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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Comparative Study of Social, Environmental and Economic Aspects of Paraffin and Wood Pellets Used for Cooking in Low Income Households in South Africa : A Minfor Field Study / En jämförande studie av sociala, miljömässiga och ekonomiska aspekter av att använda paraffin och träpellets för matlagning i låginkomsthushåll i Sydafrika.

Svensson, Jenny, Kjellson, Alice January 2015 (has links)
The majority of low income households in South Africa have limited access to electricity, and typically cook on stoves fuelled by paraffin. Paraffin represents a fossil fuel. It is a relatively cheap fuel in South Africa. Another fuel that can also be used for cooking is wood pellets, which is a renewable fuel. It can be used in a similar way to that of paraffin and is relatively cheap compared to other renewable energy sources. To investigate if living conditions among low income households can be improved the focus of the study was to evaluate the sustainability of cooking on paraffin and wood pellets. This was done by comparing social, environmental and economic aspects associated with the two cooking fuels. The social aspects were investigated through an interview study, the environmental aspect through a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) and the economic aspects through a partial life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) focusing on the user phase. The interview study showed that paraffin users considered four aspects as the most important when cooking, namely safety, health, affordability and quality. The study also found that the majority were willing to change to another cooking fuel if these aspects were fulfilled. The LCA showed that both systems score the highest on 9 out of 18 environmental impact categories over a 16-year perspective. The economic analysis showed that the user phase of the wood pellet system is more economically beneficial during the 16-year time period than the paraffin system. It was concluded that wood pellets could be used as an option to paraffin for cooking and would most likely increase living conditions for low income households. / Majoriteten av låginkomsthushåll i Sydafrika har begränsad tillgång till elektricitet och vanligtvis sker matlagningen på paraffinspisar. Paraffin är ett fossilt bränsle. Det är ett relativt billigt bränsle i Sydafrika. Ett annat bränsle som också kan användas för matlagning är träpellets som är ett förnyelsebart bränsle. Det kan användas på liknande sätt som för paraffin och är ganska billigt i jämförelse med andra förnybara energikällor. För att undersöka om levnadsförhållanden för låginkomsthushåll kan förbättras låg fokus för denna studie på att utvärdera hållbarheten för att laga mat på paraffin och träpellets. Detta genomfördes genom att jämföra sociala, ekologiska och ekonomiska aspekter associerade med dessa bränslen för matlagning. De sociala aspekterna undersöktes genom en intervjustudie, de miljömässiga aspekterna genom en jämförande livscykelanalys (LCA) och de ekonomiska aspekterna gjordes genom en livscykelkostnadsanalys (LCCA) för användarfasen. Intervjustudien visade att paraffinanvändare anser att fyra aspekter är de viktigaste vid matlagning, nämligen säkerhet, hälsa, kostnad och kvalitet. Studien visade också att majoriteten var villiga att byta till ett annat bränsle för matlagning om dessa aspekter var uppfyllda. Livscykelanalysen visade att båda systemen hade högst miljöpåverkan i 9 av 18 miljöpåverkanskategorier vardera inom ett 16-årsperspektiv. Den ekonomiska analysen visade att under en 16-årsperiod var användarfasen mer kostnadseffektiv för matlagning på träpellets jämfört med paraffin. Studien visade att träpellets kan användas som ett alternativ för paraffin vid matlagning och kommer troligtvis öka levnadsförhållanden för låginkomsthushåll.

Implementation of Environmental Management Systems in the Thai Industry

Besnard, Jean-François January 2007 (has links)
With the hot topic of the climate change effects a desperate change is needed in the world ofthe national and global industry. A good start is an environmental management system, EMS.The main focus of the on-going process of an EMS is to organise the company’s work, to decrease the use of raw materials and energy, and to severely reduce pollutions to air, water and land. The EMS is a part of a sustainable development and a valuable tool for everyindustry who wants to better their image and keeping environmental concerned customers. Asia and Thailand are growing markets where SME and large-scale industries have started tointroduce ISO standards. The top management of these organisations have opened their eyes to the demand of the clients regarding less environmental impact from their products and services. The motive for this study, carried out as an MFS is to get an insight of the Thai industries and how well they have implemented their EMS. / www.ima.kth.se

Barriers and Motivational Drivers for Sustainable Building in a Developing Country : The Case of Ghana / Barriärer och motiverande drivkrafter för hållbart byggande i ett låg- eller medelinkomstland : En fallstudie i Ghana

Johansson, Emma, Winge, Elsa January 2023 (has links)
As the building and construction industry contributes considerably to global warming there isa need to increase sustainable building, especially in developing countries where the conceptis often overlooked. Even though there is a need to implement more sustainable alternatives,research shows that it comes with many challenges. The aim for this study is therefore toanalyze the barriers and motivational drivers when implementing sustainable building inGhana. Chan et al. (2018) have previously conducted a categorization of the barriers forsustainable building through a quantitative study. This categorization was used as a guidingtool in this qualitative study, which was done through a Minor Field Study (MFS). Hence,eleven interviews with green champions were held on-site in Ghana. Further, to understand themotivation of the interviewees better, self-determination theory (SDT) was used to analyze thedata. The theory divides motivation into two different levels, extrinsic and intrinsic. The formeris a more controlled form of motivation, while the latter is more autonomous. The findingsshow that the most critical barriers were lack of professional knowledge and expertise, lack ofawareness of sustainable building and its benefits, together with higher costs. Despite thesebarriers, the green champions are still highly motivated. While intrinsic motivation is dominantamongst the green champions interviewed for this study, there is still a level of extrinsicmotivation at play. When comparing the barriers to the motivational factors one suggestion isfor the private and public sector to invest in demonstration projects. This would fulfill the greenchampions’ motivation to create their own identity for African architecture combined with anincreased awareness for sustainable building. This paper contributes with a unique andcomprehensive look at sustainable building in Ghana. Additionally, the study's theoreticalframework is not often used in the field of construction management, making this a valuablecontribution as the paper can be beneficial to leaders or managers in the construction industry. / Bygg- och anläggningsindustrin bidrar avsevärt till den globala uppvärmningen vilket harskapat ett behov av att öka hållbart byggande, särskilt i låg- eller medelinkomstländer därkonceptet ofta förbises. Även om det finns ett behov av att implementera mer hållbara alternativvisar forskning att det kommer med många utmaningar. Syftet med denna studie är därför attanalysera barriärerna och drivkrafterna vid implementering av hållbart byggande i Ghana.Chan et al. (2018) har tidigare kategoriserat barriärerna för hållbart byggande genom enkvantitativ studie. Kategorisering har använts som ett vägledande ramverk i denna kvalitativastudie, som gjordes genom en fältstudie. Elva intervjuer genomfördes med aktörer definieradesom “green champions” på plats i Ghana. För att bättre förstå motivationen hos de intervjuade,applicerades självbestämmandeteorin (SBT) vid analysering av data. Teorin delar in motivationi två olika nivåer, extern och intern. Extern motivation är en mer kontrollerad form avmotivation, medan intern är mer autonom. Resultatet visar att de mest kritiska barriärerna ärbrist på professionell kunskap och expertis, bristande medvetenhet om hållbart byggande ochdess fördelar, samt högre kostnader. Trots dessa hinder är de intervjuade aktörerna motiverade.Även om intern motivation är dominerande bland de intervjuade, finns en nivå av externmotivation. Efter jämförelse mellan barriärerna och motivationsfaktorerna är ett förslag att denprivata och offentliga sektorn investerar i demonstrationsprojekt. Detta skulle uppfyllaaktörernas motivation att skapa sin egen identitet för afrikansk arkitektur kombinerat med enökad medvetenhet om hållbart byggande. Den här studien bidrar med ett unikt och heltäckandeperspektiv på hållbart byggande i Ghana. Dessutom är det unikt att använda studiens teoretiskaramverk inom området byggprojektledning, vilket gör detta till ett värdefullt bidrag eftersomuppsatsen kan vara till nytta för ledare eller chefer inom byggbranschen.

The Role of Vertical Collaboration in Local Community Empowerment : Exploring the Implementation of Climate Smart Agriculture at a Local Level in Eswatini

Salmelin, Charlee January 2023 (has links)
To strengthen societies and address the increased risks generated by climate change, development projects within disaster risk reduction [DRR] and climate change adaptation [CCA] must ensure the sustainability of capacity development. However, sustainability is currently flawed in such projects, which could relate to the inadequate achievement of empowerment of targeted beneficiaries. Some scholars suggest that vertical collaboration – the collaboration between stakeholders and beneficiaries – is decisive in determining the achievement of community empowerment during implementation. Still, the role of vertical collaboration and the dynamics of this relationship remains unexplored. By comparing a development initiative within climate-smart agriculture [CSA] implemented in two different communities in Eswatini, this thesis aims to evaluate the achievement of vertical collaboration and explore the relationship between vertical collaboration and empowerment. The results show that the achievement of vertical collaboration does covariate with the presence of empowerment and that certain factors are more influential in determining outcomes than others. These factors include the presence of opportunities for all participants to get involved; active, accessible, and participatory communication; bidirectional learning; and providing beneficiaries with voice and decision-making power. The findings support the theoretical argument, demonstrating that vertical collaboration plays a role in determining empowerment, and highlight the importance of considering it as a critical aspect when implementing CSA projects. However, the sustainability of capacity developments could not be identified in either community, suggesting that alternative factors might be essential for long-term outcomes. Further research is required to understand interconnections among identified factors and how they can be leveraged for the success and sustainability of capacity development within this field.

From Slave Wife of the Gods to " ke te pam tem eng". Trokosi seen through the Eyes of the Participants

Wiking, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
AbstractThis final essay in religious studies at Malmö Lärarutbildningen (Teacher’s education) is a minor field study (MFS) carried out in Ghana about Trokosi. Trokosi is a tradition, system and practice where young girls are given to village shrine priests as sexual and domestic slaves, or "wives of the gods", in compensation for offenses allegedly committed by a member of the girl's family. My main research question has been: What are the thoughts of the victims as well as the rescuers of Trokosi thoughts about the Trokosi tradition, system and practice? The thesis is based on a minor field study, observations and interviews. I observed the work at International Needs Network Ghana (INNG) and their work with Trokosi mainly focusing on the International Needs Vocational Training Centre (INVTC). At INVTC former Trokosi get the opportunity of becoming independence and self-sufficient - ke te pam tem eng. In this essay I have interviewed two opponents to Trokosi, in this essay called the rescuers, as well as one victim of Trokosi. In my interviews, the only person who criticized the theory and the religion behind Trokosi was the victim, a person who was born into this belief system. INNG’s critics are not about the theory behind Trokosi but how it is practised. Applying of feminist perspective this thesis focuses religious and cultural practices, in this case Trokosi, as a part of a larger system that is limiting women’s lives. In addition, post colonial theory may contribute to the analysis of “third world women’s own struggle and aspiration for independence. There are different views and perspectives on Trokosi and despite Ghana’s constitution and other documents that forbid this type of practice it is still vital. This indicates that there are more factors to consider. For instance overall patriarchal structures and post colonial experiences. Information and education is essential for the transformation of Trokosi in order to favour women’s right especially in the fields of human- and women’s rights.

Monitoring Urbanization in Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana, using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery and In-Situ Interviews / Övervakning av urbaniseringen i sekondi-takoradi, ghana, med hjälp av multi-temporal sentinel-2 msi imagery och intervjuer i fält

Ljungström Armah, William January 2023 (has links)
Rapid urbanization is taking place in Low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). Often there is not sufficient data monitoring the quick urban change. This study explores the use of machine learning classification within remote sensing to foster sustainable urban practices in a secondary city in an LMIC. The aim is to extract spatially detailed land cover data and investigate its temporal evolution from 2018 to 2021. Furthermore, targeted interviews with residents were conducted to gain an in-situ understanding of the land cover changes. The research reveals a trend of increased impervious surface in Sekondi-Takoradi, especially around the urban outskirts. Some patterns of densification can also be identified, predominantly in urban areas with a mix of impervious surfaces and vegetation. These findings reveal similar land cover change patterns as previous remote sensing studies, a decrease in vegetation, and an increase in impervious surfaces.  The used method can be applied at a larger scale to monitor the urbanization of secondary cities in LMICs, a field that often is neglected. These insights can contribute to achieving the UN's 11th Sustainable Development Sustainable Cities and Communities.

Establishing a Digital Framework for EdTech Learning for Primary Schools in the Rural Parts of the Guanajuato Region, Mexico : A Minor Field Study Based on Interaction Design Principles

Haidar, Katie, Hailu, Sara, Johansson, Samantha January 2023 (has links)
This investigation is carried out with the desire to create a framework for digital learning tools in the region of Guanajuato, Mexico aimed towards primary schools in rural parts of the area. The framework is meant to be an aid in the implementation of technological equipments, especially tablets, and shed light on the most important aspects to take into consideration when designing and creating applications for those. In order to gather data, interviews and user tests were carried out with primary school students as well as with principals and teachers of primary schools in the mentioned area. The results show that clear feedback, intuitive graphics and appropriate levels of difficulty is of importance, as well as adaptability to users. No preference was noted regarding motions or amount of text. Norman’s design principles were additionally confirmed to be one of the vital parts to take into consideration. The challenges that come into the picture when implementing digital tools into classrooms seem to circulate around socio-economic aspects and insufficient resources such as wifi, power supply and personnel. However, these challenges may be worth taking upon, as implementing EdTech can benefit both students and teachers in many aspects and establish learning more in line with the trends in society where technology is on a constant rise. / Denna utredning genomförs med strävan att skapa ett ramverk för digitala lärverktyg i regionen Guanajuato, Mexico riktat mot grundskolor på landsbygden i området. Ramverket är tänkt att vara ett hjälpmedel vid implementering av teknisk utrustning, särskilt surfplattor, och belysa de viktigaste aspekterna att ta hänsyn till när man designar och skapar applikationer för dessa. För att samla in data har intervjuer och användartest genomförts med såväl grundskoleelever som med rektorer och lärare på grundskolor inom nämnda området. Resultaten visar att tydlig feedback, intuitiv grafik och svårighetsgrad är av betydelse, liksom anpassning till användaren. Ingen preferens noterades beträffande rörelser eller mängden text. Normans designprinciper bekräftades dessutom att vara en av de viktiga delarna att ta hänsyn till. De utmaningar som kommer in i bilden när man implementerar digitala verktyg i klassrummet verkar cirkulera kring socioekonomiska aspekter och otillräckliga resurser såsom wifi, strömförsörjning och personal. Men dessa utmaningar kan vara värda att ta sig an eftersom en inkorporering av EdTech kan gynna både elever och lärare i många aspekter och etablera lärande mer i linje med trenderna i samhället där tekniken är på ständig uppgång.

Access to adequate housing - a way out of poverty? : A minor field study of the construction of emergency houses in Peru. / Tillgång till en fullgod bostad - en väg ut ur fattigdom? : En fältstudie över konstruktionen av nödbostäder i Peru.

Berglund, Gabriella, Porthén, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Background: The lack of access to adequate housing is a major problem in many developing countries. One of the countries where the housing deficit is a big problem is Peru. The housing deficit in the country can be estimated to more than one million; a number that represents almost 15% of the country’s households. Un Techo Para Mi País (UTPMP) strives to improve this difficult housing situation by constructing emergency houses in the human settlements and thereby improving the situation for the people living in extreme poverty in Peru. Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate if the construction of emergency houses could be a means of poverty reduction in Peru. The impact of improved housing conditions on a household’s standard of living and economic situation is evaluated, as well as the results of UTPMP’s activities.   Completion: The collection of secondary data took place in Sweden, while the primary data was  collected  during  a  two  months’  minor  field  study  in  Lima,  Peru.  Interviews  with  households benefited with an emergency house through UTPMP were conducted and observations were made by participating in UTPMP’s activities.  Conclusion: According to the results of our study, the access to adequate housing has had a positive effect on the household’s standard of living, but has left the economic situation unchanged. The type of action taken by UTPMP to alleviate poverty should be considered as an appropriate approach and the construction of emergency houses as a means of poverty reduction in Lima. / Bakgrund: Bristen på tillgång till en fullgod bostad är ett stort problem i många utvecklingsländer. Ett av de länder där det råder stor bostadsbrist är Peru. Underskottet på bostäder uppskattas uppgå till mer än en miljon, en siffra som representerar nästan 15% av landets hushåll. Un Techo Para Mi País (UTPMP) strävar efter att förbättra den svåra bostadssituationen genom att konstruera nödbostäder i slumområden och därmed förbättra situationen för de hushåll som lever i extrem fattigdom i Peru. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om konstruktionen av nödbostäder skulle kunna utgöra ett verktyg för att minska fattigdomen i Peru. Effekten av förbättrade boendeförhållanden på ett hushålls levnadsstandard och ekonomiska situation utvärderas, liksom resultaten av UTPMP:s aktiviteter.  Utförande: Insamlingen av sekundärdata genomfördes i Sverige, medan primärdatan samlades in under en två månader lång fältstudie i Lima, Peru. Intervjuer med hushåll som har fått en bostad via UTPMP utfördes, och observationer gjordes genom att delta i UTPMP:s aktiviteter.  Slutsats: Resultaten av vår studie visar att tillgången till en fullgod bostad har positiva effekter på ett hushålls levnadsstandard, men att dess ekonomiska situation förblir oförändrad. Den typ av åtgärd utförd av UTPMP bör ses som en lämplig sådan, och konstruktionen av nödbostäder kan betraktas som ett tillvägagångssätt för att minska fattigdomen i Lima. / Antecedentes: La falta de acceso a una vivienda adecuada es un problema grave en muchos países menos desarrollados. Uno de los países donde el déficit habitacional es un gran problema es el Perú. Se puede estimar que dicho déficit asciende a más de un millón, un número que representa casi el 15% de los hogares del país. La organización Un Techo Para Mi País (UTPMP) se esfuerza para mejorar esta situación a través de la construcción de viviendas de emergencia en los asentamientos humanos y de esta manera, mejorar la situación de las personas que viven bajo condiciones de extrema pobreza en el Perú.  Objetivo: El propósito del presente estudio es investigar si la construcción de viviendas de emergencia podría ser una medida de reducción de la pobreza en el Perú. El impacto de mejores condiciones de vivienda en la situación de vida y económica del hogar es evaluado, así como los resultados de las actividades del UTPMP.   Metodología: La recopilación de datos secundarios se llevó a cabo en Suecia, mientras que los datos primarios fueron obtenidos en Perú durante un estudio de campo de dos meses en Lima. Entrevistas con familias beneficiadas con una casa de emergencia a través del UTPMP fueron realizadas y se hicieron observaciones respectivas al participar en las actividades del UTPMP.   Conclusión: Conforme a los resultados de nuestro estudio, el acceso a una vivienda adecuada ha tenido un efecto positivo en el nivel de vida del hogar, pero ha dejado la situación económica sin cambios. El tipo de acción tomada por el UTPMP debe ser considerada como un enfoque apropiado para aliviar la pobreza, y la construcción de viviendas de emergencia como una medida de reducción de la pobreza en Lima.

Leave no one behind : A Minor Field Study of what impact recruitment can have for gender equality for working women in Indonesia.

Janzon, Alma, Leandersson, Elina January 2023 (has links)
Abstract  Background: In Indonesia and around the world, gender discrimination in employment practices is a pervasive and ongoing issue due to gender stereotypes and social norms. Organizations must therefore be aware of their influence, and how they through various stages of the recruitment process can reduce this prejudice. Additionally, organizations need to be conscious about how they can create and sustain an inclusive hiring procedure that leaves no one behind.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore what type of impact recruitment can have in terms of gender equality, equal opportunities and discrimination for working women in Indonesia. Furthermore, to investigate what impact gender stereotypes and social norms in Indonesia have on the recruitment processes in the country.   Method: This study adheres to an inductive approach with a qualitative research method. The empirical findings have been gathered through the conduction of nine interviews with employers at a consultancy company in Indonesia.  Conclusion: The conclusion of this thesis shows that recruitment can have a positive impact for gender equality in Indonesia and that a strategic recruitment process can help to develop gender stereotypes and social norms. However, there is a limit in how much recruitment can act as an equality tool since they do not always hold the final word on who to hire.

Building an Landscape in Yogyakarta, Indonesia : -A study of Ecological planning for Building and Landscape.

Svensson, Pia-Lice January 2008 (has links)
<p>The objective with this final thesis is to show how to work and help as an engineer by an ecological planning for building and landscape in an Asian and Muslim country like Indonesia.</p><p>The qualitative working method that was used highlights the importance of field trips and free structured interviews. Talking to the people involved and seeing the specific areas gives understanding you can not get by studying literature.  </p><p>The importance of all the work areas in the process of exploiting an area formulates the problem. This is later investigated and practiced in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and was encourage by the SIDA scholarship “MFS”.</p><p>Indonesia is a big country divided in 17500 islands but there are more that are different to Sweden. The author describes the unwritten rules, religions and the climate difference and also the working process for work and study on Java in Indonesia.</p><p>The main part shows and explains the result; a proposal on how an existing student accommodation in the city Yogyakarta in Indonesia could be renewed with an ecological plan for its building and landscape.</p><p>Conclusions and thoughts are made by the author about the possibilities for the future. Potential exchange of knowledge, labor and other services should be made between schools in Sweden and Indonesia and also help-organizations.</p> / <p> </p><p>Detta examensarbete syftar till att visa hur man kan arbeta och hjälpa till som byggingenjör genom ett ekologiskt plannerande för byggande och landskap i ett land som Indonesien.</p><p>Vikten av alla arbetsområden i processen för att exploatera ett område formulerade problemmet. Detta undersöktes och prövades sen i Yogyakarta, Indonesien och uppmuntrades av SIDA stipendiet "MFS".</p><p>Den kvalitativa arbetsmetoden som använts belyser vikten av studie resor och fristrukturerade intervjuer. Att prata med människorna som är involverade och se platserna ger en förståelse som inte är möjlig att få om det enbart görs literatur studie.</p><p>Indonesien är stort land och är uppdelat i 17500st öar men det är mer som är olikt från Sverige. Författaren beskriver de annorlunda oskrivna regler, religioner och klimat och även arbets processen för att jobba eller studera på Java i Indonesien.</p><p>Huvudelen visar och förklarar resultatet; ett förslag till hur ett befintligt student boende i staden Yogyakarta i Indonesien kan förnyas med en ekologisk plann för byggnad och landskap.</p><p>Slutsattser och tankar är slutnligen formulerade av författaren om möjligheter i framtiden. Utbytte av kunskap, arbete och andra tjänster bör utövas mellan skolor i Sverigeoch Indonesien men även hjälporganisationer.</p>

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