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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Méthodes Galerkine discontinues localement implicites en domaine temporel pour la propagation des ondes électromagnétiques dans les tissus biologiques

Moya, Ludovic 16 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse traite des équations de Maxwell en domaine temporel. Le principal objectif est de proposer des méthodes de type éléments finis d'ordre élevé pour les équations de Maxwell et des schémas d'intégration en temps efficaces sur des maillages localement raffinés. Nous considérons des méthodes GDDT (Galerkine Discontinues en Domaine Temporel) s'appuyant sur une interpolation polynomiale d'ordre arbitrairement élevé des composantes du champ électromagnétique. Les méthodes GDDT pour les équations de Maxwell s'appuient le plus souvent sur des schémas d'intégration en temps explicites dont la condition de stabilité peut être très restrictive pour des maillages raffinés. Pour surmonter cette limitation, nous considérons des schémas en temps qui consistent à appliquer un schéma implicite localement, dans les régions raffinées, tout en préservant un schéma explicite sur le reste du maillage. Nous présentons une étude théorique complète et une comparaison de deux méthodes GDDT localement implicites. Des expériences numériques en 2D et 3D illustrent l'utilité des schémas proposés. Le traitement numérique de milieux de propagation complexes est également l'un des objectifs. Nous considérons l'interaction des ondes électromagnétiques avec les tissus biologiques qui est au cœur de nombreuses applications dans le domaine biomédical. La modélisation numérique nécessite alors de résoudre le système de Maxwell avec des modèles appropriés de dispersion. Nous formulons une méthode GDDT localement implicite pour le modèle de Debye et proposons une analyse théorique et numérique complète du schéma.

Investigating the properties of Planck's radiation law through theoretical and numerical studies

Graf Brolund, Alice, Persson, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
A black body is an ideal object that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation and simultaneously emits radiation that only depends on the temperature. The radiation is described by Planck's radiation law and its maximum by Wien's displacement law. The aim of this project is to study Planck's and Wien's laws in the frequency and wavelength domains, by theoretical studies and numerical studies in the programming language Python. Planck's law can be derived by regarding a cavity where the internal radiation either can be regarded as waves or as a gas of photons. In this study, the main focus lies in the derivation assuming radiation can be treated as waves, which uses the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. This derivation is also used when the radiation is simulated numerically in Python. The numerical studies use the stochastic method "hit and miss" to generate the different properties of the emitted radiation. Planck's law occurs in many different forms, the differences between some of them is explained in this project. When transforming between the domains one must use a Jacobian. If this is forgotten Wien's law, which is derived from Planck’s law, efficiently shows how the peaks of the correct and the transformed curves are at different positions. The results show that Planck's law accurately can be derived numerically. Even though the chosen method successfully reproduces the Planck distribution the program can be improved by using the inverse transform method for sampling. To study this subject further one could consider deriving and simulating the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. / En svart kropp är intressant att undersöka på grund av dess unika förmåga att absorbera och emittera elektromagnetisk strålning. Dessvärre kan den svarta kroppen vara svår att föreställa sig. Det vedertagna knepet för att illustrera detta fenomen är att tänka sig en låda inuti vilken det finns fotoner, och därmed energi. Fotoner kan som bekant betraktas som vågor likväl som partiklar och turligt nog spelar det ingen roll vilket sätt man väljer, svartkroppsstrålningen kan studeras ur båda dessa infallsvinklar. Tänker man sig också att det finns ett mycket litet hål i lådans vägg är det lätt att inse att fotonerna kommer att lämna lådan ur detsamma. Det är denna strålning som är svartkroppsstrålning. Svartkroppsstrålningen är fördelad enligt Plancks strålningslag som vanligtvis härleds med hjälp av teorin kring statistisk fysik som appliceras på den tänkta lådan. Detta görs även i denna studie, såväl som en numerisk simulering i programmeringsspråket Python. Ett program för studier av svartkroppsstrålning, vars främsta syfte är att simulera denna med utgångspunkt i samma låda, har skapats och förväntas kunna hjälpa den intresserade att skaffa sig förståelse för egenskaperna hos Plancks lag. För detta program används med framgång den stokastiska metoden "hit and miss" som tillåter användaren att sampla slumptal från en given fördelning. Utöver Plancks lag studeras också Wiens lag. Wiens lag beskriver vid vilken frekvens strålningen kommer att ha sitt maximum och härleds ur Plancks lag. Plancks lag förekommer i många olika former vilka beskriver olika fysikaliska storheter. I denna studie utreds dessa. Att transformera mellan de olika formerna av lagen är inte så simpelt som man kan luras att tro, utan kräver viss matematisk eftertanke. Det visar sig vara avgörande att använda en mycket viktig transformationsfaktor kallad Jacobian. Detta ger såklart också konsekvenser för Wiens lag som kommer att se olika ut beroende på vilken form av Plancks lag den härleds ur.

Nonlinear reactive processes in constrained media

Bullara, Domenico 27 March 2015 (has links)
In this thesis we show how reactive processes can be affected by the presence of different types of spatial constraints, so much so that their nonlinear dynamics can be qualitatively altered or that new and unexpected behaviors can be produced. To understand how this interplay can occur in general terms, we theoretically investigate four very different examples of this situation. <p><p>The first system we study is a reversible trimolecular chemical reaction which is taking place in closed one-dimensional lattices. We show that the low dimensionality may or may not prevent the reaction from reaching its equilibrium state, depending on the microscopic properties of the molecular reactive mechanism. <p><p>The second reactive process we consider is a network of biological interactions between pigment cells on the skin of zebrafish. We show that the combination of short-range and long-range contact-mediated feedbacks can promote a Turing instability which gives rise to stationary patterns in space with intrinsic wavelength, without the need of any kind of motion.<p><p>Then we investigate the behavior of a typical chemical oscillator (the Brusselator) when it is constrained in a finite space. We show that molecular crowding can in such cases promote new nonlinear dynamical behaviors, affect the usual ones or even destroy them. <p><p>Finally we look at the situation where the constraint is given by the presence of a solid porous matrix that can react with a perfect gas in an exothermic way. We show on one hand that the interplay between reaction, heat flux and mass transport can give rise to the propagation of adsorption waves, and on the other hand that the coupling between the chemical reaction and the changes in the structural properties of the matrix can produce sustained chemomechanical oscillations. <p><p>These results show that spatial constraints can affect the kinetics of reactions, and are able to produce otherwise absent nonlinear dynamical behaviors. As a consequence of this, the usual understanding of the nonlinear dynamics of reactive systems can be put into question or even disproved. In order to have a better understanding of these systems we must acknowledge that mechanical and structural feedbacks can be important components of many reactive systems, and that they can be the very source of complex and fascinating phenomena.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Simulation de la propagation d'ondes électromagnétiques en nano-optique par une méthode Galerkine discontinue d'ordre élevé / Simulation of electromagnetic waves propagation in nano-optics with a high-order discontinuous Galerkin time-domain method

Viquerat, Jonathan 10 December 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer une méthode Galerkine discontinue d’ordre élevé capable de prendre en considération des simulations réalistes liées à la nanophotonique. Au cours des dernières décennies, l’évolution des techniques de lithographie a permis la création de structure géométriques de tailles nanométriques, révélant ainsi une large gamme de phénomènes nouveaux nés de l’interaction lumière-matière à ces échelles. Ces effets apparaissent généralement pour des objets de taille égale ou (très) inférieure à la longueur d’onde du champ incident. Ce travail repose sur le développement et l’implémentation de modèles de dispersion appropriés (principalement pour les métaux), ainsi que sur un large éventail de méthodes computationnelles classiques. Deux développements méthodologiques majeurs sont présentés et étudiés en détails: (i) les éléments courbes, et (ii) l’ordre d’approximation local. Ces études sont accompagnées de plusieurs cas-tests réalistes tirés de la nanophotonique. / The goal of this thesis is to develop a discontinuous Galerkin time-domain method to be able to handle realistic nanophotonics computations. During the last decades, the evolution of lithography techniques allowed the creation of geometrical structures at the nanometer scale, thus unveiling a variety of new phenomena arising from light-matter interactions at such levels. These effects usually occur when the device is of comparable size or (much) smaller than the wavelength of the incident field. This work relies on the development and implementation of appropriate models for dispersive materials (mostly metals), as well as on a large panel of classical computational techniques. Two major methodological developments are presented and studied in details: (i) curvilinear elements, and (ii) local order of approximation. This work is complemented with several physical studies of real-life nanophotonics applications.

Modélisation numérique du chauffage par induction de pièces à géométrie complexe / Numerical modelling of induction heating for complex geometrical parts

Klonk, Steffen 16 December 2013 (has links)
Le chauffage par induction électromagnétique est un procédé efficace permettant de chauffer directement une zone d'épaisseur contrôlée sous la surface de pièces métalliques en vue de les tremper. Cette thèse présente un modèle mathématique couplé électromagnétique/thermique et des approches numériques pour modéliser le procédé. Le modèle électromagnétique est basé sur une formulation en potentiel vecteur magnétique. Les courants de source sont imposés à l'aide d'une formulation en potentiel scalaire électrique permettant de modéliser des inducteurs de forme géométrique arbitraire. Le problème du transfert de chaleur est modélisé à l'aide de l'équation classique de diffusion de la chaleur. Le modèle électromagnétique est entièrement transitoire, afin de permettre l'introduction des effets non linéaires. La discrétisation spatiale est basée sur une approche éléments d'arêtes en utilisant un domaine global air/pièce/inducteur. Le système linéaire d'équations issu de la formulation implicite est creux et défini semi-positif ; il possède un noyau de taille importante. Il est démontré qu'un préconditionneur basé sur une méthode multigrille algébrique construit conjointement avec un solveur du type Krylov réduit substantiellement le temps de calcul du problème électromagnétique par rapport aux méthodes classiques de solution et peut être très efficace pour le calcul parallèle. Des exemples d'application pour le traitement thermique d'un pignon et pour un vilebrequin automobile sont présentés. Le traitement thermique des surfaces des pièces aux géométries complexes nécessite l'introduction d'un mouvement relatif de la pièce et de l'inducteur pour assurer un traitement homogène de la surface. Une nouvelle méthode est proposée, basée sur une représentation discrète d'une fonction level set du mouvement de l'inducteur qui peut être utilisée pour générer des maillages éléments finis conformes dans le cadre d'une configuration lagrangienne. / Electromagnetic induction heating is an efficient process allowing to directly heat up a prescribed area beneath the surface of metallic workpieces to enable quenching. This work presents a mathematical model for the coupled electromagnetic/heat transfer process as well as numerical solution methods. The electromagnetic model is based on a magnetic vector potential formulation. The source currents are prescribed using a voltage potential formulation enabling the modelling of arbitrary inductor geometries. The heat transfer problem is modelled using the classical heat diffusion equation. The electromagnetic model is fully transient, in order to allow the introduction of non-linear effects. The space discretisation is based on an edge finite element approach using a global domain including air, workpiece and inductor. The resulting linear system of equations of the implicit formulation is sparse and semi-definite, including a large kernel. It is demonstrated that a preconditioner based on the auxiliary space algebraic multigrid method in connection with a Krylov solver substantially reduces the solution time of the electromagnetic problem in comparison to classical solution methods and can be effectively applied in parallel. Applications for the heat treatment of a gearwheel and for an automotive crankshaft are presented. The surface heat treatment of complex geometrical parts requires the introduction of a relative movement of workpiece and inductor to ensure a homogeneous surface treatment. A novel method is proposed, which is based on a discrete level set representation of the inductor motion that can be used to generate conforming finite element meshes in a Lagrangian setting.

Generalized Abelian Gauge Theory &amp; Generalized Global Symmetry

Hössjer, Emil January 2020 (has links)
We study Cheeger-Simons differential characters in order to define higher form U(1) gauge fields and their Wilson lines. We then go on to define generalized global symmetries. This is a topological formulation of symmetries which has interesting consequences when the charged operators extend through space. Our main source of such charged operators are the generalized Wilson lines. A higher form Noether theorem and a Ward identity are given for transformations of Wilson lines. As examples of quantum field theories with generalized symmetries we cover Sigma models, Maxwell theory and BF-theory. These are examples of Z, U(1) and Zn symmetries respectively. Finally we discuss spontaneous symmetry breaking for higher dimensional symmetries and a Goldstone theorem is provided. These massless Goldstone bosons are shown to have internal structure corresponding to non-zero spin. The photon is identified as the spin one Goldstone boson in QED. Our review of generalized symmetries is more formal than the ones in other papers. This makes various points explicit and leads to general selection rules. Many results of previous papers are reproduced in detail.

Kyvadlo nejen z pohledu střední školy / Pendulum not only from the high school point of view

Chamrová, Martina January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the history and usage of pendulums with focus on the development of measurement of time and gravitational acceleration. The second chapter deals with the concept of pendulum from a theoretical perspective at all levels of the Czech educational system, including a research in textbooks, collection of questions and problems, and scientific articles. In the third chapter, the results of the research of sources of inspiration for simple real- life experiments, applets and simulations, and laboratory work are presented. The fourth chapter is focused on the theoretical background of the four selected models of pendulums, and the last chapter is devoted to simple experiments with these selected models. For each experiment, a videorecording is available on the enclosed DVD. This thesis is suitable for all physics teachers, as well as for students of teaching physics. However, it may also serve as a motivation for students in optional courses of high school physics. 1

Alternativní zdroj elektrické energie na železniční trati / Energy harvesting generator for train track side

Pribulla, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Cieľom tejto práce bolo navrhnúť alternatívny zdroj energie pre riadiacu jednotku, ktorú obsahujú komponenty traťového zabezpečovacieho zariadenia v rámci európskeho systému riadenia železničnej dopravy. V porovnaní s predchádzajúcimi harvestormi bola vďaka použitiu lineárneho elektrického generátora eliminovaná mechanická väzba, ako napr. prevodovka. To by malo zvýšiť životnosť a spoľahlivosť zariadenia. S pomocou analógie magnetických obvodov a softvéru využívajúceho metódu konečných prvkov FEMM a Ansys Maxwell, boli navrhnuté tri rôzne synchrónne generátory s permanentnými magnetmi. Simulácia v prostredí Matlab Simulink dokázala, že výsledný návrh generátora je schopný dodávať priemerný výkon 5 W počas prechodu vlaku zo stlačenia pražca väčšieho ako 2 mm.

Řešení rozložení magnetického pole ve stejnosměrném stroji / Solution magnetic field distribution in DC machine

Hájek, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with distribution of magnetic fields in the DC machine. Part of this thesis is the introduction of DC machines, principles of operation and distribution of DC machines. There is also discussed electrically commutated motors. The thesis demonstrates the types of permanent magnets and their properties. Then there is an analysis of the magnetic field electrically commutated motor Atas Nachod in the Ansoft Maxwell. Using Ansoft Simplorer, switching is carried out of the engine. Another part of this work is the analysisthe magnetic field electrically commutated motor Atas Nachod for three types of slot of the stator of the engine. Here it is seen what impact the change has slot on the distribution of magnetic field in the EC motor. Finally, training is carried out measurements of electrically commutated motor BOYANG BY92BL48-4000-2200.

Modelování provozních stavů a využitelnost elektrického generátoru navrženého pro spinningové kolo. / Design, simulation and usability of the electric machine designed for the spinning bicycle

Sádlík, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis provides complete design of generator into a spinning bike. The issue of current development is solved and the analytical design of the generator is made. The software Maxwell is being used for the analysis and optimization. On the basis of the obtained results is designed a model and a design drawing of the generator. The end of the thesis deals with the issue of connecting the generator to the mains supply and price calculation of the investment return.

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