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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating ESG Impact on Acquiring Firms’ Financial Performance : A study on the relationship between ESG pillars and financial performance of acquirers on the NYSE and Nasdaq

Pokrasen, Piotr, Larsson Flink, Gustav January 2024 (has links)
Merger & Acquisitions has been one of the more central themes of the financial sphere since the beginning of the 19th century. It is an activity that is necessary for firms since it can give them competitive advantage in their markets. An acquisition can give the acquiring firms the possibility to enforce cost and revenues efficiencies, as well as the prospect of entering new markets in order to differentiate themselves. Due to the increased activity of acquisitions and its impact on global economy, there has been a development of several strategies and procedures of what shall be taken into account before and during the acquistion itself. One of the latest factors that has been on an uprising in this discussion is the importance of sustainable factors for the acquirer.  Sustainable finance has become a topic of high relevance in the past few years due to the effects of climate change, but also in regard to questions that concern the firms social and managerial contributions. New policies, regulations and standards have submerged and has therefore created a new environment for the firms to adapt after. A commonly discussed framework in the area of sustainability is ESG. ESG har the purpose of assessing and measuring a firm's contributions to sustainability from an environmental, social, and governance perspective. This framework has been lifted in many studies as one of the more influential factors among investors and managers when discussing the profitability of a firm, as well as its strategic prospects in the sector. Lately, it has also been a subject discussed among M&A researchers as well as professionals, with many arguing that ESG will be even. more important part of the merger process due to its influence on the value of the firm and its financial performance.  The aim of this study is to see what kind of correlation there is between the financial performance of an acquiring firm and its ESG scores. This will be analyzed among firms that are listed on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ stock exchange that have performed at least one acquisition between 2017 and 2023. This can give the managers a glimpse of a possible pattern that might be present between acquisitions and ESG scores, since the main aim of an acquisition is to improve the firm’s financial performance. The results that can be drawn from this study is that there is a positive and statistically significant correlation between financial performance and ESG scores among these firms. This may create a new, more modern agent problem where the management is opening up more for external stakeholders over their shareholders, which can be viewed as a consequence of stronger corporate social responsibility taken by the firms.

Nonstationarity in Low and High Frequency Time Series

Saef, Danial Florian 20 February 2024 (has links)
Nichtstationarität ist eines der häufigsten, jedoch nach wie vor ungelösten Probleme in der Zeitreihenanalyse und ein immer wiederkehrendes Phänomen, sowohl in theoretischen als auch in angewandten Arbeiten. Die jüngsten Fortschritte in der ökonometrischen Theorie und in Methoden des maschinellen Lernens haben es Forschern ermöglicht, neue Ansätze für empirische Analysen zu entwickeln, von denen einige in dieser Arbeit erörtert werden sollen. Kapitel 3 befasst sich mit der Vorhersage von Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A). Obwohl es keinen Zweifel daran gibt, dass M&A-Aktivitäten im Unternehmenssektor wellenartigen Mustern folgen, gibt es keine einheitlich akzeptierte Definition einer solchen "Mergerwelle" im Zeitreihenkontext. Zur Messung der Fusions- und Übernahmetätigkeit werden häufig Zeitreihenmodelle mit Zähldaten verwendet und Mergerwellen werden dann als Cluster von Zeiträumen mit einer ungewöhnlich hohen Anzahl von solchen Mergers & Acqusitions im Nachhinein definiert. Die Verteilung der Abschlüsse ist jedoch in der Regel nicht normal (von Gaußscher Natur). In jüngster Zeit wurden verschiedene Ansätze vorgeschlagen, die den zeitlich variablen Charakter der M&A-Aktivitäten berücksichtigen, aber immer noch eine a-priori-Auswahl der Parameter erfordern. Wir schlagen vor, die Kombination aus einem lokalem parametrischem Ansatz und Multiplikator-Bootstrap an einen Zähldatenkontext anzupassen, um lokal homogene Intervalle in den Zeitreihen der M&A-Aktivität zu identifizieren. Dies macht eine manuelle Parameterauswahl überflüssig und ermöglicht die Erstellung genauer Prognosen ohne manuelle Eingaben. Kapitel 4 ist eine empirische Studie über Sprünge in Hochfrequenzmärkten für Kryptowährungen. Während Aufmerksamkeit ein Prädiktor für die Preise von Kryptowährungenn ist und Sprünge in Bitcoin-Preisen bekannt sind, wissen wir wenig über ihre Alternativen. Die Untersuchung von hochfrequenten Krypto-Ticks gibt uns die einzigartige Möglichkeit zu bestätigen, dass marktübergreifende Renditen von Kryptowährungenn durch Sprünge in Hochfrequenzdaten getrieben werden, die sich um Black-Swan-Ereignisse gruppieren und den saisonalen Schwankungen von Volatilität und Handelsvolumen ähneln. Regressionen zeigen, dass Sprünge innerhalb des Tages die Renditen am Ende des Tages in Größe und Richtung erheblich beeinflussen. Dies liefert grundlegende Forschungsergebnisse für Krypto-Optionspreismodelle und eröffnet Möglichkeiten, die ökonometrische Theorie weiterzuentwickeln, um die spezifische Marktmikrostruktur von Kryptowährungen besser zu berücksichtigen. In Kapitel 5 wird die zunehmende Verbreitung von Kryptowährungen (Digital Assets / DAs) wie Bitcoin (BTC) erörtert, die den Bedarf an genauen Optionspreismodellen erhöht. Bestehende Methoden werden jedoch der Volatilität der aufkommenden DAs nicht gerecht. Es wurden viele Modelle vorgeschlagen, um der unorthodoxen Marktdynamik und den häufigen Störungen in der Mikrostruktur zu begegnen, die durch die Nicht-Stationarität und die besonderen Statistiken der DA-Märkte verursacht werden. Sie sind jedoch entweder anfällig für den Fluch der Dimensionalität, da zusätzliche Komplexität erforderlich ist, um traditionelle Theorien anzuwenden, oder sie passen sich zu sehr an historische Muster an, die sich möglicherweise nie wiederholen. Stattdessen nutzen wir die jüngsten Fortschritte beim Clustering von Marktregimen (MR) mit dem Implied Stochastic Volatility Model (ISVM) auf einem sehr aktuellen Datensatz, der BTC-Optionen auf der beliebten Handelsplattform Deribit abdeckt. Time-Regime Clustering ist eine temporale Clustering-Methode, die die historische Entwicklung eines Marktes in verschiedene Volatilitätsperioden unter Berücksichtigung der Nicht-Stationarität gruppiert. ISVM kann die Erwartungen der Anleger in jeder der stimmungsgesteuerten Perioden berücksichtigen, indem es implizite Volatilitätsdaten (IV) verwendet. In diesem Kapitel wenden wir diese integrierte Zeitregime-Clustering- und ISVM-Methode (MR-ISVM) auf Hochfrequenzdaten für BTC-Optionen an. Wir zeigen, dass MR-ISVM dazu beiträgt, die Schwierigkeiten durch die komplexe Anpassung an Sprünge in den Merkmalen höherer Ordnung von Optionspreismodellen zu überwinden. Dies ermöglicht es uns, den Markt auf der Grundlage der Erwartungen seiner Teilnehmer auf adaptive Weise zu bewerten und das Verfahren auf einen neuen Datensatz anzuwenden, der bisher unerforschte DA-Dynamiken umfasst. / Nonstationarity is one of the most prevalent, yet unsolved problems in time series analysis and a reoccuring phenomenon both in theoretical, and applied works. Recent advances in econometric theory and machine learning methods have allowed researchers to adpot and develop new approaches for empirical analyses, some of which will be discussed in this thesis. Chapter 3 is about predicting merger & acquisition (M&A) events. While there is no doubt that M&A activity in the corporate sector follows wave-like patterns, there is no uniquely accepted definition of such a "merger wave" in a time series context. Count-data time series models are often employed to measure M&A activity and merger waves are then defined as clusters of periods with an unusually high number of M&A deals retrospectively. However, the distribution of deals is usually not normal (Gaussian). More recently, different approaches that take into account the time-varying nature of M&A activity have been proposed, but still require the a-priori selection of parameters. We propose adapating the combination of the Local Parametric Approach and Multiplier Bootstrap to a count data setup in order to identify locally homogeneous intervals in the time series of M&A activity. This eliminates the need for manual parameter selection and allows for the generation of accurate forecasts without any manual input. Chapter 4 is an empirical study on jumps in high frequency digital asset markets. While attention is a predictor for digital asset prices, and jumps in Bitcoin prices are well-known, we know little about its alternatives. Studying high frequency crypto ticks gives us the unique possibility to confirm that cross market digital asset returns are driven by high frequency jumps clustered around black swan events, resembling volatility and trading volume seasonalities. Regressions show that intra-day jumps significantly influence end of day returns in size and direction. This provides fundamental research for crypto option pricing models and opens up possibilities to evolve econometric theory to better address the specific market microstructure of cryptos. Chapter 5 discusses the increasing adoption of Digital Assets (DAs), such as Bitcoin (BTC), which raises the need for accurate option pricing models. Yet, existing methodologies fail to cope with the volatile nature of the emerging DAs. Many models have been proposed to address the unorthodox market dynamics and frequent disruptions in the microstructure caused by the non-stationarity, and peculiar statistics, in DA markets. However, they are either prone to the curse of dimensionality, as additional complexity is required to employ traditional theories, or they overfit historical patterns that may never repeat. Instead, we leverage recent advances in market regime (MR) clustering with the Implied Stochastic Volatility Model (ISVM) on a very recent dataset covering BTC options on the popular trading platform Deribit. Time-regime clustering is a temporal clustering method, that clusters the historic evolution of a market into different volatility periods accounting for non-stationarity. ISVM can incorporate investor expectations in each of the sentiment-driven periods by using implied volatility (IV) data. In this paper, we apply this integrated time-regime clustering and ISVM method (termed MR-ISVM) to high-frequency data on BTC options. We demonstrate that MR-ISVM contributes to overcome the burden of complex adaption to jumps in higher order characteristics of option pricing models. This allows us to price the market based on the expectations of its participants in an adaptive fashion and put the procedure to action on a new dataset covering previously unexplored DA dynamics.

Le traitement des porteurs minoritaires de titres de sociétés par actions publiques dans un contexte transactionnel : où en sommes-nous?

Proulx, Olivier 11 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en Droit (LL.M) Option Droit des Affaires" / Dans une perspective pratique et axée sur le droit transactionnel, l'auteur dresse un portrait global du régime juridique s'appliquant aux actionnaires minoritaires de sociétés par actions publiques canadiennes. Pour ce faire, il aborde, dans un premier temps, les divers mécanismes transactionnels utilisés par les sociétés désirant procéder à une opération de changement de contrôle. Dans un deuxième temps, il enchaîne en expliquant les enjeux entourant la protection des actionnaires minoritaires pour, par la suite, décrire les obligations afférentes au Règlement Q-27. Finalement, il propose une analyse du traitement des porteurs minoritaires à la lumière, d'une part, de la gouvernance d'entreprise et, d'autre part, de l'activisme des investisseurs institutionnels. / In a practical perspective based on transactionallaw, the author shows a global portrait of the legal regime applicable ta minority shareholders of Canadian publicly listed corporations. Firstly, he tackles the various transactional mechanisms used by corporations that want ta proceed ta a change of control operation. Secondly, he continues by explaining the issues surrounding the protection of minority shareholders. Then, he describes the obligations related ta Rule Q-27. Finally, he proposes an analysis of minority shareholders treatment in light of, on one hand, corporate governance and, on the other hand, institutional investors activism.

Comparação teórica e prática entre os métodos de contabilidade para combinações de empresas / Theoretical and practical comparison between the methods of accounting for business combinations

Godoy, Carlos Roberto de 01 June 2000 (has links)
Uma combinação de empresas ocorre quando duas ou mais empresas distintas se unem de uma única vez para formar uma nova entidade contábil. Dois métodos de contabilização das combinações de empresas são geralmente aceitos no mercado internacional - o Método de União de Participações (Pooling of Interests) e o Método de Compra (Purchase Method). Mas esses dois métodos não devem ser vistos como alternativas contábeis para uma mesma combinação. Para se determinar qual dos dois métodos deve ser utilizado em uma combinação é necessário que se analise a natureza da transação, se ela é uma compra ou uma união de interesses. Sob o Método de União de Participações (Pooling of Interests), os ativos e passivos das empresas combinantes são combinados na nova entidade pelos seus valores históricos. Pelo Método de Compra (Purchase Method), os ativos e passivos da empresa adquirida são combinados pelo fair value na nova entidade. Além desses métodos, mais dois métodos são usados, mas de forma menos freqüente - o Método Fresh-Start e o Método Push-Down Accounting. Pelo Método Fresh-Start, os ativos e passivos das empresas combinantes são combinados pelo fair value. Pelo Método Push-Down Accounting, os ativos e passivos da empresa adquirida são avaliados e contabilizados pelo fair value em sua contabilidade, para em seguida serem combinados na nova entidade. Este estudo tem por objetivo principal explorar os métodos utilizados no mercado internacional e principalmente norte-americano, a fim de combinar as Demonstrações Contábeis de empresas fusionadas ou incorporadas, e aplicar os métodos de União de Participações, de Compra e o Push-Down Accounting em um único caso hipotético, para se conhecer os seus reflexos nas Demonstrações Contábeis da entidade combinada. Na comparação aplicada dos três métodos, o Push-Down Accounting revelou-se como uma variante do Método de Compra (Purchase Method). O Método de União de Participações (Pooling of Interests) sugere uma completa comunhão dos interesses das empresas combinantes sem o reconhecimento de qualquer aumento da potencialidade de geração de benefícios futuros. Já o Método de Compra se assemelha a uma simples transação de compra que reconhece de forma objetiva, na data da combinação, o potencial mínimo de geração de benefícios futuros da empresa adquirida para a entidade combinada. / A business combination occurs when two or more companies merge at one single time to form a new accounting entity. Two accounting methods for business combinations are generally accepted in the international market - the Pooling of Interests Method and the Purchase Method. But these two methods should not be considered as accounting alternatives for the same combination. To determine which of the two methods should be used in a business combination the nature of the transaction should be analyzed, that is, whether it is a purchase or a pooling of interests.On the one hand, in accordance with the Pooling of Interests Method, the assets and liabilities of the combining companies are combined in the new entity making use of their historical value. In accordance with the Purchase Method, on the other hand, the purchased company\'s assets and liabilities are combined in the new entity making use of their fair value.Apart from these two methods, two other methods are used, even though less frequently - the Fresh-Start Method and the Push-Down Accounting Method. In accordance with the Fresh-Start Method, the combining companies\' assets and liabilities are combined making use of their fair value. In accordance with the Push-Down Accounting Method, the purchased company\'s assets and liabilities are first re-evaluated by its accounting making use of their fair value, in order to be subsequently combined in the new entity.The main objective of this study is an exploration of the methods used in the international and mainly North-American markets for combining the Financial Statements of merged or acquired companies, and an application of the Pooling of Interests, Purchase and Push-Down Accounting Methods to one single hypothetical case, in order to know its effects on the Combined Financial Statements. In the comparison of the three methods, the Push-Down Accounting Method proved to be a variant of the Purchase Method. The Pooling of Interests Method suggests a complete pooling of the combining companies\' interests, without recognizing any increase in the potential for generating future benefits. The Purchase Method in turn is similar to a simple purchase transaction which objectively recognizes, at the combination date, the minimum potential of the purchased company for generating future benefits for the combined entity.


朱建彥 Unknown Date (has links)
企業併購的成敗,基本上應視其併購的策略性目標是否達成,然而策略性的目標往往只能從收購後整體的營運績效或投資收益來進行評估。事實上,企業併購即是一種投資活動,投資後的環境變化事先即難以掌握,如何有效的預防企業併購的風險問題,尤為進行併購規劃時重要的課題。本文嘗試以「代理問題」來解釋企業併購完成後的「雙方道德風險問題」,希望利用支付方式的財務規劃,有效的對企業併購完成後的道德風險作防範。 本文的主要目的在於,利用訊息理論中的代理模型(principal-agent model),研究企業併購雙方在「資訊不對稱」下,利用「雙方道德風險模型」(double-sided moral hazard model)的建立,規劃最適的支付方式設計,並對模型最適支付方式契約特性與影響因素作分析。設定企業併購的買方公司(the bidder)為所有人角色,目標公司(the target)為代理人角色,並且雙方公司皆為「風險趨避」的態度,以期望效用極大作為決策依據。買方公司基於「風險分散(risk- sharing)」與「契約誘因(incentives)」的考量,設計一種最適的「簡單線性支付方式」契約型態,綜合部分現金與部分股票支付的「混合性支付方式」,進行併購投資的要約行動。 模型的結果,買方公司所提出的最適目標公司持股比例,為雙方的風險趨避係數、公司價值的變異風險,以及雙方努力投入的成本係數所決定。並且進一步求出最適的努力水準,與最適現金支付金額,設計最適的股票與現金支付比例,以作為企業併購支付方式財務規劃的建議。 分析最適支付契約的比較靜態結果。在其他條件不變之下,(1) 若買方公司風險趨避態度增加時,買方公司將提高目標公司持股比例的契約設計,增加契約誘因強度,以避免承擔過多企業併購的不確定風險;(2) 當公司價值估計變異風險增加(外在不確定風險增加),若買方公司的風險趨避係數大於目標公司的風險趨避係數時,買方公司將增加目標公司持股比例作為要約;(3) 若買方公司的努力成本增加時,買方公司愈不願意付出努力水準,傾向於提高誘因機制給目標公司增加目標公司的持股比例作要約。 修正訊息結構的假設,引入契約中加入「承諾付出一定努力」的條款,加入「買方承諾」條款時,雙方道德風險的最適契約設計可以簡化為單方道德風險模型。加入「雙方承諾」的條款時,模型則可簡化成以「完全訊息」沒有道德風險問題的方式來分析。比較三個方面的差異:(1) 誘因強度大小的比較:在單方道德風險下,最適目標公司持股比例契約,將大於雙方道德風險模型下設計的最適契約;雙方道德模型則需視彼此道德風險問題的抵換,誘因強度不一定大於完全訊息模型。(2) 比較靜態結果比較:就影響方向而言,風險趨避係數變動,對不同訊息設計影響方向皆相同;外生誤差風險變動時,單方道德風險的影響則確定為負;至於努力成本的影響方向則不變。就影響大小而言,雙方道德風險模型誘因強度敏感性則恆小於單方道德風險模型的影響;與完全訊息的敏感程度大小則不一定。(3) 雙方期望效用總和比較:在雙方道德風險模型下,最適契約符合契約雙方期望效用確定等值極大的條件。 修正風險趨避特性的假設,探討風險中立假設下,最適的簡單線性支付契約適用性的問題。可得在風險中立情況下,只有雙方道德風險模型,混合性支付方式線性契約的誘因機制仍存在。最後,利用「制度性的比較靜態分析」,歸納出企業併購雙方道德風險問題下,當外生變數變動時,「完全現金支付」與「混合性支付方式」的選擇取捨。


葉秋美, Ye, Qiu-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
嘗試放棄傳統事件研究法 (event study)的固定系統 ,先針對股價的結構變化點作檢定,找出子區間的分到傳統的方法,根據系統風險改變的時點找出估計期窗口(-5, 5)中 AR、CAR 的變化情形,以測試資本市告之反應,並試圖找出其可能的影響因素。實證結果告對主併公司的股東財富雖然有正面影響(僅1.82﹪) ,但整個宣告窗口的累積效果似乎不大;而跨國購併之間的差異(國際效果),除了購併宣告當日外顯然另外,水平型態的購併事件與產業的技術密集程度之宣告日後才顯現出來,至於支付方式對宣告效果所產國外的實證結果不符,而購併成功與否對主併公司之顯。

Mergers & Acquisitions : Abnormal returns in the pharmaceutical industry

Stålstedt, Erik, Eriksson, Jens January 2006 (has links)
Denna uppsats är skriven inom området finansiering och behandlar fenomenet uppköp och företagsförvärv inom läkemedelsbranschen. I uppsatsen undersöker man läkemedelsbranschen och några nyckelaffärer utförda under de senaste fem åren. Syftet är att se om hypotesen om att det inte sker någon onormal överavkastning efter ett företagsförvärv eller sammanslagning till det köpande företaget gäller inom industrin. Modellen som används är ”the Arbitrage Pricing Model”, innehållande variablerna S&P 500, ^DRG, USA’s inflation och volymen av omsatta aktier på New York-börsen. Denna används för att beräkna en förväntad avkastning på aktien 48 månader efter affären. Ytterligare så används AMEX läkemedelsindex (^DRG) och Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) som måttstock för att jämföra utvecklingen av aktien under 48 månader efter affären. Hypotesen håller i tre av sex fall när indexen ^DRG och S&P 500 används som måttstock och i samtliga fall när den beräknade avkastningen används som måttstock. De beräknade estimaten visade sig vara aningen för optimistiska givet tidpunkten för affären. Marknaden hade vuxit mycket starkt under en lång tid och var på toppen just innan den föll kraftigt i början av år 2000. Inget av företagen nådde upp till de beräknade värdena. Inte heller lyckades de återhämta sig från det kraftiga fallet I marknaden till deras ursprungliga aktievärden. / This thesis is written within the field of finance and covers the Merger & Acquisition (M&A) phenomenon within the pharmaceutical industry. The purpose with this thesis is to examine the pharmaceutical industry and, with some key acquisitions done over the last five years, see if our hypothesis about no abnormal returns after an M&A to the buying firm, holds within the industry. The model used is the Arbitrage pricing model, incorporating the variables; S&P 500, ^DRG, US inflation and stock volume traded on NYSE, to calculate expected returns for a period of 48 months after the M&A’s. Furthermore we use AMEX pharmaceutical index (^DRG) and Standard & Poor 500 (S&P 500) as our base for measuring post-M&A performance 48 months after the M&A’s. The hypothesis holds three out of six times when using the indices ^DRG and S&P 500 as a benchmark and all of the times when using the calculated expected returns as benchmark. The calculated estimates turned out to be a bit too optimistic given the time of the M&A’s where the market had grown substantially over a long period and was at its peak just before it plummeted in the early 2000’s. Neither of the companies reached their estimated returns, nor did they manage to recover from the downfall to their initial stock value at the time of the merger.

Mergers & Acquisitions : Abnormal returns in the pharmaceutical industry

Stålstedt, Erik, Eriksson, Jens January 2006 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats är skriven inom området finansiering och behandlar fenomenet uppköp och företagsförvärv inom läkemedelsbranschen. I uppsatsen undersöker man läkemedelsbranschen och några nyckelaffärer utförda under de senaste fem åren. Syftet är att se om hypotesen om att det inte sker någon onormal överavkastning efter ett företagsförvärv eller sammanslagning till det köpande företaget gäller inom industrin.</p><p>Modellen som används är ”the Arbitrage Pricing Model”, innehållande variablerna S&P 500, ^DRG, USA’s inflation och volymen av omsatta aktier på New York-börsen. Denna används för att beräkna en förväntad avkastning på aktien 48 månader efter affären. Ytterligare så används AMEX läkemedelsindex (^DRG) och Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) som måttstock för att jämföra utvecklingen av aktien under 48 månader efter affären.</p><p>Hypotesen håller i tre av sex fall när indexen ^DRG och S&P 500 används som måttstock och i samtliga fall när den beräknade avkastningen används som måttstock.</p><p>De beräknade estimaten visade sig vara aningen för optimistiska givet tidpunkten för affären. Marknaden hade vuxit mycket starkt under en lång tid och var på toppen just innan den föll kraftigt i början av år 2000. Inget av företagen nådde upp till de beräknade värdena. Inte heller lyckades de återhämta sig från det kraftiga fallet I marknaden till deras ursprungliga aktievärden.</p> / <p>This thesis is written within the field of finance and covers the Merger & Acquisition (M&A) phenomenon within the pharmaceutical industry. The purpose with this thesis is to examine the pharmaceutical industry and, with some key acquisitions done over the last five years, see if our hypothesis about no abnormal returns after an M&A to the buying firm, holds within the industry.</p><p>The model used is the Arbitrage pricing model, incorporating the variables; S&P 500, ^DRG, US inflation and stock volume traded on NYSE, to calculate expected returns for a period of 48 months after the M&A’s. Furthermore we use AMEX pharmaceutical index (^DRG) and Standard & Poor 500 (S&P 500) as our base for measuring post-M&A performance 48 months after the M&A’s.</p><p>The hypothesis holds three out of six times when using the indices ^DRG and S&P 500 as a benchmark and all of the times when using the calculated expected returns as benchmark.</p><p>The calculated estimates turned out to be a bit too optimistic given the time of the M&A’s where the market had grown substantially over a long period and was at its peak just before it plummeted in the early 2000’s. Neither of the companies reached their estimated returns, nor did they manage to recover from the downfall to their initial stock value at the time of the merger.</p>

Le traitement des porteurs minoritaires de titres de sociétés par actions publiques dans un contexte transactionnel : où en sommes-nous?

Proulx, Olivier 11 1900 (has links)
Dans une perspective pratique et axée sur le droit transactionnel, l'auteur dresse un portrait global du régime juridique s'appliquant aux actionnaires minoritaires de sociétés par actions publiques canadiennes. Pour ce faire, il aborde, dans un premier temps, les divers mécanismes transactionnels utilisés par les sociétés désirant procéder à une opération de changement de contrôle. Dans un deuxième temps, il enchaîne en expliquant les enjeux entourant la protection des actionnaires minoritaires pour, par la suite, décrire les obligations afférentes au Règlement Q-27. Finalement, il propose une analyse du traitement des porteurs minoritaires à la lumière, d'une part, de la gouvernance d'entreprise et, d'autre part, de l'activisme des investisseurs institutionnels. / In a practical perspective based on transactionallaw, the author shows a global portrait of the legal regime applicable ta minority shareholders of Canadian publicly listed corporations. Firstly, he tackles the various transactional mechanisms used by corporations that want ta proceed ta a change of control operation. Secondly, he continues by explaining the issues surrounding the protection of minority shareholders. Then, he describes the obligations related ta Rule Q-27. Finally, he proposes an analysis of minority shareholders treatment in light of, on one hand, corporate governance and, on the other hand, institutional investors activism. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en Droit (LL.M) Option Droit des Affaires"

Innovation, Collaboration, and the International Firm

Hargreaves, Michael January 2004 (has links)
In the lead up to the Year 2000 dot.com crash of publicly traded high-technology equities, Information Communication Technology (ICT) Companies proudly displayed inter-firm allegiances on their newly created websites. These collaborative relationships were in reality licensing agreements to develop or market new products internationally. Phenomena associated with ICT product development - collaboration, innovation, and internationalisation - are the core tenets of the accompanying dissertation. Leading scholars have suggested these phenomena challenge conventional economic theories of the firm. This study commences with tracing the evolution of trade and production theories from absolute advantage through to competitive advantage and introduces the concepts of non-adversarial collaborative advantage. Within the framework of the technology cycle, this dissertation then seeks to answer why firms engage in international collaborative innovation. The cycle of technological innovation is investigated and this leads to postulating a period of technological overlap and its implications for collaboration. One of the shortcomings acknowledged in the literature is the generic application of the term collaboration to cover a wide scope of inter-firm agreements. Within the literature this is referred to as a problem of multidimensionality. A model is developed in this dissertation that identifies the choices available to the firm and addresses the problem of defining collaboration. The choices provided in the developed model are more complex than simply choosing between external and internal intermediate markets. As a separable form of industry organisation, the success rates of alliance collaboration are compared to Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) to validate issues of sustainability before examining the impact of location on innovation and collaboration. Again, theory is tested by recent events that require explanation. These events include the relocation of early stage foreign R&D to both developed and lesser-developed nations. The final chapter assesses the findings throughout this study and identifies separate and distinct roles for large and small firms in the international and collaborative commercialisation of new innovations. This central conclusion requires empirical validation and suggests the need investigate how firms shape the cycle of innovation from a reflected vantage point to the evolutionary perspective taken in this study. Further research is warranted because the literature on international innovation and collaboration is at an early stage and gaps in understanding remain.

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