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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etikdidaktik i grundskolans religionsundervisning : Ett dilemma för religionsläraren?

Jansson, Ida January 2016 (has links)
Litteraturstudiens syfte är att utforska vad tidigare forskning säger om hur lärare kan hanterar etikundervisningen i religionsämnet. Genom att ställa frågorna; hur kan lärare förhålla sig till formandet av etikundervisningen samt vilka svårigheter etikundervisningen kan utgöra för lärare till tidigare forskning inom området har syftet besvarats. Metoden för litteraturstudien har varit en systematisk litteraturstudie och den analysmetod som använts är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av forskningslitteraturen som valts ut genom en systematisk sökning i olika databaser. Resultatet visar brister i lärares ämnesdidaktiska kompetens vilket leder till oreflekterad undervisning som till stor del bygger på lärarens eget tyckande i kombination av etikrepresentationen i läroböckerna. Det finns dock metoder som lärare kan använda för att skapa en heltäckande förståelse för etikämnet i form av läran av och läran om etik kombinerat med ett existentiell och samhällsorienterat synsätt. Detta bidrar till att fånga etikens komplexitet som grundas i läroplanens öppna formulering av etik begreppet. Vidare problematiseras vems perspektiv som blir representerat i etikundervisningen samt vilka som exkluderas och hur lärare kan arbeta för att medvetandegöra eleverna om detta i undervisningen.

Křižovatky etické výchovy v kontextu České republiky a Německa / Crossroads of the Ethical Education in the Context of the Czech Republic and Germany

Kubíčková, Ruth January 2014 (has links)
Křižovatky etické výchovy v kontextu České republiky a Německa Crossroads of the Ethical Education in the Context of the Czech Republic and Germany Ruth Kubíčková The aim of this thesis was to map the development, process of consolidation and current shape of the implementation of ethical education in the educational system of the Czech Republic and Germany. My findings corroborate the thesis that the ethical and values education, in its close relationship with religious education and the spiritual dimension in general, forms an integral part of the school system and has a significant impact on the formation of moral consciousness and competences of an individual and thus the society as a whole. The first chapter introduces the terminology of ethical education which, despite being essential for both interdisciplinary and international cooperation, has not yet been well established in the literature. The second chapter focuses on the formation of values system and shows that besides family, peers and the macro environment it is the school that plays a distinct role in the moral and character development of an individual. In conformity with the presented stages of gradual strengthening of the moral consciousness of a child, the school can designedly support the desired social interactions that lead to...

An evaluation of the student ethics management model at the University of Johannesburg

31 July 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The development of ethics management models for university students is a way of encouraging and promoting ethical conduct for students at higher education institutions. The development and promotion of such models at universities will enhance the sound and proper management of higher education institutions. It will also assist in their effective and efficient administration and management. These student ethics management models provide guidelines that enhance ethical conduct at such institutions. It is a crucial stage or part of primary, secondary and higher education, as well as for the social, family and work environment in terms of character development. This chapter outlines the research design that will provide the background and rationale for the problem statement, in relation to the terms of reference for this study. It will include the research problem, background and rationale of the study and the research question, as well as the research objectives, the research methodology and the data collection methods. It will also outline the definitions of terms.

A formação do cidadão republicano: sociologismo, individualismo e educação moral em Émile Durkheim / The Formation of the Republican Citizen: sociologism, Individualism and Moral Education in Émile Durkheim

Vares, Sidnei Ferreira de 21 June 2013 (has links)
A teoria sociológica elaborada por Émile Durkheim parte do embate com o pensamento utilitarista e com a psicologia, e se desenvolve no sentido de superar a relação sempre tensa entre indivíduo e sociedade. Durkheim, acusado de um antiindividualismo atroz, na contramão do legado iluminista, é visto, por parte de seus intérpretes, como um sociologista e um conservador, principalmente no que concerne a seu pensamento atinente à moral. A obra Educação Moral é entendida por muitos como a notação desse conservadorismo. Contudo, em oposição a estas leituras defende-se, a partir de ampla bibliografia mas, sobretudo, a partir dos próprios trabalhos de Durkheim, a tese segundo a qual é possível identificar em sua teoria pedagógica uma tentativa de sintetizar sociologismo e individualismo. Tal tentativa pode ser avistada no modo como o autor concebe a moral e seus elementos constitutivos, bem como em sua definição acerca do tipo de moralidade adequada à sociedade moderna, caracterizada, em que pese sua ênfase nos aspectos coletivos, pelo primado da razão e da autonomia. Com efeito, pretende-se demonstrar que as concepções morais de Durkheim estão em consonância tanto com a sua visão acerca da modernidade quanto com a sua definição de democracia, e que disso se depreende a necessidade de uma educação moral com vistas a formar o cidadão republicano, o ator social, consciente de seus direitos e de seus deveres, mas, sobretudo, de sua individualidade, definida no interior da vida coletiva. A exegese dos textos durkheimianos e a análise das interpretações consagradas pela literatura especializada constituem o ponto de partida metodológico deste trabalho, de modo que a seleção tanto das fontes primárias quanto das fontes secundárias se baseia na relevância, historicamente construída, dos textos escolhidos. / The sociological theory elaborated by Émile Durkheim emerges from the clash with the utilitarian thinking and the psychology and was developed to overcome the always tense relationship between individual and society. Durheim, accused of a strong antiindividualism, against the Enlightenment legacy, is seen by his interpreters as a sociologist and conservative, especially with regard to his thinking on morality. The work Moral Education is understood by many as a notation of this conservatism. However, in contrast to these readings, this research stands, from the point of view of a broad bibliography and mainly from Durkheim own works, the argument that it is possible to identify in his pedagogical theory an attempt to synthesize sociologism and individualism. Such an attempt can be identified in the mode the author conceives of morality and its constitutive elements, and his definition of the type of morality proper to modern society, which is characterized, despite his emphasis on collective aspect, by the primacy of reason and autonomy. Indeed, we intend to demonstrate that Durkheim moral views are both in line with his vision of modernity as with his definition of democracy, and that from these elements the need for moral education comes, in order to form the republican citizen, the social agent, this one conscious of his rights and his duties but, above all, his individuality, defined within the collective life. The exegesis of Durkheimian texts and the analisys advocated by the literature are the methodological point of departure of this research, so that both the selection of primary sources as well as the secondary ones is based on the relevancy, historically constructed, of the chosen texts.

O respeito na escola: a visão dos coordenadores pedagógicos / The respect at school: the view of educational coordinators

Crespo, Dinah Carolina Borges 18 May 2010 (has links)
A escola é um local de constante transmissão de princípios e regras morais aos alunos e a formação do respeito acontece em todas as relações estabelecidas em seu interior. Os professores são aqueles que estão mais diretamente ligados aos jovens, mas na escola há outras funções com grande influência sobre o ensino e que são pouco estudadas. Na presente pesquisa buscou-se investigar a visão dos coordenadores pedagógicos de Ensino Fundamental I e II de escolas públicas e particulares sobre o respeito na escola. Para isso foram entrevistados 20 coordenadores sendo 10 de escolas públicas e 10 de escolas particulares. A entrevista continha duas partes: uma semidirigida, com perguntas norteadoras, e a outra era composta de três pequenas histórias-problema com alternativas de ações. Os resultados demonstraram que para os coordenadores é muito difícil trabalhar com os professores, que seriam seu foco de atenção e atuação. Há uma discrepância significativa entre os que os coordenadores dizem fazer e o que pensam que os professores fazem em ambas as redes, sendo estes últimos vistos como mais autoritários pelos coordenadores nas escolas públicas. Há situações de desrespeito em diversas esferas e, apesar de terem dificuldade de se lembrar, também acontecem situações de respeito. Os alunos são o maior foco de atenção dos coordenadores o que dificulta ainda mais o seu trabalho com os professores. Percebeu-se também uma tensão entre nas relações entre esses dois profissionais. Pode-se constatar que a formação moral nas escolas ainda acontece de forma pouco planejada e que há pouco espaço para a cooperação e o diálogo entre os adultos, algo que parece se estender nas relações adultos x crianças, principalmente nos órgãos públicos / The school is a place where all moral principles and rules are transmitted to the students constantly. Learning how to respect happens in all relationships established within it. Teachers are those who are most directly linked to students. School has another skills with great influence on education which are poorly studied. This research has investigated the view of educational coordinators about the respect at school. Coordinators from Elementary I and II were interviewed in 20 different schools. Half in public schools and the other half in private schools. The research happened in two parts. First one with guiding questions and the second one were composed by three problem situations with different actions. The results showed how difficult it is for the coordinators to work with the teachers, who should be their focus of attention and action. There is a significant gap between what the coordinators do and what they think the teachers do at the school, even at the public or the private school. The public school teachers are seen by the coordinators as the most authoritarian ones. There are a lot of disrespectful situations. Although they find hard to remember, it also occurs situations of respect. The students are the major focus of the attention of the coordinator which makes even harder the work with the teachers. We also noticed a tension in between these two professionals in their relationships. It is evident that the moral education at school is still so poorly planned. There is a small space for cooperation and dialogue between the adults. It is something that seems to extend through relationships between adult x children, especially in public schools

Emotional and physiological regulation during parent-child interaction in preschoolers

Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of the current study is to examine physiological and behavioral components of emotional regulation and the development of empathy in preschoolers. It also examines how the parents play a role in their child's development of emotional competence. Behavioral and physiological responses were assessed for the children during stories chosen for emotional content (one happy and one sad story for each parent). Maternal and paternal ratings of self-expressivity were collected using the Self- Expressiveness in Family Questionnaire (Halberstadt et al., 1995). Greater vagal suppression occurred during the sad conditions suggesting that negative emotions require more processing strategies. Greater attentional scores were related to the child's RSA and higher resting RSA was associated with great motor restriction. The mothers had higher SEFQ scores than the fathers. Higher maternal positive expressivity, lower maternal total expressivity, and lower paternal positive expressivity scores were related to the children's displays of empathy. / by Kathryn L. Marsh. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

Prazer e desejo em Aristóteles / Pleasure and desire in Aristotle

Aggio, Juliana Ortegosa 02 March 2012 (has links)
Esta tese pretende tratar do problema da constituição do fim da ação, objeto de nosso desejo. Visto que a apreensão correta do fim depende da aquisição da virtude moral, é preciso não apenas verificar a possibilidade da virtude ser adquirida, mas também como tal possibilidade se realiza através da educação moral dos desejos. Em primeiro lugar, devemos compreender o que significa educar o desejo. Com efeito, se educar o desejo significa se habituar a ter prazer com o que se deve, então devemos antes examinar em que sentido a concepção aristotélica de prazer permite que o desejo possa ser educado. Em segundo lugar, investigaremos por que tal educação é necessária para o projeto aristotélico da aquisição da virtude moral, pois, se ela não for necessária, ou bem o desejo teria de ser naturalmente bom, ou ele deveria estar submetido de modo incondicional à razão. Contudo, em oposição às posições intelectualista e naturalista, a ética aristotélica não pressupõe que a razão seja autônoma o suficiente para determinar o fim da ação segundo o conhecimento do bem e do mal, nem que ele seja dado por uma natureza inata boa ou má, porém pressupõe que apenas a razão seja capaz de apreender o que é verdadeiramente bom. Sendo assim, para delimitarmos em que medida, segundo Aristóteles, o desejo e a razão determinam o fim, examinaremos de que modo ele pode ser constituído tanto por uma razão capaz de apreendê-lo corretamente, como por um desejo capaz de tomá-lo como seu objeto, uma vez que o desejo já tenha sido habituado a ter prazer com o que se deve. Ao que tudo indica, a educação moral parece ser condição prévia necessária para que razão e desejo se harmonizem e a razão possa ser efetivamente causa coadjuvante na constituição do fim da ação. / This thesis aims to investigate the problem of the constitution of the end of action, object of our desire. As its correct apprehension depends on the acquisition of moral virtue, we must, therefore, not only verify the possibility of virtue to be acquired, but also how such a possibility is realized through the moral education of desire. In the first place, we must understand what it means to educate desire. Indeed, if educating the desire means getting used having pleasure with the things we ought to, then we must first examine in what sense the Aristotelian conception of pleasure allows the desire to be educated. Secondly, we will investigate why such education is necessary for the Aristotelian project of moral virtue acquisition, because, if it is not necessary, the desire would have to be naturally good or it should be submitted unconditionally to reason. However, as opposed to the intellectualistic and naturalistic positions, the Aristotelian ethics does not presuppose that reason has enough autonomy to determinate the end of action according to the knowledge of the good and the bad, nor that the end is given by an innate nature good or bad, but it presupposes that only reason is able to grasp what is truly good. Thus, in order to determine in which sense, according to Aristotle, reason and desire constitute the end, we will examine how it can be constituted by both a reason capable of grasping it truly and by a desire that can take it as its object, since the desire has already been used having pleasure with what it should have. As we can see, moral education seems to be a necessary precondition by which reason and desire can be in harmony and reason can actually be partly a cause of the constitution of the end of action.

Educação ambiental para a cidadania e a construção de valores morais: diálogos entre pesquisa e intervenção / Environmental education for citizenship and the construction of moral values: exchanges between research and intervention

Silva, Marco Antonio Morgado da 14 April 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo se situa na interface entre os campos da Educação Ambiental e da Educação Moral. O nosso ponto de partida é a concepção de que a Educação Ambiental consiste em uma prática pedagógica dirigida fundamentalmente à formação da cidadania, o que requer um trabalho educacional que contemple a identidade moral no processo formativo dos educandos. Apostando nas contribuições oriundas dessa intersecção, desenvolvemos um projeto de Educação Ambiental para a cidadania em uma escola pública localizada na periferia da cidade de São Paulo e a tomamos como objeto de investigação. A presente pesquisa, portanto, assume caráter intervencionista e, do ponto de vista da investigação empírica, a nossa preocupação central foi explorar como a prática pedagógica realizada poderia contribuir com a formação em valores morais dos estudantes da 5ª série do Ensino Fundamental II. As diretrizes teórico-metodológicas da prática de Educação Ambiental para a cidadania foram referenciadas em metodologias problematizadoras e participativas de ensino-aprendizagem, em métodos de Educação Moral e na proposta de articulação entre a escola e a comunidade do entorno por meio dos Fóruns de Ética e Cidadania. Diante da tarefa de pesquisar uma intervenção pedagógica, a estratégia de investigação que elegemos para contemplar a complexidade do objeto constituiu-se pela reunião de um conjunto de métodos e técnicas de pesquisa (multimétodo). Para a coleta dos dados, empregamos a técnica da observação participante e lançamos mão de quatro instrumentos distintos: registros e relatórios de campo; coleta das atividades realizadas pelos estudantes; entrevistas semi estruturadas em grupos de discussão; e aplicação de um questionário para os estudantes ao final do projeto. Por meio dos três primeiros instrumentos objetivamos identificar os tipos de valores que compareceram de modo mais recorrente e explícito nas situações de ensino-aprendizagem e a forma pela qual isso ocorreu. Já por meio do questionário tencionamos verificar se o projeto de Educação Ambiental desenvolvido aportou contribuições para a preocupação dos discentes com temas ético-políticos. Os resultados indicaram que o projeto de Educação Ambiental para a cidadania trabalhou de modo sistemático cinco tipos de valores morais: justiça, solidariedade, generosidade, responsabilidade (com o bem comum e com as gerações futuras) e participação cidadã. Tais valores foram abordados por meio de práticas de intervenção na realidade e de momentos de significação intelectual e afetiva a respeito de conteúdos socioambientais. Após o término do projeto, os discentes que dele participaram demonstraram uma preocupação maior com temas ético-políticos em especial os que concernem ao campo ambiental em comparação com estudantes que não participaram do projeto ou que participaram apenas de momentos pontuais. Em linhas gerais, os resultados nos oferecem importantes indícios de que o trabalho sistemático e prolongado em torno de valores morais e a participação dos educandos na resolução de problemas e conflitos socioambientais reais, constituem estratégias relevantes para a construção de valores morais em uma Educação Ambiental para a cidadania. / This study is in the interface between the fields of Environmental Education and Moral Education. The starting point is the concept that Environmental Education is a pedagogical practice fundamentally aimed at educating for citizenship, which requires an educational work that includes moral identity in the formative process of students. Betting on the contributions from such intersection, in this research we develop an Environmental Education project to grow citizenship awareness in a public school located in the outskirts of the city of São Paulo and we took it as our object of investigation. This research, therefore, takes an interventionist nature and, from the viewpoint of the empirical investigation, our main concern was to verify to what extent the pedagogical practice conducted would be able to contribute to the education in moral values of 6th graders. The theoretical and methodological background for the Environmental Education project for citizenship took references from the problematization and participatory methodologies of teaching-learning, from methods of Moral Education and from the proposal of articulating the school and the surrounding community by means of Forums of Ethics and Citizenship. Challenged by the challenge of researching a pedagogical intervention, the strategy of investigation chose to encompass the complexity of the object being studied was the gathering of a set of research methods and techniques (a multi-method). In order to collect data, we have employed the technique of participating observation and we utilized four different tools: field notes and reports; collection of activities performed by the students; semi-structured interviews in discussion groups; and a questionnaire answered by the students in the end of the project. By using the first three tools, our purpose was to identify the types of values that are more recurrent and explicit in situations of learning and the way it happened. In turn, the questionnaire was intended to verify whether the practice of Environmental Education brought contributions for the concern of students towards ethical and political issues. The results indicated that the project of Environmental Education for citizenship approached, in a systematic manner, five types of moral values: justice, solidarity, generosity, responsibility (towards the common good and the future generations) and citizen participation. Such values were dealt with by means of practical experiences and through moments of intellectual and affective significance about the socio-environmental contents. As a result, upon the end of the project of Environmental Education for citizenship the students participating in it showed greater concern towards ethical/political topics especially those involving the environmental field in comparison to students who did not participate in the project or who took part only in isolated moments. In general, the results provide important hints that the systematic and lengthy work around moral values, as well as the participation of students in the process of solving socio-environmental conflicts, are relevant strategies toward the construction of moral values in the Environmental Education for citizenship.


Zoubková, Gabriela January 2018 (has links)
This thesis talks about the pupil's moral development. It is focused primarily on possibilities of the moral development in drama education, eventually in some dramatic activities used during other lessons. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. At the beginning of the theoretical part it acquaints readers with basic information about the moral consciousness and behavior, analysis of the moral judgement of the child and possibilities of its measuring. It also presents drama education as a separated subject its principles and methods and it outlines the possibilities of the drama education in the pupil's moral development. The practical part contains the analysis of the primary school age pupil's moral judgement and comparison outcomes of the pupils who are taught using the methods of drama education and pupils, who have never experienced drama education. The goal of the empirical survey is to find out whether and to what extent the drama education influences the development of moral judgement of the pupils.

On responsiveness in interpersonal caring: a philosophical issue in moral education = 人際關顧中的感應性(「惜他敏應」) : 一個道德敎育的哲學論題. / 人際關顧中的感應性(「惜他敏應」) / On responsiveness in interpersonal caring: a philosophical issue in moral education = Ren ji guan gu zhong de gan ying xing ('Xi ta min ying') : yi ge dao de jiao yu de zhe xue lun ti. / Ren ji guan gu zhong de gan ying xing ('Xi ta min ying')

January 1998 (has links)
by Lee Oi-ying, Ada. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 61-70). / Text in English; abstract also in Chinese. / by Lee Oi-ying, Ada. / Chapter 1. --- IN SEARCH FOR ELUCIDATING RESPONSIVENESS IN INTERPERSONAL CARING: THE NEED TO GO BEYOND KOHLBERG-GILLIGAN'S IDEA OF MORAL ARTICULACY --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- "Tacit Agreement between Kohlberg and Gilligan on the Idea of Moral Articulacy, Despite Surface Polarities" --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Noddings' Care Ethics: A Source Both for Philosophical Foundations and Realignment of Education --- p.6 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Care Ethics has no Intention to Replace an Ethic of Justice --- p.7 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- Care Ethics is not Equivalent to Feminist Ethics --- p.7 / Chapter 1.2.3 --- Care Ethics has Human Relatedness at the Core --- p.7 / Chapter 1.2.4 --- Care Ethics Cherishes A cts Motivated by Affect --- p.8 / Chapter 1.2.5 --- Why Care Ethics? Against Divorce of Emotion and Inclination from Reason in Moral Life --- p.9 / Chapter 1.2.6 --- Care Ethics' Characterization of Morally Educated Persons --- p.9 / Chapter 1.3 --- Introduction to Research --- p.12 / Chapter 1.3.1 --- Research Problem --- p.12 / Chapter 1.3.2 --- Disciplinary Nature of the Research --- p.12 / Chapter 1.3.3 --- Outlined Argumentation of the Thesis --- p.13 / Chapter 2. --- ON INTERPERSONAL CARING --- p.15 / Chapter 2.1 --- The Everyday Ideas of Caring --- p.15 / Chapter 2.2 --- On Caring that is Interpersonal --- p.16 / Chapter 2.3 --- Non-Interpersonal Caring and Its Relation to Interpersonal Caring --- p.16 / Chapter 2.4 --- On Twelve Exemplary Cases of Interpersonal Caring in Everyday Life --- p.18 / Chapter 2.4.1 --- "Intrapersonal Dimension of Carer: Cognitive Content, Desiderative Content, Evaluative Content, Emotion in Caring" --- p.22 / Chapter 2.4.2 --- "Interpersonal Dimension in Caring: Skill of Carer, Role of Caree, Need of Caree" --- p.29 / Chapter 2.4.3 --- Time as a Disclosing Agent: An Attending Agent Both in Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Dimension in Caring --- p.33 / Chapter 3. --- ON RESPONSIVENESS --- p.34 / Chapter 3.1 --- The Everyday Ideas of Responsiveness --- p.34 / Chapter 3.2 --- Attribution of Responsiveness --- p.35 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Responsiveness Directed towards Another's Need --- p.36 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Responsiveness Directed towards Another's Help --- p.36 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- Between Imperviousness and Responsiveness: A Note on Adult's Ability to Divorce Action from Disposition to Act in Emotion --- p.36 / Chapter 3.3 --- Ideas of Responsiveness in Care Ethics --- p.38 / Chapter 3.4 --- Idea of Responsiveness in This Thesis --- p.40 / Chapter 3.5 --- "Responsiveness as the Crux of Responsibility, And Thus of Responsible Persons" --- p.43 / Chapter 3.5.1 --- "Etymologically, Action (""""Responseis"") Precedent in All Three Meanings of ""Responsibility "" and Deeper Etymology Reveals Dialogical Dimension" --- p.43 / Chapter 3.5.2 --- Responsiveness is the Minimum Requirement of Responsibility --- p.44 / Chapter 3.6 --- "Responsiveness as the Crux of Caring, And Thus of Caring Persons" --- p.46 / Chapter 4. --- VERY YOUNG CHILDREN HAS RESPONSIVENESS: THE PRINCIPAL PLACE OF AFFECT IN UNDERSTANDING AND MORAL ARTICULACY --- p.50 / Chapter 4.1 --- From Blum's Discovery of Responsiveness in Very Young Children to the Principal Place of Affect in Interpersonal Understanding and Moral Articulacy --- p.50 / Chapter 4.2 --- Messages Conveyed by Childhood Responsiveness to: (i) Parenting Children --- p.56 / Chapter 4.3 --- Messages Conveyed by Childhood Responsiveness to: (ii) Early Education --- p.56 / Chapter 4.4 --- Messages Conveyed by Childhood Responsiveness to: (III) The Possibility and Desirability of Educational Practitioner as Caring Practitioner --- p.58 / Chapter 5. --- BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.61 / Chapter 5.1 --- Bibliography by Chapters --- p.61 / Chapter 5.2 --- Bibliography in Alphabetical Order --- p.67 / "Appendix: A Note on the Chinese Translation of ""Responsiveness""" --- p.71

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