Spelling suggestions: "subject:"metathesis"" "subject:"methathesis""
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Des couplages croisés à l'électronique moléculaire / From palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions to organic electronicsCheval, Nicolas 27 September 2013 (has links)
Les appareils de haute technologie (ordinateurs, télévisions, téléphones, …) sont fabriqués à partir de composants relativement simples (transistors, diiodes électroluminescentes, …) qui utilisent du silicium comme semiconducteur. En électronique moléculaire, les composés organiques π- conjugués qui ont un écart HOMO-LUMO faible peuvent présenter cette propriété. Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous avons étudié la synthèse de nouveaux semiconducteurs organiques parpolymérisation par métathèse d’alcynes. Pour cela, des composés de type dialcynylaromatique ont été préparés. Leur étude en polymérisation ainsi que leurs propriétés électroniques ont été réalisées dans des laboratoires collaborateurs d’un projet ANR (CADISCOM). Dans une seconde partie, indépendante de la première, les couplages croisés catalysés par le palladium sont d’une importance capitale dans la chimie organique de synthèse actuelle. De nombreux travaux ont été menés sur le partenaire organométallique de la réaction, mais très peu en ce qui concerne le partenaire électrophile. Lors de ce travail, nous avons élaboré un nouveau groupe partant à partir de précurseurs très peu onéreux que nous avons pu appliquer dans les quatre "grands couplages" les plus utilisés (Suzuki, Stille, Sonogashira et Heck). / High-technology devices (computers, TV, mobile phones, …) are manufactured from simple components (transistors, LED, …) which use silicium as semiconductor. In organic electronics, π- conjugated organic compounds with low HOMO-LUMO gap can show this property. This work is dealing with the synthesis of new organic semiconductors via alkyne metathesis polymerization.Dialkynyl compounds were synthetized. Their polymerization studies as well as electronic characterization were conducted by collaborating groups in an ANR project (CADISCOM). In an independent second part, palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling are of great importance in actual organic synthesis. Many studies have been focused on the organometallic partner of the reaction,but the electrophilic partner have received much less attention. In this work, we developed a new leaving group from cheap precursors that we applied in the four most well-known couplings (Suzuki, Stille, Sonogashira, Heck).
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Composés polyazotés dérivés d’hydrazines : synthèse, caractérisation et modélisation quantique des performances énergétiques / Polynitrogen compounds derived from hydrazines : synthesis, characterization and quantum modeling of energetic performancesForquet, Valérian 19 December 2012 (has links)
La synthèse de composés énergétiques fortement azotés, à partir des réactifs et des processusissus de la chimie des hydrazines, a permis une nouvelle approche de composés de type HEDM(High Energy Density Materials) pour la propulsion spatiale. En effet, la formation de diazote(N−−−N) à partir d’une liaison N−−N libère de grandes quantités d’énergie, et davantage depuis uneliaison N−N. L’amination de la diméthylhydrazine dissymétrique (UDMH) a conduit à un sel de2,2-diméthyltriazanium, possédant trois atomes d’azote reliés uniquement par des liaisons sigma.L’anion inorganique de départ a ensuite été échangé avec des anions énergétiques à plus haut tauxd’azote — 5-aminotétrazolate, 5-nitrotétrazolate, 5,5’-azobistétrazolate, azoture, nitroformiate etdinitroamidure. Pour des raisons de sécurité, l’échange d’ions impliquant l’anion azoture a étéréalisé par électrodialyse et la sensibilité à l’impact ainsi qu’à la friction de ces sels a été évaluéeselon les normes en vigueur. L’analyse des composés les plus riches en azote par calorimétrie decombustion a permis de déterminer leurs enthalpies de formation de manière fiable. Ces dernièresont ensuite été modélisées par des méthodes de chimie quantique et comparées aux procéduresreportées dans la littérature, dont les aspects théoriques ont été discutés. La procédure conduisantaux enthalpies de formation en meilleure adéquation avec les valeurs expérimentales a étéidentifiée ; sa précision excède d’ailleurs celle de résultats récents d’équipes reconnues. Ainsi, lesmoyens mis en place dans le cadre de cette thèse permettront de progresser plus efficacementdans cette nouvelle thématique au laboratoire. / High nitrogen content energetic compounds, envisioned as a first step towards High EnergyDensity Materials (HEDM) for space propulsion, were prepared from hydrazine derivatives. Indeed,the formation of nitrogen gas (N−−−N) from an N−−N bond yields a lot of energy and even morefrom an N−N bond. Hence, an amination reaction on unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH)yielded a 2,2-dimethyltriazanium salt, containing three consecutive single-bonded nitrogen atoms.The initial inorganic anion was then exchanged with the following nitrogen-rich anions in order toyield energetic salts: 5-aminotetrazolate, 5-nitrotetrazolate, 5,5’-azobistetrazolate, azide, nitroformateand dinitramide. For safety reasons, the ion metathesis of the azide salt was conductedby electrodialysis and the sensitivities of all compounds towards both impact and friction wereevaluated in accordance with standard procedures. Reliable heats of formation of the compoundswith the highest nitrogen content were obtained by oxygen bomb calorimetry. These values werethen computed with quantum mechanical methods and compared with known procedures reportedin the literature, whose theoretical backgrounds have been discussed. Consequently, theprocedure resulting in the best match between calculated and experimental heats of formation wasidentified. The precision of the method used herein exceeds that of recent results from renownedresearch groups in this field. Thus, the various techniques introduced during the course of thiswork will enable our laboratory to progress more efficiently in this area of research.
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A Computational Study of C-H Binding, C-H Activation and Fluxional Processes of d6 Half- Sandwich ComplexesThenraj, M January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Significant developments have been made in the field of C–H activation. However, various disadvantages, mainly low reactivity and selectivity, limit their usage in large-scale synthesis. It is crucial to understand the mechanisms and the nature of the transient species involved in the C–H activation paths to develop effective catalytic routes for homogeneous C–H functionalization reactions. Computational techniques are employed in this study to throw light on these processes.
Chapter 1 briefly introduces C–H activation and functionalization reactions. After classifying the reactions on the basis of mechanisms, computational studies on the mechanisms of C–H activation reactions are described. The challenges involved in the discovery of efficient homogeneous C–H functionalization catalysts and progress made in the field are discussed. The insights provided to overcome the problems associated with the catalytic C–H functionalization reactions in a few examples are highlighted.
In Chapter 2, DFT model studies are carried out to estimate the affinity and selectivity of 16-electron half-sandwich d6-metal fragments (η5–C5H5)Re(CO)2 and (η6–C6H6)W(CO)2 for binding with alkane C–H bonds. Different C–H binding sites of pentane, at the M06 level of theory have been evaluated. The effects of ancillary ligand variations on the metal–pentane binding strength are studied by substituting different ligands such as N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC), PF3 and NO+ for one of the carbonyl ligands. Isomers of the metal-pentane C–H σ-complexes studied in this chapter are shown in Scheme 1.
Binding energies of the terminal methyl C–H bonds (C1 and C5) are significantly lower than those of the methylene C–H bonds (C2, C3 and C4) in all the cases. The metal–pentane binding interactions of the rhenium complexes are significantly stronger than those of the corresponding tungsten analogs. The PF3 complexes have slightly greater binding energies compared to the CO complexes, in both Re(I) and W(0) analogs. These results are in conformity with the experimental results. The electron-deficient nitrosyl complexes have the highest binding energies. These results illustrate that by proper tuning of the electronic factors of the transition-metal fragments with different ancillary ligands, the alkane C–H binding affinity can be controlled. Energy decomposition analyses (EDA) are carried out to determine the nature of the interaction between the metal fragments and pentane C–H bonds.
Scheme 1. Formation of pentane C–H σ-complexes
Chapter 3 addresses the energetics of various intramolecular site-exchange (chain walking) processes and C–H oxidative addition reactions (Scheme 2) of the pentane C–H σ-complexes studied in Chapter 2. Four possible site-exchange processes such as 1,2-, 1,3-, 1,4- and 1,5-migration processes are studied using DFT/M06 level of theory. η2-(H,H)···M type transition states are located for these migrations (Scheme 2). The 1,3-migration is the most favorable process. Two different pentyl hydride isomers, as shown in Scheme 2, are obtained for oxidative addition of methyl and methylene C–H bonds of pentane for all systems, at same level of theory. Oxidative insertion of metal into the methyl C–H bonds is more favorable than insertion into the methylene C–H bonds for all complexes.
The activation energies of all site-exchange and C–H oxidative addition processes of the Re(I) complexes are significantly greater than those of the corresponding W(0) complexes. For all these processes, the activation barriers of the electron-deficient NO+ complexes are the greatest among all ligand systems studied, in both Re(I) and W(0) systems. These results are consistent with the experimental results and suggest that the experimentally observed pentyl hydride isomer [(η5–C5H5)Re(CO)(PF3)H(C5H11)] might be Isomer B and not Isomer A (Scheme 2). The C–H oxidative addition reactions are less favorable than dynamic site-exchange processes in all complexes. These results imply that the metal fragments migrate along the pentane chain more easily than insert into the pentane C–H bonds.
Scheme 2. Alkane chain walking and C–H oxidative addition reactions
Chapter 4 deals with the mechanisms and energetics of a unique metal migration process of an olefin complex that proceeds via olefinic (C–H)···Metal interaction. Migration of the Re(I) fragment from one π face of the olefin to the opposite π face in [(η5–C5H5)Re(NO)(PPh3)(PhCH═CH2)]+ has been documented experimentally by Gladysz and coworkers. The experimental results provide evidences for an intramolecular mechanism for this process (i.e., without styrene dissociation from Re(I)) and based on kinetic isotope effects (KIE), the involvement of a trans C–H bond is indicated. Either oxidative addition or a vinylic (C–H)···Re interaction could account for the experimentally observed kinetic isotope effect.
In this study, the free energy of activation for the migration of Re from one enantioface of the olefin to the other through various pathways is computed using DFT calculations at the B3LYP and M06 levels. Two pathways, one that involves migration of Re
through a trans (C–H)···Re interaction and another that involves oxidative addition of Re into the trans C–H bond, are identified as possible paths (Scheme 3) at the B3LYP level. Surprisingly, at the M06 level, DFT computes a lower energy path for the conducted tour mechanism that is not consistent with the experimental KIE. But the computed energy profiles for the reaction are consistent with the experiment when computations are carried out at the B3LYP level.
Scheme 3. Mechanisms of olefin π face exchange reaction
In Chapter 5, the mechanistic studies of C–H metathesis of d6 half-sandwich complex [(η5–C5Me5)Ru(CH3)(CO)(C6H6)] are discussed. A 1-step mechanism that proceeds via a four-center transition state and a 2-step Oxidative Addition and Reductive Coupling mechanism (OA/RC) are identified as possible mechanisms (Scheme 4) using DFT/M06 level of theory. The 1-step mechanism is more favorable than the 2-step mechanism. As in the oxidative addition intermediate, metal–hydrogen bond is observed in the four-center transition state of the 1-step mechanism. This mechanism is referred to as Oxidative Hydrogen Migration (OHM) rather than σ-Bond Metathesis (σ-BM) which proceeds via a transition state without M−H bonding. The effects of metal (M = Fe(II), Ru(II) or Os(II)) and ancillary ligand (L = H–, NHC, CO or NO+) variations on the mechanisms and energetics of the model Cp complex [(η5–C5H5)M(CH3)(L)(C6H6)] are also studied (Scheme 4).
Scheme 4. Oxidative hydrogen migration vs Oxidative addition/reductive coupling
Increase in the electron-density on the metal center, using electron-donating ligands such as H−, favors the formation of the oxidative species (intermediate or transition state) and reduces the activation barriers of the C–H metathesis reaction. Similarly, the electron-withdrawing NO+ ligand, which reduces the electron density on the metal center, increases the activation energies of the C–H metathesis reaction or disfavors the formation of the oxidative species. Factor affecting the choice of the mechanism of the C–H metathesis reaction is found to be the net charge transfer between the two fragments [(η5–C5H5)M(CH3)(L)] and benzene in [(η5–C5H5)M(CH3)(L)(C6H6)].
The computational studies reported in this thesis provide valuable insight into the mechanisms and energetics of C–H binding, activation and fluxional processes of the (C–H)···Metal σ alkane and alkene complexes. These studies will be helpful in solving problems associated with the C–H activation reactions.
Thenraj, M.; Samuelson, A. G. Organometallics 2013, 32, 7141.
(For structural formula and figures pl see the abstract pdf file.)
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Elaboration de copolymères greffés à squelette poly(1,4-butadiène) et à greffons polaires par combinaison ROMP/ROP / Synthesis of graft copolymers with 1,4-polybutadiene backbone and polar grafts by combination of ROP and ROMPLeroux, Flavien 07 October 2014 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse concerne l’élaboration de copolymères greffés possédant un squelette poly(1,4-butadiène) et une haute densité de greffons polaires. La synthèse de copolymères à squelette strictement poly(1,4-butadiène) et possédant une haute densité de greffons selon un enchaînement strictement tête-à-tête a été réalisée par polymérisation par ouverture de cycle par métathèse (ROMP) de monomères cyclobutène 3,4-disubstitués. Le choix des greffons polaires s’est porté sur des poly(Ɛ-caprolactone)s (PCL) et des poly(L-lactide)s (PLLA) obtenus par polymérisation par ouverture de cycle (ROP). Ces polyesters aliphatiques qui présentent une biocompatibilité élevée et une (bio)dégradation rapide, sont utilisés dans de nombreuses applications biomédicales. De plus, les copolymères greffés à greffons polyester peuvent donner accès à des nanomatériaux poreux suite à leur organisation en solution ou à l’état solide, suivie de l’hydrolyse des chaînes polyester.Les copolymères greffés poly(1,4-butadiène)-g-polyester ont été synthétisés selon les stratégies grafting through et grafting from, à partir d’inimers (initiator-monomer) cyclobutène portant une ou deux fonctionalités alcool, capable d’amorcer la ROP du L-lactide ou de l’ Ɛ-caprolactone. La stratégie grafting through a, dans un premier temps, été étudiée. Des macromonomères polyester de type PCL ou PLLA ont été synthétisés. La ROMP de ces macromonomères a conduit à des copolymères greffés poly(1,4-butadiène)-g-polyesters en forme d’étoile de structure définie et dont la densité des greffons est parfaitement contrôlée. La stratégie grafting from a, quant-à-elle, permis d’accéder à des copolymères greffés en forme de peigne. L’organisation des architectures macromoléculaires obtenues a été visualisée par microscopie à force atomique (AFM) et microscopie électronique à transmission (TEM). / The objective of this work was the preparation of graft copolymers with a poly(1,4-butadiene) backbone and a high density of polar grafts. We used a consecutive Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization (ROMP)/Ring-Opening Polymerization (ROP) route to prepare poly(1,4-butadiene)-g-polyesters from cyclobutenyl macromonomers bearing one or two polyester segment(s) derived from L-lactide (L-LA) or Ɛ-caprolactone (Ɛ-CL). Poly(L-lactide)s (PLLA) or poly(Ɛ-caprolactone)s (PCL) are important polymers as they are easily (bio)degradable and have tremendous applications as engineering plastics and within the biomedical field. An attractive feature of polyester-grafted copolymers is their potential to act as building blocks for nanomaterials synthesis thanks to the hydrolytically degradable polyester grafts. Cyclobutenyl polyester macromonomers bearing one and two PCL or PLLA arms have been successfully prepared by organocatalyzed ROP of Ɛ-CL or L-LA from a cyclobutenyl alcohol acting as an initiator. Subsequent "grafting through" by ROMP using Grubbs’ second generation catalyst afforded poybutadiene brushes featuring pendant polyester (PLLA or PCL) side-chains. This efficient ROP/ROMP two-step approach has thus allowed the synthesis of well-defined poly(1,4-butadiene)-g-polyester copolymers. The synthesis of graft copolymers via the grafting from approach by ROMP and ROP was also studied. ROMP of 3,4-disubstituted cyclobutenes containing one and two initiating hydroxyl sites for ROP was first investigated with ruthenium initiators. The resulting well-defined poly(1,4-butadiene)s were then used as macroinitiators for the ROP of L-LA or Ɛ-CL. After the ROP, brush copolymers with high molecular weight have been obtained and characterized by microscopy.
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Applications de la macrocyclisation par métathèse d’alcènes en flux continu et développement d’un réacteur facilitant la macrocyclisation photochimiqueMorin, Émilie 08 1900 (has links)
Les réactions de macrocyclisation constituent un défi pour les chimistes de synthèse, car les sélectivités pour les réactions intramoléculaires par rapport à celles intermoléculaires sont difficiles à maximiser. Celles-ci sont donc effectuées dans des milieux dilués et sont souvent lentes. La chimie en flux continu a été utilisée pour améliorer les réactions présentées dans cette thèse, car elle permet un meilleur transfert de masse qui se traduit par un mélange et un chauffage plus efficace, donc des temps de réaction plus courts.
À la suite d’introductions sur les macrocycles (Chapitre 1) et sur la métathèse d’alcènes (Chapitre 2), nos efforts pour améliorer l’étape de macrocyclisation par métathèse d’alcènes d’un musc découvert par l’industrie des fragrances sont décrits au chapitre 3. Alors que les conditions rapportées ne permettaient pas de réaliser cette réaction de façon reproductible sur une échelle de plus de 100 mg, il a été possible de l’effectuer sur une échelle d’un gramme grâce à l’emploi du catalyseur approprié. La réaction a été effectuée dans un montage traditionnel (ballon à fond rond) à température ambiante pour fournir 57% du macrocycle désiré après 5 jours. En comparaison, le montage en flux continu n’a nécessité que 5 minutes de temps de résidence à 150 °C pour fournir 32% de rendement.
Le second projet présenté dans cette thèse porte sur la synthèse totale de la néomarchantine A (Chapitre 5) et est précédé d’une introduction sur les composés bisbibenzyliques (Chapitre 4). Cette synthèse a permis de démontrer l’avantage d’incorporer plusieurs étapes clés en flux continu. Différentes conditions ont été investiguées pour réaliser les deux étapes de couplage C-O en début de synthèse. Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus avec le couplage de Chan-Evans-Lam dans un cas (34%) et la substitution nucléophile (SNAr) dans l’autre (71%), ce qui a permis de s’éloigner des conditions classiques de couplage d’Ullmann. La première macrocyclisation par métathèse d’alcènes pour la synthèse d’un composé bisbibenzylique est également rapportée. Les conditions en flux continu ont permis de réaliser la réaction en seulement 10 minutes de temps de résidence avec un rendement de 49%, ce qui est similaire au rendement obtenu dans un montage traditionnel, mais qui nécessite 17 heures de temps de réaction.
Précédé d’une introduction sur la photochimie (Chapitre 6), le chapitre 7 décrit la conception et l’évaluation d’un réacteur en flux continu adapté à la macrocyclisation photochimique. Celui-ci est inspiré des réacteurs à agitation continue (CSTR), mais est aminci pour permettre une irradiation plus uniforme. Son efficacité a été démontrée par l’application de la réaction d’oxydation aérobique de thiols en disulfures. En plaçant plusieurs réacteurs en série, un rendement d’environ 47% a été obtenu peu importe l’échelle de la réaction, allant de 100 mg à 1 g. En comparaison, le montage traditionnel, le réacteur standard en flux continu (PFR) ainsi que le réacteur CSTR n’ont pas été en mesure de fournir plus de 20% du macrocycle désiré. L’étendue de la réaction a été démontrée en synthétisant différents macrocycles d’intérêt biologique ou structurel avec des rendements entre 33 % et 50 %. / Macrocyclization reactions pose a challenge for synthetic chemists because the selectivity for the intramolecular reaction over intermolecular is difficult to achieve. They are usually done in diluted medium and are often slow. Continuous flow chemistry has been used to improve the reactions developed in the present thesis by allowing better mass and energy transfer which results in more efficient mixing and heating, and thus shorter reaction times.
Following introductions on macrocycles (Chapter 1) and olefin metathesis (Chapter 2), our efforts to improve the olefin metathesis macrocyclization step of a musk discovered by the fragrance industry are described in Chapter 3. While the reported conditions did not allow the reaction to be performed reproducibly on a scale greater than 100 mg, the use of the appropriate catalyst allowed us to perform the reaction on a gram scale. The reaction was carried out in batch at room temperature to provide 57% of the desired macrocycle after 5 days. In comparison, the continuous flow setup required only 5 minutes of residence time at 150 °C to provide 32% yield.
The second project focuses on the total synthesis of neomarchantine A (Chapter 5) and is preceded by an introduction on bisbibenzyl compounds (Chapter 4). The goal of the synthesis was to show the advantage of integrating several key steps in continuous flow. Different conditions were investigated to carry out the two C-O bond forming steps early in the synthesis. The best results were obtained with Chan-Evans-Lam coupling in one case (34%) and a SNAr reaction in the other (71%), which allowed to deviate from the classical conditions of Ullmann coupling. The first macrocyclization by ring-closing metathesis for the synthesis of a bisbibenzyl is also reported. The continuous flow conditions produced a 49% yield of a key macrocycle, which is similar to the batch results but only required 10 minutes of residence time in flow instead of 17 hours of reaction time in batch.
Preceded by an introduction on photochemistry (Chapter 6), Chapter 7 describes the design and evaluation of a continuous flow reactor suitable for photochemical macrocyclization. It is inspired by CSTR reactors but is “flattened” to allow a uniform irradiation. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated by the application of aerobic oxidation of thiols to disulfides. By placing reactors in series, a yield of 47% was obtained regardless of the scale, ranging from 100 mg to 1 g. In comparison, the batch setup as well as the CSTR and PFR reactors were not able to provide more than 20% of the desired macrocycle. The scope of the reaction was demonstrated by synthesizing different macrocycles of biological or structural interest in yields of 33-50%.
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Reaction engineering for protein modification : tools for chemistry and biologyChalker, Justin M. January 2011 (has links)
Chemical modification of proteins is critical for many areas of biochemistry and medicine. Several methods for site-selective protein modification are reported in this Thesis that are useful in accessing both natural and artificial protein architectures. Multiple, complementary methods for the conversion of cysteine to dehydroalanine are described. Dehydroalanine is used as a general precursor to several post-translational modifications and glycosylation, polyprenylation, phosphorylation, and lysine methylation and acetylation are all accessible. These modifications and their mimics were explored on multiple proteins, including histone proteins. Unnatural modifications were also explored. The first examples of olefin metathesis and Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling on protein substrates are reported. Allyl sulfides were discovered to be remarkably reactive substrates in olefin metathesis, allowing use of this reaction in water and on proteins. For Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling, a new catalyst is described that is fully compatible with proteins. Both olefin metathesis and cross-coupling allow the formation of carbon-carbon bonds on proteins. The prospects of these transformations in chemical biology are discussed. Finally, a novel strategy is reported for the installation of natural, unnatural, and post-translationally modified amino acid residues on proteins. This technology relies on addition of carbon radicals to dehydroalanine. This method of "chemical mutagenesis" is anticipated to complement standard genetic manipulation of protein structure.
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Synthesis of ring A of (+)-Ambruticin S and bicyclic nucleosides for antisense drug technologyChen, Bin 08 1900 (has links)
La synthèse énantiosélective de la (+)-ambruticine S, un produit naturel antifongique a été effectuée au sein de notre groupe. Trois approches ont été développées pour la synthèse du fragment lactone (cycle A). Ces trois voies d’accès au cycle A ont pour intermédiaire commun le methyl α-D-glycopyranoside déjà porteur du diol requis et disponible commercialement à bon prix. Une désoxygénation de l’hydroxyle en C-4 et l’homologation d’un carbone de la chaine latérale en C-6 ont permis l’obtention du cycle lactonique A.
Le deuxième projet est une collaboration entre le groupe Hanessian et ISIS Pharmaceuticals afin de développer de nouveaux oligonucléosides antisens. Les nucléosides antisens [4.3.0]-bicycliques cis et trans ont été synthétisés avec succès à partir d’un monosaccharide naturel commun, L-arabinose, porteur des stéréocentres requis. Un réaction clé d’allylation de Sakurai a permis d’obtenir les diastéréoisomères cis et trans dans des conditions de contrôle de type Felkin-Ahn et de contrôle par chélation respectivement. Les composés bicycliques finaux cibles ont été obtenus par une réaction d’aldol intramoléculaire catalyzéé par la proline, par métathèse de fermeture de cycle et par l’application de la méthode de Vorbrüggen pour la synthèse de nucléosides. / An enantioselective synthesis of the antifungal natural product (+)-ambruticin S has been accomplished in our group. For the synthesis of a ring A lactone fragment, three approaches were developed. They all started from commercially available and inexpensive methyl α-D-glycopyranoside, which already possesses the required diol unit. A deletion of the hydroxyl group at C-4 and a one-carbon homologation of the C-6 side chain furnished the ring A lactone.
The second project is an ongoing collaboration between the Hanessian group and ISIS pharmaceuticals to develop new antisense oligonucleosides. The cis- and trans-[4.3.0]bicyclic antisense nucleosides were successfully synthesized from a common natural monosaccharide, L-arabinose, which bears the required stereocenters. A key Sakurai allylation led to the cis- and trans diastereomers under Felkin-Ahn and chelation-controlled conditions respectively. The final bicyclic targets were achieved by a practical proline-catalyzed intramolecular aldol reaction and ring-closing metathesis (RCM) strategy, and application of the Vorbrüggen method for nucleoside synthesis.
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On Ternary Phases of the Systems RE–B–Q (RE = La – Nd, Sm, Gd – Lu, Y; Q = S, Se)Borna, Marija 15 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
It is known that boron containing compounds exhibit interesting chemical and physical properties. In the past 50 years modern preparative methods have led to an overwhelming number of different structures of novel and often unexpected boron–sulfur and boron–selenium compounds. Among all these new compounds, there was only one which comprises rare earth metal (RE), boron and heavier chalcogen, namely sulfur, the europium thioborate Eu[B2S4] [1]. Selenoborates of rare earth metals are hitherto unknown. On the other hand, rare earth oxoborates represent a well-known class of compounds [2] with a wide range of applications, especially in the field of optical materials. In addition, well-defined boron compounds containing the heavier group 16 elements are fairly difficult to prepare due to the high reactivity of in situ formed boron chalcogenides towards most container materials at elevated temperatures. The chalcogenoborates of the heavier chalcogens are sensitive against oxidation and hydrolysis and therefore have to be handled in an inert environment. Therefore, developing and optimization of preparative routes for the syntheses of pure and crystalline RE thio- and selenoborates was needed.
In the course of this study, the application of different preparation routes, such as optimized high-temperature routes (HT), metathesis reactions and high-pressure high-temperature routes (Hp – HT), led to sixteen new rare earth thioborates. Their crystal structures were solved and/or refined from powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction data, while the local structure around rare earth metal was confirmed from the results of the EXAFS analyses. Quantum mechanical calculations were used within this work in order to investigate the arrangement of intrinsic vacancies on the boron sites in the crystal structures of rare earth thioborates. Thermal, magnetic and optical properties of these compounds are also discussed.
The rare earth thioborates discovered during this work are the first examples of ternary thioborates containing trivalent cations. These compounds can be divided into two groups of isotypic compounds: the rare earth orthothioborates with general formula REIII[BS3] (RE = La – Nd, Sm, Gd and Tb) [3] and the rare earth thioborate sulfides with general formula REIII¦9B5S21, (RE = Gd – Lu, and Y) [4].
In the crystal structure of RE[BS3] (orthorhombic, space group Pna21, Z = 4), the sulfur atoms form the vertices of corrugated kagome nets, within which every second triangle is occupied by boron and the large hexagons are centered by RE cations. The structural features of the isotypic RE[BS3] phases show great similarities to those of rare earth oxoborates RE[BO3] and orthothioborates of alkali and alkaline earth metals as well as to thallium orthothioborate, yet pronounced differences are also observed: the [BS3]3– groups in the crystal structures of RE[BS3] are more distorted, where the distortion decreases with the decreasing size of the RE element, and the coordination environments of the [BS3]3– groups in the crystal structures of RE[BS3] are different in comparison with the coordination environments of the [BO3]3– groups in the crystal structures of λ-Nd[BO3] [5] and of o-Ce[BO3] [6].
The results of the IR and Raman investigations are in agreement with the presence of [BS3]3– anions in the crystal structure of RE[BS3]. Thermal analyses revealed the thermal stability of these compounds under inert conditions up to ~ 1200 K. Analyses of the magnetic properties of the Sm, Gd and Tb thioborates showed that both Gd and Tb phases order antiferromagnetically. The magnetic susceptibility for Sm orthothioborate approximately follows the Van-Vleck theory for Sm3+. Between 50 K and 62 K a transition appears which is independent of the magnetic field: the magnetic susceptibility becomes lower. This effect might indicate a discontinuous valence transition of Sm which was further investigated by means of XANES and X-ray diffraction using synchrotron radiation, both at low temperatures.
The series of isotypic RE thioborate sulfides with composition RE9B5S21, was obtained by the application of Hp – HT conditions to starting mixtures with the initial chemical composition “REB3S6“, after careful optimization of the pressure, temperature and treatment time, as well as the composition of the starting mixtures. Their crystal structures adopt the Ce6Al3.33S14 [7] structure type (hexagonal, space group P63, Z = 2/3). The special features of the RE9B5S21 crystal structures, concerning boron site occupancies and different coordination environments of the two crystallographically independent boron sites, were investigated in more detail by means of quantum chemical calculations, electron diffraction methods, optical and X-ray absorption spectroscopy as well as by 11B NMR spectroscopy. The results obtained from these different experimental and computational methods are in good mutual agreement. The crystal structures of the RE9B5S21 compounds are characterized by two types of anions: tetrahedral [BS4]5– and trigonal planar [BS3]3– as well as [(S2–)3] units. Isolated [BS4]5– tetrahedra (all pointing with one of their apices along the polar [001] direction) represent a unique feature of the crystal structure which is observed for the first time in a thioborate compound. These tetrahedra are stacked along the three-fold rotation axes. Vacancies are located at the trigonal-planar coordinated boron site with preferred ordering –B–B––B–B–– along [001]. No superstructure is observed by means of electron diffraction methods as adjacent columns are shuffled along the c axis, giving rise to a randomly distributed vacancy pattern. Positions of the sulfur atoms within the [(S2–)3] substructure as well as planarity of the [BS3]3– units were investigated in more detail by means of quantum mechanical calculations.
Results of the IR and Raman spectroscopy, as well as of the 11B NMR spectroscopy are in agreement with the presence of the boron atoms in two different coordination environments. Thermal analyses showed that compounds RE9B5S21 are stable under inert conditions up to ~ 1200 K. In accordance with the combined results of experimental and computational investigations, the chemical formula of the RE9B5S21 compounds is consistent with RE3[BS3]2[BS4]3S3.
A short overview of investigations towards rare earth selenoborates, where in most of the cases only known binary rare earth selenides could be identified, is presented as well in this work. Investigations in the RE–B–Se systems were conducted by the application of different preparation routes by varying the experimental parameters and the initial compositions of the starting mixtures. Although no crystal structure of a ternary phase in these systems could be solved, there are indications that such phases exist, but further investigations are needed.
[1] M. Döch, A. Hammerschmidt, B. Krebs, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 2004, 630, 519.
[2] H. Huppertz, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 131; and references therein.
[3] J. Hunger, M. Borna, R. Kniep, J. Solid State Chem., 2010, 182, 702; J. Hunger, M. Borna, R. Kniep, Z. Kristallogr. NCS, 2010, 225, 217; M. Borna, J. Hunger, R. Kniep, Z. Kristallogr. NCS, 2010, 225, 223; M. Borna, J. Hunger, R. Kniep, Z. Kristallogr. NCS, 2010, 225, 225.
[4] M. Borna, J. Hunger, A. Ormeci, D. Zahn, U. Burkhardt, W. Carrillo-Cabrera, R. Cardoso-Gil, R. Kniep, J. Solid State Chem., 2011, 184, 296;
[5] H. Müller-Bunz, T. Nikelski, Th. Schleid, Z. Naturforsch. B, 2003, 58, 375.
[6] H. U. Bambauer, J. Weidelt, J.-St. Ysker, Z. Kristallogr., 1969, 130, 207.
[7] D. de Saint-Giniez, P. Laruelle, J. Flahaut, C. R. Séances, Acad. Sci. Ser. C, 1968, 267, 1029.
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Synthesis of ring A of (+)-Ambruticin S and bicyclic nucleosides for antisense drug technologyChen, Bin 08 1900 (has links)
La synthèse énantiosélective de la (+)-ambruticine S, un produit naturel antifongique a été effectuée au sein de notre groupe. Trois approches ont été développées pour la synthèse du fragment lactone (cycle A). Ces trois voies d’accès au cycle A ont pour intermédiaire commun le methyl α-D-glycopyranoside déjà porteur du diol requis et disponible commercialement à bon prix. Une désoxygénation de l’hydroxyle en C-4 et l’homologation d’un carbone de la chaine latérale en C-6 ont permis l’obtention du cycle lactonique A.
Le deuxième projet est une collaboration entre le groupe Hanessian et ISIS Pharmaceuticals afin de développer de nouveaux oligonucléosides antisens. Les nucléosides antisens [4.3.0]-bicycliques cis et trans ont été synthétisés avec succès à partir d’un monosaccharide naturel commun, L-arabinose, porteur des stéréocentres requis. Un réaction clé d’allylation de Sakurai a permis d’obtenir les diastéréoisomères cis et trans dans des conditions de contrôle de type Felkin-Ahn et de contrôle par chélation respectivement. Les composés bicycliques finaux cibles ont été obtenus par une réaction d’aldol intramoléculaire catalyzéé par la proline, par métathèse de fermeture de cycle et par l’application de la méthode de Vorbrüggen pour la synthèse de nucléosides. / An enantioselective synthesis of the antifungal natural product (+)-ambruticin S has been accomplished in our group. For the synthesis of a ring A lactone fragment, three approaches were developed. They all started from commercially available and inexpensive methyl α-D-glycopyranoside, which already possesses the required diol unit. A deletion of the hydroxyl group at C-4 and a one-carbon homologation of the C-6 side chain furnished the ring A lactone.
The second project is an ongoing collaboration between the Hanessian group and ISIS pharmaceuticals to develop new antisense oligonucleosides. The cis- and trans-[4.3.0]bicyclic antisense nucleosides were successfully synthesized from a common natural monosaccharide, L-arabinose, which bears the required stereocenters. A key Sakurai allylation led to the cis- and trans diastereomers under Felkin-Ahn and chelation-controlled conditions respectively. The final bicyclic targets were achieved by a practical proline-catalyzed intramolecular aldol reaction and ring-closing metathesis (RCM) strategy, and application of the Vorbrüggen method for nucleoside synthesis.
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Étude de la cyclisation de lactones à 9 membres par réaction de métathèse et formation catalytique de liens benzyliques asymétriquesCusson, Jean-Philippe 04 1900 (has links)
Préalablement, une synthèse de l’aliskiren, un inhibiteur de la rénine développé pour le traitement de l’hypertension, a été réalisée auprès du groupe Hanessian. Durant cette synthèse, une réaction clé de cyclisation par métathèse, menant à la formation de lactone à neuf membres, a été réalisée. Durant cette réaction, nous avons observé une différence de réactivité entre les diastéréomères, menant à la formation de monolactones et de dilactones, générant ainsi de l’intérêt pour l’étude des facteurs en cause. Le présent mémoire rapporte et détaille les résultats de cette analyse quant à la formation de monomères versus celle de dimères par cyclisation à l’aide de catalyseurs de Grubbs et l’impact de différentes conditions réactionnelles et la diastéréochimie relative sur la réaction.
Un intérêt pour la formation de liens benzyliques nous a incité à approfondir notre compréhension d’une méthodologie de substitution nucléophile diastéréosélective catalysée par des acides. Le rationnel mit de l’avant par les groupes Bach et Olah a procuré une compréhension du mécanisme réactionnel sur lequel nous avons basé nos observations subséquentes. Nous avons porté notre attention sur l’alkylation d’arènes, de phénols et de sulfonamides. Diverses régiosélectivités et diastéréosélectivités ont pu être observées en présence de substrats dérivés de la synthèse de l’aliskiren, de nitroalcools ainsi que de azidoalcools en utilisant plusieurs acides de Lewis et de Brønsted. / Previously, a synthesis of aliskiren, a renin inhibitor developed for the treatment of hypertension, was developed in the Hanessian group. As part of that synthesis, they used a ring-closing metathesis which led to the formation of a nine-membered lactone, a key intermediate of the synthesis. During the reaction, we observed a difference in reactivity between the various diastereoisomers leading to the formation of mono- and dilactones, inciting us to study the various factors involved. The present master’s thesis reports and details the results of the study of monomers versus dimers formation by cyclization using Grubbs’s catalysts and the effect of various reaction conditions and relative configuration on the reaction.
An interest for the formation of benzylic bonds drove us to deepen our comprehension of a methodology of diastereselective nucleophilic substitution catalysed by acids. The rational brought forth by the Bach and Olah groups served as a basis for our understanding of the mechanism involved upon which we based our following observations. We focused our attention on the alkylation of arenes, phenols and sulfonamides. Various regioselectivities and diastereoselectivities were observed on substrates derived from the aliskiren’s synthesis, nitroaocohols and azidoalcohols while using various Lewis and Brønsted acids.
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