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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement de méthodes pour le diagnostic, le contrôle, la surveillance de la tuberculose à bacilles ultra-résistants et des souches épidémiques Beijing / Development of methods for the diagnostic, the control and the monitoring of tuberculosis with Bacilles extensively resistante and epidemic Beijing strain

Klotoe, Jésutondin Bernice Mélaine 18 October 2018 (has links)
La tuberculose MDR/XDR (multi et ultrarésistante aux antituberculeux) causée par Mycobacterium tuberculosis constitue un problème de santé publique mondial. L’étude et l’identification des mutations responsables de la résistance sont des facteurs clés pour le contrôle et la surveillance de la tuberculose MDR/XDR. L’expansion de lignée L2/Beijing, une famille de souches originaire du Sud-Est de la Chine (Guangxi) potentiellement plus virulente, complique la maitrise de cette maladie. Dans ce contexte, nous avons développé le TB-EFI et le TB IS-NTF/RINT, deux méthodes moléculaires rapides, multiplexées et haut débit (développées sur le système Luminex xMap), prêtes à utilisation. Nous avons initié le développement d’une méthode moléculaire par la sélection de marqueurs moléculaires pertinents en vue de la discrimination des souches Beijing par la technique MLPA-Beijing. Le TB-EFI est un test qui permet d’identifier les mutations fréquentes (polymorphismes de nucléotides simples) dans les gènes associés à la résistance des souches de Mycobacterium tuberculosis aux antituberculeux de deuxième ligne dont la Fluoroquinolone, les Injectables, et à l’antituberculeux de première ligne, l’Ethambutol. Le TB-EFI pourrait être un test utilisable dans les études rétrospectives en vue du suivi de la résistance d’une population. Le test IS-NTF/RINT est un test spécifique aux souches Beijing qui type la séquence d’insertion IS6110 au sein du locus NTF (Ancien/moderne) et détecte les mutations responsables de la résistance de ces souches à la Rifampicine et l’Isoniazide (les deux antibiotiques principaux de première ligne). Ce test est d’une importance capitale pour l’identification et le contrôle des souches épidémiques, mais aussi pour une vision sur l’évolution du phénomène de résistance dans le temps et l’espace. Il est peu discriminant pour la différenciation des souches Beijing. En vue d’une discrimination complète et précise des souches Beijing, nous avons proposé un lot de SNP qui serviront pour la technique MLPA-Beijing. Par ailleurs, ces méthodes ainsi que le spoligotypage sur microbille, nous ont permis d’effectuer des études d’épidémiologie moléculaire de la tuberculose au Kazakhstan, en Nouvelle Guinée Papouasie, en Italie, au Mozambique, au Pérou. Les techniques développées dans cette thèse pourraient contribuer de manière significative au contrôle de la tuberculose XDR dans les zones « hot-spot », et à la surveillance mondiale de l’évolution des souches Beijing spécialement des souches MDR épidémiques. / MDR / XDR (multidrug and extensively resistant to tuberculosis) TB caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is still a global public health problem. The study and identification of mutations responsible for resistance are important factors for the control and surveillance of MDR / XDR TB. The expansion of the L2 / Beijing lineage, a family of strains originating from South-East of China (Guangxi) and potentially more virulent, complicates the control of this disease. In this context, we have developed TB-EFI and TB IS-NTF / RINT, two high-speed, multiplexed and high-throughput molecular methods ready to use (developed on the Luminex xMap system). We initiated the development of a molecular method by the selection of relevant molecular markers for the discrimination of Beijing strains by the MLPA technique. TB-EFI is a test that identifies frequent mutations (single nucleotide polymorphisms) in the genes associated with the resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains to second-line anti-TB drugs including Fluoroquinolone, Injectable, and first-line antituberculosis drug, Ethambutol. TB-EFI may be used in retrospective studies to monitor resistance in a population. The IS-NTF / RINT test is a test specific to Beijing strains that types the IS6110 insertion sequence within the NTF locus (Ancient / Modern) and detects the mutations responsible for the resistance of these strains to Rifampicin and Isoniazid (the two leading primary antibiotics). This test is of paramount importance for the identification and control of epidemic strains, but also for a vision on the evolution of the phenomenon of resistance in time and space. It is not very discriminating among Beijing strains. In view of complete and precise discrimination of the Beijing strains, we have proposed a set of SNPs that will be used for a technique that will be called MLPA-Beijing. In addition, these methods as well as spoligotyping on microbeads allowed us to carry out molecular epidemiological studies of tuberculosis in Kazakhstan, Papua New Guinea, Italy, Mozambique and Peru. The techniques developed in this thesis could contribute significantly to the control of XDR tuberculosis in hot-spot areas, and to the global monitoring of the evolution of Beijing strains especially epidemic MDR strains.

Beiträge zur Verbesserung molekularbiologischer Untersuchungsmethoden zum Nachweis von Mykobakterien-Infektionen in tierischem Gewebe

Nieter, Johanna 15 March 2016 (has links)
Die Rindertuberkulose ist eine chronische Erkrankung, die von Mycobacterium (M.) bovis und M. caprae, Mitgliedern des Mycobacterium-tuberculosis-Komplex (MTC), ausgelöst wird. Tuberkulose-Erregern werden sowohl mittels kultureller als auch molekulare Untersuchungsmethoden nachgewiesen. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, die Sensitivität des DNA-Nachweises von Tuberkulose-Erregern zu steigern. Dafür wurden drei Fragestellung im Bereich der molekularen Mykobakterien-Diagnostik bearbeitet. I) Zur Verbesserung der Lyse der mykobakteriellen Zellwand als Voraussetzung für eine Zunahme der Freisetzung von DNA wurden im Vergleich zu einer standardisierten DNA-Isolierungsmethode vier verschiedene Lyseprotokolle (thermische, enzymatische, thermo-enzymatische und mechanische Lyse) entwickelt und mit M. bovis BCG durchgeführt. Die Verbesserung wurde anhand der cycle threshold (Ct)-Werte einer MTC-spezifischen Real-Time (rt) Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (PCR) geprüft. Zwei Lyseprotokolle (thermische und mechanische Lyse) wurden bei zehn Gewebeproben (Lymphknoten, Leber und Lunge) von zehn Tieren (acht Rinder, ein Lama und ein Luchs) mit nachgewiesener Tuberkulose ange-wendet. II) Ausserdem, wurde eine rt-PCR mit dem 16S rRNA Gen als Zielgen (16S-rt-PCR) für den direkten Nachweis von Erregern der Gattung Mycobacterium im Gewebe entwickelt. III) Ein neu entwickelter Spoligotyping-Microarray wurde mit der konventionellen Spoligoty-ping-Methode verglichen, um die neue Methode in Bezug die Sensitivität des Nachweises und des diskriminatorischen Potenzials direkt bei infizierten Gewebeproben zu analysieren. Bei der konventionellen Methode erfolgt die Hybridisierung des PCR-Produktes auf einer Nylon Membran, auf der spezifische Oligonukleotide fixiert sind. Bei der Microarray-Methode sind diese auf einem Microarray-Chip fixiert. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen (I) zur Lyse der Zellwand bei M. bovis BCG zeigten, dass bei der mechanischen Lyse eine Zunahme um 14 % und bei der thermischen Lyse eine Zunahme an PCR-Produkt von 6 % im Vergleich zur Standardlyse erbrachte. Bei beiden Lyseprotokollen wurde eine statistische Signifikanz von α = 1 % (Mann-Whitney-Test) im Vergleich zur Standardlyse errechnet. Bei den tuberkulösen Gewebeproben wurde bei der mechanischen Lyse eine durchschnitliche Zunahme an PCR-Produkt um circa 9 % im Vergleich zur Standardlyse erzielt. Dieser Unterschied war jedoch auf Grund der geringen Probeanzahl nicht statistisch signifikant. II) Bei der Untersuchung von 43 Mykobakterien-Spezies, sechs Mitgliedern des MTC (unter anderen M. bovis BCG) und 37 Non Tuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) Spezies, konnten alle mit der entwickelten Real-Time PCR (16S-rt-PCR) nachgewiesen werden. DNA-Extrakte von acht nicht zur Gattung Mycobacterium gehörenden Spezies wurden mit der 16S-rt-PCR nicht erfasst. Ein Erreger der Gattung Gordonia und ei-ner der Gattung Rhodococcus wurden auf Grund ihres engen Verwandtschaftsgrades jedoch ebenfalls mit der 16S-rt-PCR detektiert. Die oben erwähnten mittels MTC-spezifischer rt-PCR (Zielgen IS 1081) als infiziert identifizierten zehn Gewebeproben, wurden mittels 16S-rt-PCR untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass beiden rt-PCR Systeme eine vergleichbare Sensitivität aufwiesen. III) Bei dem Vergleich zwischen den Spoligotyping-Methoden zeigte sich die neue Methode um einen Faktor von 100 bei der M. bovis BCG-Reinkultur und um einen Fak-tor von 10 bei DNA-Extrakten aus tuberkulösen Gewebeproben sensitiver als die konventionelle Methode. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit hat sich der Einsatz der mechanischen Lyse für die Verbesserung der Freisetzung von mykobakterieller DNA als routinefähig erwiesen. Die entwickelte 16S-rt-PCR erwies sich als brauchbare Methode für den Nachweis von Erregern der Gattung Mycobacterium. Die Microarray-Methode stellte sich wesentlich einfacher, sensitiver und schneller dar als die konventionelle Methode. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass alle drei Ansätze dieser Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der molekularen Labordiagnostik der Tuberkulose leisten. / Bovine tuberculosis is a chronic disease, that results from infection of Mycobacterium (M.) bovis and M. caprae, members of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC), respectively. The laboratory diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis is possible with culture as well as considerate fast molecular methods. The aim of this study was to improve the sensitivity of DNA detec-tion of tuberculosis-causing pathogens. Therefore, three different issues were addressed in the complex molecular procedure targeted. I) four different lytic protocols (thermal, enzymatic, thermo-enzymatic and mechanical lysis) were developed and compared to a standardized DNA isolation protocol that was performed on pure culture of Mycobacterium (M.) bovis BCG in order to improve the mycobacterial cell wall lysis leading to an increase of DNA release. The efficiencies of the lysis protocols were assessed by the resulting cycle threshold (Ct) values of a MTC-specific real time (rt) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Two lysis protocols (thermal and mechanical) were selected to fur-ther testing of ten tuberculosis-infected tissue samples (lymph nodes, liver and lungs) from ten animals (eight cattle, one lama and one lynx). II) In addition, a real time PCR using the 16S rRNA gene as target sequence was developed, which is also suitable to detect pathogens of Genus Mycobacterium on tissue samples. III) A comparison of a newly developed microarray and the conventional spoligotyping method was realised, to analyse the applicability of the microarray in relation of the sensitivity of the method and to analyse discriminatory potential directly from infected tissue samples. During the conventional spoligotyping method, the PCR product is hybridized with specific oligonucleotides, fixed on a nylon membrane. Using the newly developed method these oligonucleotides are fixed on a microarray-chip. The results I) of the mycobacterial cell wall lysis experiment with pure culture of M. bovis BCG showed an increase of 14 % by using mechanical lysis and an increase by 6 % of the PCR product by using thermal lysis compared to the standard protocol. Using the mechanical lysis as well as the thermal lysis a statistically significant (α = 1 % (Mann-Whitney-Test)) im-provement compared to the standard lysis was achieved. Mechanical lysis was performed on tuberculous tissue samples and the results of the lysis were improved by 9 % compared to the standard lysis. However, the difference between mechanical and standard lysis was not statistically significant due the small sample number. II) Forty-three different mycobacterial species, six members of MTC (among them M. bovis BCG) and 37 Non Tuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM), were detected using the newly developed real time PCR (16S-rt-PCR). Eight non-mycobacterial species were not detected using this rt-PCR, whereas one of genus Rhodococcus and one of genus Gordonia were detected by the 16S-rt-PCR due to their close genetic similarity to the genus Mycobacterium. The ten tuberculosis-infected tissue samples (see above) testing positive using a MTC-specific real time rt-PCR (target gene IS 1081) were sub-jected to the 16S-rt-PCR. Both rt-PCR systems showed a comparable sensitivity. III) By comparing the two spoligotyping-methods, the ArrayStrip™–format method was more sensitive than the conventional method by a factor of 100 applied to pure culture and by a factor of 10 when applied to DNA extracts from infected tissue samples. In conclusion, the mechanical lysis proved to be a practical method to liberate mycobacterial DNA. The newly developed rt-PCR was suitable to detect members of the genus Mycobacterium. The spoligotyping ArrayStrip™–format method appeared to be substantially easier to perform, more sensitive, and less time-consuming than the conventional method. The three methods described were suitable to improve the molecular laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis.

Antimycobacterial agents : a study of Liposomal-Encapsulation, comparitive permeability of bronchial tissue and in vitro activity against mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates

Van Rensburg, Lyne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis, research results are reported on the role of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC) and DPPC-liposomes on the in vitro permeability characteristics of various antimycobacterial drugs across porcine bronchial tissue. The permeability flux values of the different compounds (isoniazid, ofloxacin and moxifloxacin) and their relevant DPPC formulations were determined using a continuous flow through perfusion system. Mean steady state flux values were compared statistically by means of a t-test at a significance level of 5% as well as an F-test using whole curve comparisons. The results indicated that the different formulations of drug and their DPPC combinations retard the permeation of drug through bronchial tissue. However, moxifloxacin permeation was significantly enhanced when in a DPPC-liposomal formulation. These results demonstrate the important role that molecular weight, electrostatic charge, partitioning of the molecules in DPPC and DPPC-liposomes play in transmembrane diffusion. In addition, the effect of individual drugs and their DPPC combinations on the surface tension lowering property of DPPC was evaluated. The results obtained showed minimal decreases in the surface tension lowering capability of DPPC; however, the minimal increases in surface tension do not alter the integrity of DPPC to a large extent. Drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis cultures against the individual antitubercular drugs and their DPPC combinations was done by using the Radiometric BACTEC 460TB™ system. Drug-entrapped DPPC liposomes were tested at concentrations comparable to their relative minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC). The results for the BACTEC assay indicated that the mycobacteria were susceptible to the developed drug entrapped liposomes; of which their encapsulation efficiencies for the relevant drugs were approximately ± 50%. It was concluded that drug-entrapped DPPC liposomes could fulfill the dual role of pulmonary drug delivery and alveolar stabilization due to antiatelectatic effect of DPPC which can improve the distribution of anti-tubercular drugs in the lung / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis doen verslag oor navorsingsresultate met betrekking tot die rol van dipalmitoïel-fosfatidiel-cholien (DPPC) en DPPC-liposome in die in vitro-permeasiekenmerke van verskeie antimikobakteriese middels oor vark- brongiale weefsel. Die permeasievloedwaardes van die verskillende verbindings (isoniasied, ofloksasien en moksifloksasien) en hul betrokke DPPC-formules is met behulp van ’n deurlopende-deurvloei-perfusiestelsel bepaal. Gemiddelde vloedwaardes in ’n bestendige staat is statisties vergelyk met behulp van ’n t-toets op ’n beduidendheidsvlak van 5%, sowel as ’n F-toets met behulp van heelkurwevergelykings. Die resultate dui daarop dat die verskillende middelformules en hul DPPC-kombinasies middelpermeasie oor brongiale weefsel vertraag. Tog is die permeasie van moksifloksasien aansienlik versterk in ’n DPPC-liposomale formule. Hierdie resultate bevestig die belangrike rol van molekulêre gewig, elektrostatiese lading, die verdeling van molekules in DPPC sowel as DPPC-liposome in transmembraandiffusie. Daarbenewens is die uitwerking van individuele middels en hul DPPC-kombinasies op die oppervlakspanningsverligtingsvermoë van DPPC beoordeel. Die resultate toon minimale afnames in die oppervlakspanningsverligtingsvermoë van DPPC. Die minimale toenames in oppervlakspanning het egter meestal geen noemenswaardige effek op die integriteit van DPPC gehad nie. Voorts is die vatbaarheid van Mycobacterium tuberculosis-kwekings vir die individuele anti-tuberkulêre middels en hul DPPC-kombinasies met behulp van die radiometriese BACTEC 460TB™-stelsel getoets. Middel-ingeslote DPPC-liposome is getoets in konsentrasies wat met hul relatiewe minimum inhibisiekonsentrasies (MIK) vergelyk kan word. Die resultate van die BACTEC-toets toon dat die mikobakterieë vatbaar was vir die ontwikkelde middel-ingeslote liposome, met ’n enkapsuleringsdoeltreffendheid van ongeveer 50% vir die betrokke middels. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat middel-ingeslote DPPC-liposome die dubbele rol van pulmonêre middel-lewering en alveolêre stabilisering kan vervul weens die anti-atelektatiese werking van DPPC, wat die verspreiding van anti-tuberkulêre middels in die long kan verbeter.

Application of spoligotyping in the understanding of the dynamics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains in high incidence communities

Streicher, Elizabeth Maria 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Biomedical Sciences. Molecular Biology and Human Genetics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Tuberculosis (TB) is a global health problem and demands rigorous control management efforts. A dramatic increase in the acquisition and spread of drug resistant TB globally has been observed in recent years. A grim picture has emerged for the control program with the discovery of extreme drug-resistant TB, which is virtually untreatable and is of immense concern for the future of TB control. In the last decade strain-specific genetic markers have been identified to examine the molecular epidemiology and spread of TB, including IS6110 DNA-fingerprinting and spoligotyping. Although spoligotyping has less discriminatory power than the gold standard, IS6110 DNA-fingerprinting, it is simpler, faster and less expensive, as it is PCR-based. Spoligotyping has been applied to enhance our understanding of the dynamics of drug susceptible and drug resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in high incidence communities, by studying 3 aspects of the TB epidemic: molecular epidemiology of drug resistant TB, recurrent TB and the evolution of M. tuberculosis. By using spoligotyping and other genotypic and phenotypic analysis of drug-resistant M. tuberculosis isolates from the Western Cape Province of South Africa showed that drug resistance is widespread and recently transmitted. An emerging drug resistant M. tuberculosis outbreak has been identified, termed DRF150, which has specific genotypic characteristics and is resistant to 5 first-line drugs in 45% of the cases. Inappropriate chemotherapy; poor adherence to treatment and prolonged periods of infectiousness due to the delay in susceptibility testing has led to the development and spread of this drug resistant genotype. The study demonstrates the ability of the spoligotyping technique to accurately determine the pathogenic mechanism of recurrent disease by spoligotyping, making it useful in large-scale intervention studies. Application of spoligotyping and a newly developed PCR-method showed that the occurrence of multiple infections was higher than what was previously assumed and also more frequent in retreatment cases than new cases. These findings have important implications for the understanding of protective immunity, and the development and testing of new vaccines and drugs. Various different molecular markers including spoligotyping has been used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of isolates with less than 6 copies of IS6110 element (termed Low Copy Clade (LCC)), which were previously poor defined. It was also shown that LCC is widely disseminated and play an important role in the global tuberculosis epidemic. Reconstruction of the evolutionary relationship of M. tuberculosis Principal Genetic Group 2 strains, identified previously unknown genetic relationships between strain families and laid the foundation to establish correlations between genotype and phenotype. Spoligotyping signatures, created by evolution of the Direct Repeat region in M. tuberculosis, were identified, which will enable the analysis of the strain population structure in different settings and will also enable the rapid identification of strain families that acquire drug-resistance or escape protective immunity in drug and vaccine trials. This study contributed to our understanding of the molecular epidemiology of drug resistant TB, recurrent TB and the evolution of M. tuberculosis in high incidence communities.

Regulators of dormancy/viability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis inside the human macrophages

Botha, Maria Magdalena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The investigation was aimed to improve the understanding of the binding interactions between DevS and DevR that are implicated in the regulation of the dormancy response in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These binding interactions could provide good drug targets for the treatment of persistent tuberculosis, the mechanistic understanding of their binding interactions is important for the development of a validated inhibitor screen. A detailed in silico analysis of the amino acid residues that play a role in the binding of receptor DevR to both kinase DevS and the target DNA was undertaken. A reasonable approximation of the DevS structure was produced using homologous protein structures. In silico docking of DevS to DevR merely produced a set of probable candidate structures, since more than one conformation with similar docked energies was observed. The decision on which one is the more correct form can only be estimated by crystallization of this complex. Therefore, the functional expression and purification of the Dev TCS components were pursued. Denaturing HIS™-select nickel affinity gel purification in the form of matrix-assisted refolding led to the production of functional Dev TCS proteins. To understand the binding of DevR to DNA consensus sequences, as well as the nature of these interactions, a model was built of the full length DevR dimer binding to DNA consensus sequences. Based on this model, single mutations were made to DevR in vitro and their effects assessed in order to validate the model built. During Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) analysis, it was found that K179I and N183L mutants prevented the binding of DevR to the DNA consensus sequences. If DevR and DevS binding are to be used in a drug development program, it is essential to have the protocols to accurately measure their interaction, in addition to developing a fundamental understanding of how their interactions occur. The binding affinity of DevR to both DevS and the truncated soluble fragment of DevS (DevS201) were explored, using the BIAcore instrument, an SPR-based biosensor. For sufficiently strong binding between a histidine kinase and a response regulator, the KD needs to be in the nM range. The KD was calculated to be 255 nM for DevS201 and 184 nM for DevS. Therefore it can be concluded that DevS201 binds DevR strongly enough to be used in future studies, and that the BIAcore could be used to screen small-molecule inhibitors of DevR-DevS interactions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Dev twee komponent sisteem (TKS) bestaan uit ‘n histidine kinase naamlik (DevS) en ‘n reaksie reguleerder DevR. DevS en DevR is betrokke by die regulering van die dormante stadium van Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Hierdie meganisme kan ‘n deurbraak dwelm teiken vir die behandeling van sluimerende tuberkulose wees. Die meganisme van hierdie bindings interaksies is van kritieke belang, tesame met die ontwikkeling van 'n erkende inhibeerder toets. ‘n Gedetaileerde in silico analise van die aminosuur volgordes wat 'n rol speel in die binding van die reseptor DevR aan beide DevS sowel as die teiken DNS is voltooi. ‘n Model van die DevS struktuur is saamgstel met behulp van homoloë proteïen strukture. In silico mering van DevS aan DevR het `n stel van die waarskynlike kandidaat strukture verskaf, aangesien meer as een konformasie met soortgelyke merings energieë waargeneem is. Die mees waarskynlike vorm kan alleenlik geïndentifiseer word na kristallisasie van hierdie kompleks. Die funksionele uitdrukking en suiwering van die Dev TKS proteine is gevolglik uitgevoer. Funksionele Dev TKS proteïene is verkry deur denaturerende HIS-select nikkel affiniteit jel suiwering, in die vorm van matriks-geassisteerde hervouing te gebruik. Ten einde die binding te verstaan tussen DevR en DNS konsensus volgordes, sowel as die aard van hierdie interaksies, is 'n model gebou van die volle lengte DevR dimeer binding aan DNS konsensus volgordes. Hierdie model is gevalideer deur punt mutasies in DevR te skep en die gevolge daarvan te beoordeel met elektroforetiese mobiliteits verskuiwing reaksie analises. Dit is bevind dat K179I en N183L mutante, verhoed die binding van DevR aan die DNS konsensus volgordes. Die gebruik van DevR en DevS bindings in ‘n dwelm ontwikkelingsprogram, benodig die fundamentele begrip van hoe die interaksies plaasvind, sowel as akkurate protokolle om die interaksies te meet. Die BIAcore instrument, ’n SPR-gebaseerde biosensor, is ingespan om die bindings affiniteit van DevR aan beide DevS en die fragment van DevS (DevS201) te ondersoek. Om voldoende sterk binding tussen DevS en die DevR te verseker, moet die KD in die nM omgewing wees. Die KD is bepaal as 255 nM en 184 nM vir DevS201 en DevS, onderskeidelik. Die afleiding kan dus gemaak word dat DevS201 sterk genoeg aan DevR bind om in verdere studies gebruik te kan word, en dat die BIAcore gebruik kan word om klein-molekule inhibeerders van DevR-DevS interaksies te toets.

Identification of mechanisms regulating the intra cellular concentration of rifampicin in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

De Vos, Margaretha 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Rifampicin resistance in clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis develops through selection of bacterial variants harbouring mutations in the rpoB gene. These mutations infer a fitness-cost in the absence of antibiotic pressure, however, fitness-levels of rifampicin-resistant strains can be restored by compensatory mutations in rpoA and rpoC. This study was the first to investigate the epidemiological relevance of these compensatory mutations in clinical M. tuberculosis isolates collected in South Africa. Through targeted DNA sequencing, we demonstrated a strong association between rpoC mutations and transmission, and the rpoB S531L mutation. Our study emphasises the epidemiological relevance of compensatory evolution in response to the emergence of rifampicin resistance, and illustrates how compensatory mutations may be selected as a function of epistatic interactions. Recently a hypothesis has been developed which suggests that the activation of efflux systems through exposure to rifampicin may explain the observed spectrum of rifampicin resistance phenotypes. To elucidate whether rifampicin dependent activation of efflux systems also increases energy production, the RNA expression profiles of candidate energy metabolism genes were investigated. This study demonstrated that rifampicin exposure induced an overall increase in the expression of energy metabolism genes. Our findings suggest that the response to rifampicin is not universal and may depend on other genomic mutations. From these results we conclude that the stress response induced by exposure to rifampicin increases the energy production which fuels efflux activity thereby enabling the cell to extrude rifampicin in an energy dependent manner. This also provides a platform to explain the mechanism by which the newly developed drug, TMC207, increases the rate of culture conversion when used in combination with second-line anti-TB drugs. We propose that inhibition of ATP synthesis by TMC207 will deprive the efflux pumps and transporter genes of energy, which will result in the accumulation of second-line anti-TB drugs within the bacilli, leading to more efficient binding of the second-line drugs to their targets and ultimately to cell death. To identify the genetic basis governing the level of rifampicin resistance, we sequenced the genomes of MDR clinical isolates and in vitro generated rifampicin resistant mutants. Only minor genetic changes in addition to the rpoB mutation were identified in the genomes of in vitro rifampicin resistant mutants which displayed varying levels of resistance. This suggests that these mutants may either use alternative regulatory mechanisms or have acquired SNPs outside the genetic regions investigated in this study to modulate rifampicin resistance levels. In contrast, the genomes of clinical MDR isolates from the Low Copy Clade showed considerable variability in genes involved in cell wall, cellular processes and lipid metabolism, while the genomes from the Beijing Clade displayed variability in genes known to confer drug resistance and compensatory mechanisms. These results suggest that the structure and processes of the cell wall, as well as lipid metabolism plays a critical role in determining the intra-cellular concentration of rifampicin. Finally, this study illustrated the complexity in the physiology of M. tuberculosis resistant to rifampicin, whereby multiple mechanisms are employed by the bacteria to modulate its resistance levels. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Rifampisien weerstandigheid in kliniese isolate van Mycobacterium tuberculosis ontwikkel deur die seleksie van bakteriële variante wat mutasies in die rpoB geen het. Alhoewel hierdie mutasies lei tot „n afname in fiksheid van die bakterieë in die teenwoordigheid van antibiotika, kan die fiksheids vlakke van rifampisien weerstandige stamme herstel word deur vergoedende mutasies in rpoA en rpoC. Hierdie is die eerste studie wat die epidemiologiese relevansie van hierdie vergoedende mutasies in kliniese M. tuberculosis isolate wat in Suid-Afrika versamel is, ondersoek. Deur middel van doelgerigte DNA volgordebepaling het ons „n sterk assosiasie tussen rpoC mutasies en transmissie, en die rpoB S31L mutasie getoon. Hierdie studie beklemtoon die epidemiologiese relevansie van regstellende evolusie na aanleiding van die ontwikkeling van rifampisien weerstandigheid en illustreer hoe regstellende mutasies geselekteer mag word as „n funksie van epistatiese interaksies. „n Hipotese is onlangs ontwikkel wat voorstel dat blootstelling aan rifampisien uitvloei sisteme in die bakterium aktiveer, wat moontlik die waargenome spektrum van rifampisien weerstandige fenotipes kan verklaar. Ons het die RNA uitdrukkingsprofiele van kandidaat-energiemetabolisme gene ondersoek om te bepaal of rifampisien afhanklike aktivering van uitvloei sisteme ook energieproduksie verhoog. Hierdie studie demonstreer dat rifampisien-blootstelling „n algehele verhoging in die uitdrukking van energiemetabolisme gene induseer. Ons bevindinge stel voor dat die reaksie van die sel op rifampisien blootstelling nie universeel is nie, en moontlik ook afhanklik is van ander genomiese mutasies. Uit hierdie resultate kan ons aflei dat die stres respons wat geïnduseer word deur rifampisien-blootstelling energieproduksie verhoog, wat weer die uitvloei aktiwiteit aanvuur, en gevolglik die sel in staat stel om rifampisien op „n energie-afhanklike wyse uit te dryf. Dit bied ook „n basis om die meganisme te verklaar waardeur die nuwe middel, TMC207, die tempo van kultuuromskakeling verhoog wanneer dit saam met tweede-linie anti-TB middels gebruik word. Ons stel voor dat die inhibisie van ATP sintese deur TMC207 die uitvloeipompe en transporteerder gene van energie ontneem. Gevolglik veroorsaak dit „n ophoping van tweedelinie anti-TB middels binne-in die bakterium, wat geleentheid bied vir meer effektiewe binding tussen die middels en hulle teikens en uiteindelik seldood veroorsaak. Ons het DNA volgordes bepaal van die genome van MDR kliniese isolate en in vitro selekteerde rifampisienweerstandige mutante om sodoende die genetiese grondslag waarop die vlak van rifampisienweerstandigheid beheer word, te identifiseer. Slegs klein verskille, bo en behalwe die rpoB mutasie, is geïdentifiseer in die genome van in vitro rifampisien weerstandige mutante wat verskillende vlakke van weerstandigheid getoon het. Dit dui aan dat hierdie mutante of ander regulatoriese meganismes gebruik, of hulle het enkelnukleotied polimorfismes buite die genetiese area wat in hierdie studie ondersoek is, waarmee rifampisien weerstandigheid gemoduleer word. In teenstelling hiermee het die genome van kliniese MDR isolate van die “Low Copy Clade” aansienlike variasie getoon in gene wat betrokke is by die selwand, sellulêre prosesse en lipiedmetabolisme. Verder het die genome van die Beijing genotipe variasie in gene getoon wat betrokke is by middelweerstandigheid en regstellende meganismes. Hierdie resultate dui aan dat die struktuur en prosesse van die selwand, asook lipiedmetabolisme, „n kritiese rol speel in die bepaling van die intrasellulêre konsentrasie van rifampisien. Opsommend, hierdie studie toon verskeie meganismes aan wat deur die bakterieë gebruik word om weerstandigheidsvlakke te moduleer en die kompleksiteit van die fisiologie van M. tuberculosis wat weerstandig is teen rifampisien. / The National Research Foundation (NRF) / South African Medical Research Council (MRC) / Harry Crossley Foundation

The evolution of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteome in response to the development of drug resistance

Fortuin, Suereta 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is the first of its kind to highlight the importance of using the latest state of the art technology available in the field of proteomics as a complementary tool to characterize the proteome of members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing lineage which have been linked to outbreaks and drug resistance of Tuberculosis (TB). Our label-free comparative analysis of two closely related M. tuberculosis strains with different transmission patterns and levels of virulence highlighted numerous factors that may alter metabolic pathways leading to hyper-virulence whereby the strain was able to rapidly replicate in the host and cause extensive disease. This comparative analysis clearly demonstrated that both instrumentation and analysis software impacts on the number of proteins identified and thereby the interpretation of the proteomic data. These proteomes also served as substrates for the discovery of phosphorylation sites, a field of research that reflects a significant knowledge gap in the field of M. tuberculosis. By using differential separation techniques in combination with the state of the art mass spectrometry we described the phosphorylation sites on 286 proteins. This was the first study to document phosphorylation of tyrosine residues in M. tuberculosis. By this means, our data set further extend and complement previous knowledge regarding phosphorylated peptides and phosphorylation sites in M. tuberculosis. Using advanced mass spectrometry methods we further investigated the impact of the in vivo evolution of rifampicin resistance on the proteome of a rifampicin-resistant strain containing a S531L rpoB mutation. We identified the presence of overabundant proteins which could provide novel insight into potential compensatory mechanisms that the bacillus uses to reduce susceptibility to anti-TB drugs. Our findings suggest that proteins involved in a stress response may relate to an altered physiology enabling the pathogen to tolerate and persist when exposed to anti-TB drugs. Together this suggests that structural changes in the RNA polymerase precipitated a cascade of events leading to alterations of metabolic pathways. In addition, we present the first comprehensive analysis of the effect of rifampicin on the proteome of a rifampicin resistant M. tuberculosis isolate suggesting that rifampicin continues to influence the biology of M. tuberculosis despite the presence of an rpoB mutation. Our analysis showed alterations in the cell envelope composition and allowing the bacterium to survive in a metabolically dormant/persistent growth state. The results presented in this study illustrate the full potential of using a proteomic approach as a complementary molecular technique to select promising candidate molecules and genes for further characterization using the tools of molecular biology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige studie is ‘n eerste van sy soort, deur die nuutste gevorderde tegnologie in die proteomika veld te gebruik. Die proteoom van lede van die Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing stam, wat die oorsaak is van tuberkulose (TB) uitbrake en ook weerstandige TB, is gekarakteriseer. Ons merkervrye vergelykende analise van twee naby verwante M. tuberculosis stamme met verskillende vlakke van oordraagbaarheid en virulensie, beklemtoon verskeie faktore wat metaboliese paaie mag verander, wat kan ly tot hiper-virulensie, wat die TB-stam in staat stel om vinniger te repliseer in die gasheer en ‘n uitgebreide siektetoestand kan veroorsaak. Die analise het duidelik gewys dat die toerusting wat gebruik word, sowel as die sagteware ‘n invloed kan hê op die hoeveelheid proteïne wat geïdentifiseer kan word en daardeur intrepretasie van proteomika data kan beïnvloed. Hierdie proteome dien as substrate vir die ondekking van fosforilasie setels, ‘n veld van navorsing wat dui op ‘n gaping in ons kennis van M. tuberculosis. Deur gebruik te maak van differensiële skeidingstegnieke en moderne spektrometrie beskryf ons fosforileringsetels in 286 proteine. Hierdie is die eerste studie wat fosforilasie van tirosien residue in M. tuberculosis beskryf. Hierdeur komplimenteer en brei ons data die huidige kennis oor gefosforileerde peptiede en fosforilasie setels in M. tuberculosis uit. Deur gebruik te maak van gevorderde massa spektrometriese tegnieke het ons verder ook die impak van in vivo evolusie van rifampicin weerstandigheid op die proteoom van ‘n rifampicin weerstandige TB-stam met die algemene S531L rpoB mutasie ondersoek. Ons het proteïne geïdentifiseer wat in groot hoeveelhede voorkom en kan nuwe insigte gee tot potensiele kompenserende meganismes wat deur die bacillus gebruik word om vatbaarheid vir anti-TB middels te verminder. Ons bevindings dui daarop dat proteïene betrokke in ‘n stresreaksie mag lei tot ‘n verandering in fisologie wat die patogeen in staat stel om anti-TB middels te verdra en te volhard in die teenwoordigheid van sulke middels. Saam impliseer dit dat ‘n ketting van gebeure wat lei tot veranderinge in metaboliese paaie, word vooraf gegaan deur strukturele veranderinge in die RNS polimerase. Tesame hiermee bied ons ook die eerste omvattende analise aan van die effek wat rifampicin op die proteoom van ‘n rifampicin weerstandige M. tuberculosis isolaat het, en wat aan die hand doen dat rifampicin voordurend die biologie van M. tuberculosis beïnvloed, ten spyte van die teenwoordigheid van ‘n rpoB mutasie. Ons analise dui op veranderinge in die samestelling van die selomhulsel wat die bakterie toelaat om te oorleef in ‘n metabolies dormante staat. Die resultate wat in hierdie studie aangebied word illustreer die volle potensiaal van ‘n proteomiese benadering as komplementêre molekulêre tegniek om belowende kandidaat molekules en gene te kies vir verdere karakterisering, deur gebruik te maak van molekulêre tegnieke. / The National Research Foundation (RSA), / Norwegian Research Council (Norway) / National Institute of Health –Forgarty (USA) / Southern Africa Consortium for Research Excellence-Welcome Trust (SACORE) (United Kingdom) / Kwazulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV (K-RITH) (USA)

Genetic studies on susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis mediated by MARCO, SP-D and CD14 : molecules affecting uptake of mycobacterium tuberculosis into macrophages

Wagman, Chandre K. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is ranked amongst the top tuberculosis (TB) burden countries in the world and the Western Cape has a particularly high incidence of the disease. Previous studies have showed that several genes may play crucial roles in susceptibility to TB. In this study, we investigated the role of three genes previously associated with susceptibility to TB and progression to disease. These genes were Surfactant protein D (SFTPD), Macrophage receptor with collagenous structure (MARCO) and CD14. The proteins from these genes bind M. tuberculosis and are involved in the uptake of the bacteria into macrophages. The study investigated the role of ten polymorphisms from SFTPD and MARCO within a South African Coloured (SAC) population, where tuberculosis is highly prevalent. A casecontrol study design was used and polymorphisms were genotyped with Taqman® genotyping assays and amplification refractory mutation system polymerase chain reaction (ARMS-PCR). The results were analysed for association with disease, linkage disequilibrium, haplotypes and gene-gene interactions. Allele and genotype frequencies were also determined which allowed for comparisons to other populations. Five SNPs were associated with TB: two in SFTPD (rs1923537; rs2255326) and three in MARCO (rs1318645; rs3943679; rs2119112). The associated SNPs were located in regions other than exons and the effects of polymorphisms in these regions are not well understood but studies in other genes have shown them to play a functional role. Gene-gene interaction analysis showed that polymorphisms interacted with each other within and between genes, illustrating the importance of epistasis and the complexity of the genetic influences on TB. In addition to the case-control association studies, the role of the rs2569190 promoter SNP in CD14 was assessed. Gene-expression analysis was conducted with qPCR and a reporter gene assay and results from both of these approaches showed that individuals with the TT genotype had a twofold greater expression level than individuals with the CC genotype. Previously, the TT genotype has been associated with stronger promoter activity and expression of soluble CD14 in serum. Since the TT genotype was present at a higher frequency in the control group, we speculate that greater expression of CD14 may contribute to a more TB resistant phenotype. The work presented in this study illustrates the importance of the host genetic component of TB. Genetic studies will eventually revolutionize the current treatment regime as the identification of vulnerable individuals and populations will aid in the development of personalised medicines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is een van die top tuberkulose (TB) lande in die wêreld en die Wes-Kaap het veral ‘n hoë insidensie van die siekte. Vorige studies het gewys dat verskeie gene bydra to die vatbaarheid vir tuberkulose. In hierdie studie het ons drie gene, wat voorheen vir vatbaarheid vir tuberkulose en progressie na die siekte ondersoek is, bestudeer. Hierdie gene is Surfactant protein D (SFTPD), Macrophage receptor with collagenous structure (MARCO) en CD14. Die proteïene van hierdie gene bind M. tuberculosis en is betrokke in die opname van die bakterieë in die makrofages. Hierdie studie het tien polimorfismes van SFTPD en MARCO in die Suid-Afrikaanse Kleurlingbevolking (SAK), wat ‘n hoë TB insidensie het, getoets. Pasiënt-kontrole assosiasie studies is gedoen en polimorfismes is gegenotipeer met Taqman® genotiperingsisteem en die amplifikasie refraktoriese mutasie sisteem polimerase ketting reaksie (ARMS-PCR). Die resultate is geanaliseer vir assosiasies met TB, koppelings disekwilibrium, haplotipes en geen-geen interaksies. Alleel en genotype frekwensies is ook bepaal en vergelyk met die van ander bevolkings. Vyf enkel nukleotied polimorfismes (ENPs) is met TB geassosieer: twee in SFTPD (rs1923537; rs2255326) en drie in MARCO (rs1318645; rs3943679; rs2119112). Die geassosieerde ENPs was nie in eksons nie. Die effek van polimorfismes in areas anders as eksons word nie goed verstaan nie, maar studies het bewys dat hulle wel ‘n funksionele rol kan hê. Geen-geen interaksie analise het gewys dat polimorfismes interaksies met mekaar binne sowel as tussen gene gehad het, wat die belangrikheid van epistase en die kompleksiteit van genetiese invloede op TB illustreer. Tesame met die pasiënt-kontrole assosiasie studies is die rol van die rs2569190 promoter ENP in CD14 ook ondersoek. Geenuitdrukkingsanalise is gedoen met qPKR en rapporteerder geen toetse. Die resultate van beide hierdie benaderings het gewys dat individue met die TT genotipe twee keer soveel uitdrukkingsvlakke gehad het as individue met die CC genotipe. Die TT genotipe is voorheen geassosieer met sterk promoter aktiwiteit en die uitdrukking van oplosbare CD14 in serum. Aangesien die TT genotipe meer in die kontrolegroep gevind is, spekuleer ons dat die hoër uitdrukking van CD14 kan bydra tot ‘n meer TB weerstandbiedende fenotipe. Hierdie werk illustreer die belangrikheid van die gasheer genetiese komponent in TB. Genetiese studies sal in die toekoms die huidige behandeling regime revolusioneer, aangesien die identifikasie van individue en bevolkings met ‘n hoë risiko om TB te ontwikkel sal bydra tot die ontwikkeling van persoonlike medisynes. / The National Research Foundation (NRF); the South African Medical Research Council (MRC); Stellenbosch University and the Harry Crossley Foundation.

Biofilmes mistos de Mycobacterium tuberculosis e Paracoccidioides brasiliensis e ação de chalcona livre e carreada no sistema nanoemulsionado /

Alarcón, Kaila Petronila Medina. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Marisa Fusco Almeida / Coorientador: Fernando Rogério Pavan / Banca: Katiany Rizzieri Caleffi Ferracioli / Banca: Luís Otávio Regasini / Banca: Maria José Soares Mendes Giannini / Banca: Marlus Chorilli / Resumo: As infecções pulmonares são um problema global e estão classificadas em terceiro lugar entre as principais causas de morte. Entre as infecções pulmonares crônicas estão a tuberculose (TB) e a paracoccidioidomicose (PCM). A TB é uma doença cujo principal agente etiológico é o Mycobacterium tuberculosis e a PCM tem como agente etiológico o complexo Paracoccidioides spp. As duas doenças podem ocorrer na forma de coinfecção, com incidência aproximada de 2,8 a 5,5% dos casos nos países da América do Sul e 10% no Brasil. Ambos os microrganismos já foram descritos na forma de biofilme monoespécie e o tratamento de ambas as doenças tem merecido atenção, devido a casos de resistência e as poucas opções terapêuticas. Diante do exposto, este trabalho visa mostrar, pela primeira vez, a capacidade de M. tuberculosis e P. brasiliensis se associarem por meio do crescimento na forma de um biofilme misto in vitro, a fim de elaborar um novo protótipo de 3'chalcona carreada numa nanoemulsão com atividade para as formas planctônica e de biofilme. Para isso, inicialmente foi padronizada e caracterizada a formação dos biofilmes monoespécie da linhagem ATCC M. tuberculosis (H37Rv), da linhagem clínica (Rv40) e da linhagem de P. brasiliensis (Pb18) e dos biofilmes mistos das associações de H37Rv+Pb18 e Rv40+ Pb18 (nesta ordem de crescimento), ambas as associações mostraram um aparente sinergismo entre elas. Na formação do biofilme misto inverso denominado assim pela ordem de associação, onde primeir... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Pulmonary infections are a global problem and rank third among the leading causes of death. Among the chronic lung infections are tuberculosis (TB) and paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM). The TB is a disease whose main etiologic agent is Mycobacterium tuberculosis and PCM has the etiological agent Paracoccidioides spp. The two diseases may occur in the form of coinfection, with an approximate incidence of 2.8 to 5.5% of the cases in the countries of South America and 10% in Brazil. Both microorganisms have already been described in the form of monospecies biofilm and the treatment of both diseases has deserved attention, due to cases of resistance and the few therapeutic options. In view of the above, this research aims to show, for the first time, the ability of M. tuberculosis and P. brasiliensis to associate by means of growth in the form of a mixed biofilm in vitro, in order to elaborate a new prototype in a nanoemulsion with activity for planktonic and biofilm forms. For this purpose, it was initially standardized and characterized the formation of monospecies biofilms of the ATCC strain M. tuberculosis (H37Rv), the clinical lineage (Rv40) and the P. brasiliensis (Pb18) lineage and the mixed biofilms of the associations of H37Rv + Pb18 and Rv40 + Pb18 (in this order of growth), both associations showed an apparent synergism between them. In order to establish the mixed biofilm (Pb18 + H37Rv), it was first proposed the association of P. brasiliensis (Pb18), followed by ATCC M. tuberculosis (H37Rv) with order of inverse growth, in this association a apparent competition between the microorganisms was observed. All biofilms, monospecies and mixed, were consolidated from 30 to 45 days... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Development of a DNA chip for rapid detection of first-line and second-line drug resistances in Mycobacterium tuberculosis / Développement d’une puce à ADN pour la détection rapide de la résistance aux médicaments de première et seconde ligne chez Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Anh 30 November 2018 (has links)
L’émergence et l’augmentation continue de la résistance aux médicaments chez Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) constituent un défi majeur pour la lutte antituberculeuse. Pour résoudre le problème de temps (2 à 8 semaines) posé par les tests classiques de sensibilité aux médicaments (DST), des tests moléculaires ont été développés pour la détection précoce des mutations associées à la résistance. Jusqu'à présent, à l'exception du séquençage complet (incompatible avec un diagnostic de routine dans les pays en développement), aucun test ne détecte simultanément les différents types de résistance majeurs en une seule réaction. Sur la base de la littérature et de travaux antérieurs menés au Vietnam, au Laos et au Cambodge, une puce à ADN capable de détecter 184 mutations liées à la résistance aux médicaments de première et de deuxième lignes a été mise au point. En comparaison avec les données de DST, la puce a montré une sensibilité (84,3%-100%) et une spécificité élevées (89,2%-100%). Par rapport au séquençage, la puce a donné des résultats comparables, avec une sensibilité entre 90% et 100% et une spécificité entre 98,2% et 100%. Elle offre, de plus, une meilleure couverture que les tests moléculaires approuvés par l'OMS, car elle permet la détection des résistances aux médicaments de première et de deuxième lignes dans un seul test. Le temps de traitement des isolats issus de la culture est d’environ 6 à 7 heures, ce qui réduit considérablement le temps de diagnostic par rapport au DST. En conclusion, la puce à ADN a été développée avec succès. Certains aspects techniques doivent maintenant être améliorés pour en faire un outil de diagnostic abordable et facile à utiliser. / The emergence and continuous increase of drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is a major challenge for tuberculosis (TB) control. To overcome the time-consuming problem of conventional drug susceptibility testing (DST), many molecular-based tests have been recently developed for early detection of drug resistance-associated mutations. Up to now, except whole genome sequencing (not ready for routine diagnostic in low and middle-income countries), no test has the capacity to simultaneously detect the different types of drug resistance to first- and second-line drugs in one reaction. Based on the literature and previous works carried out in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, in this study, a DNA chip was developed able to detect 184 main mutations conferring resistance to both first- and second-line drugs. Compared to DST, the DNA chip showed high sensitivity (between 84.3% and 100%) and high specificity (between 89.2% and 100%). Compared to sequencing, the DNA chip showed comparable accuracy, with sensitivity between 90% and 100% and specificity between 98.2% and 100%. The DNA chip showed a better coverage than the WHO endorsed molecular tests since it enables the detection of both first- and second-line drug resistances in one test. The turn-around time is about 6-7h from cultured isolates reducing considerably the diagnostic time compared to cultured-based DST. Finally, the DNA chip has been successfully developed, even if certain technical aspects need to be improved to make an affordable and easy-to-use diagnostic tool.

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