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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Women and Development in Senegal: Microcredit and Household Well Being

Kane, Safietou 11 March 2011 (has links)
The challenging living conditions of many Senegalese families, and the absence of a providing spouse, have led women to covet new economic opportunities, such as microcredit loans. These loans offer Senegalese women the possibility to financially support their households and become active participants in their economies by starting or sustaining their micro businesses. The study takes place in Grand-Yoff, an overpopulated peri-urban area of the Senegalese capital city Dakar, where most people face daily survival issues. This research examines the impact of microcredit activities in the household of Senegalese female loan recipients in Grand-Yoff by examining socio-economic indicators, in particular outcomes of health, education and nutrition. The research total sample is constituted of 166 female participants who engage in microcredit activities. The research combines both qualitative and quantitative methods. Data for the study were gathered through interviews, surveys, participant observation, focus-groups with the study participants and some of their household members, and document analysis. While some women in the study make steady profits from their business activities, others struggle to make ends meet from their businesses’ meager or unreliable profits. Some study participants who are impoverished have no choice but to invest their loans directly into their households’ dire needs, hence missing their business prerogative. Many women in the study end up in a vicious cycle of debt by defaulting on their loans or making late payments because they do not have the required household and socio-economic conditions to take advantage of these loans. Therefore, microcredit does not make a significant impact in the households of the poorest female participants. The study finds that microcredit improves the household well-being - especially nutrition, health and education - of the participants who have acquired significant social capital such as a providing spouse, formal education, training, business experience, and belonging to business or social networks. The study finds that microcredit’s household impact is intimately tied to the female borrowers’ household conditions and social capital. It is recommended that microcredit services and programs offer their female clients assistance and additional basic services, financial guidance, lower interest rates, and flexible repayment schedules.


STELLY GOMES LEAL DA CRUZ PACHECO 19 October 2011 (has links)
[pt] Partindo do delineamento conceitual de microcrédito, o presente trabalho identifica suas principais contribuições metodológicas e sua relação direta com a prática, sem descurar do panorama legislativo brasileiro, através de uma análise crítica e propositiva das pessoas jurídicas que podem atuar nessa área. Utilizando como marco teórico as noções de desenvolvimento e de pobreza colhidas da perspectiva de Amartya Sen, o trabalho analisa a proposta de estruturação do Grameen Bank e busca investigar o papel que o microcrédito pode desempenhar no Brasil, seja pela sua potencial contribuição no resgate da autoestima social (nas demandas de justiça distributiva / reconhecimento; no reforço das práticas de economia solidária e na coesão / engajamento social), seja a partir da proposta de seu fomento não apenas no sentido dos bens de capital e capital de giro, mas da produtividade social e microfinanças num enfoque integrativo. A proposta fundamental está na configuração de políticas de sinergia com os programas assistenciais, como potencial instrumento na luta de combate à pobreza, no reforço da coesão / engajamento social e na busca do desenvolvimento econômico visto como liberdade, a partir do incremento das liberdades substantivas e da condição de agente livre e sustentável do homem, como motor fundamental do desenvolvimento. Nessa esteira, pretende-se propor uma visão de sociedade calcada no pleno desenvolvimento humano em substituição à referência pura e simples ao Estado Social, através do enfoque na emancipação do indivíduo, mas principalmente na visão da liberdade individual como comprometimento social, reconhecendo-se, assim, a interdependência entre liberdade e responsabilidade. / [en] Based on the concept of microcredit, this study identifies its main methodological contributions and its direct relation with the practice, without neglecting the regulatory picture in Brazil, through a proactive critical analysis of the legal entities that can perform in this area. Using the definitions of development and poverty by Amartya Sen, the paper analyzes the Grameen Bank structuring process and investigates the role that microcredit can play in Brazil, due to its potential contribution to the promotion of social self-esteem (on the demands of distributive justice / recognition; on the improvement of solidarity economic practice and cohesion / social engagement). Additionally, the study analyzes its potentiality to promote the social productivity, not only in terms of capital goods and capital itself, but also in an integrative perspective with the microfinance approach. The main proposal is to shape synergical policies with the welfare programs as a potential tool in the fight against poverty, in the strengthening of the cohesion / social engagement and in the pursuit of the economic development as freedom. This means that we consider the increase of the substantive freedoms and the condition of free agent as the key of the development. Thus, we intend to propose a vision of society based on the full human development replacing the outright reference to the welfare state, by focusing on empowerment of the individual, but mainly in the vision of individual freedom as social commitment, recognizing the interdependence between freedom and responsibility.

"Le vin et l'argent" : osterie, bastioni et marché du crédit à Venise au XVIIIe siècle / ‘Wine and Cash’ : Osterie, Bastioni and the Venetian credit market (18th century)

Pompermaier, Matteo 01 April 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse au marché du crédit à Venise au XVIIIe siècle. Une partie importante de la recherche se concentre sur une offre de crédit spécifique au contexte vénitien, qui avait lieux dans les osterie (auberges) et les bastioni de la ville, des entrepôts où le vin était vendu à emporter. Le vin et l’argent étaient deux éléments intrinsèquement liés et trouvaient un point de contact dans l’activité des osti (aubergistes) et des bastioneri. Ces derniers offraient à leurs clients un service original de prêt sur gage. Ils assumaient le double rôle des fournisseurs de biens de consommation de base et de créanciers, devenant ainsi des figures incontournables dans le contexte urbain, en particulier pour les membres des couches les plus pauvres. L’un des éléments les plus intéressants est la manière dont les intérêts sur les prêts étaient perçus, puisque les créanciers tiraient profit du fait qu’un tiers de la valeur totale des crédits était payé en vin. La valeur faible des prêts confirme que ce service s’adressait principalement aux classes les plus fragiles de la société, c’est à dire les principaux protagonistes de ce que nous avons appelé l’économie ‘du mouchoir’. Il s’agissait surtout d’individus pauvres mais pas ‘très pauvres’, ceux qui n’avaient pas de grandes réserves d’argent et qui étaient vulnérables en raison de l’irrégularité de leurs revenus. Les objectifs de la recherche sont principalement au nombre de deux. Le premier consiste à analyser l’activité de crédit des bastioni et des osterie. Le second est de replacer cette organisation dans le contexte urbain, en analysant le marché dans son ensemble et en évaluant les caractéristiques et les variables qui pouvaient influencer la demande. Par conséquent, afin d’avoir une vision plus complète du marché, toutes les omposantes principales de l’offre ont été prises en considération. Outre les bastioni et les osterie mentionnés ci-dessus, les autres activités de prêts ont été analysés et comparés : l’activité des banques juives dans le Ghetto, mais aussi celle des monts-de-piété des villes de la terre ferme vénitienne, des notaires et des prêteurs privés. De cette façon il a été possible d’enquêter sur les relations existantes entre les différents circuits de crédit, et de démontrer qu’ils n’étaient pas en concurrence les uns avec les autres, mais qu’il s’agissait plutôt d’un marché segmenté. La recherche s’adresse aussi bien aux spécialistes de l’histoire vénitienne qu’aux historiens de l’économie dans d’autres contextes, en proposant une nouvelle méthodologie et un cas d’étude qui appellent à la comparaison dans d’autres villes à l’époque moderne. / This thesis analyses the credit market in Venice during the 18th century. An important part of this research focuses on a quite unique credit system, specific to the Venetian context, that was offer through the inns, or osterie, and the bastioni (warehouses where wine was sold) of the city. In 18th century Venice, wine and money were intrinsically linked through the activity of the innkeepers and the bastioneri (the managers of the bastioni), who originally offered their customers a pawnbroking service. They assumed the double roles of suppliers of basic goods and creditors, thereby becoming central economic figures in Venice’s urban context – especially for the members of the poorest classes. One of the most innovative elements of this research lies in the findings regarding the way that interest on loans was collected: creditors benefited from the fact that one-third of the total value of the transaction was paid in wine. The low average value of the loans confirms that this service was mainly aimed at the lower classes of society, the main actors in what has been defined as ‘the handkerchief economy’. Those who benefited the most from this kind of credit arrangement were essentially poor – but not too poor – people, who had only modest reserves of money, and were thus more vulnerable due to the paucity and irregularity of their income. The main objective of this research is twofold: (a) to analyze the credit activity of bastioni and osterie, and (b) to place it in the Venetian urban context. This study analyzed the Venetian credit market as a whole, and then assessed the characteristics and variables that could influence the demand for credit. Moreover, to develop a more complete view of this specific market, all the main components of the credit offer were taken into consideration. In addition to the already mentioned bastioni and osterie, the activities of Jewish bankers in the Ghetto, the monti di pietà situated on the Venetian mainland, as well as those of the notaries and the private lenders, were also analyzed and compared. In this way, it was possible to investigate the existing relationships between the different credit channels, and to determine that they were actually not in competition with one another; rather, it was discovered that they were, in fact, discretely positioned in a distinctly segmented market. This research is relevant to both specialists in Venetian history, and researchers concerned with economic history in other contexts; this study also proposes a new methodology, and a case study, useful for relative comparison by either constituency.

Microcrédit et genre dans un contexte de pauvreté en haute Guinée / Microcredit and gender in the context of poverty in high Guinea

Bayo, Soumahila 22 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet la compréhension des mécanismes de diffusion de la microfinance en relation avec les questions de genre en Haute-Guinée. En effet, l’examen des rapports sociaux en Haute-Guinée laisse entrevoir des disparités de genre au détriment des femmes. Majoritairement elles touchées par de nombreuses inégalités d’ordre socio-économique, culturel et politique : elles sont peu ou pas du tout impliquées dans le processus de prise de décision ; leur niveau d’instruction et de formation sont faibles par rapport à ceux des hommes ; elles sont exclues du contrôle des ressources productives et économiques (terres, arbres fruitiers, mines, pêche…). Cet état de fait a pour conséquence la dévalorisation de leur statut social, la charge considérable du travail domestique et surtout la paupérisation généralisée des femmes. Face à ces réalités, certaines femmes s’inscrivent dans des logiques d’emprunt de microcrédits pour démarrer, renforcer ou encore diversifier les activités génératrices de revenus dans les secteurs du commerce, de l’artisanat et de l’agriculture. C’est dans la perspective d’approfondir ce défi que cette thèse tente d’analyser les effets de la microfinance sur la vie des femmes de cette région de la Guinée.A partir d’une approche méthodologique essentiellement qualitative, l’examen des réalités de terrain révèle que la microfinance n’est pas une solution miracle pour lutter contre la pauvreté des femmes et les inégalités de genre. Elle peut tout aussi produire des effets inverses débouchant sur l’aggravation de leur situation économique et sociale (surendettement, pauvreté, migration, exclusion, divorce, prostitution, exposition au VIH/SIDA). / The purpose of this dissertation is the understanding of the mechanisms of the development of microfinance in relation to gender issues in Upper Guinea, in the republic of Guinea. Indeed, the examination of social relations in Upper Guinea suggests gender disparities to the detriment of women. They are disproportionately affected by many socio-economic, cultural, and political inequalities: they have little or no involvement at all in the decision-making process; they have very low levels of education and training in comparison to men; they have no control over productive and economic resources (trees, fruit trees, mines, fishing, among others). This situation results in the devaluation of their social status, significant domestic workload, and above all, women’s generalized impoverishment. Confronted with this reality, some women adhere to the logic of borrowing, which is based on micro-credits in order to start, strengthen or diversify income generating activities in the trade, crafts and agriculture sectors. For the purpose of further exploring that issue, this dissertation attempts to analyze the effects of microfinance on women’s life in this region of Guinea.Using a methodological approach, which is primarily qualitative, the examination of field realities shows that microfinance is not a miracle solution to fight poverty among women and gender inequalities. It may just as well produce opposite effects resulting in the worsening of their economic and social situation (over-indebtedness, poverty, migration, exclusion, divorce, prostitution, exposure to HIV/AIDS).

Impact of Microcredit Program on Women's Empowerment in Rural Bangladesh

Choudhury, Gias Uddin Ahmed January 2020 (has links)
Background – This study is an attempt to explore the relationship between microcredit and the socio-economic empowerment of women in rural Bangladesh. Microcredit is simply the extension of a small amount of collateral-free institutional loans to jointly liable poor group members to generate employment and income enhancing activities. As it is too difficult for poor members to get loan from the formal credit institutions, Grameen Bank (GB) or other Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) provide small loans to vulnerable groups of the society by which they are expected to empower over his counterparts. Research questions – RQ1: How does micro-credit affect different indicators of women empowerment in the rural areas of Bangladesh? RQ2– Is the impact different from the male counterparts in the sample households? Purpose – This study is an effort to find the impact of microcredit on a number of indicators of women’s empowerment in the rural areas in Bangladesh. Methodology – Quantitative Regression Techniques such as Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Instrumental Variable (IV) method have been applied to get the relationship between microcredit and women empowerment. Conclusion – Applying nationally representative cross-section survey data, Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey (BIHS) 2015, this thesis is intended to find the causal linkage between microcredit and women empowerment’s with different dimensions of women’s decisions are taken as empowerment indicators: production, resources, income, leadership, savings and time. The analysis has been conducted at the household level. The study assumes that women empowerment is endogenous. After controlling for endogeneity in the estimation by using an instrumental variable (IV) ‘distance to the market’ this study finds a significant relationship between microcredit and different dimensions of women’s empowerment. Participation in the microcredit program is found to be significant in explaining some of the outcome indicators of empowerment for the sampled households.

Understanding the Influence of Income Generating Activities on Women's Empowerment: A Case Study of JASMAR Human Security Organization's Project for Female Sex Workers in The Republic of the Sudan

Fadl Alla, Tegwa Idris Ahmed January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

A questão das garantias em finanças de pequeno porte: experiências internacionais e o microcrédito no Brasil

Farias, Marcelo Eisenhower 25 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Eisenhower Farias.pdf: 721147 bytes, checksum: bbdac49c9e74cb536cbc1eb10d5b90b0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-25 / Access to small credit is becoming increasingly difficult to get and one of the most important reasons to this is the absence of guarantees offered to the financial institution by the borrower. Microcredit has arisen as a solution to the hindrance of credit access through the use of the co-signers mechanism, in which a group takes responsibility over paying the obtained funding. In Brazil, the main source of funds of the national program of productive microcredit (PNMPO) comes partly from demand deposits of commercial banks which provide credit operations requiring some kind of collateral to solve the problem of conflicting information. What we see in the microcredit program of the country is that a significant amount of the resources which should be addressed to the microcredit is found idle. Thus, the primal aim of this study is to identify and discuss ways of improving guarantees which could be used in the microcredit program of Brazil. To investigate the proposed theme, a bibliographical research was conducted revising the main concepts of the microfinance theory and the guarantee systems. A research on experiences in microcredit programs was also developed, as well as the types of guarantees used in these places, mainly in Latin America and the Caribbean. This study also includes the experiences of some countries which make use of mutualist guarantee systems, with its origin in Europe. Through this study we have identified that we have few guarantee programs in Brazil, instead of a national system of guarantees, as in other countries, such as Chile, where the guarantee fund FOGAPE provides guarantees to financial institutions upon part of the credit operations made by these institutions, including microcredit operations / O acesso ao crédito de pequeno porte enfrenta enormes dificuldades, e uma das mais importantes é a ausência de garantias oferecidas para a instituição financeira por parte do tomador dos recursos. O microcrédito surgiu como uma solução para resolver o entrave na obtenção do crédito através da utilização do mecanismo do aval solidário onde o grupo formado se responsabiliza pelo pagamento do financiamento obtido. No Brasil, a principal fonte de recursos do programa nacional de microcrédito produtivo orientado (PNMPO) tem como origem parte dos depósitos à vista de bancos comerciais que realizam operações de crédito solicitando algum tipo de colateral para solucionar o problema da assimetria da informação. O que se verifica no programa de microcrédito do país é que parte significativa dos recursos que deveriam ser direcionados ao microcrédito encontra-se ociosa. Assim, o objetivo central do estudo é discutir e identificar mecanismos de aperfeiçoamento de garantias que poderiam ser utilizadas dentro do programa de microcrédito no Brasil. Para investigar o tema proposto foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica revisando os principais conceitos da teoria das microfinanças e de sistemas de garantia, bem como, pesquisas de experiências de programas de microcrédito e os tipos de garantia utilizada nestes locais, sobretudo em países da América Latina e Caribe. Inclui-se também nesta pesquisa as experiências de alguns países que possuem sistemas de garantia do tipo mutualista que teve origem na Europa. Identificamos com o estudo que no Brasil temos poucos programas de garantia e não um sistema nacional de garantias como em outros países. É o caso do Chile onde o fundo de garantia FOGAPE fornece garantia a instituições financeiras para parte de operações de crédito realizada por estas instituições, inclusive em operações de microcrédito

Časové preference u ghanských pěstitelů kakaa / Time Preferences of Ghanaian Cocoa Farmers

Sobková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Agricultural technology adoption in developing countries is an interesting topic for two reasons: there is often a gap between the realized and potential hectare yields, and agriculture is an important source of livelihood for a signi_cant part of the third world population. This thesis is attempting to analyze the relationships between time preferences of the Ghanaian cocoa farmers and their willingness to use fertilizers provided on a microcredit basis. It is using mainly basic statistical tests, contingent tables analysis and the logistic regression to find out whether the farmers who are patient and time consistent have different approach to technology adoption than the impatient and time inconsistent farmers. We also test for differences in time preferences between farmers with different gender, age and education, and we find that the younger farmers tend to be more impatient. The main conclusion of this work is that impatient and hyperbolic farmers are more likely to enter a microcredit program. We cannot present any significant inference about the link between the farmers' time preferences and their decision to leave a microcredit program. JEL Classification C12, C14, D9, G2, O13, Q14 Keywords Technology adoption, time preferences, mirco- credit, developing economics, cocoa cultivation...

Microcr?dito e economia solid?ria ? Aspectos sustent?veis

Spilleir, Davi de Pinho 12 December 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2019-03-18T13:10:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DAVI DE PINHO SPILLEIR.pdf: 956619 bytes, checksum: 7de6e670ce16b17d690d6c2f8175b21c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-03-18T13:10:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DAVI DE PINHO SPILLEIR.pdf: 956619 bytes, checksum: 7de6e670ce16b17d690d6c2f8175b21c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-12-12 / Solidarity economy is an important way of production that seeks to promote solidarity, integration and synergy among its participants, who are owners and workers at the same time of these enterprises. However, due to several internal and external factors, these enterprises suffer to remain open and economically viable. The most severe and motivating factor of the greatest number of bankruptcies is the difficulty of obtaining credit. Given the relevance that survival has for all people participating in the solidarity economy, the objective of this work is to make a proactive contribution, identifying and validating elements that may be useful to projects of solidarity economy in relation to obtaining credit. For its accomplishment, as a methodology it is developed, starting from a bibliographical research, defined by periodicals and classic books of the themes, oriented by key words like solidarity economy, enterprise and credit, a research that allowed to find relevant elements, for the discussion in question. For the analysis of the identified elements a categorization was established in relation to the view of the actors involved, that is, the institutional vision, with external factors, and the user's view, with internal elements. The two visions eventually culminated in the elaboration of the propositional contribution. In order to validate such elements, it was followed in four different cases. As a result, it was concluded that the present work is useful for all those projects of solidarity economy that may eventually come up against credit problems. / A economia solid?ria ? uma importante maneira de produ??o que visa promover a solidariedade, integra??o e sinergia entre seus participantes, que s?o propriet?rios e trabalhadores ao mesmo tempo destes empreendimentos. Entretanto por diversos fatores tanto internos, como externos estes empreendimentos sofrem para se manterem abertos e economicamente vi?veis. O mais severo e que motiva o maior n?mero de fal?ncias ? a dificuldade de obten??o credit?cia. Tendo em vista a relev?ncia que a sobreviv?ncia tem para todas as pessoas que participam da economia solid?ria, o objetivo deste trabalho ? fazer uma contribui??o propositiva, identificando e validando elementos que possam ser ?teis a empreendimentos de economia solid?ria no que concerne ? obten??o de cr?dito. Para sua realiza??o, como metodologia desenvolve-se, a partir de uma pesquisa bibliogr?fica, definida por peri?dicos e livros cl?ssicos dos temas, orientada por palavras chaves como economia solid?ria, empreendimento e cr?dito, uma pesquisa que permitiu encontrar elementos relevantes, para a discuss?o em quest?o. Para a an?lise dos elementos identificados foi estabelecida uma categoriza??o em rela??o ? vis?o dos atores envolvidos, ou seja, a vis?o institucional, com fatores externos, e a vis?o de usu?rio, com elementos internos. As duas vis?es acabaram por culminar, finalmente, na elabora??o da contribui??o propositiva. A fim de se validar tais elementos, seguiu-se com a sua aplica??o em quatro casos distintos. Como resultado chegou-se a conclus?o de que o presente trabalho se apresenta como ?til para todos aqueles empreendimentos de economia solid?ria que venham eventualmente a se deparar com problemas credit?cios.

O microcrédito e a geração de emprego e renda: a experiência do Banco Pérola / Microcredit and employment and income generation of: Perola Bank s experience

Nascimento, Cesar do 21 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cesar do Nascimento.pdf: 22415217 bytes, checksum: 796bb9045d52fb3cd08120f08fe1d5f7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-21 / This paper presents results of a research on the influence of microcredit in employment generation and income held with the Perola Bank's customers in the city of Sorocaba - SP. This is a Civil Society Organization of Public Interest, which offers microcredit to entrepreneurs in the region. This research was conducted with a sample of 30 bank customers, with the use of a form, containing open and closed questions. The survey results revealed that microcredit influences the employment and income generation. And with that income, entrepreneurs can regulate the business and invest in goods and services to improve their quality of life. These lowincome entrepreneurs and excluded from the traditional financial system give more value to credit access than interest rates in this operation, which are 4% per month. However, these interest rates do not prevent them from investing on their own. The credit is used to investment in working capital and fixed investment. Furthermore, for each business opened, 2.1 new jobs have been generated / Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a influência do microcrédito na geração de emprego e renda realizada com clientes do Banco Pérola na cidade de Sorocaba - SP. Trata-se de uma Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público, que oferece microcrédito aos empreendedores da região. Esta pesquisa foi realizada com uma amostra de 30 clientes do banco, com a utilização de um formulário, contendo perguntas abertas e fechadas. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que o microcrédito influencia na geração de emprego e renda. E com essa renda, os empreendedores conseguem regularizar o negócio e investir em bens e serviços para melhorar sua qualidade de vida. Esses empreendedores de baixa renda e excluídos do sistema financeiro tradicional valorizam mais o acesso ao crédito que as taxas de juros praticadas nessa operação, que são de 4% ao mês. Entretanto, essas taxas não os impedem de investir por conta própria. O crédito tomado serve para investimento em capital de giro e investimento fixo. Além disso, para cada empreendimento aberto foram gerados 2,1 postos de trabalho

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