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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Building institutions in Ukraine : the case for parliament, 1990-2000

Whitmore, Sarah Victoria January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

The Representation of the Soviet Past by Contemporary Russian Writers

Nekrasova, Alena 10 October 2013 (has links)
The Soviet Union had existed for 70 years and was labeled as the "evil empire". Its technological achievements and geographical discoveries are amazing. However, its dark aspects such as censorship, "purges", and freedom restrictions are shocking as well. The effects of its collapse in 1991 were felt throughout the world in many aspects of peoples' day-to-day lives. Nowadays, many average Russians feel tenderness and nostalgia for what they had back then. This thesis addresses the perception of the Soviet past by two contemporary Russian writers, Elena Chizhova and Elena Katishonok. Despite the common tendency to idealize the Soviet epoch, the authors represent it as a period that is not worthy of nostalgia. The thesis explores the world picture created in both novels by means of the analysis of such themes as the space structure, death, and memory that recur and function on different levels of the target texts.

Society of Boredom: Lithuania in the Late Soviet Period (1964-1984) / Nuobodulio visuomenė: vėlyvojo sovietmečio Lietuva (1964-1984)

Vaiseta, Tomas 24 October 2012 (has links)
The vocabulary of "boredom" has been used extensively in the discourse of remembering and reflecting on the late Soviet period (1964-1984). The ambition of this paper was therefore to demonstrate how one can move from a metaphorical description of an historic period to a cultural study of the emergence, change, and confrontation of meanings. By conceptualization of "boredom" and creating the theoretical frames of model it was sought to explane the "destiny" of ideology and the practices of people determined by it. Therefore the object of this paper were ideological situations and people's practices therein. The author analysed situations where people would directly confront ideology, ideological field of action, and with their practices hint at its meaninglessness. The theoretical model was applied to study historical material. It was concluded that the communist ideology in the late Soviet period was acting like a factor of socialization aiming to discipline and mobilize Soviet people. Based on the concept of two dimensions by Alexei Yurchak, it was said that the ideological socialization, i.e. the commitment to ideolocigal norms, attitudes, structures, helped subjects to bind to constative dimension. At the same time there were plenty of practices of performative dimension, that were divided into three types: a-structural, para-structural and anti-structural. These types of practices contributed to the decline of ideology, but also it was shown that these practices in... [to full text] / Atsispiriant nuo atminties diskursui ir istoriografijai būdingo brežnevinės epochos (1964-1984 m.) apibūdinimo "nuobodulio" žodynu, disertacijoje kuriamas teorinis modelis, kuris padeda interpretuoti ir suprasti vėlyvojo sovietmečio Lietuvos visuomenės gyvenimą. Darbe pagrindžiama, kaip nuo istorinio laikotarpio aprašymo metaforomis galima pereiti prie kultūrologinio prasmių atsiradimo, kaitos ir konfrontacijos tyrimo. Konceptuolizavus nuobodulio sampratą ir suformavus teorinius nuobodulio visuomenės modelio apmatus, buvo siekiama paaiškinti ideologijos "likimą" vėlyvuoju sovietmečiu ir jos sąlygotą žmonių elgseną. Todėl darbo objektu tapo ideologinės situacijos ir žmonių praktikos jose. Nagrinėtos tokios situacijos, kuriose žmonės tiesiogiai susidurdavo su ideologija, ideologizuotu veiklos lauku, ir savo praktikomis sugestijavo apie jos beprasmybę. Teorinis modelis buvo pritaikytas iš archyvų, interviu, publikuotų atsiminimų, laiškų ir dienoraščių surinktai istorinei medžiagai nagrinėti. Prieita prie išvados, kad ideologija brežnevinėje epochoje veikė kaip socializacijos faktorius, sovietinius piliečius mobilizuodama ir drausmindama. Remiantis antropologo Alexei Yurchako dviejų matmenų koncepcija, teigiama, kad ideologinė socializacija, t.y. įsipareigojimas ideologinėms normoms, nuostatoms, struktūroms, padėjo subjektams išlikti steigiamajame matmenyje, tačiau tuo pačiu metu skleidėsi ir jų atliekamojo matmens praktikos, kurios buvo suskirstytos į tris rūšis: a-struktūrinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Tourism In Russia: From Tsarist To Post-soviet Period

Ersoz, Deniz Hasan 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes tourism and tourism policy in Russia from Tsarist to post-Soviet period. In this respect the main focus will be on the post-Soviet period. The collapse of the Soviet Union negatively affected tourism and tourism industry in the country. Tourism and tourism industry found itself in an uncertain environment during the transition period. With the establishment of Russian Federal Agency for Tourism in 2004, tourism policies became more effective in the Russian Federation. This study discusses the implementation of tourism policies and efforts of the Russian government for transforming the country into a well known touristic destination of the world.

Cinema in Soviet Lithuania: the development of the system and the shift in functions (1944–1970) / Kinas sovietų Lietuvoje: sistemos raida ir funkcijų kaita (1944–1970 m.)

Kaminskaitė - Jančorienė, Lina 11 April 2014 (has links)
By combining the approaches of film history theory with research of the Soviet period, and on the basis of empirical research, this study carries out the reconstruction of exhibition, distribution and production. The main aim of this study is to present film as a multi-layered phenomenon of the Soviet period which encompasses socio-cultural, ideological, political, creative, technological, economical and institutional levels. This research not only identifies the main aims and tasks of the Soviet film policy (from above), but also discloses reasons for those cases when the programme-aimed intentions failed to be executed (from below). As it turns out, the “most important of all arts” was not that significant. The so-called advantages of cinema, such as its “mass appeal” or “effectiveness”, were only programme-based aspirations that granted film with mythical powers that had nothing in common with the processes that took place in the reality of Soviet Lithuania. The end of the creation of the Lithuanian film studio signified, on the one hand, the fact that the creation of the model of film industry in the periphery of the USSR had come to an end (production, distribution, exhibition); on the other hand, it marked the appropriation of the multi-stage system of film control. Having thoroughly analysed the modes of control expression, the research proposes a construct for this control system (“control pyramid”). / Derinant tarptautinėje istoriografijoje susiformavusias kino istorijos teorijos prieigas su sovietmečio tyrinėjimais, empirinio tyrimo pagrindu darbe atliekama kino rodymo (kino rodymo tinklas), platinimo (kino repertuaras), kino gamybos ir kūrybos rekonstrukcija. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – pristatyti kiną kaip įvairialypį sovietmečio fenomeną, apimantį sociokultūrinius, ideologinius, politinius, kūrybinius, technologinius, ekonominius, institucinius lygmenis. Tyrime identifikuoti ne tik sovietų kino politikos pagrindiniai tikslai, uždaviniai („iš viršaus“), bet ir apčiuopti programinių intencijų neįgyvendinimo atvejai, priežastys („iš apačios“). Pasirodo, „svarbiausias iš menų“ ne toks jau ir buvo svarbus. Menami kino privalumai – „masiškumas“, paveikumas – tebuvo programinė siekiamybė, kurioje kinui suteiktos mitinės galios nieko bendra neturėjusios su sovietų Lietuvos tikrovėje vykusiais procesais. Lietuvos kino studijos kūrimo pabaiga, viena vertus, ženklino kino industrijos modelio kūrimo baigtį SSRS periferijoje (gamina, platina, rodo), kita vertus, daugiapakopės filmų kontrolės sistemos perėmimą. Atlikus nuoseklią kontrolės raišką, tyrime pasiūlytas kontrolės sistemos vaizdinys („kontrolės piramidė“). Šis leido ne tik priartėti prie supratimo kokioje gamybinėje, kūrybinėje, ideologinėje tikrovėje kino filmų kūrimo procesas vyko, bet ir pirmą kartą identifikuoti užmanymus bei filmus, patyrusius skirtingas nuobaudas ir draudimus.

Lithuanian Abstract painting in Soviet period / Lietuvos abstrakčioji tapyba sovietmečiu

Budrytė, Kristina 12 March 2009 (has links)
The Aim of the research is to define and analyse works of Lithuanian abstract painting during the Soviet period by establishing and comparing the diversity of criticism and practices of abstract art in Lithuania over several decades (from the end of the 1950s to the 1980s). In this thesis abstract paining is treated as a radical artistic reaction in Lithuania in terms of its theoretical and historical characteristics, and the general artistic context during the Soviet period is analysed in terms of socio-political issues. This is a study of the most celebrated examples of Western European art (also American art) presenting the most recent tendencies that developed out of them and juxtaposing it with the Central European culture (as the area of Soviet influence). Western European culture and its artistic movements were a complete opposition to the artificially built Eastern Block during the Soviet period. The forced separation of this period defined its unique qualities that found one expression in Central Europe and a different one in countries occupied by the Soviets (eg. in Lithuania); it also formed the position of freedom of an alternative art. Whereas in the West abstraction, in its own time, was the great boom of modernism because it freed painting from the traditional language of ‘representation’ and illustration, in Lithuania, in its local context, it had more functions: it was considered to be the great achievement of late modernism that helped to discover newer than... [to full text] / Disertacijos santraukoje nurodomi analizuoti Lietuvos abstrakčiosios tapybos kūriniai sovietmečiu, išskiriant ir lyginant kelių dešimtmečių (nuo šeštojo pabaigos iki devintojo) dailės ir dailės kritikos įvairovę Lietuvoje. Abstrakčioji tapyba, peržvelgus jos teorinius ir istorinius akcentus, vertinama kaip radikali meninė reakcija Lietuvoje, o bendras meninis kontekstas sovietmečiu analizuojamas iš sociopolitikos problematikos perspektyvos. Tai Vakarų Europos (bei iš JAV atkeliavusių) žymiausių pavyzdžių analizė, pateikianti išsivysčiusias iš jų naująsias tendencijas ir Vidurio Europos (kaip sovietmečio įtakos lauko) kultūrų sugretinimas. Visiška priešingybe sovietmečio dirbtinai suręstam Rytų blokui buvo Vakarų Europos kultūra ir jų meninės srovės. Priverstinis to laikotarpio atskyrimas nulėmė savitumus, vienaip pasireiškusius Vidurio Europoje, kitaip – sovietų okupuotose šalyse (pvz., Lietuvoje), ir iššaukusius kitokio meno laisvės poziciją. Vakaruose abstrakcija buvo modernizmo suklestėjimas, tai reiškė išsivadavimą iš tradicinės dailės kalbos, susijusios su vaizdo atvaizdavimu. Lietuvoje abstrakcijos apraiškos turėjo ir kitokių funkcijų: plastinės meninės kalbos įvairove buvo bandoma paneigti priverstinai primestą socrealizmo ideologiją. Disertacijos santraukoje atskleidžiamos Lietuvos abstrakčiosios tapybos formavimosi prielaidos ir galimybės. Abstrakčiosios tapybos užuomazgos –– S. Kisarauskienės, V. Kisarausko darbų pavyzdžiai, J. Švažo, L. Katino ir kt. tapyba XX... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Algimanto Zurbos kūryba: sociokultūriniai aspektai / Algimantas Zurba‘s creative work: socio-cultural aspects

Kašėtienė, Miglita 07 June 2013 (has links)
Kaip buvo numatyta bakalauro darbo „Paauglystės vaizdavimas Algimanto Zurbos romanuose paaugliams“ (2010) išvadose, šiame darbe tęsiamas sovietmečiu populiaraus ir šiuo metu vis dar kuriančio rašytojo Algimanto Zurbos (g. 1942) kūrybos tyrinėjimas. Praplečiami Zurbos kūrybos sociokultūriniai aspektai, tyrinėjama rašytojo vieta lyginant sovietmečio ir šiandienos literatūros lauką ¬– taigi linkstama ne prie meninės kūrinių analizės, kuri buvo atlikta bakalauro darbe, o prie politinių, socialinių, kultūrinių kontekstų, nulėmusių Zurbos kūrybos savitumą. Šie sociokultūriniai Zurbos kūrybos tyrimai paremti žymiausio prancūzų sociologo Pierre‘o Bourdieu literatūros lauko teorija bei lietuvių literatūros sociologės Loretos Jakonytės darbais, kuriuose išsamiai aprašoma lietuvių literatūros lauko raida. Remiantis dr. Valdemaro Klumbio disertacija „Lietuvos kultūrinio elito elgsenos modeliai sovietmečiu“ (2009), analizuojami Zurbos santykiai su sovietmečio valdžios institucijomis, pabrėžiamas rašytojui būdingas išorinio prisitaikymo modelis, susijęs su viešai deklaruojama valdžiai palankia laikysena, bet ne ideologinės pasaulėžiūros perėmimu. Kontekstinė kūrinių analizė paremta prancūzų pragmatikos atstovo Dominique Maingueneau literatūros konteksto teorija bei prancūzo sociokritikos atstovo Pierre‘o Barberr‘o darbais. Pagrindiniai tyrinėjimų šaltiniai – Zurbos publicistika, skelbta įvairiuose periodiniuose leidiniuose bei autobiografija „Gal taip reikėjo“ (2012). Darbe siekiama... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / As it was foreseen in the BA paper “Paauglystės vaizdavimas Algimanto Zurbos romanuose”, this paper continues analysing Algimantas Zurba’s (b. 1942), who was popular during soviet times and is still creating nowadays, creation. The sociocultural aspects of Zurba’s creation were extended by analysing the place of the writer by comparing the field of soviet times’ and today’s literature – therefore it is tend not to the artistic analysis of works, which was done in the BA paper, but to political, social, cultural contexts that determined the peculiarity of Zurba’s creation. This sociocultural research of Zurba’s creative work is based on the most famous French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s literature field theory and Lithuanian literature sociologist Loreta Jakonytė’s works, in which the development of Lithuanian literature field is exhaustively described. In accordance with Dr. Valdemaras Klumbys’ thesis “Lietuvos kultūrinio elito elgsenos modeliai sovietmečiu” (2009), the relationships of Zurba and soviet government institutions are analysed; the emphasis is put on typical for the writer external adjustment model, which is related to publicly declared, favourable to the government, attitude, but not to ideological worldview support. Contextual analysis of works is based on the representative of French pragmatics Dominique Maingueneau’s literature context theory and on the representative of French socio-criticism Pierre Barberr’s works. The sources of the research are... [to full text]

Ideological Models of Lithuanian Heritage Protection and Their Practical Expression at the Soviet Period / Lietuvos paveldosaugos idėjiniai modeliai ir jų raiška praktikoje sovietmečiu

Kulevičius, Salvijus 01 October 2010 (has links)
Heritage protection during the Soviet period is a phenomenon which involves the origins of some aspects of contemporary Lithuanian heritage protection. This period itself is evaluated in Lithuanian historiography in a contradictory way: on the one hand, it is proud of the achievements and it envisages resistanced, on the other hand, it tells about the biggest damage to heritage and Moscow dictate. The following question arises: What part of the present heritage protection is of “Lithuanian” origin and what part is the “Soviet” one? It is the subject that is analyzed in the dissertation. The traditional perspective – historical practices of the heritage, principles, divisions of conceptions into “good” and “bad” is rejected; instead of this, the ideological origins of that time heritage protection and the expressions of the ideas themselves are analyzed. The main subject of the research is the idea which is understood in the broadest sense, comprising the spheres of theory and practice, official and unofficial concepts, realized and unrealized plans. It is stated that the freedom to choose the ideological models of the heritage protection during the Soviet period depended on the sphere of the heritage protection: some of them were completely monopolized by Moscow, the others had the conditional freedom. It determined heterogeneous ideological origins of that time Lithuanian heritage protection. The most favourable environment for the Lithuanian will and self to spread was the... [to full text] / Sovietmečio paveldosauga yra reiškinys, kuriame glūdi kai kurių dabartinės Lietuvos paveldosaugos aspektų ištakos. Pati sovietmečio paveldosauga lietuviškoje istoriografijoje vertinama prieštaringai: viena vertus, didžiuojamasi pasiekimais ir įžvelgiama „konspiracinė rezistencija“, kita vertus, kalbama apie didžiausius paveldo nuostolius ir Maskvos diktatą. Kyla klausimas, kiek šios dabarties paveldosaugos ištakos yra „lietuviškos“, o kiek „sovietinės“ prigimties. Būtent tai ir nagrinėjama disertacijoje. Čia atsisakoma tradicinės perspektyvos – istorinių paveldosaugos praktikų, principų, sampratų dalijimo į „geras“ ir „blogas“; vietoj to gilinamasi į to meto paveldosaugos idėjines ištakas bei pačių idėjų raiškas. Idėja, pagrindinis šio tyrimo objektas, suprantama plačiausia prasme, apimant teorijos ir praktikos, oficialių ir neoficialių konceptų, realizuotų ir neįgyvendintų sumanymų sferas. Disertacijoje konstatuojama, kad paveldosaugos idėjinių modelių pasirinkimo laisvė sovietmečiu priklausė nuo paveldosaugos sferos: vienos jų buvo visiškai monopolizuotos Maskvos, kitoms suteikta sąlyginė laisvė. Tai lėmė to meto Lietuvos paveldosaugos idėjinių ištakų nevienalytiškumą. Palankiausia terpė lietuviškosios valios ar savasties skleidimuisi buvo paveldotvarkos elgsenos. Būtent čia laisviausiai galėjo reikštis tradiciniai (dar ikisovietiniais metais atsiradę) lietuvių tapatumo modeliai. Taip pat atskleidžiama, kad paveldosaugos idėjiniai modeliai Lietuvoje sovietmečiu gyvavo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

The Gordian Knot of Past and Present: Memory of Stalinist Purges in Modern Ukraine

Mokrushyna, Halyna 10 August 2018 (has links)
The thesis examines the social memory of Soviet period in Ukraine on the national and regional levels drawing on the conceptual framework of social memory as shared, normative and formative knowledge of the past, subject to contentious interpretations of various groups and reflecting the power structure of the society. The analysis of the law on the rehabilitation of victims of political repressions in Ukraine, the law on the Holodomor as genocide against Ukrainian nation, and the decommunization laws shows that on the official level Ukraine moved from an ambivalent attitude towards the Soviet legacy, in which Stalinism was repudiated, to the condemnation of Soviet power as a whole. On the regional level, the study reveals the divisive memory of the Soviet past. The analysis of the activities of the Memorial Society, of monuments to the prisoners executed in Lviv by retreating Soviets in June of 1941, of the Museum-Prison on Lontsky street and other museums and monuments shows that in Lviv, as in the Baltic States, the Soviet power is viewed as an alien regime, imposed on freedom-loving Ukrainians by Soviet Russia tyranny. On the opposite side of Lviv is Donetsk. The analysis of the memorial landscape of the city shows that the Donbas memory of the 1930s, as in Soviet times and in Russia, is based on an official forgetting of the repressions. The general assessment of the Soviet past is positive is incorporated into the collective identity of Donetsk as its integral part. After the Euromaidan events of late 2013-early 2014 the opposite memories of the Soviet past became even more apparent. Soviet past in Ukraine is a complex historical period. Examples of post-second world war Western Europe shows that a society, which wants to rebuild itself after a traumatic, divisive past, has to work through this past critically and honestly through an extremely difficult, but necessary open public debate. Only free exchange of opinions, where diversity of perspectives and interpretations of the Soviet experience would be heard, will allow Ukrainian society to grasp the complexity of the Soviet past and to build an inclusive, pluralist democracy.

A Rússia pelo cinema de Nikita Mikhalkov / Russia through the cinema of Nikita Mikhalkov

Fabiana Morabito 04 November 2013 (has links)
A proposta central desta pesquisa é analisar os filmes do cineasta russo Nikita Mikhalkov produzidos no período pós-soviético, sem, contudo, desconsiderar as demais obras do momento soviético. O estado de dissolução de valores na Rússia pós-soviética e a falta de parâmetros, principalmente dos jovens, motivaram Mikhalkov a produzir filmes cuja forma e conteúdo fossem acessíveis e emblemáticos, aproximando-se do cinema blockbuster e persuadindo o espectador através do uso incessante de símbolos. Seu público-alvo são os jovens, porém sua crítica se estende a todos os afetados pelo capitalismo, sistema que o cineasta considera ser nocivo ante a misteriosa alma russa. Diante disso, o trabalho questionará sua proposta no momento atual. / The main purpose of this research is to analyze the movies produced by the Russian film-maker Nikita Mikhalkov during the post-Soviet period, but without disregarding the other works from the Soviet period. The state of dissolution of Russian values in the post-Soviet Russia and the lack of parameters, mainly related to the youth, motivated Mikhalkov to produce movies in which the form and the content were accessible and emblematic, coming close to the blockbuster conventions and persuading the viewer by the incessant use of symbols. His target audience is the young public, but his critics extend to all people who have been affected by capitalism, a system that he considers to be harmful to the mysterious Russian soul. This dissertation will question his approach in the post-Soviet period.

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