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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Языковая репрезентация сферы фитнес-услуг : магистерская диссертация / The linguistic representation of the sphere of fitness services

Сапего, А. С., Sapego, A. S. January 2024 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена изучению языковой репрезентации образа фитнес-индустрии, представленного в языковом сознании носителей русского языка, медиа-дискурсе, эргонимии и лексикографических источниках. В первой главе настоящего исследования приводится лексикографическое описание лексемы фитнес в 12-ти русскоязычных словарях и анализ словарных статей с точки зрения нормы употребления слова фитнес и его семантики. Описание языкового образа фитнес-индустрии расширяется с помощью данных проведенного свободного ассоциативного эксперимента (по данным анкет 142 респондентов). Во второй главе настоящего исследования изучается словообразовательный потенциал слова фитнес (найдена 371 производная единица) и составляется его метаязыковой портрет (по текстам СМИ и интернет-коммуникации). В третьей главе предлагается интерпретация графических тенденций в нейминге, а также система типичных для создания эргонимов в сфере фитнес-услуг семантико-мотивационных моделей на примере эргонимов города Екатеринбурга и Казани (152 наименования). Выявляются сходства и отличия в реализации семантико-мотивационных моделей. / The master's thesis is devoted to the study of the linguistic representation of the image of the fitness industry presented in the linguistic consciousness of Russian native speakers, media discourse, ergonymy and lexicographic sources. The first chapter of this study provides a lexicographic description of the lexeme fitness in 12 Russian-language dictionaries and analyses dictionary entries from the point of view of the norm of the word fitness and its semantics. The description of the linguistic image of the fitness industry is extended with the help of the data of the conducted free associative experiment (based on the data of questionnaires of 142 respondents). In the second chapter of the present study, the word-formation potential of the word fitness is studied (371 derivative units are found) and its meta-linguistic portrait is compiled (based on the texts of mass media and Internet communication). The third chapter offers an interpretation of graphic tendencies in naming, as well as a system of semantic-motivational models typical for the creation of ergonyms in the sphere of fitness services on the example of ergonyms of the city of Yekaterinburg and Kazan (152 names). Similarities and differences in the realisation of semantic-motivational models are revealed.

Adaption an Nestprädation bei der Mönchsgrasmücke / Adaptations to nest predation in the blackcap

Schaefer, Thomas 25 April 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Déterminants de la survie et de la dispersion de reproduction par une approche Capture-Marquage-Recapture chez l’Hirondelle bicolore au Québec.

Lagrange, Paméla January 2015 (has links)
Résumé : En Amérique du Nord, la superficie des monocultures utilisatrices d’intrants tels que des fertilisants et des pesticides couvre aujourd’hui 85 % des surfaces agricoles et autant de pâturages ont disparus en 50 ans afin de répondre aux besoins de l’Homme. Ces changements d’usage des terres ont profondément transformé le paysage et altéré la biodiversité des agro-écosystèmes. Parmi les espèces d’oiseaux champêtres, les insectivores aériens tels l’Hirondelle bicolore, Tachycineta bicolor, ici étudiée, présentent un fort taux de déclin des effectifs, reflétant probablement une dégradation des agro-écosystèmes. Les mécanismes biologiques à l’origine de ce déclin sont encore méconnus ainsi que les patrons de dispersion chez les passereaux migrateurs. Le présent travail vise à étudier les effets environnementaux sur les traits individuels (survie et succès reproducteur) et la dispersion de reproduction (probabilité de disperser et taux d’occupation des sites de reproduction) chez l’Hirondelle bicolore. Pour ce faire, 2200 reproducteurs et 8000 oisillons ont été bagués entre 2004 et 2013 et suivis en reproduction pendant 10 ans sur une aire d’étude au Sud du Québec, laquelle est composée de 40 sites et couvre une mosaïque de paysages agricoles hétérogènes. Le développement d’un nouveau modèle de capture-marquage-recapture, flexible d’utilisation, a permis de réduire les biais d’estimation des probabilités de survie et de dispersion de l’espèce. Cette approche a permis de tester l’effet de plusieurs variables en lien avec la qualité de l’habitat, l’information publique et les caractéristiques individuelles sur la variabilité des paramètres de dispersion, de survie et de succès reproducteur au niveau individuel. Les milieux cultivés intensivement associés à la présence du Moineau domestique, Passer domesticus, un compétiteur pour les cavités de reproduction, diminuaient au maximum de 19 % la survie des mâles. Les femelles étaient quant à elles affectées par le coût de la reproduction, qui était d’autant plus grand en milieu intensif qu’il y avait une présence de moineaux et une disponibilité moindre en ressources alimentaires. Pour autant, la décision de disperser n’était pas affectée par les conditions environnementales que ce soit par la présence de compétiteurs ou la qualité du milieu, et ne dépassait pas les 4 % chez les mâles. Les femelles dispersant jusqu’à 14 fois plus s’appuyaient sur leur expérience personnelle pour décider de disperser. Un échec de reproduction augmentait jusqu’à 7 fois la probabilité de disperser et pour la première fois chez une espèce à courte durée de vie, nous avons montré que la probabilité de disperser était augmentée l’année suivant une première dispersion. Ces patrons de dispersion étaient stables dans le temps. La dispersion semblait donc être un processus coûteux, comparé à la fidélité au site, qui apparaissait comme un phénotype minoritaire dans la population. Elle répondait à des conditions défavorables de reproduction. Enfin, ce travail montre l’utilisation de l’information publique dans la décision de s’établir sur un site généralement fortement dense et productif en jeunes l’année précédente et ce, une fois que la décision de disperser est amorcée. La présence de moineaux et la forte proportion de cultures intensives dans un rayon proche participaient également à ll‘évitement des sites lors de l’établissement. D’après ces résultats, le milieu intensif contribuerait au déclin de l’Hirondelle bicolore. / Abstract : In North America, monoculture areas using high inputs of fertilizers and pesticides cover 85 % of agricultural lands, and as many pastures disappeared in the past 20 years to satisfy human food needs. These land-use changes have deeply transformed landscapes and altered the biodiversity of agro-ecosystems. Among farmland birds, aerial insectivores such as Tree Swallow, Tachycineta bicolor, studied here show a high rate of decline in their abundance, partly reflecting the degradation of agro-ecosystems where they breed. Biological mechanisms leading to the decline and dispersal patterns in migratory passerines are still poorly known. The present work quantifies the environmental effects on Tree Swallow individual traits (survival, reproductive success) and breeding dispersal (probability to disperse and occupation rates of breeding sites). Between 2004 and 2013, 2200 breeders and 8000 chicks were ringed and monitored during 10 breeding seasons on a study area composed of 40 sites and covering a mosaic of heterogeneous agricultural landscapes in southern Québec. The development of a new, flexible capture-mark-recapture model has reduced estimate bias of survival and dispersal probabilities of Tree Swallows. This approach allowed to assess the effect of several variables linked to habitat quality, public information and individual characteristics on dispersal, survival and reproductive success parameters of individuals. Within intensively cultivated landscapes associated to the presence of a nest site competitor, the House sparrow, Passer domesticus, male survival is up to 19 % lower. Females were affected by the cost of reproduction, especially in intensive landscapes where House sparrows and found and where food resources and nest site appear limited. Dispersal probability was not affected by environmental conditions either through the presence of House sparrows or habitat quality, and was restricted to 4 % in males. Females, which dispersed up to 14 times more than males, based their decision on their personal experience. Breeding failure increased up to 7 times the probability to disperse and for the first time in a short-lived species, I show that dispersal likelihood increased if the individual had dispersed in the previous year. These dispersal patterns were stable in time. Dispersal appeared as a costly process compared to site fidelity and was a minority phenotype in the population. It appeared an answer to unfavorable condition for reproduction. Finally, this work shows the use of public information (partners density, fledglings productivity the previous year) on the decision to settle on a site and this, after the dispersal decision had been initiated. The presence of House sparrows and the proportion of intensive areas near nest boxes were used as information to select a breeding site. Based on these findings, agricultural intensification likely plays a role in the decline of Tree swallow populations.

Pais dedicados são sexy: inter-relação entre cuidado paternal e seleção sexual em um opilião Neotropical / Devoted daddies are sexy: interplay between paternal care and sexual selection in a Neotropical harvestman

Hidalgo, Rosannette Quesada 11 September 2018 (has links)
Em espécies que exibem cuidado paternal exclusivo, a qualidade esperada do comportamento paternal pode influenciar as decisões de acasalamento das fêmeas e determinar o sucesso de acasalamento dos machos. Nesta tese, investigamos a inter-relação entre o cuidado paternal e a seleção sexual utilizando o opilião Quindina limbata como organismo modelo. Os machos nesta espécie constroem ninhos na forma de taça que são visitados pelas fêmeas na busca de um sítio de oviposição. No primeiro capítulo, nós experimentalmente avaliamos a eficiência do atendimento aos ovos provido pelos machos e testamos se os ninhos desatendidos são adotamos por fêmeas e/ou por machos não relacionados com os ovos. As conclusões mais importantes deste capítulo são: (1) a proteção do macho é crucial para a sobrevivência dos ovos porque ninhos desatendidos são prontamente atacados por predadores; (2) a compensação do cuidado parental por fêmeas é rara, provavelmente porque elas estão associadas aos machos e não aos ninhos; (3) os machos adotam ovos não relacionados com eles e protegem eles tão eficientemente quanto os machos originais, provavelmente porque o cuidado dos ovos é um comportamento selecionada sexualmente. No segundo capítulo, nós testamos a existência de duas táticas alternativas de acasalamento nas fêmeas: residentes, na qual as fêmeas permanecem perto de um ninho, repelem fêmeas conespecíficas e copulam preferencialmente com um único macho dono de ninho, e visitantes, na qual as fêmeas não permanecem espacialmente associadas a ninhos, não repelem conespecíficas e copulam com vários machos donos de ninhos. Também investigamos se a monopolização de ninhos por fêmeas afeta o sucesso reprodutivo dos machos. As conclusões mais importantes deste capítulo são: (1) o comportamento das fêmeas parece ser uma tática reversível, na qual as fêmeas podem mudar de residentes a visitantes durante sua vida, provavelmente em resposta à condição corporal, e (2) a monogamia social imposta pelas fêmeas residentes pode afetar negativamente o grau da promiscuidade dos machos, mas não sua taça de acasalamento. Em conclusão, nós provemos evidência de que a preferência das fêmeas por machos que provem cuidado pode ter favorecido a manutenção do cuidado paternal. Além disso, demonstramos que a monopolização dos melhores machos ou ninhos pode ter favorecido a evolução das táticas alternativas de acasalamento nas fêmeas / In species exhibiting exclusive male care, the expected quality of paternal behavior can influence female mating decisions and thus determine male mating success. In this thesis, we investigated the interplay between paternal care and sexual selection using the harvestman Quindina limbata as model organism. Males of this species build cup-like mud nests that are visited by females in search of an oviposition site. In the first chapter, we experimentally evaluated the efficiency of egg-attendance provided by males and tested if unattended nests are adopted by females and/or unrelated males. The most important conclusions of this chapter are: (1) male protection is crucial for egg survival because unattended nests are promptly attacked by predators; (2) flexible compensation of parental care by females is rare, probably because they are associated to males and not to the nests; (3) males adopt unrelated eggs and protect them as efficiently as original owner males, probably because egg-attendance is a sexually-selected behavior. In the second chapter, we tested the existence of two reproductive tactics in females: resident, in which females remain close to a nest, repel conspecific females, and mate preferentially with a single nest-owner male, and wanderer, in which females are not spatially associated with nests, do not repel conspecific females, and mate with different nest-owner males. We also investigated whether nest monopolization by females may affect males\' reproductive success. The most important conclusions of this chapter are: (1) females\' behavior seems to be a reversible tactic, in which females can switch from resident to wanderer during their lifetime, probably in response to body condition, and (2) the social monogamy imposed by resident females may negatively affect the degree of male promiscuity, but not male\'s mating rate. In conclusion, we provide evidence that female preference for parental individuals may have favored the evolution and maintenance of paternal care. Moreover, we show that the monopolization of the best males or the best nests may have favored the evolution of alternative reproductive tactics in females

Sources of variability in heterospecific social information use for breeding habitat selection : role of genetics and personality in collared flycatchers / Sources de variabilité dans l'utilisation d'informations sociales pour le choix d'habitat de reproduction : rôle de la génétique et de la personnalité chez le gobe-mouche à collier (Ficedula albicollis)

Morinay, Jennifer 22 November 2018 (has links)
Au cours de leur vie, les individus doivent constamment prendre des décisions qui peuvent fortement affecter leur valeur sélective. Pour optimiser leur prise de décisions, ces individus peuvent utiliser des informations soit issues de leurs propres interactions avec l’environnement (informations personnelles), soit issues de l’observation d’autres individus (informations sociales). La propension à utiliser des informations sociales et leur signification dépend certainement de paramètres individuels et environnementaux. Pour comprendre le potentiel évolutif de ce comportement à priori adaptatif, il est nécessaire de comprendre les causes de ces variations inter- et intra-individuelles. Le but de cette thèse était donc de déterminer les sources de variations individuelles dans l’utilisation d’information sociales hétérospécifiques pour le choix d’habitat de reproduction, chez le gobe-mouche à collier (Ficedula albicollis). A partir de données à long terme et d’expérimentations en nature dans la population de Gotland (Suède), j’ai montré que l’utilisation d’informations sociales n’est pas héritable dans cette population, mais dépend de l’âge et de l’agressivité des mâles, ainsi que de la taille de ponte des compétiteurs au moment où les gobe-mouches font leur choix. A partir d’une expérience de repasse, j’ai également montré que les femelles peuvent ajuster, en fonction de leur propre niveau d’agressivité, leur choix de site de nidification en fonction de caractéristiques de chants supposément liés à la qualité des mésanges charbonnières (Parus major). Cette thèse souligne l’importance de la personnalité dans l’utilisation d’informations sociales hétérospecifiques pour la sélection d’habitat de reproduction dans cette population, et montre que des caractéristiques fines de signaux à l’intention de congénères peuvent aussi être utilisées par d’autres espèces. Cela nous aide ainsi à mieux comprendre les mécanismes évolutifs de ce comportement / All their life, individuals have to make decisions that may strongly affect their fitness. To optimize their decisions, they can use personally acquired information but also information obtained from observing other individuals (“social information”). The propensity to gather and use social information and the information meaning might depend on both individual and environmental factors. Studying what drives within- and between-individual differences in social information use should help us understand the evolutionary potential of this supposedly adaptive behaviour. The aim of my PhD was to empirically investigate sources of variability in heterospecific social information use for breeding habitat selection. I worked on a natural population of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis, Gotland Island, Sweden), a passerine species shown to cue on the presence, density, reproductive investment and nest site preference of dominant titmice for settlement decisions. Using both long term and experimental data, I showed that the use of heterospecific social information, measured as the probability to copy tit nest preference, is not heritable but depends on male age and aggressiveness and on tit apparent breeding investment at the time of flycatcher settlement. Using a playback experiment, I also showed that female flycatchers can fine-tune nest site choice according to (i) song features supposedly reflecting great tit (Parus major) quality and (ii) their own aggressiveness level. This thesis highlights the importance of personality in the use of heterospecific social information for breeding site selection in this population, and broadens the traditionally known sources of heterospecific information to fine song characteristics reflecting heterospecifics’ quality. To fully understand the evolutionary mechanisms and consequences of heterospecific social information use, genetically based plasticity and fitness consequences remains to be explored

La morphogenèse du nid chez les fourmis: une étude expérimentale et théorique chez la fourmi Lasius niger. / Nest morphogenesis in ants: experimental and theoretical study in Lasius niger ant.

Toffin, Etienne C H 20 September 2010 (has links)
La construction du nid chez les fourmis génère des structures assumant de nombreuses fonctions, qui sont en grande partie dépendantes de l’architecture produite. L’omniprésence de ces fonctionnalités contraste avec la forte diversité intra et inter-spécifique de la morphologie du nid. Ce travail a pour objectifs de déterminer d’une part la morphogenèse du nid durant son excavation par les fourmis (Chapitre 3), et d’autre part de quantifier l’impact de la taille du groupe (Chapitre 3) et de la qualité de l’environnement (qualité du matériau, gravité; Chapitres 4 & 5) sur cette séquence. Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons utilisé un dispositif de creusement en deux dimensions (2D) afin de suivre la dynamique d’excavation et l’évolution de la morphologie du nid au cours du temps. Nous avons tout d’abord mis en évidence (Chapitre 3) un changement brutal de la morphologie du nid au cours de sa croissance. Durant une première période d’excavation homogène, le nid est constitué d’une seule cavité de forme circulaire et au contour régulier. Par la suite, le pourtour de la cavité devient plus irrégulier, l’apparition de ‘‘bourgeons’’ lui donnant une apparence plus plissée. Enfin, la cavité centrale cesse de croître lorsque des ramifications se déploient depuis certains des ‘‘bourgeons’’. Nous avons qualifié de transitions morphologiques ces brusques changements de forme, dont la fréquence d’apparition augmente avec la taille de la population. Notre analyse et le recours à la simulation semblent indiquer que ce phénomène soit basé non pas sur un changement de comportement des ouvrières excavatrices mais sur la densité d’activité au front de creusement. Lorsque celle-ci est importante, des phénomènes d’encombrement se manifestent et le nid est excavé de manière homogène. À l’inverse, lorsque l’encombrement diminue les ouvrières peuvent focaliser leur travail et excavent des galeries. Un modèle analytique (Chapitre 6) a permis d’étudier les conditions d’apparition de cette transition morphologique. Nos autres résultats indiquent que le matériau de construction influence très fortement la morphogenèse du nid (Chapitre 4) : les nids excavés dans un milieu cohésif sont plus fréquemment ramifiés et la transition morphologique apparaît à des surfaces de nid plus petites que dans un milieu granulaire. Il semblerait qu’à nouveau, il n’y ait aucune variation comportementale impliquée, mais que l’environnement joue un rôle de ‘‘médiateur’’ des interactions entre les fourmis: le milieu change le temps d’extraction et donc la probabilité individuelle d’excavation, cette variation est exacerbée par les mécanismes d’amplification à l’œuvre, modifiant alors sensiblement la dynamique collective de creusement et la structure du nid. Enfin, une série d’expériences (Chapitre 5) nous a permis de déterminer l’influence de la gravité sur la morphogenèse. Il apparait que la gravité sert de gabarit à la construction, puisque les nids excavés dans un dispositif à l’orientation verticale sont tous dirigés vers le bas. Aussi, si le nid prend directement une forme de long puit vertical sans jamais présenter de chambre, le mécanisme de transition morphologique reste visible, sous forme de bifurcation des galeries à leur extrémités. Ce phénomène de tip-splitting semble aussi apparaître sous la contrainte de la densité d’ouvrières excavant au fond des galeries. Notre travail a donc mis en évidence un phénomène de transition morphologique capable de produire les modules de base de tout nid - chambres et galeries -, et qui semble découler non pas de modifications comportementales, mais de la seule interaction de l’amplification de l’activité et de l’encombrement au front d’excavation. Ce phénomène ubiquiste propose une explication à la grande variété de structures observées sur le terrain, en lien notamment avec la diversité et l’hétérogénéité des milieux, et la dynamique des colonies. Enfin, les similitudes de la transition morphologique avec les instabilités de croissance observées dans de nombreux systèmes biologiques et physico-chimique invitent à considérer ces derniers phénomènes à la lumière de nos résultats.

So this is a man : renegotiating Italian masculinity through liminality

Mabrey, Beatrice Giuseppina 26 July 2011 (has links)
In Italy, the period directly following World War II was marked by confusion and turbulence as the people struggled to reconstruct both the ideological and physical infrastructure of the nation. While much study has been dedicated to the evolution of femininity and the figure of the woman in this particular period, comparatively little has been written on the refashioning of masculinity in the texts produced in the period between 1940 and 1955. After the fall of the Fascist Regime, Italian masculinity undergoes a drastic transformation as the generation of young men born and raised under the tutelage of Mussolini’s reign attempt to separate themselves from the now-tainted codes of conduct governing male behavior. This report analyzes the renegotiation of Italian masculinity in G. Silvano Spinetti’s non-fictional account Difesa di una generazione (scritti e appunti), Italo Calvino’s Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno, Beppe Fenoglio’s short story “Gli inizi del partigiano Raoul” and Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Ragazzi di vita. These works, written and published in the postwar period, manipulate the vi marginality and privation experienced by the Italian population during the war and postwar period into a liminal state brimming with revolutionary potentiality. The protagonists of these texts (both fictional and non-fictional), isolated from the larger social context and deprived of individual identity, property and privilege, circumvent their polluted patriarchal lines in favor of an alternative ideological patriarchy. While Spinetti, Calvino and Fenoglio’s works advance their liminal narratives as a means of creating an emblematic Italian man capable of rejoining the generative discourse, Pasolini’s text renounces such a progressive view. In Ragazzi di vita, the only possibility for a masculine identity free of Fascism resides in a maintaining a perennial liminality. / text

Seasonal Variation in Quality and Survival of Nestling Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor): Tests of Alternate Hypotheses

2014 September 1900 (has links)
Understanding the patterns and processes that create differences among individuals in components of fitness, like the probability of survival or reproductive rates, is essential to our knowledge of population dynamics and for informing conservation efforts. For organisms in seasonal environments, early-breeding individuals regularly attain higher fitness than their late-breeding counterparts. Two primary hypotheses, related to quality and date, have been proposed to explain lower reproductive success of late breeders, but the veracity of these ideas has not been fully resolved. I tested predictions associated with these hypotheses to assess the effects of indices of parental and environmental quality on nestling quality and survival in an insectivorous passerine, the tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor), at two widely separated breeding locations in western Canada. I combined experiments and statistical modelling of observational data to evaluate two mechanisms proposed to contribute to seasonal decline in environmental quality: an increase in nest parasite abundance and a decrease in food abundance with later breeding dates. A parasite reduction experiment revealed a disproportionate benefit of parasite removal on length of primary feather for early-hatched nestlings, suggesting greater energetic constraints early in the breeding season. Furthermore, late-hatched nestlings from parasite-reduced nests had longer head-bill lengths than their control counterparts, and developed head-bills of similar length to those of early-hatched nestlings. Other than these findings, there were few detectable effects of parasites on nestling size, growth and immunity, as has been reported from several previous studies. Indeed, negative effects of parasites were only apparent when food (i.e., insect) biomass was considered. In a second series of experiments in which parental quality was controlled, I also tested whether food abundance declined during the breeding season, as predicted if environmental conditions deteriorate seasonally (i.e., date). Reduced reproductive success of late-breeding individuals was causally related to a seasonal decline in environmental quality. Declining insect biomass and enlarged brood sizes resulted in nestlings that were lighter, in poorer body condition, had shorter head-bills, shorter and slower growing ninth primary feathers and that were less likely to survive to fledge. Next, I asked whether results obtained from long-term mark-recapture data corroborated findings of short-term manipulations. I examined seasonal variation in first-year apparent survival to investigate the relative influence of large-, small- and individual-scale factors associated with the quality and date hypotheses. Although parental quality was an important predictor of first-year apparent survival of tree swallows, my results further suggested that quality of parents was not the primary factor influencing seasonal variation in first-year apparent survival. Rather, findings were most consistent with the date hypothesis. The relationship between apparent survival and a direct measurement of environmental quality indicated that annual variation in moisture had important consequences for first-year apparent survival of tree swallows in Saskatchewan. First-year apparent survival probabilities were higher during wet years and wetter conditions are generally linked to greater insect abundance. In British Columbia, nestlings from larger broods were less likely to survive, possibly as a result of receiving less food. Apparent survival probabilities were also higher when food was more abundant. I demonstrated that both parental and environmental quality influenced seasonal variation in fitness-related traits of tree swallows. However, the strongest evidence suggests that environmental quality, and in particular food abundance, had the greatest effect on seasonal variation in nestling quality, reproductive success and first-year apparent survival in tree swallows. My results highlight the importance of considering regional precipitation trends when projecting effects of climate change on demography of aerial insectivores.

From forest to farmland: Effects of land use on understorey birds of Afrotropical rainforests / Von Wald zu Ackerland: Effekte der Landnutzung auf Unterholzvögeln von Afrotropische Regenwaelder

Bobo Kadiri, Serge 31 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

以英語為母語及非母語之國小英語教師協同教學在台之研究 / A study of a native and non-native speaker co-teaching program in Taiwanese elementary schools

何炳德, Herbert Peter Unknown Date (has links)
以英語為母語以及非英語為母語之教師,兩者間之協同教學國家級計劃,從1990年代開始在日本、韓國及香港各地執行。過去十年,台灣地區共有兩個相關計劃:一個位於中部某縣轄市;另一個則在北部地區,由該地方教育局與某知名學術基金會合作執行。關於這類的計畫,目前已有文獻探討執行上的困難,主要包括文化歧見、老師教學效能、與行政單位之運作問題,但其實卻並無整體評析之深入研究可供參考。 本研究遵循質化與量化的方法,針對北部之計畫為對象,深入評析中外師協同教學執行一年後之師生學習成效。研究首先以量化方式以成就測驗與態度問卷了解計畫中80名四年級與六年級小學生的英文學習成果、他們對英文的態度以及學習動機。另外又以訪談、課室觀察以及教學日記蒐集資料,分三組追蹤調查六位中外師之專業成長,藉衛考斯基的社會文化理論做分析,而文化體認方面,則以第三向度觀點,了解不同文化背景的老師之發展。 研究結果顯示此項中外師協同教學計劃對學生學習有正面作用,但程度則多有不同。學生之閱讀與聽力有成長,四年級學生受益又比六年級學生更多,但成果則因時間較短而稍顯淺薄。另一方面,中外教師在專業知識與文化體認上有顯著成長,可以說是本計畫最大受益者。 整體而言,計畫單位對中外師雙方合作關係之培養具備完善的機制,而在文化體認方面又有一群能夠以持平立場看待文化差距的諮詢專家,為中外師創造第三向度合作空間,使雙方能夠大方擁抱兩種文化且無需掩飾彼此之不同。這些設計使計劃更有效能,整體執行方式具參考價值。 / National co-teacher programs involving native English speaker teachers (NESTs) and non-native English speaker teachers (NNESTs) have been in operation since the 1990’s in Japan, Korea and Hong Kong. Two major programs have been established in Taiwan in the last ten years, one by a city government in the central part of Taiwan, the other by the education bureau of a rural county in the north, in collaboration with a well known academic exchange foundation. The cultural, pedagogical and administrative challenges such schemes face are well documented but there has been little evaluation of the benefits for stakeholders This study focused on the program in northern Taiwan and followed a mixed methods approach in order to trace learning gains from co-teaching for teachers and students over the course of one year. Students’ gains in English proficiency and changes in attitude and motivation were measured in a quantitative study involving over 80 4th and 6th grade students who were tested and surveyed. A triple case study investigated growth in professional knowledge and cultural awareness in three teaching pairs through interviews, class observation and teacher journals. Teacher learning was studied through the prism of socio-cultural theory and growth in cultural awareness from the perspective of thirdness. The program was found to have a positive effect on students, but in varying degrees. Student scores in both reading and listening proficiency improved while their attitudes and motivation were positive. Proficiency gains were greater among 4th graders than 6th graders, but the results also showed that for students, the impact of a one year program is relatively shallow. Teachers grew considerably in both professional knowledge and cultural awareness and were the greatest beneficiaries of the program. This study also found that the effectiveness of the program was facilitated by certain enabling mechanisms which nurtured the relationship between NESTs and NNESTs. Cultural awareness was facilitated by a culturally fair panel which helped create third spaces where teachers could embrace both cultures without hiding the differences between them.

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