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Avaliação do índice de dano celular em pacientes diagnosticadas com câncer de mama em tratamento com radioterapia através das técnicas de micronúcleo e ensaio cometaTrindade, Fernanda Rocha da January 2012 (has links)
Introdução: Toda a exposição à radiação ionizante envolve um benefício e um risco inerente. O tratamento com radioterapia utiliza feixes de alta energia que tem como finalidade destruir o tumor, atingindo também áreas adjacentes e podendo causar dano celular, não visível macroscopicamente. Objetivos: O objetivo principal deste projeto é avaliar o índice de dano em células nucleadas do sangue periférico de pacientes diagnosticadas com câncer de mama em tratamento com radioterapia, através das técnicas de micronúcleo e ensaio cometa. O objetivo específico é avaliar a percepção de risco e coerção de pacientes diagnosticadas com câncer de mama em relação ao seu tratamento com radioterapia. Métodos: A metodologia consiste em dois sub-estudos, um com delineamento longitudinal, do tipo estudo de casos incidentes, composto por pacientes com câncer de mama em tratamento no Serviço de Radioterapia. Foram realizadas quatro coletas de sangue em diferentes momentos para a realização das duas técnicas: (1) antes do início do tratamento, (2) na segunda semana, (3) no final e (4) aproximadamente um mês após o seu término. O segundo sub-estudo, com delineamento transversal, foi realizado no período antes do tratamento radioterápico. As pacientes que foram submetidas à radioterapia foram pareadas com outro grupo de participantes voluntárias que não têm diagnóstico de câncer e nem indicação de radioterapia. Cada sub-estudo foi formado por 18 indivíduos do sexo feminino, totalizando 36 sujeitos de pesquisa. Utilizando-se a técnica de micronúcleo, foram analisadas três tipos de alterações celulares: micronúcleo, buds e pontes nucleoplasmáticas. Durante a segunda coleta de sangue um questionário contendo a percepção de coerção e de risco foi aplicado às pacientes. Resultados: Em relação ao estudo longitudinal houve diferença significativa na alteração nuclear de micronúcleo entre as coletas realizadas antes e após um mês de tratamento com radioterapia. Em relação à alteração nuclear buds não houve diferença significativa e em relação à alteração nuclear pontes nucleoplasmáticas houve diferença significativa, mas não foi possível verificar entre quais momentos da coleta de sangue. Houve diferença significativa na técnica ensaio cometa comparando as coletas realizadas duas semanas após o início da radioterapia e no final da mesma. Em relação ao estudo transversal, os resultados da técnica de micronúcleo mostraram que não há diferença significativa entre as pacientes com câncer e sem câncer. A percepção de coerção obteve um valor médio de 0,79, com desvio padrão de 0,91. Quanto à percepção de risco em relação ao seu tratamento, as pacientes inferiram um risco médio de 5,4% e um desvio padrão de 11,9%. A maioria das pacientes, 84% da amostra, teve uma percepção de risco que não ultrapassou 10%. Conclusão: A radioterapia induziu danos celulares, ou seja, houve efeito biológico causado pelo tratamento com radioterapia evidenciado pela alteração nuclear de micronúcleo. A técnica ensaio cometa evidenciou, que o sistema de reparo foi eficiente, pois, o dano celular induzido na segunda semana de tratamento diminuiu no final do mesmo. Com base na avaliação das percepções de coerção e de risco, em relação à radioterapia, foi possível verificar que: a) A percepção de risco obteve valores baixos, sendo que na maioria da amostra o risco percebido foi igual a zero; b) A baixa percepção de coerção evidencia que as pacientes tiveram liberdade para optar pelo tratamento proposto pela equipe assistencial com reduzida pressão de fatores externos. / Background: Benefits and inherent risks are involved in any exposure to ionizing radiation. Treatment with radiation therapy uses high energy beams that aim to destroy the tumor, affecting also adjacent areas and potentially causing cell damage, in a macroscopic view. Objective: The main objective of this research was to evaluate the damage index in nucleated cells from peripheral blood of breast cancer patients receiving treatment with radiotherapy through the techniques micronucleus and comet assay. The specific objective is to evaluate the risk perception and coercion of patients diagnosed with breast cancer about their treatment with radiotherapy. Methods: The methodology consists of two sub-studies, the first one is a longitudinal study of incident cases, comprising patients with breast cancer undergoing treatment at the Radiotherapy Service. Four blood samples were taken at different times to the achievement of both techniques: (1) before starting treatment, (2) in the second week, (3) at the end and (4) a month after finished the treatment. The second sub-study, with cross-sectional design was carried out before radiotherapy. The patients who underwent radiotherapy were paired with another group of voluntary participants who have no diagnosis of cancer and are not using any radiation. Each sub-study consisted of 18 females, making 36 research subjects. Using the micronucleus assay, we analyzed three types of cellular changes: micronuclei, buds and nucleoplasmatic bridges. During the second blood collection a perception of coercion and risk perception questionnaire was applied to patients. Results: The longitudinal study showed a significant difference in the nuclear micronuclei changes between samples taken before and after a month of radiotherapy. Regarding amendment nuclear buds there was no significant difference and in relation to amendment nuclear nucleoplasmatic bridges there was a significant difference, but it was not possible to verify what time between blood collection. There were significant differences in the comet assay comparing the samples taken two weeks after the start of radiotherapy and at the end of treatment. Regarding the cross-sectional study, the micronucleus assay results showed no significant difference between patients with cancer and without cancer. The perception of coercion obtained an average value of 0.79 with a standard deviation of 0.91. Regarding the risk perception in relation to their treatment, patients inferred an average risk of 5.4% and a standard deviation of 11.9%. Most patients, 84% of the sample had a risk perception that did not exceed 10%. Conclusion: The radiation induced cell damage, there was biological effect caused by radiotherapy and evidenced by changes in nuclear micronuclei. The comet assay showed that the repair system was efficient, because cellular damage in the second week of treatment decreased at the end of it. Based on the assessment of the perceptions of coercion and risk in relation to radiotherapy, we found that: a) risk perception obtained low values, and in most of the sample perceived risk was zero, b) Low perception of coercion shows that the patients were free to choose the treatment proposed by the treatment team with a reduced pressure of external factors.
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Biomonitoramento de populações humanas em áreas de exposição a poluentes atmosféricos mutagênicosCoronas, Mariana Vieira January 2008 (has links)
Processos industriais utilizam e geram uma variedade de compostos que são liberados e dispersados no ambiente. Sobre a maioria dessas substâncias, muitas sendo recentemente sintetizadas, não se tem o devido conhecimento e controle, o que pode causar diversos prejuízos ao ambiente e à saúde humana, sendo as populações do entorno das fontes emissoras as primeiras a se exporem. Nesse contexto, uma avaliação que estime o potencial efeito de uma mistura de substâncias à determinada população requer um trabalho extenso e multidisciplinar. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar, através de marcadores genéticos, a presença de atividade mutagênica no material particulado atmosférico como marcador de exposição e diagnóstico ambiental em áreas sob influência industrial petroquímica, associando o biomonitoramento humano em população urbana exposta à atividade industrial. Foram avaliadas amostras de material particulado atmosférico, através do ensaio Salmonella/microssoma, de áreas que recebem as emissões atmosféricas do complexo petroquímico do sul, Triunfo (RS), e de uma refinaria de petróleo em Esteio (RS) e, para comparação, uma área urbana em Porto Alegre (RS) também foi avaliada. Todos os locais estudados apresentaram respostas positivas para mutagenicidade e indicaram a presença de mutágenos diretos e indiretos, e de nitrocompostos, como nitroarenos, aminas aoromáticas e nitro-PAHs. Amostras de sangue e mucosa oral de homens residentes e/ou trabalhadores na área influenciada pela refinaria de petróleo foram avaliadas quanto ao dano no DNA através do ensaio cometa e micronúcleo, respectivamente. Este grupo de indivíduos foi comparado a um grupo de referência similar entre os habitantes do município de Santo Antônio da Patrulha (RS), caracterizado como fora das principais áreas industriais do Estado. Não houve diferença entre a freqüência de células micronucleadas entre os grupos. No entanto, o ensaio cometa se mostrou sensível na detecção de dano ao DNA em indivíduos do grupo exposto. Nenhum dos fatores com possibilidade de interferência no parâmetro avaliado (fumo, idade e radiação) mostraram associação com aumento de dano detectado pelo ensaio cometa. Os ensaios biológicos utilizados no diagnóstico ambiental e no biomonitoramento da população foram ferramentas úteis na avaliação de áreas influenciadas por atividades humanas. Assim, o ensaio Salmonella/microssoma além de fornecer informações sobre os efeitos biológicos resultantes das misturas presentes no ambiente, também indicou as classes dos compostos e sua contribuição ao efeito observado. Já o ensaio do cometa foi indicativo importante no biomonitoramento da exposição humana à mistura de agentes genotóxicos ambientais. Esses resultados indicam que os atuais parâmetros de qualidade do ar não são suficientes para evitar efeitos adversos ao ambiente e à saúde humana. / Industrial processes use and generate a variety of compounds that are liberated and dispersed in the environment. Most of those substances, many recently synthesized, still do not have the understanding and control they deserve, which can cause several damages to the environment and human health, and the populations surrounding the emission sources are the first to be exposed. In this way, any evaluation estimating the potential effect of a mixture of substances to a particular population require an extensive multi-disciplinary approach. The present study had as objective to evaluate, through genetic biomarkers, the presence of mutagenic activity in the airborne particulate matter as an exposure marker and environmental diagnosis in areas under influence of petrochemical industry, associating the human biomonitoring in urban population exposed to industrial activities. Airborne particulate matter samples were evaluated through Salmonella/microsome assay. Samples from areas receiving atmospheric emissions from a petrochemical complex (Triunfo, RS), an oil refinery (Esteio, RS) and an urban area (Porto Alegre, RS) were evaluated. All studied areas showed positive responses for mutagenicity, indicating that direct and indirect-acting mutagens were present in airborne particulate matter. Also, the mutagenic responses indicate the participation of nitrocompounds, like nitroarenes, hydroxylamines, nitro-PAHs and aromatic amines in the total mutagenicity. Samples of blood and buccal mucosa, from males residing and/or working downwind from an oil refinery, were evaluated in singlecell gel electrophoresis assay (comet assay) and micronucleus (MN) assay, respectively. This studied group was compared to males from another town (Santo Antônio da Patrulha, RS, Brazil) situated in an urban area with restricted traffic and industrial influence, constituting the reference group. No difference in micronucleated cells frequencies was observed between groups. Comet assay was sensitive to detect DNA damage in subjects from exposed group. No association was found between possible confounding factors (tobacco smoking, age and radiation exposure) and increased DNA damage. Biological tests in monitoring and environmental diagnosis studies, in areas under influence of anthropogenic activities, were useful tools to screen which chemical genotoxic compound classes are present. It also indicates that the current air quality standards are not sufficient to avoid damage to the environment and human health.
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Efeito do tamanho das nanopartículas de prata na indução de danos citotóxicos e genotóxicos nas linhagens celulares CHO-K1 e CHO-XRS5 / Effect of silver nanoparticles size in the induction of cytotoxic and genotoxic damage in CHO-K1 and CHO-XRS5 cell linesTiago Alves Jorge de Souza 27 June 2013 (has links)
Devido às características especiais as nanopartículas (10-9m) estão sendo utilizadas em uma ampla gama de produtos, porém é conhecido que a utilização dessas partículas podem causar efeitos biológicos adversos, aumentando a preocupação em relação à saúde e ao meio ambiente. Recentemente, as nanopartículas de prata (AgNPs) têm sido alvo de estudos genotóxicos e citotóxicos, sendo que ainda não existe um consenso acerca da relação entre tamanho e toxicidade dessas partículas. Assim, este trabalho avaliou a citotoxicidade e a genotoxicidade das AgNPs de 10 e 100 nm nas linhagens celulares CHO-K1 e CHO-XRS5, por meio do Ensaios de Viabilidade Celular, Sobrevivência Clonogênica, Teste do Micronúcleo, o Ensaio Cometa e Cinética do Ciclo Celular por Citometria de Fluxo. Em todos os ensaios, as células foram expostas por 24 h à diferentes concentrações de AgNPs (0,025 a 5,0 g/ml) e, as células não tratadas foram utilizadas como controle negativo. A concentração de 5,0 g/ml foi citotóxica nos ensaios de Viabilidade Celular e Sobrevivência Clonogênica, sendo excluída dos ensaios de genotoxicidade. De maneira geral, as células CHO-XRS5 apresentaram menor viabilidade e maior quantidade de danos no DNA do que as células CHO-K1. As AgNPs de 10 nm causaram maiores níveis de danos no DNA em ambas as linhagens e um aumento de células em subG1 logo após o tratamento na linhagem CHO-K1. Entretanto, no tempos 24 e 72 h após o tratamento foi verificada a maior toxicidade (células em subG1) das AgNPs de 100 nm quando comparadas com suas homólogas menores (10 nm). Assim, foi observado que as AgNPs de 10 nm apresentam efeito tóxico a curto prazo similar ou maior do que a mesma concentração de partículas de 100 nm. No entanto, os efeitos genotóxicos e citotóxicos de longo prazo das AgNPs de 100 nm foram maiores do que os da partículas de 10 nm para ambas as linhagens celulares, comprovando que a exposição às AgNPs maiores (100 nm) pode causar mais efeitos biológicos adversos do que suas homólogas menores (10 nm). / Due to their particular characteristics, nanoparticles (10-9m) are being used in a range of products. However, these particles can cause adverse biological effects and because of that, there is a great concern about the health and environmental risks related to the use of these particles. Recently, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been used in a variety of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity studies, but there are still controversies regarding the association between the size and the toxicity of these particles. Thus, in this study, we aimed to evaluate the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of AgNPS (10 and 100 nm) in two different cell lines, CHO-K1 and CHO-XRS5, by performing Cell Viability assay (XTT), Clonogenic assay, Micronucleus test, Comet assay, as well as by investigating the Cell Cycle kinetics using the flow cytometry. For all the different assays, the cell cultures were exposed for 24 hours to different concentrations of AgNPs (0.025 to 5.0 g/ml) and the untreated cells were used as the negative controls. Since results from the Viability and Clonogenic assays indicated that the concentration of 5.0 g/ml was cytotoxic for both cell lines, this concentration was not included in the genotoxic assays. Our results indicated that the CHO-XRS5 cells presented a lower viability and higher levels of DNA damage compared to the CHO-K1 cells. The 10 nm-AgNPs induced greater levels of DNA damage than the 100 nm-particles in both cell lines and the former also led to a subG1 arrest soon after the treatment only in the CHO-K1 cell line. In contrast, results from all the other assays indicated that greater levels of toxicity were induced by the 100 nm-AgNPs when compared to the 10 nm-particles, both 24 and 72 h after the treatment. Thus, at the same concentration, the short-term effects of the 10 nm-AgNPs were equal to or more toxic than those of the 100 nm-particles. Nevertheless, both long-term genotoxicity and cytotoxicity induced by the 100 nm-AgNPs were greater than those induced by the 10 nm-particles for both cell lines, which suggests that the exposure to greater size particles (100 nm) can cause more adverse biological effects than the exposure to the smaller particles(10 nm).
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Evaluation of Potential Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Effects of Propolis in CHO-K1 Cells Using an in vitro Version of the Micronucleus AssayRosenborg, Elina January 2020 (has links)
Background Evaluating potential genotoxicity of pharmaceutical drug candidates is important during drug development. A method that can be used for this purpose is the micronucleus assay (MN- assay) which can identify agents that induce chromosomal damage. One of the most commonly used cell lines in an in vitro MN-assay is Chinese Hamster Ovarian K1 (CHO-K1) cells. Propolis, a natural substance produced by honeybees from exudates of different types of plant, is used in folk medicine to improve health and prevent diseases and was the evaluated substance in this study. Aim The major aim of this thesis project was to evaluate the potential cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of propolis in CHO-K1 cells by in vitro MN-assay. Method Two solutions of propolis were prepared in different ways and CHO-K1 cells were cultured. The two different ethanolic extracts of propolis were evaluated with the cytochalasin B protocol of the MN-assay, using mitomycin C as a positive control. Results Ethanolic extract number 1 had a statistically significant increase of genotoxicity at 50 μg/ml and 100 μg/ml. It was also found to induce a statistically significant increase of cytotoxicity at all concentrations tested (5-100 μg/ml). Ethanolic extract number 2 had a statistically significant increase of genotoxicity at 50 μg/ml but no statistically significant increase of cytotoxicity. General conclusion Rather surprisingly, the present study showed that propolis induced chromosomal damage in CHO-K1 cells, and one of the extracts tested was also found to be cytotoxic using the cytochalasin B version of the in vitro MN-assay.
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Differential Micronucleus Frequency in Isogenic Human Cells Deficient in DNA Repair Pathways Is a Valuable Indicator for Evaluating Genotoxic Agents and Their Genotoxic Mechanisms. / DNA修復欠損細胞を使った高感度変異原性検出法の樹立Liton, Kumar Saha 25 March 2019 (has links)
付記する学位プログラム名: 充実した健康長寿社会を築く総合医療開発リーダー育成プログラム / 京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医科学) / 甲第21696号 / 医科博第100号 / 新制||医科||7(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医科学専攻 / (主査)教授 齊藤 博英, 教授 清水 章, 教授 Shohab YOUSSEFIAN / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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In vitro chemically-induced DNA damage in cancer patients and healthy individuals. The effect of genotoxic compounds in cells from polyposis coli, colon cancer patients and healthy individuals.Kurzawa-Zegota, Malgorzata January 2011 (has links)
In the present study DNA damage was measured in peripheral blood lymphocytes from polyposis coli and colorectal cancer patients, treated with different dietary and environmental compounds and compared with lymphocytes from healthy individuals. In addition, confounding factors such as age, gender, alcohol intake and smoking habits were taken into consideration. The assays used in this study included the Comet assay, the Micronucleus assay, the Micronucleus ¿ FISH assay and the sister chromatid exchange assay.
The food mutagens, PhIP and IQ, as well as titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) induced a dose dependent increase in the DNA damage and chromosomal abnormalities in all tested groups regardless of confounding factors. Prior to experiments physicochemical characterisation of nanoparticles was conducted. In the presence of the flavonoids, quercetin and rutin that were acting in an antioxidant manner, the DNA damage resulting from the highest doses of food mutagens was significantly reduced. Thus, dietary supplementation with flavonoid-rich vegetables and fruits may prove very effective in protection against oxidative stress.
The polyposis coli and colon cancer patients were more susceptible to food mutagens, PhIP and IQ, as well as TiO2 NPs, and in the majority of cases had a higher level of DNA damage in the Comet assay and higher cytogenetic damage in the Micronucleus assay.
In the final project, twelve frequently encountered (NewGeneris) chemical compounds were evaluated to establish their damaging potential in lymphocytes and spermatozoa from healthy donors. The highest damage was produced by DNA reactive aldehydes, food mutagens and benzo[a]pyrene when assessed with the neutral and alkaline Comet assay with and without metabolic activation. / EU NewGeneris Programme and United Kingdom - India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI)
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Use of Fish Biomarkers to Assess the Contaminant Exposure and Effects in Lake Erie TributariesYang, Xuan January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Microdosimetric studies of Auger electrons from DNA-incorporated 123-I using the micronucleus assay and the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation tookitFourie, Hein 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study’s focus is on the determination and quantization of radiation damage on a cellular level due to the decay of the Auger electron-emitting 123I and the replication of this energy deposition using Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations. The relatively short half-life of 123I (13.2 hours) makes it ideal for studies of Auger electrons which induce biological damage similar to that of high linear energy transfer radiations, when permitted to deposit their energy in close proximity to DNA. Due to small cellular dimensions, direct dose measurements are impossible but estimates may be made from Monte Carlo simulations. In this investigation the thymidine analogue 5-[123I]-iodo-2-deoxyuridine (123IUdR) was used to incorporate the 123I into the cellular DNA of T-lymphocytes from two human donors. Radiation induced micronuclei were numerated in binucleated cells using fluorescence microscopy. The energy deposition per decay of 123I was calculated within a spherical geometry, having the same size and density as a human lymphocyte, using the open source Geant4 toolkit. The absorbed energy per disintegration was used to convert the incorporated 123I activity (Bq) into absorbed dose (Gy) values, in order to compare the biological damage caused by the radioactive iodine to 60Co γ-radiation. A linear relationship between micronuclei frequency and 123I activity could be established. The linear dose-response noted for Auger electrons in the study is indicative of the high-LET nature of these particles. Using the linear-quadratic dose-response curve for micronuclei frequencies following exposure to graded doses of 60Co γ-rays, the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of the DNA incorporated 123I estimated in this work was found to range from 19 ± 10 to 32 ± 7 for lymphocyte donor 1 and 15 ± 6 to 42 ± 11 for donor 2. The dose limiting RBE (RBEM) for lymphocyte donor 1 and 2 are respectively 34 ± 8 and 50 ± 15 and follows the expected shift in terms of the inherent radiosensitivity of the donors. We also considered the inclusion of the S-phase fraction of the lymphocytes in the dosimetry calculations. The resultant RBEs of the dose points of lymphocyte donor 1 ranges from 4 ± 2 to 7 ± 2, and those of donor 2 ranges from 3 ± 1 to 9 ± 2. The RBEM for lymphocyte donor 1 and 2 are respectively 7 ± 2 and 11 ± 3. The inclusion of the S-phase fraction reduces the calculated RBEs significantly and these observed RBE values relate well to those obtained in studies with fibroblasts and 125IUdR. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op die bepaling en kwantisering van stralingskade op 'n sellulêre vlak as gevolg van die verval van 123I wat Auger elektrone afgee, asook die simulering van hierdie energie afsetting met behulp van die Geant4 Monte Carlo program. Die relatiewe kort half-leeftyd van 123I (13.2 uur) maak dit ideaal vir studies van Auger elektrone wat biologiese skade soortgelyk aan dié van 'n hoë lineêre-energie-oordrag uitstraling veroorsaak, indien die energie van die elektrone naby sellulêre DNA geabsorbeer word. As gevolg van die klein sellulêre dimensies is direkte dosis metings egter onmoontlik, maar skattings kan gemaak word met behulp van Monte Carlo simulasies. Die timidien analoog 5-[123I]-jodo-2-deoxyuridien (123IUdR) was in hierdie ondersoek gebruik om die 123I in die DNA van menslike T-limfosiete in te bou. Mikrokerne in dubbel-kernige selle wat vorm as gevolg van die Auger elektrone was getel met behulp van fluoressensie mikroskopie. Die energie afsetting per 123I verval was bereken binne ‘n sferiese geometrie, met dieselfde grootte en digtheid as 'n menslike limfosiet, met behulp van die Geant4 sagteware. Die geabsorbeerde energie per verval was gebruik om die geïnkorporeerde 123I aktiwiteit (Bq) om te skakel na ‘n waarde van geabsorbeerde dosis (Gy), ten einde die biologiese skade wat veroorsaak word deur die radioaktiewe jodium-123 met kobalt-60 gamma straling te vergelyk. ‘n Lineêre verwantskap tussen die mikrokerne frekwensies en die 123I aktiwiteit is vasgestel. Hierdie verwantskap vir Auger elektrone is 'n aanduiding van die hoë lineêre-energie-oordrag van hierdie deeltjies. Die lineêr-kwadratiese dosis-effek krommes vir mikrokerne frekwensies na blootstelling aan 60Co γ-strale was gebruik om die relatiewe biologiese doeltreffendheid (RBE) van die DNA geïnkorporeerde 123I te beraam. RBE waardes wissel van 19 ± 10 tot 32 ± 7 vir limfosiete van skenker 1 en 15 ± 6 tot 42 ± 11 vir skenker 2. Die dosis beperkte RBE (RBEM) vir limfosiet skenker 1 en 2 is onderskeidelik 34 ± 8 en 50 ± 15 en volg die verwagte skuif in terme van die inherente radiogevoeligheid van die skenkers. Die fraksie van limfosiete wat in S-fase was tydens die blootstelling aan 125IUdR was ingesluit in verdere dosimetrie berekeninge. Die gevolglike RBEs van die dosispunte van limfosiete van skenker 1 wissel van 4 ± 2 tot 7 ± 2 en dié van skenker 2 wissel van 3 ± 1 tot 9 ± 2. Die RBEM vir limfosiet skenker 1 en 2 is onderskeidelik 7 ± 2 en 11 ± 3. Die insluiting van die S-fase fraksie verminder die berekende RBEs aansienlik en die RBE waardes waargeneem hou goed verband met die wat in studies met fibroblaste en 125IUdR verkry is.
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Genotoxic effects of NSAIDs and hydrocortisone on bulk and nano forms in lymphocytes from patients with haematological cancersNormington, Charmaine January 2017 (has links)
Chronic inflammation is intimately linked with cancer development and progression and therefore reducing or eliminating inflammation represents a logical treatment and prevention strategy. Studies have shown that anti-inflammatory agents have anti-tumour effects in cancers, with reduced metastases and mortality. Current use of anti-inflammatory agents in the treatment and prevention of cancer is limited by their toxicity and side effects. The emerging field of nanotechnology allows the fundamental properties of a drug to be altered, creating a product with improved reactivity and bioavailability, leading to more targeted treatments and reduced dosage. In the present study, the genotoxic effects of three commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs; aspirin, ibuprofen and hydrocortisone, in their bulk and nano forms were evaluated on peripheral blood lymphocytes of healthy donors using the comet assay and the micronucleus assay. In order to determine any anti-cancer effects, these agents were also tested in peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients with haematological cancers. The glucocorticoid hydrocortisone was also evaluated for anti-oxidant capacity. Our results demonstrate that the nano versions of each drug produced a different response than the bulk counterpart, indicating that a reduction in particle size had an impact on the reactivity of the drug. Our results also indicate that the nano versions of each drug were less genotoxic than the bulk formulation, further emphasising the potential of nanoparticles as an improvement to current treatment options. We also found an anti-oxidant effect with hydrocortisone, with a more profound effect seen with the nano formulation.
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Avaliação de danos genômicos em pacientes submetidos a hemodiálise, após suplementação vitamínicaBatista, Thatiane Lorena Miranda 02 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-02 / Chronic renal failure (CRF) is increasingly common in the population and involves the irreversible loss of kidney function necessitating treatment of renal replacement therapy. The most common is hemodialysis that performs a bypass filtration, removing fluids and toxins from the blood of the patient. But this process does not physiological causes an increase in oxidative stress and complications such as diseases of morbidity and mortality among them the cardiovascular disease and cancer. For a reduction in the frequency of these diseases is achieved the use of vitamins is necessary because the nutritional status affects the development of these diseases. The aim of this study was to examine the genotoxicity and cytotoxicity in chronic renal patients using the micronucleus assay in lymphocytes and buccal mucosa cells after vitamin supplementation by folic acid and vitamins E, C and B12. There were 16 voluntary patients provided that each of the three samples for each test, a sample was received before supplementation and during the treatment, after one and two months of use of vitamins. In the assay of lymphocytes with blocking cytokinesis (CBMN) were analyzed nuclear buds, nucleoplasmic bridges and micronuclei in binucleated cells, and nuclear division index. Already in the cells of mucosa were binucleated cells, mononucleated and apoptosis, karyolysis, micronucleus and broken egg. The results show that the frequency of nuclear abnormalities was reduced with the use of vitamins in two trials, and in some assessments there were no statistical differences. In addition, were found gender differences in behavior of supplementation. This study provides evidence that vitamin use by patients with chronic renal failure was associated with reductions in nuclear changes evaluated, which may contribute to better quality of life for these patients / A insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) é cada vez mais frequente na população e implica na perda irreversível das funções renais, o que torna necessário um tratamento de terapia renal substitutiva. A mais comum é a hemodiálise, que realiza uma filtração extracorpórea, removendo líquidos e toxinas do sangue do paciente. Porém, esse processo não fisiológico promove um aumento do estresse oxidativo e de complicações como doenças de morbimortalidade, dentre elas a doença cardiovascular e o câncer. Para que uma redução na frequência dessas doenças seja alcançada a utilização de vitaminas se faz necessária já que o estado nutricional interfere para o desenvolvimento dessas doenças. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a genotoxicidade e citotoxicidade em pacientes renais crônicos utilizando o ensaio do micronúcleo em linfócitos e células da mucosa bucal após a suplementação vitamínica por ácido fólico, e vitaminas E, C e B12. Dezesseis pacientes voluntários forneceram, cada um, três amostras para cada ensaio, uma amostra foi antes de receberem a suplementação e duas durante o tratamento, após um e dois meses de utilização das vitaminas. No ensaio dos linfócitos com bloqueio de citocinese (CBMN) foram analisados brotos, pontes nucleoplasmática e micronúcleos em células binucleadas, além do índice de divisão nuclear. Já nas células da mucosa foram analisadas células binucleadas, e as mononucleadas em apoptose, cariólise, com micronúcleos e broken egg. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a frequência das alterações nucleares foi reduzida com a utilização das vitaminas, nos dois ensaios, sendo que algumas avaliações não tiveram diferenças estatísticas. Além disso, foram encontradas diferenças de comportamento dos gêneros frente à suplementação. Este trabalho fornece evidências de que a utilização vitamínica, pelos pacientes renais crônicos, foi associada a reduções das alterações nucleares avaliadas, o que pode contribuir para melhor qualidade de vida desses indivíduos
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