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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Choix résidentiel de localisation et modes de vie urbains de familles de classe moyenne dans la Région Métropolitaine de Santiago au Chili / Residential Election of location and urban ways of life in familyes of middle-class of the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile

Alvarez Rojas, Ana Maria 19 February 2013 (has links)
La thèse de doctorat explore, à travers une recherche qualitative de terrain, les fondements des élections résidentielles et les modes de vie résultants, chez des familles de classes moyennes en deux types de localisation dans la ville Santiago du Chili : central et péri urbaine. Les familles en localisation centrale habitaient dans des « condominios » horizontaux de la commune de Ñuñoa, tandis que les périurbains le faisaient dans des micro quartiers de l'ensemble résidentiel “Ciudad de Los Valles”, à Pudahuel rural. Le but a été d'identifier si l'élection par l'une ou l'autre localisation est précédée de l'adhésion à un mode de vie urbain spécifique, et si ces options donnent lieu à différentes pratiques par rapport aux sociabilités, aux mobilités et à la consommation. Les résultats démontrent que l'élection résidentielle constituerait le reflet plus ou moins conscient d'une conviction préalable sur ce qu'est une « bonne vie » dans la ville. L'actuel contexte de développement des villes, dont Santiago constitue un bon exemple, oblige donc à comprendre la mobilité et la permanence articulées de façons différentes selon l'expérience urbaine de l'habitant, dues en grande partie à la localisation et aux modes de vie que celles-ci induisent. Bien que nous ayons constaté qu'aucun des deux groupes est mobile dans le sens proposé par A. Bourdin (2004) les périurbains de l'échantillon seraient légèrement plus mobiles que les résidents en localisation centrale. Déjà leurs trajectoires résidentielles sont plus variées et complexes et leur disposition à la mobilité résidentielle beaucoup plus forte que dans le cas des habitants en localisation centrale. Ceux-ci n'ont aucun intérêt à abandonner la centralité et moins leur commune. Les deux groupes représentent alors une tension entre continuité et changement. Cela, non seulement dans des termes socio spatiaux, mais aussi, dans la manière où les changements dans la société chilienne s'expriment dans les actuels styles de vie. D'autre part, le caractère relatif attribué aux distances, qui s'exprime dans le fait que les deux groupes considèrent être dans une « localisation privilégiée », nous fait penser à la perception subjective des distances et à la distance même comme une représentation. Nonobstant, la mobilité périurbaine est légèrement plus centrée dans la reproduction de la vie quotidienne. Les résidents en localisation centrale soulignent, avant tout, la valeur de la fluidité, principe qu'ils étendent à leurs pratiques de consommation, où ils privilégient la liberté de choisir où, quand et quoi acheter. Cette accentuation de la liberté nous fait penser aussi à la possibilité « d'acheter du temps », aspiration qui marquerait une préférence particulière dans des segments de classes moyennes avec plus de capital culturel. Dans ce sens, les habitants en localisation centrale seraient une classe moyenne plus consolidée. Cela entretient une relation avec l'évolution historique de la commune et avec le poids qu'ont eu ces segments sociaux dans sa constitution. Sur ce point ce sont seulement les résidents en localisation centrale qui font des distinctions entre leur type de classe moyenne et celui d'autres groupes qui sont perçus comme des fractions en ascension. Ils se trouveraient dans les quartiers fermés des périphéries et au périurbain. Finalement le travail conclut que l'option par un certain lieu dans la ville, est le reflet de conceptions et de pratiques affirmées ou émergentes de relation avec les espaces urbains et avec ceux qui les fréquentent. Pour les périurbains : une ville fragmentée et éprouvée à partir d'une logique spatiale basée sur des fonctionnalités propres de leur classe sociale et leur cycle de vie, tandis que pour les centrales : une ville de contiguïtés et des bords / The thesis explores, through a qualitative research field, the foundations of residential elections and lifestyles resulting, among middle-class families, in two types of location in the city of Santiago de Chile: central and peri-urban location. Central location is understood for us as the location which is confined to the interior of the first ring of Communes and may be considered a consolidated urbanity area. These components, although they may be relatively similar in a particular social group, feed on the life history, on the process of social mobility and on the individual preferences of subjects, among other aspects. This conviction is activated when peoples make decisions about their location in the city based on the representation of lifestyle that it would be possible to reveal just in the chosen location. The results confirm changes in the sociability of proximity in both kinds of location, creating the neighborhood and the opportunity to cultivate a "neighborhood life", a key factor for the suburban residential choice. Despite of the ties to the neighborhood are less intense for the central location residents, it is seen however as a capital already acquired. The attachment and detachment, the identification and non-identification with the territory shows us different link ways of the inhabitants with the territory which is in a city in a continuous transformation process. The current context of city development, which Santiago is a good example, requires understanding mobility and stillness which are articulated differently because the urban experience of the inhabitant, largely due to the location and to the way of life that they lead. This is not only in terms of a socio-space point of view, but also in the way in which changes in Chilean society are expressed in current lifestyles. Moreover, the relative nature attributed to the distances, which is expressed in the fact that both groups consider to be in a "privileged position" makes us think about subjective perception of the distances and of the distance itself looks as a representation. Residents in central location emphasize, above all, the value of the fluidity, a principle that they extend to their consumption practices, where they prefer the freedom to choose where, when and what to buy. Also, the freedom accentuation reminds us of the opportunity to "buy time", an aspiration that would mark a particular preference in the middle class segments with more cultural capital. On this point, it is only the central location inhabitants who make distinctions between the kind of middle class and the other groups that are perceived as fractions in ascension. Finally, the paper concludes that the option for a particular place in the city is the reflection of conceptions and consolidated or emerging relationship practices with urban spaces and with those who frequent them. The chosen location is always a model city for the inhabitants; for the peri-urban ones is a fragmented city and it is proven from a spatial logic based on specific features of their social class and their cycle of life; while for the central inhabitants is a city of adjacencies and edges

Modélisation des vibrations d'origine ferroviaire transmises aux bâtiments par le sol / Modelling of railroad's vibrations transmit on buildings by the soil

Ropars, Pierre 14 December 2011 (has links)
Ce document propose une modélisation indirecte par sous-structuration des vibrations d'origine ferroviaire transmises aux bâtiments par le sol. La méthodologie globale est empruntée à la méthode des mobilités dans laquelle chaque sous-structure est caractérisée par sa mobilité. L'excitation est représentée par une force ponctuelle en surface du sol ou par une ligne de forces décorréllées. Elle est néanmoins calibrée sur des résultats expérimentaux. Une attention particulière a été portée à la caractérisation des comportements vibratoires des éléments du problème. La plupart des représentations de l'ensemble sol-fondations est effectuée à l'aide d'un code FEM-BEM en 2 et 2.5 dimensions. Le bâtiment est modélisé par différentes techniques : FEM, BEM, SEA et ondulatoire. Une approche probabiliste permet d'évaluer l'impact de la variabilité des sols environnent sur la mobilité des fondations. Les impédances stochastiques qui en découlent sont intégrées aux modèles de propagation. Leurs impacts sur les vibrations du bâtiment sont alors accessibles. La méthodologie permet d'obtenir les niveaux vibratoires des composantes du bâtiment / This document proposes an approach by sub-structuralization of the problem of the vibrations of railroad origin passed on in buildings by the soil. The global methodology is borrowed from the method of the mobilities, every sub-structure is characterized by its mobility. The excitement is represented by an on-surface punctual strength of the ground or by a line of uncorrelated forces. Nevertheless it can be calibrated on experimental results. A particular attention was carried in the characterization of the vibratory behavior of the elements of the problem. A major left the representations of the group soil-foundation is made by a FEM-BEM code. The building is modelled by various techniques: FEM, BEM, SEA and waves approach. A probability approach allows to estimate the impact of the variability of soil close to foundations in the model of soil-structure interaction. The stochastic impedances which ensues from it are integrated into the models of propagation. Their impacts on the vibrations of the building are also accessible. The methodology allows to obtain the vibratory levels of the components of the building

Élaboration et caractérisation de matériaux hybrides "nanoparticules Zn0 - cristaux liquides" pour applications aux cellules photovoltaïques / Elaboration and characterization of hybrid materials "nanoparticles ZnO - Liquid crystals" for photovoltaic cells applications

Halaby Macary, Mikhael 09 January 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans l'essor important que connaît actuellement le domaine des énergies renouvelables en terme de recherche et de nouvelles technologies de l'énergie. Il est consacré à l'étude de nouveaux matériaux hybrides "nanoparticules ZnO - cristaux liquides" en vue d'applications aux cellules solaires de type hétérojonctions en volume. La motivation est d'utiliser les propriétés d'auto-organisation et de transport de charges des cristaux liquides et d'augmenter les interfaces donneur-accepteur afin d'améliorer leurs performances. Pour la mesures des mobilités des porteurs de charge, un banc de mesure "temps de vol" entièrement automatisé a été développé. Deux cristaux liquides calamitiques ont été caractérisés (DSC, microscopie optique polarisée, UV et "temps de vol"). Deux types de transports de charge, l'un ionique, l'autre électronique sont mis en évidence pour des charges positives et négatives avec des mobilités indépendantes du champ électrique et des comportements différents en fonction de la température. Un procédé d'élaboration des matériaux hybrides a été mis au point. Les caractérisations de ces matériaux montrent l'influence de la concentration en nanoparticules (0,05 à 38% en volume). La taille des domaines dans les phases cristal liquide augmente avec la concentration alors que la température de transition isotrope-SmA diminue fortement. Un résultat important est que les phénomènes de transport sont conservés pour des concentrations importantes (jusque 12% en volume). Le transport électronique est même amélioré. Les propriétés des matériaux élaborés apparaissent intéressantes pour des applications aux cellules photovoltaïques. / This thesis work is a part of the significant growth that is currently taking place in the field of the renewable energy in terms of research and new energy technologies. It is dedicated to the study of new hybrid material "zno particles - liquid crystals" for the applications in "bulk heterojunction" solar cells. The motivation is to increase the donor-acceptor interfaces in hybrid material and to combine the self-organizing and charge transport properties of liquid crystals, in order to improve their performance. A completely automated "time of flight" measuring set-up is developed, for the measurement of the charge carriers mobility in the aforementioned hybrid material. Using the dsc, polarized optical microscopy, uv-visible spectroscopy and "time of flight", we have characterized two calamitic liquid crystals. Two types of charge transport, one ionic, and the other electronic, are highlighted for positive and negative charges with electric field independent mobility and different behaviors with temperature. A process for the elaboration of hybrid materials is developed. The characterization of these materials show the influence of nanoparticles concentrations (0,05 to 38% by volume). The size of the domains in the liquid crystal phases increases with the concentration whereas the isotropic-sma phase transition temperature decreases monotically. Under controlled dispersion of zno nanoparticles in host liquid crystal up to 12% by volume, we have conserved the transport phenomena in hybrid material and study has shown that electronic transport is improved. The characterized hybrid materials have shown their potential application in organic photovoltaic.

Cartografias políticas de uma ocupação - cotidiano, território e conflito / Political cartographies of a squat building: quotidian, territory and conflict

Santos, Renato Abramowicz 07 March 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca analisar as ocupações de imóveis no centro de São Paulo, tomando como campo empírico para investigação a ocupação Mauá, localizada na rua de mesmo nome, em frente à Estação da Luz, na região da Luz. A pesquisa pretendeu compreender as ocupações a partir de dimensões urbanas e políticas nelas envolvidas e por elas produzidas, em um plano de referência mais amplo no qual estão inseridas: a cidade. Esta pesquisa pretende avançar essa investigação encarando a ocupação não apenas como cenário dos acontecimentos, mas como espaço de integração e produção de relações, dinâmicas e arranjos, políticos e urbanos, ao redor do qual uma série de outros atores, coletivos e circuitos se atravessam, se sobrepõem e se transformam. A ocupação se integra e é afetada pela cidade, do mesmo modo que aquilo que se articula a partir dela também se projeta e se conecta com outras territorialidades, agentes e acontecimentos que constituem esse plano mais amplo e comum em que estão inseridos. Para dar conta de acompanhar e descrever essas escalas variadas de dimensões, realizou-se, nesta pesquisa, uma etnografia desenvolvida a partir da ocupação. As trajetórias sociais, mobilidades e percursos urbanos, circuitos de trabalho e sociabilidade construídos pelos ocupantes são também aspectos fundamentais na construção de cartografias urbanas e políticas que esta pesquisa buscou também reconstituir. A partir da ocupação, compreendida como ponto de onde partem e convergem diversas linhas que compõem uma trama de atores, percursos, eventos e práticas, em escalas variadas, buscou-se observar ainda as diferentes dinâmicas conflitivas que emergem desse campo gravitacional que ela representa, inserida, ela também, em uma região saturada de linhas de força e de conflito que é a da região da Luz. / This work aims at analyzing the process of building occupation in São Paulo, which was substantially expanded during the second half of 1990s. By analyzing « Ocupação Mauá», took as the field of this empirical research, this work aims at understanding the different urban e political dimensions of the squat buildings in São Paulo, which are related to the historical issue of popular housing policy in the city. The squat buildings by housing social movements follow this long lineage; however, there are new forms and dynamics of production of the urban space that need to be set out. On the one hand, this work takes the city as reference plane and as part of a bigger urban mesh, in relation to other events, movements and actors that dispute over other forms of ownership and management of the city, seen here as a conflict space. On the other hand, this research aims at understanding the dimension of the conflict in the production of urban spaces. The conflicted relations with the State and its operators mark the daily life of a squat building, its interactions and local agencies. By this occurs the creation of a gravitational field in which are added a big amount of different movements (political, juridical, cultural). Thus, the occupations not only are transformed into places of experimentation and creation, but also into places of dispute for the production of space. Center and connector of different subjects, movements and experience, an squat building is crossed by these lines and paths, transversally, in its territoriality. These fragments and clues will be gathered by an ethnographic research and the reconstitution of the occupants\' trajectory.

Cartografias políticas de uma ocupação - cotidiano, território e conflito / Political cartographies of a squat building: quotidian, territory and conflict

Renato Abramowicz Santos 07 March 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca analisar as ocupações de imóveis no centro de São Paulo, tomando como campo empírico para investigação a ocupação Mauá, localizada na rua de mesmo nome, em frente à Estação da Luz, na região da Luz. A pesquisa pretendeu compreender as ocupações a partir de dimensões urbanas e políticas nelas envolvidas e por elas produzidas, em um plano de referência mais amplo no qual estão inseridas: a cidade. Esta pesquisa pretende avançar essa investigação encarando a ocupação não apenas como cenário dos acontecimentos, mas como espaço de integração e produção de relações, dinâmicas e arranjos, políticos e urbanos, ao redor do qual uma série de outros atores, coletivos e circuitos se atravessam, se sobrepõem e se transformam. A ocupação se integra e é afetada pela cidade, do mesmo modo que aquilo que se articula a partir dela também se projeta e se conecta com outras territorialidades, agentes e acontecimentos que constituem esse plano mais amplo e comum em que estão inseridos. Para dar conta de acompanhar e descrever essas escalas variadas de dimensões, realizou-se, nesta pesquisa, uma etnografia desenvolvida a partir da ocupação. As trajetórias sociais, mobilidades e percursos urbanos, circuitos de trabalho e sociabilidade construídos pelos ocupantes são também aspectos fundamentais na construção de cartografias urbanas e políticas que esta pesquisa buscou também reconstituir. A partir da ocupação, compreendida como ponto de onde partem e convergem diversas linhas que compõem uma trama de atores, percursos, eventos e práticas, em escalas variadas, buscou-se observar ainda as diferentes dinâmicas conflitivas que emergem desse campo gravitacional que ela representa, inserida, ela também, em uma região saturada de linhas de força e de conflito que é a da região da Luz. / This work aims at analyzing the process of building occupation in São Paulo, which was substantially expanded during the second half of 1990s. By analyzing « Ocupação Mauá», took as the field of this empirical research, this work aims at understanding the different urban e political dimensions of the squat buildings in São Paulo, which are related to the historical issue of popular housing policy in the city. The squat buildings by housing social movements follow this long lineage; however, there are new forms and dynamics of production of the urban space that need to be set out. On the one hand, this work takes the city as reference plane and as part of a bigger urban mesh, in relation to other events, movements and actors that dispute over other forms of ownership and management of the city, seen here as a conflict space. On the other hand, this research aims at understanding the dimension of the conflict in the production of urban spaces. The conflicted relations with the State and its operators mark the daily life of a squat building, its interactions and local agencies. By this occurs the creation of a gravitational field in which are added a big amount of different movements (political, juridical, cultural). Thus, the occupations not only are transformed into places of experimentation and creation, but also into places of dispute for the production of space. Center and connector of different subjects, movements and experience, an squat building is crossed by these lines and paths, transversally, in its territoriality. These fragments and clues will be gathered by an ethnographic research and the reconstitution of the occupants\' trajectory.

Mediaspaces, eventi urbani ed esperienza mobile: un'indagine etnografica nella produzione sociale della città del design. / Mediaspaces, urban events and mobile experience: an ethnographic enquiry into the social production of the city of design

CUMAN, ANDREA DAVIDE 03 June 2013 (has links)
L’obiettivo della tesi è stato quello di analizzare il fenomeno del cosiddetto Fuorisalone attraverso un duplice sguardo disciplinare: da una parte quello del mobilities paradigm (Sheller-Urry, 2006), dall’altra attraverso la prospettiva della produzione sociale dello spazio di Lefebvre (1974) e sue recenti applicazioni nell’ambito della media geography (Jansson, 2007) e degli eventi urbani (Lehtovouri, 2010). 
Nella prima parte viene proposta una ricostruzione della storia sociale dell’evento: vengono individuati i soggetti centrali alla sua nascita, le dinamiche di interdipendenza tra di essi e le forme del loro radicamento nel contesto territoriale e socio-culturale della città di Milano e della sua cultura del progetto.
La seconda parte offre invece una prospettiva sincronica: da una parte l’analisi della produzione degli spazi sociali del design, ed in particolare dei singoli design district, che durante questo evento arrivano a qualificare lo spazio urbano come “eterotopia diffusa” (Foucault, 1967). Dall’altra parte l’analisi delle sue forme di consumo, presentando i risultati di un'indagine sul campo condotta attraverso la triangolazione di diversi metodi di carattere etnografico in tre design district durante le edizioni 2011 e 2012. Attraverso l'indagine delle pratiche mediate e di mobilità, delle percezioni ed esperienze da parte dei suoi visitatori, il lavoro ha permesso di leggere la specificità di questo evento nella circolarità tra le dimensioni produttive e le forme di consumo mobile e mediato dello spazio urbano. / The aim of the thesis has been to analyze the so-called phenomenon of Fuorisalone through a double disciplinary perspective: on the one hand that of the mobilities paradigm (Sheller-Urry, 2006), on the other hand through the Lefebvrean perspective on the production of social space (1974) and its most recent applications in the field of media geography (Jansson, 2007) and urban events (Lehtovouri, 2010). The first part is dedicated to the reconstruction of the social history of this event by identifying the pivotal subjects for its birth, the dynamics of interdependency between them and the forms of their rootedness in the territorial and socio-cultural context of the city of Milan and its design culture. The second part adopts a synchronous perspective: on the one hand the analysis of the production of the social spaces of design, with particular attention to the single design districts involved, that during this event characterize the urban space as a “diffused heterotopia” (Foucault, 1967). On the other hand on the consumption forms of this event, by presenting the results of the field work conducted in three design districts during the 2011 and 2012 editions. Through the triangulation of different ethnographical methods, the research has focused on the mobility and mediated practices, on the perceptions and experiences of visitors, reading the specificity of this event through the circularity between the productive dimensions and its mobile and mediated forms of consumption.

Theoretical characterization of charge transport in organic molecular crystals

Sánchez-Carrera, Roel S. 25 August 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, a first-principles methodology to investigate the impact of electron-phonon interactions on the charge-carrier mobilities in organic molecular crystals has been developed. Well-known organic materials such as oligoacene and oligothienoacene derivatives were studied in detail. The nature of the intramolecular vibronic coupling in oligoacenes and oligothienoacenes was studied using an approach that combines high-resolution gas-phase photo-electron spectroscopy measurements with first-principles quantum-mechanical calculations. The electron interactions with optical phonons in oligoacene single crystals were investigated using both density functional theory and empirical force field methods. The low-frequency optical modes are found to play a significant role in dictating the temperature dependence of the charge-transport properties in the oligoacene crystals. The microscopic charge-transport parameters in the pentathienoacene, 1,4-diiodobenzene, and 2,6-diiodo-dithieno[3,2-<i>b</i>:2',3'-<i>d</i>]thiophene crystals were also investigated. It was found that the intrinsic charge transport properties in the pentathienoacene crystal might be higher than that in two benchmark high-mobility organic crystals, i.e., pentacene and sexithienyl. For 1,4-diiodobenzene crystal, a detailed quantum-mechanical study indicated that its high mobility is primarily associated with the iodine atoms. In the 2,6-diiododithieno[3,2-<i>b</i>:2',3'-<i>d</i>]thiophene crystal, the main source of electronic interactions were found along the π-stacking direction. For negatively charged carriers, the halogen-functionalized molecular crystals show a very large polaron binding energy, which suggests significantly low charge-transport mobility for electrons.

Penser les rapports aux lieux dans les mobilités privilegiées : étude croisée des backpackers en Thaïlande et des hivernants au Maroc / Thinking the relationships to places in the privileged migrations : crossed analysis about backpackers in Thaïland and winter migrants in Marocco

Le Bigot, Brenda 29 May 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les mobilités privilégiées internationales à partir d’une lecture spatiale croisant deux groupes : les backpackers et les hivernants. L'objectif est de comprendre la diversité des rapports aux lieux produits par ces mobilités Nords-Suds principalement guidées par le loisir et de longue durée, dans le cadre d'une mondialisation croissante des modes de vie. Ces deux figures de jeunes itinérants (backpackers) et retraités séjournant l'hiver au soleil(hivernants), sont abordées de façon croisée à travers une enquête de terrain, déclinée respectivement en Thaïlande (Bangkok et Ko Phangan) et au Maroc (Agadir). Au croisement des études touristiques et migratoires, notamment autour des lifestyle migrations, les continuités et reconfigurations des rapports sociaux et des rapports de pouvoirs entre passage et appropriation de l’espace, permettent de saisir la dimension translocale des modes de vie contemporains. Cette thèse analyse finement les pratiques des backpackers et des hivernants dans les territoires du quotidien, les espaces métropolitains et les réseaux transnationaux. Avec les réseaux de sociabilité, ces pratiques témoignent d'une relation complexe à l'Ailleurs et l'Autre. L’ambivalence de ces rapports aux lieux, entre Ici et Ailleurs, requalifie les dualités classiques (tourisme - résidence, quotidien - hors-quotidien). L'imbrication des jeux de pouvoir favorise ces populations mobiles privilégiées dans la construction d'un chez-soi temporaire dans un Ailleurs. Au final, la thèse investit la notion de mondialisation à travers le croisement de ces deux figures de la mobilité. Celles-ci reconfigurent dans une dimension translocale les cadres structurants de lecture des sociétés, au-delà des interprétations uniquement individualistes des dynamiques contemporaines. / This doctoral research analyzes international privileged mobilities crossing two groups in a spatial perspective: backpackers and winter migrants. Mainly driven by leisure, those longtime North-South mobilities, enable to understand the diversity of relationships to places produced by the increasing globalization of lifestyles. Young travellers (backpackers) in Thailand (Bangkok and Ko Phangan) are crossed with retired snow-birds (winter migrants) in Morocco (Agadir). At the intersection of tourism studies and migrations researches, lifestyle migrations analysis question continuities and reconfigurations of social relationships and power games. Passing and appropriation of space reveal the translocal dimension of contemporary lifestyles. This dissertation studies practices of backpackers and snowbirds in everyday territories, metropolitan spaces and transnational networks. Practices and sociability networks underline the complexity of the relationship with Elsewhere and Others. Between Here and There, ambivalent relationships to places question the classic dualities between tourism and home, everyday and extraordinary. Interwoven power games enable those privileged mobile people to build a temporary home Elsewhere. In the end, globalization can be read through those two images of international mobilities. They translocally change the structural reading frame of societies, beyond only individualistic interpretations of contemporary dynamics.

« The place to be ? » Vivre et bouger dans les entre-deux : jeunesse et mobilités dans les espaces périurbains / ‘‘The place to be ?’’ Living and commuting within the “space-in-between” / young commuters in the periurban fringes of the Great Paris

Didier-Fèvre, Catherine 29 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat mène une réflexion sur les mobilités juvéniles périurbaines sous l’angle de « l’entre-deux », terme caractérisant à la fois les espaces périurbains et la jeunesse. Comment la jeunesse vit-elle une localisation résidentielle, choisie par les parents, et se déplace-t-elle dans ces espaces peu densément peuplés et faiblement desservis par des transports en commun ? Quel rôle jouent les contextes périurbains dans la construction identitaire des jeunes ? L’étude menée, à partir de trois lycées généraux et technologiques situés dans les franges de l’agglomération parisienne en proie à un mouvement de périurbanisation plus ou moins ancien, a consisté à interroger une population lycéenne périurbaine par le biais de méthodes qualitatives (85 entretiens) et quantitatives (1522 sondés en ligne). Développant un ancrage différencié à l’espace habité dans lequel la maison individuelle tient une place centrale, les jeunes adoptent une multitude de stratégies pour s’émanciper des contextes périurbains. Ils combinent les ressources des entre-deux pour s’affirmer en tant qu’individu, y compris dans le cadre de la socialisation secondaire marquant cet âge. Ils y trouvent ainsi leur bonheur, bien qu’ils cherchent souvent, de manière plus ou moins réaliste ou réalisable, à sortir de ces espaces. Ces bricolages spatiaux les amènent à développer une motilité (Kaufmann, 2002) plus importante que celle des jeunes urbains. En revanche, à l’heure de s’inventer une vie adulte, ce n’est pas tant l’espace périurbain qui apparaît comme un obstacle à leur projet que les ressources sociales, financières ou culturelles de leur famille. Malgré tout, les contextes périurbains, parce qu’ils font territoires, sont des lieux où les jeunes projettent volontiers leur vie future, même si, pour certains, l’attraction urbaine ou de l’étranger est plus forte. / The ‘‘space-in-between’’ refers to any specified situation or space characterizing an intermediary and transitional state. This paper aims at exploring the notion of “space-in-between” through the themes of mobility and the youth living in the periurban fringes of the Great Paris. How does the youth live the residential choice of theirs parents and move to those median zone between rural and urban areas where public transit is deficient? What role have the periurban fringes in the building of the youth identity? Across this research, led in three public high schools located in the periurban fringes of the Great Paris, 85 young spoke about their mobilities and 1522 answered a questionnaire. Become oneself ask to move alone, to explore new spaces without parents but with peers, so these young people combine a lot of means to leave these spaces (walking, hitch-hiking, car-sharing, taking school buses for shopping and so on). Developing a specific link with the periurban areas where the home could be perceived as a special place, these young people live happily and do not consider themselves as ‘‘prisoners’’ in their territories. Nevertheless, they try to going out of them: going to parties, meeting other young people in the night clubs, meeting their friends as they want, practising sport and cultural leisures, and moving anywhere without asking their parents to drive them. At the time to become an adult, when they want to follow high education currucula, if they don’t choose the same way that urban and rural students, it seems that financial ressources and capacities to move are central in their choice. Some of them want to live in big cities or in foreign countries but most of them imagine them living the perurban edges where they had grow up. So the periurban fringes seem, as territories, the ‘place to be’! / El « espacio de transición » es una situación o un espacio que se caracteriza por ser intermedio.Aquella idea de intermedio interesa a los geografos en sus investigaciones sobre el espacio periurbano. Este proyecto , como continuidad de un precedente trabajo de investigaciones (Ser joven en el periurbano de SENS. ¿ Qué movilidades para los alumnos del instituto JANOT ? ; Catherine DIDIER-FEVRE, Máster 2 investigaciones, 2011. 229 páginas), intenta explorar la noción de « transición » a través de las movilidades. Si el término periurbano se define por un espacio de transición (noción aparecida con la instalación de la población en una extensión de la zona urbana) entre dos contrapuestos : espacio urbano y espacio rural, el de la juventud responde también a la noción de « espacio de transición ». En efecto, la juventud es la transición entre la desaparición de las claves de la infancia y la construcción de nuevos modelos. Es un tiempo de experiencias.Mientras « el periurbano sigue siendo el espacio de la juventud en una sociedad envejeciéndose : es el único espacio donde encontramos más de 3 jóvenes para con 2 mayores», muy pocas cosas fueron escritas sobre la juventud del periurbano. Aquella idea de las movilidades de la juventud es nueva. Tener en cuenta la edad de los habitantes de un espacio definido es fundamental para entender las relaciones de ellos con su territorio. Hasta ahora sólo los mayores o los niños pequeños preocuparon a los geografos del periurbano. Al investigar sobre los jóvenes del periurbano una se pregunta :¿Qué relaciones viven los jóvenes con el territorio periurbano al vivir una movilidad singular ?

Favelas ecológicas: passado, presente e futuro da favela turística

Moraes, Camila Maria dos Santos 20 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Camila Maria dos Santos Moraes (camilaunirio@gmail.com) on 2017-05-09T18:04:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Camila Maria dos Santos Moraes.pdf: 11250870 bytes, checksum: 6807f5c2e358ee4c06882fd8e788b43f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rafael Aguiar (rafael.aguiar@fgv.br) on 2017-06-13T20:29:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Camila Maria dos Santos Moraes.pdf: 11250870 bytes, checksum: 6807f5c2e358ee4c06882fd8e788b43f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-22T13:19:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Camila Maria dos Santos Moraes.pdf: 11250870 bytes, checksum: 6807f5c2e358ee4c06882fd8e788b43f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-20 / Favelas of Rio de Janeiro have been historically elaborated as deforestation, risk areas, poverty and violence, problems that affect 'the marvellous city'. Through history therefore, these were the meanings imposed to favelas by public policies. However, and against all odds, selected favelas were discovered by tourists, just before the Earth Summit - Eco 92, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, based in Rio. Between 1990 and 2000, these favelas consolidated as tourist attractions competing with Corcovado and Sugar loaf. The controversial visits were accused of being 'poverty safaris' or 'poverty zoos'. In the 2000s, the State recognized these areas as tourist attractions and stimulated the commercialization of favelas in the context of megaevents, which came with urbanization policies such as the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC) and Carioca Living (Morar Carioca), and a new public security policy the Pacifying Police Units (UPP). The social version of these projects has put tourism on the agenda. Consultants, analysts and technicians were hired to carry out studies of potentialities and capacities of favela residents to undertake tourism business which expanded and crossed the borders of the southern zone, reaching the centre, north and west of the city, in smaller proportions. While it spread, this tourism specialized and differentiated itself. Tourists could find the most diverse experiences in favelas, from the local gastronomy, museums, art gallery, to luxurious lodgings, parties and funk dances, that gathered cariocas and tourists in expensive spaces inside favelas. This expansion / transformation came to be perceived as a problem. The increase of economic value inside favelas areas began to reach those who could no longer remain in these places. The most diverse movements of resistance appeared, from those that go against the tourism in favelas, to those who want to be part, but in its way. In this context, I have found proposals for community-based tourism that have gained strength in local discourse as an alternative to mass tourism, and ecotourism proposals, combining elements of community-based tourism with preservation of the environment. Thus, with the theoretical framework of the New Mobility Paradigm (Sheller and Urry, 2006, 2016) and the phenomenon of the traveling favela (Freire-Medeiros, 2013), I analysed community-based tourism and ecotourism initiatives, seeking to understand their origins and proposals of an alliance between tourism and the environment. For that, I performed a multisited ethnography, where I moved through the expansion of tourism in Rio de Janeiro favelas in the context of megaevents. Throughout the research, I noticed that tourism and the networks it mobilizes have put in dispute new meanings for the favelas, and in the specific case of this thesis, the anti-ecological favela contestation. Thus, I present the various speeches of State, consultants, analysts and local entrepreneurs who mobilized for or by the expansion of tourism in favelas reflected on the past, present and future of favelas. / As favelas do Rio de Janeiro foram historicamente elaboradas como desmatadoras, áreas de risco, lócus da pobreza e violência, problemas que acometem 'a cidade maravilhosa'. Através da história, esses foram os significados impressos às favelas através de políticas públicas. No entanto, na contramão do que se podia esperar, seletas favelas foram descobertas pelos turistas, as vésperas da Eco 92, Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento, sediada no Rio em 1992. Entre os anos 1990 e 2000, essas favelas se consolidaram como atrativos turísticos da cidade, concorrendo inclusive com Corcovado e Pão de Açúcar. As polêmicas visitas foram pauta de matérias jornalísticas e apelidadas como 'safari da pobreza' ou 'zoológico de pobres'. Nos anos 2000, o Estado passou a reconhecer essas áreas como atrativos e ainda a estimular a comercialização turística das favelas no contexto dos megaeventos, o que foi acompanhado por novas políticas de urbanização como o Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC) e o Morar Carioca, e novas políticas de segurança pública como as Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora (UPP). A versão social desses projetos colocou o turismo em pauta. Consultores, analistas e técnicos foram contratados para realizar estudos de potencialidades e capacitações para moradores de favelas empreenderem, dentre outras áreas, no turismo, que se expandiu e atravessou as fronteiras da zona sul, chegando ao centro, zona norte e zona oeste da cidade, em menores proporções. Ao mesmo tempo que se espalhou, esse turismo especializou-se e diferenciou-se. O turista passou a encontrar as mais diversas experiências em favelas, desde a gastronomia local, museus, galeria de arte, albergues e hospedagens mais luxuosas, até às festas e a volta de seletos bailes funk, que passaram a reunir cariocas e turistas em espaços mais elitizados e caros. Algumas favelas passaram a ver nessa expansão / transformação um problema. A valorização econômica da favela passou a atingir aqueles que não conseguiam mais se manter neste local e acompanhar as mudanças. Apareceram os mais diversos movimentos de resistência, desde aqueles que vão contra o turismo em favelas, aos que querem fazer parte, mas a seu modo. Neste contexto, encontrei propostas de turismo de base comunitária que ganharam força no discurso local como alternativa ao turismo de massa, e propostas de ecoturismo, aliando elementos do turismo de base comunitária a preservação do meio ambiente. Assim, tendo como referencial teórico o Paradigma das Novas Mobilidades (Sheller e Urry, 2006, 2016) e o fenômeno da traveling favela (Freire-Medeiros, 2013) analisei as iniciativas de turismo de base comunitária e ecoturismo, buscando compreender suas origens e propostas de aliança entre turismo e meio ambiente. Para tanto, realizei uma etnografia multissituada, onde me movi pela expansão do turismo em favelas cariocas no contexto dos megaeventos. Ao longo das pesquisas, percebi que o turismo e as redes que mobiliza, colocaram em disputa novos significados paras as favelas, e no, caso especifico desta tese, a contestação da favela antiecológica. Assim, apresento os diversos discursos de representantes do Estado, consultores, analistas e empreendedores locais que mobilizados para ou pela expansão do turismo em favelas refletiram sobre passado, presente e o futuro das favelas.

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