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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stellenwert des Biomarkers NT-proBNP, alleine und in Kombination mit Echokardiographie, in der Risikostratifizierung von Patienten mit Lungenembolie / Relevance of NT-proBNP, alone and combined with echocardiographie, in risk stratification of patients with pulmonary ebolism

Focke, Beate 25 February 2010 (has links)
No description available.

AnÃlise do fragmento amino-terminal do pro-peptÃdeo natriurÃtico tipo b e de fatores de risco para oclusÃo coronariana aterosclerÃtica angiogrÃfica em pacientes com a hipÃtese diagnÃstica de cardiopatia isquÃmica / Analysis of the Amino-terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide and Risk Factors for Angiographic Atherosclerotic Coronary Occlusion in Patients with the Diagnostic Hy-pothesis of Ischemic Heart Disease.

DemÃstenes GonÃalves Lima Ribeiro 20 November 2009 (has links)
nÃo hà / As doenÃas cardiovasculares, incluindo a cardiopatia isquÃmica aterosclerÃtica, sÃo a princi-pal causa de morte no Brasil. A aterosclerose à doenÃa inflamatÃria crÃnica que se inicia na infÃncia, progride lentamente e se expressa dÃcadas depois. Ela principia por disfunÃÃo do endotÃlio, tem patogÃnese multifatorial e tem, como principais fatores de risco, o sexo mascu-lino, a idade, o tabagismo, a hipercolesterolemia, a hipertensÃo arterial sistÃmica (HAS), o diabetes mellitus (DM) e o antecedente familiar de doenÃa aterosclerÃtica precoce. A elevaÃÃo de vÃrios marcadores bioquÃmicos sinaliza a participaÃÃo da inflamaÃÃo na aterosclerose. O peptÃdeo natriurÃtico tipo B e o fragmento amino-terminal do pro-peptÃdeo natriurÃtico tipo B (NT-proBNP) tambÃm aumentam na aterosclerose coronÃria. Esse trabalho à um estudo ob-servacional, transversal, de uma sÃrie consecutiva de 153 pacientes internados na Enfermaria de Cardiologia do HUWC-UFC, no perÃodo de 01.08.2007 a 31.03.2008, com hipÃtese diag-nÃstica de cardiopatia isquÃmica â angina estÃvel (AE), angina instÃvel (AI) ou infarto agudo do miocÃrdio (IAM) â submetidos à cineangiocoronariografia, comparando-se o grupo porta-dor de obstruÃÃo aterosclerÃtica coronÃria angiogrÃfica (grupo A) com aquele de artÃrias co-ronÃrias angiograficamente normais (grupo B). Os critÃrios de exclusÃo foram revasculariza-ÃÃo miocÃrdica prÃvia â cirÃrgica ou percutÃnea â insuficiÃncia renal dialÃtica aguda ou crÃni-ca, neoplasia maligna, infecÃÃo, doenÃa inflamatÃria aguda ou crÃnica, doenÃa pulmonar, he-pÃtica ou hematolÃgica e cardiopatia valvar, congÃnita ou cardiomiopatia associada. Ambos os grupos foram analisados, de modo semelhante, quanto ao sexo, à idade, à escolaridade, ao Ãndice de massa corporal (IMC), à circunferÃncia abdominal (CA), ao tabagismo, ao DM, à HAS, à histÃria familiar positiva para aterosclerose precoce, ao uso de estatina, à presenÃa de sÃndrome metabÃlica (SM) e à apresentaÃÃo clÃnica como AE, AI ou IAM. Eles tambÃm fo-ram analisados em relaÃÃo ao eletrocardiograma, à radiografia do tÃrax e ao ecocardiograma, quanto à presenÃa ou nÃo de disfunÃÃo sistÃlica; ao colesterol nÃo-HDL, à HDL-colesterol, à relaÃÃo do colesterol total / HDL-colesterol < 5 e do LDL-colesterol / HDL-colesterol < 3,5; à creatinina e o ao fibrinogÃnio, ao nÃmero de leucÃcitos totais e ao de monÃcitos, à proteÃna C reativa ultra-sensÃvel e ao NT-proBNP. A comparaÃÃo dos dois grupos revelou, com signifi-cÃncia estatÃstica, à anÃlise univariada, que os pacientes do grupo A tinham prevalÃncia maior de DM e de disfunÃÃo sistÃlica, NT-proBNP &#8805; 250 pg/ml, fibrinogÃnio acima de 500 mg/dl; mais frequentemente usavam estatina e tinham monÃcitos 501 ou mais por mm3 do que aque-les do grupo B. Curiosamente, o IMC &#8805; 30 e a CA aumentada foram mais prevalentes no gru-po com artÃrias coronÃrias normais. No entanto, pela regressÃo logÃstica multivariada, os fato-res independentes para oclusÃo aterosclerÃtica coronariana angiogrÃfica foram o NT-proBNP &#8805; 250 pg/ml, o DM e o aumento do fibrinogÃnio e dos monÃcitos, mesmo consideradas a creatinina e a disfunÃÃo sistÃlica. Na amostra estudada, o modelo com ajuste de prevalÃncia desses fatores teve sensibilidade de 80,4%, especificidade de 76,9 e 79,7% de acurÃcia para o diagnÃstico de oclusÃo coronariana aterosclerÃtica angiogrÃfica. / Cardiovascular diseases, including ischemic heart disease, are the main causes of death in Brazil. Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease that starts in the childhood, progresses slowly and shows up many decades later. It begins as an endothelial dysfunction and has as its main risk factors the male sex, age, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and a background of early family atherosclerotic disease. The rise of many biochemical markers in the plasma signals the presence of inflammation in the atherosclerosis. The brain natriuretic peptide and the amino-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) also increase in coronary atherosclerosis. This is a cross-sectional and observational study of 153 in-patients at the Cardiology Ward of HUWC-UFC from 08.01.2007 to 03.31.2008 with the diagnostic hypothesis of Ischemic Heart Disease, i.e., stable angina, unstable angina or acute myocardial infarction. All of them underwent heart catheterization and coronary angiography. They were classified respectively as group A or B in accordance with the presence or not of angiographic atherosclerotic coronary occlusion. Patients were not included in the analysis if they had been submitted to surgical or percutaneous revascularization; had an acute or chronic dialytic kidney disease; cancer or infection; a lung, hepatic or hematopoietic disease; an acute or chronic inflammatory illness or associated myocardial, valvular or congenital heart disease. The two groups were analyzed in a similar way with regard to gender, age, level of education, body mass index, abdominal circumference, smoking, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, an early atherosclerosis family history, the use of statin, presence of metabolic syndrome and clinical presentation of stable angina, unstable angina or acute myocardial infarction. The HDL-cholesterol, non HDL-cholesterol, a total cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio < 5, a LDL-cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio < 3.5, the creatinine and fibrinogen plasma concentration, the total leukocyte and monocyte count, the high-sensitivity C reactive protein, the NT-proBNP, the electrocardiogram, the chest radiography and the echocardiogram, with regard to the presence or not of systolic dysfunction, were also analyzed. The univariety analysis comparing both groups revealed that group Aâ patients more frequently were diabetics and had systolic dysfunction, NT-proBNP &#8805; 250 pg/ml, fibrinogen higher than 500 mg/dl, more frequent use of statin and 501 or more monocytes/mm3 than patients group B. Curiously, the body mass index &#8805; 30 and abnormal abdominal circumference were more frequently found among patients with angiographic normal coronary arteries. Nevertheless, by multivariety regression logistic analysis the independent factors for angiographic atherosclerotic coronary occlusion were the NT-proBNP &#8805; 250 pg/ml, diabetes mellitus, an increase of monocyte number and of fibrinogen plasma concentration, in spite of creatinine level and presence of systolic dysfunction. The model takes into account these factors has 80.4% sensitivity, 76.9% specificity and 79.7% of accuracy for the diagnostic of angiographic atherosclerotic coronary occlusion.

Anwendungssoftware im Administrationsdienst für Windows

Wegener, Edwin 14 October 2002 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und Professur Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme der Fakultaet fuer Informatik der TU Chemnitz. Anwendungssoftware im Administrationst des URZ für Windows

Postcolonial redaction of socio-economic parables in Luke's gospel and a Kenyan application.

Kiambi, Julius Kithinji. January 2008 (has links)
For those who have the courage to doubt, it can be said that the Bible which is highly regarded in Africa is not only an innocent book but also a guilty one because of the many social, political and religious evils that have bedevilled Africa from time to time and which it has condoned and has been used to sanction. Using postcolonial biblical criticism, and as a way of demonstrating that the entire Bible is another text of the empire, this thesis argues that imperial ideology promoted in Luke's socio-economic parables has contributed to another social evil i.e. the gap between the rich and the poor in Kenya. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.

Langages modernes pour la modélisation et la vérification des systèmes asynchrones / Modern languages for modeling and verifying asynchronous systems

Thivolle, Damien 29 April 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe à l'intersection de deux domaines-clés : l'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles (IDM) et les méthodes formelles, avec différents champs d'application. Elle porte sur la vérification formelle d'applications parallèles modélisées selon l'approche IDM. Dans cette approche, les modèles tiennent un rôle central et permettent de développer une application par transformations successives (automatisées ou non) entre modèles intermédiaires à différents niveaux d'abstraction, jusqu'à la production de code exécutable. Lorsque les modèles ont une sémantique formelle, il est possible d'effectuer une vérification automatisée ou semi-automatisée de l'application. Ces principes sont mis en oeuvre dans TOPCASED, un environnement de développement d'applications critiques embarquées basé sur ECLIPSE, qui permet la vérification formelle par connexion à des boîtes à outils existantes. Cette thèse met en oeuvre l'approche TOPCASED en s'appuyant sur la boîte à outils CADP pour la vérification et sur son plus récent formalisme d'entrée : LOTOS NT. Elle aborde la vérification formelle d'applications IDM à travers deux problèmes concrets : 1) Pour les systèmes GALS (Globalement Asynchrone Localement Synchrone), une méthode de vérification générique par transformation en LOTOS NT est proposée, puis illustrée sur une étude de cas industrielle fournie par AIRBUS : un protocole pour les communications entre un avion et le sol décrit dans le langage synchrone SAM conçu par AIRBUS. 2) Pour les services Web décrits à l'aide de la norme BPEL (Business Process Execution Language), une méthode de vérification est proposée, qui est basée sur une transformation en LOTOS NT des modèles BPEL, en prenant en compte les sous-langages XML Schema, XPath et WSDL sur lesquels repose la norme BPEL. / The work in this thesis is at the intersection of two major research domains~: Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and formal methods, and has various fields of application. This thesis deals with the formal verification of parallel applications modelled by the MDE approach. In this approach, models play a central role and enable to develop an application through successive transformations (automated or not) between intermediate models of differing levels of abstraction, until executable code is produced. When models have a formal semantics, the application can be verified, either automatically or semi-automatically. These principles are used in TOPCASED, an ECLIPSE-based development environment for critical embedded applications, which enables formal verification by interconnecting existing tools. This thesis implements the TOPCASED approach by relying on the CADP toolbox for verifying systems, and on its most recent input formalism : LOTOS NT. This thesis tackles the formal verification of MDE applications through two real problems : 1) For GALS (Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous), a generic verification method, based on a transformation to LOTOS NT, is proposed and illustrated by an industrial case-study provided by AIRBUS : a communication protocol between the airplane and the ground described in the synchronous langage SAM designed at AIRBUS. 2) For Web services specified with the BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) norm, a verification method is proposed. It is based on a BPEL to LOTOS NT transformation which takes into account XML Schema, Xpath, and WSDL, the languages on which the BPEL norm is built.

Eriodictiol: um flavonóide antagonista do receptor trpv1 com atividade antioxidante / Eriodictyol: A flavonoid antagonist of TRPV1 receptor with antioxidant activity

Rossato, Mateus Fortes 13 August 2010 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) is a calcium permeable channel responsible for the transduction and modulation of acute and chronic pain signaling, being a potential target for treatment of different pain disorders. In spite of that, AMG517, a TRPV1 antagonist, presents several clinical limitations, such as the development of severe hypertermia. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible interaction of the flavonoid eriodictyol with the TRPV1 receptor and its putative antinociceptive and hyperthermic effect. Eriodictyol was able to displace the [3H]-resiniferatoxin binding (IC50 = 47 (21 - 119) nM) and to inhibit the calcium influx mediated by capsaicin (IC50 = 44 (16 125) nM), suggesting that eriodictyol acts as a TRPV1 antagonist. Moreover, eriodictyol induces antinociception in the intraplantar capsaicin test, with maximal effect of 49±10 and 64±4% of inhibition for oral (ED50 = 2 (1-5) mg/kg) and intrathecal (ED50 = 2 (1-3) nmol/site) routes, respectively. Concomitantly, eriodictyol did not induce any alteration on body temperature or locomotor activity. Orally administered eriodictyol (4.5 mg/kg) prevented the nociception induced by intrathecal injection of capsaicin (72±6% of inhibition), the non-protein thiol loss and the 3-nitrotyronise (3-NT) formation induced by capsaicin in spinal cord. Eriodictyol (4.5 mg/kg, p.o.) also reduced the thermal hyperalgesia (100% of inhibition) and mechanical allodynia (62±9% of inhibition) elicited by complete Freund s adjuvant (CFA) paw injection. In conclusion, Eriodictyol acts as an antagonist of TRPV1 receptor and an antioxidant, inducing antinociception without some side effects and limitations expected for TRPV1 antagonists, as hyperthermia. / O receptor de potencial transiente vanilóide 1 (TRPV1) é um canal iônico permeável a cátions ativado por uma série de estímulos nocivos, como calor, acidificação e agentes irritantes como a capsaicina. Este receptor é responsável pela detecção e transmissão da dor aguda e crônica. Devido a isso, substâncias que modulem a atividade deste receptor apresentam um potencial clínico para o tratamento da dor. Assim, este trabalho objetiva a possível interação do flavonóide eriodictiol com o receptor TRPV1. Inicialmente, observamos que o eriodictiol foi capaz de deslocar o radioligante [3H]-resiniferatoxina, em ensaio de união específica, do receptor TRPV1 com uma concentração inibitória 50% (IC50) de 46.9 (20.70 - 118.9) nM. Ao mesmo tempo, o eriodictiol também inibiu o influxo de cálcio estimulado por capsaicina com IC50 de 44,4 (15,6 125,1) nM, sugerindo que este aja como um antagonista do receptor. Além disso, também observamos que o eriodictiol induz antinocicepção no teste da capsaicina intraplantar com efeito máximo de 49,0±10.5 e 63,9±4.0 % de inibição máxima para o tratamento oral e intratecal, respectivamente, e com uma dose efetiva 50% (DE50) de 2,4 (1,0 5,5) mg/kg 2,2 (1,6 2,9) nmol/site, respectivamente. Além disso, não observamos alterações na atividade locomotora ou temperatura corporal dos animais. A administração oral de eriodictiol também foi capaz de prevenir a nocicepção induzida por capsaicina intratecal (71,7±5,7 % de inibição). Ao mesmo tempo, o eriodictiol também aboliu a hiperalgesia térmica e reduziu a alodínia mecânica (62,4±9,2 %) induzidas por adjuvante completo de Freund. Da mesma forma, o eriodictiol também preveniu totalmente a diminuição de tiois não protéicos e formação de 3-nitrotirosina (3-NT) espinhais induzidas por capsaicina, ao passo que apresentou atividade antioxidante direta no texto de neutralização do radical ABTS. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram que o eriodictiol age como um antagonista do receptor TRPV1, com atividade antioxidante, induzindo antinocicepção sem os efeitos colaterais e limitações esperados para antagonistas do receptor TRPV1.

Mécanismes adaptatifs et interactions métaboliques au sein de communautés microbiennes soumises au stress arsénié / Adaptive mechanisms and metabolic interactions in microbial communities exposed to arsenic stress

Andres, Jérémy 15 October 2014 (has links)
L’arsenic est naturellement présent dans la croûte terrestre et de manière abondante dans certains environnements. Si cet élément est toxique pour la plupart des formes de vies, des micro-organismes développent différents mécanismes pour y faire face. Ce travail porte sur l’étude de ces processus impliquant à la fois des réponses individuelles et des interactions entre organismes appartenant à des domaines différents du vivant. Des approches de génomique descriptive et fonctionnelle mettent ainsi en évidence différents mécanismes adaptatifs et fonctions cellulaires impliqués dans la réponse à l’arsenic d’une bactérie et d’un protiste photosynthétique, Rhizobium sp. NT-26 et Euglena mutabilis, tous deux particulièrement résistants à cet élément. Par ailleurs, tandis que Rhizobium sp. NT-26 semble avoir perdu sa capacité à interagir avec les plantes, E. mutabilis fait au contraire partie intégrante d’une communauté microbienne incluant différentes bactéries et bénéficie de leur activité. / Arsenic naturally occurs in earth crust and is particularly abundant in some environments. While this element is toxic for most forms of life, micro-organisms have evolved different mechanisms to cope with it. This work deals with these different processes involving individual responses as well as interactions between organisms belonging to different domains of life. Descriptive and functional genomics approaches highlight several adaptative mechanisms and cellular functions involved in the arsenic response of a bacterium and a photosynthetic protist, Rhizobium sp. NT-26 and Euglena mutabilis, respectively, both being particularly resistant to arsenic. Also, while Rhizobium sp. NT-26 seems to have lost its ability to interact with plants, E. mutabilis is on the contrary an integral part of a microbial community including different bacteria and benefits from their activity.


[pt] A presente dissertação aborda o estudo de João 1,14, especificamente no uso do verbo habitar. Semelhanças textuais e temáticas aproximam o texto estudado das tradições veterotestamentárias acerca do tabernáculo israelita. O verbo skenoô e as variações provindas de sua raiz são usados pela LXX na maioria dos textos em que o tabernáculo está em questão. Desta forma, é pretendido pela pesquisa analisar a possibilidade do texto joanino ter a habitação de Deus no tabernáculo (eg. Ex 25,8) como base para a habitação do Logos entre os homens. Para alcançar tal objetivo, será feita uma análise comparativa entre o texto de João 1,14 e as declarações acerca do tabernáculo presentes no Antigo Testamento. / [en] This dissertation deals with the study of John 1:14, specifically in the use of the verb to dwell. Textual and thematic similarities approach the text studied in the Old Testament traditions about Israelite tabernacle. The skenoô verb and variations stemmed from its root, are used by the LXX in most texts where the tabernacle is in question. Thus, it is intended for research examining the possibility of the text of John have the habitation of God in the tabernacle (eg Ex. 25.8) as the basis for the dwelling of the Logos among men. To achieve this goal, a comparative analysis of the text of John 1:14 with the statements about the tabernacle present in the Old Testament will be made.


Leichner, Ted, Nicolo, Stephen J., Snyder, Ed, Stacy, Mark, Ziegler, Charles 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 23-26, 2000 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / This paper describes a PC-based Advanced Telemetry Processing and Display System (ATPDS)- a highend, real-time telemetry processing and display system implemented on a COTS PC platform. for A network-centric architecture was chosen from candidate architectures as the most viable for the ATPDS. The network-centric architecture is Windows NT-based, client/server based, supporting clients and servers on both local or remote PC workstations. The architecture supports distributing processing loads across multiple workstations, optimizing mission processing requirements. The advantage of this system is its flexibility and expandability with low acquisition and life-cycle support costs. The ATPDS allows the user to configure one or more small systems into a larger high-end system based on varying mission requirements.


Nicolais, Ray, Nicolo, Stephen J., Snyder, Ed 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 23-26, 2000 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / This paper describes a Multi-Function Telemetry Input Module (TIM). The TIM module includes a 30 Mbps PCM frame synchronizer, a time code translator/generator, a PCM simulator and a tunable bit synchronizer all on a single PCI card. The module uses a generic architecture including: high density Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), look-up table memory, dual port A/B data buffer memory and a full function PCI interface. The FPGA and the logic function of the card are downloadable via the PCI interface. This allows a single module to support many hardware functions in a telemetry front-end. The TIM is an integral part of a PC-based Advanced Telemetry Processing and Display System. This concept for hardware design ushers in a new generation of flexible downloadable telemetry products.

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