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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nem prêmio, nem castigo! A escola moderna como ação revolucionária dos sindicatos operários durante a Primeira República (São Paulo, 1909-1919) / Neither prize nor punishment! The modern school as revolutionary action of labor unions during the First Republic (São Paulo, 1909-1919).

Rogério Cunha de Castro 04 September 2014 (has links)
A Escola Moderna n.1 (São Paulo), sob a direção do professor libertário João Penteado, ofereceu uma alternativa de formação para os filhos da classe trabalhadora, inspirando-se na Pedagogia Libertária que, desde os primeiros debates da Internacional dos Trabalhadores até as experiências educacionais de Paul Robin, inseriu a luta de classes no espaço da escola. Assim, promoveu a interface entre educação e revolução social com base nos conceitos de Demopedia e Instrução Integral, desenvolvidos respectivamente por Pierre-Joseph Proudhon e Mikhail Bakunin. O presente estudo pretende desvelar como o espaço da Escola Moderna se converteu em ação revolucionária dos sindicatos operários, colaborando para os objetivos dos anarquistas que elegeram o sindicalismo revolucionário como a tática mais adequada para o estabelecimento da sociedade livre com a qual sonharam. Deste modo, entre os anos de 1912 a 1919, quando foi sumariamente fechada pelo Departamento de Instrução Pública do Estado, a Escola Moderna promoveu a ação direta e o mutualismo entre seus estudantes, tanto para que contribuíssem com o futuro da classe trabalhadora, de acordo com suas necessidades e conforme suas condições, como também para que os organismos de classe ultrapassassem as lutas mais imediatas.

A máquina de festejar: seus usos e configurações nas escolas primárias brasileiras e portuguesas (1890-1930) / The party machine: its uses and settings in primary schools in Brazil and Portugal (1890-1930).

Renata Marcilio Cândido 18 April 2012 (has links)
A presente tese teve como objetivo investigar, no âmbito dos estudos históricos educacionais comparados, o objeto e fenômeno festas, realizadas no contexto escolar. A análise incidiu no período considerado de consolidação dos princípios de ensino moderno, do final do século XIX ao início do XX, em dois países cujas histórias políticas, econômicas e sociais se entrecruzaram em diferentes momentos, Brasil e Portugal. A seleção do período justificou-se pela profusão de reformas com o intuito de implementação de um sistema público, estatal, democrático e laico de ensino gestadas no decorrer do século XIX e assumidas como bandeiras dos regimes políticos republicanos. Particularmente, procurou-se compreender como as festas escolares foram forjadas nos projetos políticos e discursos educacionais do período relacionado. A retomada da metáfora da festa-máquina (OZOUF, 1976) foi particularmente fértil para a compreensão do objeto nos seus múltiplos elementos (peças), nas técnicas (engrenagens), e nos saberes e propósitos (funções). A comparação estabelecida entre a festa e a máquina suscitou inquietações a respeito de como esta maquinaria se organizou para as instituições escolares no seu propósito educativo, quais eram seus elementos, suas técnicas, suas funções e saberes. A realização das festas no âmbito escolar não se deu de forma homogênea e direta, tampouco sem equívocos e contradições. O mesmo maquinário utilizado em outros âmbitos sociais e para outros fins, precisou se adaptar ao novo contexto de idealização e concretização, além de reestruturar seus elementos e técnicas que deveriam servir, a partir de então, a um propósito eminentemente educativo. Em estudos realizados nas diferentes áreas sobre os atos festivos é recorrente a associação destes momentos a acontecimentos desregulados, alegres, sem normatização específica e cuja realização serviria à descontração do povo e à renovação das energias a partir da ruptura com o cotidiano. Contrariando tal concepção, a investigação aqui proposta demonstrou que caberiam às comemorações, assim como a todas as atividades realizadas no contexto escolar, uma função de ensino e de aprendizagem, bem como a divulgação de um saber característico da escola moderna, considerada, naquele momento, o modelo ideal de escola. Para a análise da hipótese, utilizaram-se como fontes documentais, textos publicados em periódicos de ensino brasileiros e portugueses, manuais pedagógicos e fotografias localizadas neste corpus. Os trabalhos das áreas distintas que se preocupam com a questão das comemorações e que fundamentaram teoricamente a tese apresentam-se em primeira análise, divididos entre aqueles que tomam as festas como aspecto da vida social (OZOUF, 1976; DEL PRIORE, 2000), os que as examinam em suas relações com outras dimensões da sociedade (DUVIGNOUD, 1983), aqueles que discutem mais detidamente os rituais festivos (BRANDÃO, 1978; DAMATTA, 1990), e ainda os que apresentam o funcionamento e as ressonâncias das festas nas sociedades e nos processos de formação dos sujeitos (RIBEIRO JUNIOR, 1972; AMARAL, 1998). No âmbito educacional, os conceitos de cultura escolar (JULIA, 2001; CHERVEL, 1990) e forma escolar (VINCENT, LAHIRE e THIN, 2001) subsidiaram a investigação. / The present thesis aimed to investigate the object and phenomenon festivals organized inside the school context, according to the compared studies on educational history. The analysis covered the considered consolidation period of the modern education principles, from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, in two countries whose political, economical and social histories are intertwined in different occasions, Brazil and Portugal. The profusion of renovations aimed to the implementation of a state, public, democratic and secular educational system during the 19th assumed as a motto of the republican political regimes was the main reason for the choice of the period. More specifically, we tried to understand how the phenomenon school festivals was inserted in the political projects and in the educational discourses from the period and transformed into expressive practices inside the public primary school contexts. The retaking of the festival-machine metaphor (OZOUF, 1976), was especially fertile for the comprehension of the object and its multiple elements (parts), techniques (gearing), and purposes (functions). The comparison established between festival and machine raises uneasiness in relation to the way the former organized itself for the educational purpose within the educational institutes, which elements, techniques, functions and knowledges were involved. The organization of festivals inside the school area happened neither in a homogeneous and direct way nor without misunderstanding and contradictions. The same machinery used in other social environments and for other purposes not only had to adapt itself to the new context of idealization and concretization, but also had to restructure its elements and techniques to a highly educational purpose from then on. In studies done on different areas about the festive events, the association of these moments with unregulated and cheerful moments without specific rules is recurrent and their organization would be for peoples relaxation and energy renewal due to the routine break. Contradicting this idea, the investigation proposed herein showed that a role of teaching and learning and a disclosure of a distinguished Progressive Education knowledge, considered at that time an ideal model of school, would fit all the festivals, along with all the activities performed inside the school context. Documental sources, texts published in Brazilian and Portuguese educational journals, pedagogic handbooks and pictures located in this corpus were used to analyze this assumption. The works from distinct areas that are concerned about the celebration subject and theoretically justified the thesis presented themselves on first analysis divided among those who take festivals as aspects of social life (OZOUF, 1976; DEL PRIORE, 2000), those who analyze them in their relations with other dimensions of the society (DUVIGNOUD, 1983), those who argue more carefully the festive rites (BRANDÃO, 1978; DAMATTA, 1990), and furthermore those who present the workings and resonance of the festivals in societies and in the formation of subjects process (RIBEIRO JUNIOR, 1972; AMARAL, 1998). In the educational field, the concepts of school culture (JULIA, 2001; CHERVEL, 1990) and school form (VINCENT, LAHIRE e THIN, 2001) contributed to the investigation.

Ervín Schulhoff v meziválečném kulturním kontextu pro potřeby současné školy / Ervin Schulhoff in the interwar cultural context for needs of modern school

Drahošová, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
Ervin Schulhoff in the interwar cultural context for needs of modern school This thesis deals with life and works of a Czech-German music composer of the interwar period Ervin Schulhoff. The first part of the thesis is concerned with composer's life in the interwar cultural context, the second part focuses on his works. Detailed attention is paid to the period when Schulhoff was influenced by interwar avand-garda movement, particularly by Dadaism and jazz dance music and also Neoclassicism. The third part handles the issue of the use of Schulhoff's work related to his life at nowaday school and brings some ideas and possibilities of use in school music lessons with intersubject overlap. All work is completed with sheet music examples and images serving for better illustration of the subject. In the Appendices are included more pictures and photographs illustrating the composer's life and also the list of Ervin Schulhoff's compositions.

De la confrontation coopérative interculturelle à l'autoformation coopérative : le cas des formateurs d'enseignants au sein du Mouvement international de l'Ecole Moderne

Saint-Luc, Florence 09 December 2011 (has links)
La crise éducative et économique mondiale génère un besoin de revoir les finalités éducatives et de réformer la pensée. « Les sept savoirs nécessaires pour l’éducation du futur », d’Edgar Morin, visent un humanisme démocratique et scientifique. C’est dans cette optique, et avec ce cadre épistémologique, que nous avons constitué une recherche collaborative internationale sur la formation de formateurs, au sein du mouvement de l’École Moderne. Une confrontation coopérative interculturelle a commencé, dans un premier temps, par une observation participante armée dans 5 pays européens, afin de travailler la dimension macro et méso de leurs systèmes éducatifs, et pour développer un réseau international qui a officiellement vu le jour lors de la rencontre physique d’enseignants et de formateurs de différents pays européens en 2009. Elle a révélé, au niveau méso et micro, des points aveugles, et elle a engendré, dans un second temps, une autoformation coopérative, grâce à l’émergence de nouvelles didactiques professionnelles socioconstructivistes. Celles-ci ont été mises en œuvre dans le cadre de la formation d’enseignants en février 2010, à Valencia, et de formateurs, en juillet 2010, à Nantes, avec un public hétérogène issu de 3 continents. Fondées sur l’articulation entre « tâtonnement expérimental » et coopération, elles représentent un lien entre éducation, formation et recherche. Elles développent la capacité à travailler en équipe, la créativité et la réflexivité. Ce travail de thèse montre que la diversité culturelle peut être source de richesse, d’intelligence collective internationale, et d’apprentissage transformateur, développant un « ingenium » transférable dans différents contextes, notamment en matière de formation de formateurs. / The educational and economic crisis generates a need to re-examine the education purposes and to reform the thought. “The seven knowledge necessary to educate the future”, (Morin E., 1999), aims at a democratic and scientific humanism. We constituted an international collaborative research on teacher training, supported by this philosophical and epistemological framework, within the the Modern School movement. An intercultural co-operative confrontation started, initially, by a participating observation in 5 European countries, in order to work macro and meso dimensions of their educational systems, and to develop an international network which officially came out during a physical meeting of teachers and trainers from various European countries, in 2009. It revealed blind points, on meso and micro levels, and generated a co-operative self-directed training, in a second step, thanks to the emergence of new professional socioconstructivist didactics, within the framework of teachers training, in February 2010, in Valencia, and trainers training, in July 2010, in Nantes, with a heterogeneous public of 3 continents. Based on the articulation between “experimental probing” and co-operation, they connect education, training and research. They develop ability to work in team, creativity and reflexivity. This thesis shows that cultural diversity can generate empowerment and international collective intelligence, transformative learning, developing a transferable “ingenium” in various contexts.

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