Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amedical dervice"" "subject:"amedical bservice""
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Workplace stress measured by Job Stress Survey and relationships to musculoskeletal complaintsHolmström, Stefan January 2008 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis was to evaluate and test the Job Stress Survey (JSS, Spielberger, 1991; Spielberger & Vagg, 1999), a self-report instrument which assesses workplace stress. In the thesis a thorough evaluation is made of JSS scales and items, and the relations to health, particularly musculoskeletal complaints. The aim of Study I was to evaluate the factor structure and the psychometric properties of a Swedish version of the JSS. The instrument was distributed to medical service personal and metal industry workers (n=1186). Factor analyses demonstrated a good resemblance between the present version and the American original version. The results also showed that the internal consistencies, as well as the test-retest reliabilities of the scales are high, and the concurrent validity are good. Study II examined work-related stress measured by JSS for the subgroups of gender, industry workers and medical service personnel, and special attention was given to the problem of differential item functioning (DIF) on these subgroups. The main findings were that both gender and occupation has a substantial impact on specific sources of work-related stress assessed by JSS scales and individual items. The result of the DIF analyses showed no item bias in the gender subgroup, but for the occupational subgroups there where items showing DIF in two of the scales. These items do not jeopardize the conclusions made on scale level since the number of items showing DIF are too few to make an impact on the overall result on the different scales. In Study III the relation between self-reported stress and health, particularly musculoskeletal problems were examined longitudinally in two metal industry factories. Results showed high levels of stress and musculoskeletal complaints in these factories and significant and strong relationships between the JSS scales and musculoskeletal, as well as psychosocial ratings. Lack of Organizational Support was found to be more related to musculoskeletal pain than Job Pressure. Longitudinal differences were found between the factories and between different types of musculoskeletal complaints. The general conclusions from the studies are that the present version of JSS shows a good resemblance with the American original, and that JSS is a useful instrument for studying relationships between stress and health.
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Kommunikation på skadeplats : Ambulanspersonals uppfattning av informationsöverföring / Communication on the scene of an accident : Paramedics experiences of the exchange of informationKarlsson, Barbro, Pettersson, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
Introduktion: För att en räddningsinsats på olycksplats skall lyckas är en väl fungerande kommunikation nödvändig. Kommunikationen har visat sig vara ett vanligt problem vid utvärderingar av allvarliga händelser. Patientsäkerheten kan äventyras om det brister i informationsflödet mellan aktörerna i vårdkedjan. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka ambulanspersonalens uppfattningar av informationsöverföringen mellan sjukvårdens personal på olycksplats. Studien gjordes för undersöka om det fanns omständigheter som försvårar respektive underlättar informationsöverföringen. Metod: Enkätstudie bland ambulanspersonal (n= 103). Resultat: Tolv procent ansåg att informationsöverföringen på olycksplats fungerade helt tillfredsställande. Av respondenterna var det 16,5 % som kände sig tillräckligt utbildade för att leda sjukvården på olycksplats, män kände sig signifikant oftare tillräckligt väl utbildade än kvinnor (p= < 0,02). Det var också fler män än kvinnor som kände sig säkra i rollen som sjukvårdsledning (p=< 0,01). Det framkom att både mänskliga och tekniska faktorer påverkar kommunikationen samt att olycksplatsens geografiska läge, storlek och typ också hade påverkan. Konklusion: Faktorer som försvårar kommunikationen är låg tillit till en del av den tekniska utrustningen samt känslan av att vara otrygg i rollen som sjukvårdsledare. Erfaren personal samt erfarenhet av sjukvårdsledning anses vara faktorer som underlättar kommunikationen. Fler studier behövs om kommunikationen på olycksplats och även validerade skalor som mäter kommunikation bör utvecklas. / Introduction: Well-functioning communication is essential for the success of rescue efforts at the scene of an accident. Problems in communication have proved to be a common occurrence in evaluations of serious incidents. Security of the patient might be adventured if there are problems in the flow of information between the actors in the chain of care. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate paramedics’ experiences of the exchange of information within the medical service at the scene of accidents. The study was carried out to investigate if there were circumstances that aggravate or help the transfer of information. Method: A survey study among paramedics (n = 103). Result: Twelve percent perceived that communication of information worked completely satisfactorily. A total of 16.5 % of respondents felt well enough trained to lead the medical service at an accident scene and men felt significantly more often than women that they were well trained enough for the task (p= < 0,02). There were also significantly more men who felt confident in the roll as leader of the medical service(p=< 0,01). Conclusion: Factors which make communication difficult included diminished trust in technical equipment and feelings of uncertainty in the roll of leader. Experienced personnel and leaders are seen as factors which positively affect communication. More studies concerning communication at accident scenes are needed and also validated scales for the measurement of communication skills.
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A Genetic Algorithm For The Multi-level Maximal Covering Ambulance Location ProblemKaraman, Mesut 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The emergency medical services (EMS) provide the preliminary assistance and transportation for patients in need of urgent medical care in order to decrease the mortality rate and reduce the non-reversible effects of injuries. Since the objective is directly related to the human life, the value of the proposed solutions in order to improve the performance of EMS is highly welcomed. Mainly, there are three problems that EMS managers face with: location, allocation and redeployment of the EMS facilities/vehicles. Most of the studies in EMS literature focus on accurately modeling the probabilistic nature of the availability of an ambulance when it is called for. However, trivial changes in model parameters or estimates could dramatically change the optimal allocations generated by the probabilistic models and hence make the model invalid. In this study, we formulate the ambulance location problem as a deterministic multi-level maximal coverage model by which the total demand is tried to be covered as many as possible at multiple levels. Both a mathematical programming model and genetic algorithm-based heuristic approaches are proposed for the problem. The results indicate that the genetic algorithm-based solutions give reliable (near-optimal) and robust results in reasonable computational times for the problem. Moreover, the tradeoffs between the two performance measures, &lsquo / responsiveness&rsquo / and &lsquo / preparedness&rsquo / , are searched for / and our approaches with multi-level coverage are compared against the multiple coverage approaches in terms of these performance measures.
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Kauno regiono greitosios medicinos pagalbos tarnybų darbo vietos saugos kultūros vertinimas / Evaluation of emergency medical services workplace safety culture in Kaunas regionŽigutienė, Rūta 14 July 2014 (has links)
Saugos kultūra – pacientų saugos elementas nukreiptas sumažinti žalą pacientui, kuri gali būti padaryta teikiant jam sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas.
Tikslas – Įvertinti Kauno regiono greitosios medicinos pagalbos tarnybų darbo vietos saugos kultūrą.
Tyrimo metodas: 2012 metų kovo–gegužės mėnesiais atlikta vienmomentinė anoniminė apklausa. Tyrime dalyvavo aštuonių Kauno regiono greitosios medicinos pagalbos tarnybų darbuotojai (N=325, atsako dažnis 82,9 proc.). Tyrimui naudotas Požiūrio į saugą klausimynas (The Emergency Medical Services Safety Attitudes Questionnaire – EMS–SAQ). Nustatyta GMP Požiūrio į saugą klausimyno pakankamai aukštas vidinis nuoseklumas (α=0,822).
Rezultatai: Kauno regiono greitosios medicinos pagalbos tarnybų specialistai, vertindami septynias saugos kultūros sritis, aukščiausiais teigiamais įverčiais vertino komandinio darbo (76,34 balai), pasitenkinimo darbu (76,49 balai) ir vadovų požiūrio į saugą sritis (75,98 balai). Žemiausiais balais darbuotojai vertino streso pripažinimo ir nepageidaujamų įvykių raiškos sritis, atitinkamai – 49,62 ir 37,24 balai. Komandinį darbą ir vadovų požiūrį į saugą dažniau teigiamai vertino slaugytojai, lyginant su GMP vairuotojais, o paramedikai labiau teigiamai vertino pasitenkinimą darbu, lyginant su gydytojais (p<0,05). Gydytojai ir paramedikai dažniau pripažino stresą, lyginant su slaugytojais ir vairuotojais (p<0,01). Daugiau kvietimų per metus atliekantys darbuotojai dažniau teigiamai vertino saugos klimato... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Safety culture is the element of patient safety that purposes to decrease the damage to the patient that may be done during provision of health care service.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety culture at the workplace of emergency medical service at Kaunas region.
Material and methods: Anonymous survey was conducted on March-May in 2012. The staff from eight emergency medical service institutions at Kaunas region took part in the survey (N=325 with response rate of 82.9 %). The Emergency Medical Services Safety Attitudes Questionnaire – EMS–SAQ was used after the permission by the authors was issued. The internal consistency of translated and adapted instrument was sufficiently high (Cronbach α=0,822).
Results: The staff of emergency medical service of Kaunas region evaluated six dimensions of safety culture rating team work (76.34 scores), work satisfaction (76.49 scores) and perceptions of management at the highest level (75.98 scores). The lowest ratings were related to stress recognition and present of adverse events, respectively – 49.62 and 37.24 scores. Nurses scored the team work and perceptions of management more positive in comparison to drivers; paramedics have had more positive attitudes towards work satisfaction than physicians. Physicians and paramedics recognised stress more often in comparison to nurses and drivers. The attitudes towards a safety climate, perceptions of management and work satisfaction were more positive in... [to full text]
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Disaster medicine- performance indicators, information support and documentation : a study of an evaluation tool /Rüter, Anders, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2006. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Logistické zabezpečení zdravotnické záchranné služby při mimořádných událostech ve vybraných krajích České republiky / System of logistical support for emergencies in the Emergency Medical Service in selected regions of the Czech Republic.TOMŠŮ, Marek January 2013 (has links)
The theme of my thesis is the System of logistical support for emergencies in the Emergency Medical Service in selected regions of the Czech Republic. I chose this theme mainly because of the fact that I work as a rescuer in the Emergency Medical Service of the Central Bohemian Region. In the first part of the thesis, there is specified the essential terminology which is included in the whole project. There is described the historical summary of the beginning of the Emergency Medical Service and the logistics. Other chapters concern the description of the Integrated Rescue System and the essential cooperation of its elements during the intervention. I also analyse the issue of the logistics and public health disabilities on the place of the intervention. In addition, I describe individual Emergency Medical Services in three selected regions of the Czech Republic. It included the Emergency Medical Service of the Central Bohemian Region, the Prague Emergency Medical Service and the Emergency Medical Service of the South Bohemian Region. In chapters which deal with these Emergency Medical Services, there are expounded their forces, (medical) facilities and material support for coping with emergencies. In last chapters, I submit the summary of activities of the Ministry of Health. Furthermore, I mention activities of the allowance organization of Medical Support for the State of Emergency and also activities and roles of the Administration of State Material Reserves ? Czech Republic. Lastly, I summarize findings of the whole thesis in the chapter called ?Discussion?. I also evaluate the accomplishment of set goals and answer to scientific questions which I have already put before the formation of this thesis in the Groundwork for the thesis. In the part ?Results?, I illustrate the amount of exit positions of EMS in individual regions through the use of tables and graphs and I add an overview of the average number of exit positions and rescue teams related to the area of the territory and the number of inhabitants in the region. The aim of my thesis (was): ? to describe the state of the logistical support of the Emergency Medical Service in three selected regions of the Czech Republic (the Central Bohemian Region, Prague, the South Bohemian Region) ? to choose the most appropriate model of the logistical support for emergencies Questions of research: ? What are differences in logistical support for emergencies in the Emergency Medical Services in selected regions of the Czech Republic? ? Which aspects influence the selection of the most appropriate model? The main aim of my thesis ? to describe the state of the logistical support of the Emergency Medical Service in three selected regions of the Czech Republic ? was accomplished. I go into details in chapters 6, 7 and 8. In the chapter ?Discussion?, I described differences in logistical support and in this chapter I write that the mathematical quantification of the material support is not as important as the fact that there is a logistical planning of support for emergencies based on an analysis of risks which are the part of an emergency medical plan of concrete Emergency Medical Services in all selected regions of the Czech Republic. Each of mentioned EMS has special modules for the solution to eventual emergencies and in their usage employees are regularly schooled. In my opinion, this is the most important fact.
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Caracterização do perfil assistencial dos pacientes adultos de um pronto-socorro / Characterization of the care profile of adult patients of an emergency medical serviceRenato Ohara 21 August 2009 (has links)
O pronto socorro é uma unidade do hospital destinada à assistência a pacientes externos com ou sem risco de morte, que necessitam de atendimento imediato, cujo funcionamento se dá nas 24 horas do dia sendo fundamental a determinação do número necessário de profissionais de enfermagem para prestar assistência com qualidade satisfatória, pois a falta de profissionais de enfermagem com diferentes níveis de formação e a sobrecarga de trabalho aumentam o risco de ocorrência de falhas com prejuízo da qualidade na assistência ao paciente. Os instrumentos de classificação de pacientes são utilizados pela enfermagem em qualquer unidade assistencial e estabelecem as características da população assistida de acordo com a necessidade de cuidados requerida, sendo indispensável para a determinação das necessidades de pessoal e alocação quantitativa e qualitativa dos mesmos. Com o objetivo de caracterizar o perfil assistencial dos pacientes adultos durante a internação no pronto-socorro como um dos subsídios para o dimensionamento do pessoal de enfermagem desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa exploratória no método do estudo de caso, em um pronto-socorro, clínico e cirúrgico, de um hospital geral, público estadual que possui 24 leitos de observação e dez leitos na unidade de atendimento de emergências, localizado no extremo leste do município de São Paulo que trabalha com demanda espontânea do usuário. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram os pacientes adultos internados na unidade de emergência e nas salas de observação durante o mês de janeiro de 2009, os dados foram coletados por meio da aplicação do instrumento de classificação de pacientes de Fugulin (2002) que avalia nove áreas de cuidado (Estado mental, Oxigenação, Sinais Vitais, Motilidade, Deambulação, Alimentação, Cuidado Corporal, Eliminação e Terapêutica). Foram realizadas 1.228 avaliações, sendo verificados 91 pacientes na categoria de cuidados intensivos, 75 na categoria de cuidados semi-intensivos, 245 com alta dependência para assistência de enfermagem, 272 com complexidade assistencial intermediária e 545 com a mínima. Houve a constatação de muitos pacientes da psiquiatria internados no pronto-socorro a espera de vagas para internação na unidade especializada requerendo da equipe de enfermagem uma assistência diferenciada para a manutenção da integridade física desses pacientes. Verificou-se por meio do número médio mensal de atendimentos realizados que a maioria dos usuários do pronto-socorro não necessitava de internação mas foram atraídos para esse serviço em busca de consultas de rotina acabando por sobrecarregar a equipe multiprofissional que atua nessa unidade que apresentou uma taxa de ocupação média acima da previsão dos leitos oficiais disponíveis tornando a planta física inadequada para pacientes e profissionais devido às internações em macas pelos corredores, reflexo da falta de um serviço de regulação. / The emergency medical service is the hospital ward designated to outpatient care with or without death risk for those who need immediate care, whose attendance is 24 hours a day, being essential the determination of a required number of nursing professionals for delivering satisfactory quality care, since the lack of nursing professionals with different levels of background and work overload increase the risk of errors, impairing the quality of patient care. The instruments of patient classification are used by nursing in any care ward and set up the characteristics of the population assisted, according to the need of care required, being vital for determining the personnel needs and its quantitative and qualitative allocation. Aiming to characterize the adult patient care profile throughout the admission at the emergency medical service, as a support for nursing personnel dimensioning, it was developed an exploratory research in a study of case method, at a clinic and surgical emergency room of a general, public state hospital that holds 24 observation beds and 10 beds at the emergency attendance ward, located at the extreme east of São Paulo city and which works with spontaneous demand of users. The subjects of research were adult patients admitted at the emergency ward and the observation rooms throughout the month of January, 2009. Data was collected through the application of an instrument of patient classification by Fugulin (2002), which evaluates nine care areas (Mental Status, Oxygenation, Vital Signs, Motility, walking, Feeding, Body Care, Elimination and Therapeutics). It was made 1228 evaluations, in which 91 patients in the intensive care category were verified, 75 in the semiintensive care, 245 with high dependence of nursing care, 272 with intermediate care complexity and 545 with minimal one. There was the evidence of many psychiatric patients admitted in the emergency room waiting for a vacancy in the specialized ward requiring from the nursing staff special care for keeping the physical integrity of those patients. It was verified by the monthly average number of attendance that most emergency room users didnt need admission, but they were attracted to this service in search for routine appointments, leading to overload the multi-professional team that works in this ward, which presented an average occupancy rate above the prediction of official beds available, making the physical space inadequate for patients and professionals, due to the admissions in beds spread in corridors, result of lack of service control.
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Tillit till ambulanssjuksköterskan : En litteraturstudie ur ett patientperspektivHaglund, Therese, Eskilsson, Fanny January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den prehospitala vården bedrivs utanför sjukhusets trygga väggar när en patient är i akut behov av sjukvård. Av patienten kan den prehospitala vården upplevas skrämmande och kan leda till en känsla av maktlöshet. Ambulanssjuksköterskan ska i mötet med patienten kunna genomföra ett systematiskt, stödjande och reflekterat omhändertagande. För att kunna genomföra detta omhändertagande är det av stor vikt att kunna skapa tillit i den vårdande relationen. Tidigare forskning visar att patienten såg tillit som en betydelsefull faktor i samspelet med sjuksköterskan. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa hur patienten upplever att tillit skapas i mötet med ambulanssjuksköterskan i den prehospitala vården. Metod: Tre systematiska artikelsökningar genomfördes. Tolv stycken kvalitativa artiklar granskades och inkluderades i litteraturstudien. Analysen genomfördes i nio steg enligt en stegmodell framtagen för kvalitativa litteraturstudier. Meningsbärande enheter skapades och öppen kodning av materialet gjordes. Därefter skapades teman och subteman som utgjorde resultatet. Resultat: Tillit skapades enligt patienten genom verbal och icke verbal kommunikation. Relevant information samt en ambulanssjuksköterska som var närvarande och hade ett lugnt bemötande skapade tillit. Resultatet presenteras enligt följande teman: Dialog med subteman; verbal och icke verbal kommunikation skapade tillit samt informationsöverföring skapade tillit. Professionalism med subteman; kompetens och kliniska färdigheter skapade tillit, lugn skapade tillit, en helhetssyn skapade tillit, förmåga att generera delaktighet skapade tillit samt närvaro skapade tillit. Slutsats: Tillit är en avgörande faktor för att patienten ska lita på ambulanssjuksköterskans kunskap och kompetens. Litteraturstudien bidrar med kunskap om hur tillit skapas och vilka förutsättningar som skapar en tillitsfull relation i det korta prehospitala mötet. / Background: Prehospital care is performed outside the safe environment of the hospital when a patient needs emergency care. The patient can feel powerless and experience the prehospital care as frightening. In the meeting with the patient the prehospital emergency nurse should be able to perform care that is systematic, supportive and deliberate. To be able to accomplish this care it is important to create trust. Previous research has shown that trust is an essential factor in the meeting with the nurse. Aim:The aim is to illustrate how the patient experiences trust in the prehospital setting with the prehospital emergency nurse. Method: Three systematic article researches have been conducted. Twelve qualitative articles were rated based on quality and included in the literature review. The articles were analysed based on a step-by-step guide. The guide is made for qualitative systematic reviews. Sentences that applied to the aim of the study were selected and open coding was conducted. Themes and subthemes constituted the result. Result: Trust was created by verbal and nonverbal communication. It was also important that the prehospital nurse provided relevant information, was calm and present in order for the patient to feel trust. The result was presented as follows: dialogue with subthemes: verbal and nonverbal communication created trust and information created trust. Professionalism with subthemes: competence and clinical skills created trust, calm created trust, a lifeworld perspective created trust, ability to create participation created trust and presence created trust. Conclusion: Trust was a vital factor for the patient to be able to trust the knowledge and competence the prehospital emergency nurse possesses. The literature review gave immersed knowledge regarding how to create trust and which parts that create a trustful relationship in the short prehospital care relationship.
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High Reliability at a U.S. Air Force Outpatient Clinic: Have We Improved and are We Ready for the FutureGrodrian, Stanley Wayne 04 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Ambulansteamets betydelse för att minska tiden från symptomdebut till behandling av stroke : en litteraturöversiktRoa, Rodrigo January 2018 (has links)
Stroke är den näst vanligaste dödsorsaken i världen och den tredje vanligaste orsaken till funktionshinder. I Sverige drabbas cirka 25 000 personer årligen. Patienter med stroke är den enskilda sjukdomsgrupp som står för flest vårddagar på svenska sjukhus. I akut behandling av stroke används termen ”Time is Brain”, då det dör cirka två miljoner hjärnceller vid varje minuts fördröjning. Det har utförts stora ansträngningar i två decennier för att effektivisera akuta vårdkedjan vid stroke. Endast två till 13 procent av patienterna får möjlighet till behandling på sjukhus med trombolys och antalet trombektomi är mycket lägre. Av de patienter som får trombolys är det cirka en till tio procent som får trombolys inom en timme efter symtomdebut. Främsta orsaken till underbehandling är att patienter inte når sjukhuset tillräckligt snabbt för att undersökas och behandlas inom det smala terapeutiska fönstret. I Sverige år 2016 anlände 33 procent av patienterna med stroke inom tre timmar till sjukhus och antalet har inte ökat sedan 2011. Det var angeläget att beskriva befintlig kunskap om hur ambulanspersonal kan påskynda behandlingen för patienter med stroke. Syftet var att belysa ambulansteamets betydelse för att minska tiden från symtomdebut till behandling av stroke Metoden för studien var en litteraturöversikt med 16 vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade mellan åren 2012 och 2017. Artiklarna söktes i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Resultatet som framkom av de valda artiklarna kunde sammanställas genom två huvudkategorier och fem underkategorier. Den ena huvudkategorin handlade om ambulanspersonalens omhändertagande av patienter med stroke. Den andra huvudkategorin handlade om ambulanspersonalens kunskap. Resultatet visade att ambulanspersonal kunde genom teamarbete i ett ambulansfordon med en inbyggd röntgenapparat, kallad Mobile Stroke Unit (MSU), förkorta tiden från symtomdebut till behandling. MSU var mellan 25 till 81 minuter snabbare, jämfört med konventionell ambulans. Dörr-till-nål tiderna (tiden från det att patient ankommer till sjukhus till start av trombolys) förbättrades med fem minuter när ambulanspersonal förvarnade sjukhusen med strokelarm. Ambulanspersonal förbättrade inte akuta vårdkedjan med hjälp av telemedicin. Patienter med stroke i bakre cirkulationen hade en timmes prehospitala fördröjningar jämfört med patienter med stroke i främre cirkulationen. Akuta vårdkedjan förbättrades inte när ambulanspersonal fick en timmes föreläsning om stroke. Slutsatsen var att ambulansteamet förkortade tiden från symtomdebut till behandling genom teamarbete i Mobile Stroke Unit. Ambulansteamet förbättrade inte akuta vårdkedjan med hjälp av telemedicin. Det skedde prehospitala fördröjningar för patienter med stroke i bakre cirkulationen. Ytterligare forskning av MSU behövs. Framtida randomiserade studier bör undersöka kliniskt utfall och kostnadseffektivitet. Det bör även forskas i området om hur ambulansteamet kan minska tiden från symtomdebut till behandling av stroke i en konventionell ambulans. Nyckelord: stroke, ambulanspersonal, tid, prehospital trombolys, Mobile Stroke Unit. / Stroke is the second most common cause of death in the world and the third most common reason cause for disability. In Sweden approximately 25000 people are affected annually. Patients whit stroke are the group that accounts for most care days in Swedish hospitals. In acute stroke treatment, the term "Time is Brain" is used, as about two million brain cells die at every minute delay. Despite two decades of substantial efforts to streamline systems of care in stroke, only two to 13 percent of patients receive the treatment thtombolysis in a hospital and the rates of delivery of thrombectomy are far lower. Of the patients who are treated with thrombolysis, approximately one to ten percent receives thrombolysis within one hour after symptom on set. The main reason for such undertreatment is that patients do not reach the hospital quickly enough to be assesed and treated within the narrow therapeutic window. In Sweden 2016, only 33 percent of patients with stroke arrived to the hospital within three-hours after symptom on set and the rates has not increased since 2011. It was important to describe existing knowledge about how the ambulance staff can shorten the time from symptom on set to treatment for stroke patients. The aim was to highlight the importance of the ambulance staff to reduce the time from symptom on set to stroke treatment. The method of the study was a literature review of 16 scientific articles published between the years 2012 and 2017. The articles were searched in the PubMed and Cinahl databases. The results obtained from the selected articles were compiled by two main categories and five subcategories. One main category was about the care of ambulance staff in patients with stroke. The second main category was about the ambulance staff's knowledge. The result showed that ambulance staff can shorten the time from symptom on set to treatment though teamwork in an ambulance with an inbuilt CT-scan, called Mobile Stroke Unit (MSU). MSU was between 25 minutes and 81 minutes faster, compared to conventional ambulance. Door-to-Needle time (time from patient arriving to hospital until start of thrombolysis) improved with five minutes when ambulance staff warned the hospital with a strokealarm. Ambulance staff did not improve the system of care using telemedicine. Patients with stroke in the posterior circulation had one hour of prehospital delays compared with patients with stroke in the anterior circulation. The system of care did not improve when ambulance staff received an hour's lecture on stroke. The conclusion was that ambulance staff shortened the time from symptom on set to treatment through teamwork in the Mobile Stroke Unit. Ambulance staff did not improve the system of care using telemedicine. There where prehospital delays for patients with stroke in the posterior circulation. Further research of MSU is required. Further randomized studies should investigate clinical outcome and cost-effectiveness. It should also be researched in the area of how the ambulance staff can shorten the time from symptom on set to treatment in a conventional ambulance Keywords: stroke, emergency medical service, time, prehospital thrombolysis, Mobile Stroke Unit.
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