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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjunkande kunskaper i musikteori? – om en möjlig orsak : En undersökning om förekomsten av musikteoriundervisning bland Sveriges musik- och kulturskolor / Declining Knowledge in Music Theory? : A study of the prevalence of music theory instruction among Swedish music and culture schools

Forsén, Lotta January 2011 (has links)
Mitt syfte med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan de försämrade musikteoretiska kunskaperna bland de sökande till musikhögskolorna och utbudet av teoriundervisning på de svenska musik- och kulturskolorna. För att uppnå detta har jag gjort en kartläggning av förekomsten av musikteori som enskilt ämne på de svenska musik- och kulturskolorna, samt hur denna bedrivs. Jag har använt mig av en enkät som rektorer eller lärare i musikteori har svarat på, samt undersökt antagningsproven (C-proven) i musiklära och satslära från olika år på Ingesunds musikhögskola. Enkätsvaren visar att en tredjedel av dem som svarat, erbjuder musikteori som eget ämne. Dessa skolor hittar vi i både stora och små kommuner medett varierat elevantal. Musikteorin verkar inte ha minskat nämnvärt under de senaste 9 åren. Hos de skolor som inte har teoriundervisning uppges anledningen vara dålig ekonomi, men hos de skolor som har haft, men tvingas lägga ner teoriundervisningen anges orsaken vara bristande elevintresse. Jag har även undersökt lektionernas utformning, lärarnas behörighet, integration av musikteori i instrumentallektionerna och marknadsföring av ämnet. I diskussionen resonerar jag om resultatet kan ge en förklaring till problemet med sjunkande kunskaper i musikteori. Svaren pekar på att det troligtvis inte är ett minskat utbud av musikteori, utan en minskad efterfrågan, som gör att kunskapsnivån har sjunkit. / The purpose of this study is to examine if there is a connection between the diminishing knowledge of music theory of applicants to colleges of music, and the offering of music theory in the Swedish music and culture schools. In order to reach this goal, I conducted a survey of the prevalence of music theory among the Swedish music and culture schools, and how this is organized. I have used a questionnaire in which the principal or the teacher of music theory has responded to, and I have examined the entrance examinations (C-test) in basic theoretical knowledge and harmony from different years at The Music Academy of Ingesund. Survey responses indicate that a third of those who answered, offer music theory as its own subject. These schools can be found in both large and small municipalities, with a varied number of students. Music theory does not seem to have decreased significantly over the past nine years. Among the schools that do not offer music theory, the main reason given for this is a poor economy. But among schools who offered music theory but were forced to discontinue, the main reason given were the students' lack of interest. I have also investigated the structure of the lesson, certified teachers, integration of music theory in instrumental lessons and the marketing of the subject. In the section where I discuss the results, an explanation may be found as to why there appears to be a declining knowledge of music theory. The responses indicate that while music theory is still generally offered as before, there is a reduction in demand, which may cause the knowledge level to decrease.

Les enfants de Terpsichore : histoire de l'École et des élèves de la danse de l'Académie de musique (1783-1913) / Terpsichore's children : History of School dancing of music Academy (1783-1913)

Delattre-Destemberg, Emmanuelle 23 September 2016 (has links)
Cette étude entend proposer une histoire des élèves de la danse de l'Académie de musique au XIXe siècle (1783-1913). À travers l’étude des étapes de la mise en place institutionnelle de cette école émerge l'identité des élèves de la danse comme apprentis danseurs. Au-delà d'une histoire administrative, ce sont bien les conditions socioéconomiques de l’enfance au travail que révèle ce travail de thèse. Des questions économiques relatives à leur formation aux pratiques culturelles de la danse, les élèves de l'Académie de musique sont au coeur de la vie urbaine et théâtrale parisienne du XIXe siècle. Enfin, l’examen de la circulation des danseurs et des pédagogies à l'échelle européenne a permis d’identifier les mécanismes d’un discours de domination culturelle, construit et revendiqué par l'Académie de musique, à l’échelle du monde occidental. / This study aims at introducing a story of the Music Academy ballet students in the 19th century (1783-1913). The ballet students’ identities and their positions as apprentices come to light through the different steps of the institutional setting-up of that Academy. This thesis goes beyond administrative history and unveils the genuine socioeconomic conditions of children at work. For many reasons going from economic issues concerning their training to ballet cultural practises, the Music Academy students are at the heart of urban and theatrical life of XIXth century Paris. Eventually, an analysis of the ballet dancers ‘ freedom of movement and of the different teaching methods in Europe allows to pinpoint the mechanisms of a cultural domination speech, built by the music Academy and claimed to come from it too, throughout the Western world .

»Erziehung zur Erfahrung« oder Überforderung der Erziehung?: Zur Aktualität von Adornos musikpädagogischen Ansätzen im Hinblick auf Musiktheorie im Hochschulbereich

Schweitzer, Benjamin 28 October 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Plan de negocios para la implementación de dos nuevas líneas estratégicas de negocio para la Academia Musical Chui / Business plan for the implementation of two new strategic business lines for the “Academia Musical Chui”

Chui Agama, Franco Francisco, Loayza Rodriguez, Roy Felipe Gaspar 07 December 2021 (has links)
Este proyecto implementa dos nuevas líneas estratégicas para una academia musical denominada “Academia Musical Chui”. Negocio empírico que inició dirigido por una sola persona en Lima – Perú, orientado a estudiantes escolares y jóvenes preuniversitarios. Por ello, la investigación y los conocimientos técnicos en música y negocios buscan complementar y potenciar la formación académica musical, consolidar el posicionamiento de marca, reestructurar el marketing aplicado al público objetivo seleccionado y planificar por primera vez una proyección económica que permita validar la inversión y rentabilidad en dos nuevas líneas estratégicas, con la finalidad de expandir el público objetivo, construir un plan de negocios estructurado e integral que comprenda estrategias acordes a la reingeniería del negocio propuesto. Finalmente, este trabajo recopila la información de la academia, determina estrategias para el desarrollo y realiza la evaluación económica calculando el VAN y la TIR de cada línea de negocio, obteniendo un resultado positivo para la ejecución de la inversión en el 2022. Así mismo, se demuestra el desarrollo de estrategias para las nuevas líneas de negocio de producción musical y luthería y la expansión del negocio a nivel nacional e internacional, mediante la apertura de nuevos locales en alianzas estratégicas y la digitalización del contenido. / This project implements two new strategic lines for a musical academy called “Academia Musical Chui”. Empirical business that started directed by a single person in Lima - Peru, aimed at school students and young pre-university students. For this reason, research and technical knowledge in music and business seek to complement and enhance the musical academic training, consolidate brand positioning, restructure the marketing applied to the selected target audience and plan for the first time an economic projection that allows validating the investment and profitability in two new strategic lines. In order to expand the target audience, build a structured and comprehensive business plan that includes strategies according to the proposed business reengineering. Finally, this work compiles the information of the academy, determines strategies for development and performs the economic evaluation calculating the NPV (Net present value) and IRR (Internal rate of return) of each business line obtaining a positive result for the execution of the investment in 2022. Also presenting the development of strategies, new business lines for music production and luthería and business expansion at a national and international level, by opening new locations in strategic alliances and digitizing content. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

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