Spelling suggestions: "subject:"detering"" "subject:"cetering""
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[pt] Nos últimos anos, a energia fotovoltaica ganhou um espaço muito grande no cenário internacional e se tornou a terceira maior fonte mundial de geração de energia renovável, ficando atrás somente da energia hidroelétrica e da energia eólica. No Brasil, apesar de todas as características naturais favoráveis, tanto do ponto de vista de disponibilidade solar como de possibilidades de produção de silício com alto grau de pureza, a energia fotovoltaica tem uma participação incipiente na matriz energética. A Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), através da publicação da Resolução n. 482, procurou estabelecer as condições gerais e reduzir as barreiras regulatórias existentes visando a expansão desse tipo de geração através da introdução do sistema de compensação de energia elétrica (net metering). O presente estudo buscou analisar o melhor momento para investir num projeto de implantação de um sistema de geração fotovoltaica conectado à rede (SFCR) sob a ótica do investidor, aplicando a Teoria de Opções Reais (TOR). As análises foram baseadas no fluxo de caixa estimado durante toda a vida útil do sistema gerador e o valor do projeto foi calculado considerando que o investidor poderia implantá-lo imediatamente ou ter a opção de espera por um momento mais apropriado. Os métodos tradicionais de avaliação de investimento como o Valor Presente Líquido (VPL), Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR) e payback foram utilizados nessas análises, bem como a Teoria de Opções Reais. A partir das análises, foi possível concluir que, dada as condições específicas do projeto proposto, a melhor opção seria a realização imediata do projeto do SFCR. / [en] In recent years, photovoltaics gained a very large space in the international arena and have become the world s third largest source of renewable energy, second only to hydropower and wind energy. In Brazil, despite all the favorable natural features in terms of solar availability and production of high quality silicon s possibilities, photovoltaics has an incipient participation in the energy matrix. The Agency National of Electric Energy (ANEEL), through the Resolution 482, sought to establish the general conditions and reduce existing regulatory barriers aimed at the expansion of this type of generation through the introduction of electric power compensation system (net metering). This study investigates the best time to invest in a project to establish a grid-connected photovoltaic system, from the perspective of the investor, applying the Theory of Real Options (TOR). The analysis was based on estimated cash flow throughout the life of the generating system and the project value was calculated considering that the investor could deploy it immediately or have the option of waiting for a more appropriate time. Traditional methods of investment appraisal as the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and payback were used and real option theory (TOR) as well. From the analysis done in this study, it was concluded that, given the specific conditions of the proposed project, the best option would be held immediately the grid-connected photovoltaic system.
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Performance of two different types of inhalers. Influence of flow and spacer on emitted dose and aerodynamic characterisation.Almeziny, Mohammed A.N. January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is based around examination of three mainstream inhaled drugs
Formoterol, Budesonide and Beclomethasone for treatment of asthma and
The areas investigated are these which have been raised in reports and
studies, where there are concern, for drug use and assessment of their use.
In reporting this work the literature study sets out a brief summary of the
background and anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system and then
discuses the mechanism of drug deposition in the lung, as well as the
methods of studying deposition and pulmonary delivery devices. This section
includes the basis of asthma and COPD and its treatment. In addition, a short
section is presented on the role of the pharmacist in improving asthma and
COPD patient¿s care.
Therefore the thesis is divided into 3 parts based around formoterol,
budesonide and beclomethasone.
In the first case the research determines the in-vitro performance of
formoterol and budesonide in combination therapy. In the initial stage a new
rapid, robust and sensitive HPLC method was developed and validated for
the simultaneous assay of formoterol and the two epimers of budesonide
which are pharmacologically active.
In the second section, the purpose was to evaluate the aerodynamic
characteristics for a combination of formoterol and the two epimers of
budesonide at inhalation flow rates of 28.3 and 60 L/min. The aerodynamic
characteristics of the emitted dose were measured by an Anderson cascade
impactor (ACI) and the next generation cascade impactor (NGI). In all
aerodynamic characterisations, the differences between flow rates 28.3 and
60 were statistically significant in formoterol, budesonide R and budesonide
S, while the differences between ACI and NGI at 60 were not statistically
Spacers are commonly used especially for paediatric and elderly patients.
However, there is considerable discussion about their use and operation. In
addition, the introduction of the HFAs propellants has led to many changes in
the drug formulation characteristics. The purpose of the last section is to
examine t h e performance of different types of spacers with different
beclomethasone pMDIs. Also, it was to examine the hypothesis of whether
the result of a specific spacer with a given drug/ brand name can be
extrapolated to other pMDIs or brand names for the same drug.
The results show that there are different effects on aerodynamic
characterisation and there are significant differences in the amount of drug
available for inhalation when different spacers are used as inhalation aids.
Thus, the study shows that the result from experiments with a combination of
a spacer and a device cannot be extrapolated to other combination.
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Design Issues in the Development of a Distributed Adaptive Planning System for Airport Surface ManagementFernandes, Alicia Borgman 19 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Advanced metering infrastructure reference model with automated cyber security analysisBlom, Rikard January 2017 (has links)
European Union has set a target to install nearly 200 million smart metersspread over Europe before 2020, this leads into a vast increase of sensitiveinformation flow for Distribution System Operators (DSO’s), simultaneously thisleads to raised cyber security threats. The in and outgoing information of the DSOneeds to be processed and stored by different Information technology (IT)- andOperational Technology (OT)-systems depending on the information. High demandsare therefore required of the enterprise cyber security to be able to protect theenterprise IT- and OT-systems. Sensitive customer information and a variety ofservices and functionality is examples that could be fatal to a DSO if compromised.For instance, if someone with bad intentions has the possibility to tinker with yourelectricity, while you’re away on holiday. If they succeed with the attack and shuttingdown the house electricity, your food stored in your fridge and freezer would mostlikely to be rotted, additionally damage from defrost water leaking could cause severedamaging on walls and floors. In this thesis, a detailed reference model of theadvanced metering architecture (AMI) has been produced to support enterprisesinvolved in the process of implementing smart meter architecture and to adapt to newrequirements regarding cyber security. This has been conduct using foreseeti's toolsecuriCAD, foreseeti is a proactive cyber security company using architecturemanagement. SecuriCAD is a modeling tool that can conduct cyber security analysis,where the user can see how long time it would take for a professional penetrationtester to penetrate the systems in the model depending of the set up and defenseattributes of the architecture. By varying defense mechanisms of the systems, fourscenarios have been defined and used to formulate recommendations based oncalculations of the advanced meter architecture. Recommendation in brief: Use smalland distinct network zones with strict communication rules between them. Do diligentsecurity arrangements for the system administrator PC. The usage of IntrusionProtection System (IPS) in the right fashion can delay the attacker with a percentageof 46% or greater. / Europeiska Unionen har satt upp ett mål att installera nära 200miljoner smarta elmätare innan år 2020, spritt utöver Europa, implementeringen ledertill en rejäl ökning av känsliga dataflöden för El-distributörer och intresset av cyberattacker ökar. Både ingående och utgående information behöver processas och lagraspå olika IT- och OT-system beroende på informationen. Höga krav gällande ITsäkerhet ställs för att skydda till exempel känslig kundinformation samt en mängdvarierande tjänster och funktioner som är implementerade i systemen. Typer avattacker är till exempel om någon lyckats få kontroll over eltillgängligheten och skullestänga av elektriciteten till hushåll vilket skulle till exempel leda till allvarligafuktskador till följd av läckage från frysen. I den här uppsatsen så har en tillräckligtdetaljerad referens modell för smart elmätar arkitektur tagits fram för att möjliggörasäkerhetsanalyser och för att underlätta för företag i en potentiell implementation avsmart elmätare arkitektur. Ett verktyg som heter securiCAD som är utvecklat avforeseeti har använts för att modellera arkitekturen. securiCAD är ett modelleringsverktyg som använder sig av avancerade beräknings algoritmer för beräkna hur långtid det skulle ta för en professionell penetrationstestare att lyckats penetrera de olikasystem med olika sorters attacker beroende på försvarsmekanismer och hurarkitekturen är uppbyggd. Genom att variera systemens försvar och processer så harfyra scenarion definierats. Med hjälp av resultaten av de fyra scenarierna så harrekommendationer tagits fram. Rekommendationer i korthet: Använd små ochdistinkta nätverkszoner med tydliga regler som till exempel vilka system som fårkommunicera med varandra och vilket håll som kommunikationen är tillåten.Noggranna säkerhetsåtgärder hos systemadministratörens dator. Användningen avIPS: er, genom att placera och använda IPS: er på rätt sätt så kan man fördröjaattacker med mer än 46% enligt jämförelser mellan de olika scenarier.
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Struktursystematik, ganzheitliche Systementwicklung und -erprobung mobilhydraulischer Steuerungssysteme mit getrennten SteuerkantenSitte, André 11 September 2024 (has links)
Elektrohydraulische Steuerungen mit getrennten Steuerkanten stellen komplexe, mechatronische Systeme dar, welche durch ein enges Zusammenspiel der beteiligten Komponenten, ihrer strukturellen Anordnung, der notwendigen Sensorik und Elektronik, sowie den funktionsgebenden Algorithmen charakterisiert sind. Die vielfältigen Umsetzungsvarianten in den jeweiligen Gebieten und speziell im Bereich der Steuer- und Regelalgorithmen erschweren eine zielgerichtete Entwicklung, Bewertung und Auswahl. Neben ökonomischen Randbedingungen bildet vor allem eine beherrschbare Komplexität der Steuerungen, im Sinne der Robustheit und Handhabbarkeit, ein wesentliches Merkmal.
Im Kern der Arbeit steht die Frage, welche Systemarchitektur für eine spezifische Maschinen- bzw. Arbeitsaufgabe aus Funktions- und Effizienzsicht optimale Eigenschaften aufweist. Dafür ist es notwendig, den Betrachtungsraum über alle Hierarchieebenen hinweg mit ihren jeweiligen Abhängigkeiten zu berücksichtigen. Ein strukturierter und iterativer Entwicklungsprozess, welcher dieWechselwirkungen der Einzellösungen frühzeitig einbezieht, dient dabei als Vorgehensmodell. In jeder Ebene sind Synthese,Analyse und Validierungsschritte notwendig, um die resultierenden Systemeigenschaften bewerten zu können. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf einer Einbindung der Steueralgorithmen und einem stufenweisen Test mithilfe simulativer und experimenteller Untersuchungen. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine Struktur- und Schaltungssystematik, zur zielgerichteten Ableitung von Strukturvarianten unter Berücksichtigung der Art und Anordnung der beteiligten Komponenten, zur Verfügung. Für die als Grundstruktur oder Basiskonfiguration bezeichnete Systemvariante, bestehend aus vier proportional verstellbaren Einzelwiderständen in Brückenanordnung, erfolgt eine regelungstechnische Analyse des vorliegenden Mehrgrößensystems. Zusätzlich zum Streckenverhalten (offene Steuerkette) ist das resultierende Verhalten der Kombination Strecke und Steuerung von Interesse. Den Schwerpunkt bilden insbesondere die Analyse des Führungs- und Störverhaltens, sowie die Kopplungseigenschaften des resultierenden Gesamtsystems.
Um das funktionale Verhalten der gewählten System- und Steuerungsstruktur tiefgreifender analysieren und ihre Funktionsfähigkeit nachzuweisen zu können, wird ein Labordemonstrator in Form eines Baggerarmprüfstandes genutzt. Hierbei erfolgen jeweils eine virtuelle Untersuchung in einer Systemsimulationsumgebung, als auch der messtechnische Nachweis. Ein analoges Vorgehen wird für die Untersuchung des funktional-energetischen Verhaltens im Gesamtmaschinenkontext gewählt. Das simulativ ermittelte und optimierte Verhalten wird durch umfangreiche Untersuchungen am Maschinendemonstrator, im Rahmen von Maschinenmessungen verifiziert. Die dabei gewonnen Erkenntnisse dienen als Randbedingungen für eine weitreichende simulationstechnische Gegenüberstellung mit alternativen Antriebstechnologien. Erst diese Maßnahme ermöglicht die Einordnung der erzielten Ergebnisse des Untersuchungssystems.:1 Einleitung 1
2 Stand der Wissenschaft und Technik 3
2.1 Aufbau und Funktionsweise von Erdbaumaschinen 3
2.2 Steuerungssysteme mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen 6
2.2.1 Ventilgesteuerte Systeme in Open-Center Ausführung 9
2.2.2 Ventilgesteuerte Systeme in Closed-Center Ausführung 11
2.2.3 Verdrängergesteuerte Systeme 15
2.2.4 Hydraulische Hybridsysteme 18
2.3 Systeme mit getrennten Steuerkanten 21
2.3.1 Ventilstrukturen und Betriebsmodi 22
2.3.2 Aufbau und Funktionsweise proportionaler Sitzventile 28
2.3.3 Steuerungs- und Regelungskonzepte 31
3 Motivation und Zielsetzung 38
4 Entwurf und Systematisierung von Schaltungsvarianten 41
4.1 Methodik im Systementwurf 42
4.2 Varianten der Ventilstrukturen 45
4.3 Varianten der Ventilsteuerung 51
4.4 Varianten der Versorgungs- und Gesamtsysteme 53
5 Übertragungseigenschaften von Mehrgrößensystemen 58
5.1 Charakterisierung Mehrgrößenbegriff 58
5.2 Mathematische Beschreibung des ventilgesteuerten Zylinderantriebs 62
5.3 Herleitung des nichtlinearen, modellbasierten Vorsteuergesetzes 71
5.4 Analyse Zusammenhänge in Mehrgrößensystemen 74
5.4.1 Analyse des statischen Koppelfaktors 76
5.4.2 Analyse der dynamischen Kopplungseigenschaften 80
6 Untersuchungen am Labordemonstrator 87
6.1 Struktur und Aufbau des Labordemonstrators 87
6.2 Untersuchungsmethodik 89
6.3 Modellentwicklung des Labordemonstrators 92
6.3.1 Modellierung der Ausrüstungsmechanik und Prozessbelastung 93
6.3.2 Modellierung des Antriebssystems 95
6.3.3 Umsetzung der Ansteuerung - Software in the Loop 97
6.4 Validierung des Gesamtantriebsmodells 98
6.5 Beschreibung und Analyse der Steuerung 100
6.5.1 Statisches Verhalten im Einzelverbraucherbetrieb 103
6.5.2 Dynamisches Verhalten im Einzelverbraucherbetrieb 105
6.5.3 Statisches Verhalten im Mehrverbraucherbetrieb 108
6.5.4 Dynamisches Verhalten im Mehrverbraucherbetrieb 110
6.6 Zusammenfassung und Bewertung 114
7 Integration und Funktionstest am Maschinendemonstrator 115
7.1 Aufbau und Funktionsweise des Standardantriebssystem 116
7.2 Entwicklung und Integration des Antriebsprototyps 121
7.3 Modellentwicklung des Maschinendemonstrators 130
7.3.1 Ausrüstungs- und Fahrzeugmechanik 131
7.3.2 Verbrennungsmotor 133
7.3.3 Verstellpumpen 135
7.3.4 Steuerventile 136
7.3.5 Proportional-Sitzventil 137
7.3.6 Drehwerkssteuerung 139
7.4 Validierung und simulative Erprobung des des Gesamtsystems 140
7.5 Experimentelle Erprobung und Analyse des GSK-Systems 149
7.6 Zusammenfassung und Bewertung 157
8 Modellgestützte Analyse und Vergleich der Energieeffizienz 159
8.1 Modellgestützte Effizienzanalyse in mobilen Arbeitsmaschinen 159
8.1.1 Vollständige Zyklenspiele 161
8.1.2 Standardzyklus 164
8.1.3 Äquivalente Referenzzyklen 165
8.1.4 Fazit 166
8.2 Entwicklung und Beschreibung von Antriebssystemvarianten 168
8.2.1 Mehrkreis Drosselsteuerung 3K-OC-DS 170
8.2.2 Mehrkreis Load-Sensing Steuerung 2K/3K-CC-LS 172
8.2.3 Mehrkreis Verdrängersteuerung 3K/4K-DC 174
8.2.4 Systemvarianten mit getrennten Steuerkanten 2K/3K-IM 176
8.2.5 Mehrkreis Hybridsysteme 3K-Hy 180
8.3 Ergebnisse der Effizienzanalyse 188
8.3.1 Mehrkreis Drosselsteuerung 3K-OC-DS 188
8.3.2 Mehrkreis Load-Sensing Steuerung 2K/3K-CC-LS 193
8.3.3 Mehrkreis Verdrängersteuerung 3K/4K-DC 194
8.3.4 Systemvarianten mit getrennten Steuerkanten 2K/3K-IM 196
8.3.5 Hybridsystemvarianten 3K-Hy / 3K-CP 198
8.3.6 Gesamtsystemvergleich 200
9 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 203
10 Literaturverzeichnis 209
A Anhang 233
A.1 Systematisierung von Schaltungsvarianten 233
A.1.1 Metrik zu Ermittlung der Schaltungseffizienz 233
A.2 Untersuchungen Mehrgrößensystem 242
A.2.1 Linearer Signalflussplans eines Systems mit vorgeschalteter Druckwaage 242
A.2.2 Darstellung der Systemmatrizen des ventilgesteuerten Zylinderantriebs 243
A.2.3 Kopplungsanalyse der offenen Steuerkette 243
A.2.4 Kopplungsanalyse der dezentralen Einfachregelung 245
A.2.5 Kopplungsanalyse linearer Entkopplungsfilter 246
A.2.6 Kopplungsanalyse nichtlineare Vorsteuerung 248
A.3 Untersuchungen am Systemprüfstand 250
A.3.1 Kinematikgleichungen 250
A.4 Untersuchungen am Demonstrator 251
A.4.1 Modellierung Mehrkörperstruktur 251
A.4.2 Werkzeug-Boden-Kontakt 252
A.4.3 Dynamische Vermessung Porportional-Sitzventil 253
A.5 Sytemvergleich 254
A.6 Methoden und Verfahren der Effizienzermittlung 254
A.6.1 Validierung Referenzsystem 259
A.6.2 Ergebnisse Effizienzanalyse 260
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[pt] A perspectiva de queda nos preços dos sistemas fotovoltaicos e sistemas de
armazenamento de energia elétrica em baterias trouxe a possibilidade de maior
viabilidade econômica de projetos envolvendo recursos energéticos distribuídos.
No Brasil, a Resolução Normativa 482/2012 regulamentou a micro e mini
geração distribuída, estimulando, portanto, a integração desses recursos nas
redes de distribuição. Com a promulgação da Lei brasileira 14.300/2022, os
projetos de micro e mini geração distribuída foram impactados, uma vez que o
sistema de compensação de energia elétrica passou a ser parcial, o que demanda
agregar valor aos modelos de negócios baseados em geração distribuída.
Este trabalho propõe um modelo de Programação Linear Inteira Mista
estocástico com o objetivo de avaliar a viabilidade econômica de usinas virtuais compostas por diferentes configurações de recursos energéticos distribuídos, envolvendo baterias e painéis fotovoltaicos. Para atingir esse propósito,
o modelo busca dimensionar o contrato de energia anual ótimo, fornecendo
também a operação diária das baterias. Além de levar em consideração os
aspectos da Lei 14.300/2022, o modelo incorpora a prática de arbitragem tarifária. Colaborando, assim, com estudos que analisam os impactos regulatórios
sobre empreendimentos envolvendo baterias e painéis fotovoltaicos no contexto
Com o intuito de abordar o tema de maneira ampla, o modelo proposto foi
implementado para recursos energéticos distribuídos organizados como usina
virtual, contendo: (i) um sistema fotovoltaico; (ii) um sistema de armazenamento de energia em baterias; (iii) um sistema híbrido (composto por um
sistema fotovoltaico e um sistema de armazenamento de energia em baterias);
e (iv) o estudo de caso da distribuidora de energia elétrica brasileira Energisa
Tocantins. Em todas as aplicações, analisou-se a viabilidade econômica da
usina virtual para as tarifas da Energisa Tocantins e outras 34 distribuidoras
brasileiras, representando pelo menos uma distribuidora por estado brasileiro.
Além disso, foram feitas comparações em relação à data de início de operação da usina virtual, evidenciando o impacto da Lei 14.300/2022 na viabilidade econômica das usinas virtuais analisadas, mostrando, assim, o impacto
da referida lei nos projetos de geração distribuída no Brasil. No estudo de
caso da distribuidora de energia elétrica brasileira Energisa Tocantins, foi realizada uma análise adicional contemplando aspectos da rede de distribuição
da própria Energisa Tocantins, onde os recursos energéticos distribuídos estão
alocados. Nessa análise adicional, foram avaliadas as perdas elétricas e seus
custos, bem como o perfil de tensão para dois casos de operação das baterias
e para o caso base, que seria o caso sem recursos energéticos distribuídos na
rede de distribuição Energisa Tocantins.
Os resultados evidenciaram que a implementação da Lei 14.300/2022
reduziu a atratividade de projetos envolvendo geração distribuída. No entanto,
em sua maioria, considerando os parâmetros adotados deste estudo, esses
projetos ainda se mostram viáveis economicamente. Levando em consideração
as perdas elétricas e o perfil de tensão, a integração de recursos energéticos
distribuídos na rede de distribuição pode trazer benefícios elétricos e redução
de custos, dependendo da operação dos recursos energéticos distribuídos,
demonstrando sua capacidade de fornecer serviços ancilares ao sistema elétrico.
Além disso, os sistemas fotovoltaicos ainda apresentam maior competitividade
se comparados com os sistemas híbridos ou os sistemas de armazenamento de
energia em baterias, proporcionando retornos financeiros mais atrativos. Por
fim, as diferentes amplitudes tarifárias influenciam diretamente na viabilidade
de projetos de geração distribuída envolvendo sistemas de armazenamento de
energia, já que quanto maior a amplitude tarifária, maior será a arbitragem
tarifária que tais sistemas podem proporcionar. / [en] The prospect of declining prices in photovoltaic systems and battery energy storage systems has brought about the possibility of greater economic
viability for projects involving distributed energy resources. In Brazil, Regulatory Resolution 482/2012 regulated micro and mini distributed generation,
thereby encouraging the integration of these resources into distribution networks. With the enactment of Brazilian Law 14.300/2022, projects involving
micro and mini distributed generation were impacted, as the net metering
system for electricity became partial, demanding the addition of value to distributed generation-based business models.
This work proposes a stochastic Mixed Integer Linear Programming
model aimed at evaluating the economic feasibility of virtual power plants
composed of different configurations of distributed energy resources, involving
batteries and photovoltaic panels. To achieve this purpose, the model seeks
to size the optimal annual energy contract, also providing the daily operation
of the batteries. In addition to considering the aspects of Law 14.300/2022,
the model incorporates tariff arbitrage practice, thus contributing to studies
analyzing regulatory impacts on ventures involving batteries and photovoltaic
panels in the Brazilian context.
In order to comprehensively address the topic, the proposed model was
implemented for distributed energy resources organized as virtual power plant,
containing: (i) a photovoltaic system; (ii) a battery energy storage system;
(iii) a hybrid system (composed of a photovoltaic system and a battery
energy storage system); and (iv) the case study of the Brazilian electric utility
Energisa Tocantins. In all applications, the economic viability of the virtual
power plant was analyzed for the tariffs of Energisa Tocantins and 34 other
Brazilian distributors, representing at least one distributor per Brazilian state.
Additionally, comparisons were made regarding the start date of operation of
the virtual power plant, highlighting the impact of Law 14.300/2022 on the
economic viability of the analyzed virtual power plants, thus demonstrating
the impact of said law on distributed generation projects in Brazil. In the case
study of the Brazilian electric utility Energisa Tocantins, an additional analysis
was conducted considering aspects of Energisa Tocantins distribution network,
where distributed energy resources are allocated. In this additional analysis,
electrical losses and their costs, as well as voltage profiles for two battery
operation scenarios and the base case (i.e., the case without distributed energy
resources in the Energisa Tocantins distribution network) were evaluated.
The results showed that the implementation of Law 14.300/2022 reduced
the attractiveness of projects involving distributed generation. However, for the
most part, considering the parameters adopted in this study, these projects
still demonstrate economic viability. Taking into account electrical losses
and voltage profiles, the integration of distributed energy resources into
the distribution network can bring electrical benefits and cost reductions,
depending on the operation of the distributed energy resources, demonstrating
their ability to provide ancillary services to the electrical system. Furthermore,
photovoltaic systems still exhibit greater competitiveness when compared to
hybrid systems or battery energy storage systems, providing more attractive
financial returns. Finally, different tariff amplitudes directly influence the
viability of distributed generation projects involving energy storage systems,
as the greater the tariff amplitude, the greater the tariff arbitrage that such
systems can provide.
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Índice de não-detecção de erros grosseiros no processo de estimação de estado em sistemas elétricos de potência / Undetectability index of gross errors in power systems state estimationBenedito, Raphael Augusto de Souza 03 June 2011 (has links)
A partir de uma análise geométrica, do estimador de estado por mínimos quadrados ponderados, propõe-se, neste trabalho, um índice para classificação das medidas de acordo com as suas características de não refletirem grande parcela de seus erros nos resíduos do processo de estimação de estado, por mínimos quadrados ponderados. O índice proposto foi denominado Índice de Não-Detecção de Erros, ou apenas UI (Undetectability Index). As medidas com maiores UI são aquelas cujos erros grosseiros (EGs) são mais difíceis de serem detectados através de métodos que fazem uso da análise dos resíduos. Isto porque os erros dessas medidas são, de certa forma, \"mascarados\", isto é, não são refletidos nos resíduos das mesmas. Nesse sentido, a medida crítica é o caso limite de medidas cujos erros são mascarados, isto é, possui UI infinito e seu resíduo é igual a zero, independente de a mesma ter ou não EG. Para obtenção dos índices UI das medidas, desenvolveu-se um algoritmo simples e de fácil implementação. Tomando por base o índice UI, propõe-se, também, uma metodologia para processamento de EGs e dois algoritmos para projeto ou fortalecimento de sistemas de medição. Esses algoritmos possibilitam a obtenção de sistemas de medição confiáveis (observáveis e isentos de medidas críticas e de conjuntos críticas de medidas), de baixo custo e formados por medidas com índices UI menores que um valor pré-estabelecido. Para validar o índice UI e as suas aplicações propostas neste trabalho, realizaram-se diversas simulações computacionais nos sistemas de 14 e 30 barras do IEEE, tendo sido satisfatórios todos os resultados obtidos. / The present thesis proposes an index, called Undetectability Index (UI), to classify the measurements according to their characteristics of not reflecting their errors into the residuals of the weighted least squares state estimation process from a geometric analysis of this estimator. Gross errors in measurements with higher UIs are very difficult to be detected by methods based on the residual analysis, as the errors in those measurements are \"masked\", i.e., they are not reflected in the residuals. In this sense, critical measurements are the limit case of measurements that mask errors, that is, they have infinite UI and their residuals are always zero independently of their having or not gross errors. Based on the UI a methodology for gross error processing and two algorithms for metering system planning are also proposed in this thesis. These algorithms enable the obtaining of reliable measurement systems (observable and free from critical measurements and critical sets of measurements) with low investment and containing only measurements with UIs lower than a pre-established value. Several simulation results (with IEEE 14-bus and 30-bus systems) have validated the UI and its application.
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Índice de não-detecção de erros grosseiros no processo de estimação de estado em sistemas elétricos de potência / Undetectability index of gross errors in power systems state estimationRaphael Augusto de Souza Benedito 03 June 2011 (has links)
A partir de uma análise geométrica, do estimador de estado por mínimos quadrados ponderados, propõe-se, neste trabalho, um índice para classificação das medidas de acordo com as suas características de não refletirem grande parcela de seus erros nos resíduos do processo de estimação de estado, por mínimos quadrados ponderados. O índice proposto foi denominado Índice de Não-Detecção de Erros, ou apenas UI (Undetectability Index). As medidas com maiores UI são aquelas cujos erros grosseiros (EGs) são mais difíceis de serem detectados através de métodos que fazem uso da análise dos resíduos. Isto porque os erros dessas medidas são, de certa forma, \"mascarados\", isto é, não são refletidos nos resíduos das mesmas. Nesse sentido, a medida crítica é o caso limite de medidas cujos erros são mascarados, isto é, possui UI infinito e seu resíduo é igual a zero, independente de a mesma ter ou não EG. Para obtenção dos índices UI das medidas, desenvolveu-se um algoritmo simples e de fácil implementação. Tomando por base o índice UI, propõe-se, também, uma metodologia para processamento de EGs e dois algoritmos para projeto ou fortalecimento de sistemas de medição. Esses algoritmos possibilitam a obtenção de sistemas de medição confiáveis (observáveis e isentos de medidas críticas e de conjuntos críticas de medidas), de baixo custo e formados por medidas com índices UI menores que um valor pré-estabelecido. Para validar o índice UI e as suas aplicações propostas neste trabalho, realizaram-se diversas simulações computacionais nos sistemas de 14 e 30 barras do IEEE, tendo sido satisfatórios todos os resultados obtidos. / The present thesis proposes an index, called Undetectability Index (UI), to classify the measurements according to their characteristics of not reflecting their errors into the residuals of the weighted least squares state estimation process from a geometric analysis of this estimator. Gross errors in measurements with higher UIs are very difficult to be detected by methods based on the residual analysis, as the errors in those measurements are \"masked\", i.e., they are not reflected in the residuals. In this sense, critical measurements are the limit case of measurements that mask errors, that is, they have infinite UI and their residuals are always zero independently of their having or not gross errors. Based on the UI a methodology for gross error processing and two algorithms for metering system planning are also proposed in this thesis. These algorithms enable the obtaining of reliable measurement systems (observable and free from critical measurements and critical sets of measurements) with low investment and containing only measurements with UIs lower than a pre-established value. Several simulation results (with IEEE 14-bus and 30-bus systems) have validated the UI and its application.
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Vzdálené měřicí systémy a jejich praktické využití / Remote measuring systems and its utilization in practiseKukla, Zdeněk January 2008 (has links)
This master’s thesis is dealing with remote measuring systems and their utilization in power engineering. In the first part there are described requirements on an autonomous measuring system and description of AMM and AMR systems. Communicating and data flows working on accurately defined communicating layers are also depicted in this part. The attention is devoted to the possibility of data processing and functions of devices offered by these attributes. In the following part there are described reasons for utilization of remote measuring systems in power engineering and the main advantages of connection of more devices into one unit. After finding of required parametres and functions of systems, a suggestion of terminal device is created in the same way. The suggestion is described in the measuring part with A/D converter, processing in microprocessor, measuring and evaluating alogorithms and attributes of communication of bus used. The last part is devoted to utilization of remote analysis in small power stations in dispersed production. Formation of deformation of voltage, harmonic analysis of signal and its application for data processing are described there. Described analysis was tested on data acquired from a cogeneration unit.
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Systémy dálkového měření v energetice / Systems for remote measurement in power engineeringHudec, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The work deals with the measurement and management in power. Provides an introduction to the problems of remote meter reading, management, and describes the current situation in the field of modern technologies Smart metering and Smart grids. It also analyzed the issue of collection of networks and data collection from a large number of meters over a wide area. For the purpose of data transmission are described GPRS, PLC, DSL, ... Further, there are given options to streamline communication. This area is used hierarchical aggregation. Using k-means algorithm is a program designed to calculate the number of concentrators and their location in the group of meters. The finished program is written in Java. It has a graphical interface and shows how the calculation is conducted. To verify the results of the optimization program is given simulation model in OPNET Modeler tool. Audited results are described in the conclusion and can deduce that using the optimization program is to streamline communications.
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