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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparação teórica e prática entre os métodos de contabilidade para combinações de empresas / Theoretical and practical comparison between the methods of accounting for business combinations

Carlos Roberto de Godoy 01 June 2000 (has links)
Uma combinação de empresas ocorre quando duas ou mais empresas distintas se unem de uma única vez para formar uma nova entidade contábil. Dois métodos de contabilização das combinações de empresas são geralmente aceitos no mercado internacional - o Método de União de Participações (Pooling of Interests) e o Método de Compra (Purchase Method). Mas esses dois métodos não devem ser vistos como alternativas contábeis para uma mesma combinação. Para se determinar qual dos dois métodos deve ser utilizado em uma combinação é necessário que se analise a natureza da transação, se ela é uma compra ou uma união de interesses. Sob o Método de União de Participações (Pooling of Interests), os ativos e passivos das empresas combinantes são combinados na nova entidade pelos seus valores históricos. Pelo Método de Compra (Purchase Method), os ativos e passivos da empresa adquirida são combinados pelo fair value na nova entidade. Além desses métodos, mais dois métodos são usados, mas de forma menos freqüente - o Método Fresh-Start e o Método Push-Down Accounting. Pelo Método Fresh-Start, os ativos e passivos das empresas combinantes são combinados pelo fair value. Pelo Método Push-Down Accounting, os ativos e passivos da empresa adquirida são avaliados e contabilizados pelo fair value em sua contabilidade, para em seguida serem combinados na nova entidade. Este estudo tem por objetivo principal explorar os métodos utilizados no mercado internacional e principalmente norte-americano, a fim de combinar as Demonstrações Contábeis de empresas fusionadas ou incorporadas, e aplicar os métodos de União de Participações, de Compra e o Push-Down Accounting em um único caso hipotético, para se conhecer os seus reflexos nas Demonstrações Contábeis da entidade combinada. Na comparação aplicada dos três métodos, o Push-Down Accounting revelou-se como uma variante do Método de Compra (Purchase Method). O Método de União de Participações (Pooling of Interests) sugere uma completa comunhão dos interesses das empresas combinantes sem o reconhecimento de qualquer aumento da potencialidade de geração de benefícios futuros. Já o Método de Compra se assemelha a uma simples transação de compra que reconhece de forma objetiva, na data da combinação, o potencial mínimo de geração de benefícios futuros da empresa adquirida para a entidade combinada. / A business combination occurs when two or more companies merge at one single time to form a new accounting entity. Two accounting methods for business combinations are generally accepted in the international market - the Pooling of Interests Method and the Purchase Method. But these two methods should not be considered as accounting alternatives for the same combination. To determine which of the two methods should be used in a business combination the nature of the transaction should be analyzed, that is, whether it is a purchase or a pooling of interests.On the one hand, in accordance with the Pooling of Interests Method, the assets and liabilities of the combining companies are combined in the new entity making use of their historical value. In accordance with the Purchase Method, on the other hand, the purchased company\'s assets and liabilities are combined in the new entity making use of their fair value.Apart from these two methods, two other methods are used, even though less frequently - the Fresh-Start Method and the Push-Down Accounting Method. In accordance with the Fresh-Start Method, the combining companies\' assets and liabilities are combined making use of their fair value. In accordance with the Push-Down Accounting Method, the purchased company\'s assets and liabilities are first re-evaluated by its accounting making use of their fair value, in order to be subsequently combined in the new entity.The main objective of this study is an exploration of the methods used in the international and mainly North-American markets for combining the Financial Statements of merged or acquired companies, and an application of the Pooling of Interests, Purchase and Push-Down Accounting Methods to one single hypothetical case, in order to know its effects on the Combined Financial Statements. In the comparison of the three methods, the Push-Down Accounting Method proved to be a variant of the Purchase Method. The Pooling of Interests Method suggests a complete pooling of the combining companies\' interests, without recognizing any increase in the potential for generating future benefits. The Purchase Method in turn is similar to a simple purchase transaction which objectively recognizes, at the combination date, the minimum potential of the purchased company for generating future benefits for the combined entity.

國家文化與企業跨國併購 / National Culture in Cross-border M&A

陳怡如, Chen, Yi Ju Unknown Date (has links)
文化常被認為是跨國併購失敗的重要原因,許多文化因素在研究與調查中仍屬薄弱。在本論文中,國家文化是衡量跨境併購文化差異的重點,我們使用了Hofstede 六維度來分析兩種家公司併購情況,即使聯想案例文化維度距離高於TCL案例,但聯想理解在最短時間內和解文化差異,聯想最終解決了問題並變成了利潤。研究表明,溝通是必要的,大大提高了併購的成功性,管理層在合併前,文化評估是必要決策收購的成敗的重要因素。 / The failure rate of cross-border M&As is still high and culture is often blamed for hampering performance. If substantial research has been devoted to investigating M&As performance, cultural factors remain largely unexplained. In this research, national culture is the focus to measure cultural differences in cross border M&As. we used Hofstede 5 dimensions to analyzes two cases, even though Lenovo case cultural dimension distance is higher than TCL case, but Lenovo understand reconciling cultural differences in the shortest time, Lenovo eventually solved the problems and turn into profit. The studies reveal that communication is a necessity, drastically improving the success of a merger, and a cultural assessment of both fit and potential are important factors for providing direction and guidance for necessary decision making and planning initiatives required by management throughout all stages of a merger or acquisition. The purpose of this conceptual paper is to highlight the tensions generated by national culture in cross-border M&As and Chinese enterprises want to increase the success rate of Cross-border M&As, they have to pay close attention on the cultural problems, make a good cultural assessment and manager the cultural integrating work in the cultural integrating process.

Mergers & Acquisitions and Intangibles

Ott, Christian 19 July 2012 (has links)
This dissertation explores the disclosure on intangibles acquired in Mergers & Acquisitos. The related empirical analyses are based on a sample of M&As that are accounted for under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US-GAAP). In three different research papers I answer three distinct research questions. In order to enable capital providers and other external stakeholders to evaluate the PPA, the International Financial Reporting Standard 3 (IFRS 3) and the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 141 (SFAS 141) require the acquirer firm’s management to disclose information about the assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the notes to the financial statement. The first research paper (see chapter II) addresses the following research question: Which information about intangibles acquired in M&As does the acquirer firm’s management disclose in the notes to the financial statement? The second research paper examines the factors that affect the initial recognition of goodwill. This research question is answered in the second research paper (see chapter III): Does the acquirer firm’s management opportunistically or efficiently use its discretion to recognize goodwill initially? The corporate information environment consists not only of corporate disclosure but also of disclosure by information intermediaries. The third research paper (see chapter IV) addresses this last set of research questions: Which information about intangibles acquired in M&As is provided in voluntary or mandatory corporate disclosures and in disclosures by information intermediaries? How are the disclosure channels interrelated?

The Impact of Mergers & Acquisitions on Credit- and Investment risk. : -Evidence from Sweden

Dahlberg, Casper, Lundberg, Max January 2022 (has links)
We examine the impact of Mergers & Acquisitions on credit- and investment risk using a sample of 402 acquisitions by 215 Swedish firms from 2000 to 2020. We find significant evidence that, on average, M&A increases the credit risk and inversely decreases the investment risk of the acquiring firm. Our results indicate that firm credit risk however is positively correlated with investment risk. After controlling for specific deal- and firm characteristics, our findings suggest that managerial hubris decreases the level of credit risk and increases the level of investment risk in acquiring firms. Our results are consistent with the asymmetric information hypothesis that managers may exploit the volatility of their stock price to hide risk-increasing activities. We also observe that acquirers with high pre-deal credit risk undertake acquisitions that decrease credit risk and increase investment risk. We find no significant impact from neither method of payment nor valuation errors.

Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Markets’ Anticipations in the Context of M&A Announcements: International Evidence from the Market for Corporate Control

Jost, Sébastien 09 December 2022 (has links)
Over the last decades, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) have become key strategic alternatives to organic growth, enabling firms to expand in new geographies, broaden their product or service portfolios, increase their market power or diversify their business activities, for instance. Historically, although M&A deals have occurred in cyclical patterns, the number of transactions as well the total amount invested have followed an increasing trend. For instance, in 2021, the number of M&A deals conducted worldwide even peaked at an absolute record of 63,215 deals, for a total amount of $5,800 billion, comparable to the annual GDP of a country like Japan. Although the literature on M&A is vast and multi-disciplinarian, the performance of such transactions as well as their influencing factors have remained debated issues. This paper-based dissertation investigates the implications of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on financial markets’ anticipations in the context of M&A announcements. The first manuscript (Manuscript A) corresponds to a literature review on the determinants to financial markets’ reactions around M&A announcements. The second manuscript (Manuscript B) investigates the impact of both acquirers- and targets’ CSR engagements as well as their CSR profiles distance on synergetic gains anticipated by financial markets around M&A announcements. The third manuscript (Manuscript C) focuses on the impact of acquiring firms’ CSR engagement on the accuracy of financial markets’ anticipations with regards to the long-term operating performance of M&A deals. The fourth manuscript (Manuscript D) analyses whether acquirers’ CSR performance impacts M&A premia, since the premia offered to target shareholders contain acquiring managements’ anticipations regarding potential synergetic gains and are by the way critical to the deals’ value creation processes.

Corporate board of directors : structure and efficiency / Structure et efficacité des conseils d'administration

Lahlou, Ismail 28 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif principal d’apporter une contribution à la littérature concernant la structure et l’efficacité du conseil d’administration (CA). Elle s’articule autour de quatre chapitres. Le premier chapitre est une revue de la littérature, tandis que les trois autres portent sur des questions de recherche distinctes. La première étude présentée dans le deuxième chapitre de cette thèse a pour objectif d'étudier les déterminants de la taille du CA, de l'indépendance de ses membres et de la dualité des fonctions de direction et de présidence du CA. Les principaux apports de cette étude peuvent être résumés comme suit : tout d'abord, nos résultats sont fondés sur l'analyse d'un des plus grands échantillons utilisés dans ce domaine, avec à peu près 16000 observations (entreprises-années) pour près de 2300 entreprises américaines observées de 1997 à 2010. De plus, sur le plan méthodologique, une batterie de tests statistiques a été réalisée afin de vérifier la robustesse de nos résultats, notamment des tests tenant compte des biais d'hétérogénéité et de simultanéité. Enfin, cette étude est probablement la première à démontrer que le passage de la loi SOX a limité la capacité des dirigeants à influencer la composition du CA. La deuxième étude s’attache à analyser les deux principales fonctions du CA, qui sont le conseil au chef d'entreprise et le contrôle de ses activités. Ainsi, comprendre la capacité du CA à remplir ces fonctions est une question fondamentale que nous nous proposons d’approfondir. Cette étude vient enrichir la littérature émergente sur la fonction consultative du CA en fournissant de nouveaux éléments de preuves sur l'importance de cette fonction dans la création de valeur de l'entreprise. Ces résultats apportent également des éclairages sur le conflit potentiel existant entre les deux principales fonctions du CA. Enfin, cette étude s'inscrit dans le courant de pensée qui cherche à évaluer l'impact des caractéristiques des entreprises sur l'efficacité de leurs structures de gouvernance. Le principal objectif de la troisième étude présentée dans le dernier chapitre de cette thèse est de déterminer si la rémunération à base d’actions des administrateurs peut affecter les décisions futures en matière d'acquisition, et le cas échéant, comment. Les résultats de cette étude apportent un nouvel éclairage concernant la rémunération des administrateurs. Cette étude met en exergue l'importance des pratiques de rémunération incitative sous forme d’actions et d’options pour les membres du CA. Par ailleurs, bien que de nombreuses études aient été réalisées afin d'analyser la relation existante entre les mesures incitatives à destination des administrateurs et la performance de l'entreprise, notre étude est l'une des premières à explorer les mécanismes à travers lesquels ces mesures peuvent influencer la valeur de l'entreprise. / This thesis aims at providing contributions to the existing literature on the structure and effectiveness of corporate boards. It comprises three essays that address distinct research questions. The first study examines the trends and determinants of corporate board structure using a panel data sample. This study extends the existing literature on the determinants of board structure in three important ways. First, our results are based on one of the largest samples used in this area, with almost 16,000 firm-year observations for nearly 2,300 firms observed from 1997 to 2010. Second, in terms of methodology, a set of statistical tests was performed in order to check the robustness of our findings, including tests that account for heterogeneity and simultaneity. Finally, this is probably the first study to show that the enactment of SOX has reduced the ability of CEOs in influencing board composition. Specifically, while SOX does not fundamentally alter the economic determinants of board structure, our results show that the documented negative impact of well performing CEOs on board independence in the pre-SOX era is no longer significant post-SOX. In the second study, the principal objective is to investigate the effects of advisory directors' presence on the board and monitoring intensity on the board's overall effectiveness in value creation. This study makes some significant contributions to the literature. First, it complements and extends the growing literature on the board's advisory function by providing strong new evidence on the importance of this board function in value creation. Second, it also provides some evidence on the potential conflict between the two primary functions of corporate boards. Finally, this study adds to the literature that attempts to assess the impact of firm and industry characteristics on the effectiveness of specific governance structures. The last study has as main objective to examine the relation between director compensation structure and shareholder interests in the context of acquisitions. This study contributes to the literature in several ways. First, we add to the recent but burgeoning literature that deals with the determinants of director compensation. Guided by theoretical work in this area, we show that director compensation is mainly consistent with firm's needs for monitoring and advising. Second, we extend the body of research that highlights the importance of equity-based compensation by providing evidence that the use of incentive-based compensation schemes to reward directors also matters. Finally, although many studies have examined the relation between directors' incentives and firm performance, this work is one of the first to examine the channels through which directors' equity-based pay affects shareholders' value.

Etude des aspects stratégiques du processus de formation d'accords de collaboration chez les grands constructeurs informatiques

Mortehan, Olivier 11 December 2003 (has links)
Cette recherche a eu pour but principal de montrer, à travers l’exemple de l’industrie informatique dans les années 90, que la stratégie de partenariat est aujourd’hui devenue un outil essentiel pour permettre aux entreprises à la tête d’une industrie à forte innovation technologique, confrontée à des changements structurels importants, et en particulier à la désintégration menant au leadership technologique partagé, de maintenir leur position dominante. <p> <p>Les quatre parties du travail constituent une suite logique d’étapes contribuant chacune à valider la thèse: la partie I porte sur la synthèse des principaux courants de la littérature scientifique sur les accords de collaboration et leur relation avec l’évolution des industries. Le but poursuivi dans la partie II est de décrire les changements intervenus dans l’industrie informatique au cours des années 90 et de formuler l’hypothèse d’une relation entre ces changements et la stratégie des firmes dans le domaine des accords de collaboration. Cette hypothèse est vérifiée empiriquement dans les parties III et IV à l’aide d’une banque de données sur les accords de collaboration. La partie III du travail présente les résultats descriptifs et la partie IV les résultats analytiques permettant de valider l’hypothèse.<p> / Doctorat en sciences de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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