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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design of a Sustainable Energy System for a Community Center in rural Mozambique : A Minor Field Study in Mozambique

Säll Magnusson, Emilia, Hahn, Melchior January 2023 (has links)
Access to energy is an important part in the development of most countries and societies, linked to both social and economic growth. Nevertheless, 70% of the population in sub-Saharan Africa does not have access to electricity, which brings consequences to several of these areas. A country to which this largely applies is Mozambique, where the percentage of the country's population that had access to electricity in 2021 was only 31.5%. Working towards the goal of electrifying the least developed countries in a sustainable way, solar technology is believed to have potential to play a vital role, as 60% of the best terrestrial-based global solar resources of the world are located in sub-Saharan Africa. Mini-grids and solar off-grid solutions can further help address the issue of lack of electricity access, especially in rural areas. In previous studies carried out in the village Linga Linga in Mozambique, off-grid solar solutions have been implemented for a small energy demand. With the intention of giving a larger part of the village’s population access to energy services such as light, phone charging and computer access, this thesis will investigate and design an off-grid PV system for a community center in the village. The main research question that will be answered in this report is "How can solar energy be used to supply a community center in the village Linga Linga with a low-cost, reliable and sustainable electricity supply?". To answer the research question, relevant data and information were collected through a literature study on the situation in Mozambique, off-grid PV systems and on PV system components such as inverters, batteries, PV panels and charge controllers. Interviews were also carried out in the village to be able to calculate the expected energy demand of the community center. The community center’s daily energy demand for weekends was estimated to be the highest, at 7 544 Wh with a maximum power demand of 1 230 W. To meet this requirement, the main components were dimensioned so that the system had a maximum power of 2 000 W, a battery storage capacity of 750 Ah and a system voltage of 24 V. For this system, the approximate total cost of the main components was calculated to 56 120 SEK. / Tillgång till energi är en viktig del i utvecklingen av de flesta länder och samhällen, kopplat till både social och ekonomisk tillväxt. Ändå har 70% av befolkningen i Subsahariska Afrika inte tillgång till el, vilket får konsekvenser för flera av dessa områden. Ett land som detta till stor del gäller är Mozambique, där andelen av landets befolkning som hade tillgång till el 2021 endast var 31.5%. I arbetet mot målet att elektrifiera de minst utvecklade länderna på ett hållbart sätt tros solteknik ha potential att spela en avgörande roll, eftersom 60% av världens bästa jordbaserade globala solresurser finns i Subsahariska Afrika. Mininät och solenergilösningar utanför nätet kan ytterligare hjälpa till att lösa problemet med bristande tillgång till elektricitet, särskilt på landsbygden. I tidigare studier utförda i byn Linga Linga i Mozambique har off-grid solenergilösningar implementerats för att tillgodose energibehov för små system. Med avsikten att ge en större del av byns befolkning tillgång till energitjänster som ljus, telefonladdning och datoråtkomst, kommer detta examensarbete att undersöka och designa ett off-grid solcellssystem för ett kultur- och fritidscentrum i byn. Den huvudsakliga forskningsfrågan som kommer att besvaras i denna rapport är "Hur kan solenergi användas för att förse ett kultur- och fritidscentrum i byn Linga Linga med en låg kostnad, pålitlig och hållbar elförsörjning?". För att svara på forskningsfrågan samlades relevant data och information in genom en litteraturstudie om situationen i Mozambique, off-grid solcellssystem och om systemkomponenter såsom växelriktare, batterier, solpaneler och laddningsregulatorer. Intervjuer genomfördes även i byn för att kunna beräkna det förväntade energibehovet för kultur- och fritidscentrumet. Kultur- och fritidscentrumets dagliga energibehov för helger uppskattades vara högst, 7 544 Wh med ett maximalt effektbehov på 1 230 W. För att möta detta krav valdes huvudkomponenterna så att systemet hade en maximal effekt på 2 000 W, en batterilagringskapacitet på 750 Ah och en systemspänning på 24 V. För detta system beräknades den ungefärliga totalkostnaden för huvudkomponenterna till 56 120 SEK.

Registered nurses’ experiences of caring for women in Jamaica who have been exposed to intimate partner violence : A qualitative study / Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda kvinnor i Jamaica som erfarit våld i nära relation : En kvalitativ studie

Achourpour, Nina January 2023 (has links)
Violence against women is an issue affecting women worldwide. Due to the high rates of women exposed to intimate partner violence, it is nearly impossible not to meet them in everyday nursing practice. Intimate partner violence is complex since it concerns physical violence as well as emotional, sexual, financial, and material aspects of abuse. Some women go to seek medical attention and herein lies the responsibility of the nurse to respond. Whilst many countries have handbooks or guidelines on how to support women exposed to intimate partner violence, nurses may encounter challenges in supporting these women in practice. This is particularly challenging in Jamaica, where there are reportedly high rates of intimate partner violence, but where various factors including limited resources and social and cultural norms, may limit the opportunities for nurses to support women exposed to intimate partner violence. Due to limited earlier research on the topic in Jamaica, there is a need for increased knowledge and understanding about how nurses in Kingston, Jamaica experienced the care they provide and how it affects them. / Våld mot kvinnor är ett problem som påverkar kvinnor globalt. På grund av den höga andelen kvinnor som utsätts för våld i nära relation är det nästan omöjligt att inte möta dem i den vardagliga vårdverksamheten. Våld i nära relation är komplext eftersom det berör fysiskt våld samt känslomässiga, sexuella, ekonomiska och materiella aspekter av övergrepp. En del av dessa våldsutsatta kvinnor uppsöker vård, och här ligger sjuksköterskans ansvar att reagera. Trots rutiner kring våld i nära relation, kan sjuksköterskor stöta på utmaningar vid mötet med dessa kvinnor i praktiken. Detta är särskilt utmanande i Jamaica, där det rapporteras att det förekommer höga siffror av våld i nära relation, men där olika faktorer inklusive begränsade resurser, sociala och kulturella normer kan begränsa möjligheterna för sjuksköterskor att stödja dessa kvinnor. På grund av begränsad tidigare forskning om ämnet i Jamaica finns det ett behov av ökad kunskap och förståelse om hur sjuksköterskor i Kingston, Jamaica upplevde den vård de ger och hur den påverkar dem.

SMALL SCALE POWER GENERATION FOR A RURAL MEDICAL CLINIC : A minor field study in Linga Linga, Mozambique / Småskalig kraftproduktion för en klinik på landsbygden : En mindre fältstudie i Linga Linga, Mozambique

Nilsson, Hampus, Lindqvist, David January 2019 (has links)
In Sub-Saharan Africa, 76 % of the population lack access to electricity. This situation prohibits economic growth, causes major health issues, and impedes the education of its populace. Considerable work and effort are being made to increase the populace’s access to electricity. Even small amounts of electricity can make a difference and increase the quality of life. There have been several studies conducted that investigate possible solutions for small scale power generation in Mozambique, but the proposed solutions have not been implemented. Other studies have been carried out that investigate practical solutions for small scale power generation and implementing them, albeit not in Mozambique. This thesis therefore tries to cover the entire spectra, from possible solution to practical implementation, in Mozambique. This thesis is conducted as a case study, with a rural clinic in the village of Linga Linga, Mozambique, as case. The thesis analyses the clinic’s energy demand, the most suitable renewable energy resource for the clinic as well as local materials and components to construct a small scale power generation solution. The main research question that is answered is "What renewable and sustainable small scale power generation solution can be built, using local resources, to deliver electricity to a rural medical clinic?". To answer the main research question, necessary information was gathered, where Mozambique’s energy situation, renewable energy technologies in general and previous small scale energy projects in particular were studied. Thereafter, the energy demand as well as the daily variation of demand were investigated. An evaluation of which renewable energy resources that were locally available and most suitable was also conducted. Finally, a small scale power generation solution, using local material and components, was constructed and evaluated. The energy demand of the clinic was estimated to be 2 795 Wh per day, with a maximum power demand of 150 W. The energy demand consisted of five lamps and one refrigerator. Solar energy was evaluated as the renewable energy resource most suitable for the particular area. Moreover, a solar power system was constructed, with a maximum power of 880 W and a total battery energy capacity of 5 760 Wh, of which 50 % can be utilised without risking the health and lifetime of the batteries. The total cost for the solar power system amounted to 141 482 MZN, corresponding to circa 20 447 SEK. The purpose with the thesis was to evaluate a viable way to produce electricity and to implement a practical solution for a medical clinic. With a solar power system in place, the life quality of the inhabitants in Linga Linga has been improved. Looking forward, this thesis provides a piece of the puzzle for how electrification of rural Sub-Saharan Africa can be conducted, from energy demand to installation, and contributes to the Agenda 2030 goal of clean energy for everyone. / I Subsahariska Afrika saknar 76 % av invånarna tillgång till elektricitet. Detta leder till försämrad ekonomisk tillväxt, betydande hälsoproblem och undermåliga utbildningsresultat. Omfattande arbete och åtgärder genomförs för att förbättra situationen och öka tillgången till elektricitet. Även den minsta mängd elektricitet kan göra skillnad och höja livskvaliteten. Flera studier har gjorts där möjliga lösningar för småskalig kraftproduktion i Moçambique utreds, men inga föreslagna lösningar har implementerats. Det har också gjorts studier som har undersökt praktiska lösningar för småskalig kraftproduktion och därefter implementerat dessa, om än inte i Moçambique. Denna studie försöker därför täcka hela spektrat, från möjlig lösning till implementering, i Moçambique. Denna studie genomförs som en fältstudie där en klinik i byn Linga Linga på den moçambikanska landsbygden står i fokus. Studien analyserar klinikens energibehov, den mest lämpliga förnybara energikällan samt de mest lämpliga lokala materialen och komponenterna nödvändiga för att bygga en småskalig kraftproduktionslösning. Huvudfrågan som utreds och besvaras är: "Vilken förnyelsebar och hållbar småskalig kraftproduktionslösning kan byggas med lokala resurser för att förse en medicinsk klinik på landsbyggden med elektricitet?". För att besvara huvudfrågan har nödvändig information inhämtats, där energisituationen i Moçambique, förnybara energiteknologier och tidigare projekt rörande småskalig kraftproduktion studerats. Därefter undersöktes energibehovet och den dagliga variationen av energiförbrukningen i kliniken. Vidare utvärderades vilka förnybara energikällor som var lokalt tillgängliga och mest lämpliga. Slutligen konstruerades en småskalig kraftproduktionslösning av lokalt tillgängliga material och komponenter. Energibehovet för kliniken uppskattades till 2 795 Wh per dag, med ett maximalt effektbehov om 150 W. Energibehovet består av fem lampor och ett kylskåp. Solenergi utvärderades som den lämpligaste energikällan för applikationen. Ett solkraftssystem konstruerades också, med en maximal effekt om 880 W och en total batterikapacitet om 5 760 Wh, av vilken 50 % kan användas. Den totala kostnaden för systemet uppgick till 141 482 MZN, motsvarande cirka 20 447 SEK. Avsikten med denna studie var att utvärdera både en teoretisk möjlig lösning såväl som en praktisk implementering av en kraftproduktionslösning till en klinik. Med ett system på plats, har nu livskvaliteten för invånarna förbättrats. För den framtida forskningen bidrar denna studie till att lägga kunskapspusslet om hur elektrifiering av subsahariska Afrika kan genomföras, från energibehov till installation, och bidrar därmed till Agenda 2030 och det globala målet om hållbar energi för alla. / Na África subsaariana, 76 % da população não tem acesso a electricidade. Este problema inibe o crescimento económico, causa enormes problemas de saúde e conduz a precários resultados em matéria de educação. Trabalhos e esforços consideráveis têm sido envidados no sentido de aumentar o acesso à rede eléctrica. Por menor que seja o sinal de energia, pode fazer a diferença e melhorar a qualidade de vida. Diversos estudos têm sido realizados com vista a encontrar possíveis soluções para geração de energia de pequena escala em Moçambique contudo, as soluções propostas não chegaram a ser implementadas. Outros estudos foram levados a cabo de forma a encontrar soluções práticas de geração de energia em pequena escala e a sua implementação mas não em Moçambique. Esta tese, por sua vez, procura cobrir o espectro completo, partindo de uma possível solução para uma implementação prática em Mocambique. Esta tese é realizada como um estudo de caso, baseado em uma clínica localizada na vila de Linga Linga, Moçambique. A tese analisa a demanda de energia da clínica, os recursos de energia renováveis mais apropriados assim como os materiais locais e componentes necessários para a construção de um gerador de energia de pequena escala. A principal questão da pesquisa a qual se responde é " Que geradores de energia de pequena escala renováveis e sustentáveis se podem construir com o uso de recursos locais por forma a fornecer energia a uma clínica médica?". Para responder a principal questão da pesquisa, foi levada a cabo uma revisão literária, onde se estudadou a situação de acesso a energia em Moçambique, as tecnologias de energias renováveis no geral e os projectos anteriores voltados para a energia de pequena escala. Em seguida, a procura pela energia foi de igual modo investigada como variação diária. Foi feita uma avaliação sobre os recursos de energias renováveis disponíveis localmente e os mais apropriados. Por fim, uma solução para geração de energia de pequena escala com recurso a materiais e componentes locais foi construída e avaliada. A demanda da clínica foi estimada em 2 795 Wh por dia, com uma demanda máxima de 150 W de energia. As exigências de energia consistiam em cinco lâmpadas e um refrigerador. A energia solar foi avaliada como sendo a energia renovável mais apropriada para a área em particular. Adicionalmente, foi construído um sistema de energia solar com potência máxima de 880 W e uma capacidade total da bateria de 5 760 Wh, dos quais se pode usar 50 %. O custo total do sistema de energia solar totalizou 141 482 MZN, correspondendo a cerca de 20 447 SEK. A tese tenciona avaliar uma forma viável de produzir electricidade e implementar uma solução prática para uma clínica médica. Com o sistema de energia solar estabelecido, a qualidade de vida dos habitantes de Linga Linga foi melhorada. Olhando para frente, esta tese oferece uma solução sobre como se pode processar a electrificação da África subsaariana, desde a demanda pela energia até a sua instalação e seu contributo para a meta energia limpa para todos da Agenda 2030.

Caring for the Critically Ill at the End-of-Life : Nurses’ Experiences of Palliative Care in Brazilian ICUs – a Minor Field Study

Tillquist, Maria January 2015 (has links)
Background: Critical care is a relatively young speciality with its intention to treat critical illness equally all around the world. Patients admitted to ICUs receive advanced treatments in order to save lives, however some patients will pass away during critical care, which put family members in great physical and emotional distress. It is important to support family needs and keep core principles of palliative care in mind in order for patients and family members to cope with current situation. The need for palliative care is greater than ever, but in most parts of the world it is poorly developed. Brazil struggles with several challenges regarding implementation of a palliative approach within ICU settings. Aim: the aim was to explore nurses’ experiences of palliative care, focusing on family involvement in Brazilian ICUs. Method: semi-structured interviews were analysed using content analysis. Five female nurses were included from one public and one private hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro, with an average ICU working experience of nine years. Results: three main categories were identified describing nurses’ experiences of palliative care and family involvement: to care for a dignified death, to promote family involvement and areas for future improvement. Discussion: the results reveal that the nurses, even though lack of professional training, believe that palliative care is important for both patient and their family members at the EOL. Brazilian nurses also face several challenges in order to perform palliative care successfully within ICUs. They struggle with strict visiting policy and the perception of nurses being inferior to physicians. There is a wish for acknowledgement of the nursing profession during EOLC in Brazilian ICUs, since nurses spend most time at each patient’s bedside along with their family members.

Competiveness among apparel manufacturers in Istanbul : An industry analysis

Ahlqvist, Pontus, Andréasson, Carl January 2007 (has links)
<p>This paper is the result of a minor field study conducted in Istanbul, Turkey, during the period of November and December 2007. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the current business environment for apparel manufacturing in Istanbul. Research was carried out through an industry analysis in terms of competition and potential future development for apparel manufacturers.</p><p>The research has been carried out through interviews with actors related to the apparel manufacturing segment. Interviewees include five manufacturers, two sourcing agents, one trade organization and one professor with research in the area.</p><p>Our findings concerning the business environment are based on Michael E. Porters theoretical framework on “How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy”. In the case of Turkish apparel manufacturers this paper concludes how the barriers of entry for new actors are high, unless integrating forward. Additionally in general terms the suppliers have a weak bargaining position while customers are relatively strong in the bargaining process. The rivalry among apparel manufacturers is low, but it can be stated how less differentiated manufacturer experience significant higher level of rivalry. Further on this paper also concludes how these factors not are affected by any substitute products, much due to the broad scope of the study.</p><p>In respect to these factors a general strategy used by apparel manufactures has been identified as they try to affect the balance of these competitive forces through e.g. differentiation and vertical integration.</p>

Nurses’ Perspectives and Experiences in Giving Palliative Homecare to Paediatric Patients from Marginalized Communities in Jakarta, Indonesia

Andersson, Veronica January 2019 (has links)
The development of palliative care in Indonesia has been slow due to the absence of palliative care guide lines and standards. This results in the limited provision of palliative care where it can only be found available in 14 hospitals in the whole country with a population over 260 million, and the palliative care is basically directed to adult patients. In the paediatric medicine field, the palliative care services in Indonesia is still in its infancy and currently palliative care is served by only one non-profit organization in Jakarta. With around 1,5 million people in Jakarta associated with living in poverty, this organization is focusing on providing free palliative care to children from marginalized communities. The questions that are raised out of these circumstances are how paediatric palliative care is practiced in Jakarta and what the rewarding and challenging parts of the job are. The aim of the study is to describe nurses' perspectives and experiences in giving home-based palliative care to children living with cancer and HIV from marginalized communities in Jakarta. A qualitative study design with content analysis was considered to be the method that fitted the goal of the study best. Semi structured interview was used as data collection method and there were seven nurses who participated in the interviews. The result is described by two main categories; the first category contains different topics that functioned as encouragements to the nurses, and the second category consists of various subjects that contribute to challenges that nurses encounter in their work. Lack of palliative education that lead to certain attitudes in the referral process, misperceptions about pain management and nurses’ stress management are discussed as some challenges encountered in the implementation of palliative care.

From Minimum Wages to Living Wages? : A case study of the export-oriented garment industry in Bangladesh / From Minimum Wages to Living Wages? : A case study of the export-oriented garment industry in Bangladesh

Wulff, Gabriella January 2009 (has links)
This text will take you on a journey to the Far East – Bangladesh to be more specific. Inspring 2008 I went there to find some answers to the question of wages. I wanted to know if achange in focus from minimum wages to living wages could be achievable. The question willunfortunately remain unsolved at the end of the essay. To predict the future would beimpossible. Instead three possible scenarios are presented. The likelihood of each and everyscenario is later discussed. The conclusions at the end of the essay are based on an analysis ofthe theories presented and the interviews proceeded.The starting point for the research is the relocation strategies of corporations, which areoutlined in the background chapter. This chapter also contains information about the garmentindustry in Bangladesh. The main research question is if there can be a shift from minimumwages to living wages in Bangladesh. In order to bring clarity to the question, three subquestions have been used. The first question looks into how wages are determined in theexport-oriented garment industry in Bangladesh. The second question concerns thecorporations’ responsibility for their workers. The third, and last, question addresses howcultural dimensions influence the corporations and how wages are set. To find the answers tothe sub questions I divided the research into four main topics: “Wages – Minimum and LivingWages”, “Morality, Ethics and Business Ethics”, “Employees as Stakeholders of theCompanies” and “The Cultural Dimension”. The topics are dealt with in separate chapters.The chapters contain a theoretical overview, as well as the information gathered from theinterviews.The chapters are followed by a further analysis of the empirical findings. The chapter onwages contains an in-depth explanation of the difference between minimum wages and livingwages. In the conducted study all workers were paid the minimum wage in coherence with thelaw. This wage was however much lower than what the definition of a living wage declares.Therefore many workers did over-time in order to reach a higher standard of living. Businessethics and the stakeholder theory will be used to discuss the opportunities and limitations ofthe responsibility of the corporations for their workers. The scholar Hofstede’s system ofmeasuring national cultural values will be used to look into specific cultural aspects.According to his system, Bangladesh has a high ranking in power distance, a low ranking inindividualism and a middle ranking in masculinity. These three dimensions will be discussed;both correlations and exceptions found in this study will be presented.The three possible scenarios for a change are presented in the conclusions. Firstly, theminimum wages could be changed into living wages, if the government decides on raising thewages of the garment workers. Secondly, the mentality amongst management could provide asolution to the change in focus. If managers could find advantages in paying their workersmore, it would open up for a brand new wage system. Thirdly, changes could come from theworkers themselves, through unification in the regard. This has however been valued as lesslikely to happen, because of the power distance prevailing in the country. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

Thinking about Disabilities in a Primary Inclusive Education Class in Vietnam

Bergstad, Johan, Granli, Johan January 2004 (has links)
<p>This Minor Field Study was undertaken in theoutskirts of Hanoi, Vietnam during September and October 2003. The aim was to explore what 10-11 year old primary school children think about disabilities in an Inclusive Education class, i.e. a class with non-disabled children and children with disabilities (CwD). Sixteen children, including four CwD, were interviewed in a semi-structured way. The children mentioned physical disabilities more often than "mental" or "learning" disabilities even though three of the CwD had those kinds of disabilities. More than half the sample seem to think about war-related causes of disabilities. Many interviewees also mentioned that other children treat CwD both "well" and "badly". Some girls and no boys mentioned that they feel sympathy for and want to help persons with disabilities. One-fourth of the children seem to think of disabilities as a deviation.</p>

Conditions for Successful Export : An Analysis of Bolivian Wooden Door Producers

Rosén, Malin, Lindmark, Monica January 2006 (has links)
<p>Bolivia, as the poorest country in South America, can gain a lot from international trade. It is an important factor for a country to build prosperity and gain economic growth and thereby reach a higher standard of living. But for a company to succeed in the international market is a demanding task. Both internal and external factors that influence a company’s competence need to be taken into consideration. This Master Thesis deals with two Bolivian wooden door producers’ possibilities to export to the Swedish market.</p><p>The demand of tropical wood products is expected to increase and the Bolivian wood industry has been identified as an export industry of the future. Another thing in favor for the Bolivian export is the fact that the country is number one in the world when it comes to sustainable management of forest resources. This gives the companies the possibility to offer an environmentally friendly and unique product and thereby create competitive advantages. There are though areas that need improvement. One of the most important improvement areas for both of the companies is marketing and understanding what the customers needs. They need to keep the costumer in focus in all of their activities and learn how to promote their products advantages.</p><p>The facts that both the studied companies have earlier experience in export and a high level of motivation support the possibility to succeed in this matter. But, these factors are not enough for the studied companies to succeed in export. The result of this study also shows that the instable situation in the country results in financial problems and lack of trust. Therefore the companies must focus on building trust to attract new customers and</p><p>investors. This should be done by keeping an even level of quality, fulfilling promises and finding ways to reduce the risk for potential investors.</p><p>The trend towards more individual and exclusive doors in the Swedish market results in the recommendation to focus on offering a niche product in the middle-price segment. It is also recommended for the Bolivian companies to use some kind of representative to reach the market. A good alternative is to work as a supplier to a door producing partner and help them widen their assortment and in turn get someone present in the market that can work close to the customers.</p>

Tiyeseko : A Study on Small-Scale Farming Women in Sustainable Agriculture in Zambia

Johansson, Karin January 2003 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to understand what impact courses in sustainable agriculture have had on small-scale farming women in Zambia, who have started using alternative techniques in their farming. Weather conditions, political issues and other circumstances in Zambia have made it difficult for people to grow enough crops to feed their families and gain extra money alternative methods are being promoted by organisations at all institutional levels, in order for people to survive. At Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre, east of the capital, Lusaka, sustainable methods in farming practices are taught to small-scale farmers. It is a qualitative study, accomplished within the field of Human Geography, and the theoretical frameworks that have been used are political ecology of sustainability, low-external input in sustainable agriculture, and gender and development. The qualitative methods used are in accordance to Rapid Rural Appraisal, where small-scale farming women have been interviewed on a semi-structural basis. Additionally, secondary data in the form of literature has been gathered and direct observations have been made in the field. Results show that the courses in sustainable agriculture have had an impact on the lives of participating small-scale farming women and that they are able to spread their knowledge to neighbouring small-scale farmers. It also shows that politics has a major influence on the daily life of the women.</p>

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