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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse des pesticides dans l’eau de surface, l’eau potable et les produits de consommation par chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse

Montiel León, Juan Manuel 08 1900 (has links)
L’utilisation intensive de certains pesticides et leur relative persistance vont de pair avec la présence de résidus dans l’eau de surface et l’eau potable mais aussi dans les produits agricoles disponibles pour les consommateurs, y compris les denrées alimentaires. À l’heure actuelle, les effets des pesticides sur la vie aquatique et d’autres organismes non ciblés sont relativement bien connus, et la possibilité des effets sur l’être humain fait débat. Des normes de qualité ont été proposées pour l’eau, que ce soit des critères pour l’eau potable ou des critères de protection de la vie aquatique pour l’eau de surface. Des limites maximales de résidus (MRL) de pesticides ont également été établies pour certains produits, notamment les fruits et légumes. Un des défis pour les chercheurs est la mise en œuvre de nouvelles méthodes analytiques sensibles et robustes pour la quantification ultra-trace de ces composés, afin de déterminer si les différents échantillons sont conformes aux directives ou aux MRL. L’analyse des pesticides modérément polaires dans des matrices complexes repose tout d’abord sur la méthode d’extraction. Plusieurs options sont disponibles, telles que l’extraction liquide-liquide ou en phase solide (SPE, Solid Phase Extraction) pour les matrices aqueuses, ou encore dSPE de type QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) pour les matrices solides. Actuellement, la chromatographie en phase liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem représente un choix pertinent pour les analyses ultra-traces, mais sa mise en œuvre peut présenter certains défis. Dans ce contexte, les principaux objectifs de ce travail de recherche sont les suivants : i) proposer des méthodes analytiques rapides, sensibles et robustes pour déterminer des pesticides multi-classes aux niveaux d’exposition que l’on retrouve dans différentes matrices comme l’eau potable, les denrées alimentaires et l’urine comme matrice biologique, et ii) évaluer le lien entre les sources de contamination des divers pesticides et leur mobilité afin de documenter la distribution spatiale et temporelle dans l’eau de surface et l’eau potable au Québec. Pour les échantillons aqueux, une méthode SPE en ligne entièrement automatisée couplée à la chromatographie liquide haute performance et spectrométrie de masse en tandem a été développée. La méthode proposée est rapide (8 min par échantillon) avec des limites de détection comprises entre 0.1 et 5 ng L-1 pour les pesticides de la famille des néonicotinoïdes et l’atrazine. Pour les produits alimentaires tels que les fruits et légumes, l’optimisation d’une méthode de type QuEChERS a été réalisée. La méthode permet d’atteindre des niveaux de détection entre 0.05 ng g-1 et 2 ng g-1 pour une gamme de 22 pesticides couvrant 7 classes différentes, incluant les organophosphorés, les carbamates, les néonicotinoïdes et les triazines, entre autres. La robustesse des diverses méthodes a été démontrée par des expériences de contrôle qualité inter- et intra-journaliers afin de garantir l’exactitude, la précision et l’absence d'effets matriciels pour de longues séquences d’analyse. Les méthodes validées ont été appliquées à des échantillons réels, y compris des échantillons d’eau du robinet couvrant 52 villes de la province du Québec (Canada), 68 échantillons d’eau de surface (fleuve Saint-Laurent et tributaires), et 133 échantillons de laitue, pomme, raisin et tomates achetés sur les marchés locaux. Les résultats indiquent une forte occurrence de l’atrazine, la thiaméthoxame, la clothianidine et l’imidaclopride dans les échantillons d’eau et les quatre produits alimentaires. / The extensive use of certain pesticides and their relative persistence go on par with the presence of residue levels in surface water and drinking water, but also in agricultural products available to consumers (including foodstuffs). There are potential effects on aquatic life and non-target organisms, and the possibility of effects in humans remains a topical issue. Quality standards have been proposed for water, including criteria for drinking water and criteria for the protection of aquatic life (surface water). Maximum residue limits (MRLs) for pesticides have also been established for foodstuff, including fruits and vegetables. One of the challenges for researchers is the implementation of sensitive and robust analytical methods for the ultra-trace quantification of these compounds, with a view to determining whether the samples are compliant with guidelines or MRLs. The analysis of moderately polar pesticides in complex matrices relies notably on the extraction method. Diverse options are available, including liquid-liquid or solid phase extraction (SPE) for aqueous samples, and dSPE approaches such as QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) for solid samples. Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry is usually selected for separation and detection at the ultra-trace level, but there are some pitfalls. In this context, the main objectives of the present research were as follows: i) to propose fast and robust analytical methods to determine multi-class pesticides at different exposure routes including drinking water and food, and ii) to evaluate the link between the contamination sources of various pesticides and their mobility to document their distribution in surface water and tap water in Quebec. For water samples, a fully automated on-line SPE method coupled to ultra-highperformance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry was developed. The proposed method is rapid (8 min per sample) with detection limits between 0.1 and 5 ng L- 1 for neonicotinoids and atrazine. For food products (fruits and vegetables), a QuEChERS method was investigated. The optimized procedure shows limits of detection between 0.05 ng g-1 and 2 ng g-1 for a total of 22 pesticides encompassing 7 different classes, including organophosphorus compounds, carbamates, neonicotinoids and triazines, among others. The robustness of the various methods has been demonstrated by inter-day and intra-day iv quality control experiments to ensure suitable accuracy, precision, and the absence of matrix effects in long LC-MS batch sequences. The validated methods were applied to real samples, including tap water samples from 52 municipalities in the province of Quebec (Canada), 68 surface water samples from the St. Lawrence River and its main tributaries, and 133 fruits and vegetables samples (lettuce samples, apples, grapes and tomatoes) purchased from local markets. The results indicate a high occurrence of atrazine, thiamethoxam, clothianidin, and imidacloprid in the water samples and the four food products.

Induktion der Eicosanoide bei Gesunden und Patienten mit Sepsis

Ludwig, Ute 08 December 2015 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit war die Untersuchung von Sepsis-assoziierten Veränderungen des Arachidonsäure (AA)-Metabolismus und die Identifikation differentiell regulierter AA-Metabolite mit Prüfung ihres diagnostischen Potentials bei Patienten mit Sepsis unter Anwendung eines in-vitro Lipopolysaccharid (LPS) Vollblutaktivierungs-Modells. In Zellüberständen von nicht-aktiviertem und LPS-aktiviertem Heparinblut (25 Sepsis- Patienten, 15 Gesunde) wurden AA-Metabolite mittels Flüssigkeitschromatographie-Tandem- Massenspektrometrie analysiert. In einer unabhängigen Kohorte (10 Sepsis-Patienten, 3 Gesunde) wurden nach RNA-Isolation aus Zellmaterial zusätzlich Target-Gene des AAMetabolismus (Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 und mikrosomale Prostaglandin-E-Synthase (mPGES)-1 mittels quantitativer Reverse Transkriptase-Polymerase Kettenreaktion (RT-PCR) untersucht. Es konnte eine differentielle Freisetzung von AA, AA-Analoga und der COX-assoziierten Metabolite Prostaglandin (PG) E2, 11-Hydroxyeicosatetraensäure (HETE) und Thromboxan (TX) B2 zwischen Patienten und gesunden Kontrollpersonen gezeigt werden. Sepsis-Patienten wiesen dabei gegenüber Gesunden eine deutlich reduzierte Freisetzung von AA und den COXassoziierten Metaboliten 11-HETE und PGE2 auf. Das Ausmaß der reduzierten Mediatorenfreisetzung bei Sepsis-Patienten war mit der Schwere der Erkrankungssymptomatik und dem klinischen Outcome assoziiert. Auf Genexpressionsebene zeigte sich eine reduzierte Induzierbarkeit der COX-2 mRNA-Expression bei Sepsis-Patienten gegenüber Gesunden, jedoch eine erhaltene Induzierbarkeit auf der Ebene der mPGES-1.:I Bibliographische Beschreibung………………………………………………………2 II Abkürzungen……………………………..……………………………………………4 III Einleitung 1. Epidemiologie und Definition der Sepsis……………………………………………..…6 2. Pathophysiologie der Sepsis……………………………………………………………..7 3. Stellenwert und Limitationen labordiagnostischer Marker bei Sepsis…………………..8 4. Eicosanoide und Sepsis…………………………………………………………………10 5. In-vitro LPS Vollblutaktivierungs-Modell für die Prüfung der Eicosanoidantwort auf Genexpressions- und Mediatorenebene……………..................12 6. Bestimmung von Eicosanoiden mittels LC-MS/MS........................................................16 7. Zielstellung der Arbeit……………………………………………………………….....18 IV Publikation…………………………………………………………….......................19 V Zusammenfassung der Arbeit………………………………………………………29 VI Literatur……………………………………………………………………………...32 VII Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit.………..…………….....35 VIII Lebenslauf………………………………………………………………………........36 IX Spezifizierung des wissenschaftlichen Beitrages zur Publikation...........................38 X Danksagung………………………………………………………………………......39

Comparison of standard operating procedures used for the detection of opioids in blood

Law, Ka Kiu Natalie 13 July 2020 (has links)
In forensic toxicology, opioids are frequently associated with drug abuse or drug-related death cases. An optimal method for use in the identification and quantification of opioids in a complex blood matrix is of paramount importance. Along with the ability to identify and quantitate opioids, this method should be accurate, sensitive, and selective. The application of sample pre-treatment and solid-phase extraction are common to purify and concentrate the target analytes before analyzing with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of two standard operating procedures, adopted by the Massachusetts State Police Crime Laboratory Toxicology and the Biomedical Forensic Sciences– Toxicology Laboratory at Boston University School of Medicine, for detecting opioids in blood. A total of eight drugs were analyzed: 6-monoacetylmorphine, codeine, fentanyl, hydrocodone, morphine, norhydrocodone, oxycodone, and oxymorphone. Comparison was performed using the parameters studied as part of method validation, including calibration model, bias, precision, carryover, interferences, ionization suppression/enhancement, and recovery. The results indicated that the method from Massachusetts State Police provided a better performance with between-run precision, interferences from matrix and other commonly encountered drugs, matrix effect at high concentration (250 ng/mL) and matrix recovery. Meanwhile, the method from Biomedical Forensic Sciences showed less bias, within-run precision, and matrix effect at low concentrations. Carryover and internal standard interference were comparable in both standard operating procedures. The calibration models were adjusted by altering the selection of regression model for improved quantification method performance. The volume of solvents, sample matrix, as well as time, were taken into consideration in accessing the overall performance of identification and quantitation. Both procedures were comparable yet the one from Massachusetts State Police was more beneficial in identifying the target analytes with greater sensitivity and selectivity and the one from Biomedical Forensic Sciences was more economical and efficient.

Karaktärisering och vidareutveckling av teknik för provsamling av utandade partiklar / Characterization and development of techniques for sample collection of exhaled particles

Danielsson, Åsa January 2014 (has links)
Drogpartiklar i utandningsluft är ett nytt forskningsområde med stora möjligheter att utvecklas för sjukdomsdiagnostik. En stor fördel är att provtagning kan utföras med större enkelhet och att proceduren kan upplevas som mindre integritetskränkande än till exempel blod- och urinprov. Det övergripande syftet med det här examensarbetet var att undersöka egenskaperna hos en apparat för provtagning vid namn SensAbues, som är framtagen för att samla in partiklar i utandningsluft för drogtestning. En del av syftet var att undersöka den variation som existerar i resultaten från tidigare forskning kring droganalys via utandningsprov. Examensarbetet utfördes utifrån litteraturstudier samt sex experiment. Utifrån teori och resultat ges rekommendationer på förändringar och förbättringar på provtagaren. Experiment I-III var relaterade till SensAbues egenskaper. De egenskaper som undersöktes var provtagarens flödesmotstånd (experiment I), hur partiklarna fördelar sig över provtagaren (experiment II) samt partikelstatistik gällande utandade partiklar samt provtagarens insamlingseffektivt (experiment III). I experiment IV-VI undersöktes anledningen till tidigare resultats variation, där det framförallt var tre hypoteser som låg som grund för experimentuppställningarna: 1) Att ökat flödesmotstånd skulle stimulera partikelbilandet och därmed öka koncentrationen av utandade drogpartiklar (experiment IV). 2) Att en speciell andningsmanöver skulle stimulera partikelbilandet och därmed öka koncentrationen av utandade drogpartiklar (experiment V). 3) Att partiklar från munhålan, som till exempel saliv, kontaminerar filtret vilket är anledningen till variationen i tidigare resultat (experiment VI). Resultaten från experiment I visar att det mesta flödesmotståndet sitter i provtagarens munstycke. I experiment II undersöktes spridningen av metadonpartiklar över provtagarens olika delar. Resultatet visar att det förekommer stor spridning och det verkar som att endast en liten del, cirka 3 % av metadonpartiklarna som andas ut fastnar i filtret, det vill säga den del som analyseras i laboratoriet. I experiment II går det inte att dra några slutsatser om provtagarens effektivitet, det vill säga hur stor andel av utandade metadonpartiklar som fångas upp av provtagaren, detta undersöks i experiment III. I experiment III undersöks provtagarens effektivitet och resultaten visar att provtagaren fångar upp cirka 99 % av utandade partiklar (alla utandade partiklar, ej drogpartiklar) Resultaten i experiment IV visade att ökat flödesmotstånd inte verkar ha någon betydelse för partikelkoncentrationen (generellt utandade partiklar, ej drogpartiklar). Resultaten i experiment V visade inte på att den speciella andningsmanövern bidrar till ökad koncentration av utandade drogpartiklar jämfört med vanlig provtagning. Det mest troliga skälet till tidigare forsknings varierande resultat är att partiklar från munhålan kontaminerar filtret, vilket visas i resultatet från experiment VI. Utifrån resultaten i experiment I-VI ges rekommendationer för utveckling av provtagaren. / Analysis of drug particles in exhaled air is a new research area with great potential for medical diagnoses. A major advantage is that sampling can be performed much easier and that the procedure may be perceived as less intrusive than, for example, blood or urine samples. The overall aim of this thesis work was to investigate some of the properties of a sampler named SensAbues, which is designed to collect particles in exhaled air. Another part of the purpose was to examine the variation in the results of previous research related to drugs through expiration. The work was based on literature studies and six separate experiments. Experiments I-III was related to SensAbues properties. The properties examined were the sampler's flow resistance (experiment I), how the particles are distributed over the sampler (experiment II) and particle statistics regarding exhaled particles and the sampler's collection effectiveness (experiment III). In experiments IV-VI previous research results variety was examined based on primarily three hypotheses: 1) Increased resistance would stimulate the amount of exhaled particles and thereby increase the concentration (experiment IV). 2) That a special breathing maneuver would stimulate the amount of exhaled particles and thereby increase the concentration (experiment V). 3) That particles from the oral cavity, such as saliva, would contaminate the filter and explain the variation in previous research results (experiment VI). The results from experiment I show that most of the flow resistance is located in the sampler's nozzle. In experiment II it shows that there is a great distribution of methadone particles over the sampler's different parts. Only a small part, about 3% of methadone particles exhaled trapped in the filter, which is the part that is analyzed in the laboratory. In experiment II, it is not possible to draw any conclusions about the sampler's efficiency, this examined in experiment III. In experiment III the sampler's effectiveness is examined and the results show that the sampler captures approximately 99% of exhaled particles (all exhaled particles, not drug particles). Results in experiment IV showed that the increased flow resistance does not seem to have any bearing on the particle concentration (generally exhaled particles, not drug particles). The results of experiment V did not show that the particular breathing maneuver contributes to increased concentration of exhaled drug particles compared with normal breathing. The most likely reasons for the variation in previous research are that particles from the mouth contaminate the filter, as shown in the results of experiment VI. Experiments I-VI leads to recommendations for further development of the sampler.

Preliminary Investigation into Quantitation of Pharmaceuticals in Lake Victoria Sediments : Development of a Method for Analysis of 11 Pharmaceuticals

Lundberg, Robert January 2021 (has links)
Although Lake Victoria is threatened by pollution there is a lack of knowledge about pharmaceuticals contaminants drained into the lake from large cities bordering the lake. Hence, the purpose of this project was to develop, validate and apply a method for analysis of pharmaceutical compounds accumulating in the Lake Victoria sediments. A simple quantitative method for 11 pharmaceuticals combining accelerated solvent extraction, solid phase extraction, trimethylsilylation derivatization, and gas chromatography mass spectrometry was developed, partly validated, and applied to 18 surface sediments and a sediment core dated using the 210Pb method. The results showed the presence of the pharmaceuticals estriol, gemfibrozil, metoprolol, ketoprofen, naproxen, 17α-ethinylestradiol and estrone concentrated around the regions Napoleon Gulf and Thurston Bay with accumulation rates decreasing towards the top of the sediment core. Nonetheless, a randomness in the distribution of these compounds behooves a systematic assessment investigating not only the provenance of these compounds but also further investigations to errors meaning that this study should be treated as a preliminary investigation.


金子(今村), 春菜 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(薬学) / 甲第18209号 / 薬博第799号 / 新制||薬||237(附属図書館) / 31067 / 京都大学大学院薬学研究科創薬科学専攻 / (主査)教授 石濱 泰, 教授 松﨑 勝巳, 教授 加藤 博章 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

Development and validation of an ultrafiltration-UHPLC-MS/MS method for the quantification of unbound Beta-Lactam antibiotics cefotaxime, piperacillin, cloxacillin and flucloxacillin in plasma / Utveckling och validering av en UHPLC-MS/MS-metod med ultrafiltrering för kvantifiering av icke-proteinbunden beta-lactam-antibiotika cefotaxim, piperacillin, kloxacillin och flukloxacillin i plasma

Clarin, Leona January 2020 (has links)
Kritiskt sjuka patienter med infektioner är en börda för sjukvården och 70 % av alla patienter på intensivvårdsavdelningar är ordinerade antibiotika. Antibiotika binder till proteiner i blodet, men enbart den icke-proteinbundna (fria) fraktionen kan diffundera över kapillära membran och binda till receptorer. Standardproteinbindningsgrad för olika antibiotika har utvecklats från studier på friska frivilliga och doseringen av läkemedlen är anpassade därefter. Den totala koncentrationen av antibiotika i patienters blod är vanligen representativ för den farmakologiska effekten. Dock kan vissa sjukdomar påverka proteinbindningsgraden vilket resulterar i en större eller mindre mängd fria antibiotika i blodcirkulationen. Det här kan i sin tur resultera i toxicitet eller otillräcklig effekt av läkemedlet. Syftet med det här projektet var att utveckla en analytisk metod för att bestämma den fria koncentrationen av Beta-Lactam antibiotikan cefotaxim, flukloxacillin, kloxacillin och piperacillin i plasma. En metod utvecklades med ultrafiltrering för extraktion av den fria fraktionen och högupplösande vätskekromatografi och tandem masspektrometri, UHPLC-MS/MS, för kvantifiering av analyterna. Metoden validerades delvis enligt den Europeiska Läkemedelsmyndighetens riktlinjer för bioanalytisk metodvalidering. / Infections in critically ill patients are a problem for the healthcare system and at any one time, 70 % of all intensive care unit (ICU) patients are treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics bind to proteins in the blood, but only unbound drug can diffuse over capillary membranes and bind to the targeted receptor. Standard protein binding percentages for antibiotics have been developed from studies on healthy volunteers and dosing regimens for patients are adapted accordingly. The determination of the total concentration of antibiotics in patients’ blood samples is, based on the standard percentages, ordinarily representative for the pharmacological effect of the antibiotic. However, certain conditions that are common in critically ill patients can alter protein binding percentages, resulting in a larger or smaller unbound fraction. This in turn can result in toxicity or therapeutic failure. The aim of this project was to develop an analytical method for the determination of the unbound concentration of the Beta-Lactam antibiotics cefotaxime, flucloxacillin, cloxacillin and piperacillin in plasma. A method was successfully developed using ultrafiltration for the extraction of unbound analytes and ultra high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, UHPLC-MS/MS, for their quantification. The method was partly validated according to the European Medicines Agency’s guidelines on bioanalytical method validation.

Proteomic Profiling of Pro and Active Matrix Metalloproteinases using Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Optimization of Affinity Chromatography and nHPLC-MALDI-MS/MS for Proteomic discrimination of Matrix Metalloproteinases in pre-clinical Cancer Model.

Saleem, Saira January 2012 (has links)
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) network with other biological molecules to maintain the extracellular matrix (ECM) in normal physiology and perform different roles. Understanding and assigning specific role to each of 24 members of these endoproteinases is impeded because of lack of specific and efficient detection methods in biological samples. Moreover, MMP-based anti-cancer drug development has also been challenged because, currently, there is no robust methodology to distinguish the inactive pro-enzymes, active enzymes or those complexed with endogenous inhibitors in biological specimens. The objective of this project is to develop a chemical proteomics strategy based on Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization tandem mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS/MS) to help identify and discriminate the various MMP forms. Firstly, a triazine dye-based ligand immobilized on chromatography beads was utilized to assess whether it binds to recombinant human MMPs (rhMMPs). The results highlighted that the ligand interacts with latent forms of MMPs in agreement with the literature. Secondly, the potential of the ligand was assessed using MALDI-MS/MS based methodology in in vitro cancer models. Cell line culture supernatants were used in amounts to emulate the availability of tumour biopsies in clinical settings. The MS/MS spectral peaks specific to MMPs (MMP-2 and MMP- 14), and two endogenous inhibitors TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 were found in affinity chromatography eluates of cell culture supernatants with higher Mascot scores for the latter. While western blot detected MMP-2 in cell extracts, MALDI-MS/MS did not detect MMPs because of amounts below the limit of detection (LOD) of the instrument. Although the ligand was found to be interacting with MMPs and detergent-free salt elution buffers improved MALDI analysis, recovery of MMPs from biological samples was sub-optimal. The dye ligand was observed to bind other enzymes and despite various strategies to reduce non-specific binding of proteins or enable selective elution did not improve MMP enrichment. Further work using methodology described in this study is required after scaling up the MMP amounts in biological specimen and to resolve the issue of non-specific binding of proteins to the ligand by understanding its structure. / Shaukat Khanam Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Pakistan and University of Bradford

Validation of an LC-MS/MS Method to Quantify the New TRPC6 Inhibitor SH045 (Larixyl N-methylcarbamate) and Its Application in an Exploratory Pharmacokinetic Study in Mice

Chai, Xiao-Ning, Ludwig, Friedrich-Alexander, Müglitz, Anne, Schaefer, Michael, Yin, Hai-Yan, Brust, Peter, Regenthal, Ralf, Krügel, Ute 08 May 2023 (has links)
TRPC6 (transient receptor potential cation channels; canonical subfamily C, member 6) is widespread localized in mammalian tissues like kidney and lung and associated with progressive proteinuria and pathophysiological pulmonary alterations, e.g., reperfusion edema or lung fibrosis. However, the understanding of TRPC6 channelopathies is still at the beginning stages. Recently, by chemical diversification of (+)-larixol originating from Larix decidua resin traditionally used for inhalation, its methylcarbamate congener, named SH045, was obtained and identified in functional assays as a highly potent, subtype-selective inhibitor of TRPC6. To pave the way for use of SH045 in animal disease models, this study aimed at developing a capable bioanalytical method and to provide exploratory pharmacokinetic data for this promising derivative. According to international guidelines, a robust and selective LC-MS/MS method based on MRM detection in positive ion mode was established and validated for quantification of SH045 in mice plasma, whereby linearity and accuracy were demonstrated for the range of 2–1600 ng/mL. Applying this method, the plasma concentration time course of SH045 following single intraperitoneal administration (20 mg/kg body weight) revealed a short half-life of 1.3 h. However, the pharmacological profile of SH045 is promising, as five hours after administration, plasma levels still remained sufficiently higher than published low nanomolar IC50 values. Summarizing, the LC-MS/MS method and exploratory pharmacokinetic data provide essential prerequisites for experimental pharmacological TRPC6 modulation and translational treatment of TRPC6 channelopathies.

Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Studies Of 5-Azacytidine In Combination With Gti-2040

Chen, Ping 29 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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