Spelling suggestions: "subject:"monastery"" "subject:"nonmastery""
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Αλληλογραφία του Πατριαρχείου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως με τη Μονή Γηρομερίου Θεσπρωτίας κατά τη μεταβυζαντινή και νεότερη περίοδο : συμβολή στη φιλολογική έρευνα της πατριαρχικής γραμματείαςΕυαγγέλου, Παναγιώτα 06 December 2013 (has links)
Στη μελέτη αυτή εκδίδονται τα κείμενα των γραμμάτων που απηύθυνε το Πατριαρχείο Κωνσταντινουπόλεως προς τη μονή Γηρομερίου από το 1533 ώς το 1863. Στη μεγάλη πλειοψηφία τους τα γράμματα αυτά εκδόθηκαν προκειμένου να επιλυθούν ζητήματα που κατά καιρούς απασχόλησαν τους χριστιανούς, ζητήματα τα οποία είχαν προηγουμένως γνωστοποιήσει στο Πατριαρχείο οι ενδιαφερόμενοι με γραπτές αναφορές τους.
Από άποψη γλωσσική, τα πατριαρχικά αυτά γράμματα εντάσσονται σε δύο ομάδες. Η πρώτη περιλαμβάνει κείμενα τα οποία ανήκουν σε διάφορους τύπους επίσημων γραμμάτων (κυρίως σιγίλλια) και στα οποία χρησιμοποιείται η αρχαιοπρεπής λόγια γλώσσα, η επίσημη γραπτή γλώσσα του Πατριαρχείου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. Η δεύτερη ομάδα περιλαμβάνει κείμενα που ανήκουν σε λιγότερο επίσημους τύπους γραμμάτων (κυρίως πιττάκια). Η γλώσσα των κειμένων τους χαρακτηρίζεται από την αυξημένη διείσδυση απλούστερων εκφραστικών μέσων. Το φαινόμενο αυτό, που ανιχνεύεται ήδη από την πρώτη μεταβυζαντινή περίοδο και εντείνεται στο πέρασμα του χρόνου, οφείλεται στην επίδραση της απλοελληνικής, διέπεται από την αρχή της προσαρμογής στο είδος ―δηλαδή τον βαθμό επισημότητας― της επικοινωνίας και στο γλωσσικό επίπεδο του αποδέκτη, και εξυπηρετεί την αμεσότητα της επικοινωνίας, απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση για την αποτελεσματική άσκηση της εκκλησιαστικής διοίκησης.
Από άποψη ιστορική, τα εκδιδόμενα έγγραφα συνιστούν την κατεξοχήν πηγή για την ιστορία της μονής Γηρομερίου κατά τους μεταβυζαντινούς και νεότερους χρόνους. Πρόκειται για το μοναστήρι που ίδρυσε στις πρώτες δεκαετίες του 14ου αιώνα ο όσιος Νείλος ο Εριχιώτης ή Ιεριχιώτης στην Ήπειρο, στην περιοχή της Βαγενιτίας, κοντά στο χωριό Γηρομέρι. Η τύχη του μοναστηριού μεταξύ των ετών 1336-1533 παραμένει άγνωστη. Αντίθετα, τα σωζόμενα πατριαρχικά γράμματα της περιόδου 1533-1863 περιέχουν πλούσιες μαρτυρίες σχετικά με ζητήματα εκκλησιαστικής διοίκησης, κοινωνικά, οικονομικά, ιδεολογικά κ.ά., μαρτυρίες που προάγουν τη γνώση μας γύρω από την ιστορία της μονής και της εξαρχίας Γηρομερίου, την τοπική ιστορία και την ιστορία του θεσμού του Πατριαρχείου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως στο πλαίσιο της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας. / The Correspondence between the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Monastery of Giromeri in Thesprotia during the Post-Byzantine and Modern Era
A Contribution to the Philological Research of the Patriarchal Acts
The thesis presents the philological edition of the acts which the Patriarchate of Constantinople addressed to the monastery of Giromeri from 1533 to 1863. The majority of these acts aims at settling issues faced by Christians under the Patriarchate’s jurisdiction. The interested parts usually informed the Patriarchate about their demands by written reports.
From the philological point of view, the Patriarchal acts in question can be classified in two groups. The first group includes texts belonging to various types of official acts (mainly sigillia), written in the learned language which constituted the formal written language of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The second group includes texts belonging to less official types of acts (mainly pittakia). Those texts are characterized by infiltration of a more simple language. This phenomenon, which can be detected since the early post-Byzantine era and is intensified through the forthcoming years, is due to the influence of the spoken language; it is also determined by the principle of linguistic adaptation to the type of communication –namely the rate of formality– as well as the linguistic level of the receiver, and it serves the directness of the communication, which is an indispensable prerequisite for the effective exercise of ecclesiastical administration.
From the historical point of view, the Patriarchal acts under discussion constitute in fact the main source for the history of the monastery of Giromeri during the post-Byzantine era. The monastery was founded in the first decades of 14th century by Neilos Erichiotes in Epirus, in the region of Vagenitia, close to the village of Giromeri. From 1336 to 1533, the fate of the monastery remains unknown. On the contrary, the Patriarchal acts of the period 1533-1863 contain a lot of information on matters of ecclesiastical administration, as well as social, financial, ideological issues etc., information which advance our knowledge on the history of the monastery and the exarchy of Giromeri, the local history and the history of the institution of the Patriarchate of Constantinople within the political framework of the Ottoman Empire.
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Diplomatika a správa kláštera Teplá ve 2. polovině 15. století. / Diplomatics and Administration of the Monastery of Teplá in the Second Half of the Fifteenth CenturyTrnka, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The subject of the thesis are the documents of the canony of Teplá, as well as some aspect of the administration of the monastery in the Middle Ages, namely under the abbot Sigismund Hausmann (1459-1506). It contains, besides the introductory chapter, three main parts, treating the history of the monastery in the Middle Ages, its documents and its administration, respectively. In the introduction, the basic secondary literature and primary sources for the topic are introduced. In addition, the structure and the methodology of the thesis are outlined. The history of the canony from its foundation up to the year 1526 is given in the first part. The following turning points are chosen for the periodization: 1420, 1459, and 1507. The presentation is based mostly on primary sources and it is focused mainly on the later Middle Ages. The second section, devoted to the medieval diplomatics of the monastery, begins with the typology of the diplomatic material of the Premonstratensian canonies in Bohemia and Moravia. The treatment of the documents of Teplá is divided according to the extant types of material (charters, letters pattent, letters missive, cartularies, registers and the remaining official books). External as well as internal features of every diplomatic type are followed in three periods: to the...
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Leaving the world for the sake of the world : Coptic monastic mission in the fourth and fifth centuriesYoukeem, Sameeh Helmy 06 1900 (has links)
Christian monasticism originated in Egypt and then spread to the rest of the Christian
church. Coptic monks made a significant contribution to Christian theology and spirituality
through their distinctive approach to the life of faith. This study by a Coptic monk analysis
Coptic missionary spirituality as it flowered in the fourth and fifth centuries.
Chapter 2 introduces the three main types of Coptic monasticism and the key figures in
each of the three types. Chapter 3 describes the centripetal dimension of their mission,
indicating how they attracted a wide.variety of people to a committed Christian life through
their holiness, simplicity and humility.
Chapter 4 discusses their "outreaching" mission of love: their preaching in harmony
with the culture of people, their concern for the poor and oppressed, their healing miracles
and exorcisms, their defense of the Orthodox faith against heresy. Chapter 5 summaries the
findings of the study and identifies priorities for further research. / Department of Christian Spiritual Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)
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Dějiny cisterciáckého kláštera Vyšší Brod v první polovině 20. století / History of Cistercian Monastery in Vyšší Brod in the first half of the 20th centuryPRAJER, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
The work deals with the history of the Cistercian Order in Vyšší Brod in the first half of the 20th century. It gives an account of political and religious events of those times and also reminds important milestones from the turn of the 18th and 19th century which influenced the 20th century {--} in particular the religious reforms carried out by Josef II and his closing down some monasteries. Founding the Diocese of České Budějovice counts among the positive acts of this emperor. The work also describes the impact of the two World Wars. Compulsory transfer of Germans after the World War Two and following fourty years lasting religious infringement strongly affected the life of the Cistercian Monastery in Vyšší Brod. Thanks to the newly gained liberty in November 1989 the life in the monastery could be renewed. Two monks came back to the monastery, both survived the time when the communists were in power, the older one also lived through the Nazi totalitarian system. New monastic life candidates came to the monastery, at present there are seven monks living there.
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De Guerras y de Dagas: crédito y parentesco en una familia limeña del siglo XVII / De Guerras y de Dagas: crédito y parentesco en una familia limeña del siglo XVIIEspinoza, Augusto 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article analyzes the nature of economic relations which began with the use of credit. In particular, it will study an important seventeenth century limanian family: the Guerra de la Daga. Two members of that family, Lucía and Clara, founders of the monastery of Santa Catalina in Lima, invested their capital in that monastery and guarantied its autonomy with respect to the administration of convent goods. To insure their control, they saturated the patrimony of their brother Antonio, owner of a mayorazgo, with different loans. This situation redefined family relationships between the founding abbesses and their brothers and descendants. / Este artículo analiza la naturaleza de las relaciones económicas nacidas a partir del crédito. Se estudia el caso de una importante familia limeña del siglo XVII: los Guerra de la Daga. Dos de sus miembros, Lucía y Clara, fundadoras del monasterio de Santa Catalina de Lima, invirtieron sus capitales en la dotación del mismo y procuraron la autonomía en la administración de los bienes conventuales. Para afianzar su poder, saturaron el patrimonio de su hermano Antonio, propietario de un mayorazgo, por medio de diversos préstamos. Esta situación redefiniría las relaciones parentales entre las abadesas fundadoras, de un lado, y sus hermanos y los descendientes de estos, del otro.
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L'architecture monastique sous le règne de Charlemagne / The architecture of monastic complexes during the reign of Charlemagne / Klosterarchitektur zur Zeit Karls des GrossenPain, Marie-Laure 08 December 2017 (has links)
Notre sujet porte sur l’étude des complexes monastiques construits – ou du moins dont les constructions ont débuté ou qui ont fait l’objet de modifications de leurs structures ou de leurs dispositifs cultuels – pendant le règne de Charlemagne. Ces recherches privilégient ce qui a trait à la représentativité du pouvoir carolingien et à l’affirmation politico-religieuse de celui-ci à travers le medium du monumental. Il s’agit également de se focaliser sur le rôle et les impacts spirituels, politiques, économiques et sociaux de ces centres monastiques au sein des territoires sur lesquels ils sont implantés. Instruments au service de « la Renaissance carolingienne », ces derniers subirent des modifications structurelles et liturgiques (mutation des vocables, développement d’une liturgie stationnale et multiplication des autels ainsi que des édifices cultuels au sein d’un même complexe) et adoptèrent parfois des dimensions monumentales. Enfin, notre propos s’applique à mesurer l’implication de Charlemagne et de ses conseillers dans ces constructions ainsi que la part de nouveautés et d’emprunts qui constituèrent et caractérisèrent l’architecture monastique de son temps. / Our subject deals with the study of the monastic complexes built – or whose construction started or has been modified – during the reign of Charlemagne. This research explores how these facilities could have been conceived as a mean to advertise and strengthen the political and religious power of the Carolingian emperor. The analysis is focused on the spiritual, political, economical and social impact of these monasteries upon the surrounding lands. As instruments of the “Carolingian Renaissance”, they have underwent some structural and liturgical modifications (renaming, development of the stational liturgy, addition of several altars and churches in one complex), and sometimes grew to monumental size. Ultimately, our intention is to assess the implication of Charlemagne and his councilors in these constructions, as well as to bring to light the architectural innovations or reuses that characterize the monastic architecture of Charlemagne’s reign. / Die Dissertation behandelt die klösterlichen Gebäudekomplexe zur Zeit Karls des Großen, ob nun zu dieser Zeit erbaut oder in ihrer Struktur oder ihrem Gebrauch verändert und angepasst. Die Untersuchung betont den Repräsentationscharakter des Mediums Klosterbau für die karolingische Herrschaft und dessen politische und religiöse Umsetzung in den Bauten. Außerdem werden die Rolle und die Wirkmächtigkeit dieser monastischen Zentren in ihren jeweiligen räumlichen Kontexten auf der spirituellen, politischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Ebene untersucht. Sie dienten als Vehikel der „karolingischen Renaissance“ und erfuhren strukturelle und liturgische Veränderungen (Wechsel der Patrozinien, Entwicklung einer Stationsliturgie, Vervielfachung der Altäre und der Artefakte für den Gottesdienst innerhalb eines Baukomplexes). Mitunter erreichten sie monumentale Ausmaße. Die Arbeit möchte schließlich die Beteiligung Karls des Großen und seines Beraterkreises bei diesen Baumaßnahmen erfassen und den Anteil des Neuen und des Übernommenen ermessen, der die monastische Architektur dieser Zeit charakterisiert.
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Entre a batalha e o mosteiro: memórias legitimadoras da Dinastia de Avis (Séc. XV) / Between the battle and the monastery: legitimate memories of the House of Avis (Fifteenth Century)Azevedo, Hugo Rincon 10 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-03-09T12:28:15Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-03-09T12:29:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Hugo Rincon Azevedo - 2017.pdf: 2692062 bytes, checksum: bcbd969d1af348eab0fced274d23020e (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The Portuguese Dynastic Crisis of 1383 - 1385 led to the enthronement of the House of Avis, represented by its founder, King John I of Portugal. Due to its illegitimate origin, the monarch and later his successors, used several resources of evocation of the royal power, objectifying to guarantee the legitimacy of his reign. The aim of this research is to understand how these mechanisms of representation of the political power reinforced by members of the House of Avis, and registered in "vestiges of written memory" (royal chronicles and other official registries) allied to the "vestiges of memory in stone" (monuments and architectural constructions) led to the symbolic construction of the Avis Dynasty in the 15th century. Within our chronological section (1383 - 1433), which covers the period of the final years of the reign of King Ferdinand I (1367 - 1383) to the reign of King John I (1385 - 1433), analyzing beyond the chronistic discourse, the centralizing policies adopted by the monarchy, the cult to the memory and the death of the dynasty's founding King and the members of his House, represented by the monumentalization of the Monastery of Batalha, points that were fundamental in the consolidation of this dynasty. / A Crise Dinástica portuguesa de 1383 - 1385 levou à entronização da dinastia de Avis, representada por seu fundador, D. João I. Devido a sua origem ilegítima, o monarca e posteriormente seus sucessores, utilizaram de diversos recursos de evocação do poder régio, objetivando garantir a legitimidade de seu reinado. A nossa proposta nesta pesquisa é entender como esses mecanismos de representação do poder político reforçados pelos membros da casa avisina, e registrados em "vestígios de memória escrita" (crônicas régias e demais registros oficiais) aliados aos "vestígios de memória em pedra" (monumentos e construções arquitetônicas), levaram à construção simbólica da Dinastia de Avis no século XV. Dentro de nosso recorte cronológico (1383 - 1433), que compreende o período dos anos finais do reinado de D. Fernando (1367 - 1383) ao reinado de D. João I (1385 - 1433), analisamos para além do discurso cronístico, as políticas centralizadoras adotadas pelos monarcas, o culto a memória e a morte do Rei fundador da dinastia e os membros de sua Casa, representados pela monumentalização do Mosteiro da Batalha, pontos que foram fundamentais na consolidação dessa dinastia.
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Em busca da renovatio cristã : simonia e institucionalidade eremítica na correspondência de Pedro Damiano (1041-1072) / The search for christian renewal : simony and eremitic institutionality in correspondence of Peter Damian (1041-1072)Bovo, Claudia Regina, 1979- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Néri de Barros Almeida / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T16:44:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Bovo_ClaudiaRegina_D.pdf: 8204077 bytes, checksum: 662793c87739b05cd81015a90585f2f6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Pedro Damiano (1007-1072), eremita e cardeal-bispo, foi por muito tempo valorizado como fonte indispensável para a compreensão da "Reforma Gregoriana". Importante autoridade espiritual de Fonte Avellana e da Sé de Ravena, ele envolveu-se nos debates sobre as ações de renovação nos meios monástico e episcopal, tornando-se cardeal-bispo de Óstia e legado papal. Em sua correspondência, as iniciativas de renovação cristã concentraram-se no processo de identificação, denúncia e castigo da corrupção eclesiástica, no qual o combate à simonia, a experiência eremítica e a sacralização patrimonial adquiriram influência decisiva. Dessa maneira, é nosso objetivo investigar se o apelo de renovação cristã construído por Damiano teve como foco a transformação da Sé romana ou era apenas um movimento localizado em defesa das imunidades e isenções conquistadas por mosteiros e ermidas submetidos à sua autoridade. Além disso, pretendemos dimensionar o lugar dos referenciais monásticos, especialmente aqueles de origem cenobítico-eremítica, para fundamentação de suas ações "reformadoras". Numa clara articulação entre a definição dos lugares sociais e o uso político dessa identificação, as perspectivas de renovação cristã construídas por Pedro Damiano inseriram-se no debate a respeito da estruturação do poder eclesiástico no seio da sociedade feudal / Abstract: Peter Damian (1007-1072), hermit and cardinal-bishop, is recognized as an important reference of "Gregorian Reform". Spiritual authority of Fonte Avellana and Ravena's See, he was involved in discussions about the actions of renewal in monastic and episcopal circles and became cardinal-bishop of Ostia and papal legacy. In Peter Damian's letters, the development of Christian renewal had been concentrated in the process of identification, denunciation and punishment of the ecclesiastical corruption, in which the fight against simony, the eremitical experience and the sacralization of patrimony decisively influenced. Thus, our objective is to investigate if the appeal of Christian renewal built by Damian was focused on the transformation of the Roman See, or was just a defense of the immunities an exemptions conquered by monasteries and hermitages submitted to his authority. Additionally, we intend to measure the importance of the monastic references, especially those grounds cenobitical-eremitic references, in the Damian's reforming actions. Coordinating the definition of social places and political use of this identification, the prospects for Christian renewal built by Peter Damian were inserted in the debate about the structure of ecclesiastical power in feudal society / Doutorado / Historia Cultural / Doutor em História
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Saint-Martin de Savigny : archéologie d’un monastère lyonnais : Histoire monumentale et organisation spatiale des édifices cultuels et conventuels (IXe-XIIIe siècle) / Archeology of a Lyon monastery : Saint-Martin de Savigny : Architectural history and spatial organization of religious and monastic buildingsPuel, Olivia 07 December 2013 (has links)
Fondée à l’époque carolingienne et supprimée à l’aube de la Révolution française, l’abbaye de Savigny (Rhône) est restée longtemps ignorée des archéologues en raison de son niveau de destruction avancé. L’approche épistémologique des études saviniennes a d’abord révélé le potentiel archéologique du site, en soulignant toute la différence entre les publications officielles et les archives personnelles des savants. La confrontation des résultats de l’analyse des sources d’archives et de l’analyse des vestiges archéologiques a surtout permis de reconstituer l’histoire monumentale des édifices monastiques et de proposer des restitutions en plan du monastère, pour l’époque carolingienne, l’époque romane et la fin du Moyen Âge. De nouvelles conclusions peuvent désormais être proposées en rapport avec l’histoire savinienne. En adoptant vraisemblablement le plan standard des abbayes bénédictines dès sa création, dans le premier tiers du IXe siècle, l’abbaye témoigne d’abord de l’insertion rapide des idéaux carolingiens de vie communautaire dans le diocèse de Lyon. Elle subit ensuite de nombreux remaniements qui ne remettent pas en cause son organisation générale, mais qui adaptent les édifices existants aux exigences d’une liturgie nouvelle. La transformation de la deuxième église aboutit paradoxalement à la création d’une église mariale, à l’intersection de l’infirmerie et du cimetière, mais aussi d’une avant-nef. Ce faisant, elle répond à la fois à la multiplication des messes pour les défunts et à la ritualisation de l’accompagnement des mourants, qui reflètent les coutumes clunisiennes. Aussi faut-il envisager que l’abbaye de Savigny ait été réformée par l’abbaye de Cluny à la charnière du Xe et du XIe siècle, sans pour autant être intégrée à l’Ecclesia cluniacensis. / The abbey of Savigny (Rhône), founded during the Carolingian period and nearly destroyed at the dawn of the French Revolution, has long been ignored by archaeologists due to the extent of its destruction. The epistemological approach of the Savigny studies revealed at first the archaeological potential of this site, emphasizing important differences between the official publications and the personal archives of the scientists. Comparing the results of the analysis of both archival sources and archaeological remains enabled to reconstitute the monumental history of the monastic buildings and to suggest drawing reproductions of the monastery for the Carolingian period, the Romanesque period and the end of the Middle Ages. New lines of thinking can now be put forward with regard to Savigny history. Probably built to the standard plan of benedictin abbeys from its onset during the first third of the IXth century, the abbey mainly reflects the fast integration of the Carolingian values of community life in the diocese of Lyon. It then underwent several changes which do not challenge its general organization but help the existing buildings to adapt to the requirements of a new liturgy. The transformation of the second church paradoxically results in the creation of a marian church at the intersection of the infirmary and the cemetery and, in addition, of a front-nave. Consequently, it is both an answer to the growing number of funeral masses and to the rituals used to accompany the dying that reflect the Cluny traditions. We may then consider that the abbey of Savigny could have been reformed by the abbey of Cluny at the turning from the Xth to the XIth century without being integrated into the Ecclesia cluniacensis.
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Les monastères bouddhiques du Cambodge : caractéristiques des sanctuaires antérieurs à 1975 / Buddhist monasteries of Cambodia : general specifications of sanctuaries built before 1975Guéret, Dominique Pierre 18 November 2015 (has links)
A la fin du XIXe siècle, les monastères bouddhiques, appelés aussi vat ou pagode, jouaient un rôle essentiel dans la société cambodgienne et la réglementation imposée par le Protectorat n’empêcha pas leur développement continu. Mais, quoique de plus en plus nombreux, ils étaient mal connus et leurs édifices ignorés. Aucun état des sanctuaires possédant une architecture remarquable n’a été réalisé avant les destructions des années 1970, et aucun inventaire n’a été fait depuis. Trois parties composent cette étude : après la présentation des caractéristiques générales de ces monastères, puis de leur mode de création de 1860 à 1975, est analysée l’architecture des 563 sanctuaires bâtis pendant les quatre règnes de cette période et existants encore aujourd’hui. Les autres édifices anciens de ces monastères sont également analysés. Les décors peints sont l’objet d’une autre thèse. Des cartes détaillées et un catalogue contenant une fiche pour chacun de ces sanctuaires, établis après la visite de 1800 vat, complètent cette étude. / At the end of the nineteenth century, the Buddhist monasteries, also known as watt or pagodas, played an essential part in Cambodian society and the regulation enforced by the French Protectorate did not prevent their continued expansion. But, although more and more numerous, they were badly known and their buildings were ignored. No repertory of sanctuaries with outstanding architecture was made before the destruction of the 1970s, and no inventory has been done since.Three parts make up this study. After the presentation of the general characteristics of these monasteries and their method of creation from 1860 to 1975, is analyzed the architecture of the 563 sanctuaries built during the four reigns of this period and still existing today. Other former buildings of these monasteries have been also studied. Murals are analyzed in another thesis. Detailed maps and a catalogue containing a sheet for each of these sanctuaries, carried out after the visit of 1800 watt, complement this study.
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