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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Schiavoni, Michele 07 July 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail présenté dans cette thèse a pour objet l'étude expérimentale de la dynamique atomique dans un réseau optique dissipatif. Nous avons utilisé les techniques de spectroscopie pompe-sonde et d'imagerie du nuage atomique. Nous avons pu obtenir avec ces méthodes des informations sur la température, sur le mouvement des atomes piégés dans les puits de potentiel optique et sur les processus de transport.<br /><br />Nous reportons l'observation directe des modes de propagation Brillouin par imagerie et nous étudions le lien avec la résonance optique que l'on observe dans les spectres pompe-sonde. Nous montrons l'existence de modes noirs, pour lesquels un mode de propagation est excité sans qu'il soit détectable par spectroscopie.<br /><br />Nous utilisons les réseaux optiques comme système modèle pour la physique statistique. Nous montrons l'existence d'une résonance stochastique pour l'excitation du mode de propagation Brillouin.<br /><br />Enfin, nous reportons l'observation d'une diffusion dirigée d'atomes dans un potentiel périodique symétrique, obtenue grâce à la brisure de la symétrie temporelle du système.

Analysis and control of transitional shear flows using global modes

Bagheri, Shervin January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis direct numerical simulations are used to investigate two phenomenain shear flows: laminar-turbulent transition over a flat plate and periodicvortex shedding induced by a jet in cross flow. The emphasis is on understanding and controlling the flow dynamics using tools from dynamical systems and control theory. In particular, the global behavior of complex flows is describedand low-dimensional models suitable for control design are developed; this isdone by decomposing the flow into global modes determined from spectral analysisof various linear operators associated with the Navier–Stokes equations.Two distinct self-sustained global oscillations, associated with the sheddingof vortices, are identified from direct numerical simulations of the jet incrossflow. The investigation is split into a linear stability analysis of the steadyflow and a nonlinear analysis of the unsteady flow. The eigenmodes of theNavier–Stokes equations, linearized about an unstable steady solution revealthe presence of elliptic, Kelvin-Helmholtz and von K´arm´an type instabilities.The unsteady nonlinear dynamics is decomposed into a sequence of Koopmanmodes, determined from the spectral analysis of the Koopman operator. Thesemodes represent spatial structures with periodic behavior in time. A shearlayermode and a wall mode are identified, corresponding to high-frequency andlow-frequency self-sustained oscillations in the jet in crossflow, respectively.The knowledge of global modes is also useful for transition control, wherethe objective is to reduce the growth of small-amplitude disturbances to delaythe transition to turbulence. Using a particular basis of global modes, knownas balanced modes, low-dimensional models that capture the behavior betweenactuator and sensor signals in a flat-plate boundary layer are constructed andused to design optimal feedback controllers. It is shown that by using controltheory in combination with sensing/actuation in small, localized, regionsnear the rigid wall, the energy of disturbances may be reduced by an order of magnitude.

Optically active Si-rich Si3N4 Mu-cavities for sensoristic applications

Ferrarese Lupi, Federico 23 May 2012 (has links)
In this thesis we have presented a thorough study on the optical and sensoristic properties of SRSN Mu-disks, in an isolated configuration and when coupled to a passive Si3N4 waveguide placed underneath. The whole structure of the device have been previously simulated in order to study the behavior of the supported WGM when subject to a geometrical variation (i.e.: radius, thickness, shape of the edge of the isolated Mu-disk): the obtained results granted the realization of Mu-resonators with Q factor exceeding 104. The coupled structure have been then simulated with the main goal of maximizing the WGM intensity transmitted at the end of the WG. This task has been fulfilled through a careful optimization of the geometrical parameters (i.e.: X-Gap and Z-Gap). The subsequent step, involving the fabrication process of the sample - realized in the Centro Nacional de Microelectronica (CNM) of Bellaterra - has been carried out using standard CMOS compatible process. The deposition and the implantation of the Si3N4 has been performed by means of LPCVD technique, while for the SiO2 deposition the PECVD. Finally the optical elements has been defined by means of a two level photolithographic mask. On the produced samples we have performed a superficial analysis (SEM, AFM) with the aim of evaluate the presence of geometrical imperfections and estimation of the superficial roughness. Furthermore the EFTEM analysis revealed the absence of Si-nc inside the active layer. Using the Cut-back technique, low losses under 1 dB/cm have been found in both VIS and IR spectral range in the passive WG of different width. On the other hand, applying the SES technique on an Si-rich WG structure we have been able to extract the losses value of active material in a wide and continuous range of wavelength, defined inside the PL spectrum. As a result of a careful optimization of the active SRSN in terms of PL intensities and optical losses, we have been able to produce bright and high Q isolated Mu-disks, achieving maximum values about 1.4x104 in a wide spectral range in the VIS and emitting up to few nW on a single resonance. The reported Q values are the best ever reported in circular Si-based light emitting Mu-cavities and are just limited by the spectral resolution of our experimental setup. The coupled structures demonstrated Q values up to 1.48x103, which are susceptible to be greatly improved through optimization of the fabrication process. Through a prof of concept , we have demonstrated that these structures are very sensible to the surrounding material and are able to detect refractive index changes with sensitivities of 51.79 nm/RIU and minimum measured refractive index change of 1.15x10-3 RIU. / En esta tesis, realizada en el departament d' Electrònica de la Universitat de Barcelona se ha presentado un estudio detallado the las propiedades ópticas y sensoras de estructuras resonantes tipo micro-disco fabricados íntegramente en nitruro de silicio enriquecido con silicio (SRSN). El estudio se ha llevado a cabo bien en estructuras aisladas o en una configuración acoplada con una guía de onda passiva situada debajo de la cavidad. La totalidad de la estructura ha sido simulada con el fin de estudiar el comportamiento de los modos resonantes WGM soportados cuando se cambian las condiciones de contorno geómetricas y del material. Los resultado obtenidos han permitido la realización de estructuras resonantes con factores de calidad superiores a 104. El objetivo de las simulaciones ha sido el de maximizar la intensidad transmitida de los modos soportados (WGM) al final de la guía de onda. Este hito ha sido cumplido gracias a la optimización de los parámetros geómetricos relativos (el X-gap y el Z-gap). Una vez producidas las muestras, se procedió a la realización de un análisis de superficie (SEM, AFM) para evaluar la rugosidad efectiva de las estructuras y las eventuales imperfecciones geométricas. Como resultado de la optimización del material activo en términos de intensidad de fotoluminiscencia y pérdidas ópticas, se consiguieron realizar cavidades resonantes de alta emisión luminosa y buenos factores de calidad. En un nuevo montaje experimental de u-PL desarrollado íntegramente para el estudio de estos dispositivos, se obtuvieron valores máximos de Q = 1.4x104 en un rango espectral ancho en el visible. La potencia emitida en cada resonancia ha sido medida y cuantificada en un valor de nW. Este valor permite la utilización de detectores de silicio integrados. Con el fin de evaluar la sensitividad del dispositivo, se han llevado a cabo medidas de u-PL cambiando el entorno del microdisco y monitorizando el desplazamiento espectral que sufre una determinada resonancia. El resultado de estas medidas muestra un desplazamiento de 1.37 nm como consecuencia de un índice de refracción de An = 0.0038 RIU (refractive index unit).

Intraseasonal Variations In Sea Level Pressure And Association With Tropical Convection

Kiranmayi, L 01 July 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with tropical intraseasonal variation (TISV) having time scales in 20-80 day range. Variations on this time scale have been observed to have profound influence on the weather and climate of the entire globe, and hence its study forms an important area of current research. A large number of studies have been carried out on this topic since the pioneering work of Madden and Julian in 1971. However, the observational studies are biased towards using the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) as the variable of interest, and other variables, pressure in particular, have received less attention. The present thesis explores features of intraseasonal variations in sea level pressure (SLP) with the following main objectives. 1. Compare and contrast wavenumber – frequency spectra of OLR, zonal winds and SLP. 2. Quantify temporal and spatial variations of different tropical modes observed in the above variables. 3. Investigate intraseasonal variations in sea level pressure in the tropics and its meridional connections. 4. Document the movement of cloud bands during the periods of high and low TISV activity during different seasons. 5. Explore the relations between intraseasonal variations in SLP and monsoon rainfall over India. The study considered global data for a time period of 25 years from 1979 to 2003. Spectral analysis and correlations are the main tools of analysis. A combined FFT-wavelet spectral method, which uses FFT in longitude and wavelet transform in time, was developed for this purpose. This method provided an effective way of obtaining wavenumber - frequency spectra as well as in quantifying temporal variations of different modes. The transform gives spectral intensity as a function of wavenumber, frequency and time. The analysis is applied to OLR, zonal wind and SLP to understand spectral characteristics of different modes and their temporal variations. The thesis shows that the nature of spectra for OLR, SLP and wind is different although these variables are physically connected. OLR spectrum shows many of the equatorial modes observed from the previous studies for an equivalent depth of 40 m. Spectra of zonal winds at three vertical levels (850 mb, 500 mb and 200 mb) shows peaks corresponding to MJO, Kelvin modes at an equivalent depth of 75 m and Rossby Haurwitz modes. SLP spectrum is different from others. It has peaks at wavenumber zero and at MJO and Rossby Haurwitz modes. Another important new result of the thesis is the spatial and temporal behavior of SLP on intraseasonal time scales. It is shown that the the global atmosphere exhibits quasi-periodic oscillations in SLP with variations in the tropics and high latitudes strongly correlated but in opposite phases. Importantly, the strength of TISV is correlated with sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. This may have some predictive value for predicting the active and weak TISV activity.

Histoires de plex à Montréal : cohabitation et solidarité intergénérationnelle

Gagnon, Guillaume 05 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’intéresse à la cohabitation intergénérationnelle en immeubles de type plex, en tant que stratégie de solidarité familiale observée à Montréal. Plus précisément, il s’agit de retracer l’histoire de ce mode d’habiter à travers les récits recueillis auprès d’une dizaine de familles québécoises. Les personnes rencontrées ont évoqué les motivations d’un tel projet, ont parlé de son élaboration, de la vie quotidienne dans le plex, de l’avenir de la cohabitation ou, le cas échéant, des motifs d’y mettre fin. La spécificité de la cohabitation intergénérationnelle en plex est de mettre à profit le cadre bâti résidentiel montréalais, composé d’un grand nombre de plex, dans le but plus ou moins explicite de resserrer les liens de la solidarité familiale. La démarche a donc consisté à reconstituer l’histoire d’une dizaine de familles ayant opté pour un tel mode d’habiter à Montréal, ceci à travers le récit d’un membre de la « génération-pivot », dans chacun de ces familles, susceptible de se situer au carrefour des solidarités : entre ses enfants dans la jeune vingtaine et ses parents et ses parents vieillissants. Deux objectifs principaux ont été poursuivis. Il s’agissait dans un premier temps de retracer le processus menant à une telle stratégie de proximité résidentielle et de détailler ensuite le fonctionnement quotidien de la cohabitation intergénérationnelle. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, trois questions ont guidé l’analyse du discours des répondants. Premièrement, quelles sont les motivations de ces familles? Deuxièmement, à quel point les réalités quotidiennes des membres cohabitants se voient-elles dès lors imbriquées? Troisièmement, quels enjeux sont soulevés par ce mode d’habiter? Les résultats mettent de l’avant de nombreux avantages à la cohabitation intergénérationnelle en plex, par exemple l’accès plus aisé à la propriété pour les jeunes générations, des possibilités accrues d’échanges de services concrets ou encore un sentiment de plus grande sécurité. Les enjeux soulevés par ce mode d’habiter sont également explorés et analysés du point de vue de la notion centrale sur laquelle repose ce projet familial et résidentiel, la notion d’indépendance. / This thesis focuses on intergenerational cohabitation in multi-lodging dwellings (duplexes, triplexes and such) in Montreal. Considering the extreme residential proximity involved, this form of habitation is defined as a strategy of family solidarity. More specifically, the motivations, the day-to-day operation and the challenges of this form of living are at the core of the thesis. The specificity of this form of residential strategy concerns its deep interconnection with Montreal’s built form, which contains a high number of “plexes” throughout its territory, which facilitates intergenerational cohabitation. The method consisted of interviewing ten families on their use of this residential strategy. The canvas of the interviews was chronological in order to emphasize the idea of a “project” that is sometimes inherent to intergenerational cohabitation. This way, the different steps leading to this form of habitation have been identified. The two principal objectives were to outline the process leading to intergenerational cohabitation and to highlight the possibilities of solidarity permitted by the day-to-day side of intergenerational cohabitation. Three questions guided the analysis of the participants’ speech. First, what are their motivations? Second, how is their daily routine affected by the extreme residential proximity? Third, what are the challenges of this form of living? The results show many advantages of this way of living, such as a faster access to ownership and a greater sense of security for elders. Although, some disadvantages have also been observed, especially around the independence of the tenants. Independence is the main way individuals express those disadvantages. On one hand, they wish to keep a maximum of their independence, and on the other hand, they are aware of the necessity to limit it to ensure the cohabitation.

Estudo dos modos de Plasmon em Fibras fracamente guiadas com camadas dielétricas sobre Filme Metálico. / Study of Plasmon modes in fibers weakly guided dielectric layers on Metal Film.

Ricardo Gomes da Costa 15 December 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho são analisados os quatro modos de plasmon, ligados simétrico (Sb) e assimétrico (ab), fuga pelo núcleo (ln) e fuga pela cobertura (lc), que se propagam em uma fibra óptica fracamente guiada envolta por um filme metálico. No filme metálico é depositada uma camada dielétrica extra e acima desta, uma outra denominada cobertura. A análise será desenvolvida para filmes metálicos de prata, paládio e ouro. Esta estrutura é muito útil na confecção de sensores ópticos. / In this work the four Plasmon modes are analyzed, the symmetrical (Sb) and asymmetrical bounded (ab); the core (ln) and covering leaky modes (lc), that propagate in weakly guided optical fibers with a metallic film around that. In the metallic film a layer extra dielectric is deposited and above this, another layer denominated covering. The analysis will be developed for metallic films of the Silver, Palladium and Gold. This structure is very useful to making optical sensors.

Synthèse d'un champ acoustique avec contraste spatial élevé / Synthesis of an acoustic field with a high spatial contrast

Sanalatii, Maryna 16 May 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est la conception d'un système de haut-parleurs transportable, capable de générer un champ sonore prédéfini et focalisé avec un contraste spatial élevé. Ce système doit permettre à terme d'effectuer différents types d'études, par exemple des essais de transparence acoustique ou encore des essais vibratoires en conditions non-anéchoïques. La minimisation du nombre de canaux à piloter ainsi que du nombre des transducteurs est l'un des enjeux principaux du travail. Le choix du nombre de sources et la sélection de leurs positions optimales afin de générer un champ acoustique cible n'a pas de solution triviale. Pour répondre à cette question, la méthode proposée se base sur la décomposition du rayonnement d’une source en série de fonctions orthogonales indépendantes (les"modes de rayonnement"), construits numériquement via une décomposition en valeurs singulières de la matrice d'impédance. En filtrant les termes évanescents, le champ lointain peut être reconstruit à l'aide d'un faible nombre de termes. De plus, la méthode permet d'estimer une distribution de débit efficace pour générer le champ cible. La méthode proposée étant relativement peu étudiée dans la littérature, la première partie de la thèse a été consacrée au problème de la validation expérimentale de la méthode directe et à l'étude des principaux paramètres en influençant le résultat. La problématique du positionnement des sources permettant de synthétiser un champ sonore prédéfini et focalisé est abordée dans la deuxième partie du travail. / The goal of this thesis is the design of a transportable speaker system, able to generate a predefined and focused sound field with a high spatial contrast. This system has eventually to allow carrying out different types of studies, for example acoustic transmission loss tests or vibration tests in non-anechoic conditions. The minimization of the number of driven channels and the number of transducers is one of the main goals of the work. The choice of the number of sources and the selection of their optimal positions in order to generate a target acoustic field has no trivial solution. To answer this question, the proposed method is based on the decomposition of the source radiation into a series of independent orthogonal functions (the "radiation modes"), constructed numerically via a singular value decomposition of the impedance matrix. By filtering the evanescent terms, the far field can be reconstructed using a small number of terms. In addition, the method allows the estimation of an efficient flow distribution to generate the target field. With the proposed method having been scarcely studied in the literature, the first part of the thesis is devoted to the problem of the experimental validation of the direct method and the study of the main parameters that are influencing the result. The problem of sources positioning in order to synthesize a predefined and focused sound field is discussed in the second part of the thesis.

An integrated method for the transient solution of reduced order models of geometrically nonlinear structural dynamic systems / Une méthode intégrée pour les réponses transitoires des modèles d’ordre réduit de structures en dynamique nonlinéaire géométrique

Lülf, Fritz Adrian 05 December 2013 (has links)
Pour les solutions transitoires répétées des structures géométriquement nonlinéaires l’effort numérique présente souvent une contrainte importante. Ainsi, l’introduction d’un modèle d’ordre réduit, qui prend en compte les effets nonlinéaires et qui accélère considérablement les calculs, s’avère souvent nécessaire.Ce travail aboutit à une méthode qui permet des solutions transitoires accélérées, fidèles et paramétrables, à travers d’un modèle réduit de la structure initiale. La structure est discrétisée et son équilibre dynamique décrit par une équation matricielle. La projection sur une base réduite est introduite afin d’obtenir un modèle réduit. Une étude numérique complète sur plusieurs bases communes démontre que la simple introduction d’une base constante ne suffit pas pour prendre en compte le comportement nonlinéaire. Trois exigences sont déduites pour une solution transitoire accélérée, fidèle et paramétrable. L’algorithme de solution doit permettre un suivi de l’évolution nonlinéaire de la solution transitoire, la solution doit être autonome des termes nonlinéaires en éléments finis et la base doit être adaptée à des paramètres externes.Trois approches sont mises en place, chacune répondant à une exigence. Ces approches sont assemblées dans la méthode intégrée. Les approches sont la mise-à-jour et augmentation de la base , la formulation polynomiale des termes nonlinéaires et l’interpolation de la base. Un algorithme de type Newmark forme le cadre de la méthode intégrée. L’application de la méthode intégrée sur des cas test en élément finis géométriquement nonlinéaires confirme qu’elle répond au but initial d’obtenir des solutions transitoires accélérées, fidèles et paramétrables. / For repeated transient solutions of geometrically nonlinear structures the numerical effort often poses a major obstacle. Thus, the introduction of a reduced order model, which takes the nonlinear effects into account and accelerates the calculations considerably, is often necessary.This work yields a method that allows for rapid, accurate and parameterisable solutions by means of a reduced model of the original structure. The structure is discretised and its dynamic equilibrium described by a matrix equation. The projection on a reduced basis is introduced to obtain the reduced model. A comprehensive numerical study on several common reduced bases shows that the simple introduction of a constant basis is not sufficient to account for the nonlinear behaviour. Three requirements for an rapid, accurate and parameterisable solution are derived. The solution algorithm has to take into account the nonlinear evolution of the solution, the solution has to be independent of the nonlinear finite element terms and the basis has to be adapted to external parameters.Three approaches are provided, each responding to one requirement. These approaches are assembled to the integrated method. The approaches are the update and augmentation of the basis, the polynomial formulation of the nonlinear terms and the interpolation of the basis. A Newmark-type time-marching algorithm provides the frame of the integrated method. The application of the integrated method on test-cases with geometrically nonlinear finite elements confirms that this method leads to the initial aim of a rapid, accurate and parameterisable transient solution.

Étude et modélisation du phénomène de croissance transitoire et de son lien avec la transition Bypass au sein des couches limites tridimensionnelles / Spatial optimal perturbations for transient growth analysis in three-dimensional boundary layers

Lucas, Jean-Michel 13 October 2014 (has links)
The transition from a laminar to a turbulent flow strongly modifies the boundary layer properties.Understanding the mechanisms leading to transition is crucial to reliably predict aerodynamicperformances. For boundary layers subjected to high levels of external disturbances, the naturaltransition due to the amplification of the least stable mode is replaced by an early transition, calledBypass transition. This is the result of non-normal mode interactions that lead to a phenomenon oftransient growth of disturbances. These disturbances are known as Klebanoff modes and take theform of streamwise velocity streaks.This thesis aims at understanding this linear mechanism of transient growth and quantifying itsinfluence on the classical modal amplification of disturbances. This is done by computing theso-called optimal perturbations, i.e. the initial disturbances that undergo maximum amplificationin the boundary layer.These optimal perturbations are first determined for two-dimensional compressible boundary layersdeveloping over curved surfaces. In particular, we show that Klebanoff modes naturally evolvetowards Görtler vortices that occur over concave walls. Three-dimensional boundary layers arethen considered. In such configurations, transient growth provides an initial amplitude to crossflowvortices. Finally, applying the tools developed in this thesis to new flow cases such as swept wingsprovides further understanding of the phenomenon of transient growth for realistic geometries. / Le passage du régime laminaire au régime turbulent s’accompagne d’importantes modifications despropriétés physiques de la couche limite. La détermination précise de la transition est donc crucialedans de nombreux cas pratiques. Lorsque la couche limite se développe dans un environnementextérieur faiblement perturbé, la transition est gouvernée par l’amplification du mode propre le moinsstable. Lorsque l’intensité des perturbations extérieures augmente, des interactions multimodalesentraînent une amplification transitoire des perturbations. Ce phénomène peut conduire à unetransition prématurée, appelée transition Bypass. Les perturbations prennent alors la forme destries longitudinales de vitesse appelées modes de Klebanoff.L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier ce mécanisme linéaire de croissance transitoire et soninfluence sur l’amplification modale classique des perturbations. Cela passe par la déterminationdes perturbations les plus amplifiées au sein de la couche limite, appelées perturbations optimales.Ces perturbations optimales sont d’abord calculées pour des couches limites bidimensionnelles etcompressibles se développant sur des surfaces courbes. En particulier, on montre que les modes deKlebanoff évoluent vers les tourbillons de Görtler qui se forment sur des parois concaves. Le cas plusgénéral de couches limites tridimensionnelles est ensuite envisagé. Pour de telles configurations, lacroissance transitoire fournit une amplitude initiale aux instabilités transversales. Enfin, l’applicationdes outils développés dans cette thèse fournit de nouveaux résultats pour des cas d’écoulementsautour de géométries réalistes comme une aile en flèche.

Estudo dos modos de Plasmon em Fibras fracamente guiadas com camadas dielétricas sobre Filme Metálico. / Study of Plasmon modes in fibers weakly guided dielectric layers on Metal Film.

Ricardo Gomes da Costa 15 December 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho são analisados os quatro modos de plasmon, ligados simétrico (Sb) e assimétrico (ab), fuga pelo núcleo (ln) e fuga pela cobertura (lc), que se propagam em uma fibra óptica fracamente guiada envolta por um filme metálico. No filme metálico é depositada uma camada dielétrica extra e acima desta, uma outra denominada cobertura. A análise será desenvolvida para filmes metálicos de prata, paládio e ouro. Esta estrutura é muito útil na confecção de sensores ópticos. / In this work the four Plasmon modes are analyzed, the symmetrical (Sb) and asymmetrical bounded (ab); the core (ln) and covering leaky modes (lc), that propagate in weakly guided optical fibers with a metallic film around that. In the metallic film a layer extra dielectric is deposited and above this, another layer denominated covering. The analysis will be developed for metallic films of the Silver, Palladium and Gold. This structure is very useful to making optical sensors.

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