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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rethinking Chinese national identity : the wider context of foreign policy making during the era of Hu Jintao, 2002-2012

Sinkkonen, Marja E. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis analyses China's national identity construction and its foreign policy implications especially towards Japan and the United States during the Hu Jintao period 2002-2012. The vast literature on China's rise takes “rising nationalism” in China as one of the key indicators of increased likelihood for aggressive behaviour in the future. This work problematizes some of the simplified assumptions made in this literature by emphasising the domestic context from which foreign policies rise. I argue that culture specific values deriving from national identities shape attitude structures and affect the whole thinking and conceptualisation related to foreign policy with wide-ranging consequences. Thus, in this research national identity is operationalised through values and attitudes deriving from it. With empirical evidence, I show in my thesis that most things discussed as "nationalism" in China studies literature can be analytically separated into at least two components, each with different foreign policy relevant correlates. Analysing two sets of survey material with statistical methods I show that the type of national attachment in China constrains foreign policy preferences in a different way than often assumed in the literature: "patriots" support an internationalist stance in contrast to "nationalists" who favour more assertive behaviour towards Japan and the US as well as generally protectionist economic policies. In addition to analysing the associations between core values and foreign policy preferences, I also provide other examples of cultural factors shaping Chinese foreign policy context including the role of historical legacies and their political use, and the role of the media in the formation of foreign threat perceptions and foreign policy preferences. The need to better understand these national identity dynamics is emphasised because of the ongoing pluralisation of Chinese foreign policy establishment, which gives more space to domestic input from various levels of society.

'Nestolichnaya kul'tura' : regional and national identity in post-1961 Russian culture

Donovan, Victoria January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the state-sponsored rise of local patriotism in the post-1961 period, interpreting this as part of the effort to strengthen popular support for and the legitimacy of the Soviet regime during the second phase of de-Stalinization. It shifts the analytical focus away from the Secret Speech of 1956, the time of Khrushchev’s full-scale assault on Stalin and his legacy, to the Twenty-Second Party Congress of 1961, the inauguration of a utopian and pioneering plan to build Communism by 1980. The thesis considers how this famously forward-looking programme gave rise to an institutionalized retrospectivism as Soviet policy makers turned to the past to mobilize popular support for socialist construction. It examines how this process played out in the Russian North West, where Soviet citizens were encouraged to turn inwards to examine their local history and traditions, and to reread these through the lens of Soviet socialism. The thesis takes as a case study the towns of Novgorod, Pskov, and Vologda, where the state-sponsored regeneration of local traditions significantly impacted on the self-perception of local communities. In the first part, I look at the strategies for representing and displaying local culture in pubic institutions: the textual treatment and symbolic ordering of urban space in local tourist guides; the heritage movement and the attribution of cultural value to certain objects from the local landscape; and the primary focuses of the exhibitive 'gaze' in local museums. The second part of the thesis shifts the focus from institutionalized culture to popular culture, examining the informal practices and oral traditions that exist alongside the authoritative discourses of social identity in the post-Soviet period. The popular interpretation of public sculpture, the collective imagination of urban space, and the 'common knowledge' of the past as it is articulated in oral narratives are the focuses of discussion.

Europe et identité nationale française : d’un référendum à l’autre, 1992-2005

Dubé-Senécal, Vincent 07 1900 (has links)
Le projet européen, à travers ses différents jalons, esquisse les contours d’un nouveau type d’entité sur la scène internationale qui serait étrangère à l’État-nation sans toutefois lui être supérieure. L’intégration toujours plus poussée a été à l’origine de questionnements sur l’interaction entre les identités nationales et l’identité européenne en gestation. La France constitue un champ d’étude privilégié de cette interaction, compte tenu qu’elle organise deux référendums – en 1992 et en 2005 – sur l’intégration européenne. Dans le présent mémoire, il est question de déterminer la manière dont cet approfondissement influence l’opinion publique française dans son processus de construction d’un discours identitaire national. L’analyse porte sur les périodes de débats préréférendaires entourant le traité de Maastricht de 1992 à l’origine de l’euro et celui de 2005 établissant une Constitution pour l’Europe. Le mémoire repose sur le dépouillement de la presse réalisé pour chacune des deux périodes de débats préréférendaires. Afin d’étudier l’évolution de la perception identitaire des Français de toute allégeance politique, le mémoire a pour base documentaire les éditoriaux et les courriers des lecteurs des journaux Le Monde, Le Figaro, L'Humanité et Libération. La comparaison des discours identitaires de 1992 et de 2005 révèle que la relation d’identification entre la France et l’Europe a complètement changé durant cette période. Elle est passée d’une relation basée sur l’altérité entre ces deux entités idéelles à une relation fondée sur un socle de valeurs partagées. En 1992, les Français se servent de l’idée européenne comme d’un référent identitaire autour duquel ils réaffirment les valeurs perçues comme françaises, alors qu’en 2005, l’identité française n’est plus en question. Le débat se situe dorénavant sur le plan des valeurs que les Français souhaiteraient voir composer l’identité européenne à laquelle ils sont appelés à adhérer. Ces valeurs sont dorénavant tirées de l’identité personnelle de chaque Français plutôt que d’une certaine conception de l’identité nationale française. / The European project, through each of its milestones, outlines a new type of entity on the international scene, one which is a stranger to the nation state without being its better. From the intensification of European integration emerged a questioning on the nature of the interactions between national and European identity. In this respect, France represents a very interesting field of study as the country organised two referendums on European integration, one in 1992 and the other in 2005. The main goal of this research is to reveal the way in which the construction of a national discourse within the French public opinion is influenced by the deepening of European integration. The analysis covers both debate periods before the 1992 and 2005 referendums dealing with the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty on the Euro and the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. This work is based on a press analysis covering both periods of debate. In order to study the evolution of the French perception of their national identity with the least political bias possible, this thesis relies on documentary resources comprising editorials and letters to the editor of four newspapers: Le Monde, Le Figaro, L’Humanité and Libération. The comparison of the identity discourses of 1992 and 2005 reveals that the relation of identification between France and Europe has drastically changed during this period. It went from a relation founded on alterity to a relation founded on shared values. In 1992, the French use the European idea as an identity referent around which they reaffirm the “frenchness” of their shared values. In 2005, the French national identity is not in question anymore. From now on, the debate turns around the values the French hope to see at the root of the European identity to which they are called to adhere. These values are henceforth drawn from the personal identity of each Frenchman rather than from an encompassing concept of the French national identity.

La mobilité estudiantine française, le « study abroad » américain et le « 留学 liu xue » chinois : une étude comparative des séjours internationaux au travers des réseaux sociaux et des identifications nationales / French "mobilité estudiantine internationale", American "study abroad" and Chinese 留学 Liu xue : a comparative look at cross-border study via social networks and national identities

Carnine, Julia 25 September 2014 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, nous assistons à une véritable explosion de la mobilité académique internationale. Pourtant un étudiant mobile, est-il transformé après une expérience à l’étranger ? Est-ce que cela modifie sa vision de sa nation, d’autres nations? Et si oui, quels sont les facteurs déclencheurs des changements ? Il existe peu d’études empiriques comparatives internationales sur l’impact d’un séjour à l’étranger. Ceci est un travail de terrain dans trois pays avec de grands flux d’étudiants mobiles (la France, la Chine et les États-Unis) effectué de 2010 à 2011, et d’un échantillon de 180 étudiants mobiles enquêtés. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’examiner les éléments qui, pendant son séjour, peuvent influer sur le regard que l’étudiant porte sur lui-même et la manière dont il comprend ses attaches à son pays. Notre question centrale est de savoir si, grâce aux réseaux de relations interpersonnelles tissées lors du séjour à l'étranger, les éléments d'identification au pays d'origine et l'idée de la nation telle qu'elle est conçue dans chaque tradition nationale, subissent des transformations. Nous faisons l’hypothèse qu’il existe un lien entre la composition internationale du réseau et l’adhésion de l’étudiant aux identifications nationales ouvertes et tolérantes. L’analyse des réseaux sociaux ainsi qu’une analyse statistique multivariée qui définit un indicateur d’identification nationale servent à montrer ces articulations. En conclusion, il s’avère que les types de sociabilités développées lors du séjour international impactent les identifications. Les cadres institutionnels de la mobilité sont à réfléchir dans ce sens. / We are currently witness to an explosion of international academic mobility across the globe. However, can we truly speak of a student returning ‘transformed’ by his or her foreign study experience with an altered worldview? And if so, what may have triggered such changes? As international educators we face a lack of international empirically based comparative studies on the impact of a study abroad as well as how the various institutional frameworks of mobility and students’ social lives in the host country contribute to different outcomes. This dissertation is based on fieldwork in three countries (France, China and the United States) undertaken in 2010 and 2011 with a sample of 180 mobile students surveyed. The various factors at play during an academic sojourn abroad that may impact a student’s self-understanding and his/her ties to his/her country are examined. Our central question is whether students’ national identifications and the idea of the nation as conceived in each national tradition undergo transformations influenced by the relationships and social networks woven during the stay abroad. We assume that there is a link between the internationally heterogeneous composition of a network and a more open and tolerant set of national identifications. Social network analyses and an original multivariate statistical indicator measuring national identity types are used to show this link. In conclusion, we demonstrate how types of social networks impact ideas about national identity. Given the strong structural influence of mobility frameworks on student sociability, we can more accurately compare them in terms of their potential impact on students’ international understanding.

"Typical Swedish!" : En analys av hur svenskhet presenteras i Sveriges Televisions Allt För Sverige / Typical Swedish –the portrayal of a national identity in Sveriges Televisions Allt för Sverige

Westergren, Sophia January 2012 (has links)
In the tv-series Allt för Sverige ten American participants travel around Sweden, learning about the country’s costums and culture, while competing to win the grand prize – a meet-and-greet with their long-lost Swedish relatives. Allt för Sverige is one of many tv-shows that discuss nationality and Swedish culture in a Swedish television context, and figures as an example for this discourse analysis. The analysis mainly focuses on the description of Sweden and what’s described as Swedish and nonSwedish. I’ve also distinguish themes in the portrayal of Sweden and Swedes. The theoretical framework for the analysis is discourse analysis, and focus on how the tv-show Allt för Sverige reproduce and defines nationalism and stereotypes. The study shows that Allt för Sverige promotes Sweden as a beautiful country, with a special national identity and a set of unique and strong national symbols, of which remembers the viewer of their identity and homeland. Although, Allt för Sverige sometimes presents a common bond between Swedes and the contestants, they often separate the two - presenting them as polar opposites ,and point out that the Americans never can live up to the norm and be “typical Swedish”.


RAQUEL PEREIRA ALBERTO NUNES 03 August 2011 (has links)
[pt] Busca-se analisar, comparativamente, dois olhares sobre o filme Barravento (1962): o primeiro de Luiz Paulino dos Santos, captado através de seu roteiro, e o segundo de Glauber Rocha, apreendido a partir de seu roteiro e filme. Ambas as perspectivas dialogam com concepções e tensões presentes no ambiente cultural brasileiro, particularmente na Bahia, em fins da década de 1950 e início dos anos 1960. Pretende-se, através dessa análise, uma reflexão sobre os diversificados olhares acerca da cultura popular, das religiões afro-brasileiras, do papel do intelectual na sociedade e dos conceitos de povo e de alienação durante a época. / [en] It s one intention to analyse the comparison between two different authors views of the film entiltled Barravento (1962), whose names respectively are Luiz Paulino dos Santos and Glauber Rocha. The first one view was captured only through his original screenplay, whereas, in the case of the second, one chose his views on both screenplay and film. Their both perspectives were based on the Brazilian socio-cultural concepts of those times, mainly in Bahia around late 1950 s and early 1960 s. During the analysis, it s one intent to reflect upon the diverse views of pop culture, the concept of people, Afro-Brazilian religions, alienation and also the rolls which intellectuals played in those society were adressed.

The Amazon Archers of England : Longbows, gender and English nationalism 1780–1845

Arnstad, Henrik January 2019 (has links)
In the 1780s the medieval weapon of war; the English longbow, enjoyed a renaissance, as historical archery became a fashionable recreation among the English aristocracy. Later, during 1819-1845, longbow archery developed into a mass movement, as it spread downwards in the English class system, into the bourgeoning middle class. During the entire time period of 1780-1845, the “English warbow” was instrumental in producing a specific English (i.e. not British) nationalistic memory culture regarding the medievalmilitary triumphs of the “English bowmen” in battles of old, against French and Scottish forces, as well as reproducing a nationalistic narrative surrounding the English national hero and master-archer Robin Hood. The English longbow, as an object, became a mani- festation of English nationalism. An important fact was that both men and women were included as archers, despite the masculine context of the memory culture surroundingmilitary archery, the celebration of medieval English battlefield victories and the man- liness of the English “bowmen”. How did England come to view the female archer as an ideal for English women, while at the same time publicly upholding a patriarchal doctrine of a feminine “private sphere” womanhood, whereby women should be constrained to the domestic space as housewives, mothers and daughters? How was the English inclusion of females in the nationalistic public sphere of longbow archery made possible, communica- ted and reproduced? In summary, this study is about how longbow archery was manife- sted in the context of the rise of English modern nationalism and how women were inclu- ded – or rather included themselves – as English longbow archers. As the study shows, the answers exists in an inter-relating web of English memory culture regarding warfare and historical archery; gender constructions and female agency; constructions of English national identity and English nationalism within a British context; and class developments in English society. This accounts for how the Amazon Archers of England came to exist from 1780-1845. / På 1780-talet fick det engelska medeltida krigsvapnet; den engelska långbågen, en ovän- tad och plötslig renässans i England, när historiskt bågskytte blev en hobby på modet inom den engelska aristokratin. Efter Napoleonkrigens slut 1815 utvecklades skyttet till enfolklig massrörelse, inom den växande och allt mer inflytelserika engelska medelklassen. Under tidsperioden 1780-1845 blev den engelska långbågen (The English longbow ellerThe English warbow) instrumentell i produktionen av en specifikt engelsk – det vill sägainte brittisk – nationalistisk minneskultur, utifrån de medeltida engelska bågskyttarnassegrar på slagfälten, i krig mot franska och skotska arméer. Parallellt förstärktes de natio- nalistiska narrativen kring den engelske nationalhjälten och långbågeskytten Robin Hood. Den engelska långbågen, som objekt, blev en manifestation av engelsk nationalism. En viktig del av den engelska långbågskytterörelsen var inkluderingen av både kvinnor och män, trots skyttets karaktär av maskulin krigiskhet och militärhistoria, angående medel- tida krigståg, där ”the English bowman” hade triumferat. Faktum är att den kvinnliga bågskytten hyllades som ett ideal för engelska kvinnor, samtidigt som patriarkal brittisk doktrin dikterade att kvinnor borde hålla sig innanför hemmets väggar, i den privata sfä-ren, medan den offentliga sfären (yrkeskarriär, politik, idrott, etc.) borde vara ett exklusivtmanligt utrymme. Kvinnor skulle vara fruar, mödrar eller döttrar – inte krigare. Hur vardessa bägge kvinnoideal möjliga att förena? I denna fråga återfinns denna studies kärna. Hur konstruerades engelsk krigshistorisk nationalism 1780-1845 kring den engelska långbågen? Hur inkluderades kvinnor i denna maskulina nationalism? Hur producerades, kommunicerades och reproducerades kvinnlig agens i en militärhistorisk nationalistiskdiskurs, som i andra europeiska länder (exempelvis Sverige) ansågs självklart exklusivtmanlig? Sammanfattningsvis visar denna studie hur den engelska långbågen blev central för den gryende engelska moderna nationalismen 1780-1845, och hur kvinnor inkluderades – eller snarare inkluderade sig själva – i denna nationalism, som långbågeskyttar. Studien visar att svaren på forskningsfrågorna återfinns i en sammanflätad väv av engelskminneskultur, angående historiska krig och bågskytte; genuskonstruktioner och kvinnlig agens; konstruktioner av engelsk nationell identitet och engelsk nationalism; samt engel- ska samhällsutvecklingar under introduktionen av modernitet och industrialism. Allt detta berättar historien om hur de engelska bågskytte-amazonerna–The Amazon Archers of England–blev en realitet 1780-1845.

Nem erudito, nem popular: por uma identidade transitiva do violão brasileiro / Neither classical, nor popular: for a \"transitive identity\" of the \"Brazilian guitar\"

Llanos, Carlos Fernando Elías 06 March 2018 (has links)
A pesquisa apresenta o violão enquanto instrumento musical chave de leituras sociais, e sua performance enquanto dado etnográfico. Foram feitos questionamentos em torno da dimensão ideológica do assim chamado \"violão brasileiro\": a construção do(s) seu(s) discurso(s) e as relações de poder que implicam pensar em sua historiografia. Numa abordagem qualitativa, a tese baseia suas aproximações nas análises de teorias etnomusicológicas sobre os instrumentos musicais, numa amostra de teses e dissertações brasileiras focadas no violão, e entrevistas em profundidade com intérpretes, compositores, professores, luthiers, pesquisadores e jornalistas. Como resultado, nessa sistematização de atores, acepções e apropriações que o termo \"violão brasileiro\" suporta, apresenta-se categorias e modelos analíticos para compreender essa teia de instâncias sociais oriundas de uma \"memória dos cordófonos dedilhados\", memória esta reconhecida posteriormente no violão e que batizamos de \"identidade transitiva\". / The research presents the guitar as musical instrument and key reading in social aspects, and its performance as ethnographic data. Questions were raised about the ideological dimension of the so-called \"Brazilian guitar\": the construction of its discourse (s) and the power relations that imply thinking about its historiography. From a qualitative approach, the thesis bases its approaches in the analysis of ethnomusicological theories on musical instruments, in a sample of Brazilian theses and dissertations focusing on the guitar, and in-depth interviews with performers, composers, teachers, luthiers, researchers and journalists. As a result, in this systematization of actors, meanings and appropriations supported by the term \"Brazilian guitar\", categories and analytical models are presented to understand this assemblage of social instances originating from a \"memory of the strumming cordophones\", a memory later recognized in the guitar and which we call \"transitive identity\".

Entre rodas de capoeira e círculos intelectuais: disputas pelo significado da capoeira no Brasil (1930-1960) / Between capoeira and intellectual circles: disputes over the meaning of capoeira in Brazil

Acuna, Jorge Mauricio Herrera 18 March 2011 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar como a capoeira baiana passou a ser imaginada como símbolo de identidade brasileira por intelectuais e capoeiristas entre as décadas de 1930 e 1960, buscando responder a duas questões principais: quais foram os aspectos que levaram alguns intelectuais do período a se debruçarem sobre a capoeira baiana, selecionando para isso, certos traços, especialmente sua característica musical, na busca de interpretá-la como um símbolo de identidade regional e nacional? Como alguns dos principais capoeiristas baianos exploraram as relações e interpretações destes intelectuais e representantes do poder, confirmando ou contrariando suas idéias? A abordagem segue, principalmente, o método bibliográfico e explora um amplo conjunto de fontes produzidas pelas pessoas que são o foco da análise. Destacam-se, deste repertório, obras literárias e de cunho científico, entrevistas, reportagens, memórias, depoimentos, epístolas, filmes, documentários e discos. Parte dos documentos analisados, como os registros das canções da capoeira, periódicos, as trajetórias de alguns dos intelectuais e capoeiristas foram organizados em séries cronológicas. A abordagem teórica inspirou-se em trabalhos que enfatizaram a compreensão da ação social e criativa dos sujeitos diante das coerções e limites impostos por disposições de poder. Estudos que se detiveram sobre a construção simbólica da pureza africana, identificando seus usos e abusos foram importantes guias, assim como reflexões em torno das disputas pela hegemonia cultural ou sobre as relações entre elites e membros das classes populares. Ao mesmo tempo, a reconstrução das trajetórias de alguns personagens centrais contribuiu para estabelecer importantes vínculos entre as dimensões cultural e política das escolhas individuais. A par da diacronia, procuramos explorar também aspectos sincrônicos das relações entre os sujeitos envolvidos, analisando, por exemplo, a ampla penetração do tema da capoeira em múltiplas formas de expressão cultural. Os resultados da análise apontam para uma descrição pormenorizada de como intelectuais e representantes do Estado passaram a imaginar e se apropriar das manifestações populares como símbolos de identidade regional e nacional. Identificamos que entre estes dois grupos sociais indicados as ações não eram tão homogêneas, como poderiam parecer, o que também era verdade no caso dos capoeiristas, para os quais as estratégias se revelaram muito diferenciadas e criativas. A conclusão deste trabalho demonstra que a capoeira baiana, popularizada num período de apropriação massiva das manifestações populares por parte do Estado, também foi passível de se constituir em estratégia cultural, capaz de fazer a diferença para as pessoas que a produziam, deslocando assim disposições de poder. Nas inúmeras batalhas em que estiveram envolvidos, capoeiristas, intelectuais e outros atores procuraram garantir ou deslocar posições, sem deixar de tentar conciliar a imaginação que tinham da capoeira, com as outras expectativas envolvidas na disputa. Lutas e artes de encontro e desencontro. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze how Bahias capoeira started to be imagined as a symbol of Brazilians identity by intellectuals and capoeira players between the decades of 1930s and 1960s trying to answer two main questions: which were the aspects that motivated some intellectuals from this period to study Bahias capoeira, thereby selecting some features, especially the music aspect, in the search to interpret capoeira as a symbol of regional and national identity? How some of the most influential Bahias capoeira players explored the relations and interpretations of these intellectuals and power authorities, confirming or refuting their ideas? The study follows mainly the bibliographic method and explores a wide range of source material and resources produced by the people who are the focus of this thesis. From these resources we can outline literary and scientific works, interviews, newspaper reports, memories, testimonies, epistles, correspondence, movies, documentaries and music records. Parts of the documents analyzed, such as capoeira songs and magazines, and the trajectory of some of the intellectuals and capoeira players, were organized in a chronological series. The theoretical approach was inspired by works that put their emphasis on the comprehension of the social activism and the creativity of the actors in front of coercion and limits imposed by power mechanisms. Works that looked at the symbolical construction of African purity, identifying its uses and abuses were important guides as well as reflections about disputes for cultural hegemony or about the relationships between the elite and members of popular classes. At the same time the reconstruction of the trajectory of some of the main characters contributed to establishing an important link between the cultural and the political dimension chosen by some individuals. Using the diachrony, the authors also searched to explore some synchronic aspects of the relations between the individuals involved, analyzing, for example, the wide penetration of the capoeira theme in various forms of cultural expressions. The results of this analyses point to a detailed description of how the intellectuals and States representatives began to imagine and to appropriate the popular manifestations as symbols of regional and national identity. We have identified that between these two social groups the actions were not as homogenous as it may have looked, as it were also true in the case of the capoeira players to whom the strategies revealed to be more creative and diversified. The conclusion which this work demonstrates is that the Bahias capoeira, popularized in a period of massive appropriation of the popular manifestations by the State, was also able to constitute itself as a cultural strategy, able to make the difference to people who were producing it, shifting in this manner power dispositions. In the innumerable battles that capoeira players, intellectuals and other actors were involved, they tried to maintain or shift status, always trying to harmonize the imagination they had about capoeira with the perspectives of others involved in the dispute. Fight and art of encounter and separation.

Tradição, nacionalismo e modernidade: o monumento Duque de Caxias / Tradition, nationalism and modernity: the monument Duque de Caxias

Ribeiro, Ana Carolina Fróes 31 October 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do monumento Duque de Caxias, na cidade de São Paulo, de autoria do escultor modernista Victor Brecheret. A análise do monumento é pautada na iconografia, em documentos inéditos sobre o projeto e a execução do monumento, além da literatura relacionada. Tal análise discute como a concepção, a execução e a implantação desse monumento, bem como sua opacidade no contexto urbano atual, foram influenciados pela metropolização e modernização da cidade de São Paulo, pelos processos de invenção de tradição e de busca de identidade, e pelas oscilações político-ideológicas durante a primeira metade do século XX, bem como pelas raízes militares do projeto. A mencionada opacidade é ressaltada, principalmente quando se observa outro monumento do autor - executado no mesmo período - e até hoje, um símbolo de São Paulo, o monumento às Bandeiras. / This dissertation concerns the monument Duque de Caxias in the city of São Paulo, by the modernist sculptor Victor Brecheret. The analysis of the monument is based on its iconography, on newly found documents about the project and the creation of the monument, as well as related literature. This analysis discusses the conception, creation, and integration of the monument, as well as its opacity in the current urban context. It also shows how these aspects were influenced by the development and modernization of the city of São Paulo, by the process of making an national identity, by invention of tradition, by changes in political and ideological views during the first half of the twentieth century, as well as by the military roots of the project. The opacity mentioned above is emphasized, particularly when it is compared with another monument by the same sculptor, created in the same period, and until today a symbol of São Paulo - the monument às Bandeiras.

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