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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Machado, Katiusci Lehnhard 18 March 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to understand how the organization of work affects the subjective mobilization of workers of a Psychosocial Care Center, Alcohol and Drugs in a municipality in the central region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Qualitative research, which was used psychodynamics of work and developed from the work psychodynamics Clinic second application of medical devices and conditions for your driving. Four group sessions were held with sixteen fundamental level workers, middle and top of a Psychosocial Care Center Alcohol and Drugs in the period April-May 2014. In interpreting the findings used the Content Analysis. The results were organized into three areas: work organization, mobilization and subjective suffering, defenses and pathology and discussed based on the work psychodynamics. It was found that on an organization's bureaucratic and disinterested work by personal history, professional and the desire of workers, have created coping strategies, such as investing in training and support each other. Use your practical intelligence to protect themselves from suffering and organizational inflexibility resistance strategies. The discussion spaces help to reduce anxiety, ease and support worker strain. Cooperation, which translates into solid relationships, it is essential to work in a Psychosocial Care Center. Through it obtains experiences of pleasure; but also was established as work rule and became rigid and exclusive. Workers do not feel valued and supported by superiors in ways that give meaning to their work. This produces implications the construction of identity and engagement activity they perform. Use defensive strategies in situations where they do not get recognition. We conclude that there is a lack of analysis of space on the work, which leads workers to deny reality. The use of practical intelligence, cooperation and discussion space to reframe the suffering experience, has not been enough to turn it into pleasure. Thus, defense strategies have overlapped subjective mobilization. / Este estudo objetivou compreender como a organização do trabalho afeta a mobilização subjetiva dos trabalhadores de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial, Álcool e Drogas em um município da região central do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, na qual se utilizou da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho e se desenvolveu a partir da Clínica Psicodinâmica do Trabalho segundo aplicação dos dispositivos clínicos e das condições para sua condução. Foram realizadas quatro sessões grupais com dezesseis trabalhadores de nível fundamental, médio e superior de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial, Álcool e Drogas, no período de abril a maio de 2014. Para a interpretação dos achados utilizou-se a Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados foram organizados em três eixos: organização do trabalho, mobilização subjetiva e sofrimento, defesas e patologia e discutidos à luz da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho. Verificou-se que diante de uma organização do trabalho burocrática e desinteressada pela história pessoal, profissional e pelo desejo dos trabalhadores, os mesmos criaram estratégias de enfrentamento, como o investimento na formação e o apoio entre si. Utilizam sua inteligência prática para se proteger do sofrimento e estratégias de resistência à inflexibilidade da organização. Os espaços de discussão contribuem para diminuir a angústia, amenizar e suportar o desgaste do trabalhador. A cooperação, que se traduz em relações solidárias, é fundamental para o trabalho em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial. Por meio dela obtêm-se vivências de prazer; mas também, foi instituída como regra de trabalho e tornou-se rígida e excludente. Os trabalhadores não se sentem valorizados e apoiados pelos superiores hierárquicos em aspectos que dão sentido ao seu trabalho. Isto produz implicações à construção da identidade e ao engajamento da atividade que realizam. Utilizam estratégias defensivas frente a situações em que não obtêm reconhecimento. Conclui-se que há falta de espaços de análise sobre o trabalho, o que conduz os trabalhadores a negarem a realidade. O uso da inteligência prática, da cooperação e do espaço de discussão para ressignificar as vivências de sofrimento, não tem sido suficientes para transformá-lo em prazer. Desta forma, as estratégias de defesa tem se sobreposto mobilização subjetiva.

The century of the child : the mental hygiene movement and social policy in the United States and Canada

Richardson, Theresa Marianne Rupke January 1987 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the dynamics between professional knowledge and the power to construct social realities. The focus is on the institutions which contributed to mental hygiene as a protocol for public policies directed toward children. The social history of the child in the twentieth century is juxtaposed with shifts in the configurations of private and public institutions in a sociology of mental illness. The mental hygiene movement created one of the twentieth century's major paradigms. Mental hygiene was conceptualized as the development of a science of promoting mental health and preventing mental illness. The' working premise of the movement was that early life experiences determined adult competence and constituted the root cause of major social problems from crime and dependency to labour unrest and war. The National Committee for Mental Hygiene was established in the United States in 1909 and a second National Committee was established in Canada in 1918. Mental hygienists developed an ideology of child oriented prevention in public health, welfare and educational policies which legitimated public intervention into the private spheres of family relations and child rearing. The idea of mental hygiene was based on a medical model and as such it was part of the new psychiatry and public health movements of the Progressive Era. As a paradigm mental hygiene fostered the identification of children according to scientific standards. Mental hygiene contributed to the transformation of juvenile delinquency into a psychiatry of maladjustment in childhood. As a positivistic approach to public health, mental hygiene research elaborated criteria to determine age related stages of normal psychological and biological progress. Mental hygiene was a product of professional researchers and policy makers. The knowledge base of mental hygiene grew with the expansion of higher education in the United States especially in regard to scientific medicine. The medical model was subsequently applied to research in the behavioural and social sciences. Scientific philanthropy provided funds for research, professional education, and the distribution of knowledge. The accumulation of monetary resources by nineteenth century entrepreneurial capitalists, who applied these funds to further the growth of scientific models, were a sustaining factor in twentieth century mental hygiene. The agents of power described as part of the mental hygiene movement include: 1) the National Committees for Mental Hygiene in the United States and Canada; and, 2) general purpose foundations in Rockefeller related philanthropy and the Commonwealth Fund. By mid-century, the federal, state/provincial and local governments of the United States and Canada had assumed major aspects of the former role of the National Committees and philanthropy in mental health advocacy. The theoretical foundation of mental hygiene evolved in conjunction with the development of the scientific method as applied to preventive medicine, especially in fields related to psychiatry. Mental hygiene was a primary carrier of the medical model into applied disciplines in the social and health sciences. The professionalization of education, social welfare and psychology, as imbued with mental hygiene, translated technological change into revised concepts of public and private spheres in relationship to family and child life. The medicalization of human differences limited the potential for radical revisions in social organization. It justified unequal access to political and economic power on the basis of psychological and biological characteristics. The mental hygiene paradigm served to maintain established social configurations in the face of social change. The function of justifying inequalities was especially important in the United States but less so in Canada for reasons of the timing of nation-building, national history, character, and culture. / Education, Faculty of / Educational Studies (EDST), Department of / Graduate

Opleiding vir Reik na Herstel vrywilligers

Robbertze, Sterna 12 September 2012 (has links)
M.A. / A diagnosis with cancer causes certain fears in a patient, as well as, their family. It activates intense emotional responses in everybody concerned. Reach for Recovery play a huge role in mastectomy patients and their family's lives. It is there to support the patient and to understand what the patient is experiencing. Reach for Recovery is a selfhelp group, functioning under the name of the Cancer Association of South Africa. The group was started in 1952 in the USA, at a time when there was a tendency to discourage patients from discussing their operations with other patients. Therese Lasser, a mastectomy patient, realized that not enough was being done for women whose life had changed dramatically in the span of a few hours. The goal of the study was to do training for Reach for Recovery volunteers. To assess if the Reach for Recovery volunteer is fulfilling in the need of the mastectomy patient. A qualitative approach, using an inductive strategy, was followed to achieve the aim of the study. Focus groups are being used to gather information about the functioning of the Reach for Recovery groups at present. Focus groups were held in the Far East Rand and the West Rand with the Reach for Recovery support groups. The purpose of the focus group was to identify the needs of the mastectomy patients, to enable the researcher to identify guidelines for the Reach for Recovery programme. A literature control was done after the central themes were identified. After having compared the results of the focus group with the relevant literature certain conclusions were drawn and recommendations made. In conclusion to this study, guidelines were designed to be used in the Reach for Recovery programme when the training is done.

A institucionalização da supervisão na reforma psiquiátrica brasileira : (re)produção de controles e desvios junto às equipes de saúde mental / The institucionalization of supervision in the brasilian psychiatric reform : (re) production of controls and deviations with the mental health teams

Severo, Ana Kalliny de Sousa, 1983- 12 December 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Solange L'Abbate / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T18:16:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Severo_AnaKallinydeSousa_D.pdf: 2219412 bytes, checksum: 703c2f5ef1b03a2647c93d0435d1aff5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A supervisão tem se assegurado como um dos principais dispositivos de fortalecimento dos processos de mudanças almejados no modelo de Atenção Psicossocial. Esse dispositivo tem sido utilizado para qualificação dos serviços substitutivos e da rede de Atenção Psicossocial na Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira, apesar de receber muitas críticas no sentido de apontar seu caráter reprodutor das relações de saber-poder hierarquizadas. Este trabalho buscou analisar a institucionalização da supervisão clínico-institucional no processo da Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira, tendo como foco a experiência de supervisão no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Para tanto, o referencial teórico-metodológico escolhido foi o da Análise Institucional, tanto na perspectiva da análise no papel como da socioanálise. A análise no papel foi utilizada para a investigação dos documentos e entrevistas em uma perspectiva sócio-histórica e a socioanálise em sua vertente socioclínica. Para a realização deste estudo, adotei quatro estratégias de pesquisa principais: análise de artigos que apresentavam a inserção da supervisão nas experiências reformistas dos anos 1980 e 1990; análise dos relatórios finais das Conferências Nacionais de Saúde Mental e dos editais de supervisão lançados pelo Ministério da Saúde; e intervenção desenvolvida durante um ano de supervisão clínico-institucional na rede de Atenção Psicossocial em um município do interior do Nordeste. O processo de intervenção desenvolvido fez parte de um desses projetos financiados, com edital lançado, e desenvolveu-se em doze encontros mensais com trabalhadores da rede de saúde e dos dispositivos intersetoriais. Na análise das experiências, percebemos que a supervisão nos princípios da Atenção Psicossocial sofreu mudanças tensionadas principalmente pelas transformações na constituição das equipes, da gestão, da rede e no cuidado comunitário. Na análise no papel dos relatórios da terceira e da quarta Conferência Nacional de Saúde Mental e dos editais do Ministério da Saúde existiram encomendas muito amplas relacionadas à supervisão, tais como a política de recursos humanos, de funcionamento de rede, de qualificação e de construção de Projetos Terapêuticos Singulares, que foram respondidas de maneira ainda insuficiente pelas políticas governamentais. Na intervenção realizada, as principais dificuldades encontradas foram a rotatividade dos profissionais do serviço, múltiplos vínculos de trabalho entre os servidores, mudanças na gestão do serviço e a relação pouco dialogada com a gestão municipal. Como movimento instituinte, assinalamos uma maior reflexão crítica acerca do percurso do profissional de saúde mental para adequação ao contexto da Atenção Psicossocial, ampliação do diálogo e ações interprofissionais, e fortalecimento da parceria entre o gestor municipal e a equipe do Centro de Atenção Psicossocial. Retomar a historicidade de um dispositivo permitiu compreender suas diferentes funções e os efeitos de retorno do instituído e de desconhecimento gerados pela paralisação e burocratização da Reforma Psiquiátrica, e a necessidade de retomar e fortalecer seu processo instituinte / Abstract: Supervision has assured itself as one of the main dispositive of improving the processes of changes desired in the psychosocial care model. This dispositive has been used for qualification of replacement services and from the psychosocial care system in the Brazilian psychiatric reform, despite receiving many criticisms towards pointing its reproductive character of hierarchical knowledge-power. This work aimed at analyzing the institutionalization of institutional clinical-supervision in the process of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. To this end, the theoretical and methodological support chosen was the institutional analysis, both from the perspective of analysis of the role and social analysis. The analysis of the role was used for investigation on documents and interviews in the sociohistorical perspective and in the social analysis in its social clinical perspective. In order to do this study, I applied four main strategies of research: analysis of articles that presented the insertion of the supervision in the reforming experiences in 1980s an 1990s; analysis of the final reports of the National Conferences on Mental Health and the supervision announcements released by the Ministry of Health; and intervention developed during a year of clinical-institutional supervision in network of psychosocial care in a country city of Brazilian northeast. The intervention process developed was part of one of theses funded projects with announcements released, and developed in twelve monthly meetings with Health system and intersectoral dispositives workers. In the analysis of experiments, we noticed that supervision on the principles of Psychosocial Care suffered changes influenced primarily by the transformation of teams, management, system and community care constitution. In analyzing the role of the reports of the third and fourth National Conferences of Mental Health and the announcements of the Ministry of Health there were many orders widely related to supervision, such as the human resources policy, the operation of the network, construction of qualification and Unique Therapeutic Project that were still inadequately answered by the government policies. In interventions, the main difficulties were the turnovers of service professionals, multiple bonds of work between servers, changes in the management of the service and and the little dialogic relationship with the municipal administration. As establishing movement, we noticed a deeper critical reflection on the course of the mental health professional to fit the context of psychosocial care, expansion of dialogue and joint actions, and strengthening the partnership between the city manager and staff of the Center for Psychosocial Care. Retaking the historicity of a dispositive allowed to understand their different roles and effects of return established and ignorance generated by paralysis and bureaucratization of the Psychiatric Reform, and the need to retake and strengthen their instituting proceedings / Doutorado / Ciências Sociais em Saúde / Doutora em Saúde Coletiva

Diagnostic differences of Mexican American clients due to clinician's ethnicity

Ortega, Anthony Perez 01 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Morale and the mental health worker: Burnout in the Department of Behavioral Health

Banker, Karen Lee 01 January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

The processes of disease management in African American adolescents with depression

Al-Khattab, Halima Abdur-Rahman 05 May 2016 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Depression in African American (AA) adolescents is a prevalent mental health problem, can result in serious concurrent and long-term effects, and is associated with health disparities due to underutilization of mental health services. Initiatives to reduce disparities among depressed AA adolescents require a greater understanding of the experience of depression from their own point of view. The purpose of this dissertation was to generate a comprehensive theoretical framework that describes how AA adolescents experience depression throughout adolescence. The information gained about how AA adolescents understand and manage depressive symptoms, and in some cases seek and use mental health services will contribute to initiatives to reduce behavioral health disparities. This dissertation project was composed of two components. The first component was an integrative review of studies that explored associations between adolescent coping responses and depression. The integrative review summarized and integrated research from the past ten years that examined coping techniques of depressed adolescents. It revealed that the use of active coping strategies plays an important role in recovery from depression. The second component was a grounded theory study which included a sample of 22 community-based AA young adults (ages 18-21) and 5 clinic-based AA adolescents (ages 13-17). During semi-structured interviews, participants described their experiences with depression as adolescents. In addition, a timeline was constructed that included major events related to the unfolding of depression, including treatment seeking, which occurred during adolescence. Data generated from the grounded theory study were analyzed and resulted in two qualitatively derived products. The first is a typology titled Being With Others that depicts interaction patterns of depressed AA adolescents with people in their lives. The five categories in the typology are keeping others at bay, striking out at others, seeking help from others, joining in with others, and having others reach out. The second product is a theoretical framework titled Weathering through the Storm that describes how depression in AA adolescents unfolds over time. The five phases of the framework are labeled enduring stormy weather, braving the storm alone, struggling with the storm, finding shelter in the storm, and moving out of the storm.

Evaluating a mental health needs assessment technique on a sample of the elderly population of the New River Valley

Katz, Robert A. 01 August 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Quality of Life~Contribution Model (QOLC) developed by Murrell and Norris (19S3) as a mental health needs assessment technique for the rural elderly. In this field survey method, measures of mental health areas and program targets within each mental health area are compared and prioritized according to their relative contributions to a subjective index of quality-of-life (QOL). An in-home survey of 60 older adults was conducted. Needs were defined in terms of problems, services, and community support and were measured across the following mental health areas: 1) Depression; 2) Organic Brain Syndrome; 3) Alcohol and Drug Abuse; 4) Anxiety; 5) Caregiver Problems; 6) Schizophrenia; and 7) Health Habits. The utility of the QOLC model was evaluated via the descriptive conclusions generated by multiple regression analysis of the sample survey data, with QOL as the dependent variable and the different need measures and mental health areas as the independent variables. A cost analysis was also completed comparing the net total cost of the QOLC with the hypothesized net total cost of a more traditional mental health needs assessment (consisting of a key informant plus a service use statistics component). The results suggest that although the QOLC mental health needs assessment costs more than simpler needs assessment techniques, it can yield important information that can prevent wasteful spending on increased direct mental health services and can also be used to determine the criteria that should be used to segment the target population. / Master of Science

Dimensions of Health among Patients in Mental Health Services

Jormfeldt, Henrika January 2007 (has links)
Empirical studies focusing on the subjective experience of health among patients in contact with the mental health services are rare and most questionnaires are based on a medical model that emphasizes objectively observed disease-oriented health indicators. In studies I and II perceptions of the concept of health among patients and nurses in mental health services were explored and described using a phenomenographic approach. The perceptions and description categories that emerged from these studies were transformed into a number of items forming a questionnaire intended to measure subjectively experienced health among patients in mental health services. In study III, a randomly selected sample was used to test the psychometric properties of the new Health Questionnaire. A factor analysis revealed three factors labelled Autonomy, Social Involvement and Comprehensibility. The purpose of study IV was to examine the construct validity of the Health Questionnaire. The hypothesis was that subjectively experienced health would be positively associated to self-esteem, empowerment and quality of life, and negatively associated to psychiatric symptoms, perceived stigmatization experiences and perceived attitudes of devaluation and discrimination. This hypothesis was mainly confirmed insofar that overall health was positively correlated to self-esteem, empowerment and quality of life and negatively correlated to symptoms, attitudes of devaluation and discrimination and rejection experiences. The results of this thesis show that health is more than just an absence of disease and support a focus on health promotion interventions in mental health care. / <p>Medicine doktorsexamen</p>

Readmission and the social construction of mental disturbance

Terre Blanche, M. J. (Martin J.) 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines recurrent patterns in the interaction between psychiatric patients and the systems of knowledge and power that constitute them as patients. These patterns are traced both in the historical migmti::m of patients into and out of the asylum, and in the language used by doctors and patients to account for such migration. Transcripts of interviews with patients and case notes written by doctors are subjected to new forms of quantitative analysis and this is used together with qualitative interpretation to reveal the ways in which disciplinary power operates through confession and surveillance to constitute psychiatric subjects in the tension between freedom and incarceration. / Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

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