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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teaching Stress, Sex, Drugs, and Drinking: A Qualitative Study Among Undergraduates Regarding Introductory Personal Health Course Topics

Brewer, Kristen Lee 01 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation investigated relevant issues among undergraduate students at two institutions and how these issues could be incorporated into an introductory personal health course. By illustrating how these issues can attract student attention, relevancy, confidence, and satisfaction, educators can make these introductory personal health courses more responsive, thereby increasing student motivation to learn. This study used a qualitative research design. Focus groups and interviews were conducted in order to gain insight into issues students felt were relevant to their lives, their satisfaction with their personal health course, and how these courses could be updated in terms of content and delivery. The ARCS Model of Motivation was used as a theoretical framework for development of questions as well as to organize emergent themes. This model has been shown to increase student motivation to learn, and the current study aimed to expand this to include health courses, which could lead to an increase in adopting healthier or risk-reductive behaviors. After five focus groups and two interviews, data saturation was met, and analysis was conducted. Findings indicate a strong desire among undergraduate students for a larger focus of content to include mental health issues (e.g., stress, time management, pressure, and healthy coping mechanisms), physical health issues, and harm reductive issues surrounding the areas of sexual health and alcohol and substance use. Additionally, students reported better recall and a preference for active learning over a more didactic method of instruction. By understanding relevant issues facing college students and incorporating those within an introductory personal health course, educators can enhance the responsiveness of these courses by illustrating relevancy of topics and teaching students how they can confidently learn to adopt healthy behaviors and practice harm reduction. This is particularly useful among undergraduate students as they are in a time of transition and emerging adulthood and are willing to learn and establish new patterns of behaviors. If educators can balance what they as experts want students to know and what students say are relevant to their lives and what they want to know, these introductory personal health courses could be an effective tool for increasing overall health and wellness of students.

The relationship among middle school students' motivation perceptions of science class, science identification and career goals

Sun, Wei 04 June 2018 (has links)
This dissertation examined the extent to which pre-high school students' motivation-related perceptions of their science class affected their science identification, which sequentially affected their future science-related career goals. The MUSIC® Model of Motivation (Jones, 2009, 2018) includes five components (i.e., eMpowerment, Usefulness, Success, Interest, and Caring) and is designed to help teachers design instruction to promote students' motivation. Domain identification (Osborne and Jones, 2011) is a concept closely related to students' motivation and academic outcomes. In this study, data was collected from 311 pre-high school students and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis was conducted to test the structure pattern among the MUSIC model components, science identification, and science-related career goals. Results indicate that with three of the MUSIC model components (i.e., usefulness, success, and interest) significantly related to students' science identification, students' science identification was highly correlated to their science career goals. Moreover, this study demonstrated the structure patterns among the MUSIC model components and science identification varied by gender by conducting multi-group SEM analyses for a separate female sample (N = 161) and male sample (N = 150). Consistently, students' science identification was a strong predictor of their science career goals in both female and male groups. These findings are important for STEM educators because they indicate that it may be possible for teachers to impact students' science identification and career goals by focusing on students' perceptions of the MUSIC model components in science class. Moreover, these results contribute to the study of the large gender gap in STEM careers. Teachers can focus on specific teaching strategies and help female students develop their science identification in ways that lead to their long-term science-related career goals. / Ph. D. / This dissertation examined the extent to which pre-high school students’ motivation-related perceptions of their science class affected their science identification, which sequentially affected their future science-related career goals. Science identification is a concept that describes the extent to which a student values science as an important part of his or her self (Osborne & Jones, 2011). One goal of this study examined how students’ perceptions of their science class affected students’ science identification. Specifically, this study focused on students’ perceptions of the five components of the MUSIC® Model of Motivation (Jones, 2009, 2018): eMpowerment, Usefulness, Success, Interest, and Caring. The MUSIC model was developed to help teachers design instruction to promote students’ motivation. In this study, results indicate that with three of the MUSIC model components (i.e., usefulness, success, and interest) significantly related to students’ science identification, students’ science identification was highly correlated to their science career goals. Moreover, this study reveals that the structure patterns among the MUSIC model components and science identification varied by gender. Consistently, students’ science identification was a strong predictor of their science career goals in both female and male groups. These findings are important for STEM educators because they indicate that it may be possible for teachers to impact students’ science identification and career goals by focusing on students’ perceptions of the MUSIC model components in science class. Moreover, these results contribute to the study of the large gender gap in STEM careers, in which females are underrepresented. Teachers can focus on specific teaching strategies and help female students develop their science identification in ways that lead to their long-term science-related career goals.

An Intervention to Increase Students' Engagement and Achievement in College English Classes in China using the MUSIC Model of Motivation

Li, Ming 01 June 2017 (has links)
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is regarded as an effective approach to teaching foreign languages because it focuses on students' engagement and communicative competence. In the realm of educational psychology, researchers have identified many teaching strategies that can have positive effects on students' motivation and engagement. Jones (2009, 2015) synthesized these strategies and created the MUSIC® Model of Motivation. MUSIC is an acronym for the strategies related to eMpowerment, Usefulness, Success, Interest and Caring. The MUSIC model can be used to help instructors to redesign their instruction to motivate and engage their students in learning activities. The purpose of this research was to examine the effectiveness of incorporating the MUSIC model strategies into CLT classes at a university in China. I used a self-report survey comprised of seven subscales (representing five motivation-related variables and two engagement variables) to collect data on students' course perceptions and their engagement in a college English class. The participants were first year college students at a university in central China (n = 259). Independent samples t-tests, regression, and correlation were used to answer the following two research questions: 1. Is there a difference in students' motivation and achievement in traditional lecture classes versus CLT classes that incorporate MUSIC model strategies? 2. To what extent do students' MUSIC model perceptions relate to their engagement and achievement? The results indicated that there was a significant difference between the traditional lecture class and the CLT classes incorporating MUSIC model strategies. Students in CLT classes perceived more control in the class, found the course to be more useful, were more interested, and perceived more caring from their teacher. As a result, students in CLT classes put forth more effort and achieved higher scores on a standardized English test. In addition, the results revealed that students' MUSIC model perceptions predicted their engagement both in CLT classes and the traditional classes. However, the results showed that the MUSIC model components did not significantly predict student achievement. These findings suggest that the MUSIC model and the MUSIC Inventory are ideal tools for Chinese college English teachers to use when they design instruction. / Ph. D. / Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is regarded as an effective approach to teaching foreign languages because it focuses on students’ engagement and their proficient communication. Jones (2009, 2015) organized motivation strategies into the five components of the MUSIC® Model of Motivation: e<b>M</b>powerment, <b>U</b>sefulness, <b>S</b>uccess, <b>I</b>nterest and <b>C</b>aring (MUSIC is an acronym). The MUSIC model can help instructors redesign their instruction to motivate and engage their students. The purpose of this research was to examine the effectiveness of incorporating the MUSIC model strategies into CLT classes at a university in China. The participants were 259 first year college students at a university in central China. At the end of the semester, students answered a questionnaire regarding their College English course perceptions. The results indicated that students in CLT classes incorporating MUSIC strategies perceived more control over their coursework, found the course to be more useful, were more interested, and felt more cared for by their teacher. As a result, students in CLT classes put forth more effort and achieved more than students in the traditional classes. In addition, the MUSIC model components predicted students’ engagement. These findings suggest that the MUSIC model and the MUSIC Inventory are ideal tools for Chinese college English teachers to use when they design instruction

Three essays on financial self-efficacy beliefs and the saving behavior of older pre-retirees

Asebedo, Sarah D. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / School of Family Studies and Human Services / Kristy L. Pederson-Archuleta / Martin Seay / This dissertation employed a psychological framework to investigate the saving behavior of older pre-retirees through three essays using data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Understanding the connection between psychological characteristics and saving behavior is critical as this population attempts to bridge the retirement saving gap. Of these characteristics, financial self-efficacy beliefs (FSE) are theoretically vital to saving behavior. With the FSE beliefs of older adults weak and vulnerable to decline, more research is needed to understand how FSE beliefs affect saving behavior and how FSE beliefs can be supported. Essay one investigated the psychological characteristics associated with FSE beliefs according to the Meta-Theoretic Model of Motivation and Personality (3M). Using a sample of 2,070 pre-retirees aged 50 to 70, essay one revealed that FSE beliefs can be supported through the frequent experience of positive affect, reduced negative affect, a stronger perception of mastery, and a higher task orientation, holding all else constant. Essay two investigated the relationship between FSE beliefs and saving behavior (i.e., change in net worth from 2008 to 2012) through the Social Cognitive Theory of Self-Regulation. Using a sample of 844 pre-retirees aged 50 to 70, results revealed that FSE beliefs are significantly and positively related to saving behavior, after controlling for the financial ability and motivation to save. Essay three employed a structural equation model to investigate an integrated psychological approach to saving behavior based upon the 3M. Using a sample of 1,370 pre-retired and partially retired adults aged 50 to 70, essay three revealed that FSE beliefs facilitated the connection between elemental traits (i.e., openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism), compound traits (i.e., positive affect, negative affect, mastery, and task orientation), and saving behavior. Overall, significant evidence was generated supporting a psychological approach to the saving behavior of older pre-retirees. Financial and mental health professionals can utilize this framework to provide holistic retirement saving advice that acknowledges the psychological roots of behavior. Moreover, results established empirical support for the role FSE beliefs play in executing saving behavior. Lastly, results supported the importance of domain specific measurement for self-efficacy beliefs in future research.

Vidinės – išorinės darbo motyvacijos švietimo organizacijose įvertinimas ir formavimo galimybės (Ukmergės mokyklų pavyzdžiu) / Assessing Intrinsic – Extrinsic Job Motivation and Its Formation Opportunities in Educational establishments (Based on Experience of Ukmergė Scools)

Vildžiūnaitė, Audronė 04 August 2011 (has links)
Darbuotojų motyvavimas yra vienas pagrindinių ir reikšmingiausių organizacijos vadybos vertybių. Tyrimo tikslas — įvertinti švietimo organizacijų darbuotojų vidinės ir išorinės motyvacijos lygį, šias motyvacijas formuojančius veiksnius bei parengti motyvacijos modelį. Atlikta anketinė apklausa Ukmergės Dukstynos pagrindinėje mokykloje ir A. Smetonos bei J. Basanavičiaus gimnazijose. Iš viso apklausta 102 respondentai: 51 respondentas iš gimnazijų ir 51 – iš pagrindinės mokyklos. Darbe aptarti švietimo organizacijų darbuotojų vidinės ir išorinės motyvacijos tyrimo aspektai leidžia teigti, kad švietimo organizacijų darbuotojų vidinė motyvacija yra aukštesnė už išorinę. Išaiškinta, kad darbuotojų motyvacijos lygį įtakoja jų amžius, bendras darbo stažas, išsilavinimas, kvalifikacija, šeimyninė padėtis. Didėjant mokytojų amžiui ir stažui, vidinė motyvacija mažėja, o išorinė – šiek tiek didėja arba išlieka pastovi. Vidinė ir išorinė motyvacija susijusi su darbuotojų pasitenkinimu darbu. Mokyklų vadovai turėtų skirti didesnį dėmesį mokytojų motyvavimui, vertybių, nuostatų formavimui. / Motivation plays a critical role in management of an organization. It is fundamental to management process of an organization. The aim of the research is to assess personnel’s intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in educational establishments and to create the model of work motivation. Providences and generalizations are formulated based on assessment of personnel’s motivation in educational establishments in Ukmergė. A questionnaire survey was conducted at Dukstynos Basic School, Antanas Smetona and Jonas Basanavičius gymnasiums. 102 respondents were included in the survey: 51 respondents were from Dukstynos Basic School and 51 respondents were from gymnasiums. Aspects of the motivation study suggest that school personnel‘s intrinsic motivation level is higher than extrinsic motivation. It is clear that employees‘ level of motivation depends on age, previous experience, educational level, qualification, family status. High levels of intrinsic motivation are observed among younger employees; older employees have higher level of extrinsic motivation or it remains the same. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation positively correlates with job satisfaction. Managers should pay more attention to formation of teachers’ values and attitudes.

Konsultantų motyvavimo tobulinimas / Development of consultants motivation

Jakaitytė-Gaubienė, Neringa 24 May 2006 (has links)
Final work of the Master‘s studies, 75 pages, 13 pictures, 8 tables, 48 literature sources, 6 appendices, in Lithuanian language. KEY WORDS: motivation of consultants, motivation tools, motivation system, model of motivation system, structure of motives, motivation level. Research object: Lithuanian agricultural consulting services, consultants of Chamber of Agriculture of Lithuanian Republic and JSC “ETKC”. Research subject: motivation system of consultants. Research aim: to create the consultants’ motivation system based on the analysis of the scientific literature and the results of the researches performed. Objectives: 1. To analyse and summarize the main concepts and the theories of the motivation of employees. 2. To discuss the means of employees’ motivation and the possible ways of their application. 3. To analyse the employees’ motivation system and prepare a theoretical model of the consultants’ motivation system. 4. To investigate the main factors that motivate the consultants in the enterprises analysed. 5. To create a system of the motivation of consultants based on the results of the research. Research methods: method of a cooperative scientific research - analysis of the scientific literature, quantitative research method – survey based on questionnaires of the consultants of the organisations in question, method of comparative analysis, method of logical analysis and conclusion findings, method of graphical representation. On the basis of theoretical part... [to full text]


Zheng, YING 06 January 2010 (has links)
This study examined motivation, anxiety, global awareness, and linguistic confidence, and their relation to language test performance within the context of Chinese university students taking the College English Test Band 4(CET-4) in China. Using a mixed methods approach, through survey and interview inquiries, this study explored whether and how the selected psychological factors contributed to students’ CET performance. Results from exploratory factor analysis revealed that Chinese university students displayed three types of instrumental motivation (i.e., mark orientation, further-education orientation, and job orientation), two types of anxiety (i.e., language anxiety and test anxiety), and two types of confidence (i.e., linguistic confidence and test confidence). The results of confirmatory factor analysis led to a modified socio-educational model of motivation with some context-specific concepts (i.e., new instrumental orientations, global awareness, and linguistic confidence) that more accurately represented the characteristics of the Chinese university students. The results of structural equation modelling confirmed that attitude toward the learning situation and integrative orientation were two strong indicators of motivation, which in turn influenced language achievement and confidence. The negative impact of anxiety on language achievement was confirmed. Certain group differences were found in comparing male students with female students, high achievers with low achievers, students from the Arts programs with those from the Science programs, and students who started to learn English before Grade 7 with those iii who did so after Grade 7. The interview findings indicated stronger instrumental orientations than integrative orientations. External influences, including influences from society, teachers, and peers, were also identified. Students expressed their mixed feelings toward the CET-4, indicating that this test had both positive and negative influences in promoting their English learning. Testing well-developed motivation and anxiety models in the Chinese context enriched and expanded our knowledge in theory development in English language education in China. The implications of this study point to the importance of understanding language test-takers’ characteristics in their macro and micro learning contexts, as well as the importance of establishing the relevance of English language learning to language teaching, and testing in English as Foreign Language contexts. / Thesis (Ph.D, Education) -- Queen's University, 2009-12-30 22:08:41.138

A motivação dos alunos para continuar seus estudos em música

Condessa, Janaína January 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida dentro da temática sobre motivação para aprender música e teve como objetivo geral investigar a interação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais que motivam os alunos para continuar seus estudos em música fora da escola. Segundo a literatura, os fatores individuais referem-se às crenças, às percepções e às características pessoais dos alunos, enquanto os fatores ambientais relacionam-se às experiências em determinado local e momento de vida, bem como com as interações estabelecidas com as pessoas desse ambiente. Como objetivos específicos, esta pesquisa verificou o papel do ambiente (pais, família, professores, pares e contexto escolar) e investigou os fatores individuais (metas e autoconceito) que possuem relação com a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. O referencial teórico adotado foi o modelo de motivação em música (HALLAM, 2002, 2005, 2006), pois contempla a interação entre os dois tipos de fatores: individuais e ambientais. O método utilizado foi o estudo de entrevistas, com alunos das séries finais do ensino fundamental que possuíam aula de música na escola desde as séries iniciais e que optaram por estudar música fora da escola após a quinta série. Apoiada na literatura da educação e da educação musical, esta pesquisa justifica-se pela possibilidade de compreender tanto os diferentes fatores envolvidos na interação entre o indivíduo e o ambiente durante a aprendizagem musical quanto a maneira pela qual esses fatores incentivam o aluno a continuar os estudos em música. Os resultados apontaram para uma forte relação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais e para a correspondência entre a motivação para aprender música dentro da escola e a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. Esses resultados poderão colaborar para o aprimoramento pedagógico dos professores de música, além de permitir reflexões e oferecer subsídios que possam melhorar a motivação dos alunos para aprender música, dentro e fora da escola. / This research is about motivation to learn music. Its general aim was to investigate the interaction between individual and environmental factors which motivate students to continue their studies in music outside school. According to literature, individual factors refer to students’ beliefs, perceptions and personal characteristics, whilst environmental factors are related to life experiences in some places and at some times, as well as the interaction with others. The specific aims to this research was to verify the role of environment (parents, family, teachers, peers and school context), as well as investigate individual factors (goals and self-concept about abilities) in students’ choice in continuing to learn music outside school. The theoretical framework adopted was the model of motivation in music (Hallam, 2002, 2005, 2006), because it considers the interactions between individual and environmental factors. The method chosen was the interview study, with middle school students who attended music classes at school since first cycle of fundamental education, and opted to study music outside school after the fifth grade. Based both on the education and the music education literature, the reason of this research is the possibility of understanding not only the different factors involved in the interaction between the individual and the environment during the musical learning, but also the way these factors motivate the student to continue studying music. The results of this research revealed a close link between individual and environmental factors. Moreover, data showed the relation between motivation to learn music inside school and motivation to continue music outside school.

A motivação dos alunos para continuar seus estudos em música

Condessa, Janaína January 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida dentro da temática sobre motivação para aprender música e teve como objetivo geral investigar a interação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais que motivam os alunos para continuar seus estudos em música fora da escola. Segundo a literatura, os fatores individuais referem-se às crenças, às percepções e às características pessoais dos alunos, enquanto os fatores ambientais relacionam-se às experiências em determinado local e momento de vida, bem como com as interações estabelecidas com as pessoas desse ambiente. Como objetivos específicos, esta pesquisa verificou o papel do ambiente (pais, família, professores, pares e contexto escolar) e investigou os fatores individuais (metas e autoconceito) que possuem relação com a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. O referencial teórico adotado foi o modelo de motivação em música (HALLAM, 2002, 2005, 2006), pois contempla a interação entre os dois tipos de fatores: individuais e ambientais. O método utilizado foi o estudo de entrevistas, com alunos das séries finais do ensino fundamental que possuíam aula de música na escola desde as séries iniciais e que optaram por estudar música fora da escola após a quinta série. Apoiada na literatura da educação e da educação musical, esta pesquisa justifica-se pela possibilidade de compreender tanto os diferentes fatores envolvidos na interação entre o indivíduo e o ambiente durante a aprendizagem musical quanto a maneira pela qual esses fatores incentivam o aluno a continuar os estudos em música. Os resultados apontaram para uma forte relação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais e para a correspondência entre a motivação para aprender música dentro da escola e a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. Esses resultados poderão colaborar para o aprimoramento pedagógico dos professores de música, além de permitir reflexões e oferecer subsídios que possam melhorar a motivação dos alunos para aprender música, dentro e fora da escola. / This research is about motivation to learn music. Its general aim was to investigate the interaction between individual and environmental factors which motivate students to continue their studies in music outside school. According to literature, individual factors refer to students’ beliefs, perceptions and personal characteristics, whilst environmental factors are related to life experiences in some places and at some times, as well as the interaction with others. The specific aims to this research was to verify the role of environment (parents, family, teachers, peers and school context), as well as investigate individual factors (goals and self-concept about abilities) in students’ choice in continuing to learn music outside school. The theoretical framework adopted was the model of motivation in music (Hallam, 2002, 2005, 2006), because it considers the interactions between individual and environmental factors. The method chosen was the interview study, with middle school students who attended music classes at school since first cycle of fundamental education, and opted to study music outside school after the fifth grade. Based both on the education and the music education literature, the reason of this research is the possibility of understanding not only the different factors involved in the interaction between the individual and the environment during the musical learning, but also the way these factors motivate the student to continue studying music. The results of this research revealed a close link between individual and environmental factors. Moreover, data showed the relation between motivation to learn music inside school and motivation to continue music outside school.

Motivação para expectativa, entrada, permanência e saída: um estudo longitudinal no voluntariado da fundação Cidade viva.

Lemos, Samuel Lázaro Luz 18 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Morgana Silva (morgana_linhares@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-01T17:12:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3204495 bytes, checksum: d85e5e2785b6795c485368461733c004 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Morgana Silva (morgana_linhares@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-01T20:13:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3204495 bytes, checksum: d85e5e2785b6795c485368461733c004 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Morgana Silva (morgana_linhares@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-01T20:20:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3204495 bytes, checksum: d85e5e2785b6795c485368461733c004 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-01T20:22:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3204495 bytes, checksum: d85e5e2785b6795c485368461733c004 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-18 / This work comprises a longitudinal study that sought to analyze volunteers through the prism of the motivational factors of expectation, entrance, stay and exit from the Fundação Cidade Viva in the City of João Pessoa / PB. As the final product, we expected to provide information relevant to this institution on its praxis. Thus, it was used as the basis of theory of Structural Model of Motivation at Work Volunteer by Cavalcante (2012). It was then carried out an exploratory case study that designed quantitative questionnaires which were tabulated and evaluated by descriptive statistics and other tests such as the T test for independent samples and ANOVA (one way). As a result, it was detailed as the profile of the volunteers of the institution the prevalence of adult and married women in their 35 years, with monthly income above R$ 5,000.00. The pointed minimum education level was unfinished higher education. Usually a family member and / or friend have already performed volunteer work or currently does. Commonly they have participated in this type of work at another institution, but not at present time. It confirmed the hypothesis that voluntary motivations change with the passage of time, and analyzes suggests the possibility of conflict between the expectations of volunteers and the performance of this activity, because the indexes obtained as motivation compared in the four moments indicate that they fall moderately in the first year of operation to grow again since then. Furthermore, religion has emerged as the main tool to attract and maintain the workforce of the institution at issue which does not exclude the importance of other elements such as civic bias, learning objectives or identification with the organization, but suggests that the organization studied should pay attention to the religious element as its mainstay in their internal human resources policies. / O presente trabalho compõe um estudo longitudinal que buscou analisar voluntários sob o prisma dos fatores motivacionais de expectativa, entrada, permanência e saída na Fundação Cidade Viva da cidade de João Pessoa/PB. Como produto final, esperou-se o fornecimento de informações relevantes para a citada instituição sobre sua práxis. Para tanto, foi utilizada como teoria de base do Modelo Estrutural de Motivação no Trabalho Voluntário de Cavalcante (2012). Foi realizado então um estudo de caso exploratório em que se empregaram questionários quantitativos que foram tabulados e avaliados por estatística descritiva e outros testes, como o Teste T para amostras independentes e ANOVA (one way). Como resultados, foi descoberto como perfil dos voluntários da instituição a predominância de mulheres adultas e casadas na faixa dos 35 anos, com renda mensal acima dos R$ 5.000,00. A escolaridade mínima apontada foi ensino superior incompleto. Normalmente algum familiar e/ou amigo já realizou trabalho voluntário ou atualmente o faz. Comumente elas já participaram desta natureza de trabalho em outra instituição, mas não o exerce mais hodiernamente. Confirmouse a hipótese de que as motivações voluntárias se alteram com o passar do tempo, e as análises sugerem a possibilidade de haver conflito entre as expectativas dos voluntários e o exercício desta atividade, pois os índices obtidos quanto a motivação em comparação nos quatro momentos indicam que elas caem moderadamente no primeiro ano de atuação para crescerem novamente a partir de então. Além disso, a religião destacou-se como principal instrumento para atração e manutenção do corpo funcional da instituição pesquisada, o que não exclui a importância de outros elementos, como o viés cívico, objetivos de aprendizagem ou identificação com a entidade. Todavia, sugere que a organização estudada deve atentar ao elemento religioso como seu principal sustentáculo em suas políticas internas de recursos humanos.

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