para futuras pesquisas sobre o tema. / Taken initially as a producer\'s identification device and, in this way, quality warranty, since twentieth century, the brand started to be thought as a powerful sign that represents, implicitly, experiences, values, ideas and even personality for the consumer, adding to its initial functions the ability to influence the perception about an offer and communicate characteristics of those who consume it. With the increasing competition among the companies, a proliferation of brands occurred in order to gain distinction against competitors. This trend was stronger in the consumer goods category, where the buyers reduced significantly the time spent on shopping; so the brand becomes necessary to make the product pop-up to consumers\' eyes in the short time he is looking to the shelf. Thus, many kinds of brands were created, each one with distinct characteristics of its identity and positioning, and different effects on the consumer. In order to increase knowledge about these differences and assist the choosing of the most appropriate brand type for a particular offering, this exploratory study was elaborated to analyze the influence of generic, manufacturer and social brands on the opinion of value and purchasing preference of a product. To achieve this objective, between March and July 2011, were collected from 260 Brazilians over 18 years, opinions and preferences regarding types of shirts and their attributes. In the data analysis, it was used the conjoint and cluster analysis, the t-test and the measurement of price elasticity of demand. Among the results, it was obtained the T-shirts preference model for 184 respondents, observed that the preferred type is the one of generic brand, which shows no apparent sign, with high quality and low price, being quality, followed by brand and then price, the attributes most important to the preference for it. Also, it was possible to observe that these 184 respondents can be divided into six different groups according to their preferences, being that the preference for brand and the price and quality sensitivity varied among the clusters. About the brand\'s ability to charge different prices, in the opinion of all the valid sample (248 people), the manufacturer and social brands may apply, on average, prices 57% and 25% higher, respectively, compared to the generic version. As for elasticity, used as a proxy measure of consumer loyalty to the brand, it was observed that in the case of the need to buy two shirts that differ only in color, the 248 respondents showed lower elasticity to the generic brand, followed by the social and manufacturer types. All these analyses were produced, also, according to sexual gender and the brand type stated preference of each participant. Therefore, with the results presented in this study, it is believed to have contributed to the generation of a comparison among the three brand types assessed, which may help in the decision of which type of brand to choose for an offer and serve as input for future research on the subject.

Macromarketing, marketing social e o processo de marketing em uma organização não governamental: um estudo exploratório / Macromarketing, social marketing and the marketing process in an non-governmental organization: an exploratory study

Jorge, Carlos Rosolen 08 October 2013 (has links)
Um importante fenômeno contemporâneo é a presença cada vez maior de organizações do Terceiro Setor, no qual se inserem diferentes tipos de instituições sem finalidade lucrativa - entidades tradicionais, religiosas e laicas, organizações não governamentais, entidades paraestatais, entidades associativas e entidades de iniciativa empresarial. Os textos de marketing discorrem sobre o ambiente característico dessas organizações, e descrevem o processo gerencial de marketing, particularizando e adaptando às especificidades dessa modalidade de organização conceitos, técnicas e instrumentos de marketing destinados a empresas convencionais. Entretanto, as pesquisas sobre o tema normalmente se circunscrevem a contextos específicos de uma organização em particular e se concentram no nível operacional, sem definir uma linha que aborde de forma integrada as conexões entre esse nível e a dimensão estratégica da organização. Além disso, a literatura sobre o tema não tem incorporado o construto valor como elemento fundamental para o desenvolvimento do processo gerencial de marketing em todas as camadas de decisão. Nesse contexto, o objetivo da dissertação foi discutir e descrever o processo gerencial de marketing de organizações do Terceiro Setor, segundo uma perspectiva de valor. Para atingir o objetivo, o percurso metodológico seguido partiu do delineamento de um marco teórico como base para a elaboração de um esquema de análise do processo gerencial de marketing de uma organização do Terceiro Setor, a partir de sua evolução, sob a perspectiva de algumas escolas do pensamento em marketing, tendo por elemento de referência o conceito de valor em suas múltiplas acepções. Numa segunda etapa, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa empírica, de caráter exploratório e qualitativo, contemplando o processo de marketing de uma organização do Terceiro Setor de causa relacionada. Nesse sentido, uma contribuição do estudo foi o desenho de um esquema analítico integrador, abordando o processo gerencial de marketing gravitando em torno do construto valor. / An important contemporary phenomenon is the increasing presence of Third Sector organizations, which include different types of non-profit institutions - traditional, religious and secular entities, non-governmental organizations, associative entities and corporate initiative entities. Marketing articles discourse on the characteristic environment of those organizations and describe the marketing management process by individualizing and adapting concepts, techniques and marketing tools intended for conventional companies to the specificities of that kind of organization. However, studies on the subject are usually limited to specific contexts in a particular organization and focus on the operational level, without defining a master guideline that address, in an integrated manner, the connections between this level and the strategic dimension of the organization. In addition, the literature on the subject has not included the construct value as a key element for the development of the marketing management process in all levels of decision. In this sense, the purpose of the dissertation was to discuss and describe the marketing management process of Third Sector organizations according to a value perspective. To achieve this goal, the methodological approach chosen first outlined a theoretical framework as a basis for the development of an analytical scheme of the marketing management process of a Third Sector organization, based on its evolution, from the perspective of some schools of thought in marketing, using as a reference element the concept of value in its multiple meanings. On a second phase, the author performed an exploratory and qualitative empirical research, considering the marketing process of a cause-related Third Sector organization. Therefore, one important contribution of the study was the outline of an analytical integrator scheme, covering the marketing management process gravitating around the construct value.

Communication and interactivity in B2B relationships

Unknown Date (has links)
This research explores the impact of interactive communication on business-to business (B2B) relationships. In the past decade the internet and especially social media as a mode of communication has grown rapidly in both consumer and business markets. Drawing on marketing channels and communications literature this paper identifies the dimensions of interactive communication and develops a theoretical framework to examine their impact on satisfaction, commitment, and advocacy. Media synchronicity theory and the concept of the internet as an alternative to the real world are used to distinguish between digital and non-digital modes of communication. Relationship marketing is used to identify the dimensions of interactivity: rationality, social interaction, contact density, and reciprocal feedback. The framework developed is usedto explore the influence of face-to-face (F2F), digital, and traditional, impersonalcommunications on the dimensions of interactivity.Hypotheses linking the mode of communication: personal, digital, and impersonal with the dimensions of interactivity and relational outcomes are empirically examined with data from the commercial printing and graphic design industry. Confirmatory Factor Analysis is used to analyze the measurement and structural model. Personal, F2F communication has the greatest impact on social interaction, reciprocal feedback, and number of contacts. Digital communication has a weaker effect on these dimensions and impersonal communication has the weakest effect. Personal and Digital have equal impacts on rationality and rationality is the only dimension of interactivity positively associated with relationship satisfaction. Contact density has a negative impact on relationship satisfaction and this negative impact is greater with personal communication that it is with digital. The study shows that affective commitment leads to advocacy in a B2B channel, but trust and calculative commitment have no impact on advocacy. The findings of the study have implications for both managers and researchers regarding the mode and content of communications in B2B relationships. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013.

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