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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Användbara och säkra mobila banktjänster : en studie med fokus på användaren

Kristoffersson, Caroline, Rix, Tim January 2014 (has links)
Användandet av internet i mobiltelefonen har ökat drastiskt de senaste åren och detta fenomen innebär att människor har tillgång till internet i större utsträckning än förut. De svenska bankerna har tagit tillvara på denna trend genom att utveckla mobila bankapplikationer där de erbjuder sina kunder möjligheten att utföra bankärenden med hjälp av mobiltelefonen. Även om fördelarna med denna tillgång är många, finns det ändå vissa nackdelar. Den mest omtalade nackdelen gällande bankers mobilapplikationer är bristande säkerhet som kan medföra integritetsrisker. Utifrån personliga erfarenheter uppstod funderingar kring området användbarhet och säkerhet för bankers mobilapplikationer och dessa funderingar ligger till grund för vårt arbete. Syftet är att undersöka användbarhet och säkerhet för identifikationsmetoder samt användbarhet för hantering av transaktioner i internetbankers mobilapplikationer ur ett användarperspektiv. För att undersöka dessa områden går vi igenom och tar hjälp av teorier och tidigare forskning och dessutom tillämpar vi ett antal metoder. I slutsatsen har vi utifrån resultaten från vår studie sammanställt riktlinjer för hur en banks mobilapplikation bör utformas för att uppfylla användarnas behov och önskemål. / The use of mobile Internet has increased dramatically in recent years and this phenomenon means that people have access to the Internet to a greater extent than before. Swedish banks have been taking advantage of this trend by developing mobile banking applications where they offer their customers the ability to perform banking transactions using their mobile phone. Although the benefits of this increased access are many, there are still some drawbacks. The most talked about drawback regarding banks’ mobile applications is the lack of security that could lead to privacy risks. Based on personal experience, we had concerns about the area usability and security for mobile banking applications and these thoughts are the basis of our work. Our aim is to examine usability and security of identification methods and the usability of processing transactions in the mobile bank application from a user perspective. To explore these areas we will review and get support from theories and previous research and in addition, we apply a number of methods. In conclusion, we’ve compiled guidelines based on the results of our study of how a bank’s mobile application should be designed to meet user needs and preferences.

Relación entre facilidad de uso percibida, utilidad percibida, influencia social e intención de uso de la banca móvil en los usuarios de los principales bancos de Lima Metropolitana en el 2020

García Guzmán, Nathalie Fabiola, Navarro Alberca, Vilma Paola 02 March 2021 (has links)
En las últimas décadas, se ha encontrado a la transformación digital como aliado clave que permite a las empresas utilizar herramientas innovadoras para ofrecer una experiencia más cercana, directa y eficiente a los usuarios. Asimismo, la tendencia de uso de herramientas digitales viene en aumento y es aplicada en el desarrollo de canales de contacto innovadores para generar mejoras en la atención de clientes, como, por ejemplo, el desarrollo de la banca móvil en el sector financiero. Sin embargo, en este rubro, la adopción de nuevas tecnologías por parte del consumidor tiene una curva de aprendizaje más conservadora, la cual requiere mayor esfuerzo de marketing para incentivar su uso.  Al respecto, creemos que la transformación digital trae consigo valiosos beneficios y vemos importante aportar a su desarrollo para que más empresas del sector bancario puedan aprovechar estas tendencias, pues hoy en día existe gran potencial en este ámbito.  En ese sentido, la presente tesis tiene como finalidad conocer y entender las motivaciones de los usuarios sobre la adopción de uso de la banca móvil. Para ello, buscamos validar si las variables “facilidad de uso percibida”, “utilidad percibida” e “influencia social” tienen correlación con la variable “intención de uso” de la banca móvil. Asimismo, para recabar la información necesaria para la validación de nuestra hipótesis, emplearemos una metodología exploratoria con un alcance descriptivo y correlacional, en la cual realizaremos una entrevista a profundidad a un experto en el rubro y complementaremos con encuestas virtuales a los usuarios de la banca móvil. / In recent decades, digital transformation has been found as a key ally that allows companies to use innovative tools to offer a closer, more direct and efficient experience to users. Likewise, the trend in the use of digital tools is increasing and is applied in the development of innovative contact channels to generate improvements in customer service, such as the development of mobile banking in the financial sector. However, in this area, the adoption of new technologies by the consumer has a more conservative learning curve, which requires a greater marketing effort to encourage their use. In this regard, we believe that digital transformation brings with it valuable benefits and we consider it important to contribute to its development so that more companies in the banking sector can take advantage of these trends, since today there is great potential in this area. In this sense, the present thesis aims to know and understand the motivations of users regarding the adoption of the use of mobile banking. To do this, we seek to validate whether the variables "perceived ease of use", "perceived utility" and "social influence" have a correlation with the variable "intention to use" of mobile banking. Likewise, to collect the necessary information for the validation of our hypothesis, we will use an exploratory methodology with a descriptive and correlational scope, in which we will carry out an in-depth interview with an expert in the field and complement the banking users with virtual surveys mobile. / Tesis

Identificación de los factores relevantes en la intención de adopción de la banca móvil en personas que usen servicios financieros en Lima Metropolitana

Canaval Cuaguila, Carlos Alonso, Silva Valderrama, Dayana Juleysi 16 December 2020 (has links)
Este trabajo busca identificar los factores relevantes que influyen en la intención de adopción de la banca móvil en potenciales personas que usan los servicios financieros en Lima Metropolitana, tomando como base una combinación del Modelo de Aceptación de la Tecnología (TAM) desarrollado por Fred David, y la Teoría de la Difusión de la Innovación (IDT) desarrollado por Rogers a través del análisis de siete constructos: utilidad percibida, facilidad de uso percibida, compatibilidad percibida, confianza percibida, credibilidad percibida, riesgo percibido, y costo de uso percibido. El aporte de la investigación es dar a conocer a los administradores de las empresas del sector financiero los factores más importantes que influyen en la intención de adopción de una nueva tecnología, para que puedan diseñar e implementar estrategias en canales como la banca móvil, con el fin de mejorar sus resultados a través de un incremento en los índices de la bancarización, aprovechando los niveles de penetración que tiene la telefonía móvil en el país, penetración que es más extensa que la de los servicios financieros formales. Para lograrlo se realizó un estudio cuantitativo y descriptivo en una muestra de 412 personas, y se utilizó cuatro pruebas estadísticas para analizar los constructos. Se determinó el nivel de impacto de los factores que intervienen en la intención de adopción de la banca móvil en los usuarios de Lima Metropolitana a través de un ranking de relevancia que muestran los factores que más influyen para adoptar e implementar nuevas estrategias sobre la banca móvil. / This paper wants to identify the relevant factors that influence the intention of adoption of mobile banking in potential people using financial services in Metropolitan Lima, based on a combination of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by Fred David, and the Theory of the Diffusion of the Innovation (IDT) developed by Rogers through the analysis of seven constructs: perceived utility, perceived ease of use, perceived compatibility, perceived trust, perceived credibility, perceived risk, and perceived cost of use. The contribution of the research is to inform the administrators of the companies of the financial sector the most important factors that influence the intention of adopting a new technology, so that they can design and implement strategies in new financial channels such as mobile banking in order to improve its results through an increase in the rates of banking, taking advantage of the levels of penetration that mobile telephony has in the country, which is more extensive than that of formal financial services. To achieve this, a quantitative and descriptive study was carried out on a sample of 412 people corresponding to the population mentioned above, and four statistical tests were used to analyze the constructs. The level of impact of the factors involved in the intention of adoption of mobile banking in users of Metropolitan Lima was determined through a ranking of relevance that show the factors that influence the most to adopt and implement new strategies on mobile banking. / Tesis

Relación de la expectativa de rendimiento, expectativa de esfuerzo, influencia social, riesgo percibido y costo percibido con la intención de uso de aplicaciones móviles para transacciones bancarias / Relationship between the acceptance and adoption of technology in the intention to use mobile applications for banking transactions

Campos Ramirez, Jennifer, Menacho León, Nicole Alissa 14 January 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación busca conocer la relación entre la expectativa de rendimiento, expectativa de esfuerzo, influencia social, costo percibido y riesgo percibido con la intención de uso de la banca móvil en usuarios que están en proceso de desarrollo y transformación digital. El perfil del usuario en estudio es la persona bancarizada y digital que tiene acceso a internet y a un dispositivo móvil. Sin embargo, este no utiliza las aplicaciones de pago por factores como desconocimiento, miedo y desconfianza. Por ese motivo, aún presenta altos niveles de uso de dinero en efectivo. El objetivo principal del estudio es identificar si las variables anteriormente mencionadas, utilizando como base el modelo UTAUT, tienen relación con la intención de uso de aplicativos móviles para realizar transacciones bancarias; con la finalidad de proponer estrategias de marketing que puedan impulsar el uso de la banca móvil y permitir al sector bancario seguir creciendo de forma inclusiva en el país. La metodología que se utilizó fueron dos entrevistas a profundidad a expertos en el rubro a fin de recaudar información sobre lo que acontece actualmente en el sector y la postura de la banca con respecto al perfilamiento de los usuarios ante los canales digitales. Finalmente, se aplicaron 200 encuestas efectivas con preguntas descriptivas para determinar la relación entre las variables en estudio y la intención de uso de aplicativos móviles para transacciones bancarias en usuarios bancarizados entre 36-55 años que residan en las zonas 1 y 9 de Lima Metropolitana. / The present study seeks to know the relationship between performance expectation, effort expectation, social influence, perceived cost and perceived risk, with the intention to use mobile banking in users who are in a process of digital development and transformation. The profiles of the users under study are banked and digital people who have access to the internet and a mobile device. However, they do not use payment applications due to factors such as ignorance, fear and mistrust. For that reason, they still show high levels of use of cash. The main objective of the study is to identify whether the aforementioned variables, using the UTAUT model as a basis, are related to the intention to use mobile applications to carry out banking transactions, in order to propose marketing strategies that can promote the use of mobile banking and allow the bank sector to grow in an inclusive way in the country. The methodology that was used was two in-depth interviews with experts in the field so as to gather information on what is currently happening in the sector and the position of the bank regarding the profiling of users in digital channels. Finally, 200 effective surveys with descriptive questions were conducted to determine the relationship between the variables under study and the intention to use mobile applications for banking transactions in bank users between the ages of 36-55 residing in zone 1 and zone 9 in Metropolitan Lima. / Tesis

Satisfacción de usuarios de banca móvil a través de la percepción de uso y la intención de continuidad de uso / Mobile banking user satisfaction through perception of usage and intention to continue usage

Aranda Pulache, Andrea Daniela, Solis Villanueva, Milagros Mariana 05 April 2021 (has links)
Los canales digitales, como la banca móvil, tuvieron un incremento en su uso durante los últimos años. Esto produjo que las empresas bancarias tengan la necesidad de mejorar su competitividad y hacer prevalecer la continuidad de sus usuarios. En este sentido, la presente investigación busca comprobar que la variable de percepción de uso es un antecedente de la intención de continuidad de uso, y esta, de la satisfacción del usuario. Para ello, se realizó una encuesta online a 201 personas y los resultados fueron analizados gracias a la herramienta estadística SmartPLS que validó el modelo de medición reflexiva y el modelo estructural de la investigación. Los resultados permiten comprobar que la intención de continuidad de uso de los servicios de banca móvil está determinada por la percepción de uso, la cual abarca las siguientes dimensiones: actitud del usuario, compatibilidad, movilidad del servicio, facilidad de uso, y utilidad de uso percibida; asimismo, se concluye que la satisfacción es precedente de la intención de continuidad de uso. La investigación aporta información al sector de banca retail que podría permitirles brindar soluciones innovadoras a sus usuarios, satisfacer sus expectativas, fomentar un boca a boca positivo, y asegurar la supervivencia y éxito a largo plazo del canal digital. / Digital channels, such as mobile banking, have seen an increase in their use in recent years. This produced that banking companies have the need to improve their competitiveness and make the continuity of their users prevail. In this sense, the present research seeks to verify that the variable of perception of use is antecedent to the intention of continuity of use, and this, to user satisfaction. To do this, an online survey was conducted with 201 people and the results were analyzed thanks to the SmartPLS statistical tool that validated the reflective measurement model and the structural model of the research. The results allow us to verify that the intention to continue the use of mobile banking services is determined by the perception of use, which encompasses the following dimensions: user attitude, compatibility, service mobility, ease of use, and usefulness of use. perceived; It is also concluded that satisfaction is precedent of the intention to continue use. The research provides information to the retail banking sector to frequently adopt market studies focused on mobile banking users, to provide them with innovative solutions, meet their expectations, promote positive word of mouth, and ensure the survival and long-term success of the digital channel. / Tesis / PE

Factores de uso en el mobile banking con relación a la satisfacción

De La Torre Delgado, Álvaro Martín, Martinez Reves, Luciene Jimena 25 August 2020 (has links)
Los cambios tecnológicos se han dado a pasos agigantados en los últimos 20 años impactando a las personas en la vida cotidiana, principalmente en la forma de interrelacionarnos con los otros y en adquirir productos y servicios. La banca no es ajena a estos cambios, a lo largo de la historia, la forma tradicional de banca como se le conocía ha ido mutando y pasando por procesos tecnológicos ante un crecimiento inminente de la competencia en mercados globalizados con la finalidad de acercarse más al cliente y brindarle herramientas prácticas y rápidas ante cualquier situación relacionada al servicio. Hoy en día, los bancos buscan retener al cliente la mayor cantidad de tiempo a través de la satisfacción del mismo. Un cliente satisfecho es leal, adquiere los productos financieros y es mensajero de la marca. Uno de los principales puntos de contacto que tiene la banca con sus clientes es la banca móvil, sistema que permite realizar diversas operaciones relacionadas a servicios financieros desde un teléfono móvil. Para cumplir las expectativas los bancos trabajan en la e-satisfacción (satisfacción electrónica) de la banca móvil y se trata de estudiar la variable y su relación o no con los factores de uso propios de la misma. Según evidencias por parte de diversos autores, los principales factores de uso relacionados son: utilidad percibida, facilidad de uso percibida, la compatibilidad con el estilo de vida y la innovación personal hacia las tecnologías ayudando a determinar el marco de trabajo de la presente investigación. / Technological changes have taken huge steps in the last 20 years, impacting people’s lives, mainly in the way that we relate with others and acquire products and services. This also applies to the banking industry; historically, the traditional way of banking as we knew it has been mutating and going through technological changes in light of the imminent growth of the competition in globalized markets with the purpose of getting closer to the customer and provide him of practical and fast tools in front of any situation related to the service. Nowadays, most of the time, banks seek to retain customers as long as they can through customer satisfaction. A satisfied customer is loyal, it acquires financial services and is a brand messenger. One of the main contact points that the bank industry has with their customers is the mobile banking, which is a system that lets the customer do several operations related to financial services from a mobile device. To meet the expectations of the customers, banks work on their e-satisfaction of their mobile banking and the idea is to study this variable and its relation, or if it does not have a relation, with the usage factors of the mobile banking. According to evidence given by several authors, the main related usage factors are: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, compatibility with lifestyle and personal innovation of technology, helping to determine the framework of this investigation. / Trabajo de investigación

Variables que influyen en la intención de uso de las aplicaciones de banca móvil / Variables that influence the intention of use of the applications of mobile banking

Paredes Gallegos, Maria Fernanda, Alva Goicochea, Nicolás Mariano 08 July 2021 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como propósito hallar la relación entre las variables confianza, riesgo, seguridad, satisfacción e influencia social con respecto a la intención de uso de las aplicaciones de banca móvil. Para ello se trabajará en base a una investigación concluyente con enfoque cuantitativo de alcance correlacional. Además, las variables serán medidas en base a la escala de Likert de 5 puntos, donde 1 es “Totalmente en desacuerdo” y 5 “Totalmente de acuerdo”. Por otro lado, la muestra serán 400 usuarios tanto hombres como mujeres que se encuentren en un rango de edad entre 21 a 35 años que residan en Lima Metropolitana y que hagan uso de los aplicativos bancarios. El análisis de las hipótesis planteadas uso de regresiones lineales mediante la herramienta SPSS. / This research aims to find the relationship between the variables trust, risk, security, satisfaction and social influence with respect to the intention of use of mobile banking applications. To this end, we will work on the basis of conclusive research with a quantitative approach of correlational scope. In addition, variables will be measured based on the 5-point Likert scale, where 1 is "Totally disagree" and 5 is "Totally agree". On the other hand, the sample will be 400 users both men and women who are in an age range between 21 to 35 years old residing in Metropolitan Lima and who make use of banking applications. The analysis of the hypotheses proposed using linear regressions using the SPSS tool. / Trabajo de investigación

Mobile Banking Adoption in an Emerging Economy: An Empirical Analysis of Users in Myanmar : A Minor Field Study

Holm, Stephanie, Karlsson, Louise January 2019 (has links)
This study aims to provide an overview of the attitude toward mobile banking among early adopters in Myanmar. By conducting exploratory interviews with ten bank employees, factors that are important for the adoption of mobile banking were also identified. The qualitative method allowed factors beyond the existing technology adoption frameworks to emerge. From the results, it was concluded that the attitude toward mobile banking is overall positive among the early adopters. Findings were aligned with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), suggesting that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are important factors for the usage of mobile banking. Social influence did not show any consistent results, but external barriers such as regulations and cash-based society were evidently important factors for adoption. Moreover, experience showed to have an impact on the participants’ attitude and the adoption of mobile banking. The findings from this paper could work as a foundation when formulating future hypotheses for mobile banking adoption in Myanmar. Regarding practical contributions, banks can get an insight into what is important to focus on when designing a strategy to increase the rate of mobile banking adoption. For future research, it would be of interest to extend the sample and collect data from both users and non-users. / Denna studie syftar till att ge en övergripande bild av attityden mot mobila banktjänster bland tidiga användare i Myanmar. Genom explorativa intervjuer med tio bankanställda, identifierades också faktorer som är viktiga för att anamma mobila banktjänster. Den kvalitativa metoden möjliggjorde faktorer som ligger utanför de befintliga teoretiska ramverken att vara del av studien. Från resultaten drogs slutsatsen att attityden mot mobila banktjänster är övergripande positiv bland de tidiga användarna. Resultaten låg i linje med modellen Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), vilket tyder på att uppskattad användbarhet och uppskattad användarvänlighet är viktiga faktorer för anammandet av mobila banktjänster. Socialt inflytande visade inga konsekventa resultat, men externa barriärer som regleringar samt kontantbaserat samhälle visade sig vara viktiga faktorer för anammandet till mobila banktjänster. Dessutom påverkade erfarenhet deltagarnas attityd mot och anammandet av mobila banktjänster. Resultaten från denna rapport kan användas som en grund vid formulering av hypoteser i framtida forskning inom implementering av mobila banktjänster i Myanmar. Vad gäller det praktiska bidrag från denna studie, kan bankerna få en inblick i vad som är viktigt att fokusera på vid utformning av strategi för att öka användningen av mobila banktjänster. För framtida forskning vore det intressant att utöka urvalet av deltagare och samla in data från både användare och icke-användare.

Navigating Employee Job Satisfaction and Performance: An empirical study of FinTech adoption in a Finnish bank

Sakr, Saher, Viitanen, Maiju January 2023 (has links)
While FinTech is a relatively recent subject in academic literature, it is widely acknowledged as one of the most notable innovations within the financial industry. Despite the growing interest in FinTech, there is currently a lack of comprehensive understanding regarding the exact implications it will have on established financial institutions. The introduction of FinTech solutions has brought about a significant transformation in the banking industry of Finland. Nevertheless, the influence of FinTech adoption on employee’s satisfaction and performance in banks remains uncertain. This has emphasized the need for a deeper understanding of the opportunities and challenges presented by this form of technological innovation across all aspects of the financial industry. The purpose of this research is to bridge the existing gap in literature by examining the relatively unexplored area of how the adoption of FinTech solutions influences job satisfaction and performance among employees in the context of a Finnish bank. Specifically, this research centered on OP Bank, which is recognized as one of the largest banks in Finland. By conducting an in-depth exploration of the experiences of employees at OP Bank, this research will offer valuable insights into how the adoption of FinTech solutions influences employee’s behavior in the Finnish banking industry. To accomplish this, the study utilizes a qualitative exploratory research approach, employing semi-structured interviews as the data collection method, involving 8 middle-level employees from OP Bank. This methodology facilitates a deeper understanding of employees' experiences and perspectives, thereby generating rich and detailed data. The findings of our research reveal several key conclusions regarding the varying ways that the adoption of FinTech solutions influences employee’s job satisfaction and performance. The insights gained highlight the crucial role of FinTech in transforming traditional banking practices, driving innovation, and fostering a positive work environment for employees in the financial industry. Understanding the complexities linked to FinTech adoption is imperative for banks and financial institutions to effectively leverage the complete potential of these technological innovations, thereby steering employee’s satisfaction and performance in the desired direction. Through an in-depth examination of this phenomenon, we have gained a better understanding of the benefits and challenges associated with FinTech adoption, as well as its influence on employee’s job satisfaction and performance. Moreover, this study has provided crucial insights for improving employee’s satisfaction and performance in banks that have embraced FinTech solutions, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of successful FinTech adoption in the Finnish financial industry. Additionally, this research has contributed to the existing literature on FinTech, management of employee’s satisfaction and performance, employee behavior and technology adoption. These findings have offered practical theoretical, managerial and societal contributions.

Financial Services Innovation: Opportunities for Transformation Through Facial Recognition and Digital Wallet Patents

Bartoo, Debora S. 10 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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