Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mineral eontent"" "subject:"mineral dontent""
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Chemische Zusammensetzung und Knochendichtemessung mit der Dualenergie-Röntgenabsorptiometrie (DEXA, Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) der Röhrbeine beim Pferd / Chemical analysis and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) of the cannon bone in horsesJunge, Janine 15 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dualenergie-Röntgenabsorptiometrie (DEXA, Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) ist ein in der Humanmedizin und Teilen der Veterinärmedizin etabliertes Verfahren zur Untersuchung der Knochenmineraldichte, des Knochenmineralgehaltes und der Körperzusammensetzung. Für das Pferd existieren bisher lediglich vereinzelte Studien zur Untersuchung des Knochens mittels der DEXA-Methode, welche allesamt auf nur sehr geringen Versuchstierzahlen beruhen.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher die DEXA-Methode für die Untersuchung am Pferd zu validieren. Hierfür wurden die Röhrbeine von 103 Schlachtpferden mittels des Densitometers PIXI LUNAR®, welches aus der Humanmedizin stammt und dort zur Untersuchung des Unterarmes dient, untersucht und die densitometrische Knochenmineraldichte (BMD) und der densitometrische Knochenmineralstoffgehalt (BMC) ermittelt. Als Messpunkt wurde standar-disiert die Mitte zwischen der Basis und dem Caput des Os metacarpale tertium bzw. des Os metatarsale tertium gewählt. Im Anschluss an die densitometrische Messung wurde als Referenzverfahren eine chemische Analyse durchgeführt, in welcher der Rohasche- sowie der Calcium- Phosphor- und Magnesiumgehalt der Röhrbeine bestimmt wurden.
Die Angabe der Ergebnisse erfolgt als Median und 25-/75-Perzentil.
Der Rohaschegehalt lag im Mittel über alle Röhrbeine bei 698 (69,1 - 70,3) g/kg TS. Für die Mineralstoffe konnten folgende Gehalte ermittelt werden: Calcium 265 (259 - 272) g/kg TS, Phosphor 123 (121 - 126) g/kg TS und Magnesium 2,40 (2,19 - 2,66) g/kg TS. Das Calcium-Phosphor-Verhältnis lag in einem Bereich von 2,14 - 2,18.
Die Resultate der DEXA-Methode werden neben dem Mineralstoffgehalt auch vom Knochenumfang beeinflusst, so dass die folgenden Ergebnisse für die Vorder- und Hintergliedmaße (VGM, HGM) separat dargestellt werden: BMD: VGM 3,22 (2,80 - 3,65) g/cm², HGM 4,21 (3,76 - 4,65) g/cm²; BMC: VGM 26,5 (22,8 - 30,1) g, HGM 32,9 (29,0 - 36,3) g.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Reproduzierbarkeitsstudien durchgeführt, bei denen für die BMD bei der Reproduzierbarkeit ohne Reposition Abweichungen in einem Bereich von 1,06 - 1,85 % und mit Reposition in einem Bereich von 3,51 - 4,48 % gefunden wurden. Für die BMC lag die Abweichung für die Reproduzierbarkeit ohne Reposition in einem Bereich von 1,28 - 2,79 % und mit Reposition schwankte sie zwischen 3,38 und 3,94 %.
Um für den Einsatz der DEXA-Methode bei Verlaufsuntersuchungen den Einfluss der exakten Messlokalisation zu eruieren, wurden Messungen in einem Abstand von ein, zwei und drei Zentimetern proximal und distal des ursprünglichen Messpunktes vorgenommen. Die Ergeb-nisse dieser Studie wichen für die BMD um 3,53 - 9,16 % und für den BMC um 4,21 - 12,5 % von den Ergebnissen des zentralen Messpunktes in der Mitte der Diaphyse ab. Diese Abweichung liegt innerhalb der 25-/75-Perzentile der Messergebnisse des zentralen Messpunktes.
Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie führen zu dem Schluss, dass es möglich ist die Knochenmineraldichte und den Knochenmineralgehalt des Röhrbeines des Pferdes mittels der DEXA-Methode zu ermitteln. Die guten Ergebnisse der Reproduzierbarkeitsstudien und der Abstandsmessungen vom zentralen Messpunkt legen die Durchführbarkeit am stehenden, sedierten Pferd nahe.
Bei der DEXA-Methode wird ein Knochenabschnitt mit einem sehr hohen Kortikalisanteil erfasst, welcher auf Einflüsse, wie beispielsweise Training oder Ruhigstellung mit einer Veränderung des Knochenumfanges bei gleichbleibenden Mineralstoffkonzentrationen reagiert. Diese Eigenschaft führt zu einem geringen Zusammenhang zwischen der DEXA-Methode und der chemischen Analyse, so dass sich die Ergebnisse der beiden Messverfahren zwar gut in den Kontext anderer Studien einfügen, der direkte Vergleich der beiden Methoden jedoch nicht möglich ist. / DXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) is an established method for the measurement of bone mineral density (BMD), bone mineral content (BMC) and whole body composition in human and partly in veterinary medicine. However, there are only a small number of studies that examine the bone in horses using DXA. All these studies are based on small samples.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to validate the use of DXA for the measurement of BMD and BMC in the horse. In total the cannons of 103 horses were scanned ex vivo, using the PIXI LUNAR® densitometer. In human medicine this densitometer is used for the exami-nation of the forearm. The measuring point was the exact middle between basis and caput of the third metacarpal/metatarsal bone. In a second step the DXA measurements were complemented with a chemical analysis, analyzing the ash content, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium content of the bones.
The results are presented as median and 25-/75-percentile.
The average ash content of the cannon bones was 698 (691 - 703) g/kg DM. The average mineral content was measured in the following order: calcium 265 (259 - 272) g/kg DM, phosphorus 123 (121 - 126) g/kg DM und magnesium 2.44 (2.19 - 2.66) g/kg DM. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus ranged from 2.14 to 2.18.
The DXA results are influenced not only by the bone´s mineral content, but also by its diameter. Because of this the results are separated into the results of the forelimb (fl) and the hindlimb (hl) which generates the following results: BMD: fl 3.22 (2.80 - 3.65) g/cm², hl 4.21 (3.76 - 4.65) g/cm²; BMC: fl 26.5 (22.8 - 30.1) g, hl 32.9 (29.0 - 36.3) g.
Several robustness checks of the measurements were conducted. For the BMD measurements, the range of measurements diverged by 3.51-4.48 % for measurements with limb repositioning, and by 1.06-1.85 % for measurements without limb repositioning. For the BMC measurements, the range of measurements diverged by 3.38-3.94 % for measurements with limb repositioning, and by 1.28-2.79 for measurements without limb repositioning.
To determine the importance of the exact bone position for follow-up investigations, measurements in a distance of one, two and three centimeters proximal and distal of the original measuring point were performed. The results of these measurements deviated from the result of the central measuring point at the centre of the diaphysis in a range of 3.53 – 9.16 % for BMD and a range of 4.21 – 12.5 % for BMC. This variation falls within the percentiles of the central measuring point.
Overall, the results of this study indicate that DXA is useable for determining BMD and BMC at the third metacarpal/metatarsal bone of the horse. The high reproducibility of the results and the distance measurements suggest that DXA is suitable for measurements at the standing, tranquilized horse.
However, the cannon bone is a bone with a high content of cortical bone. This means that the diameter of the bone changes as a result of training or immobilization, while the BMD and BMC remain unchanged by such influence. This leads to a weak correlation between the results from the DXA and chemical analyses. Thus, while these two types of analysis fit well into the context of prior studies, a direct comparison between these measurements is not possible.
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Efeitos da perda de peso na massa óssea e alterações metabólicas em adolescentes obesos pós-púberes / Weight loss metabolic effects on bone mass in post-pubertal adolescentsLuana Caroline dos Santos 15 October 2007 (has links)
A obesidade encontra-se associada a uma série de alterações metabólicas que podem elevar o risco de doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis. Em contraste, o excesso de peso apresenta-se como um fator protetor para a ocorrência de fraturas e baixa densidade óssea. Considerando que a adolescência é um período crucial para aquisição da massa óssea e minimização do risco de osteoporose na maturidade e os efeitos da perda de peso sobre a massa óssea, neste estágio de vida, não são completamente elucidados, o presente estudo foi desenvolvido. Objetivou-se investigar os efeitos da perda de peso sobre a massa óssea e as alterações metabólicas em adolescentes obesos pós-púberes. Realizou-se a revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema e um estudo longitudinal contemplando um período de 9 meses de intervenção baseada em dieta hipocalórica e orientações nutricionais. Foram incluídos 55 adolescentes pós-púberes, 43 meninas, com média de idade de 16,6 (1,4) anos, com índice de massa corporal por idade superior ao percentil 95. Os participantes foram monitorados a cada três semanas por meio de avaliação antropométrica (aferição do peso, estatura e circunferência) e do consumo alimentar (recordatório alimentar de 24 horas). Realizaram-se avaliações da composição corporal e da densidade mineral óssea de corpo total por meio da DXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry), do consumo alimentar (registro alimentar de 3 dias) e de parâmetros metabólicos (colesterol total e frações, tricilgliceróis, glicemia de jejum, insulina, leptina e grelina) no início do estudo, após 3 meses e ao fim da intervenção. Verificou-se que 44,4 por cento dos participantes não apresentavam redução do peso. O grupo que respondeu à intervenção apresentou média de perda de peso de 6,2 (4,6) por cento ao fim do estudo. Neste grupo, houve significativa redução do consumo energético, de 2105,4 (537,6) Kcal/dia na primeira avaliação para 1738,8 (608,4) Kcal/dia ao fim do estudo. Observou-se incremento da atividade física entre os participantes e melhora dos parâmetros metabólicos entre adolescentes que perderam peso. / Obesity is associated with several metabolic changes that may increase the risk of chronic diseases. Body weight is recognized as a protective factor against fractures and lower bone density. Considering that adolescence is a crucial period for bone mass acquisition and osteoporosis risk reduction in maturity and the effects of weight loss on bone mass in this life stage are not completely elucidated, the present study was performed. The objective was to investigate the effects of weight loss as well the metabolic changes related to bone mass in post-puberal adolescents. Bibliographic review and a longitudinal study, with adolescents submitted to nutritional intervention based on hipocaloric diet and nutritional advice during 9 months, were realized. Fifty-five subjects, 43 girls, mean age of 16.6 (1.4) years, with body mass index by age superior than 95 percentile, were recruited. Subjects were monitored every three weeks with anthropometric (weight, height and circumferences) and dietary intake (24h food intake recall) evaluation. Body composition and total-body bone mineral density. (assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry), metabolic parameters (plasma lipids, glucose, insulin, leptin and ghrelin concentrations) and dietary intake (3-day food records) were evaluated at the baseline, after 3-months and at the end of the study. Sixteen participants thatcompleted the study did not lost weight. The group that adhered to intervention nutritional had mean weight loss of 6.2 (4.6) %. In this group, there was a significant decrease in energy intake, from 2105.4 (537.6) Kcal/day to 1738.8 (608.4) Kcal/day. Physical activity pratice increased between participants and there were metabolic parameters improvement in adolescents who lose weight. In these subjects, hypercholesterolemia and insulin resistance decreased, 7,9% and 27.2% (p<0.05) respectively, after 3 months of intervention. There was a significant increase of total bone mineral density and bone mineral content (BMC) in adolescents did not lost weight. Increased BMC and bone area was verified in participants that adhered to intervention nutritional. Bone parameters changes were associated with body fat alterations. The increment in bone mineral density even under weight loss showed no negative effect of bone mass. Dietary intake change and weight control contributed to metabolic parameters improvement of obese adolescents.
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Qualidade pós-colheita de peras Rocha armazenadas em atmosfera controlada e a relação do escurecimento da polpa com a composição mineral dos frutos / Postharvest quality of Rocha pears stored in controlled atmosphere and relationship of browning disorders with mineral composition of fruitsMartin, Mariuccia Schlichting de 09 July 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-07-09 / This study aimed to evaluate the effect of controlled atmospherre (CA) conditions on Rocha pears quality, as well as the relationship of the mineral composition of the flesh with browning disorders incidence in fruits. Two experiments were conducted. The first experimente aimed to evaluate the effect of diferente CA conditions on quality of Rocha pears geown in Southern Brazil. In 2012/2013 season Rocha pears were harvested at comercial maturity in Vacaria, RS, and submitted to five diferente CA conditions, as follws: 0.5 kPa 02 + ˂0.03 kPa CO2; 1.0 kPa O2 + ˂0.03 kPa CO2; 1.0 kPa O2 + 1.0 kPa CO2; 1.0 kPa + 2;0 kPa CO2; e 1.0 kPa O2 + 3.0 kPa CO2. The fruits were stored for nine months at -0.5 ± 0.1°C and 96 ± 2% RH. The fruits were evaluated regarding to respiratory rate, ethylene production, skin color (h°), flesh firmness, texture atributes, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids concetration (SSC), sensory analysis, incidence and severity of browining disorders, flesh color (L) and decay incidence. The second experimente aimed to evaluate the effect of diferente CA conditions on browing disorders ocurrence in Rocha pears, as well as identify the mineral contente associated with the incidence of browning disorders and determine which minerals atributes that best discriminate fruits for susceptibility to this physiological disorder. For this experimente, the fruit were harvested and stored for nine months according to the same CA conditions described for the previous experimente. Subsequently, they were evaluated for browning disorders incidence and severity, and then separated into two groups; with and without browning disorders incidence. After separation, the flesh the fruits were evaluated regarding to mineral Ca, Mg, K, N contend and their ratios. The fruits stored at 1.0 kPa O2 + ˂ 0.03 kPa CO2 showed a lower loss of firmness and yellower skin compared to other evaluated conditions. There were no diferences in sensory atributes, SSC and TA of the fruits. The condition of 1.0 kPa O2 + 3.0 kPa showed the highest incidence (48%) and severity of browning disorders, compared to other storage conditions. The CA conditions of 0.5 kPa O2 + ˂ 0.03 kPa CO2 and 1.0 kPa O2 + 1.0 kPa CO2 were the most appropriated for Rocha pears storage, since they have provide adequate ripening to fruit without, however, incresead browning disorders incidence or severity. Pears without browning disorders had higher Ca contente, as well as lower L leverls and lower K/Ca, Mg/Ca and N/Ca ratios, compared to fruits with disorder incidence. The K/Ca ratio was the mineral atribute that best discriminate rocha pears with or without browning disorders and, therefore, fruit with lower K/Ca ratio show less susceptibility to browning disorders / Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de condições de atmosfera controlada (AC) sobre a qualidade de peras Rocha , bem como a relação da composição mineral da polpa com a incidência de escurecimento de polpa nos frutos. Foram realizados dois experimentos, onde no primeiro experimento objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes condições de atmosfera controlada (AC) sobre a qualidade de peras Rocha produzidas na região Sul do Brasil. Na safra 2012/2013, peras Rocha foram colhidas durante a maturação comercial no município de Vacaria, RS, e submetidos a cinco diferentes condições de AC, sendo elas: 0,5 kPa O2+<0,03 kPa CO2; 1,0 kPa O2+<0,03 kPa CO2; 1,0 kPa O2+1,0 kPa CO2; 1,0 kPa O2+2,0 kPa CO2; e 1,0 kPa O2+3,0 kPa CO2. Os frutos permaneceram armazenados durante nove meses sob temperatura de -0,5±0,1ºC e UR de 96±2%. Os frutos foram avaliados em relação às taxas respiratória e de produção de etileno, cor da casca (h º), firmeza de polpa, atributos de textura, acidez titulável (AT), teor de sólidos solúveis (SS), análises sensoriais, incidência e severidade de escurecimento de polpa, cor da polpa (L) e incidência de podridões. O segundo experimento teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes
condições de AC sobre ocorrência de escurecimento de polpa em peras Rocha , bem como identificar os teores minerais associados à ocorrência de escurecimento de polpa e verificar quais os atributos minerais que melhor discriminam os frutos quanto à suscetibilidade a esse distúrbio. Para esse experimento, os frutos foram colhidos e armazenados durante nove meses de acordo com as mesmas condições de AC descritas para o experimento anterior. Posteriormente, os mesmos foram avaliados com relação à incidência e severidade de escurecimento de polpa sendo, em seguida, separados em dois grupos: com e sem incidência de escurecimento de polpa. Após a separação, a polpa dos frutos foi avaliada com relação aos teores minerais de Ca, Mg, K, N e suas relações. A condição de AC de 1,0 kPa O2+<0,03 kPa CO2 proporcionou menor perda de firmeza de polpa e coloração da casca mais amarelada em relação às demais condições avaliadas. Não houve diferenças em relação aos atributos sensoriais, ao teor de SS e à AT dos frutos. A condição de 1,0 kPa O2+3,0 kPa CO2 apresentou maior incidência (48%) e severidade de escurecimento de polpa, em relação às demais condições de armazenamento. As condições de AC de 0,5 kPa O2 + <0,03 kPa CO2 e 1,0 kPa O 2+ 1,0 kPa CO2 foram as mais indicadas para o armazenamento de peras Rocha , uma vez que as mesmas propiciaram amadurecimento adequado dos frutos sem, contudo, proporcionar aumento na incidência ou severidade de escurecimento de polpa. Frutos sem incidência de escurecimento de polpa apresentaram teores mais elevados de Ca, bem como menores teores de K e menores relações K/Ca, Mg/Ca e N/Ca, comparativamente a frutos com incidência do distúrbio. A relação K/Ca foi o atributo mineral que melhor discriminou peras Rocha com e sem incidência de escurecimento de polpa e, portanto, frutos com menor relação K/Ca apresentam menor suscetibilidade ao desenvolvimento do distúrbio
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Qualidade e distúrbios fisiológicos de maçãs em resposta a giberelinas e proexadiona-cálcio / Apple fruit quality and physiological disorder in response to gibberellins and prohexadione-calciumSilveira, João Paulo Generoso 30 September 2015 (has links)
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PGPV15DA025.pdf: 2109681 bytes, checksum: 1bb93c3d645d7f8696a1db721aad0c99 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-09-30 / The aim of this study were to evaluate effect of apple trees spraying with gibberellins (GAs) and prohexadione calcium(ProCa), na inhibitor of gibberellin synthesis, on the vegetative growth and xylem functionality, total mineral contente, expression. Of tonoplast calcium pumps and exchangers and H pumps, maturation and post-harvest fruit quality. Two experiments were developed. The first was developed in a comercial orchard in Elk Grove, California, USA, Clarksburg town, in 2013. The second was accomplished in na orchard at São Joaquim, Santa Catarina, Brazil, in two crop seasons (2011-2012 ansd 2012-2013). In the study accomplished at the USA, Braeburn apple trees were sprayedweekly after full bloom AFB (six weekly applications, starting 15 days after full bloom 0 DAFB) and before-harvest (BH, weekly applications, starting 5 weeks before harvest) with ProCa and GA₄₊₇ (both at 300 mg L¯¹). In Brazil, Fuji and Gala apple trees were sprayed with ProCa AFB (at concentrations of 165, 330 and 495 g ha¯¹), which were sprayed at 30, 60 and 90 DAFB. In both the experiments, control plants were sprayed with water and the plant and fruit were evaluated for vegetative growth, xylem functionality,total mineral contente and bitter pit incidence and other physiological disorders. Additionally, the USA experimente were evaluated for soluble calcium; expression. Of tonoplast calcium pumps and exchangers and H pumps; and fruit quality at harvest and after storage. In both experiments, the vegetative growth decreased with ProCa AFB plant spraying. In Brazil, the Gala apple from trees sprayed with GA₃ has higher cracking, N/Ca mineral relation in the pulp and lower xylem function at the beginner of fruit development, as compared with ProCa (405 mg L¯¹). in USA, the Ca concentration is higher in Breaburn apples sprayed with ProCa as compared GA₄₊₇, when both treatments were applied AFB. The red color, starch index value and ethylene production were lower and the firmness higher at harvest moment in the Breaburn apple from trees sprayed with ProCa at BH, as compared with control fruits. In Brazil, the bitter pit and scald incidence is lower in Fuji apple sprayed with increasing of ProCa concentrations. In USA, the Breaburn trees sprayed with GA₄₊₇ AFBhave higher Ca-ATPase and H⁺-PPase expression. And bitter pit, cracking and rot incidence in the fruits, as compared with control treatment / Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da pulverização de macieiras com giberelinas (GAs) e proexadiona-cálcio (ProCa), um inibidor da síntese de giberelinas, sobre o crescimento vegetativo das plantas e a funcionalidade do xilema, composição mineral, expressão dos transportadores de Ca e bombas eletrogênicas, maturação e qualidade pós-colheita dos frutos. Foram elaborados dois experimentos. O primeiro foi desenvolvido em um pomar comercial no município de Elk Grove, Califórnia, EUA, localidade de Clarksburg, em 2013. O segundo foi em um pomar localizado no município de São Joaquim, Santa Catarina, Brasil, nas safras de 2011-2012 e 2012-2013. No trabalho realizado nos EUA, macieiras Braeburn foram pulverizadas, em pós-floração (PF; uma pulverização a cada semana, totalizando seis aplicações, iniciando 15 DAPF) e em pré-colheita (PC; uma pulverização a cada semana, totalizando quatro aplicações, iniciando 5 semanas antes da colheita), com ProCa e GA4+7 (ambos com doses de 300 mg L-1). No trabalho realizado no Brasil, macieiras Fuji e Gala foram pulverizadas PF com ProCa (doses: 165, 330 e 495 mg L-1) e GA3 (dose: 330 mg L-1), sendo estas doses divididas em três aplicações (30, 60 e 90 DAPF). Em ambos os experimentos, as plantas do tratamento-controle foram pulverizadas com água e as avaliações realizadas foram: crescimento vegetativo das plantas; funcionalidade do xilema; conteúdo mineral total de Ca e a suas relações com Mg, N e K; e ocorrência de bitter pit e demais distúrbios fisiológicos. Adicionalmente, no experimento desenvolvido nos EUA foram avaliados: o teor de cálcio solúvel; a expressão dos genes que codificam para transportadores de Ca e bombas eletrogênicas no tonoplasto; e a maturação e a qualidade dos frutos no momento da colheita e após o período de armazenamento. O crescimento vegetativo de macieiras é menor com a utilização do ProCa em pós-floração, independente da condição experimental. No Brasil, maçãs Gala de plantas pulverizadas com GA3 (330 mg L-1) tendem apresentar maior manifestação de rachaduras, maior relação N/Ca no tecido polpa e menor funcionalidade do xilema no início do desenvolvimento dos frutos, em relação ao ProCa na dose de 495 mg L-1. Nos EUA, o conteúdo de Ca total é maior em maçãs Braeburn pulverizadas com ProCa em comparação ao GA4+7, quando ambos os tratamentos foram aplicados em pós-floração. Além disso, a porcentagem de cor vermelha, os valores do índice iodo-amido e a taxa de produção de etileno são menores e a firmeza de polpa superior no momento da colheita em maçãs Braeburn de plantas pulverizadas com ProCa em pré-colheita, em relação ao tratamento-controle. No Brasil, a incidência de bitter pit e de escaldadura em maçãs Fuji é menor com o aumento das doses de ProCa. Nos EUA, frutos de macieiras Breaburn pulverizadas com GA4+7 em pós-floração tendem apresentar maior expressão da Ca-ATPase e H+-PPase e maiores valores de incidência de bitter pit , rachaduras e podridões nos frutos, em relação ao tratamento-controle
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Efeito de Mananoligossacarídeos sobre parâmetros densitométricos e biomecânicos de ratos em crescimento / MOS effect on densitometry and biomechanical parameters of growing ratsBarbosa, Leandro Kefalás 09 April 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-04-09 / The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of manann oligosaccharides (MOS) prebiotics on densitometry parameters of the femur by means of bone densitometry and biomechanical test in rats. 144 growing male rats were used, 23 days old, and 36.7 ± 0.6 grams of body weight were divided into 04 experimental groups (n = 36) and kept in individual cages during the experimental period of 56 days: Group Control (GC); Mos Group 1 (GM1); Mos Group 2 (GM2); and Group 3 Mos (GM3). Densitometric analysis and biomechanical testing of bone mineral content were conducted in four stages: 14, 28, 42 and 56 days after beginning the experiment. Simple linear regressions were adjusted data pairs situation, time of collection (every 14 days) and results of bone mineral content parameters (BMC), bone mineral density (BMD), area (A), energy, maximum strength and stiffness. The regressions set of treatments for each parameter were compared in pairs by the intercept and slope of the straight and revealed significant differences between treatments (P <0.0125) in the area parameters, energy absorbed to the maximum strength and maximum strength. The slope of the lines was higher in groups supplemented with MOS compared to the CG. MOS intake increased bone mineralization, which, in turn, increased the resistance to fracture of the femur in all the biomechanical properties and densitometric studied, perhaps due to an increase in the intestinal absorption of nutrients in rats. Given the beneficial results of this study with growing rats as experimental model, it is suggested that this functional food can be used as a food component enhancing bone health. / O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o efeito dos aditivos prebióticos do tipo mananoligossacarídeos (MOS) sobre os parâmetros densitométricos e biomecânicos, por meio da densitometria óssea e ensaio biomecânico, respectivamente, de fêmures de ratos. Foram utilizados 144 ratos machos em crescimento, com 23 dias de idade e 36,7 ± 0,6 gramas de massa corporal, divididos em 04 grupos experimentais (n=36) e mantidos em gaiolas individuais durante o período experimental de 56 dias: Grupo Controle (GC); Grupo MOS 1 (GM1); Grupo MOS 2 (GM2); e Grupo MOS 3 (GM3). A análise densitométrica e o ensaio biomecânico do conteúdo mineral ósseo foram realizadas em quatro momentos: 14, 28, 42 e 56 dias após o inicio do experimento. Foram ajustadas regressões lineares simples, situação de pares de dados, momento de coleta (a cada 14 dias) e resultados dos parâmetros do conteúdo mineral ósseo (CMO), densidade mineral óssea (DMO), área (A), energia, força máxima e rigidez. As regressões ajustadas dos tratamentos de cada parâmetro foram comparadas duas a duas pelos interceptos e inclinação das retas e revelaram diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos (P<0,0125) nos parâmetros área, energia absorvida até a força máxima e força máxima. A inclinação das retas foi maior nos grupos suplementados com MOS em relação ao GC. A ingestão de MOS resultou em uma maior mineralização óssea, o que, por sua vez, aumentou a resistência à fratura do fêmur em todas as propriedades biomecânicas e densitométricas estudadas, talvez devido a um aumento da absorção intestinal de nutrientes nos ratos. Diante dos benéficos resultados obtidos nesse estudo com ratos em crescimento, como modelo experimental, sugere-se que este alimento funcional possa ser utilizado como um componente alimentar intensificador da saúde óssea, particularmente nos dias de hoje, em que a expectativa de vida aumenta exponencialmente.
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Chemische Zusammensetzung und Knochendichtemessung mit der Dualenergie-Röntgenabsorptiometrie (DEXA, Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) der Röhrbeine beim PferdJunge, Janine 25 September 2012 (has links)
Die Dualenergie-Röntgenabsorptiometrie (DEXA, Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) ist ein in der Humanmedizin und Teilen der Veterinärmedizin etabliertes Verfahren zur Untersuchung der Knochenmineraldichte, des Knochenmineralgehaltes und der Körperzusammensetzung. Für das Pferd existieren bisher lediglich vereinzelte Studien zur Untersuchung des Knochens mittels der DEXA-Methode, welche allesamt auf nur sehr geringen Versuchstierzahlen beruhen.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher die DEXA-Methode für die Untersuchung am Pferd zu validieren. Hierfür wurden die Röhrbeine von 103 Schlachtpferden mittels des Densitometers PIXI LUNAR®, welches aus der Humanmedizin stammt und dort zur Untersuchung des Unterarmes dient, untersucht und die densitometrische Knochenmineraldichte (BMD) und der densitometrische Knochenmineralstoffgehalt (BMC) ermittelt. Als Messpunkt wurde standar-disiert die Mitte zwischen der Basis und dem Caput des Os metacarpale tertium bzw. des Os metatarsale tertium gewählt. Im Anschluss an die densitometrische Messung wurde als Referenzverfahren eine chemische Analyse durchgeführt, in welcher der Rohasche- sowie der Calcium- Phosphor- und Magnesiumgehalt der Röhrbeine bestimmt wurden.
Die Angabe der Ergebnisse erfolgt als Median und 25-/75-Perzentil.
Der Rohaschegehalt lag im Mittel über alle Röhrbeine bei 698 (69,1 - 70,3) g/kg TS. Für die Mineralstoffe konnten folgende Gehalte ermittelt werden: Calcium 265 (259 - 272) g/kg TS, Phosphor 123 (121 - 126) g/kg TS und Magnesium 2,40 (2,19 - 2,66) g/kg TS. Das Calcium-Phosphor-Verhältnis lag in einem Bereich von 2,14 - 2,18.
Die Resultate der DEXA-Methode werden neben dem Mineralstoffgehalt auch vom Knochenumfang beeinflusst, so dass die folgenden Ergebnisse für die Vorder- und Hintergliedmaße (VGM, HGM) separat dargestellt werden: BMD: VGM 3,22 (2,80 - 3,65) g/cm², HGM 4,21 (3,76 - 4,65) g/cm²; BMC: VGM 26,5 (22,8 - 30,1) g, HGM 32,9 (29,0 - 36,3) g.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Reproduzierbarkeitsstudien durchgeführt, bei denen für die BMD bei der Reproduzierbarkeit ohne Reposition Abweichungen in einem Bereich von 1,06 - 1,85 % und mit Reposition in einem Bereich von 3,51 - 4,48 % gefunden wurden. Für die BMC lag die Abweichung für die Reproduzierbarkeit ohne Reposition in einem Bereich von 1,28 - 2,79 % und mit Reposition schwankte sie zwischen 3,38 und 3,94 %.
Um für den Einsatz der DEXA-Methode bei Verlaufsuntersuchungen den Einfluss der exakten Messlokalisation zu eruieren, wurden Messungen in einem Abstand von ein, zwei und drei Zentimetern proximal und distal des ursprünglichen Messpunktes vorgenommen. Die Ergeb-nisse dieser Studie wichen für die BMD um 3,53 - 9,16 % und für den BMC um 4,21 - 12,5 % von den Ergebnissen des zentralen Messpunktes in der Mitte der Diaphyse ab. Diese Abweichung liegt innerhalb der 25-/75-Perzentile der Messergebnisse des zentralen Messpunktes.
Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie führen zu dem Schluss, dass es möglich ist die Knochenmineraldichte und den Knochenmineralgehalt des Röhrbeines des Pferdes mittels der DEXA-Methode zu ermitteln. Die guten Ergebnisse der Reproduzierbarkeitsstudien und der Abstandsmessungen vom zentralen Messpunkt legen die Durchführbarkeit am stehenden, sedierten Pferd nahe.
Bei der DEXA-Methode wird ein Knochenabschnitt mit einem sehr hohen Kortikalisanteil erfasst, welcher auf Einflüsse, wie beispielsweise Training oder Ruhigstellung mit einer Veränderung des Knochenumfanges bei gleichbleibenden Mineralstoffkonzentrationen reagiert. Diese Eigenschaft führt zu einem geringen Zusammenhang zwischen der DEXA-Methode und der chemischen Analyse, so dass sich die Ergebnisse der beiden Messverfahren zwar gut in den Kontext anderer Studien einfügen, der direkte Vergleich der beiden Methoden jedoch nicht möglich ist.:1 Einleitung
2 Literaturübersicht
2.1 Das Röhrbein des Pferdes
2.1.1 Knochenaufbau
2.1.2 Knochenzusammensetzung
2.1.3 Knochenbildung
2.1.4 Knochenumbau
2.1.5 Einfluss des Alters auf den Knochen
2.1.6 Unterschiede zwischen und innerhalb der Gliedmaßen
2.1.7 Einfluss des Geschlechtes auf den Knochen
2.1.8 Einfluss von Haltung auf den Knochen
2.1.9 Einfluss von Belastung/Training auf den Knochen
2.1.10 Einfluss der Ernährung auf den Knochen
2.2 DEXA-Methode
2.3 Einsatz der DEXA-Methode in der Humanmedizin
2.4 Nicht-medizinische Einsatzgebiete der DEXA-Methode
2.5 Einsatz der DEXA-Methode in der Veterinärmedizin
2.5.1 Anwendung der DEXA-Methode bei Maus und Ratte
2.5.2 Anwendung der DEXA-Methode beim Geflügel
2.5.3 Anwendung der DEXA-Methode bei Hund und Katze
2.5.4 Anwendung der DEXA-Methode beim Schwein
2.5.5 Anwendung der DEXA-Methode beim Rind
2.6 Einsatz der DEXA-Methode beim Pferd
2.7 Weitere Methoden der Osteodensitometrie
2.7.1 In-vivo-Methoden
2.7.2 In-vitro-Methoden
3 Tiere, Material und Methoden
3.1 Tiere und Material
3.1.1 Tiere
3.1.2 Probenentnahme und –aufbewahrung
3.2 Methoden
3.2.1 Physikalische Grundlagen der DEXA-Methode
3.2.2 Dichtebestimmung mittels DEXA
3.2.3 Chemische Knochenanalyse
3.3 Statistische Auswertung
3.4 Darstellung der Ergebnisse
4 Ergebnisse
4.1 Ergebnisse der chemischen Analyse
4.1.1 volumetrische Knochendichte, Rohasche-, Calcium-, Magnesium- und Phoshorgehalte im Gliedmaßenvergleich (Angabe in Median und 25-/75-Perzentil)
4.1.2 Einfluss des Alters auf den Rohasche-, Calcium-, Magnesium- und Phosphorgehalt im Röhrbein (Angabe in Median und 25-/75-Perzentil)
4.1.3 Einfluss der Rasse auf den Rohasche-, Calcium-, Magnesium- und Phosphorgehalt im Röhrbein (Angabe in Median und 25-/75-Perzentil)
4.1.4 Einfluss des Geschlechtes auf den Rohasche-, Calcium-, Magnesium- und Phosphorgehalt im Röhrbein (Angabe in Median und 25-/75-Perzentil)
4.2 Ergebnisse der DEXA-Methode
4.2.1 Abweichung vom zentralen Messpunkt
4.2.2 Reproduzierbarkeit
4.3 Vergleich der Densitometrie mit der chemischen Analyse
5 Diskussion
5.1 Kritik der Methoden
5.1.1 Versuchspferde
5.1.2 DEXA-Methode
5.2 Diskussion der Ergebnisse
5.3 Schlussbetrachtung
6 Zusammenfassung
7 Summary
8 Literaturverzeichnis
9 Tabellenanhang
10 Danksagung / DXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) is an established method for the measurement of bone mineral density (BMD), bone mineral content (BMC) and whole body composition in human and partly in veterinary medicine. However, there are only a small number of studies that examine the bone in horses using DXA. All these studies are based on small samples.
Therefore, the objective of this study was to validate the use of DXA for the measurement of BMD and BMC in the horse. In total the cannons of 103 horses were scanned ex vivo, using the PIXI LUNAR® densitometer. In human medicine this densitometer is used for the exami-nation of the forearm. The measuring point was the exact middle between basis and caput of the third metacarpal/metatarsal bone. In a second step the DXA measurements were complemented with a chemical analysis, analyzing the ash content, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium content of the bones.
The results are presented as median and 25-/75-percentile.
The average ash content of the cannon bones was 698 (691 - 703) g/kg DM. The average mineral content was measured in the following order: calcium 265 (259 - 272) g/kg DM, phosphorus 123 (121 - 126) g/kg DM und magnesium 2.44 (2.19 - 2.66) g/kg DM. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus ranged from 2.14 to 2.18.
The DXA results are influenced not only by the bone´s mineral content, but also by its diameter. Because of this the results are separated into the results of the forelimb (fl) and the hindlimb (hl) which generates the following results: BMD: fl 3.22 (2.80 - 3.65) g/cm², hl 4.21 (3.76 - 4.65) g/cm²; BMC: fl 26.5 (22.8 - 30.1) g, hl 32.9 (29.0 - 36.3) g.
Several robustness checks of the measurements were conducted. For the BMD measurements, the range of measurements diverged by 3.51-4.48 % for measurements with limb repositioning, and by 1.06-1.85 % for measurements without limb repositioning. For the BMC measurements, the range of measurements diverged by 3.38-3.94 % for measurements with limb repositioning, and by 1.28-2.79 for measurements without limb repositioning.
To determine the importance of the exact bone position for follow-up investigations, measurements in a distance of one, two and three centimeters proximal and distal of the original measuring point were performed. The results of these measurements deviated from the result of the central measuring point at the centre of the diaphysis in a range of 3.53 – 9.16 % for BMD and a range of 4.21 – 12.5 % for BMC. This variation falls within the percentiles of the central measuring point.
Overall, the results of this study indicate that DXA is useable for determining BMD and BMC at the third metacarpal/metatarsal bone of the horse. The high reproducibility of the results and the distance measurements suggest that DXA is suitable for measurements at the standing, tranquilized horse.
However, the cannon bone is a bone with a high content of cortical bone. This means that the diameter of the bone changes as a result of training or immobilization, while the BMD and BMC remain unchanged by such influence. This leads to a weak correlation between the results from the DXA and chemical analyses. Thus, while these two types of analysis fit well into the context of prior studies, a direct comparison between these measurements is not possible.:1 Einleitung
2 Literaturübersicht
2.1 Das Röhrbein des Pferdes
2.1.1 Knochenaufbau
2.1.2 Knochenzusammensetzung
2.1.3 Knochenbildung
2.1.4 Knochenumbau
2.1.5 Einfluss des Alters auf den Knochen
2.1.6 Unterschiede zwischen und innerhalb der Gliedmaßen
2.1.7 Einfluss des Geschlechtes auf den Knochen
2.1.8 Einfluss von Haltung auf den Knochen
2.1.9 Einfluss von Belastung/Training auf den Knochen
2.1.10 Einfluss der Ernährung auf den Knochen
2.2 DEXA-Methode
2.3 Einsatz der DEXA-Methode in der Humanmedizin
2.4 Nicht-medizinische Einsatzgebiete der DEXA-Methode
2.5 Einsatz der DEXA-Methode in der Veterinärmedizin
2.5.1 Anwendung der DEXA-Methode bei Maus und Ratte
2.5.2 Anwendung der DEXA-Methode beim Geflügel
2.5.3 Anwendung der DEXA-Methode bei Hund und Katze
2.5.4 Anwendung der DEXA-Methode beim Schwein
2.5.5 Anwendung der DEXA-Methode beim Rind
2.6 Einsatz der DEXA-Methode beim Pferd
2.7 Weitere Methoden der Osteodensitometrie
2.7.1 In-vivo-Methoden
2.7.2 In-vitro-Methoden
3 Tiere, Material und Methoden
3.1 Tiere und Material
3.1.1 Tiere
3.1.2 Probenentnahme und –aufbewahrung
3.2 Methoden
3.2.1 Physikalische Grundlagen der DEXA-Methode
3.2.2 Dichtebestimmung mittels DEXA
3.2.3 Chemische Knochenanalyse
3.3 Statistische Auswertung
3.4 Darstellung der Ergebnisse
4 Ergebnisse
4.1 Ergebnisse der chemischen Analyse
4.1.1 volumetrische Knochendichte, Rohasche-, Calcium-, Magnesium- und Phoshorgehalte im Gliedmaßenvergleich (Angabe in Median und 25-/75-Perzentil)
4.1.2 Einfluss des Alters auf den Rohasche-, Calcium-, Magnesium- und Phosphorgehalt im Röhrbein (Angabe in Median und 25-/75-Perzentil)
4.1.3 Einfluss der Rasse auf den Rohasche-, Calcium-, Magnesium- und Phosphorgehalt im Röhrbein (Angabe in Median und 25-/75-Perzentil)
4.1.4 Einfluss des Geschlechtes auf den Rohasche-, Calcium-, Magnesium- und Phosphorgehalt im Röhrbein (Angabe in Median und 25-/75-Perzentil)
4.2 Ergebnisse der DEXA-Methode
4.2.1 Abweichung vom zentralen Messpunkt
4.2.2 Reproduzierbarkeit
4.3 Vergleich der Densitometrie mit der chemischen Analyse
5 Diskussion
5.1 Kritik der Methoden
5.1.1 Versuchspferde
5.1.2 DEXA-Methode
5.2 Diskussion der Ergebnisse
5.3 Schlussbetrachtung
6 Zusammenfassung
7 Summary
8 Literaturverzeichnis
9 Tabellenanhang
10 Danksagung
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Positive correlation between A3 subunit of glycinin and firmness of tofu made from soybeans grown in three locations over two yearsChen, Ruiqi 10 December 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Producing desirable firmness is important in manufacturing tofu from soybeans. This study’s objective was to explore the environmental impact (location and year) on soybean chemical components and identify the correlations between chemical composition and the firmness of tofu made from soybeans planted in three locations over two years. Seventeen soybean Plant Introductions (PI) from the USDA Soybean Germplasm Collection and eight check varieties were planted in Mississippi, Virginia and Missouri in 2017 and 2018. Protein subunit composition, protein secondary structure, phytic acid content, Ca2+ and Mg2+ content were determined. The result showed that A3 subunit content was strongly correlated with tofu firmness. Environmental factors had a significant influence on some chemical components in soybean seeds as well as tofu texture. The current study confirmed the validity of using A3 peptide as a criterion for estimating tofu firmness in both tofu manufacturing and food-grade soybean trade.
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Características físico-químicas de cultivares de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), e efeitos biológicos da fração fibra solúvel / Physicochemical characteristics of bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and biological effects of soluble fiber fractionProlla, Ivo Roberto Dorneles 13 December 2006 (has links)
Raw seeds of sixteen common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars were evaluated along two consecutive harvests (2001/2002 and 2002/2003) concerning their physicochemical characteristics, as well as the effect of cooking and storage conditions on starch and dietary fiber contents. Serum lipids and blood glucose levels were also evaluated in normolipidemic-normoglycemic rats witch were fed diets containing bean cultivars with different soluble fiber/total fiber ratios (SF/TF): Pérola diet (0.11), Diamante Negro diet (0.19) and Iraí diet (0.26); control group was fed a standard diet (with insoluble fiber). Except for dry matter, moisture, and total dietary fiber, cultivars kept their chemical characteristics between harvests. Regarding similarity among macronutrient levels (crude protein-CP, total dietary fiber, insoluble dietary fiber, soluble dietary fiber-SF, digestible starch-DS, and resistant starch-RS) seeds from harvests 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 were categorized into four different groups; the same was done for micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Ca, Mg, and P), and four groups were also identified. Guateian 6662 and Rio Tibagi were considered the cultivars with the best nutritional profile (highest levels of CP, SF, DS, Fe, and Zn). Storage under refrigerated or freezing conditions did not change fiber content of cooked beans, but decreased their DS content and increased RS content, mainly in seeds with low RS levels before cooking. Concerning biological response, rats fed bean diets experienced lower values for serum cholesterol (P<0.05) and lower glycemic indexes (P<0.05). It was also observed a similar weight gain among groups, however animals fed bean based diets showed lower fat retention (P<0.05). The effects of bean diets on experimental groups were more remarkable in animals fed Iraí diet (SF/TF: 0.26). / Foram analisadas as características físico-químicas de sementes cruas de dezesseis cultivares de feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), ao longo de duas safras consecutivas (2001/2002 e 2002/2003), bem como os teores de amido e fibra alimentar nas sementes após cozimento e estocagem. Avaliaram-se, também, os lipídeos séricos e a glicose sanguínea de ratos normolipidêmicos e normoglicêmicos, alimentados com dietas contendo cultivares de feijão com diferentes relações fibra solúvel/fibra total (FS/FT): dieta Pérola (0,11), dieta Diamante Negro (0,19) e dieta Iraí (0,26); o grupo controle recebeu dieta padrão (com fibra insolúvel). Exceto pelos teores de matéria seca, umidade e fibra alimentar total, as cultivares estudadas mantiveram suas características físico-químicas constantes ao longo das safras. Conforme a similaridade nos teores de macronutrientes (proteína bruta-PB, fibra alimentar total, fibra alimentar insolúvel, fibra alimentar solúvel-FS, amido disponível-AD e amido resistente-AR) as sementes das safras 2001/2002 e 2002/2003 foram categorizadas em quatro grupos distintos; da mesma forma, em relação aos micronutrientes (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Ca, Mg e P), quatro grupos puderam ser identificados. As cultivares Guateian 6662 e Rio Tibagi apresentaram o melhor perfil nutricional (maiores teores de PB, FS, AD, Fe e Zn). A armazenagem sob refrigeração e o congelamento não determinaram alterações nos teores de fibra dos grãos cozidos, mas redução do AD e aumento do AR, principalmente naqueles com AR mais baixo antes do cozimento. Em relação à resposta biológica, os ratos alimentados com dietas contendo feijão apresentaram valores para colesterol sérico e índice glicêmico menores que os do grupo controle (p<0,05). Foi observado, também, que apesar do ganho de peso dos animais ter sido semelhante entre os grupos, os ratos alimentados com as dietas contendo feijão apresentaram menor retenção de gordura corporal (p<0,05). Os efeitos das dietas sobre os animais experimentais foram mais expressivos no grupo alimentado com a dieta Iraí (FS/FT: 0,26).
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Efectes del reg amb aigües residuals tractades en els sols i els cultiusAdrover Fiol, Maria 21 December 2010 (has links)
El reg amb aigües residuals tractades s'ha convertit avui en dia en una necessitat, ja que permet preservar els recursos hídrics de més qualitat i constitueix una alternativa necessària per al manteniment de regadius tradicionals. En aquesta tesi s'avaluen els efectes del reg amb aigües residuals tractades d'origen domèstic sobre les característiques químiques i biològiques de diferents tipologies de sòls a l'illa de Mallorca, així com sobre el creixement dels cultius i la seva composició mineral mitjançant diferents estudis de camp i en cultius en contenidors. En general no s'han apreciat efectes negatius importants causats pel reg amb aquestes aigües excepte alguns valors puntualment més elevats de crom i plom que es relacionen amb aportacions d'aigües poc depurades realitzades en el passat. Segons els resultats obtinguts amb el reg amb aigües residuals tractades d'origen domèstic es contribueix a millorar la qualitat del sòl i s'aporten part dels nutrients que requereixen els cultius per al seu creixement. / El riego con aguas residuales tratadas se ha convertido hoy en día en una necesidad, ya que permite preservar los recursos hídricos de más calidad y constituye una alternativa necesaria para el mantenimiento de regadíos tradicionales. En esta tesis se evalúan los efectos del riego con aguas residuales tratadas de origen doméstico sobre las características químicas i biológicas de diferentes tipologías de suelos en la isla de Mallorca, así como sobre el crecimiento de los cultivos y su composición mineral mediante diferentes estudios de campo i en cultivos en contenedores. En general no se han apreciado efectos negativos importantes causados por el riego con estas aguas, excepto algunos valores puntualmente más elevados de cromo y plomo que se relaciona con aportaciones de aguas poco depuradas realizadas en el pasado. Según los resultados obtenidos con el riego con aguas residuales tratadas de origen doméstico se contribuye a mejorar la calidad del suelo y se aportan parte de los nutrientes que requieren los cultivos para su crecimiento. / Nowadays the irrigation with treated waste water has become a necessity, not only, because it allows preserving fresh water but it also constitutes an important alternative to the maintenance of traditional irrigating lands. Considering different chemical and biological characteristics of soil samples of Mallorca island (Spain), this thesis investigates the effect of irrigation with treated domestic waste water on soil properties. In addition, several studies were conducted in a series of pot experiments and land conditions to monitor the crops growth and evaluate their mineral compositions. In general, no negative effects caused by this type of irrigation have been observed, except of some high values of chromium and lead which were related to past irrigation realized with untreated effluents. According to our results, the irrigation with treated domestic wastewater contributes to improve soil quality and supplies part of the nutrient requirements of the crops.
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