Spelling suggestions: "subject:"metathesis"" "subject:"methathesis""
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Développement d'une méthode d'alkylation pour la préparation de ligands carbènes N-hétérocycliques C₁-symétriques et synthèse de nouveaux catalyseurs pour la métathèse d'oléfinesSavoie, Jolaine January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Využití B-H karbonátů v organokatalytických transformacích / The use of BH carbonates in organocatalytic transformationsTichá, Iveta January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the preparation of enantiomerically pure compounds based on organocatalytic allylic substitution using Baylis-Hillman carbonates. As selected substrates for the allylic substitution were chosen α-azidoketones such as azidoacetophenone, 2-azido-1-indanone and then heterocyclic compounds (N-phenylrhodanine and its derivate) belonging to the pharmaceutical privileged compounds. Other substrate for allylic substitution was allylmalononitrile. In addition, this thesis includes with synthesis of cyclic compounds based on the reaction of products of allylmalononitrile with B-H carbonates using olefin metathesis.
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Příprava a vlastnosti stavebních bloků speciálních polymerů / Preparation and properties of building blocks of specialty polymersŠichová, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis presents results obtained by solution of two partial projects: a) Preparation of monomers from renewable sources using metathesis and tandem hydrogenation catalyzed with ruthenium compounds - project solved during my Erasmus stay at the Université de Rennes 1 in France; b) Preparation and properties of ,-bis(tpy)quarterthiophene oligomers carrying ionic side groups as oligomonomers for polyelectrolyte conjugated dynamers - project solved at the Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. Project a): Self-metathesis of 1,2-epoxyhex-5-ene (but-3-enyloxirane) and its cross-metathesis with methyl acrylate and acrylonitrile catalyzed with ruthenium compounds as well as tandem design of these metatheses and consecutive hydrogenation of their products by gaseous hydrogen have been optimized. The following influences have been studied and tuned: (i) type of the catalyst (Grubbs, Hoveyda, Zhan) and its concentration and method of dosing, (ii) concentration of reactants and additives, (iii) type of solvent, and (iv) reaction temperature. Reactions were monitored by the GC, GC and MS methods and the products were characterized by the NMR method. Methyl 6,7-epoxyheptanoate (methyl 5-oxiranylpentanoate) obtained by the tandem...
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Greffage de complexes organométalliques sur anions hydroxyborates : application à la transformation des oléfines / The use of hydroxyborate anions as anchors for organometallic complexes : application to olefin transformation reactionsKelsen, Vinciane 14 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse présente le greffage de complexes organométalliques sur des anions hydroxyborates. Ces ligands originaux sont susceptibles de conférer des propriétés particulières à la sphère de coordination du métal. Leur caractère anionique pourrait permettre l'immobilisation des catalyseurs dans une phase liquide ionique. La majeure partie des travaux a porté sur la réactivité des anions hydroxyborates avec les métaux du groupe IV de la classification périodique. Les complexes alkyles du zirconium et de l'hafnium réagissent avec la fonction hydroxyle de l'anion par protonolyse de la liaison métal-alkyle. La résolution par diffraction des rayons X de la structure des complexes métallocènes [Cp2MMe(OB(C6F5)3)]- [PPN]+ (M = Zr et Hf) a confirmé la nature covalente des liaisons M-O et B-O et donc l'intérêt des anions hydroxyborates comme ligands de complexes organométalliques. Cette réactivité a ensuite été déclinée sur différents précurseurs du zirconium et de l'hafnium. Le complexe ionique [Ti(OiPr)3(OB(C6F5)3]-[PPN]+ a été synthétisé à partir d'un complexe alkoxy du titane par une réaction d'échange de ligands. Ce complexe activé par le triéthylaluminium dimérise sélectivement l'éthylène en butène-1 en milieu liquide ionique. L'extension du concept à d'autres métaux de la classification périodique : aluminium, fer, molybdène, a été abordée. Deux complexes anioniques du molybdène ont notamment été isolés et sont des catalyseurs de métathèse des oléfines / This thesis presents the use of hydroxyborate anions as anchors for organometallic complexes. These original ligands might confer particular properties to the coordination sphere of the metal. Their anionic nature might also allow the immobilization of catalysts in ionic liquids. The main part of this work dealt with the reactivity of hydroxyborate anions with group IV metals. Zirconium and hafnium complexes reacted with the hydroxyl function of the anion by protonolysis of the metal-alkyl bond. Resolution of the structure of metallocene complexes [Cp2MMe(OB(C6F5)3)]-[PPN]+ (M = Zr and Hf) by X-Ray diffraction confirmed the covalent nature of M-O and B-O bonds and so the relevance of hydroxyborate anions as ligands for organometallic complexes. Then, this reactivity was extended to different zirconium and hafnium precursors. The ionic complex [Ti(OiPr)3(OB(C6F5)3)]- [PPN]+ was synthesized from an alkoxy titanium complex by a ligand exchange reaction. This complex activated by triethylaluminium selectively dimerized ethylene into 1-butene in ionic liquids. Extension of the concept to other metals such as aluminum, iron and molybdenum, was studied. Two anionic molybdenum complexes were isolated and are catalysts for olefin metathesis
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Mise au point de réactions tandems catalytiques incluant une étape d'isomérisation pour la synthèse de molécules naturelles / Development of catalytic tandem reactions including an isomerisation step for the total synthesis of natural moleculesHémelaere, Rémy 06 December 2013 (has links)
Limiter la perte d'atomes, privilégier l'usage de catalyseurs, s'abstenir de l'utilisation de réactifs toxiques et éviter les étapes de purifications sont certains des challenges de la chimie moderne. De nombreuses recherches ont donc été consacrées au développement de réactions dites ''tandems''. La réaction d'isomérisation d'alcène permet dans certains cas de générer une toute nouvelle réactivité au sein d'une molécule, en déplaçant une double liaison. Cette réaction requiert souvent un catalyseur de type hydrure avec un métal de transition. Ce mémoire décrit la mise au point de nouvelles réactions ''tandems'' dont l'une des composantes mise en jeu est une réaction isomérisation d'oléfine. Une attention toute particulière a été adressée à la synthèse de vinylboronates notamment par métathèse croisée. Outre les nombreuses applications en synthèse organique qui sont présentées dans ce mémoire, ces intermédiaires peuvent être isomérisés en allylboronates. Ces derniers peuvent réagir avec un aldéhyde pour donner des alcools homoallyliques avec une complète diastéréosélectivité. Ces alcools ont, entre autres, été utilisés en synthèse totale de plusieurs molécules naturelles complexes présentant un motif 2,3-dihydrobenzofurane. / Some of the new challenges of modern synthetic chemistry are: atom economy, employment of catalytic processes, avoidance of toxic reactants and limitation of purification steps. A lot of work has been devoted to the development of tandem reactions. A new reactivity could be generated in a molecule thanks to an isomerisation (or migration) reaction of an alkene. This reaction often needs an hydride specie which comes from a transition metal catalyst. This PhD thesis is about the development of new tandem reactions in which at least one step is an isomerisation of an olefin. A great attention has been dedicated to the synthesis of vinylboronates especially with a cross-metathesis strategy. These intermediates are of great importance in organic chemistry and can be useful in a wide range of reactions. One of those reactions is the transformation of vinylboronates to allylboronates thanks to an isomerisation step. Allylboronates can then react with aldehydes to generate homoallylic alcohols with total diastereoselectivity. These new reactions have found applications in total synthesis of natural molecules with a 2,3-dihydrobenzofuran core.
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Síntese de amino-complexos de rutênio e suas aplicações como catalisadores em reações de metátese: polimerização via metátese por abertura de anel, metátese cruzada e autometátese / Syntheses of ruthenium-amine-based complexes and its applications in metathesis reactions: ring opening metathesis polymerization, cross metatathesis and selfmetathesisFonseca, Larissa Ribeiro da 12 September 2016 (has links)
Os não-carbeno complexos pentacoordenados do tipo [RuCl2(PPh3)2(amina)], sendo as aminas pirrolidina, azocano e dietilamina, foram sintetizados e caracterizados por análise elementar, espectroscopia de absorção na região do infravermelho, espectroscopia de absorção na região do ultravioleta e visível, espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear de fósforo-31 e espectroscopia de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica. Estudos da teoria do funcional da densidade dos complexos foram realizados para buscar melhor interpretação dos resultados experimentais obtidos. O complexo [RuCl2(PPh3)2(pirrolidina)] exibiu uma geometria do tipo pirâmide de base quadrada em solução, com a amina na posição apical e as trifenilfosfinasestão trans-posicionada. Os complexos [RuCl2(PPh3)2(azocano)] e [RuCl2(PPh3)2(dietilamina)] exibiram geometria do tipo bipirâmide trigonal na qual as duas trifenilfosfinas estão trans-posicionadas no eixo axial. O complexo [RuCl2(PPh3)2(pirrolidina)] exibiu boa atividade catalítica nas polimerizações de norborneno e norbornadieno, tanto em atmosfera de argônio quanto em ar a 25 °C, como observado com os complexos similares [RuCl2(PPh3)2(peridroazepina)] e [RuCl2(PPh3)2(piperidina)]. Os complexos [RuCl2(PPh3)2(azocano)] e [RuCl2(PPh3)2(dietilamina)] obtiveram baixo rendimento de polimerização mesmo a 40 °C. Acredita-se que a geometria do tipo pirâmide de base quadrada seja a ativa para formação da espécie metal-carbeno com o etil diazoacetato no período de indução e favorável para iniciar a reação de polimerização via metátese por abertura de anel. A geometria do tipo bipirâmide trigonal pode dificultar o período de indução. Os estudos teóricos corroboraram com essa discussão. Os polinorbornenos, polinorbornadienos e seus copolímeros obtidos com os três complexos ativos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear de carbono-13, calorimetria exploratória diferencial, análise dinâmico-mecânica, termogravimetria e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. O complexo [RuCl2(PPh3)2(peridroazepina)] foi eficiente na metátese cruzada entre lignina metacrilada e o 10-undecen-1-ol para modificar a lignina Protobind 2400, e a lignina modificada foi solúvel em diversos solventes. O complexo [RuCl2(PPh3)2(peridroazepina)] também foi utilizado na autometátese da olefina terminal do 10-undecen-1-ol para obtenção de um diol que foi usado como segmento flexível e extensor de cadeia em reações de poliuretanas com óleo de mamona ou poli(ε-caprolactona) diol. Esse diol, quando utilizado em pequenas quantidades (10% em massa) nas poliuretanas derivadas do óleo de mamona, foi capaz de prover características adesivas a um material inicialmente rígido. Os resultados das reações de poliuretanas derivadas da poli(ε-caprolactona) diol não apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. / Non-carbene five-coordinate [RuCl2(PPh3)2(amina)] complexes, with pyrrolidine, azocane and diethylamine, were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, infrared absorption spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy, phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance and electron paramagnetic resonance. Density functional theory studies of the complexes were performed to complete and improve the experimental studies. [RuCl2(PPh3)2(pyrrolidine)] presented a square pyramidal geometry in solution, with the amine in the apical position and trans-positioned phosphines. [RuCl2(PPh3)2(azocane)] and [RuCl2(PPh3)2(diethyl amine)] exhibited a trigonal bipyramidal geometry in solution, with two phosphine molecules trans-positioned in the axial axis. [RuCl2(PPh3)2(pyrrolidine)] presented activity for ring opening metathesis polymerization of norbornene and norbornadiene under either air or inert atmosphere of argon at 25 °C, as observed with the parent complexes with perhydroazepine and piperidine. The latter three complexes presented square pyramidal geometries and high yields of polynorbornene and polynorbornadiene, different from the trigonal bipyramidal geometry of the complexes with azocane and diethylamine, which showed lower yields for polymerization even at 40 °C. This suggests that the cyclic amines in the apical position of the square pyramidal geometry provoke less steric hindrance, which provides prompt reactivity for ring opening metathesis polymerization. The bipyramidal geometry can hinder the induction period. Theoretical studies corroborate this discussion. The polynorbornenes, polynorbornadienes, and their copolymers obtained with the three active complexes were characterized by carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance, differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical analysis, thermogravimetry analysis, and scanning electron microscopy. [RuCl2(PPh3)2(perhydroazepine)] was efficient to perform cross metathesis between the methacrylate lignin and 10-undecen-1-ol to modify the Protobind 2400 lignin, and the modified lignin was soluble in several solvents. Self-metathesis of the terminal olefin in 10-undecen-1-ol was conducted in the presence of [RuCl2(PPh3)2(perhydroazepine)] and ethyl diazoacetate to form a bioderived diol. The diol was utilized as soft segment and chain extender in polyurethane reactions with castor oil or poly(ε-caprolactone) diol. At only 10 wt% of the diol, an adhesive characteristic was observed in the castor oil-based polyurethane. The results from poly(ε-caprolactone) diol-based polyurethane were not satisfactory.
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Synthèse de nouveaux azépanes polyhydroxylés à partir de pentoses issus de la biomasse / synthesis of new polyhydroxylated azepanes from biomass pentosesTaghzouti, Hanaa 16 July 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre du programme PentoRaf, dans la thématique « Transformation par voie chimique d'agromolécules en produits bioactifs ». Le travail de ce projet porte sur la synthèse de nouveaux azépanes tétrahydroxylés comportant un bras anomérique fonctionnel et sur l'évaluation des propriétés inhibitrices sur des glycosidases. La séquence réactionnelle a la particularité de valoriser les co produits issus du son et de la paille de blé.Dans une première partie, l'accès à un synthon polyfonctionnel, développé à partir des travaux précédents, a été réalisé avec des groupements protecteurs pivaloylés et méthoxyméthylés sur les hydroxyles communs aux sucres de départ (D-xylose et L-arabinose).La deuxième partie de ce travail consiste d'abord à introduire les différents groupements électroattracteurs : CO2Et, CN, PO(OEt)2, (CO2Et)PO(OEt)2 via une réaction de Wittig-Horner-Emmons. Les problèmes rencontrés lors de l'addition de l'allylamine ont clôturé les travaux sur la préparation d'azépanes avec un substituant phosphonate. Seuls les azépanes insaturés, comportant les fonctions : ester et nitrile, sont isolés.Une stratégie visant à obtenir les différentes distributions des hydroxyles (cis et trans) sur l'insaturation des azépanes obtenus est établie, dans une troisième partie, sur les composés fonctionnalisés avec un ester. Une réaction de déprotection finale donne ainsi accès à une famille de diastéréoisomères d'azépanes comportant un bras anomérique avec une fonction acide carboxylique, dont un composé a montré une activité biologique intéressante. Cette stratégie a été reproduite sur les azépanes comportant un nitrile jusqu'aux tétrahydroxyazépanes cis protégés. / This thesis is part of the PentoRaf program, in the theme “Chemical Transformation of agromolecules into bioactive products”. The aim of this project is the synthesis of new tetrahydroxylated azepanes containing a functional anomeric arm and the evaluation of their inhibitive properties on glycosidases. The reactive sequence advantageously values the co-products obtained from wheat bran and wheat straw.In the first part, the access to a polyfunctional synthon, developed from previous research, is carried out by protecting the common hydroxyl groups of the starting sugars (D-xylose and L-arabinose) with pivaloyl and methoxymethyl groups.The second part of this work is to introduce the various electroattracting groups: CO2Et, CN, PO(OEt)2, (CO2Et)PO(OEt)2 via a Wittig-Horner-Emmons reaction. The problems encountered during the addition of the allylamine ended our approach to prepare azepanes with a phosphonate substituent. Only the unsaturated azepanes containing ester and nitrile functions are isolated.A strategy is developed in the third part in order to achieve a specific distribution (cis and trans) of the hydroxyl groups on the unsaturation of the resulting azepanes by functionalizing these compounds with an ester. A final deprotection reaction leads to a family of azepane diastereoisomers containing an anomeric arm with a carboxylic acid function, among which one compound showed an interesting biological activity. This strategy was applied to azepanes containing a nitrile and lead to cis-protected tetrahydroxyazepanes.
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Synthèse et étude de nouveaux cucurbiturils pour l’encapsulation de gaz / Synthesis and study of new cucurbiturils for gaz encapsulationLewin, Véronique 11 October 2011 (has links)
Les cucurbiturils (CBn) sont des molécules-cages synthétiques constituées d’un nombre n d’unités glycoluril et dont les applications en chimie, en biologie et en physique ont commencé à être exploitées au début des années 2000. Ces composés trouvent leur importance dans un grand nombre de domaines incluant la chimie en phase solide, le piégeage des contaminants en solution, la catalyse ou encore l’encapsulation de principes actifs pour des applications pharmaceutiques futures. Ces récentes molécules-cages rejoignent le large groupe des récepteurs synthétiques comprenant les cyclodextrines, les calixarènes, les cryptophanes, les carcérands et hémicarcérands. L’encapsulation des gaz dans ce type de structures est encore mal connue à l’heure actuelle et, dans ces travaux de thèse, notre intérêt s’est porté sur la complexation de gaz, notamment de xénon, dans les cucurbiturils. Ces travaux ont débuté par la synthèse de nouveaux cucurbiturils hydrosolubles dans le but d’étudier leur capacité d’encapsulation des gaz rares et de petits alcanes comme le méthane et l’éthane, notre objectif final étant de définir de nouvelles règles régissant l’encapsulation des gaz par les cucurbiturils. Les gaz rares allant de l’hélium au krypton ont été étudiés. Parmi ces gaz, le xénon hyperpolarisé a particulièrement retenu notre attention du fait de son intérêt dans la conception de biosondes pour le développement de nouvelles méthodes de diagnostic en IRM. Dans ce mémoire, la synthèse de nouveaux cyclohexylcucurbiturils mixtes hydrosolubles et leurs études en présence de xénon sont rapportées. Un nouveau cucurbituril mixte constitué de cinq unités glycoluril et d’une unité glycoluril à six chaînons a également été synthétisé. Les deux premiers chapitres constituent une introduction au phénomène d’encapsulation des gaz ainsi que des généralités sur la famille des cucurbiturils. Le troisième chapitre est consacré aux résultats obtenus au laboratoire sur la synthèse de nouveaux composés. Dans un quatrième chapitre, nous avons développé une méthode permettant la préparation de précurseurs d’analogues acycliques de cucurbiturils. Pour cela, la réaction de métathèse par ouverture de cycle associée à la métathèse croisée (ROM-CM) a été utilisée pour mener à bien cette synthèse. Enfin, un cinquième chapitre est consacré aux résultats concernant l’étude de l’encapsulation de gaz dans les nouveaux cucurbiturils synthétisés, étude effectuée en collaboration avec le Laboratoire de Structure et Dynamique par Résonance Magnétique du CEA de Saclay. / The cucurbituril family (CBn) constitutes a group of recent synthetic host-molecules. These compounds are formed by n glycoluril units and, since the beginning of the 2000’s, they have found their interest in multiple domains such as biology, chemistry and physics. They have joined the large group of synthetic receptors comprising cyclodextrins, calixarens, cryptophanes, carcerands and hemicarcerands. Gaz encapsulation in this family of compounds is misunderstood. In these PhD works, our interest concerned gaz complexation, especially xenon, into cucurbiturils. First, the synthesis of new hydrosoluble cucurbiturils to study their ability to encapsulate noble gaz and small alcans such as methan and ethan is described. Our final goal will be to define new rules concerning gaz encapsulation by cucurbiturils. Noble gaz from helium to krypton have been studied. Among these noble gaz, xenon is particularly interesting in the domain of biosensing, for the design of new diagnostic methods by MRI. In this manuscript, the synthesis of a family of hydrosoluble cyclohexylcucurbiturils and their ability to encapsulate xenon is described. Another new cucurbituril constituted by five glycoluril units and one glycoluril unit forming a six-membered ring, has also been prepared. The first two parts of the manuscript present the gaz encapsulation and the cucurbituril family. The third part describes our results concerning the new synthetized cucurbiturils. In the fourth part, we have developped a method based on metathesis reactions (ROM-CM) for preparing some precursors of acyclic congeneers of cucurbiturils. Lastly, the fifth part concerns results about gaz encapsulation. All of this study has been driven in collaboration with Laboratoire de Structure et Dynamique par Résonance Magnétique (CEA Saclay).
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<p>Proper understanding of materials science is critical in
understanding the functionality of ingredients in food products, as well as
their behavior in these products over time. Amorphous materials are metastable,
eventually rearranging to the thermodynamically stable crystalline state.
Amorphous materials have properties which are beneficial in some food products:
they are softer in texture and dissolve more rapidly. The amorphous state of
sucrose might provide an increase in quality in applications like powdered
beverages where rapid dissolution is preferred. A number of classes of
compounds have been shown to delay the crystallization of amorphous sucrose;
however, polyphenols, particularly their glycosylated forms, have been little
explored. Glycosylated polyphenols
contain two distinct structural regions: a more hydrophilic sugar unit(s) and a
more hydrophobic polyphenol backbone. While the sugar unit should be able to
easily associate with sucrose molecules, the polyphenolic backbone may not and
might provide hindrance to crystal nucleation and growth.</p>
<p> </p>
<p> Thiamine is an essential nutrient
that is found naturally in foods such as whole grains and pork. The processing
of grains removes nearly the entirety of the natural thiamine content; thus,
foods are often enriched with synthetic thiamine. Two salts of thiamine are
used commercially: thiamine mononitrate and thiamine chloride hydrochloride.
The two forms have specific applications driven by their specific properties,
specifically their aqueous solubility and hygroscopicity. While these two salts
provide adequate functionality, it is possible new salts may have properties
beneficial in certain food applications. A method making use of silver nitrate
was developed to produce new salt forms. An intermediate in this reaction, TCl·H<sub>2</sub>O, was
characterized including measurements of stability in aqueous solutions and
solid state properties.</p>
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Síntese de amino-complexos de rutênio e suas aplicações como catalisadores em reações de metátese: polimerização via metátese por abertura de anel, metátese cruzada e autometátese / Syntheses of ruthenium-amine-based complexes and its applications in metathesis reactions: ring opening metathesis polymerization, cross metatathesis and selfmetathesisLarissa Ribeiro da Fonseca 12 September 2016 (has links)
Os não-carbeno complexos pentacoordenados do tipo [RuCl2(PPh3)2(amina)], sendo as aminas pirrolidina, azocano e dietilamina, foram sintetizados e caracterizados por análise elementar, espectroscopia de absorção na região do infravermelho, espectroscopia de absorção na região do ultravioleta e visível, espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear de fósforo-31 e espectroscopia de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica. Estudos da teoria do funcional da densidade dos complexos foram realizados para buscar melhor interpretação dos resultados experimentais obtidos. O complexo [RuCl2(PPh3)2(pirrolidina)] exibiu uma geometria do tipo pirâmide de base quadrada em solução, com a amina na posição apical e as trifenilfosfinasestão trans-posicionada. Os complexos [RuCl2(PPh3)2(azocano)] e [RuCl2(PPh3)2(dietilamina)] exibiram geometria do tipo bipirâmide trigonal na qual as duas trifenilfosfinas estão trans-posicionadas no eixo axial. O complexo [RuCl2(PPh3)2(pirrolidina)] exibiu boa atividade catalítica nas polimerizações de norborneno e norbornadieno, tanto em atmosfera de argônio quanto em ar a 25 °C, como observado com os complexos similares [RuCl2(PPh3)2(peridroazepina)] e [RuCl2(PPh3)2(piperidina)]. Os complexos [RuCl2(PPh3)2(azocano)] e [RuCl2(PPh3)2(dietilamina)] obtiveram baixo rendimento de polimerização mesmo a 40 °C. Acredita-se que a geometria do tipo pirâmide de base quadrada seja a ativa para formação da espécie metal-carbeno com o etil diazoacetato no período de indução e favorável para iniciar a reação de polimerização via metátese por abertura de anel. A geometria do tipo bipirâmide trigonal pode dificultar o período de indução. Os estudos teóricos corroboraram com essa discussão. Os polinorbornenos, polinorbornadienos e seus copolímeros obtidos com os três complexos ativos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear de carbono-13, calorimetria exploratória diferencial, análise dinâmico-mecânica, termogravimetria e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. O complexo [RuCl2(PPh3)2(peridroazepina)] foi eficiente na metátese cruzada entre lignina metacrilada e o 10-undecen-1-ol para modificar a lignina Protobind 2400, e a lignina modificada foi solúvel em diversos solventes. O complexo [RuCl2(PPh3)2(peridroazepina)] também foi utilizado na autometátese da olefina terminal do 10-undecen-1-ol para obtenção de um diol que foi usado como segmento flexível e extensor de cadeia em reações de poliuretanas com óleo de mamona ou poli(ε-caprolactona) diol. Esse diol, quando utilizado em pequenas quantidades (10% em massa) nas poliuretanas derivadas do óleo de mamona, foi capaz de prover características adesivas a um material inicialmente rígido. Os resultados das reações de poliuretanas derivadas da poli(ε-caprolactona) diol não apresentaram resultados satisfatórios. / Non-carbene five-coordinate [RuCl2(PPh3)2(amina)] complexes, with pyrrolidine, azocane and diethylamine, were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, infrared absorption spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy, phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance and electron paramagnetic resonance. Density functional theory studies of the complexes were performed to complete and improve the experimental studies. [RuCl2(PPh3)2(pyrrolidine)] presented a square pyramidal geometry in solution, with the amine in the apical position and trans-positioned phosphines. [RuCl2(PPh3)2(azocane)] and [RuCl2(PPh3)2(diethyl amine)] exhibited a trigonal bipyramidal geometry in solution, with two phosphine molecules trans-positioned in the axial axis. [RuCl2(PPh3)2(pyrrolidine)] presented activity for ring opening metathesis polymerization of norbornene and norbornadiene under either air or inert atmosphere of argon at 25 °C, as observed with the parent complexes with perhydroazepine and piperidine. The latter three complexes presented square pyramidal geometries and high yields of polynorbornene and polynorbornadiene, different from the trigonal bipyramidal geometry of the complexes with azocane and diethylamine, which showed lower yields for polymerization even at 40 °C. This suggests that the cyclic amines in the apical position of the square pyramidal geometry provoke less steric hindrance, which provides prompt reactivity for ring opening metathesis polymerization. The bipyramidal geometry can hinder the induction period. Theoretical studies corroborate this discussion. The polynorbornenes, polynorbornadienes, and their copolymers obtained with the three active complexes were characterized by carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance, differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical analysis, thermogravimetry analysis, and scanning electron microscopy. [RuCl2(PPh3)2(perhydroazepine)] was efficient to perform cross metathesis between the methacrylate lignin and 10-undecen-1-ol to modify the Protobind 2400 lignin, and the modified lignin was soluble in several solvents. Self-metathesis of the terminal olefin in 10-undecen-1-ol was conducted in the presence of [RuCl2(PPh3)2(perhydroazepine)] and ethyl diazoacetate to form a bioderived diol. The diol was utilized as soft segment and chain extender in polyurethane reactions with castor oil or poly(ε-caprolactone) diol. At only 10 wt% of the diol, an adhesive characteristic was observed in the castor oil-based polyurethane. The results from poly(ε-caprolactone) diol-based polyurethane were not satisfactory.
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