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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Two dimensional Maximal Supergravity, Consistent Truncations and Holography

Ortiz, Thomas 07 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
A complete non trivial supersymmetric deformation of the maximal supergravity in two dimensions is achieved by the gauging of a SO(9) group. The resulting theory describes the reduction of type IIA supergravity on an AdS_2 x S^8 background and is of first importance in the Domain-Wall / Quantum Field theory correspondence for the D0-brane case. To prepare the construction of the SO(9) gauged maximal supergravity, we focus on the eleven dimensional supergravity and the maximal supergravity in three dimensions since they give rise to important off-shell inequivalent formulations of the ungauged theory in two dimensions. The embedding tensor formalism is presented, allowing for a general desciption of the gaugings consistent with supersymmetry. The SO(9) supergravity is explicitly constructed and applications are considered. In particular, an embedding of the bosonic sector of the two-dimensional theory into type IIA supergravity is obtained. Hence, the Cartan truncation of the SO(9) supergravity is proved to be consistent. This motivated holographic applications. Therefore, correlation functions for operators in dual Matrix models are derived from the study of gravity side excitations around half BPS backgrounds. These results are fully discussed and outlooks are presented.

Laços de Wilson supersimétricos na correspondência AdS/CFT / Supersymmetric Wilson loops in the AdS/CFT correspondence

Dhyan Victor Hiromitsu Kuraoka 29 May 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é revisar os operadores laços de Wilson no contexto da correspondência AdS/CFT. Estes operadores, presentes em qualquer teoria de calibre, são importantes por nos fornecer um parâmetro de ordem para a transição de fase confinante/desconfinante. Além disso, eles são particularmente importantes no estudo da correspondência AdS/ CFT pois: i) Eles nos dão, em alguns casos, resultados exatos graças ao fato de poderem ser localizados em um modelo de matrizes, desta forma nos permitindo fazer testes altamente não triviais da correspondência; ii) Eles são os objetos da teoria de calibre que são duais as cordas propagando no interior do espaço, nos dando um rico dicionário entre quantidades no interior (AdS) e na borda do espaço (CFT). Depois de revisarmos os laços de Wilson em teorias de calibre e a correspondência Ads/CFT, introduziremos a definição dos laços de Wilson supersimétricos 1/2 BPS. Calcularemos eles para o caso de um acoplamento fraco e para qualquer outro valor da constante de acoplamento usando técnicas de modelos de matrizes. Finalmente, compararemos nossos resultados com computações de superfícies minimais no interior do espaço, encontrando uma concordância perfeita. / The aim of this thesis is to review Wilson loop operators in the contexto f the AdS/CFT correspondence. These operators, wich are present in any gauge theory, are important because they furnish an order parameter for confinement/deconfinement phase transitions. Besides this, they are particularly relevant in the study of the AdS/CFT correspondence because: i) they allow, in some cases, for exact results thanks to localization to matrix models and make it possible to perform highly non-trivial tests of the correspondence; ii) they are the gauge theory objects dual to strings propagating in the bulk of the space and give a rich dictionary between bulk (AdS) and boundary (CFT) quantities. After reviews of Wilson loops in gauge theories and of the Ads/CFT correspondence, we will introduce the definition of 1/2 BPS supersymmetric Wilson loops, we will compute them at weak coupling and then at any order in the coupling constant via matrix model techniques, and finally we will compare our results with minimal surface computations in the bulk, finding perfect agreement.

Two dimensional Maximal Supergravity, Consistent Truncations and Holography / Supergravité maximale bidimensionnelle, troncatures cohérentes et holographie

Ortiz, Thomas 07 July 2014 (has links)
Nous avons réalisé une déformation non-triviale et complète de la théorie de supergravité maximale en dimension deux. Il s'agit de la supergravité maximale avec groupe de jauge SO(9). Cette théorie décrit de manière effective la supergravité de type IIA sur un espace-temps produit AdS_2 x S^8. Elle joue ainsi un rôle important dans la correspondance Gravité / Théorie de Jauge appliquée au cas de la D0-brane. Afin de préparer la construction de la supergravité maximale jaugée SO(9), nous nous intéressons aux supergravités maximales en dimension onze et trois, puisqu'elles donnent lieu à différentes formulations non équivalentes de la théorie bidimensionnelle non jaugée. Le formalisme d' « Embedding tensor » est ensuite présenté. Il permet de déterminer l'ensemble des groupes de jauges compatibles avec la supersymétrie maximale. La supergravité SO(9) est dès lors explicitement construite et ouvre la voie à deux applications importantes. P our commencer, nous avons réalisé l'inclusion d'un sous-secteur bosonique de la théorie SO(9), la troncature de Cartan, dans la supergravité de type IIA à dix dimensions d'espace-temps. Il s'agit d'une inclusion cohérente. Cela a motivé la deuxième application, de nature holographique. Ainsi, à partir du sous-secteur de Cartan de la supergravité SO(9), et en particulier de la découverte d'états fondamentaux de type « half-BPS », nous avons calculé un ensemble de fonctions de corrélation à un et deux points associées à des opérateurs de modèles de matrice duaux. Nous avons conclu en un résumé de nos travaux et en la présentation d'intéressantes perspectives. / A complete non trivial supersymmetric deformation of the maximal supergravity in two dimensions is achieved by the gauging of a SO(9) group. The resulting theory describes the reduction of type IIA supergravity on an AdS_2 x S^8 background and is of first importance in the Domain-Wall / Quantum Field theory correspondence for the D0-brane case. To prepare the construction of the SO(9) gauged maximal supergravity, we focus on the eleven dimensional supergravity and the maximal supergravity in three dimensions since they give rise to important off-shell inequivalent formulations of the ungauged theory in two dimensions. The embedding tensor formalism is presented, allowing for a general desciption of the gaugings consistent with supersymmetry. The SO(9) supergravity is explicitly constructed and applications are considered. In particular, an embedding of the bosonic sector of the two-dimensional theory into type IIA supergravity is obtained. Hence, the Cartan truncation of the SO(9) supergravity is proved to be consistent. This motivated holographic applications. Therefore, correlation functions for operators in dual Matrix models are derived from the study of gravity side excitations around half BPS backgrounds. These results are fully discussed and outlooks are presented.

Teaching Mathematical Modelling to Tomorrow's Mathematicians or, You too can make a million dollars predicting football results

Thomas, Kerry J. 20 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Teaching Mathematical Modelling to Tomorrow''s Mathematicians or, You too can make a million dollars predicting football results

Thomas, Kerry J. 20 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

On the integrable structure of super Yang-Mills scattering amplitudes

Kanning, Nils 15 December 2016 (has links)
Diese Dissertation ist auch unter folgender DOI auffindbar:http://dx.doi.org/10.20386/HUB-43089 / Die maximal supersymmetrische Yang-Mills-Theorie im vierdimensionalen Minkowski-Raum ist ein außergewöhnliches Modell der mathematischen Physik. Dies gilt vor allem im planaren Limes, in dem die Theorie integrabel zu sein scheint. So sind etwa ihre Streuamplituden auf Baumgraphenniveau Invarianten einer Yangschen Algebra, die die superkonforme Algebra psu(2,2|4) beinhaltet. Diese unendlichdimmensionale Symmetrie ist ein Kennzeichen für Integrabilität. In dieser Dissertation untersuchen wir Verbindungen zwischen solchen Amplituden und integrablen Modellen, um Grundlagen für eine effiziente, auf der Integrabilität basierende Berechnung von Amplituden zu legen. Dazu charakterisieren wir Yangsche Invarianten innerhalb der Quanten-Inverse-Streumethode, die Werkzeuge zur Behandlung integrabler Spinketten bereitstellt. In diesem Rahmen entwickeln wir Methoden zur Konstruktion Yangscher Invarianten. Wir zeigen, dass der algebraische Bethe-Ansatz für die Erzeugung von Yangschen Invarianten für u(2) anwendbar ist. Die zugehörigen Bethe-Gleichungen lassen sich leicht lösen. Unser Zugang erlaubt es zudem diese Invarianten als Zustandssummen von Vertexmodellen zu interpretieren. Außerdem führen wir ein unitäres Graßmannsches Matrixmodell zur Berechnung Yangscher Invarianten mit Oszillatordarstellungen von u(p,q|m) ein. In einem Spezialfall reduziert es sich zu dem Brezin-Gross-Witten-Model. Wir wenden eine auf Bargmann zurückgehende Integraltransformation auf unser Matrixmodell an, welche die Oszillatoren in Spinor-Helizitäts-artige Variablen überführt. Dadurch gelangen wir zu einer Weiterentwicklung der Graßmann-Integralformulierung bestimmter Amplituden. Die maßgeblichen Unterschiede sind, dass wir in der Minkowski-Signatur arbeiten und die Integrationskontur auf die unitäre Gruppenmannigfaltigkeit festgelegt ist. Wir vergleichen durch unser Integral gegebene Yangsche Invarianten mit Amplituden und kürzlich eingeführten Deformationen derselben. / The maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in four-dimensional Minkowski space is an exceptional model of mathematical physics. Even more so in the planar limit, where the theory is believed to be integrable. In particular, the tree-level scattering amplitudes were shown to be invariant under the Yangian of the superconformal algebra psu(2,2|4). This infinite-dimensional symmetry is a hallmark of integrability. In this dissertation we explore connections between these amplitudes and integrable models. Our aim is to lay foundations for an efficient integrability-based computation of amplitudes. To this end, we characterize Yangian invariants within the quantum inverse scattering method, which is an extensive toolbox for integrable spin chains. Making use of this setup, we develop methods for the construction of Yangian invariants. We show that the algebraic Bethe ansatz can be specialized to yield Yangian invariants for u(2). Our approach also allows to interpret these Yangian invariants as partition functions of vertex models. What is more, we establish a unitary Graßmannian matrix model for the construction of u(p,q|m) Yangian invariants with oscillator representations. In a special case our formula reduces to the Brezin-Gross-Witten model. We apply an integral transformation due to Bargmann to our unitary Graßmannian matrix model, which turns the oscillators into spinor helicity-like variables. Thereby we are led to a refined version of the Graßmannian integral formula for certain amplitudes. The most decisive differences are that we work in Minkowski signature and that the integration contour is fixed to be a unitary group manifold. We compare Yangian invariants defined by our integral to amplitudes and recently introduced deformations thereof.

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