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Relações de poder na elaboração do planejamento governamental municipal: o caso da microrregião de Ponta Grossa/Paraná pela ótica da elite política executiva / Power relations in the elaboration of municipal government planning: the case of the Ponta Grossa’s microregion/Paraná by the political executive elite’s point of viewRibas, João André Nascimento 28 February 2018 (has links)
A Constituição Federal de 1988 possibilitou perspectivas mais inclusivas da sociedade civil nas tomadas de decisões sobre políticas públicas, como por meio de referendos, plebiscitos, conselhos gestores, audiências, entre outros, na tentativa de modificar a ortodoxia de centralismo decisório até então praticada. Entretanto, estudos a respeito de práticas de participação social passaram a denunciar limitações do empoderamento da sociedade civil ocasionadas na conjuntura neoliberal do Brasil. Isso impactou na concentração de poder deliberativo sobre decisões públicas nas mãos de restritos atores da sociedade política. Por outro lado, tais estudos não apresentam resultados sobre relações de poder desenvolvidas na elaboração do planejamento governamental municipal, materializado no plano plurianual – PPA, uma política essencial para o estabelecimento de ações de governo a serem implementadas diante das mais variadas demandas sociais. Partindo-se desta lacuna de investigação, caberia responder: quem são e como participam os atores da sociedade política e da sociedade civil na elaboração do planejamento governamental municipal? Por meio de um estudo de caso da elaboração do PPA 2018 – 20121 da microrregião de Ponta Grossa do Estado do Paraná, o presente estudo adota como objetivo investigar as relações de poder estabelecidas na elaboração do planejamento governamental municipal a partir da ótica da sua elite política executiva. Para melhor justificativa dos resultados levantados, adota-se a observância dos perfis ideológicos das elites políticas e as distinções entre áreas temáticas públicas. Metodologicamente, esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como descritiva e explicativa, estando baseada em estudo de caso único a partir do uso da técnica de entrevistas junto às elites políticas dos Poderes Executivos da microrregião de Ponta Grossa/PR. Como resultado, observa-se um panorama de elaboração do planejamento governamental embasado na concentração do poder deliberativo nas figuras da elite política executiva, mais precisamente, nos Secretários/Presidentes das áreas temáticas, cabendo à sociedade civil a participação de forma consultiva, independentemente do perfil ideológico identificado, porém com algumas exceções de áreas temáticas com maior deliberação e autogestão da sociedade civil. Este cenário, de forma geral, reflete regulamentações da participação social nem sempre efetivadas e perfis ideológicos das elites estudadas mais voltados à defesa da participação social consultiva e fiscalizatória. Diante dos resultados e das literaturas apresentadas ao longo da teoria, que defendem a participação da sociedade civil e de seus segmentos organizados de forma deliberativa, recomenda-se às elites políticas adotarem uma governança mais democrática mediante promoção de tal empoderamento, como por intermédio de conferências temáticas e colegiados deliberativos voltados à elaboração do PPA, objetivando o desenvolvimento regional e político dos cidadãos. / The Federal Constitution of 1988 provided more inclusive perspectives of the civil society in public decision-making policies, such as referendums, plebiscites, management councils, audiences, among others, in an attempt to change the orthodoxy of the centralism on decision-making practiced up to that moment. However, studies about social participation practices started to denounce limitations on the civil society empowerment caused by the neoliberal conjuncture in Brazil. This has impacted on the concentration of deliberative power over public decisions in the hands of restricted actors in political society. On the other hand, these studies do not present results about power relations developed in the elaboration of municipal government planning, materialized in the multiyear plan, an essential policy for the establishment of government actions to be implemented in face of the most varied social demands. Starting from this research gap, it would be necessary to answer the following questions: who are and how do the actors of political society and civil society participate in the municipal government planning elaboration? By means of a case study on the preparation of the multiyear plan 2018 - 2021 to the Ponta Grossa’s microregion at the State of Paraná, the present study aims to investigate the power relations established in the elaboration of the municipal government planning by the political executive elite’s point of view. To justify better the results obtained, it is adopted the observance of ideological profiles of political elites and the distinctions between public thematic areas. This research is methodologically characterized as descriptive and explanatory, being based on a single case study using the technique of interviews with the Executive Power political elites at the microregion. As a result, there is a panorama on the elaboration of governmental planning based on the concentration of deliberative power in the executive political elite, more precisely, in the Secretaries / Presidents of the thematic areas, and civil society participation in an advisory form, regardless of the ideological profile identified, although with some exceptions in thematic areas with greater deliberation and self-management from civil society. This scenario, in general, reflects regulations of social participation not always implemented and ideological profiles of the elites studied more focused on the defense of social participation as advisory and monitoring. Given the results and literature presented throughout the theory, which advocate to the civil society and its organized segments participation in a deliberative way, it is recommended that the political elites it is recommended that political elites adopt a more democratic governance through the promotion of such empowerment, as well as through thematic and collegial deliberative conferences aimed at the elaboration of the multiyear plans, aiming at the regional and political development of citizens.
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A parceria do poder local com as agências internacionais de fomento na implementação de políticas públicas: Uma análise dos projetos do município de CuritibaBanzato, Bruno Antonio 24 August 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal a avaliação das especificidades da execução de programas de desenvolvimento local promovidos pela Prefeitura de Curitiba em conjunto com organismos internacionais. Diante da carência de políticas públicas federais para o âmbito das cidades e a insuficiência de repasses intergovernamentais, as administrações municipais rompem as fronteiras nacionais para vencer os principais campos do desenvolvimento urbano, promovendo cooperações com instituições internacionais de fomento que, além de financiar, também interferem na elaboração e execução de programas e projetos de interesse dos municípios. Perante o relevante volume de recursos obtidos pela cidade de Curitiba, o estudo observa as especificidades de tais acordos na implementação de políticas públicas locais a fim de proporcionar um referencial de conhecimento à sociedade em geral e estimular ferramentas de aprimoramento dessas parcerias pelo poder local. Por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa, um estudo de caso múltiplo é realizado levando em consideração, além dos dados dos programas em parcerias com organismos internacionais, a percepção dos gestores locais envolvidos e dos representantes dos organismos internacionais. Os resultados são apresentados a partir de uma adaptação dos eixos de avaliação defendidos por Proença (2009) (participação e Transparência, alinhamento, promoção de autonomia, condições de eficácia e sustentabilidade) e, por fim, as conclusões apontam que há uma ambivalência dos interesses dos atores nas parcerias. Os resultados mostram também que é preciso adaptar os projetos locais às condições dos organismos internacionais, que, por muitas vezes, podem acabar pautando as políticas públicas do município, demonstram o pouco engajamento popular nas parcerias, listam os elementos diferenciadores da implementação dessas políticas, verificam que novas experiências podem ser absorvidas pela gestão local a partir dessas parcerias e que há uma limitação das cooperações ao processo de execução dos programas. / This thesis aims to evaluate the implementation of local development programs promoted by the City of Curitiba in collaborative work with international organizations. Towards the lack of federal public policies for the cities' scope and the failure of intergovernmental transfers, local governments break national boundaries to win the main fields of urban development, promoting cooperation with international development institutions that, besides financing, also interfere the development and implementation of counties' programs and projects interest. Before the significant amount of resources obtained by the city of Curitiba, the study points out the special features of such agreements in the implementation of local public policies to provide a benchmark of knowledge to the society and stimulate enhancement tools of such partnerships for local power. Through a qualitative research, a multiple case study is conducted taking into account both the data of the programs in partnership with international organizations and the perception of the local managers involved and representatives of international organizations. The results are presented from an adaptation of the axes of evaluation recommended by Proença (2009) (participation and transparency, alignment, promotion of autonomy, efficiency and sustainability conditions), and the findings reveal the ambivalence of the interests of actors in the partnerships. The study indicates that it is necessary to adapt the local projects to the conditions of international organizations, which often end up basing public policies of the county; it demonstrates the unpopular engagement in partnerships; it lists the differentiating elements of the implementation of these policies; and it finds that new experiences can be absorbed by the local management from these partnerships and the cooperation's limitation to the process of implementing the programs.
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An assessment of the impact of local economic development on urban poverty alleviation: a case of the Buffalo City Metropolitan MunicipalityMbeba, Roland D January 2011 (has links)
Local Economic Development has in recent years, gained wide spread acceptance, as a locality-based response to economic challenges. It is now firmly on the agenda of many national and local government and key international agencies. Adopting a desk study approach, reviewing extensive literature on LED, the study sought to establish the impact of LED strategy employed by Buffalo City Municipality, and assess the extent to which it has alleviated poverty. The study shows that the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCMM) LED strategy has limited impact on poverty alleviation due to a myriad of factors, which reinforce and interact with each other thereby limiting development and trapping residents in poverty. The thesis argues that there is significant room for a paradigm shift from predominantly pro-growth to pro-poor LED, and the need to adopt a comprehensive LED strategy that seeks to include of both pro-growth and pro-poor strategies. Both cannot operate without the other in the bid to promote development in Buffalo City, mainly with Agriculture, Tourism, and SMME having significant potential to bring about local economic development. Moreover, the promotion of Private-Public Partnerships play an integral role in the socio-economic development of Buffalo City, and more so the participation of local people is even more fundamental, which will give them the opportunity to take charge of their own development. Therefore, the study suggests a new LED agenda, which is pro-poor, holistic, and moves away from ‘piecemeal’ project based LED activities, and adopts comprehensive economic programmes so that LED has significant impact on poverty alleviation.
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An assessment of the relationship between traditional leaders and ward councillors and its impact on service delivery: the case study of Mnquma Local MunicipalityMhlanga, Fezeka January 2012 (has links)
This study was researched at Mnquma Local Municipality of Amathole District Municipality in Eastern Cape Province, in the Republic of South Africa. The study is about: The assessment of relationship between the traditional leaders and ward Councillors and its impact on service delivery: A case of Mnquma Local Municipality. This municipality consists of 61 wards and 41 ward Councillors. The purpose of this study was to investigate what causes tensions in the relationship between traditional leaders and ward Councillors and also how can it be managed and or be improved as it affects production in service delivery and development. Furthermore, the study seeks to find ways through which the relationship between traditional leaders and ward Councillors could be managed to harmonize the relationship between them in order to improve service delivery in Mnquma Local Municipality. Most municipalities which are based in rural areas in South Africa are faced with a lot of challenges which has left development staggering and thus in long run inefficiency in service delivery is caused. As a result of poor service delivery Mnquma Municipality is faced with the challenge of instability towards its management, whereby several Mayors have been chased away through protests, as result service delivery has been hampered and delayed. These challenges are the results of the poor relationship between traditional leaders and ward Councillors over land ownership, control and authority of resources for development. The legislations that govern traditional leaders are ambiguous or rather vague when it comes to their roles and functions in development and service delivery in the new democratic government of South Africa and thus cause the traditional leaders to feel that they are undermined by the ward Councillors whom according to traditional leaders feel they that ward Councillors are more recognized than them. It is in this context that this study seeks to investigate the causes of conflict between the traditional leaders and ward Councillors and how the conflict impacts on service delivery and development and also can it resolved to harmonize the situation. The researcher used a qualitative method to collect data, the questionnaires and interviews were conducted to Municipalities, Traditional Leaders, Municipal Managers, Ward Councillors, Ward Committees and the community. Data was collected and analysed using descriptive method. The researcher came out with the following summary of the findings: The management of relationship between traditional leaders and ward Councillors over ownership of projects, control, land distribution and authority is very poor. Traditional leaders felt that the present democratic government has given too much power to the ward Councillors for most development programs. There is no absolute proper consultation of traditional leaders by neither local government officials, municipalities and ward Councillors before any development is done in their areas. Poor recognition of traditional leaders by ward Councillors and other politicians. There is allegation by the community members and traditional leaders that ward Councillors are bias in delivering services, preference is given to the group that belongs to their party of interest. When there is development projects employment opportunity is not given to the local communities of that area. Traditional leaders are not allowed to actively participate in council meetings.
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An analysis of the politics-administrative interface and its impact on delivery of municipal services: a case of the Mnquma Local MunicipalityNdudula, Mziwoxolo Rutherford January 2013 (has links)
The study took a qualitative approach to the analysis of the effect of the politics-administrative interface on municipal service delivery. It was a case study of the Mnquma local municipality in the Eastern Cape Province. The researcher developed a keen interest in researching on the topic because the political infighting and clashes between politicians and administrators of the municipality have caused a public outcry for the root causes of the infighting to be effectively addressed and redressed. It is hoped that the findings and recommendations of the study will help, reshape public policy implementation, service delivery and fostering of mutual cooperative relations between politicians and administrators both at local government level and any other sphere of government in South Africa. The study, is categorized into five chronological chapters, with chapter one (introduction and background), chapter two (literature review), chapter three (research design and methodology), chapter four (data analysis, interpretation and presentation) and chapter five (conclusions and recommendations). The researcher used a sample size of 40 respondents who were selected using snowball sampling, a non-random sampling design spread accordingly over both politicians and administrators. Data collection was made possible through an open-ended questionnaire, interviews, observations and documentary analysis. Various reports and media statements were also used to augment this empirical study. The study also used an in-depth qualitative data analysis technique which was descriptive in nature and the study made numerous deductions and findings based on the collected and collated data. Findings of the study were, inter alia, too much politicization of the public sector, interference between politicians and administrators into each other’s affairs and vice versa and adverse effects of cadre deployment which are damaging service delivery. The study made numerous recommendations which included, inter alia, training and development of administrators and politicians on their respective roles and responsibilities, enforcement of the politics-administrative interface as a mutually beneficial approach to service delivery, need for proper interpretation of Acts and policy documents and the enforcing of section 139 interventions into municipalities.
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The role of public participation in building a people centered public service: the case of the King Sabatha Dalindyebo Municipality (KSDM) integrated development planning process (Eastern Cape)Ngcukayitobi, Lulama January 2013 (has links)
This chapter focuses on the literature relevant to the study and more significantly on the issues that are pertinent to the critical questions and the objectives of this research. The chapter will provide definitions of community participation and their intricate relationship with the Integrated Development Planning as a strategic framework for development within the King Sabatha Dalindyebo Municipality. In this context the chapter presents a review of literature dealing with the theoretical arguments surrounding public participation. Hart (1998:13) views literature review as the selection of available documents - both published and unpublished - on the topic, which contains information, ideas, data and evidence written from a particular standpoint to fulfill certain aims This chapter is divided into two main review sections. The first section reviews the relevant policy, legislation and guidelines in which public participation and the IDP process is located in South Africa. The second section focuses on the literature and theories of public participation and the IDP process as it is applied in South Africa.
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An assessment of the supply chain management policy: the case of the King William's Town district municipality period 2009-2011Mazibu, Vuyisile January 2013 (has links)
The intention of the study was to assess the supply chain management policy at the King William’s Town District Municipality. It became apparent from the Literature review that any municipality to play a meaningful role in ensuring that South Africa achieves the goal of becoming a developmental state, capable of confronting service delivery challenges, there needs to be a proper implementation of the supply management system policy. The study was also aimed at identifying the factors that support or hinder the implementation of the supply chain management within the King William’s Town District Municipality. In order to achieve this objective, interviews and self-administered questionnaires were conducted with various respondents in the municipality. The respondents insured the councillors from the five political parties comprising the municipality, municipal manager and section 57 managers, supply chain practitioners. It would therefore be critical important for the management of the King William’s Town District municipality to take into account the results of this study and its recommendations so as to ensure that there is a proper implementation of the supply chain management system within the municipality.
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The development and implementation of methods and procedures of issuing drivers licences in the Madibeng MunicipalityAlers, Corlia 01 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the development and implementation of methods and procedures as generic administrative function, with specific reference to issuing drivers licences in the Driving Licence Testing Centre of the Madibeng Municipality. The contribution of the study to the discipline, Public Administration, is found in the basic framework for the development of standard operating procedures. Furthermore, a set of standard operating procedures to issue drivers licences was developed. In essence, the systems theory inspired the design of the basic framework for the development of standard operating procedures, while the phases of the ADDIE instructional design model simplified the drafting of the standardised procedures to issue drivers licences.
Although the empirical data collection commenced with a quantitative research methodology, a qualitative dimension was required to fully understand the problem why the Driving Licence Testing Centre at the Madibeng Municipality lacks contemporary and relevant standard operating procedures to issue drivers licences. A mixed methods research design was eventually adopted to explore the phenomenon because a second research method was needed to strengthen the primary research method. Data was initially collected through a questionnaire, and follow-up personal interviews were conducted to clarify issues that were not responded to or unclear from the self-administered questionnaires. This conforms to pragmatism - the research philosophy adopted for this study because predetermined research questions dictated the path towards realising the research objectives. Since this study utilised a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research designs, the research methodology was shaped by various strategies, techniques and data collection instruments, such as literature reviews, document analyses to draft the standardised procedures, case study (Driving Licence Testing Centre of the Madibeng Municipality), a structured questionnaire and semi-structured personal interviews.
In this study, the administrative generic function of determining and revision of methods and procedures was referred to as ‘methods and procedures’. Within the context of Public Administration, the study revealed that methods and procedures specify the sequence, processes and techniques necessary to execute certain actions and operations during service delivery. Moreover, it states how tasks must be exercised within the public sector, as well as indicate who must take action. Consequently, methods and procedures are built into all public service activities, regardless whether these are administrative, functional or auxiliary activities. It was concluded that methods and procedures form an indispensable part of any public institution’s activities. However, the study focused on methods and procedures to issue drivers licences at the Driving Licence Testing Centre of the Madibeng Municipality. The study realised its overall aim when recommendations were made to the Driving Licence Testing Centre of the Madibeng Municipality of how to develop and implement standard operating procedures to issue drivers licences. In essence, it was recommended that the basic framework for the development of standard operating procedures be applied when updating and/or developing methods and procedures. Moreover, it was recommended that the set of newly developed standard operating procedures be adopted and implemented. It was also suggested, amongst other proposals, that the management and the staff at the Centre engage from the initial stages in the procedure development process, that clear steps and instructions of how to reach organisational short-term objectives, be specified, and caution be taken by the Madibeng Municipality against the implementation of an overly multifaceted internal control system at its Driving Licence Testing Centre. / Department of Public Administration and Management / D.Admin. (Public Administration)
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Volhoubare voorsiening van geselekteerde munisipale dienste in Centurion : 'n polities-geografiese ondersoek / The sustainable provision of selected municipal services in Centurion : a politico-gepgraphical investigationDe Jager, Anna Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In this study the relationship between political decision making, spatial change and
provision of selected municipal services was investigated. Legislation and policy,
spatial demarcation and local government structures are determined by political
decision making on various government levels. The international system as well as
the local history and factors leading to spatial change impact on municipal
demarcation and service delivery. Demographic change due to re-delimitation of
boundaries, densification within the area of jurisdiction and immigration imply that
service requirements change.
In 1994/5, the rural and residential areas were incorporated to the former
Verwoerdburg and formed the Southern Pretoria Metropolitan Substructure
(Centurion). In December 2000 Centurion lost its autonomous status and was
incorporated as administrative unit into the larger Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality.
Restructuring have implications for the political representation of communities, the
spatial extension of service networks, priority areas, and the location of service
provision points. / In hierdie studie is die verband tussen politieke besluitneming, ruimtelike verandering
en die lewering van geselekteerde munisipale dienste ondersoek. Wetgewing en
beleid, ruimtelike afbakening en plaaslikeowerheidstrukture word deur politieke
besluitneming op verskillende regeringsvlakke bepaal. Die internasionale sisteem,
asook plaaslike historiese gebeure en aanleidende faktore tot ruimtelike verandering
het 'n impak op beide munisipale afbakening en dienslewering. Demografiese
verandering as gevolg van die herbepaling van grense, verdigting binne die
regsgebied en immigrasie impliseer dat diensbehoeftes verander.
Landelike en residensiele gebiede is in 1994/5 by die voormalige Verwoerdburg
geinkorporeer om die Suidelike Pretoria Metropolitaanse Substruktuur (Centurion)
te vorm. In Desember 2000 het die Stadsraad van Centurion sy outonome status
verloor en is as administratiewe eenheid by die groter Tshwane Metropolitaanse
Munisipaliteit geinkorporeer.
Herstrukturering het implikasies vir die politieke verteenwoordiging wat gemeenskappe
geniet, die ruimtelike uitbreiding van diensnetwerke, prioriteitsgebiede en die
plasing van dienstevoorsieningspunte. / Geography / M.A. (Geografie)
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Public participation in policy-making and implementation with specific reference to the Port Elizabeth municipalityMasango, Reuben 06 1900 (has links)
Public participation in policy-making and implementation is an integral part of
public administration and an essential ingredient of community development
and democracy.
This study describes, analyses and evaluates the role played by public
participation in policy-making and implementation in South Africa, with specific
reference to the Port Elizabeth Municipality.
It investigates how the process of public participation in policy-making and
implementation can be strengthened and made more fluid. The levels of
knowledge regarding legislation, institutions and processes of public
interaction with the legislative and policy-making and implementation
institutions, and the intention to participate in these processes, are regarded
as important. Among others, the concept participation and the impact of the
process of public participation as well as the extent of awareness of the South
African public with regard to its democratic rights ar:id freedom and newly
acquired opportunities of interaction in policy-making and implementation are
examined. The issues of concern in which the South African public would like
to participate are also examined.
In order to make meaningful decisions about public needs and demands,
policy makers and implementers should obtain current information about such
needs and demands. Public participation is an appropriate mechanism for
conveying such information and should therefore be encouraged and
preserved. It appears that the constitutional and legislative framework is an
appropriate instrument for this purpose. However, in order to facilitate the
development of the culture of participation, other prerequisites of public
participation should not be forgotten.
A lack of information about the process of public participation and a dearth of
literature on the subject of public participation are among the challenges
facing South Africa. The investigation indicates that there is lack of knowledge
about institutions and legislation, as well as illiteracy and inadequate
participation skills.
Although Constitutional and statutory provisions reflect good intentions about
public participation, with low levels of knowledge about such provisions and
inadequate interaction between public participation and policy-making and
implementation, a fluid process of participation which could deepen, broaden
and sustain democracy would remain a utopian ideal. However, various
mechanisms, by which this scenario could be addressed, could be devised
and implemented. / Public Administration and Management / D. Admin
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