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Mahari Out: Deconstructing Odissisarkar, Kaustavi 30 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Application and Evaluation of Lighthouse Technology for Precision Motion CaptureSitole, Soumitra 25 October 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents the development towards a system that can capture and quantify motion for applications in biomechanical and medical fields demanding precision motion tracking using the lighthouse technology. Commercially known as SteamVR tracking, the lighthouse technology is a motion tracking system developed for virtual reality applications that makes use of patterned infrared light sources to highlight trackers (objects embedded with photodiodes) to obtain their pose or spatial position and orientation. Current motion capture systems such as the camera-based motion capture are expensive and not readily available outside of research labs. This thesis provides a case for low-cost motion capture systems. The technology is applied to quantify motion to draw inferences about biomechanics capture and analysis, quantification of gait, and prosthetic alignment. Possible shortcomings for data acquisition using this system for the stated applications have been addressed. The repeatability of the system has been established by determining the standard deviation error for multiple trials based on a motion trajectory using a seven degree-of-freedom robot arm. The accuracy testing for the system is based on cross-validation between the lighthouse technology data and transformations derived using joint angles by developing a forward kinematics model for the robot’s end-effector pose. The underlying principle for motion capture using this system is that multiple trackers placed on limb segments allow to record the position and orientation of the segments in relation to a set global frame. Joint angles between the segments can then be calculated from the recorded positions and orientations of each tracker using inverse kinematics. In this work, inverse kinematics for rigid bodies was based on calculating homogeneous transforms to the individual trackers in the model’s reference frame to find the respective Euler angles as well as using the analytical approach to solve for joint variables in terms of known geometric parameters. This work was carried out on a phantom prosthetic limb. A custom application-specific motion tracker was also developed using a hardware development kit which would be further optimized for subsequent studies involving biomechanics motion capture.
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Biomechanical Analysis and Modeling of Back-Support Exoskeletons for Use in Repetitive Lifting TasksMadinei, Seyed Saman 07 January 2022 (has links)
Low back pain (LBP) remains the most prevalent and costly work-related disability worldwide and is directly associated with "physical" risk factors prevalent in manual material handling (MMH) tasks. Back-support exoskeletons (BSEs) are a promising ergonomic intervention to mitigate LBP risk, by reducing muscular exertion and spine loading. The purpose of this work was to help better understand both the "intended" and "unintended" consequences of BSE use on physical risk factors for LBP, as an essential prerequisite for the safe and effective implementation of this technology in actual workplaces.
The first study assessed the effects of using two BSEs on objective and subjective responses during repetitive lifting involving symmetric and asymmetric postures. Wearing both BSEs significantly reduced peak levels of trunk extensor muscle activity and reduced energy expenditure. Such reductions, though, were more pronounced in the symmetric conditions and differed between the two BSEs tested.
The second study quantified the assistive torque profiles of two passive BSEs using a computerized dynamometer, with both human subjects and a mannequin. Clear differences in torque magnitudes were evident between the BSEs, though both generated more assistive torques during flexion than extension.
The third study estimated the effects of BSE use on lumbosacral compressive and shear forces during repetitive lifting using an optimization-based model. Using both BSEs reduced peak compression and anteroposterior shear forces, but these effects differed between tasks and BSE designs. Reductions in composite measures of trunk muscle activity did not correspond consistently with changes in spine forces when using a BSE.
The fourth study quantified the effects of two passive BSEs on trunk stability and movement coordination during repetitive lifting. Some adverse effects on stability were evident for pelvis and thorax movements and coupling of these body segments, suggesting that caution is needed in selecting a BSE for a given MMH task.
Overall, we found that the efficacy of BSEs is design- and task-specific. Important safety features of the exoskeletons were also identified, providing insights on their performance boundaries. Overall, the BSEs tested were more effective and safer in tasks closer to the mid-sagittal plane and with moderate degrees of trunk flexion. / Doctor of Philosophy / Low back pain (LBP) remains the most prevalent and costly work-related disability worldwide, and the risk of LBP is related to "physical" risk factors common in manual material handling (MMH) tasks. Back-support exoskeletons (BSEs) are a new ergonomic intervention that may reduce the risk of occupational LBP, by reducing muscular efforts and loads on the spine. For the safe use of BSEs, though, it is critical to better understand both the "intended" and "unintended" consequences of this emerging technology. In this dissertation, such consequences of BSE use were evaluated in the context of repetitive lifting tasks.
The first study assessed the efficacy of two BSEs in terms of physical demands during repetitive lifting tasks involving a range of torso bending and twisting. Wearing both BSEs reduced the physical demands on back muscles and decreased energy consumption. Larger reductions, though, were observed in forward bending and such reductions differed between the two BSEs tested.
The second study measured the amount of support provided by two BSEs using a new measurement method, which was examined for both human subjects and a mannequin. Clear differences in the BSE support were evident between the BSEs, and both devices generated more support during torso forward bending than returning upright.
The third study estimated the effects of BSE use on low back loadings during repetitive lifting using a computational model. Using both BSEs reduced loads on the low back region, though such reductions were task-specific and depended on the BSE design.
The fourth study quantified the effects of the BSE use on torso stability and movement patterns during repetitive lifting. Some adverse effects on stability were evident for lower and upper torso, suggesting that caution is needed in selecting a BSE for a given MMH task.
Findings from this work show the potential benefits of BSEs for use in MMH tasks, yet such benefits can depend on the BSE design and the MMH task they are used for. Further, BSE use can lead to adverse effects, especially with tasks involving extreme working postures.
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<b>Perceptions of AI in Animation Production: A Comparative Analysis of the Manual and Automated</b>Dalong Hu (18431325) 26 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In this paper, we address the gap in people's perceptions of using artificial intelligence (AI) in animation, mainly focusing on AI-based motion capture. We aimed to understand how individuals perceived animations created by AI, manual, and AI with manual cleanup methods. We presented our participants with short, full-body animation clips created using the three methods. Participants rated the appeal and naturalness of the animations, and we asked them to discern the creation method. Results revealed differences in perceived appeal and naturalness between manually created animations and those generated through AI-involved methods, with manual animations consistently rated higher. However, participants were unable to discern creation methods regardless of animation experience level, demonstrating an accuracy equivalent to random guessing. Moreover, the qualitative analysis highlighted diverse perspectives with negative and positive views on AI use, with the most mentioned theme being the importance of quality regardless of creation method. The overwhelming majority of participants asserted that the degree of automatization would influence their perceived value and effort put into an animation. Still, this group didn't show divergent ratings, nor did it affect their overall agreeableness towards using AI in creative fields. This study contributes valuable insights into the intersection of animation and AI, informing creators about the effect of different creation methods on audience perceptions.</p>
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The effect of "Postural Freedom" in laparoscopic surgeryPace Bedetti, Horacio Martin 17 June 2019 (has links)
[ES] La cirugía laparoscopia está considerada uno de los principales avances quirúrgicos en las últimas décadas. Esta técnica ha demostrado numerosas ventajas comparadas con la cirugía convencional abierta y ha sido extensamente usada para procesos quirúrgicos en el área abdominal. Para el paciente, la cirugía laparoscópica supone diversas ventajas, como por ejemplo menor dolor post operativo, tiempos de recuperación menores, menor riesgo de infección, o reducción del trauma.
Para el cirujano en cambio, la situación es completamente diferente, esta práctica requiere mayor esfuerzo, concentración y estrés mental que la práctica convencional abierta. Además fuerza al cirujano a adoptar posiciones no-neutras en falanges, manos, muñecas, y brazos. Estas posturas no-neutras son la principal causa de fatiga muscular y aumentan el riesgo de problemas musculo-esqueléticos.
Estos problemas han sido ampliamente estudiados por diferentes equipos de investigación, los cuales están tratando de mejorar la experiencia del cirujano en el quirófano. El enfoque utilizado en este estudio es diferente del utilizado anteriormente por la mayoría de estos equipos, los cuales suelen propones soluciones basadas en cambios ergonómicos con la intención de mejorar la geometría del mango de pistola convencional, ya que se considera ergonómicamente deficiente. El problema con este enfoque, es que las deficiencias no se encuentran únicamente en el mango, sino en la utilización de un punto de entrada fijo que fuerza a los cirujanos a mantener posiciones desfavorables.
En este trabajo, se introduce el concepto "Libertad Postural" en el ámbito de la cirugía, este se basa en la hipótesis de que, si las herramientas no forzaran la posición de los cirujanos, estos mantendrían posiciones más favorables y cercanas al rango de posiciones neutras durante los procesos laparoscópicos.
Los beneficios de este concepto han sido demostrados por medio de análisis de movimiento y de electromiografía de superficie, los cuales indican que la "Libertad Postural" es causante de un claro aumento de las posiciones neutras y de la reducción de la fatiga muscular, y han sido testeados por cirujanos en entornos simulados, los cuales encuentran beneficioso utilizar la "Libertad Postural" como característica base de este nuevo diseño de herramienta laparoscópica.
En la sección final de este trabajo se propone un diseño que implementa el concepto de libertad postura con el cual se reduciría la fatiga muscular y los problemas musculo esqueléticos asociados a la práctica laparoscópica.
Este diseño tiene la característica de actuar como una nueva sección del brazo, siendo una articulación que soporta los giros y grandes desplazamientos que normalmente tienen que desarrollar los brazos del cirujano. Además, esta solución es económica y fácil de fabricar, lo cual permitiría su uso por cirujanos de todo el mundo. / [CA] La cirurgia laparoscòpia està considerada un dels principals avanços quirúrgics en les últimes dècades. Aquesta tècnica ha demostrat nombrosos avantatges comparats amb la cirurgia convencional oberta i ha sigut extensament usada per a processos quirúrgics en l'àrea abdominal. Per al pacient, la cirurgia laparoscòpica suposa diversos avantatges, com per exemple menor dolor post operatiu, temps de recuperació menors, menor risc d'infecció, o reducció del trauma.
Per al cirurgià en canvi, la situació és completament diferent, aquesta pràctica requereix major esforç, concentració i estrés mental que la pràctica convencional oberta. A més força al cirurgià a adoptar posicions no-neutres en falanges, mans, nines, i braços. Aquestes postures no-neutres són la principal causa de fatiga muscular i augmenten el risc de problemes musculo-esquelètics.
Aquests problemes han sigut àmpliament estudiats per diferents equips d'investigació, els quals estan tractant de millorar l'experiència del cirurgià en el quiròfan. L'enfocament utilitzat en aquest estudi és diferent de l'utilitzat anteriorment per la majoria d'aquests equips, els quals solen proposes solucions basades en canvis ergonòmics amb la intenció de millorar la geometria del mànec de pistola convencional, ja que es considera ergonòmicament deficient. El problema amb aquest enfocament, és que les deficiències no es troben únicament en el mànec, sinó en la utilització d'un punt d'entrada fix que força als cirurgians a mantindre posicions desfavorables.
En aquest treball, s'introdueix el concepte "Llibertat Postural" en l'àmbit de la cirurgia, aquest es basa en la hipòtesi que, si les eines no forçaren la posició dels cirurgians, aquests mantindrien posicions més favorables i pròximes al rang de posicions neutres durant els processos laparoscòpics.
Els beneficis d'aquest concepte han sigut demostrats per mitjà d'anàlisi de moviment i de electromiografía de superfície, els quals indiquen que la "Llibertat Postural" és causant d'un clar augment de les posicions neutres i de la reducció de la fatiga muscular, i han sigut testats per cirurgians en entorns simulats, els quals troben beneficiós utilitzar la "Llibertat Postural" com a característica base d'aquest nou disseny d'eina laparoscòpica.
En la secció final d'aquest treball es proposa un disseny que implementa el concepte de llibertat postura amb el qual es reduiria la fatiga muscular i els problemes *musculo esquelètics associats a la pràctica laparoscòpica.
Aquest disseny té la característica d'actuar com una nova secció del braç, sent una articulació que suporta els girs i grans desplaçaments que normalment han de desenvolupar els braços del cirurgià. A més, aquesta solució és econòmica i fàcil de fabricar, la qual cosa permetria el seu ús per cirurgians de tot el món. / [EN] Laparoscopic surgery is considered one of the main surgical advances in the last decades, this technique has demonstrated numerous advantages compared to open conventional surgery and it is widely used in abdominal procedures around the world. For the patient, laparoscopic surgery suppose less post-operative pain, shorter recovery time, lower risk of infection, and reduction of the trauma among other benefits.
For the surgeon, the situation is completely different, this practice requires more effort, concentration and mental stress than conventional open procedures. It forces the surgeon to adopt non-neutral postures with phalanges, hands, wrists, and arms being this non-neutral postures the main cause of muscular fatigue and high risk of musculoskeletal disorders. The poor ergonomic postures accelerate muscle fatigue and pain because, outside the neutral range, muscles require more energy to generate the same contractile force than in neutral position. This increase of muscular fatigue is associated with the potential to commit errors that may harm the patient during the surgery.
Because this problem is widely studied and different research centers are already trying to improve their surgeons experience in the operation room, the approach used during this work is different than most of the ones presented in previous works. Generally, the solutions proposed are based on ergonomic changes in the handle shape of the instrument, because the conventional pistol-grip handle is considered ergonomically poor. But the problem is not only in the shape of the handle but also in the fixed point of entrance that force the positions for the surgeon despite the handle¿s shape.
In this work, the concept of postural freedom in laparoscopic surgery is introduced and evaluated. The postural freedom concept is based on the hypothesis that the surgeon involuntarily would maintain neutral postures if the instrument does not force him or her to reach extreme position with the upper limbs.
The benefits of this concept has been demonstrated, by means of electromyography and motion capture. It reduces the localized muscular fatigue and increases the number of neutral postures during laparoscopic simulations.
In the final section it is proposed a design that implements the postural freedom concept with, according on the results, the potential to reduce the localized muscular fatigue and the musculoskeletal problems associated to the practice.
The design proposed here acts as a new section on the arm, being an articulation that support the turns and big displacements that currently suffer the surgeon¿s body. The solution is affordable and easy to manufacture and could be used by surgeons worldwide. / Pace Bedetti, HM. (2019). The effect of "Postural Freedom" in laparoscopic surgery [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/122312
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Darśan - Dance for KriśnaPilania, Harshal 25 June 2024 (has links)
Darśana is an an interactive, multi-channel installation offering participants an artistic, somatic immersion in Hindu mythology. The exhibit interprets the Hindu concept of 'darśana'—a practice involving the experience and observance of a deity—through a contemporary lens. At the heart of the installation is Lord Kṛṣṇa, the beloved flutist deity celebrated for his wisdom and charm. Participants are immersed in a digital rendition of his native forested land, Vṛndāvana. Here, they are encouraged to move, dance, and interact with their surroundings.
By presenting ancient stories through new media technologies, "Darśana" explores the potential of modern technology to reinterpret and revitalize traditional practices and beliefs for contemporary audiences, drawing their attention to their cultural heritage. / Master of Fine Arts / Darśana is an an interactive, multi-channel installation offering participants an artistic, somatic immersion in Hindu mythology. The exhibit interprets the Hindu concept of 'darśana'—a practice involving the experience and observance of a deity—through a contemporary lens. At the heart of the installation is Lord Kṛṣṇa, the beloved flutist deity celebrated for his wisdom and charm. Participants are immersed in a digital rendition of his native forested land, Vṛndāvana. Here, they are encouraged to move, dance, and interact with their surroundings.
By presenting ancient stories through new media technologies, "Darśana" explores the potential of modern technology to reinterpret and revitalize traditional practices and beliefs for contemporary audiences, drawing their attention to their cultural heritage.
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穿戴式互動展演創新應用與即時追蹤技術研究 / Interactive Performance Using Wearable Devices: Real-time Tracking Technology and Innovative Applications鄭仲祐, Cheng, Chung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
此篇論文運用穿戴式裝置與新一代無線網路藍芽4.0,提出即時追蹤技術套用於這類表演,可使得演出更加豐富並且能即興創作。然而,目前受限於穿戴式平台上的藍芽訊號強度更新頻率每秒只有5至10次且傳輸容量有限,所以本篇論文結合體態感測裝置輔助無線網路藍芽4.0,提升對穿戴者的即時追蹤能力。實驗結果與真實位置只有0.3至0.5秒的延遲時間,並在校內進行兩場互動式展演作驗證成果。未來期許可以將此技術運用於多人展演場,讓更多使用者可以互動體驗。 / Recently, more and more interactive performance technologies appear such as Avatar or virtual-character integrated art perform. Such performs are based on pre-made animations and physics simulations. However, this kind of shows need a lot of practice, and it is impossible that audience or performers play with or interact with the virtual characters. In addition, many moviemakers use high quality cameras to distinguish body postures. Although cameras can record anything with high precision, it is constrained on the light and obstacles of the environments.
If we, somehow, can capture the motion of the performers in real time, then we are able to interact with virtual characters and make improvisation possible. This thesis aims to use the wearable sensors and the Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) of BLE to track in real-time. However, the update rate of RSSI is limited to 5~10 per second. This thesis proposed a tracking technique which combines with wearable motion sensors to assist BLE localization. The tracking lag can be reduced to only 0.3~0.5 seconds, and also real performance was experimented in the campus. In the future, we hope to use this technique on interactive performance with many people in different places.
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Use of inertial sensors to measure upper limb motion : application in stroke rehabilitationShublaq, Nour January 2010 (has links)
Stroke is the largest cause of severe adult complex disability, caused when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted, either by a clot or a burst blood vessel. It is characterised by deficiencies in movement and balance, changes in sensation, impaired motor control and muscle tone, and bone deformity. Clinically applied stroke management relies heavily on the observational opinion of healthcare workers. Despite the proven validity of a few clinical outcome measures, they remain subjective and inconsistent, and suffer from a lack of standardisation. Motion capture of the upper limb has also been used in specialised laboratories to obtain accurate and objective information, and monitor progress in rehabilitation. However, it is unsuitable in environments that are accessible to stroke patients (for example at patients’ homes or stroke clubs), due to the high cost, special set-up and calibration requirements. The aim of this research project was to validate and assess the sensitivity of a relatively low cost, wearable, compact and easy-to-use monitoring system, which uses inertial sensors in order to obtain detailed analysis of the forearm during simple functional exercises, typically used in rehabilitation. Forearm linear and rotational motion were characterised for certain movements on four healthy subjects and a stroke patient using a motion capture system. This provided accuracy and sensitivity specifications for the wearable monitoring system. With basic signal pre-processing, the wearable system was found to report reliably on acceleration, angular velocity and orientation, with varying degrees of confidence. Integration drift errors in the estimation of linear velocity were unresolved. These errors were not straightforward to eliminate due to the varying position of the sensor accelerometer relative to gravity over time. The cyclic nature of rehabilitation exercises was exploited to improve the reliability of velocity estimation with model-based Kalman filtering, and least squares optimisation techniques. Both signal processing methods resulted in an encouraging reduction of the integration drift in velocity. Improved sensor information could provide a visual display of the movement, or determine kinematic quantities relevant to the exercise performance. Hence, the system could potentially be used to objectively inform patients and physiotherapists about progress, increasing patient motivation and improving consistency in assessment and reporting of outcomes.
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Kinematická analýza testů dynamické neuromuskulární stabilizace u osob s vertebrogenním onemocněním / Kinematic analysis dinamic neuromuscular stabilization tests in people with low back pain.Burešová, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
The main target of this thesis was to detect objective changes in the implementation of four postural locomotor tests DNS and during walking. The movements were recorded using the optical MoCap - the kinematic analysis Qualisys. The particular interest of the investigation was to determine the current stabilization of the spine system in individual subjects aged 25 to 55 years, which was documented by means of the angular deflection of each segment, the flat segment deviation or the shift of the marker in a coordinate system. The measurement results were compared between ten individuals with LBP and ten persons without any difficulty who were placed into the control group. The data were collected using the software QTM and Visual3D and subsequently were statistically processed. A statistically significant difference was observed during walking when comparing the angular deflection of the pelvis to the chest at the rotation and lateroflexion (ř). The significant difference of the pelvis shift toward the chest during flexion and rotation (ř) was showed in a deep squat test, but the difference was not confirmed in lateroflexion (ř). Furthermore, no statistical difference of the lateral deflection of the same segment (pelvis or chest) (cm) in patients with LBP compared to all subjects during the...
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Der Einfluss von lumbalen Rückenschmerzen auf das somatosensorische Nervensystem, die muskuläre Aktivität und das Bewegungsverhalten während dynamischer und sich wiederholender Hebebelastung / The influence of low back pain on somatosensory nervous system, muscle activity and movement behaviour during repetitive dynamic liftingTschapek, Marika 02 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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