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”Tänd ett ljus…” : Klientens upplevelse av Marte meo behandling.Helander, Monica, Hellström, Cecilia January 2008 (has links)
The purpose with this study was to investigate the client’s experience of Marte meo treatment and the procedure in the treatment from a responses and relational perspective, since the treatment occur within the social service frame. The theoretical framework consists of some central concepts. The concepts are experience of treatment, responses and relational perspective. The analysis of the empirical material has been carried out with the help of the concepts and earlier research. The method consisted of qualitative, semi-structured interviews with six informants. The aim was to get the informants to talk exhaustive and use their own words. We have divided the informants into two groups, those who are still in treatment and those who have completed treatment. In the analysis we have compared the two groups’ results. Our conclusion is that the informants in the both groups do not differ to any greater extent. The informants experience the Marte meo treatment as positive and they consider the response from the therapist as professional. A key aspect for the clients, to get positive results in the treatment, is the response from the therapist. The informants’ experience of the Marte meo treatment is that it is concrete and the pictures makes a deep impression. The things that separate the groups from each other are predominantly that the informants that have completed their treatment have a deeper understanding of the treatment.
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Adaptive Antenna Arrays for Satellite Mobile Communication SystemsBeyene, Dereje, Degefa, Befkadu January 2010 (has links)
Adaptive antenna arrays have a great importance in reduction of the effect of interference and increase the capacity for the mobile satellite communication. Interference and multipath fading remain a main problem for reception of signals. These two problems obviously affect the overall capacity. Adaptive antenna arrays in the handheld mobile apparatus will be the solution for the above two problems. Satellite mobile communication is one of the growing fields in the communication area where terrestrial infrastructures are unable or ineffective to supply. Maritime, aeronautical and land mobile are some of the applications. During natural disasters where ground services are stopped, mobile satellite communications has great importance. Following the hurricane season, the Asian Tsunami and the devastating Haiti earthquake, mobile satellite communications had played a great role to fill the communication gaps. The satellites can be tracked automatically by adaptive antenna array when it moves in its orbital plane. In this thesis the methods that how the adaptive antenna array combats interferers is presented and simulated using MATLAB software. The performance of the adaptive antenna array is evaluated by simulating the directivity pattern of the antenna and Mean Square Error (MSE) graph for different scenario like Signal to Interference Noise ratio (SINR), number of iterations, antenna array elements and convergence factor (μ), assuming the signals are coming from different Direction of Arrival (DOA).
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Construction & Evaluation of a Reporter Gene Displaying Aldehydes on the Cell SurfaceWong, Christine 14 October 2020 (has links)
Reporter genes are often used to observe expression of promoters, which may change from its natural behaviour as a result of stress or disease states. Reporter genes are useful because they are easily detectable by a variety of imaging methods, including fluorescence microscopy techniques, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography. Previously, methyl 5-MeO-N-aminoanthranilate (MMNA) had been synthesized as an
aldehyde-conditional fluorophore and was tested in physiological conditions to identify the Aldehydic Load of cells. Thus, it was hypothesized that a reporter protein displaying an aldehyde on the cell surface can be identified by MMNA. This reporter protein would contain a substrate recognition site for formylglycine generating enzyme (FGE) that converts a specific cysteine residue into a formylglycine residue. This will result in production of an aldehyde at the
N-terminal of the transmembrane domain of platelet derived growth factor receptor . In this way, the protein product, Aldehyde-presenting FGE-dependent Readout (Alfred), would display an aldehyde on the extracellular surface of the cell. Alfred was expressed in A549 human lung cancer cells using the Tet-On® Inducible System, which allows expression of a gene of interest by use of doxycyclin (dox) as a chemical trigger. Microscopy of Alfred-transfected cells, induced by dox and probed with MMNA, showed no difference in fluorescence between
non-transfected and Alfred-transfected cells. The overexpression of FGE to increase
thiol-to-aldehyde conversion, and the imaging of cells at longer timepoints (48 and 72 hours) to allow localization of the protein to the cell surface, were attempted. In addition, Alfred was constitutively expressed in another transfection experiment in efforts to increase gene expression. However, these efforts to evaluate Alfred did not improve the microscopy results. Western blotting confirmed FGE overexpression in transgenic cells. Blotting against the Myc-tag in Alfred showed no detected proteins in Alfred-transfected cells. In conjunction with the microscopy images, these results suggest that Alfred is not expressed and cannot be detected as a reporter gene. Comparison to previous works allows the identification of potential approaches to improve Alfred functionality, including the absence of the hemagglutinin epitope, the choice of aldehyde probe used, the choice of cell line used, and the method of analyzing microscopy. Future directives are postulated to identify sources that hinder Alfred expression, and to improve visualization of Alfred over homeostatic aldehydes.
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Marte meo i daglig verksamhet - En studie i hur Marte meo tillämpas inom daglig verksamhetGreen, Filip January 2014 (has links)
This report is the result of several interviews of employees within the field of pedagogy. The background behind this report is my period as a trainee in one of the daily activities in Malmo. In daily activities the employers gets training, education and guidance in Marte meo, which is funded by public finances. The method, which this study focuses upon is called Marte meo. It is a method of communicating and developing the means for the participants to evolve their skills in communicating and increase self esteem. In my time as a trainee I noticed that there was no follow up and no feedback to the educators. Nobody knew if the method was, in any way practiced. This study confirms that it in fact is practiced, but in several different ways, which leads to the conclusion that the qualities in the method is many and different from each other . The focus of this report lies completely on the employers in the daily activities. They have been given the opportunity to freely describe in detail how Marte meo is practiced, the pro's and con's of Marte meo and in which way the relations with the participants effect the professional pedagogy.
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Från vilsenhet och frustration till kontakt och ökat hopp : en modell för stöd till föräldrar till barn med samspels- och kommunikationssvårigheter / From disorientation and frustration to contact and increased hope : A model for support to parents of children with interaction and communication difficultiesHjortgren, Katarina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka erfarenheterna, hos föräldrar till barn med diagnos inom autismspektrum, av att delta i föräldrastödsmodellen Samspel i fokus, personalens erfarenheter av arbetet samt om och i vilken utsträckning det finns en överensstämmelse mellan föräldrarnas och personalens erfarenheter. En kvalitativ retrospektiv ansats har använts där åtta föräldrar till fem barn intervjuats tre till fyra år efter att de deltog. Intervjuer genomfördes även med samtliga tre personer som arbetar i verksamheten. Uppföljande filmade samspelssituationer mellan föräldrar och barn samt en träff för återföring genomfördes av personalen efter att föräldrarna intervjuats. Personalens erfarenheter av de uppföljande filminterventionerna undersöktes via gruppsamtal och föräldrarnas via telefonsamtal. Resultatet visar att föräldrarna upplevt att deltagande i Samspel i fokus bidragit till att de fått ökad förståelse för hur de kan bidra till barnets samspelsutveckling och några av dem menar att det inneburit ett genombrott i möjligheten till kontakt med barnet. Föräldrarnas erfarenheter av deltagande visar att de upplevt att personalen bidragit till att synliggöra barnets utvecklingspotential där möjligheten till ögonkontakt framstår som särskilt betydelsefullt. I föräldrarnas berättelser framkommer vidare att de upplevt att personalen förmedlat en tilltro till deras förmåga som samspelstödjare, vilket de även fått bekräftelse på via bilden som verktyg. Resultatet av intervjuerna med personalen visar en tydlig teoretisk medvetenhet och samsyn gällande föräldrastödsmodellens innehåll, vilken överensstämmer med hur föräldrarna beskriver sina erfarenheter av deltagande. De uppföljande filminterventionerna visar enligt personalen, förutom betydande framsteg hos barnen avseende deras samspelförmåga, att föräldrarna tydligt tagit till sig bärande idéer som de arbetat med under tiden i Samspel i fokus. Slutligen framkommer att föräldrarna upplevt den uppföljande filminterventionen som värdefull, genom att den på ett konkret sätt visat hur de kan hjälpa barnet vidare i sin utveckling samt att de fått bekräftelse på sin föräldraförmåga. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the parents of children with autism spectrum disorder experience of participating in the parent support model Interaction in focus and the staff´s experience working with children and parents. The purpose was also to investigate whether and to what extent there is a consensus between parent´s and staff's perception of the content. Through a qualitative retrospective design, eight parents of five children were interviewed, three to four years after they participated in the intervention. Interviews were also conducted with all three working in the team. A follow-up film intervention, of interaction situations between parents and children, was carried out by staff after the parents were interviewed. Staff's experiences of the follow-up film interventions were investigated through group interviews and parents through telephone interviews. The result shows that the parents felt that participation in the support model, Interaction in focus, contributed to greater understanding of how they can support the child's interaction development and some of them experienced that it was a breakthrough in the possibility of contact with the child. Parents' experiences of participation, shows that they felt that the staff helped to make visible the child's development where the possibility of eye contact, are particularly important. In parents' stories reveals further that they felt that the staff conveyed a belief in their ability to support the child´s interaction development, which they also received confirmation via the visual image as a tool. The result of the interviews with the staff shows a clear theoretical consciousness and consensus regarding the intervention content which is consistent with how parents describe their experiences of participation. The follow-up films shows, according to the staff, in addition to significant progress in the children regarding their interaction skills, the parents clearly embraced the fundamental ideas as they worked on during Interaction in focus. Finally, it appears that parents experienced the follow-up film intervention as valuable, though it in a concrete way gave keys how to help the child progress in their development, and that they received confirmation of their parenting skills.
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Egenskap och precision av GNSS BeiDou, Navstar (GPS), GLONASS samt kombinationen av GPS/GLONASSMahdere, Yafet January 2021 (has links)
Eftersom att både GNSS GPS och GLONASS har många likheter så finns möjlighet att utnyttja systemen i kombination. Dock föreligger olikheter vilket gör att systemen inte är fullkomlig kompatibla med varandra. Diskrepans i koordinater och tidsram utgör ett stort hinder för att kombinera dessa system. Men lösningar för koordinatstransformering har tagits fram för att eliminera dessa divergenser (Roßbach, 2001) BeiDou GNSS system till skillnad från GNSS GPS/GLONASS är ett av det senaste etablerade navigationssystem, vilket ställer frågor för användare om systemets kvalitéer och brister. Denna studie behandlar väldigt översiktligt om hur BeiDou systemet tillkom och bakgrunden, karaktärer samt ambitionen som är framlagt för systemet. BeiDou som ursprungligen kallades för COMPASS hade inte samma ändamål som GLONASS och GPS att tillfredsställa sina användare med globalt navigationssystem, intentionen med systemet var mestadels för positioneringssystem som skulle användas regionalt och för militära ändamål, men med tiden ökade ambitionen hos tillverkaren och en ny plan alstrades. planen var att satsa på att bli en av världsledande positionering och navigationssystem, och det skulle etableras och utnyttjas världen över. GLONASS och NAVSTARs GPS vilka är stora konkurrenter av produktutveckling inom rymd teknologi, har framställt världens mest noggranna och effektiva satellitsystemen. Även om ändamålen för dessa systemen hade sin utgångspunkt för applikation inom det militära avseende, har de gjort tillgängliga för diverse civil användning. GNSS GPS/GLONASS kan i vissa fall visa brister på uppkopplingshastighet men också mätningsprecision vid användning på egen hand, detta p.g.a. att antalet synliga och uppnåbara satelliter är begränsande. Detta har gett upphov till vidare studier inom systemens karaktärer samt implementering av kombination GNSS GPS/GLONASS. Emedan både systemen tillsammans består av 48 satelliter, att hitta tillfredställande antal satelliter under alla omständigheter underlättas. Systemen innehöll implikationer i sina grundinställningar som försvårar tillämpning av dessa i kombination. Satelliterna skickar information om sina positioner på två olika metoder, PZ-90 för GLONASS och WGS-84 för GPS. Metoderna är väldigt lika varandra med skiljer sig någorlunda i sättet de utför sina beräkningar. Denna skiljaktighet skapades då systemen ej hade som avsikt att samarbeta och eventuellt integrera med varandra vilket gjorde att utvecklingen av båda GNSS gick isär. Detta innebär att transformation av satellitinformation är nödvändigt för att uppnå tillförlitliga lösningar, då GNSS ska sammanställas och användas integrerat.
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Charge Separation in Nano-diamonds: DFT StudyPanta, Uday 12 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 26-29, 1998 / Town & Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / Universal acceptance of the Windows NT operating system has made utilization of the personal computer (PC) platform for critical space operations a reality. The software attributes of the operating system allow PC products to attain the reliability necessary for secure control of on-orbit assets. Not only is the software more reliable, it supports better networking interfaces at higher speeds. The software upgrades that the Microsoft Corporation generates on a regular basis allow PCs to offer capabilities previously available only with UNIX-based solutions. As technology matures, PCs will operate faster, offer more graphical user interfaces, and give customers a lower cost versus performance choice. These reasons, and others to be discussed further, clearly demonstrate that PCs will soon take their place at the forefront of mission-critical ground station applications.
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Synthesis of organobromines as a tool for their characterisation and environmental occurrence assessmentRydén, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been intensively used as flame retardants (FRs) and have become ubiquitous environmental pollutants. PBDEs form hydroxylated PBDEs (OH-PBDEs) as metabolites. Further, some OH-PBDEs and methoxy-PBDEs (MeO-PBDEs) are natural products. These are all compounds of environmental and health concern and it is therefore important to confirm their identity and to assess their environmental levels and toxicities. Hence, it is vital to obtain authentic reference standards of individual PBDEs and OH/MeO-PBDEs. The thesis main aim was to develop synthesis methods of congener specific PBDEs, OH- and MeO-PBDEs. The second aim was to identify and quantify PBDEs, OH- and MeO-PBDEs in environmental samples. The third was to propose an abbreviation system for FRs. O-Arylation of brominated phenols, using either symmetrical or unsymmetrical brominated diphenyliodonium salts, was selected for synthesis of PBDEs and OH-/MeO-PBDEs. A total of 16 MeO-PBDEs, 11 OH-PBDEs, 1 diMeO-PBDE and 1 EtO-MeO-PBDE were synthesised. Three novel unsymmetrical diaryliodonium triflates were synthesised and used in synthesis. Optimisations were made to construct a reliable general method for congener specific PBDE synthesis, which was used in the synthesis of 8 representative PBDE congeners. The products were generally characterised by electron ionisation mass spectrometry (EIMS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Identification of PBDEs and OH-PBDEs in various matrixes was based on gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric analyses. Fourteen OH-PBDE congeners were identified in a pooled human blood sample. One previously uncharacterised natural PBDE analogue was identified as 6-OH-6’-MeO-BDE-194, and quantified in Swedish blue mussels. PBDE congeners and other BFRs were identified and quantified in workers and dust from a smelter in Sweden. A structured and practical abbreviation system was developed for halogen- and phosphorus containing FRs. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Submitted. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Environmentally relevant chemical disruptors of oxidative phosphorylation in Baltic Sea biota : Exposure and toxic potentialsDahlberg, Anna-Karin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on toxicity and occurrence of hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (OH-PBDEs) in Baltic Sea biota. The aims were to assess OH-PBDEs potency for disruption of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and determine their and related compounds exposure in Baltic blue mussel, herring and long-tailed duck. A method for analysis of OH-PBDEs in herring and long-tailed duck plasma was also evaluated. Relevant OH-PBDEs were tested in vitro for OXPHOS disruption, using a classic rat mitochondrial respiration assay and a cell mitochondrial membrane potential assay. All compounds were found to disrupt OXPHOS either by protonophoric uncoupling and/or via inhibition of the electron transport chain. 6-OH-BDE47 and 6-OH-BDE85, were identified as particularly potent OXPHOS disruptors. Strong synergism was observed when OH-PBDEs were tested as a mixture corresponding to what is present in Baltic blue mussels. Baltic blue mussel is main feed for several species of mussel feeding sea ducks which have decreased dramatically in numbers. To assess long-tailed ducks exposure to brominated substances, liver tissue from long-tailed ducks wintering in the Baltic Sea and blue mussels were analysed. The result confirms that long-tailed duck are exposed to OH-PBDEs via their diet. However, low concentrations were found in the duck livers, which suggest low retention of these compounds despite daily intake. How the nutritional value of blue mussels as feed for sea ducks are affected by OH-PBDE exposure still needs further studies. Other species of sea ducks foraging on Baltic blue mussels during summer months can also be more exposed due to seasonal variation in primary production. Herring sampled in the Baltic Proper and Bothnian Sea, were found to contain OH-PBDEs and high levels of their methylated counterpart, MeO-PBDEs. As demethylation of MeO-PBDEs is known to occur in fish, MeO-PBDEs may pose as additional source for more toxic OH-PBDEs in herring and their roe. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>
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