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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specifické činnosti zdravotnického operačního střediska zdravotnické záchranné služby při řešení mimořádné události / Specific tasks of Emergency Medical Dispatch centre when dealing with mass casualty.

VODEHNALOVÁ, Ivana January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to analyze processes of the Emergency Medical Dispatch Center of the Emergency Medical Service of the Pilsen Region (ZOS ZZS Pk) when dealing with a mass casualty incident. The theoretical part of the thesis provides basic information relevant to the Pilsen Region, the Emergency Medical Service of the Pilsen Region, basic information on operations and general work processes of an emergency medical dispatch center during a normal work regime, and specific activities performed when dealing with a mass casualty incident. The research part of this thesis analyses activities and processes of an emergency medical dispatch center as described in the Mutual Mission Types Manual for Integrated Rescue System forces while at a mutual incident - Activities of Integrated Rescue System Forces at a Mass Casualty Incident (STČ 09/IZS). Further on the thesis evaluates activities of the ZOS ZZS Pk taken while dealing with two mass casualty incidents. These were a bus accident nearby Rokycany town in 2013 and a two trains collision nearby Horažďovice town in 2015. In order to make the analysis of readiness of the ZOS ZZS Pk to deal with mass casualty incidents more complex, SWOT analysis was added to the results. Based on the results of the STČ 09/IZS-manual analysis and of the SWOT analysis, suggestions for new manuals were made, that should make all the actions taken by employees of the ZOS ZZS Pk while dealing with a mass casualty incident more efficient and more effective. The goal of this thesis: to analyze activities of the ZOS ZZS Pk while dealing with a mass casualty incident, and to create suggestions of which inadequacies to remove and how to make operations of the ZOS ZZS Pk more efficient and more effective when dealing with mass casualty incidents; has therefore been fulfilled. The main outcome of the thesis are the final recommendations for making operations of the ZOS ZZS Pk more efficient and more effective when dealing with a mass casualty incident.

Motivace výběru povolání zdravotnického záchranáře / Motivation of choosing a career as a paramedic

PETRŮ, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The expression ``motivation`` describes the fact that the human psyche is affected by internal driving forces, both conscious and subconscious. Holland´s vocational personality typology presents six basic types, namely Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional. This thesis is aimed at finding and evaluating motivation factors which influence prospective emergency medical technicians in their professional choice. To get the research data, the combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques was used. The research was conducted among emergency medical technician students at the college and university and, as a supportive research material, among Czech and Scottish Emergency Medical Service professionals. The students´ primary motivating factor influencing their vocational choice to become an emergency medical technician is their interest in this field, sometimes supported by a healthcare worker in the family. Over 80% respondents prefer working in the field which they study. An emergency medical technician belongs to the most popular positions while an emergency dispatcher to the less popular ones. The fact that women respondents like working positions connected with driving a car was a surprising discovery of the research. Corresponding to the recent professional literature, the most frequent career types among professionals and students are Realistic and Social types. This thesis can contribute to further research into this topic (working position preferences, career types). Component findings can be introduced into personnel and human resources management of the Emergency Medical Service, especially searching for Investigative and Conventional career types of workers and their subsequent engagement in pedagogical and administrative work. The research can also be helpful in other issues, e.g. how to make a position of an emergency dispatcher more popular.

"Impacto ambiental na área do aterro sanitário e incinerador de resíduos sólidos de Ribeirão Preto, SP: avaliação dos níveis de metais pesados" / Environmental impact in the Municipal Landfill Site and Medical Waste Incinerator area in Ribeirao Preto, São Paulo: Evaluation of heavy metals levels.

Susana Inés Segura Muñoz 02 December 2002 (has links)
Os resíduos sólidos podem conter substâncias químicas com características tóxicas, dentre elas os metais pesados presentes em diversos materiais provenientes de indústrias, funilarias, atividades agrícolas, laboratórios, hospitais e residências. A contaminação por metais pesados apresenta um amplo espectro de toxicidade que inclui efeitos neurotóxicos, hepatotóxicos, nefrotóxicos, teratogênicos, carcinogênicos ou mutagênicos. Em Ribeirão Preto – SP há em funcionamento desde 1989, um aterro sanitário (AS) para resíduos domiciliares e um incinerador de resíduos de serviços de saúde (IRSS). Este estudo teve como objetivo fazer um diagnóstico dos níveis de metais pesados na área do AS e IRSS de Ribeirão Preto, entre 2000 e 2001. Foram realizadas análises de amostras de solo, água, chorume e vegetais, em pontos previamente demarcados na área, tendo sido avaliada a presença de mercúrio (Hg), cobre (Cu), chumbo (Pb), cádmio (Cd), manganês (Mn), zinco (Zn) e cromo (Cr) por Espectrofotometria de Absorção Atômica. Visando a obtenção de parâmetros locais, foram também analisadas amostras coletadas na Estação Ecológica na mata Santa Teresa, zona de preservação permanente do município, para comparação de valores. Pela análise dos resultados verificou-se, de um modo geral, que os níveis de metais pesados presentes nas amostras de solo e vegetais na área apresentaram concentrações significativamente superiores às detectadas nas amostras coletadas na mata Santa Teresa, evidenciando-se uma tendência de maiores concentrações no sentido Norte, fato que pode estar associado com a declividade geográfica da área, com a direção dos ventos e com a localização do incinerador. Destacam-se neste estudo os níveis de Cd, Mn e Cu presentes em amostras de solo em níveis que superaram os valores máximos estabelecidos para solos de uso agrícola no Estado de São Paulo pela CETESB, órgão estadual ambiental. O chorume também apresentou níveis de Cd, Pb, Mn, Cu em concentrações superiores às normatizadas para efluentes líquidos, segundo o Decreto 8486/76 do estado de São Paulo. A água subterrânea da área estudada não apresentou níveis de metais acima dos valores máximos permitidos, de acordo com a Portaria 1469/2000 do Ministério da Saúde. Considerando a carência de pesquisas dessa natureza no Brasil, este estudo tem gerado informações que podem constituir-se em ferramenta para a tomada de decisões político-administrativas pelas autoridades responsáveis pelo gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos, não apenas do Município de Ribeirão Preto e região, mas, também, podendo servir de parâmetro para realidades similares no país. / Solid waste may content toxic chemical substances such as heavy metals that are present in materials generated by industries, agricultural activities, laboratories, hospitals and houses. The contamination with heavy metals has a wide spectrum of toxicity that includes neurotoxic, hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic, teratogenic, carcinogenic or mutagenic effects. Since 1989, a municipal landfill site (MLS) for urban waste disposal has been in operation in Ribeirao Preto (Sao Paulo, Brazil) integrated with a medical waste incinerator plant (MWIP). This study aimed to do a diagnostic of the heavy metal levels in MLS and MWIP area, in 2000 and 2001. The total cadmiun (Cd), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), cooper (Cu) and mercury (Hg) levels were analysed by Atomic Absortion Spectrophotometry in soil, water, percolated liquid and vegetables, in previously delimitated points. Samples from Santa Teresa Forest Ecological Station of Ribeirao Preto were collected as control samples. The results showed that, in general terms, the heavy metals detected in soil and vegetal samples in that area showed significant higher concentrations when compared with Santa Teresa Forest samples. The highest concentrations were detected to the North direction, these results can be associated with the topographic gradient in the area, the prevailing winds and the Incinerator localization. Special atention should be given to Cd, Mn and Cu levels detected in soil samples, that showed higher concentrations that those recomended for agricultural soil in Sao Paulo State by the Environmental Sanitation Company (CETESB). The percolated liquid also showed Cd, Pb, Mn and Cu levels higher than the maximum recomended levels according to the Sao Paulo State Law (Decreto 8486/76). The water samples showed levels according to the Brasilian Health Ministry Law (Portaria 1469/2000). Taking into account that few researches had been developed on this thematic in Brasil, the obtained results constituted an instrument for the decision makers and public managers, not only for Ribeirao Preto and region but for other cities around the country.

Educação permanente na reorganização do processo de trabalho no serviço de emergência

Fernandes, Fabíola Chaves January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiana Gonçalves Pinto (benf@ndc.uff.br) on 2016-10-19T16:38:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabiola Chaves Fernandes.pdf: 2730839 bytes, checksum: 872dea61b78bd3c0c9f0a417967fb354 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-19T16:38:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabiola Chaves Fernandes.pdf: 2730839 bytes, checksum: 872dea61b78bd3c0c9f0a417967fb354 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / Mestrado Profissional Ensino na Saúde / O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo a educação permanente como estratégia de reorganização do processo de trabalho, no serviço de emergência de um pronto socorro. Seu objetivo geral foi utilizar a educação permanente como reorganizadora do processo de trabalho no serviço de emergência de um pronto socorro tendo como objetivos específicos: Identificar as dificuldades dos funcionários do pronto socorro no seu processo de trabalho quanto ao encaminhamento de usuários ao serviço de emergência odontológica; Descrever a compreensão dos funcionários acerca do papel do odontólogo no serviço de emergência; Analisar estratégias ou formas de colaboração para atingir a integralidade da assistência e; Elaborar produtos que colaborem na educação permanente dos funcionários envolvidos no atendimento ao paciente, de acordo com a legislação específica, em prol da integridade da assistência. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa convergente assistencial, tipo de pesquisa-ação na qual o pesquisador está envolvido em ações de assistência enquanto pesquisa. O cenário da pesquisa foi o setor de emergência de um pronto socorro localizado em São Gonçalo, cidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa contou com três etapas e os instrumentos de coleta de dados utilizados foram: Na primeira etapa, observação participante, na segunda etapa, questionário semi-estruturado e na terceira etapa, grupos educativos; Na primeira etapa, foi construído um fluxo de encaminhamento ao setor de emergência odontológica. Na segunda etapa, construíram-se quatro categorias, após análise de conteúdo de Bardin. São elas: 1) O modelo biomédico ainda refletido no pensar e no agir, evidenciado, diante da análise das respostas, que parte dos funcionários não compreenderem trabalho em equipe multidisciplinar e ainda fazerem alusão ao modelo biomédico; 2) A odontologia do dente por dente: Código de Hamurabi e Tiradentes, revelando que a maioria dos trabalhadores atribui significado bucal ao atendimento odontológico; 3) O que estou fazendo aqui? Construindo a identidade do odontólogo. Demonstrou-se que muitos dos participantes não compreendem o papel do dentista no processo de trabalho em emergência, ao atribuírem significado fora do contexto odontológico a ele, ou mesmo não responderem admitindo não sabê-lo; 4) Construindo pontes para a integralidade, apontando que poucos participantes compreendem os conceitos da EP e sua capacidade de transformar as situações problemas no cotidiano de sua vida profissional. Na terceira etapa, os participantes foram convidados aos grupos educativos, local de diálogo, reflexão e elaboração de hipóteses de soluções, seguindo a proposta da metodologia da problematização. Nesses grupos, discutiu-se a legislação acerca do serviço de emergência, refletiu-se sobre as dificuldades em cumpri-la no serviço e construiu-se o rol de procedimentos eleitos como de urgência /emergência no pronto socorro. Concluiu-se que pouco conhecimento se tinha acerca da legislação vigente sobre o assunto e que o desconhecimento do sentido pleno de educação permanente limitava às tomadas de decisões. Porém, as soluções encontradas pelo grupo, mesmo que este não tenha se constituído uniformemente ao longo dos encontros, foram um somatório de experiências reunidas, o que proporcionou o que Agostinho chama de sabedoria à pesquisa convergente assistencial, de despertar do pensamento crítico e à política nacional de educação permanente em saúde de empoderamento. / The object of study of this paper is the continuing education as a strategy to reorganize the work process in the emergency room at emergency department. The general aims of this study was to use the permanent education as a strategy to reorganize the work process in the emergency room at emergency department. The specifics aims were: to identify the difficulties faced by the staff workers of the emergency settings related to the process of guiding patients to the emergency dental service ; to describe the understanding of the staff workers about the dentist's role in na emergency service; to analyze strategies or manners of collaboration for achieving comprehensive care and; to develop products that can collaborate in continuing education of staff workers involved in patient care, according to the specific laws related to the intregrity of care. The methodology used was the the kind of research which the researcher get involved in the assistance activities while observe. The setting of the study was the emergency department of an emergency room located in Sao Goncalo, State of Rio de Janeiro city. It had three stages and the data collection instruments used were: the first stage was a participatory observation, the second stage was a semi-structured questionnaire and the third stage was na educational focal groups. In the first stage was built a forwarded flow to the dental emergency section. On the second stage, after analysis of contente according to Bardin, it was built four following classes: 1) The biomedical model still reflected on the thinking and action, evidenced on the analysis of the responses, which the employees do not understand working in a multidisciplinary team and also mentioned the biomedical model; 2) Tooth for a tooth: The Code of Hammurabi and Tiradentes, revealing that most workers assign meaning to oral dental care; 3) What am I doing here? Building the identity of the dentist. The study reveals that many of the participants do not understand the dentist's role in emergency work process and they do not respond admitting not knowing it when asked for assign a meaning outside the dental contexto.4) Building up bridges for completeness, noting that few participants understood the concepts of the continuing education and its ability to transform problems situations in their daily professional life. In the third stage, the participants were invited to educational groups, opened for dialogue, reflection and solutions, following the proposal of the problematization methodology. Theese groups discussed the legislations about emergency service, reflected on the difficulties of fulfilling the laws during work and, built up the list of procedures elected as urgent / emergency in the emergency room. In conclusion that little knowledge about the current legislation on the topic and the lack of the full understanding about continuing education can limit the process of decision making. However, the solutions found by the group were a combination and summation of gathered experiences which provided what Augustine calls wisdom of convergent care research awakening the critical thinking and politics national continuing education in health empowerment.

An evaluation of nurse triage at the Emergency Medical Dispatch centers in two Swedish counties

Spangler, Douglas January 2017 (has links)
Sjuksköterskor vid Sjukvårdens Larmcentral (SvLC) i Uppsala och Västmanlands län hänvisar regelbundet lågakuta patienter som bedöms inte vara i behov av ambulanssjukvård till alternativa vårdformer. I denna studie kopplades patientdata från SvLC till sjukhusregister för att identifiera patienter som besökte en akutmottagning inom 72 timmar efter en hänvisning vid SvLC. Prevalensen av ett antal utfallsmått undersöktes och logistisk regression användes för att fastställa effekten av ett antal variabler. 20% av hänvisade inringare besökte en akutmottaging inom 72 timmar. Av dessa fick 57% vård på specialistnivå och 37% lades in vid en slutenvårdsenhet. 86% av akutmottagningsbesöken gällde det besvär som patienten kontaktade SvLC för. Äldre patienter hänvisades mindre ofta till alternativa vårdformer, men löpte större risk att kräva vård på specialistnivå och läggas in vid sjukhuset till följd av ett akutmottagningsbesök. Samtal med personer som ringde in flera gånger per månad hänvisades oftare av SvLC än patienter med en kontakt under studiens lopp, medan patienter som ringt in endast ett fåtal gånger besökte akutmottagningen oftare och blev där oftare inlagda. Icke-användning av SvLCs beslutsstöd var vanligare bland hänvisade patienter. Uppdrag som avlsutades utan vidare hänvisning till en annan sjukvårdsinstans resulterade mindre ofta i ett akutmottagningsbesök. Prevalensen av akutmottagningsbesök och inläggningar vid sjukhus efter hänvisning liknar nivån som funnits i andra studier av nordisk prehospital triage. Baserat på resultaten från denna studie föreslås ett antal kvalitetsutvecklingsprojekt samt framtida studier. / Nurses working at the Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) centers in the Swedish counties of Uppsala and Västmanland routinely refer patients determined to not require an ambulance to non-emergency care. In this study, hospital records were reviewed to match calls to patients visiting an Emergency Department (ED) within 72 hours of being referred to non- emergency care by an EMD nurse. The prevalence of a number of outcomes was examined, and logistic regression models were used to analyze the effects of several variables of interest. 20% of callers referred to non-emergency medical care visited an ED within 72 hours. Of these, 57% received specialist level care, and 37% were admitted to the hospital. 86% of ED visits were found to be in regards to the condition the patient contacted the EMD for. Elderly patients were less likely to be referred to non-emergency care, but more likely to receive specialist care and be admitted. Very frequent callers were more likely to be referred to non-emergency care, while a moderate rate of contact was associated with increased odds of ED visitation and hospital admission from the ED. Non-utilization of the EMDs’ decision support tool was more common among callers referred to non-emergency care. Calls closed by dispatchers without further referral to other healthcare providers were less likely to result in an ED visit. The prevalence of ED visitations and admissions found in this study are similar to those found in other studies of Scandinavian pre-hospital triage, and a number of possibilities for quality improvement and future studies were identified.

First-term Air Force medical service corps officers: Relationship between MBTI® and initial occupational placement to predict job satisfaction.

Edie-Korleski, Montserrat P. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether a relationship exists between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) of first-term Air Force medical service corps (MSC) officers and their initial occupational placement matches (OCUPLACE MATCH), and, if so, whether this could it predict job satisfaction. The population consisted of 116 first-term Air Force MSC officers already assigned and working at their initial occupational placement. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS®) computer software program was used for the statistical computation. Several techniques were used, including, frequency distribution, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and regression analyses, among others. Results showed a statistical significant correlation between the MBTI type of the first-term MSC officer matches and their initial occupational placement (OCUPLACE MATCH, r = .440, p < .01). Furthermore, results of a regression analysis showed no statistical significance for predication on job satisfaction (r = 492, F = .887, p < .05). Based on this study, the Air Force Personnel Center can match first-term MSC officers' personality type to an initial occupation placement; however, based on the second part of the hypothesis, prediction of job satisfaction may not be yield on less other aspects of the group are considered such as time in service, source of recruitment, initial occupation's location, etc.

Nároky profese operátora tísňové linky zdravotnické záchranné služby / Profession requirements of Emergency medical dispatcher

Rynešová, Klára January 2019 (has links)
and key words Rynešová, K. (2018). Profession requirements of Emergency medical dispatcher. Master Thesis. Prague: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Department of psychology. This master's thesis dedicated to the emergency medical services (EMS) call dispatchers as a rather neglected group of healthcare workers. The main focus is put on the profession requirements of this professionally endangered group. Theoretical part of the thesis describes professional problems with an emphasis on psychological phenomena, which are closely related to this profession. There is described both the work of the EMS call dispatcher, the qualification requirements, working environment, types of calls and the specifics of communication on the 155 Czech national emergency line. The social competences are also discussed as factors related to the handling of the given occupational burden. Thesis also describes negative phenomena that may occur as a result of long-term occupational workload such as stress, burnout syndrome and posttraumatic stress reaction, which are associated with key social competencies that make it easier to manage. In the empirical part of the thesis, quantitative research is being carried out. It is focused on the identification of specific key social competences that allow effective...

Zavádění systému psychosociální intervenční služby pro pracovníky zdravotnické záchranné služby / Implementation of Psychosocial Intervention Service for Emergency Medical Services Personnel

Malý, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the implementation of the Psychosocial Intervention Service System within the environment of the emergency medical services. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze and identify the problems and causes hindering the implementation of the Psychosocial Intervention Service System. In addition, the thesis analyzes the attitudes, intentions and responsibilities of the parties directly involved in the implementation or affected by this policy, and to identify the applied public policy instruments by which the implementation is realized. The first section focuses on a brief theoretical introduction that deals with the institutional theory, the implementation process and the outlining of the content of the Psychosocial Intervention Service System, which includes stressful situations, their negative effects, psychosocial interventional care and the theory of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) as one of the possible methods used to eliminate the negative effects of stress and traumata. The main analytical and research part of this thesis attempts at answering the questions related to the thesis objective, i.e. what factors affect the implementation, what framework applies to the implementation of the project, what interactions take place among the individual parties...

Zkušenosti pracovníků ZZS při výjezdech k pacientům v nepříznivé sociální situaci / The experience of EMS workers in accessing patients in an unfavourable social situation

Wollmannová, Alice January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the experiences of emergency medical workers when going to patients in an unfavorable social situation. Medical rescue service according to Act No. 374/2011 Coll. on emergency medical services, should provide pre-hospital emergency care to patients in acute life-threatening conditions. Nevertheless, the crews of the ambulance service go to patients whose problems fall more into the social field. These patients do not primarily need medical intervention, yet rescuers in the field have to deal with these situations. The aim of the diploma thesis was to find out and compare the experience of rescuers when going to patients in an unfavorable social situation. Find out how rescuers experience and interpret these situations, what situations they encounter during these trips and how they understand the concept of an unfavorable social situation. The theoretical part of this work deals with the definition of basic concepts in the field of emergency medical services and social work. The empirical part is devoted to qualitative research. It contains a description of the research methodology, analysis of interviews with rescuers and their evaluation. The result of the research is evidence that on an almost daily basis, lifeguards deal with these situations with clients...

Zneužívání návykových látek jako kompenzace stresových faktorů při výkonu pomáhající profese / Substance abuse as compensation for stress factors involved in the performance of helping professions

Markusová, Monika January 2017 (has links)
THE ABSTRACT It has been shown recently that workload, stress, and burnout syndrome among the staff of the medical rescue service may be major risk factors in terms of triggering the use of psychoactive substances. Representing what is understandably a delicate issue, substance use among emergency medical staff has not been thoroughly studied in our country. Emergency medical workers' difficult working conditions and the chronic stress they are exposed to, in combination with a lack of support and care on the part of their employers, result in exhaustion and general distress, accompanied by the development of symptoms associated with both physical and mental disorders. This condition may lead to the use of psychoactive substances as a negative coping strategy. Consisting of both theoretical background and case studies, the paper points out the relationship between the chronic effect of stressors pertaining to the job of emergency medical workers and the use of psychoactive substances as a way of coping with and compensating for the implications of work-related stress and fatigue. Thorough case studies are presented to demonstrate the onset and development of addictive behaviour within a wider context, with special emphasis being placed on its association with coping with both acute and chronic occupational...

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