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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mécanismes de maintenance de l'intégrité de l'ADN mitochondrial humain suite à des cassures double-brin / Maintenance of human mitochondrial DNA after double-strand breaks

Moretton, Amandine 08 December 2017 (has links)
Les mitochondries sont des organites qui possèdent leur propre ADN (ADNmt), codant pour des gènes de la chaine respiratoire. La réparation des dommages dus aux ROS, une réplication défectueuse ou d’autres sources exogènes tels des agents chimiothérapeutiques ou des irradiations ionisantes peuvent générer des cassures double-brin (CDB) de l’ADNmt. L’ADNmt code pour des protéines essentielles à la production d’énergie, et des systèmes de maintenance de l’intégrité de ce génome efficaces sont donc nécessaires pour la viabilité des cellules. En effet des mutations de l’ADNmt sont présentes dans de nombreuses pathologies comme les myopathies mitochondriales, les cancers et les maladies neurodégénératives. Cependant les processus responsables de la maintenance de l’ADNmt suite à des CDB restent controversés.Pour élucider les mécanismes impliqués, nous avons généré des CDB mitochondriales en utilisant une lignée cellulaire humaine exprimant de manière inductible l’enzyme de restriction PstI liée à une séquence d’adressage mitochondrial. Nos résultats montrent, dans notre système, une première phase de dégradation de l’ADNmt lésé avec une cinétique rapide, n’impliquant pas l’autophagie ou l’apoptose, suivie de la ré-amplification d’ADNmt intact dans un deuxième temps. Contrairement à d’autres études nous n’avons pas pu détecter d’évènements de réparation des CDB mitochondriales générées. Nous avons ensuite cherché à identifier les protéines impliquées dans la dégradation de l’ADNmt lésé que nous observons, mais aucune nucléase testée ne semble responsable de ce processus. Des approches plus globales sont mises au point pour identifier de nouveaux acteurs, notamment un crible RNAi à grande échelle. Parallèlement nous nous intéressons aussi à une famille de phosphohydrolases, les Nudix, et à leur rôle protecteur en assainissant le réservoir de nucléotides libres. / Mitochondria are organelles that possess their own genome, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Repair of oxidative damages, defective replication, or various exogenous sources, such as chemotherapeutic agents or ionizing radiations, can generate double-strand breaks (DSBs) in mtDNA. MtDNA encodes for essential proteins involved in ATP production and maintenance of integrity of this genome is thus of crucial importance. Mutations in mtDNA are indeed found in numerous pathologies such as mitochondrial myopathies, neurodegenerative disorders or cancers. However, the mechanisms involved in mtDNA maintenance after DSBs remain unknown.To elucidate this question, we have generated mtDNA DSBs using a human inducible cell system expressing the restriction enzyme PstI targeted to mitochondria. Using this system, we could not find any support for DSBs repair of mtDNA. Instead we observed a loss of the damaged mtDNA molecules and a severe decrease in mtDNA content, followed by reamplification of intact mtDNA molecules. We have demonstrated that none of the known mitochondrial nucleases are involved in mtDNA degradation and that DNA loss is not due to autophagy, mitophagy or apoptosis but to a selective mechanism. Our study suggests that a still uncharacterized pathway for the targeted degradation of damaged mtDNA in a mitophagy/autophagy-independent manner is present in mitochondria, and might provide the main mechanism used by the cells to deal with DSBs. Global approaches are ongoing to identify proteins involved in degradation of damaged mtDNA following DSBs, mainly an RNAi screen targeting 80 nucleases. In parallel we are interested in a family of phosphohydrolases named Nudix and their putative protective role in sanitizing the nucleotides pool in mitochondria.

L'hélicase RECG1, un facteur-clé dans le maintien et la ségrégation de l'ADN mitochondrial d'Arabidopsis thaliana / The RECG1 helicase, a key factor in the maintenance and the segregation of mitochondrial DNA of Arabidopsis thaliana

Wallet, Clementine 25 April 2016 (has links)
L'ADN mitochondrial (mtDNA) des plantes est caractérisé par les activités de recombinaison qui modulent sa structure. Ces activités sont nécessaires à son maintien et contribuent à son évolution rapide. Des facteurs contrôlant la recombinaison sont donc indispensables à la stabilité du mtDNA des plantes. Au cours de ma thèse j'ai identifié et caractérisé deux ADN hélicases présentes dans les organelles d'Arabidopsis thaliana. L'une d'entre elles est homologue à une hélicase bactérienne impliquée dans la réparation couplée à la transcription. Son rôle précis dans les organelles des plantes reste à déterminer. La deuxième hélicase, l'hélicase RECG1, a des rôles dans la réparation par recombinaison, la surveillance de la recombinaison ectopique impliquant des courtes séquences répétées, mais aussi dans la ségrégation du mtDNA. En effet, nous avons observé qu'en absence de RECG1 il y a une perte du contrôle de la recombinaison qui a pour conséquence la création de versions alternatives du mtDNA par recombinaison. L'analyse de leur ségrégation, induite par RECG1, nous a permis de modéliser comment de nouvelles configurations stables du mtDNA sont générées par le changement de stoechiométrie entre sous-génomes. Ce travail a permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de recombinaison et de ségrégation du mtDNA d'Arabidopsis. / The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of flowering plants is characterized by the recombination activities that modulate its structure. These activities are required for the mtDNA maintenance, and drive its rapid structural evolution. The factors that control recombination are therefore essential for plant mtDNA stability. During my PhD, I identified and characterized two DNA helicases that are present in the organelles of Arabidopsisthaliana. One is the homologue of a bacterial helicase involved in transcription-coupled repair. Its role in the plant organelles is still not determined. The other one, the RECG1 helicase, has roles in recombination dependent repair, the surveillance of ectopic recombination involving short repeated sequences, and also the segregation of the mtDNA. We have found that in the absence of RECG1 there is loss of recombination control resulting in the occurrence of alternative versions of the mtDNA generated by recombination. The analysis oftheir segregation, induced by RECG1, allowed us to build a model to how new stable mtDNA configurations are generated by the stoichiometric shift of mtDNA sub-genomes. This work allowed us to better understand the recombination and segregation mechanisms that modulate the Arabidopsis mtDNA.

Genetic causes and risk factors associated with phenotypes occurring in mitochondrial disorders

Kytövuori, L. (Laura) 15 August 2017 (has links)
Abstract Finding the genetic causes leading to phenotypes of mitochondrial diseases is challenging because of heterogeneity of the disorders and variety of the underlying biochemical defects. In adults, many of the manifestations of mitochondrial diseases cannot be distinguished from the neurodegenerative processes associated with old age. A single mutation or mutations within the same gene can result in a broad range of disorders. Conversely, clinically similar, monogenic disorders may be caused by genes which are governing entirely different cellular pathways. This study investigated the genetic etiology underlying certain symptoms which are characteristic for mitochondrial syndromes, or mimics of the mitochondrial ones. In the first project, we presented the contribution of genetic variation in the Wolfram Syndrome 1 gene to the risk of diabetes mellitus and sensorineural hearing impairment. We also estimated the frequency of a rare pathogenic variation in WFS1. The second project detected a link between the complex phenotype of age-related hearing impairment and the WFS1 gene. Monogenic forms of ARHI are extremely rare and we succeeded in recognizing one Mendelian form of the trait. The third project confirmed the Mitofusin 2 gene causality in the outlier phenotype of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. The fourth project described a Finnish family with two affected siblings with adult-onset ataxia, diabetes mellitus, and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. The found novel mutation in mtDNA, m.8561C>G, was located in the overlapping region of two mitochondrial genes and resulted in an impaired assembly and dysfunctional energy production of mitochondrial ATP synthase. This thesis expands our knowledge about complex neurological phenotypes and identifies not only some causative genes but also outlier phenotypes, which should be noted in clinical practice. / Tiivistelmä Perintötekijät mitokondriaalisten ja niiden kaltaisten tautien taustalla ovat vaikeasti tunnistettavissa. Tautien kirjo on valtava, ja niihin johtavat biokemialliset syyt ovat moninaisia. Aikuisten mitokondriotaudit voivat jäädä diagnosoimatta, koska oireet voivat peittyä vanhenemiseen liittyviin neurodegeneratiivisiin prosesseihin. Sama mutaatio tai eri mutaatiot samassa geenissä voivat johtaa kliinisesti täysin erilaisiin ilmiasuihin. Toisaalta, kliinisesti samankaltaiset taudit voivat olla geneettisesti ja solubiologiallisesti kirjavia. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään geneettistä etiologiaa tiettyjen mitokondriaalisille ja niiden kaltaisille taudeille tyypillisten oireiden taustalla. Ensimmäisessä osajulkaisussa tunnistetaan geneettisiä riskivariantteja Wolfram Syndrome 1 -geenissä diabeteksen ja kuulonaleneman taustalta. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa estimoidaan harvinaisen tautia aiheuttavan variaation määrää kyseisessä geenissä. Toinen projekti esittelee suomalaisen perheen, jossa myöhään alkaneen kuulonaleneman, ikäkuulon, geneettinen syy paljastuu WFS1-geenistä, jota ei aiemmin ole liitetty kyseiseen ilmiasuun. Yhden geenin aiheuttamat ikäkuulotapaukset ovat todella harvinaisia, koska ikäkuulo on monimutkainen kokonaisuus, johon ympäristötekijöillä on suuri vaikutus. Kolmas osajulkaisu kuvaa potilastapauksia, joiden ilmiasu on epätyypillinen Charcot-Marie-Toothin neuropatia. Tautigeeni on tunnettu Mitofusin 2, mutta sen aiheuttaman taudinkuvat ovat yleensä vakavampia ja varhain alkaneita. Viimeinen osajulkaisu kuvaa suomalaisen perheen, jonka kahden oireisen sisaruksen taustalta löytyy mitokondriaalisen DNA:n uusi mutaatio, joka sijaitsee kahden geenin alueella muuttaen niiden molempien lopputuotetta. Mutaation, m.8561C>G, osoitetaan vaikuttavan mitokondriaalisen ATP-syntaasin rakentumiseen ja energiatuotantoon. Tämä väitöskirja laajentaa geneettistä tietoisuutta neurologisten tautien taustalla ja esittelee uusia geneettisiä syitä ja ilmiasuja, jotka tulisi huomioida kliinisessä työssä terveydenhuollossa.

Molecular genetics of early-onset Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal lobar degeneration

Krüger, J. (Johanna) 19 October 2010 (has links)
Abstract Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) are the two most common neurodegenerative diseases leading to early onset dementia (< 65 years). Mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (APP), presenilin 1 (PSEN1) and presenilin 2 (PSEN2) genes cause a proportion of familial early-onset AD (eoAD), while the microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) and progranulin (PGRN) mutations have been identified in FTLD patients. Only a few PSEN1 and APP mutations have previously been found in Finnish AD patients, and one MAPT mutation in a FTLD family, while the role of PGRN in Finnish FTLD patients is unknown. Increasing evidence suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress also play an important role in neurodegenerative diseases. The aim here was to investigate the genetics of eoAD and FTLD in the population of the province of Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland. Sequencing analysis of the APP, PSEN1 and PSEN2 genes was performed to determine whether mutations in these genes could be detected. The MAPT and PGRN genes were analysed in the FTLD patients by sequencing and MAPT haplotypes were determined. The contributions of mtDNA and its maintenance enzymes to eoAD and FTLD were studied by comparing the frequencies of mtDNA haplogroups and their clusters between the patient groups and controls and by screening for the five common POLG1 mutations (T251I, A467T, P587L, W748S, Y955C), two common mtDNA mutations (m.3243A>G, m.8344A>G) and mutations in the PEO1 and ANT1 genes. This is the first report of a significant association between the mtDNA haplogroup cluster IWX and FTLD. The H2 MAPT haplotype was also associated with FTLD in our cohort. No significant differences in the frequencies of the mtDNA haplogroups were observed between the eoAD patients and controls, nor were there any pathogenic mutations detected in the genes analysed. The findings suggest that possession of the mtDNA haplogroup cluster IWX and the H2 MAPT haplotype may be possible risk factors for FTLD in our cohort. The absence of any pathogenic mutations in the MAPT, PGRN, APP or PSEN genes in our series, together with the previous reports of only a few mutations found in this region, supports a minor role for these genes in the aetiology of eoAD and FTLD in Northern Ostrobothnia and indicates that this population may have its own genetic features. There may be other, still unknown genetic factors to be discovered, that explain familial diseases in the region.

Human dispersals to Tierra del Fuego revealed by ancient mitochondrial DNA

Faltyskova, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Regional connectivity, differentiation and biogeography of three species of the genus Lutjanus in the western Indian Ocean

Morallana, Jonas Moqebelo January 2014 (has links)
Snappers of the genus Lutjanus are small to large predatory fishes occurring in inshore circumtropical and subtropical waters throughout the world. These fishes support fisheries across their distribution range. Within the Western Indian Ocean (WIO), previous studies on Lutjanus kasmira revealed limited spatial genetic differentiation, whereas Lutjanus fulviflamma showed high genetic connectivity. The phylogenetic relationships among WIO snappers are unknown. Previous studies in the Indo-Pacific (IP) did not include any WIO representatives. This study examined (1) the phylogeographic patterns in Lutjanus bohar, L. fulviflamma and L. lutjanus to understand the origins and factors influencing the distribution of diversity in the region, (2) how the physical environment, biological, and ecological factors influence genetic diversity, (3) the placement of WIO snappers in context to those from the IP, as well as the placement of taxa not included previously, (4) extent of differentiation among conspecifics from the two regions, and (5) the relationship of the Caesionidae to the Lutjanidae. Samples were sourced from across the WIO and from peripheral localities, where possible. DNA sequence data were generated from two mitochondrial gene regions (cyt-b and NADH-2) and a nuclear gene region (S7 intron 1). Data were analysed under a phylogeographic framework to examine genetic structure, diversity and differentiation among identified regions for each of the three species. Other sequence data were generated from two mitochondrial gene regions (COII and 16S rDNA) to examine the phylogenetic placement of WIO snappers in context of the IP snappers and the relationship of the Caesionidae to the Lutjanidae. Lutjanus bohar and L. fulviflamma displayed high genetic diversity, but lower diversities were observed for L. lutjanus. Genetic differentiation was observed between Mozambique and Maldives in L. bohar. Lutjanus fulviflamma was differentiated in South Africa, Mozambique, Mauritius and Thailand, while differentiation was observed between Kenya and Tanzania in Lutjanus lutjanus. Overall, low genetic differentiation and high connectivity were observed for each of the three species. This differentiation may result from intrinsic features of the species and extrinsic features of the environment, whereas the connectivity is mainly influenced by the pelagic larval duration. These patterns of differentiation are in accordance with a proposed vicariant biogeographic hypothesis for the origins of regional faunas of the IP. Phylogenies were similar to those published, with additional taxa not altering the previous groupings found. Conspecifics from the two regions clustered together, with varying degrees of differentiation among the WIO and IP, depending on the species. Members of the Caesionidae were nested within Lutjanidae, suggesting that morphological characters separating the two families are taxonomically insignificant. This affirms previous notions that the Caesionidae should be a subfamily within the Lutjanidae. This is the first multi-gene study, examining differentiation in multiple species of snapper over a wide geographic area in the WIO, and the results of this study could have potential implications for fisheries management and conservation.

Caracterização da estrutura genética populacional das araras vermelhas Ara chloropterus e Ara macao (Psittaciformes, Aves) / Characterization of the population genetic structure of red macaws Ara chloropterus and Ara macao (Psittaciformes, Aves)

Adriana Ribeiro de Oliveira Marques 28 January 2011 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi caracterizar a estrutura genética populacional de duas espécies de araras: Ara chloropterus e Ara macao. Foram analisadas amostras de sangue e penas de diferentes regiões no Brasil, de uma localidade na Bolívia e outra no Peru. Foram realizadas análises com DNA mitocondrial (região controladora e citocromo oxidase I) e nuclear (microssatélites) das duas espécies. Para A. chloropterus foram obtidos 2166 pares de base do DNA mitocondrial de 89 amostras e dados de seis locos de microssatélites de 95 amostras. A rede de haplótipos e a árvore de neighbor-joining construídas com dados mitocondriais e os índices de FST obtidos com os dois marcadores revelaram fraca estruturação genética. Isso pode ser devido a alto fluxo gênico apresentado ou retenção de polimorfismo ancestral. Portanto, a espécie parece se organizar em metapopulações (baixa estruturação genética e alto fluxo gênico). Nesse caso, seria interessante conservar indivíduos de diversas localidades e seus corredores. Para Muscular Dystrophy foram obtidos 2094 pares de base do DNA mitocondrial de 68 amostras e dados de sete locos de microssatélites de 64 amostras. A rede de haplótipos e a árvore de neighbor-joining construídas com dados mitocondriais e os índices de FST obtidos com os dois marcadores indicam ausência de diferenciação genética entre as localidades estudadas. A análise demográfica dessa espécie indica expansão populacional há pouco mais de 50.000 anos atrás e declínio populacional desde o último período máximo de glaciação. Estes resultados sugerem que essa espécie é constituída de uma única grande população que poderia ser considerada como uma única unidade de manejo caso outras diferenças (ex.: adaptações ecológicas locais) não sejam encontradas. Ambas as espécies estudadas apresentam alta diversidade genética, possivelmente devido a um intenso fluxo gênico dentro de cada uma. / The present study aimed to characterize the population genetic structure of two macaw species: Ara chloropterus and Ara macao. Samples from various localities in Brazil, one in Bolivia and another in Peru were analyzed. Mitochondrial (control region and cytochrome oxidase I) and nuclear (microsatellites) DNA were analyzed. For A. chloropterus 89 individuals had 2166 bp of mitochondrial DNA sequenced and 95 individuals were genotyped for six polymorphic microsatellite loci. Network and the neighbor-joining tree constructed based on mitochondrial data and FST values obtained with both molecular markers revealed weak genetic structure. This can be due to high gene flow or retained ancestral polymorphism. Thus, A. chloropterus seems to be organized in metapopulations (low genetic structure and high gene flow). Under this scenario, it would be desirable to preserve individuals from various locations and there corridors. For Muscular Dystrophy we obtained 2094 bp of mitochondrial DNA for 68 individuals and data on seven microsatellites for 64 individuals. The haplotype network and the neighbor-joining tree constructed based on mitochondrial data and FST values obtained with both molecular markers revealed no genetic differentiation among localities. The demographic analysis of this species indicated a population expansion 50,000 years ago and a population decline since the last glaciation maximum. These results suggest that this species is organized as a large population that could be considered as a single management unit for conservation purposes if other differences are not found (eg. local ecological adaptations). Both species have high genetic diversity, possibly due to extensive gene flow within each one.

Estudo do papel de lesões oxidativas ao DNA mitocondrial na morte celular induzida por geradores de oxigênio singlete / Study of the role of oxidative damage to the mtDNA on the cell death induced by singlet oxygen generators

Carolina Domeniche Romagna 05 July 2012 (has links)
Mitocôndrias desempenham um papel central na homeostase celular. Estas organelas se diferem das demais não só por suas múltiplas funções, mas por terem seu próprio genoma, distinto do genoma nuclear. Estas organelas também participam de mecanismos de morte celular de forma central nos três mecanismos mais conhecidos: apoptose, necrose e autofagia. O mtDNA está localizado na face interna da membrana mitocondrial, onde são geradas grandes quantidades de Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio (EROs). Em consequência, o mtDNA acumula modificações oxidativas, mesmo em condições normais de metabolismo. Entretanto as respostas celulares ao acúmulo de lesões no mtDNA ainda não são claras. Para investigarmos se lesões oxidativas no mtDNA causam morte celular, propomos um modelo no qual oxigênio singlete é gerado especificamente na mitocôndria, pela ação de fotossensibilizadores com diferentes localizações celulares (azul de metileno, AM, e cristal violeta, CV, citosólicos; Ro 19-8022, Ro, citosólico e nuclear). Mostramos, por microscopia confocal, que os corantes tem a localização esperada em células HeLa. Além disso, observamos que o AM gera oxigênio singlete proporcionalmente a concentração do corante e dose de fotoativação. Mostramos que células tratadas com os corantes diminuem a velocidade de duplicação 24 h após o tratamento, que resulta em morte celular. Para AM e Ro, estes efeitos foram proporcionais à concentração de corante e da dose de fotoativação. Por outro lado, CV apresentou uma alta toxicidade mesmo no escuro. Mostramos que as células tratadas com AM não apresentam fragmentação internucleossômica de DNA, típica de apoptose após 24 h e não apresentam quebras de fita e formação de sítios abásicos logo após o tratamento. Finalmente mostramos que células com depleção do número de cópias de mtDNA são menos sensíveis ao tratamento com AM e igualmente sensíveis ao tratamento com Ro que células HeLa normais, indicando que lesões oxidativas ao mtDNA determinam a sensibilidade celular ao AM. / Mitochondria play a central role in cell homeostasis. They differ from other subcellular structures not only due to their many functions but also because they have their own genome. Moreover, mitochondria also play a central role in cell death, in apoptosis, necrosis as well as autophagy. The mitochondrial DNA sits at the inner side of the inner mitochondrial membrane, where most of reactive oxygen species are generated, and in fact, mtDNA accumulates oxidative damage under normal physiological conditions. However, cellular responses to mtDNA damage are not clearly understood. In order to ascertain whether mtDNA damage induces cell death, we established a cellular model in which oxidative stress is induced exclusively in mitochondria, by using two photosensitizers that localize in the cytosol (methylene blue, MB and crystal violet, CV) and comparing to another one with diffuse distribution (Ro 19-8022, Ro). These molecules generate singlet oxygen locally upon photoactivation. Using confocal fluorescence microscopy we confirmed the cellular localization of the dyes, and found that. MB generates singlet oxygen in cells in a dose- and light-dependent fashion. Treatment with the dyes induced dose-dependent cell proliferation inhibition and cell death. The cytotoxic effects of MB and Ro were completely dependent on light-activation whereas CV induced cell death in the dark. We found that under these conditions, MB treatment did not induce internucleosomal DNA fragmentation or non-nucleosomic fragmentation, as we did not observe comet formation. These results indicate absence of nuclear DNA damage. On the other hand, cells depleted of mtDNA showed decreased sensitivity to MB but not to RO, indicating that mtDNA damage plays a key role in inducing cell death under these experimental conditions.

Estudo das atividades de reparo de DNA por excisão de bases em extratos mitocondriais de cérebros de indivíduos normais e acometidos pela doença de Alzheimer / Base excision repair activities in mitochondria from brains from normal and alzheimer\'s disease subjects

Carolina Parga Martins Pereira 21 March 2014 (has links)
O envelhecimento da população mundial no último século elevou significativamente o número de casos da doença de Alzheimer (DA), bem como os custos para os sistemas de saúde pública. Apesar de avanços significativos no entendimento da fisiopatologia da doença, pouco se sabe a respeito dos mecanismos moleculares que desencadeiam a perda de memória e a morte neuronal. Resultados recentes sugerem que o acúmulo de bases oxidadas no DNA mitocondrial e alterações nas vias que removem essas lesões desempenham um papel importante na morte neuronal observada em DA. A maioria das lesões em DNA induzidas oxidativamente são removidas pela via de reparo por excisão de bases (BER, do inglês Base Excision Repair). Resultados da literatura mostraram que a atividade da via BER está reduzida no lóbulo parietal e no cerebelo de pacientes com DA, quando comparadas com amostras de indivíduos com cognição normal da mesma faixa etária. Entretanto, esse trabalho mediu a atividade de BER apenas em extratos celulares totais. No presente estudo, foram medidas as atividades de BER em extratos mitocondriais de cérebros de indivíduos com DA, uma vez que lesões no DNA mitocondrial acumulam mais significativamente nos pacientes. Para testar a hipótese que alterações em BER mitocondrial estão associadas ao desenvolvimento da doença, foram analisadas atividades de BER em mitocôndrias em duas regiões cerebrais de indivíduos normais, indivíduos com DA e um grupo de indivíduos que apresentam alterações neuropatológicas de DA (agregados proteicos), porém que se mantiveram cognitivamente normais, nomeados DA assintomático. A atividade da enzima AP endonuclease apresentou-se elevada no cerebelo do grupo DA assintomático, enquanto que não apresentou variação no córtex temporal. Esses resultados sugerem que a preservação de APE1 no grupo DA assintomático pode exercer um papel protetor às lesões neuropatológicas, bem como indicar que as regiões cerebrais apresentam suscetibilidade distinta aos danos. Já a atividade de uracil DNA glicosilase está reduzida no cerebelo tanto em indivíduos com DA quanto com DA assintomático, quando comparados ao grupo controle, enquanto que, no córtex temporal, a redução é verificada somente no grupo DA. Além disso, observou-se que a atividade de UDG e o critério Braak apresentam uma correlação negativa. Os resultados referentes à enzima UDG sugerem que a redução da sua atividade compromete a viabilidade neuronal tornando as células mais propensas às lesões da DA. Assim, o comprometimento da via BER em mitocôndriais de cérebros humanos pode contribuir para os eventos moleculares que ocasionam a morte neuronal associada ao desenvolvimento de DA. / The number of Alzheimer\'s disease cases (AD) has increased steadly over the last century, paralleling a sharp rise in mean Iife expectancy. Consequently, AD- associated public health costs have also increased. Despite several important findings in AD physiopathology, a clear understanding of the molecular events leading to memory loss and neuronal death is still lacking. Recent results show that oxidized DNA lesions accumulate in mitochondrial DNA in neurodegenerative diseases, including AD. Moreover, alterations in DNA repair may also play a causative role in neuronal death. Most oxidized lesions are repaired by the Base Excision Repair (BER) pathway. It has been recently shown that BER activities are reduced in whole cell extracts from parietal lobule and cerebellum from AD patients, when compared with age-matched controls. As accumulation of oxidized bases is seen more prominently in mitochondrial DNA, here we investigated whether changes in BER activities in mitochondria are associated with the development of AD. Thus, we measured BER activities in mitochondria from two brain regions from age-matched normal individuais, AD patients and a group of individuais that show AD-like neuropathological alterations but remained cognitively normal, thus called asymptomatic AD. AP endonuclease activity is elevated in asymptomatic AD cerebellum, while not changed in temporal cortex. Theses results suggest that APE1 activity in asymptomatic AD may play a protective role against neuropatological lesions, and indicate that brain regions show different susceptibility to damage. On the other hand, uracil DNA glycosylase activity is reduced in cerebellum in both AD and asymptomatic individuais, when compared to controls. In temporal cortex, this reduction is observed only in AD group. In addition, UDG activity and Braak stage showed a significant negative correlation. These results indicate that decreased UDG activity may compromise neuronal viability, making the cells more prone to AD lesions. Thus, impairtment of BER in human brain mitochondria may contribute to the molecular events that cause neuronal death during the development of this disease.

Genetic research into Japanese golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos japonica) for conservation managements / ニホンイヌワシの保全を目指した遺伝解析

Sato, Yu 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第21614号 / 理博第4521号 / 新制||理||1649(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科生物科学専攻 / (主査)教授 村山 美穂, 教授 幸島 司郎, 教授 平田 聡 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

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