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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Mechanics of Fibrin Networks and Their Alterations by Platelets

Jawerth, Louise Marie 04 September 2013 (has links)
Fibrin is a biopolymer that assembles into a network during blood coagulation to become the structural scaffold of a blood clot. The precise mechanics of this network are crucial for a blood clot to properly stem the flow of blood at the site of vascular injury while still remaining pliable enough to avoid dislocation. A hallmark of fibrin's mechanical response is strain-stiffening: at small strains, its response is low and linear; while at high strains, its stiffness increases non-linearly with increasing strain. The physical origins of strain-stiffening have been studied for other biopolymer systems but have remained elusive for biopolymer networks composed of stiff filaments, such as fibrin. To understand the origins of this intriguing behavior, we directly observe and quantify the motion of all of the fibers in the fibrin networks as they undergo shear in 3D using confocal microscopy. We show that the strain-stiffening response of a clot is a result of the full network deformation rather than an intrinsic strain-stiffening response of the individual fibers. We observe a distinct transition from a linear, low-strain regime, where all fibers avoid any internal stretching, to a non-linear, high-strain regime, where an increasing number of fibers become stretched. This transition is characterized by a high degree of non-affine motion. Moreover, we are able to precisely calculate the non-linear stress-strain response of the network by using the strains on each fiber measured directly with confocal microscopy and by assuming the fibers behave like linearly elastic beams. This result confirms that it is the network deformation that causes the strain-stiffening behavior of fibrin clots. These data are consistent with predictions for low-connectivity networks with soft, bending, or floppy modes. Moreover, we show that the addition of small contractile cells, platelets, increases the low-strain stiffness of the network while the high-strain stiffness is independent of the presence of the platelets; this is also consistent with expectations for small contractile elements in a network with low connectivity. Our results elucidate the origins of strain-stiffening in fibrin networks as well as the mechanism underlying platelet-induced clot stiffening. / Physics

Dirvožemio makrofaunos (Lumbricidae) tyrimai Šiaurės Lietuvos ekologinės gamybos ūkyje / Research of the soil macrofauna (Lumbricidae) in the northern Lithuanian ecological production farm

Vaičkutė, Agneta 07 June 2006 (has links)
The master work presents the research of macrofauna (Lumbricidae) quantity, depending on the spieces of the plants grown and the hydrotermic modes. Research object: the soil macrofauna in the light granulometre composition of soils (in Akemnė district, Smiltinė village). Research objective: by field research to evaluate quantity of macrofauna (Lumbricidae) in the nothern part of Lithuania in the light granulometre composition of soils, in the ecological production farm, depending on the spieces of the plants grown and the hydrotermic modes. Research methods: the quantity of earthworms was established by digging 0.5 x 0.5 m and 0.25 m depth monolyths of soil, gathering earthworms, calculating, weitghting and measuring them. The research established that the quantity, weight, length of the earthworms depended on the species of plants grown, forecrops and hydrotermic modes. The most advantageous crops were the kitchen-garden, the garden, the potatoes. The best forecrops were the kitchen-garden. During the years of research strong reverse correlation links between the quantity of earthworms and the hydrotermic modes were established.

Cinema in Soviet Lithuania: the development of the system and the shift in functions (1944–1970) / Kinas sovietų Lietuvoje: sistemos raida ir funkcijų kaita (1944–1970 m.)

Kaminskaitė - Jančorienė, Lina 11 April 2014 (has links)
By combining the approaches of film history theory with research of the Soviet period, and on the basis of empirical research, this study carries out the reconstruction of exhibition, distribution and production. The main aim of this study is to present film as a multi-layered phenomenon of the Soviet period which encompasses socio-cultural, ideological, political, creative, technological, economical and institutional levels. This research not only identifies the main aims and tasks of the Soviet film policy (from above), but also discloses reasons for those cases when the programme-aimed intentions failed to be executed (from below). As it turns out, the “most important of all arts” was not that significant. The so-called advantages of cinema, such as its “mass appeal” or “effectiveness”, were only programme-based aspirations that granted film with mythical powers that had nothing in common with the processes that took place in the reality of Soviet Lithuania. The end of the creation of the Lithuanian film studio signified, on the one hand, the fact that the creation of the model of film industry in the periphery of the USSR had come to an end (production, distribution, exhibition); on the other hand, it marked the appropriation of the multi-stage system of film control. Having thoroughly analysed the modes of control expression, the research proposes a construct for this control system (“control pyramid”). / Derinant tarptautinėje istoriografijoje susiformavusias kino istorijos teorijos prieigas su sovietmečio tyrinėjimais, empirinio tyrimo pagrindu darbe atliekama kino rodymo (kino rodymo tinklas), platinimo (kino repertuaras), kino gamybos ir kūrybos rekonstrukcija. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – pristatyti kiną kaip įvairialypį sovietmečio fenomeną, apimantį sociokultūrinius, ideologinius, politinius, kūrybinius, technologinius, ekonominius, institucinius lygmenis. Tyrime identifikuoti ne tik sovietų kino politikos pagrindiniai tikslai, uždaviniai („iš viršaus“), bet ir apčiuopti programinių intencijų neįgyvendinimo atvejai, priežastys („iš apačios“). Pasirodo, „svarbiausias iš menų“ ne toks jau ir buvo svarbus. Menami kino privalumai – „masiškumas“, paveikumas – tebuvo programinė siekiamybė, kurioje kinui suteiktos mitinės galios nieko bendra neturėjusios su sovietų Lietuvos tikrovėje vykusiais procesais. Lietuvos kino studijos kūrimo pabaiga, viena vertus, ženklino kino industrijos modelio kūrimo baigtį SSRS periferijoje (gamina, platina, rodo), kita vertus, daugiapakopės filmų kontrolės sistemos perėmimą. Atlikus nuoseklią kontrolės raišką, tyrime pasiūlytas kontrolės sistemos vaizdinys („kontrolės piramidė“). Šis leido ne tik priartėti prie supratimo kokioje gamybinėje, kūrybinėje, ideologinėje tikrovėje kino filmų kūrimo procesas vyko, bet ir pirmą kartą identifikuoti užmanymus bei filmus, patyrusius skirtingas nuobaudas ir draudimus.

Étude de relais multi-mode sous contrainte d'énergie dans un contexte de radio logicielle

Lévy-Bencheton, Cédric 28 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La réduction d'énergie apparaît comme un besoin crucial dans les télécommunications modernes, tant au niveau des terminaux que des réseaux. Dans les réseaux modernes, un terminal peut se connecter à Internet via d'autres terminaux ou infrastructures à proximité, appelés relais. Bien que les relais offrent une solution intéressante pour limiter la puissance de transmission des terminaux, il n'est pas simple de garantir une réduction de la consommation d'énergie globale. Il devient alors nécessaire de développer des outils pour évaluer et quantifier la consommation d'énergie. Un terminal moderne dispose de plusieurs interfaces de communications, ce qui lui permet d'utiliser plusieurs standards. Sachant qu'un standard dispose de différents modes de communications, un terminal est multi-mode lorsqu'il possède cette capacité à communiquer sur les différents standards et modes disponibles. Nous nous sommes alors intéressés à l'utilisation du multi-mode dans le cadre des relais. Nous nous positionnons dans un contexte de radio logicielle, où la couche physique d'un terminal est représentée par des blocs programmables, ce qui facilite l'implémentation du multi-mode. Afin d'estimer la consommation d'énergie d'une radio logicielle, nous avons calculé la complexité algorithmique pour les couches physiques du 802.11g (ou Wi-Fi), de l'UMTS et du 802.15.4 (ou Zigbee). Dans cette thèse, nous avons développé des outils nous permettant d'évaluer l'intérêt d'un relais multi-mode dans la réduction d'énergie. Nous avons proposé un modèle d'énergie réaliste pour le multi-mode, qui prend en compte la couche d'accès au medium des protocoles considérés. Dans un but de réalisme accru, nous avons implémenté le multi-mode au sein de WSNet, un simulateur réseau précis, grâce auquel nous avons déterminé les paramètres ayant un impact sur la consommation d'énergie. Puis, nous avons proposé et validé des stratégies permettant de minimiser l'influence de ces paramètres.

Gręžimo režimų įtaka skylių stiklo tekstolite paviršiaus kokybei / Influence of the boring regimes to the quality of the surface of holes in glass textolite

Bendikas, Romas 02 July 2009 (has links)
Darbas skirtas skylių gręžimo stiklo tekstolito plokštėse kokybės užtikrinimo problemoms spręsti. Teoriškai išanalizuoti įvairūs gręžimo būdai: mechaninis, lazerinis,  plazminis. Išdėstyti pagrindiniai faktoriai, lemiantys skylių kokybinius parametrus.Eksperimentinis tyrimas buvo atliekamas Tauragėje AB „Telga“, gręžimo ceche. Programinėmis gręžimo staklėmis TIMAX MDR 2002 gręžtas stiklo tekstolitas FR–4, skirtingais pjovimo režimais. Mikroskopu įvertinta įvairiais režimais ir grąžtais gautų paviršių kokybė. Išaiškinti optimalūs darbo režimai priklausomai  nuo skylių kokybės keliamų reikalavimų. / This work deals with the quality problems of hole drilling in the glass textolite panels. Different drilling methods: mechanical, laser based and plasmic drilling have been analysed theoretically. The main factors, determining qualitative parameters of holes, have been stated. Experimental study has been performed in Tauragė, AB „Telga“ drilling workshop. Glass textolite FR–4 has been drilled using programmable drilling machine TIMAX MDR 2002 and applying different cutting modes. The quality of surfaces obtained after drilling by different modes and drills has been evaluated by using microscope. Optimal performance modes depending on the requirements for the quality of holes have been explored. The work consists of four parts: introduction, literature review, experimental analysis and conclusions.

Temporal and individual song variation in the Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis)

Demko, Alana 26 March 2012 (has links)
Song repertoire structure, organization, and use were studied in 68 male Canada Warblers (Cardellina canadensis) in a breeding population in New Hampshire in 2010-2011. On average, males had complex repertoires of 12 phrases and 55 variants. Repertoire sharing was negatively related to distance between territories, and positively related to longer territory tenure, evidence that males learn songs from neighbours. Males used two singing modes: (I) slow, regular delivery of less variable songs, and (II) fast, intermittent delivery of more variable songs interspersed with chips. Males used Mode I when unpaired and when near females, and Mode II at dawn and during territory disputes, a pattern similar to other warbler species with two song categories. Detectability (whether a male sang) differed little between 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-min count intervals. Song output and detectability were highest at dawn and in unpaired males, and lowest in paired males late in the season.

The relation between lexico-semantic groups and modes of action (on the material of phrasal verbs with the postverb up) / Leksinių semantinių grupių ir veiksmo būdų ryšys (frazinių veiksmažodžių su postverbu up pagrindu)

Žukaitė, Kristina 02 August 2011 (has links)
The subject matter of phrasal verbs is a complex linguistic phenomenon. It raises a great number of theoretical issues. These include linguistic status, derivational aspect, lexical meaning, aspectuality etc of phrasal verbs. The English postverb UP has been chosen for our research with the aim to investigate the relation between the formation of lexico-semantic groups and modes of action. We assume that our research and the data collected for it might be used in the course of lexicology, word formation and semantics of the English language. / Frazinių veiksmažodžių tyrimo objektas – sudėtingas kalbinis reiškinys, keliantis daug teorinių klausimų (kalbinę padėtį, žodžių vedybos aspektą, leksinę reikšmę, aspektualumą ir kt.). Anglų kalbos postverbas UP yra pasirinktas mokslo tiriamajame darbe siekiant ištirti ryšį tarp leksinių-semantinių grupių ir veiksmo būdų. Manome, kad mūsų mokslo tiriamasis darbas bei surinkti duomenys gali būti naudojami anglų kalbos leksikologijoje, žodžių daryboje bei semantikoje.

Communications Over Multiple Best Singular Modes of Reciprocal MIMO Channels

AlSuhaili, khalid 22 July 2010 (has links)
We consider two transceivers equipped with multiple antennas that intend to communicate i.e. both of which transmit and receive data in a TDD fashion. Assuming that the responses of the physical communication channels between these two nodes are linear and reciprocal (time invariant or with very slow time variations), and by exploiting the closed loop conversation between these nodes, we have proposed efficient algorithms allowing to adaptively identify the Best Singular Mode (BSM) of the channel (those algorithms are for training, blind, and semi-blind channel identification). Unlike other proposed algorithms, our proposed adaptive algorithms are robust to noise as the involved step-size allows a trade-off to reduce the impact of the additive noise at the expense of some estimation delay. In practice, however, the reciprocity of the equivalent channels is lost because of the mismatch between the transmit and the receive filters of the communicating nodes. This mismatch causes significant degradation in the performance of the BSM estimation. Therefore, we have also proposed adaptive self-calibrating algorithms (which do not require any additional RF circuitry) that account for such a mismatch. In addition, we have conducted a convergence analysis of the BSM algorithm and extended it to estimate multiple modes simultaneously. Finally, we have also proposed an adaptive, iterative algorithm that is capable of allocating power in such a way that maximizes the capacity of a SISO OFDM communication system. / Thesis (Ph.D, Electrical & Computer Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2010-07-21 16:53:33.077

Forebay Thermal Dynamics at Hydropower Facilities on the Columbia River System

Robertson, Catherine B. Unknown Date
No description available.

Fluorescent-Core Microcapillaries: Detection Limits for Biosensing Applications

McFarlane, Shalon A Unknown Date
No description available.

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