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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

New Specimens of Sparassodonta (Mammalia, Metatheria) from Chile and Bolivia

Engelman, Russell K. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Form and Function of the Limbs of Hegetotheriine Notoungulate <i>Hemihegetotherium trilobus</i> from the Middle Miocene of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia

Carroll, Beth R. 23 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Neogene Palynology of the Gray Fossil Site, Tennessee, USA: Floristic Implications.

Ochoa-Lozano, Diana 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In order to understand Mio-Pliocene floristic characteristics of the southern Appalachian Mountains, 47 palynological samples from six different testing-pits across the Gray Fossil Site (GFS) were analyzed. The site exhibits a low pollen yield resulting from basic pH levels, drought, and fire events occurring during deposition. The palynofloral assemblage has a low to moderate diversity, and it is largely dominated by Quercus-Carya-Pinus (~90% of the palynoflora). The reported presence of Pterocarya grains supports a Late Neogene age for the lacustrine sediments. Comparison with modern pollen-based floras suggests that: (1) the Mio-Pliocene Oak-Hickory-Pine association varied in structure between a woodland to woodland/savanna, depending on the intensity and frequency of drought, fire events and herbivory, (2) pits show different structure of the co-dominant genera, which indicate alternating composition of the vegetation, and (3) in term of modern vegetation, the GFS flora corresponds well with the Mesophytic Forest region.

Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Sequence Development and Chemostratigraphy On a Distal Foreland During Miocene Glaciation, Eastern Saudi Arabia

Alkhaldi, Fawwaz Muhammad 31 May 2012 (has links)
The Miocene of the Lidam area, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia, was studied to examine the interaction of glacio-esustasy during moderate Antarctic glaciation, within a small back bulge basin on the slowly subsiding distal Arabian foreland, distal from the active Zagros fold-thrust belt. Low subsidence rates of 1 to 4 cm/k.y generated the long-term accommodation, which were considerable slower than those in the proximal foredeep in Iran. Deposition of the siliciclastics was driven by lowered sea levels, and moderately humid to arid climate. Rising sea levels pushed the siliciclastics updip allowing mixed siliciclastics and carbonates to form downdip, under semi-arid climate and locally hypersaline conditions. Maximum transgression slightly predated the Middle Miocene climatic optimum when prograding siliciclastics migrated across the platform. Falling triggered siliciclastic deposition under semi-arid climate. Sequences appear to relate to long-term obliquity (~1.2 m.y. cycles) and long-term eccentricity (400 k.y.) cycles. The succession contains numerous missing beats reflecting the updip position of the study area, and sea level changes of tens of meters that frequently exposed the platform. Siliciclastic units commonly are incised into muddy sediments beneath sequence boundaries. Multiple exposure surfaces occur within Hadrukh brecciated palustrine carbonates. Within Dam carbonates, parasequence boundaries commonly are capped by tidal flat laminites (some of which are incipiently brecciated). High frequency negative excursions of ∂¹³C within the succession appear to relate to near-surface diagenesis by soil gas depleted in ∂¹³C beneath sequence boundaries. Positive C isotope excursions in the Lidam Miocene section can be tied to similar excursions in Qatar and UAE, where Sr isotope dates constrain the ages of the units. The overall C isotope profile at Lidam shows depleted values early in the Miocene to heavy values in the Middle Miocene, becoming lighter again in the late Miocene. The profile appears to follow the long-term global ∂¹³C curve. Incursion of meteoric groundwaters into the study area was driven by the long-term global sea level changes. Oxygen isotopes are surprisingly light, extending down to -12.5 ‰VPDB. The very light δ¹⁸O values of the meteoric waters may be explained by rainfall associated with enhanced Miocene Indian monsoons, and with far travelled air mass trajectories migrating across north Africa and from the polar region. / Ph. D.

Stratigraphy and Depositional History of the Pantano Formation (Oligocene-Early Miocene), Pima County, Arizona

Balcer, Richard Allen January 1984 (has links)
The Pantano Formation comprises 1,250 m of alluvial, fluvial, lacustrine, and volcanic rocks deposited in a basin formed in response to regional extension during mid- Tertiary time in southeastern Arizona. During deposition, the locations and composition of sediment source areas varied as contemporaneous uplift occurred adjacent to the basin. The lower half of the formation was deposited as alluvial fans that prograded northward, westward, and southward; the upper half was deposited during southwestward retreat of alluvial fan deposition and the onset of lacustrine deposition. An andesite flow separates the two depositional regimes. Radiometric dates of 24.4 ± 2.6 m.y. B.P. for the andesite and 36.7 ± 1.1 m.y. B.P. for a rhyolitic tuff disconformably underlying the formation indicate that deposition occurred during Oligocene to early Miocene time. Proper stratigraphic sequencing and description, paleocurrent analysis, and gravel provenance study aided in understanding the depositional history of the formation.

Locomotion et morphologie du labyrinthe osseux chez les hominoïdes actuels. Application à Sahelanthropus tchadensis (Hominidae, 7 Ma, Tchad) / Locomotion and morphology of the bony labyrinth in extant hominoids. Application to Sahelanthropus tchadensis (Hominidae, 7 Ma, Chad)

Le Maître, Anne 14 December 2015 (has links)
L’espèce humaine est caractérisée par une forme de locomotion bipède qui lui est propre. Toumaï, l’holotype de l’espèce Sahelanthropus tchadensis découverte au Tchad, est le plus ancien représentant connu du rameau humain. Daté de 7 millions d’années, il est très proche de la dichotomie entre ce rameau et celui des chimpanzés. C’est donc un témoin précieux des premières phases de l’évolution de la locomotion dans ce groupe. Le but de ce travail est de reconstituer le comportement locomoteur de Sahelanthropus tchadensis à partir de l’étude de la partie osseuse de son labyrinthe, organe de l’équilibre.Pour cela, les relations entre locomotion et morphologie du labyrinthe osseux sont recherchées chez les hominoïdes actuels. Les covariations entre le labyrinthe et le crâne sont étudiées chez Homo sapiens afin de déterminer l’influence sur la morphologie du labyrinthe de son intégration dans le crâne. Ces résultats sont enfin appliqués au labyrinthe de Toumaï, comparé à d’autres hominines fossiles.La morphométrie géométrique discrimine l’ensemble des espèces actuelles par l’orientation, la taille et la forme relatives de chacune des parties du labyrinthe. Cependant, la torsion et l’orientation relative des canaux semi-circulaires sont majoritairement liées à l’intégration du labyrinthe dans le crâne (orientation des pyramides pétreuses et de la face par rapport à la ligne médio-sagittale du basicrâne). Au contraire, l’excentricité des canaux et leur taille sont uniquement liées à la locomotion.Chez Sahelanthropus tchadensis, la taille des canaux semi-circulaires indique une espèce relativement plus agile que les grands singes. En revanche, il ne présente pas les rotations de canaux caractéristiques du genre Homo. La forme de ses canaux constitue une combinaison unique de caractères : canal postérieur rond et canal antérieur légèrement étiré, comme les humains et les australopithèques, mais canal latéral légèrement projeté postéro-latéralement, comme les gorilles et les babouins. Ceci indiquerait un comportement locomoteur associant le grimper vertical dans les arbres à des déplacements au sol bipèdes mais aussi quadrupèdes. / Humans are characterised by a specific form of bipedal locomotion. Toumaï, holotype specimen of Sahelanthropus tchadensis discovered in Chad, is the oldest known member of the human branch. Dated from 7 million years ago, it is very close to the dichotomy between this branch and the branch of chimpanzees. Therefore, it gives valuable information on the first stages of the evolution of locomotion is this group. The purpose of this work is to reconstruct the locomotor behaviour of Sahelanthropus tchadensis based on the study of the osseous part of its labyrinth, the balance organ.To this aim, the relationships between the locomotion and the bony labyrinth morphology are investigated in extent hominoids. The covariations between the labyrinth and the skull are studied in Homo sapiens in order to determine the influence of cranial integration on labyrinth morphology. Finally, these results are applied to the bony labyrinth of Toumaï, compared to other hominin fossils.Geometric morphometrics discriminates all extant species by the relative orientation, size and shape of each part of the labyrinth. However, the torsion and the relative orientation of the semicircular canals are mainly due to the integration of the labyrinth in the skull (petrous pyramids and face orientations relative to the midline of the basicranium). On the contrary, canal eccentricity and size are linked only to locomotion.In Sahelanthropus tchadensis, the canal size indicates that this species was more agile than great apes. However, it does not have the semicircular canal rotations characterising the genus Homo. The shape of its canals constitutes a unique combination of features: a round posterior canal and a slightly stretched anterior canal, as in humans and australopithecines, but a slightly posterolaterally projected lateral canal, as in gorillas and baboons. This is the sign of a locomotor behaviour associating vertical climbing in trees to both bipedalism and quadrupedalism on the ground.

Miocene climate as recorded on slope carbonates : examples from Malta (Central Mediterranean) and Northeastern Australia (Marion Plateau, ODP LEG 194)

John, Cédric Michaël January 2003 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit wurden die Hangkarbonate von zwei miozänen heterozoischen Karbonatsystemen näher untersucht: die Malta Inselgruppe (zentrales Mittelmeer) und das Marion Plateau (Nordost Australien, ODP Leg 194). Die Auswirkungen der mittelmiozänen Abkühlung (Mi3), die auf 13.6 Ma datiert wird und starken Einfluß auf die Sauerstoffisotopenkurve hatte, in den oben genannten Flachwassersystemen stellten das Ziel dieser Arbeit dar. Dieses Abkühlungsereignis beeinflußte außerdem sehr stark die ozeanographischen und klimatischen Muster, die im weiteren Verlauf zum modernen Eishausklima führten. So steht insbesondere die Vereisung von Ostantarktika mit diesem Ereignis in Verbindung. Diese Arbeit untersucht den Einfluß dieses Ereignisses auf Flachwassersysteme, um vorliegende Untersuchungen in Tiefwassersystemen zu ergänzen und so zum globalen Verständnis des miozänen Klimawechsels beizutragen.<br /> <br /> Die Profile auf der Maltainselgruppe wurden mit Hilfe von Kohlenstoff- und Sauerstoffisotopen Auswertungen im Gesamtgestein, Gesamtgesteinmineralogie, Tonmineralanalyse und organischer Geochemie untersucht. Durch einen Wechsel von karbonatischeren zu tonigeren Sedimenten beeinflußte das mittelmiozäne Abkühlungsereignis die Sedimentation in diesem Gebiet sehr stark. Weiterhin wurde beobachtet, daß jede Phase der antarktischen Vereisung, nicht nur das mittelmiozäne Hauptereignis, zu einem erhöhten terrigenen Eintrag in den Hangsedimenten der Maltainselgruppe führte. Akkumulationsraten zeigen, daß dieser erhöhte terrigene Eintrag den einzelnen Vereisungsperioden zusammenhängt und die karbonatischen Sedimente durch tonreiche Sedimente &ldquo;verunreinigt&rdquo; wurden. Das daraufhin entwickelte Modell erklärt diesen erhöhten terrigenen Eintrag mit einer nordwärtigen Verlagerung der innertropischen Konvergenzzone durch die Bildung von kalten, dichten Luftmassen, die zu verstärkten Niederschlägen in Nordafrika führten. Diese verstärkten Niederschläge (oder verstärkter afrikanischer Monsun) beeinflußten die kontinentale Verwitterung und den Eintrag, mit der Folge, daß verstärkt terrigene Sedimente im Bereich der Hangsedimente der Maltainselgruppe abgelagert wurden. Die tonreichen Intervalle weisen Ähnlichkeiten zu sapropelischen Ablagerungen auf, was mit Hilfe der Spektral analyse des Karbonatgehalts und der geochemischen Analyse des organischen Materials gezeigt wurde. <br /> <br /> Auf dem Marion Plateau wurden die Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotopenkurven anhand von Foraminiferen der Gattung Cibicidoides spp. rekonstruiert. Der Karbonatgehalt wurde mit Hilfe einer chemischen Methode (Coulometer) ermittelt. Genauso wie die Sedimente der Maltainselgruppe beeinflußte das mittelmiozäne Abkühlungsereignis (Mi3) auch die Sedimente auf dem Marion Plateau. So kam es bei 13,8 Ma, in etwa zur Zeit der Vereisung von Ostantarktika, zu einem Abfall der Karbonatakkumulationsraten. Weiterhin traten Änderungen in der Zusammensetzung der Sedimente auf, so nehmen neritische Karbonatfragmente ab, der planktische Foraminiferengehalt nimmt zu und es wurden verstärkt Quarz und Glaukonit abgelagert. Ein überraschendes Ergebnis ist die Tatsache, daß der große N12-N14 Meeresspiegelabfall um 11,5 Ma die Akkumulationsraten der Karbonate auf dem Hang nicht beeinflußte. Dieses Ergebnis ist umso erstaunlicher, da Karbonatplattformen normalerweise sehr sensitiv auf Meeresspiegeländerungen reagieren. Der Grund, warum sich die Karbonatakkumulationsraten schon um 13,6 Ma (Mi3) und nicht erst um 11,5 Ma (N12-N14) verringerten, liegt in der Tatsache, daß die ozeanischen Strömungen die Karbonatsedimentation auf dem Hang des Marion Plateau schon im Miozän kontrollierten. Das mittelmiozäne Ereignis (Mi3) erhöhte die Stärke diese Strömungen und als eine Ursache wurde die Karbonatakkumulation auf den Hängen reduziert. Die Amplitude des N12-N14 Meeresspiegelabfalls liegt bei 90 m unter der Berücksichtigung der Sauerstoffisotopendaten aus der Tiefsee und Berechnungen des Meeresspiegels anhand des &ldquo;coastal onlaps&rdquo;, die während Leg 194 gemacht wurden. Die Isotopendaten dieser Arbeit weisen hingegen auf einen verringerten Meeresspiegelabfall von 70 m hin.<br /> <br /> Als allgemeine Schlußfolgerung kann gesagt werden, daß der mittelmiozäne Klimaumschwung die Karbonatsysteme zumindest an den beiden untersuchten Lokalitäten beeinflußt hat. Allerdings waren die Auswirkungen sehr von den unterschiedlichen lokalen Gegebenheiten abhängig. Insbesondere wirkten sich die Anwesenheit einer Landmasse (Malta) und die Abwesenheit einer Barriere vor den Einflüssen des offenen Ozeans (Marion Plateau) stark auf die Ablagerung der Karbonate aus. / This study investigated the slope carbonates of two Miocene carbonate systems: the Maltese Islands (in the Central Mediterranean) and the Marion Plateau (Northeastern Australia, drilled during ODP Leg 194). The aim of the study was to trace the impact of the Miocene cooling steps (events Mi1-Mi6) in these carbonate systems, especially the Mi3 event, which took place around 13.6 Ma and deeply impacted the marine oxygen isotope record. This event also profoundly impacted oceanographic and climatic patterns, eventually leading to the establishment of the modern ice-house world. In particular, East Antarctica became ice covered at that period. The rational behind the present study was to investigate the impact that this event had on shallow water systems in order to complement the deep-sea record and hence acquire a more global perspective on Miocene climate change.<br /> <br /> The Maltese Islands were investigated for trends in bulk-rock carbon and oxygen isotopes, as well as bulk-rock mineralogy, clay minerals analysis and organic geochemisty. Results showed that the mid Miocene cooling event deeply impacted sedimentation at that location by changing sedimentation from carbonate to clay-rich sediments. Moreover, it was discovered that each phase of Antarctic glaciation, not just the major mid Miocene event, resulted in higher terrigenous input on Malta. Mass accumulation rates revealed that this was linked to increased runoff during periods when Antarctica was glaciated, and thus that the carbonate sediments were &ldquo;diluted&rdquo; by clay-rich sediments. The model subsequently developed to explain this implies feedback from Antarctic glaciations creating cold, dense air masses that push the ITCZ Northward, thus increasing precipitation on the North African subcontinent. Increased precipitation (or stronger African monsoon) accelerated continental weathering and runoff, thus bringing more terrigenous sediment to the paleo-location of the slope sediments of Malta. Spectral analysis of carbonate content and organic matter geochemical analysis furthermore suggest that the clay-rich intervals are similar to sapropelic deposits.<br /> <br /> On the Marion Plateau, trends in oxygen and carbon isotopes were obtained by measuring Cibicidoides spp foraminifers. Moreover, carbonate content was reconstructed using a chemical method (coulometer). Results show that the mid Miocene cooling step profoundly affected this system: a major drop in accumulation rates of carbonates occurs precisely at 13.8 Ma, around the time of the East Antarctic ice sheet formation. Moreover, sedimentation changes occurred at that time, carbonate fragments coming from neritic environments becoming less abundant, planktonic foraminifer content increasing and quartz and reworked glauconite being deposited. Conversely, a surprising result is that the major N12-N14 sea-level fall occurring around 11.5 Ma did not impact the accumulation of carbonates on the slope. This was unexpected since carbonate platform are very sensitive to sea-level changes. The model developed to explain that mass accumulation rates of carbonates diminished around 13.6 Ma (Mi3 Event) instead of 11.5 Ma (N12-N14 event), suggests that oceanic currents were controlling slope carbonate deposition on the Marion Plateau prior to the mid-Miocene, and that the mid Miocene event considerably increase their strength, hence reducing the amount of carbonate being deposited on slope sites. Moreover, by combining results from deep-sea oxygen isotopes with sea-level estimates based on coastal onlaps made during Leg 194, we constrain the amplitude of the N12-N14 sea-level fall to 90 meters. When integrating isotopic results from this study, this amplitude is lowered to 70 meters.<br /> <br /> A general conclusion of this work is that the mid Miocene climatic shift did impact carbonate systems, at least at the two locations studied. However, the nature of this response was highly dependant on the regional settings, in particular the presence of land mass (Malta) and the absence of a barrier to shelter from the effects of open ocean (Marion Plateau).

Controls on sedimentary processes and 3D stratigraphic architecture of a mid-Miocene to recent, mixed carbonate-siliciclastic continental margin : northwest shelf of Australia

Sanchez, Carla Maria, 1978- 11 July 2012 (has links)
Determining the relative importance of processes that control the generation and preservation of continental margin stratigraphy is fundamental to deciphering the history of geologic, climatic and oceanographic forcing imprinted on their sedimentary record. The Northern Carnarvon Basin (NCB) of the North West Shelf of Australia has been a site of passive margin sedimentation throughout the Neogene. Cool-water carbonate sedimentation dominated during the early-middle Miocene, quartz-rich siliciclastics prograded over the shelf during the late-middle Miocene, and carbonate sedimentation resumed in the Pliocene. Middle Miocene to Pliocene siliciclastics were deposited as clinoform sets interpreted as delta lobes primarily based on their plan-view morphology and their relief of 40-100 m. Shelf-edge trajectory analysis suggests that part of this stratigraphic succession was built during a long-term, third order, regressive phase, producing shelf-edge deltas, followed by an aggradational episode. These trends appear to correlate with third-order global eustatic cycles. Slope incisions were already conspicuous on the slope before deltas reached the shelf-break. Nevertheless, slope gullies immediately downdip from the shelf-edge deltas are wider and deeper (>1 km wide, ~100 m deep) than coeval incisions that are laterally displaced from the deltaic depocenter (~0.7 km wide, ~25 m deep). This change in gully morphology is likely the result of greater erosion by sediment gravity flows sourced from shelf-edge deltas. Total late-middle to late Miocene margin progradation increased almost three times from 13 km in the southwest to 34 km in the northeast, where shelf-edge deltas were concentrated. Flat-topped carbonate platforms seem to have initiated on subtle antecedent topographic highs resulting from these deltaic lobes. A reduction of siliciclastic supply to the outer paleo-shelf during the Pliocene combined with the onset of a southwestward-flowing, warm-water Leeuwin Current (LC) most likely controlled the initiation of these carbonate platforms. These platforms display marked asymmetry, likely caused by an ancestral LC, which created higher-angle, upcurrent platform margins, and lower-angle, downcurrent clinoforms. The along-strike long-term migration trend of the platforms could be the result of differential subsidence. These platforms constitute the first widespread accumulation of photozoan carbonates in the Northern Carnarvon Basin. They became extinct after the mid-Pleistocene when the LC weakened or became more seasonal. / text

Diversity of the soil microbial community and its functional aspects in man-influenced environments / Diversity of the soil microbial community and its functional aspects in man-influenced environments

CHROŇÁKOVÁ, Alica January 2009 (has links)
Diversity of the soil microbial community and its functional aspects were investigated in man-influenced environments, such as colliery spoil heaps in post mining sites and upland pasture used for outdoor cattle husbandry. The study was based on the cultivation of bacteria and streptomycetes as well as culture-independent approaches. Cultivated bacteria and streptomycetes were characterized by phenotypic and genotypic means. The culture-independent approaches were based on an analysis of environmental DNA in terms of both qualitative and quantitative parameters.

Palaeoekologie interakcí rostlin a členovců ze spodního miocénu mostecké pánve v severních Čechách / Palaeocology of plant-arthropod associations from the Lower Miocene of the Most Basin in northern Bohemia (Czech Republic)

Knor, Stanislav January 2010 (has links)
Terrestrial plants and insects account for the majority of the Earth's biodiversity today, and almost half of all insect species are herbivores. Thus, insects and plants share ancient associations date back for more than 400 million years. However, investigation of their interactions stands largely at the beginning in Western Europe. Nearly 4300 plant remains showing various kinds of feeding damages are available for the present study. These trace fossils are classified as so-called functional feeding-groups supply an outstanding example of the complexity, the structure and the changes of terrestrial ecosystems, are not well known during this interval. In Europe, the Neogene is characterized by palaeogeographic re- organization due to the collision of the African with the Eurasian plates. The Neogene plant record in Europe is rich and diverse offering a profound large-scale understanding of the floristic and vegetational development. A database of fossil traces from the Most Basin was compiled and analyzed by various statistical methods in terms of the diversity and intensity of palaeo-herbivory. The primary objective is to present results on the development of insect herbivory through the section of the Bílina Mine in North Bohemia, with the aim of understanding principal factors that caused the...

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