Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mediumsized enterprises"" "subject:"mediumsized interprises""
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Exploring Strategies of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises within the Food and Beverage Industry to Contribute to Sustainable Development : Through the Lens of Dynamic Capabilities and LeadershipFabianova, Tereza, Scholz, Miriam January 2024 (has links)
The Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 is halfway to the finish line, underscoring the urgency for engagement of all stakeholders to accomplish its overarching objectives. The private sector, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, play a crucial role, with a significant potential to advance sustainable development. Nevertheless, they frequently abstain from sustainable endeavours due to several constraining factors such as lack of resources or knowledge. This thesis aims to explore strategies for sustainable business practices that SMEs implemented despite these limitations. These strategies can consequently enhance their contribution to the Agenda 2030. Building on the theoretical concepts of dynamic capabilities and transformational leadership, a case study was developed including eight semi-structured interviews with SME leaders from the food and beverage industry in Skåne, Sweden. In addition to the interviews, data from three documents provided by the interviewed SMEs were reviewed. The main findings of this thesis illustrate that SMEs can develop essential capabilities and strategies to address sustainability. Moreover, the owner-managers’ perceptions of sustainability and leadership style influence the organisational commitment towards sustainability. The strategies SMEs employ are focused on developing a long-term, holistic perspective towards sustainability, focusing on sustainable product development, adjusting their operational processes, and enhancing integration of resources of external stakeholders by maintaining collaborative efforts, partnerships, and networks.
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Lean Manufacturing: Setup Time Reduction in Secondary Wood Manufacturing Facilities in North AmericaKucuk, Enis 28 June 2016 (has links)
Since the emergence and the subsequent evolution of lean manufacturing concepts, numerous enterprises of different scale and specialties have adopted lean tools and techniques in their facilities with varying success. In general, lean manufacturing related studies have been conducted on large manufacturing firms, such as the automotive industry. Yet, lean manufacturing tools and techniques are also suited for small enterprises. Thus, the main concern of this study is to investigate the success of set-up time reduction efforts (one of the steps needed to achieve 'one-piece flow') in secondary wood products manufacturing facilities on four woodworking machines (moulder, shaper, table saw, and band saw) based on firm size.
The first objective of this research is to explore the results of the implementation of set-up time reduction efforts on selected woodworking machines in enterprises of varying size. It is assumed that company size is a major factor influencing the rate of set-up time improvements. To that end, the first hypothesis, which states that 'Small firms are less successful in reducing set-up time through set-up time reduction efforts than are large firms,' has been developed and supportive questions have been corresponding created. While statistical testing of the hypotheses created for this is not possible due to the limited number of participants, speculations about the possible outcome can be made. Thus, for hypothesis one, the data obtained does not show any sign of a relationship between a firm size and the success rate of set-up time reduction efforts.
The second objective of this study is to investigate how a firm's productivity is affected by set-up time reduction efforts as related to firm size. With regards to some of the weaknesses of typical small manufacturing firms (e.g. having limited budget and resources, intuitive management strategies including lack of strategic planning), large firms, by and large, are expected to be more successful in increasing productivity through set-up time reduction. To that end, the goal is to investigate results of the set-up time reduction efforts in terms of productivity improvement in manufacturing facilities. With this in mind, the second hypothesis was proposed, which reads 'Small firms achieve lower productivity gains through set-up time reduction than do large firms.' For the second hypothesis, while no conclusive proof can be offered, no sign of a relationship between firm size and productivity gain through set-up time reduction could be found.
Another objective of this study is to explore the success rate of set-up time activities on the four types of woodworking machines in industry facilities considering the training activities provided by manufacturers. The aim is to compare set-up time improvement performance of manufacturers between enterprises which trained their workers/operators and enterprises which did not train their employees. To understand the relationship between the scale of firms (and/or facilities) and training activities to improve set-ups, the third hypothesis, which reads 'Small firms are less concerned with set-up time reduction through training than are large firms,' has been developed. For the third hypothesis, while testing is not possible, it appears that there is no relationship between firm size and the level of concern for set-up time reduction through training activities.
The final objective of this research is to investigate whether the secondary wood manufacturing firms studied experienced a bottleneck in their production due to the long set-up actions of machines. In order to accomplish this objective, the final hypothesis, 'In both, large and small firms, bottlenecks occur at machines with high set-up times,' has been developed. The final hypothesis cannot be accepted or rejected due to the limited number of responses obtained, set-up time was a frequently indicated explanation for the occurrence of production bottlenecks in secondary wood products manufacturing firms. / Master of Science
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Financiamiento formal y su incidencia en el crecimiento económico de las MYPES - Asociación San Antonio Segundo Sector Mercado Moshoqueque, 2022Barrenechea Barsallo, Carlos Eleazar January 2024 (has links)
Las MYPES son consideradas el motor de la economía, pues contribuyen al crecimiento y desarrollo del país, en donde el financiamiento formal es importante, debido a que se necesita de un capital sólido para invertir. Aunque, las entidades financieras suelen denegar los créditos por falta de información financiera de los negocios, siendo este un problema para los comerciantes. Los cuales deben poseer habilidades que les permiten tomar decisiones financieras adecuadas. Por ende, el presente trabajo de investigación se centraliza en evaluar la incidencia del financiamiento formal en el crecimiento económico de las MYPES comerciales del segundo sector del mercado Moshoqueque, contando con una metodología que ha sido de tipo aplicada y el diseño de investigación descriptivo con un corte transversal, pues se realizó en un solo periodo la recolección de información. Como población de estudio se ha tenido a la Asociación San Antonio del Segundo sector del Mercado Moshoqueque, conformada por una muestra de 121 comercios, obteniendo resultados por medio de un cuestionario. Evidenciando que el 56.20% de los negocios han sabido manejar los servicios financieros obtenidos y con ello han podido crecer, sin embargo, el 43.8% de MYPES no han obtenido un financiamiento formal, lo que ha llevado a que exista un estancamiento operativo por la falta de capital de trabajo. Ante esta situación, lo que se buscó con la investigación fue diseñar estrategias para que las MYPES Comerciales puedan conseguir un adecuado financiamiento, tomando en cuenta la cultura financiera, que conlleve que los comerciantes puedan elegir el producto financiero adecuado, permitiendo el crecimiento económico de las MYPES. / MYPES are considered the engine of the economy, as they contribute to the growth and development of the country, where formal financing is important, because solid capital is needed to invest. Although, financial institutions usually deny credit due to lack of financial information about the businesses, this being a problem for merchants. Which must possess skills that allow them to make appropriate financial decisions. Therefore, this research work focuses on evaluating the impact of formal financing on the economic growth of commercial MYPES in the second sector of the Moshoqueque market, using a methodology that has been applied and a descriptive research design with a cross-sectional, since the information collection was carried out in a single period. The San Antonio Association of the Second Sector of the Moshoqueque Market was used as the study population, made up of a sample of 121 businesses, obtaining results through a questionnaire. Demonstrating that many of the businesses have known how to manage the financial services obtained and with this have been able to grow, however, 43.8% of MYPES have not obtained formal financing, which has led to operational stagnation due to lack of capital. of work. Given this situation, what the research sought was to design strategies so that Commercial MYPES can obtain adequate financing, taking into account the financial culture, which means that merchants can choose the appropriate financial product, allowing the economic growth of the companies. MYPES.
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Cybersäkerhet inom små och medelstora organisationer : Med anpassning till EU:s NIS-Direktiv / Cybersecurity in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises : Adapting to the EU's NIS-DirectiveAbas, Hassan, Almén, Jonathan January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur små och medelstora företag i Sverige implementerar EU:s NIS-direktiv genom sina cybersäkerhetsstrategier och -policyer. Syftet är att identifiera de huvudsakliga utmaningarna och framgångsfaktorerna i denna process. Genom intervjuer med ledande personer inom dessa företag framkommer det att ledningens fulla engagemang är avgörande för att integrera NIS-direktivens krav i den dagliga verksamheten. Studien identifierar tvångsmässig och mimetisk isomorfism som viktiga faktorer för anpassning, där företagen påverkas både av regulatoriska krav och av att efterlikna framgångsrika strategier från andra företag. Resultaten visar att proaktiv riskhantering, inklusive regelbundna utbildningar och användning av standarder som ISO 27001 och NIST, stärker företagens motståndskraft mot cyberhot. Användning av externa konsulter är en effektiv strategi, trots de höga kostnaderna. Studien betonar behovet av skräddarsydda cybersäkerhetsstrategier som tar hänsyn till varje företags unika förutsättningar och behov / This study investigates how small and medium-sized enterprises in Sweden implement the EU's NIS Directive through their cybersecurity strategies and policies. The aim is to identify the main challenges and success factors in this process. Interviews with key individuals within these companies reveal that strong leadership engagement is crucial for integrating the NIS Directive requirements into daily operations. The study identifies coercive and mimetic isomorphism as significant factors for adaptation, where companies are influenced both by regulatory demands and by mimicking successful strategies from other firms. The findings show that proactive risk management, including regular training and the use of standards such as ISO 27001 and NIST, enhances companies' resilience against cyber threats. The use of external consultants is an effective strategy, despite the high costs. The study emphasizes the need for tailored cybersecurity strategies that consider each company's unique conditions and needs.
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Modelo multidimensional para la construcción y desarrollo de la capacidad de innovación abierta en pymesDiaz Delgado, Maria Fernanda 22 May 2023 (has links)
[ES] Esta investigación propone un modelo que orienta a las PYMES en sus procesos para incrementar su capacidad innovadora. La metodología utilizada se basó en la caracterización de las prácticas para la construcción y el desarrollo de la capacidad de innovación a partir de revisiones sistemáticas de la literatura científica. Posteriormente, se validó en una muestra de las pymes para los sectores priorizados por el gobierno (Agroindustria, Sistema Moda, Construcción y TIC), el nivel de aplicación de las variables y estadísticamente se definió el modelo que explica la incidencia de las variables en los resultados financieros de las pymes. Por último, se realizó un mapeo riguroso de los actores que componen el Sistema Nacional de Competitividad, Ciencia y Tecnología e Innovación de Colombia, al identificar su geolocalización, objetivo, instrumentos disponibles y roles bajo la teoría de Ecosistemas de Innovación. Como variable dependiente se consideraron los resultados exitosos de las empresas medidos a partir de la rentabilidad igual o superior a la media del sector.
Precisamente, se identificaron nueve variables relacionadas con aquellos factores que permiten la construcción y el desarrollo de la capacidad innovadora, las cuales inciden en los resultados financieros de las pymes. Por otra parte, frente al mapeo de actores del ecosistema y de los instrumentos disponibles para promover el desarrollo de estrategias innovadoras en las pymes de los 4 sectores de estudio, se evidenció una alta concentración de geolocalización en las 2 ciudades más grandes de Colombia (Bogotá D.C. y Medellín), y pese a que ofrecen programas con alcance nacional se tiene poco acceso por la falta de recursos. Estas brechas se describen en el CONPES 3866 sobre la adquisición de conocimiento y tecnología, y ponen en desventaja a empresas localizadas en regiones apartadas de ciudades intermedias que no cuentan con actores articuladores y facilitadores. Sumado al modelo, este proyecto explica las variables que inciden en el éxito financiero de las pymes con lo cual podrán proponerse programas relacionados. / [CA] Aquesta investigació proposa un model que orienta a les PIMES en els seus processos per a incrementar la seua capacitat innovadora. La metodologia utilitzada es va basar en la caracterització de les pràctiques per a la construcció i el desenvolupament de la capacitat d'innovació a partir de revisions sistemàtiques de la literatura científica. Posteriorment, es va validar en una mostra de les pimes per als sectors prioritzats pel govern (Agroindústria, Sistema Moda, Construcció i TIC), el nivell d'aplicació de les variables i estadísticament es va definir el model que explica la incidència de les variables en els resultats financers de les pimes. Finalment, es va realitzar un mapatge rigorós dels actors que componen el Sistema Nacional de Competitivitat, Ciència i Tecnologia i Innovació de Colòmbia, en identificar la seua geolocalització, objectiu, instruments disponibles i rols sota la teoria d'Ecosistemes d'Innovació. Com a variable dependent es van considerar els resultats reeixits de les empreses mesurats a partir de la rendibilitat igual o superior a la mitjana del sector.
Precisament, es van identificar nou variables relacionades amb aquells factors que permeten la construcció i el desenvolupament de la capacitat innovadora, les quals incideixen en els resultats financers de les pimes. D'altra banda, enfront del mapatge d'actors de l'ecosistema i dels
instruments disponibles per a promoure el desenvolupament d'estratègies innovadores en les pimes dels 4 sectors d'estudi, es va evidenciar una alta concentració de geolocalització en les 2 ciutats més grans de Colòmbia (Bogotà D. C. i Medellín), i malgrat que ofereixen programes amb abast nacional es té poc accés per la falta de recursos. Aquestes bretxes es descriuen en el *CONPES 3866 sobre l'adquisició de coneixement i tecnologia, i posen en desavantatge a empreses localitzades en regions apartades de ciutats intermèdies que no compten amb actors *articuladores i facilitadors. Sumat al model, aquest projecte explica les variables que incideixen en l'èxit financer de les pimes amb la qual cosa podran proposar-se programes relacionats / [EN] This research proposes a model that guides SMEs in their processes to increase their innovative capacity. The methodology used was based on the characterization of practices for the construction and development of innovation capacity based on systematic reviews of the scientific literature. Subsequently, the level of application of the variables was validated in a sample of SMEs for the sectors prioritized by the government (Agribusiness, Fashion System, Construction and ICT), and statistically the model that explains the incidence of the variables in the financial results of SMEs. Finally, a rigorous mapping of the actors that make up the National System of Competitiveness, Science and Technology and Innovation of Colombia was carried out, by identifying their geolocation, objective, available instruments and roles under the theory of Innovation Ecosystems. As a dependent variable, the successful results of the companies were considered, measured from profitability equal to or greater than the sector average.
Precisely, nine variables were identified related to those factors that allow the construction and development of innovative capacity, which affect the financial results of SMEs. On the other hand, facing the mapping of ecosystem actors and the available instruments to promote the development of innovative strategies in SMEs of the 4 study sectors, a high concentration of geolocation was evidenced in the 2 largest cities of Colombia (Bogotá D.C. and Medellín), and even though they offer programs with a national scope, there is little access due to lack of resources. These gaps are described in CONPES 3866 on the acquisition of knowledge and technology and put at a disadvantage companies located in remote regions of intermediate cities that do not have coordinating and facilitating actors. Added to the model, this project explains the variables that affect the financial success of SMEs with which related programs can be proposed. / Diaz Delgado, MF. (2023). Modelo multidimensional para la construcción y desarrollo de la capacidad de innovación abierta en pymes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193494
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Information but not consultation: Exploring employee involvement in SMEsWilkinson, Adrian, Dundon, T., Grugulis, C. Irena January 2007 (has links)
Yes / Most research on Employee Involvement (EI) has focused on large or 'mainstream' organizations. By adopting those schemes which 'appear' to work well in larger organizations, then smaller firms assume there will be enhanced employee commitment beyond formal contractual requirements. The main question in this paper is whether EI schemes designed by management will suffice under the 2004 Information and Consultation of Employees (ICE) Regulations. It focuses on SMEs which tend to favour informal and direct EI, and it remains unclear how these methods will be played out under the new regulatory environment. Evidence from four case studies is presented here and it suggests that the ICE Regulations impose new challenges for smaller firms given their tendency to provide information rather than consult with employees. It also appears organizational factors, workplace relations history and the way processes are implemented at enterprise level may be far more important than size itself.
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Estrategias para la gestión financiera de la empresa SerminMac EIRL periodo 2020 – 2022Guillermo Pasco, Rodrigo Antonio January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general formular estrategias financieras para mejorar la gestión financiera de la empresa SerminMac EIRL periodo 2020 – 2022. El tipo de investigación desarrollado fue de enfoque mixto, tipo aplicado, nivel descriptivo y diseño no experimental. Las técnicas e instrumentos que permitieron la recopilación de la información fue el análisis documental y la entrevista aplicada al gerente y su contador de la empresa.
Los resultados obtenidos son los siguientes: Se desarrolló un diagnóstico económico y financiero que nos permitió identificar deficiencias en sus ingresos y gastos; así como, determinar que la empresa no cuenta con un modelo de gestión financiera que le permita planificar, ejecutar y controlar los diferentes proyectos simultáneos que le son requeridos; ante esa problemática, como aporte de la presente investigación se ha diseñado estrategias financieras para que la empresa pueda tener en cuenta y aplicarlas en su modelo de gestión y así procurar mejores resultados. / The general objective of this research was to formulate financial strategies to improve the financial management of the company SerminMac EIRL period 2020 - 2022. The type of research developed was a mixed approach, applied type, descriptive level and non-experimental design. The techniques and instruments that allowed the collection of information were documentary analysis and the interview applied to the manager and his company accountant.
The results obtained are the following: An economic and financial diagnosis was developed that allowed us to identify deficiencies in their income and expenses; as well as, determining that the company does not have a financial management model that allows it to plan, execute and control the different simultaneous projects that are required of it; Given this problem, as a contribution to this research, financial strategies have been designed so that the company can take them into account and apply them in its management model and thus achieve better results.
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Circular Economy Initiatives: Transforming SMEs' Business Models in Response to Macro-Environmental Changes : A Multiple-Case Study within the German Manufacturing MarketSchmitt, Vanessa, Florian, Tomke Cornelia January 2024 (has links)
Background: The transition to a Circular Economy is crucial for addressing global sustainability challenges, with only 9.1% of the world economy currently operating within circular principles. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises play a pivotal role in fostering sustainable economic growth, compelled by regulatory pressures and changing consumer preferences to adopt circular practices. However, while business model transformations present opportunities, numerous implementation challenges remain, especially for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. The External Enablement Framework offers valuable insights into how macro-environmental changes drive the transformation of business models towards CE, defining triggering and shaping roles linked to External Enablers. Exploring these changes becomes increasingly essential for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to effectively transition towards Circular Economy implementation in the evolving business landscape. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to enrich the current body of literature on Circular Economy by examining how macro-environmental changes influence Small and Medium-sized Enterprises’ business model transformation towards circularity, examining the triggering and shaping role. We identify and analyse macro-environmental changes as catalysts for the implementation of Circular Economy initiatives, based on the concept of External Enablers and the External Enablement Framework. By providing theoretical insights and practical guidance, the study intends to encourage decision-makers, notably in the political domain, to promote Circular Economy practices. Method: This research adopts a holistic multiple-case study, employing a qualitative approach aimed at objectively observing phenomena to reveal patterns within the context under study. The data sample encompasses ten Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the German manufacturing market. In order to generate the data, we conducted semi-structured interviews with representative experts from the ten case companies. Utilizing qualitative techniques like thematic analysis and pattern coding, we identified recurring themes and patterns in Circular Economy business model transformation through both within-case and cross-case analyses. Conclusion: Our study highlights the significant role of External Enablers in triggering and shaping transformation towards a more Circular Economy, with societal transition, political and regulatory, and macroeconomic factors identified as key External Enablers. An interplay of External Enablers, along with enabling mechanisms, trigger and shape Circular Economy initiatives in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. When these External Enablers affect businesses, they are likely to be supported by firm-level factors within the decision-making process towards adopting Circular Economy initiatives. External Enablers are interconnected and, when potentially combined with firm-level factors, also foster the triggering and shaping roles. Moreover, Missing External Enablers represent undeveloped External Enablers with the capability to evolve over time. The three main External Enablers, their interplay, and the accompanying firm-level factors, along with the consideration of yet-to-mature Missing External Enablers, trigger and shape Small and Medium-sized Enterprises' business models towards Circular Economy initiatives.
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Unlocking Open Innovation: The Role of Resources & Capabilities in Swedish High-Tech SMEsAndersson, Gustav, Haque, AKM Azimul January 2024 (has links)
Open innovation is a phenomenon that has gained vast attention since its introduction in 2003. It has been identified that organizations are experiencing a shift from the innovation process towards an open innovation approach. However, research on open innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has shown to require more attention in the literature. This study investigated the effect of resources and capabilities in Swedish SMEs to address the challenges of liability of smallness. The purpose of this research is to investigate the challenges that Swedish SMEs in the high-tech industry face while opting for an open innovation approach. For that, the following research question was answered: How do resources and capabilities affect Swedish SMEs in engaging in open innovation to overcome the liability of smallness? A resource-based theory has been implied in this study which examines from five distinct perspectives namely, strategy, process, corporate structure, cross-company network, and culture. This thesis paper is a qualitative study that has been conducted by semi-structured interviews with five Swedish SMEs. The empirical data was then thematically analyzed and seven themes have been developed from the data analysis. The findings reveal that firstly, Swedish SMEs in the high-tech industry are open to external collaboration and accepting innovative ideas coming from both internal and external sources. Therefore, empirical evidence shows that Swedish SMEs are not always reluctant to make a shift towards open innovation. Rather it has been found that SMEs are open to opportunities to tackle the obstacle of smallness. Secondly, resources and capabilities have a positive effect on the performance of the SMEs. Allocation of resources both financial and human resources results in the successful commercialization of a project, thus by gaining a competitive advantage the performance of the firm improves significantly. Thirdly, whilst the liability of smallness has shown to have an impact on Swedish SMEs in the high-tech industry, it has also been identified how smallness also can be viewed as an asset. Smallness as an asset has been found to make an impact on Swedish SMEs in the high-tech industry and the unique opportunities that they possess. Leveraging open innovation and capitalizing on flexibility, linear corporate structure, inclusive culture, and leveraging formal and informal networks to engage in external collaboration has been shown to have an effect on SMEs and contribute to smallness as an asset. Therefore, a comprehensive conceptual framework has been developed in this study that integrates insights gained from the research.
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Att förebygga stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön – en möjlighet eller utmaning? : En kvalitativ studie om chefers erfarenheter inom små och medelstora företag / Preventing stress-related mental illness in the organisational and social work environment – an opportunity or a challenge? : A qualitative study on managers' experiences in SMEsSvensson, Melinda January 2024 (has links)
The purpose is to investigate managers' experiences of preventing stress-related mental illness in the organizational and social work environment in small and medium-sized enterprises. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with managers who worked with personnel and work environment related issues in industries: transition, recruitment and stuffing, manufacturing and logistics with 18-249 employees. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results demonstrated opportunities and challenges to prevent stress-related mental illness in the organizational and social work environment through five categories: strategies to reduce the workload, a leadership that promotes work-life balance, strategies to prevent victimization, obstacles to prevent high workloads and obstacles to working preventively against victimization. In general, there were both organizational and supportive efforts to reduce the workload and a leadership that promoted a work-life balance. Strategies to prevent victimization occurred in all industries but focused more on what behavior was acceptable and consequences on abusive behavior. Action plans were lacking in the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises, which indicates that the systematic work environment work against victimization needs to be improved. In summary managers tend to have more informal than formal routines for preventing stress-related mental illness in the organizational and social work environment. / Mot bakgrunden till ökningen av den stressrelaterade psykiska ohälsan tillkom arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrift organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö. Syftet med föreskriften är att främja en god arbetsmiljö och förebygga risker för ohälsa till följt av arbetsbelastning, arbetstider och kränkande särbehandling. Tidigare forskning har visat att små och medelstora företag brottats med utmaningar i arbetsmiljöarbetet till följt av en mindre strukturerad arbetsmiljösystematik, saknad kunskap och bristande insatser i att stödja arbetstagare med psykisk ohälsa. Samtidigt har viss forskning visat att chefer haft en positiv inställning till arbetsmiljöfrågor och implementerat hälsofrämjande insatser i företagskulturen inom små och medelstora företag. Hur ett förebyggande arbete mot stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa praktiseras i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön är däremot okänt, vilket är relevant att studera för att minska nuvarande långtidssjukskrivningar. Syftet var att undersöka chefers erfarenheter av att förebygga stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön inom små och medelstora företag. Tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med chefer som arbetade med personal-och arbetsmiljörelaterade i företag i små och medelstora företag. Intervjuerna analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att det fanns möjligheter och utmaningar med att förebygga stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön genom fem kategorier: strategier för att minska arbetsbelastningen, ett ledarskap som främjar en balans mellan arbete och fritid, strategier för att förebygga kränkande särbehandling, hinder för att förebygga hög arbetsbelastning och hinder för att förebygga kränkande särbehandling. I samtliga branscher förekom organisatoriska och stödjande insatser för att minska arbetsbelastningen och ett ledarskap som främjande en balans mellan arbete och fritid. Strategier för att förebygga kränkande särbehandling förekom också i samtliga branscher men fokuserade mer på vilka beteenden som var acceptabla och vilka konsekvenser ett kränkande beteende kunde få. Handlingsplaner saknades i merparten av företagen, vilket tyder på att det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet mot kränkande särbehandling behöver förbättras. Sammanfattningsvis tenderade cheferna att ha mer informella än formella strategier för att förebygga stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön.
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