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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A New Additive Manufacturing (AM) File Format Using Bezier Patches

Allavarapu, Santosh January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

L'analyse isogéométrique dans la physique des plasmas et l'électromagnétisme

Ratnani, Ahmed 07 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Introduite récemment par Hughes et ses collaborateurs, l'Analyse Isogéométrique connaît un large succès pour des problèmes principalement industriels. L'idée est de faciliter la communication entre la C.A.O et la simulation numérique, sans avoir à repasser à chaque fois par des mailleurs. Ainsi, les fonctions définissants la géométrie sont utilisées pour approcher les solutions des équations à dérivées partielles. L' application aux problèmes issues de l'électromagnétisme ont été motivé par les travaux de Buffa et ses collaborateurs à Pavie. Dans cette thèse, nous avons appliqué cette méthode pour résoudre des problèmes issues de la physique des plasmas. S'il est vrai que la géométrie n'est pas définie, l'analyse isogéométrique dans sa version isoparamétrique, nous fournit un outil très puissant pour approcher les domaines de calculs. Dans un plasma, ce domaine est défini par la résolution d'un problème d'équilibre (MHD equilibrium). A partir de là, différents modèles sont utilisés pour décrire le plasma: cinétiques ( gyrocinétique) ou fluides. Nous avons passé en revue les méthodes les plus classiques et plus utilisées afin de révéler l'intérêt de la méthode. Se basant sur la structure de produit tensoriel, nous avons développé des solveurs rapides pour la résolution de certains problèmes. Nous avons aussi dérivé un solveur, se basant sur les complexes de Hilbert, pour les équations de Maxwell en "time domain".

NURBS-Enhanced Finite Element Method (NEFEM)

Sevilla Cárdenas, Rubén 24 July 2009 (has links)
Aquesta tesi proposa una millora del clàssic mètode dels elements finits (finite element method, FEM) per a un tractament eficient de dominis amb contorns corbs: el denominat NURBS-enhanced finite element method (NEFEM). Aquesta millora permet descriure de manera exacta la geometría mitjançant la seva representació del contorn CAD amb non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS), mentre que la solució s'aproxima amb la interpolació polinòmica estàndard. Per tant, en la major part del domini, la interpolació i la integració numèrica són estàndard, retenint les propietats de convergència clàssiques del FEM i facilitant l'acoblament amb els elements interiors. Només es requereixen estratègies específiques per realitzar la interpolació i la integració numèrica en elements afectats per la descripció del contorn mitjançant NURBS.La implementació i aplicació de NEFEM a problemes que requereixen una descripció acurada del contorn són, també, objectius prioritaris d'aquesta tesi. Per exemple, la solució numèrica de les equacions de Maxwell és molt sensible a la descripció geomètrica. Es presenta l'aplicació de NEFEM a problemes d'scattering d'ones electromagnètiques amb una formulació de Galerkin discontinu. S'investiga l'habilitat de NEFEM per obtenir solucions precises amb malles grolleres i aproximacions d'alt ordre, i s'exploren les possibilitats de les anomenades malles NEFEM, amb elements que contenen singularitats dintre d'una cara o aresta d'un element. Utilitzant NEFEM, la mida de la malla no està controlada per la complexitat de la geometria. Això implica una dràstica diferència en la mida dels elements i, per tant, suposa un gran estalvi tant des del punt de vista de requeriments de memòria com de cost computacional. Per tant, NEFEM és una eina poderosa per la simulació de problemes tridimensionals a gran escala amb geometries complexes. D'altra banda, la simulació de problemes d'scattering d'ones electromagnètiques requereix mecanismes per aconseguir una absorció eficient de les ones scattered. En aquesta tesi es discuteixen, optimitzen i comparen dues tècniques en el context de mètodes de Galerkin discontinu amb aproximacions d'alt ordre.La resolució numèrica de les equacions d'Euler de la dinàmica de gasos és també molt sensible a la representació geomètrica. Quan es considera una formulació de Galerkin discontinu i elements isoparamètrics lineals, una producció espúria d'entropia pot evitar la convergència cap a la solució correcta. Amb NEFEM, l'acurada imposició de la condició de contorn en contorns impenetrables proporciona resultats precisos inclús amb una aproximació lineal de la solució. A més, la representació exacta del contorn permet una imposició adequada de les condicions de contorn amb malles grolleres i graus d'interpolació alts. Una propietat atractiva de la implementació proposada és que moltes de les rutines usuals en un codi d'elements finits poden ser aprofitades, per exemple rutines per realitzar el càlcul de les matrius elementals, assemblatge, etc. Només és necessari implementar noves rutines per calcular les quadratures numèriques en elements corbs i emmagatzemar el valor de les funciones de forma en els punts d'integració. S'han proposat vàries tècniques d'elements finits corbs a la literatura. En aquesta tesi, es compara NEFEM amb altres tècniques populars d'elements finits corbs (isoparamètics, cartesians i p-FEM), des de tres punts de vista diferents: aspectes teòrics, implementació i eficiència numèrica. En els exemples numèrics, NEFEM és, com a mínim, un ordre de magnitud més precís comparat amb altres tècniques. A més, per una precisió desitjada NEFEM és també més eficient: necessita un 50% dels graus de llibertat que fan servir els elements isoparamètrics o p-FEM per aconseguir la mateixa precisió. Per tant, l'ús de NEFEM és altament recomanable en presència de contorns corbs i/o quan el contorn té detalls geomètrics complexes. / This thesis proposes an improvement of the classical finite element method (FEM) for an efficient treatment of curved boundaries: the NURBSenhanced FEM (NEFEM). It is able to exactly represent the geometry by means of the usual CAD boundary representation with non-uniform rational Bsplines (NURBS), while the solution is approximated with a standard piecewise polynomial interpolation. Therefore, in the vast majority of the domain, interpolation and numerical integration are standard, preserving the classical finite element (FE) convergence properties, and allowing a seamless coupling with standard FEs on the domain interior. Specifically designed polynomial interpolation and numerical integration are designed only for those elements affected by the NURBS boundary representation.The implementation and application of NEFEM to problems demanding an accurate boundary representation are also primary goals of this thesis. For instance, the numerical solution of Maxwell's equations is highly sensitive to geometry description. The application of NEFEM to electromagnetic scattering problems using a discontinuous Galerkin formulation is presented. The ability of NEFEM to compute an accurate solution with coarse meshes and high-order approximations is investigated, and the possibilities of NEFEM meshes, with elements containing edge or corner singularities, are explored. With NEFEM, the mesh size is no longer subsidiary to geometry complexity, and depends only on the accuracy requirements on the solution, whereas standard FEs require mesh refinement to properly capture the geometry. This implies a drastic difference in mesh size that results in drastic memory savings, and also important savings in computational cost. Thus, NEFEM is a powerful tool for large-scale scattering simulations with complex geometries in three dimensions. Another key issue in the numerical solution of electromagnetic scattering problems is using a mechanism to perform the absorption of outgoing waves. Two perfectly matched layers are discussed, optimized and compared in a high-order discontinuous Galerkin framework.The numerical solution of Euler equations of gas dynamics is also very sensitive to geometry description. Using a discontinuous Galerkin formulation and linear isoparametric elements, a spurious entropy production may prevent convergence to the correct solution. With NEFEM, the exact imposition of the solid wall boundary condition provides accurate results even with a linear approximation of the solution. Furthermore, the exact boundary representation allows using coarse meshes, but ensuring the proper implementation of the solid wall boundary condition. An attractive feature of the proposed implementation is that the usual routines of a standard FE code can be directly used, namely routines for the computation of elemental matrices and vectors, assembly, etc. It is only necessary to implement new routines for the computation of numerical quadratures in curved elements and to store the value of shape functions at integration points. Several curved FE techniques have been proposed in the literature. In this thesis, NEFEM is compared with some popular curved FE techniques (namely isoparametric FEs, cartesian FEs and p-FEM), from three different perspectives: theoretical aspects, implementation and performance. In every example shown, NEFEM is at least one order of magnitude more accurate compared to other techniques. Moreover, for a desired accuracy NEFEM is also computationally more efficient. In some examples, NEFEM needs only 50% of the number of degrees of freedom required by isoparametric FEs or p-FEM. Thus, the use of NEFEM is strongly recommended in the presence of curved boundaries and/or when the boundary of the domain has complex geometric details.

Motion Optimistion Of Plunging Airfoil Using Swarm Algorithm

Arjun, B S 09 1900 (has links)
Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) are battery operated, remote controlled miniature flying vehicles. MAVs are required in military missions, traffic management, hostage situation surveillance, sensing, spying, scientific, rescue, police and mapping applications. The essential characteristics required for MAVs are: light weight, maneuverability, ease of launch in variety of conditions, ability to operate in very hostile environments, stealth capabilities and small size. There are three main classes of MAVs : fixed, rotary and flapping wing MAV’s. There are some MAVs which are combinations of these main classes. Each class has its own advantage and disadvantage. Different scenarios may call for different types of MAV. Amongst the various classes, flapping wing class of MAVs offer the required potential for miniaturisation and maneuverability, necessitating the need to understand flapping wing flight. In the case of flapping winged flight, the thrust required for the vehicle flight is obtained due to the flapping of the wing. Hence for efficient flapping flight, optimising the flap motion is necessary. In this thesis work, an algorithm for motion optimisation of plunging airfoils is developed in a parallel framework. An evolutionary optimisation algorithm, PSO (Particle Swarm Optimisation), is coupled with an unsteady flow solver to develop a generic motion optimisation tool for plunging airfoils. All the unsteady flow computations in this work are done with the HIFUN1 code, developed in–house in the Computational Aerodynamics Laboratory, IISc. This code is a cell centered finite volume compressible flow solver. The motion optimisation algorithm involves starting with a population of motion curves from which an optimal curve is evolved. Parametric representation of curves using NURBS is used for efficient handling of the motion paths. In the present case, the motion paths of a plunging NACA 0012 airfoil is optimised to give maximum flight efficiency for both inviscid and laminar cases. Also, the present analysis considers all practically achievable plunge paths, si- nusoidal and non–sinusoidal, with varying plunge amplitudes and slopes. The results show promise, and indicate that the algorithm can be extended to more realistic three dimension motion optimisation studies.

Localisation et reconstruction du réseau routier par vectorisation d'image THR et approximation des contraintes de type "NURBS"

Naouai, Mohamed 20 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse vise à mettre en place un système d'extraction de réseau routier en milieu urbain à partir d'image satellite à très haute résolution. Dans ce contexte, nous avons proposé deux méthodes de localisation de routes. La première approche est fondée sur la procédure de conversion de l'image vers un format vectoriel. L'originalité de cette approche réside dans l'utilisation d'une méthode géométrique pour assurer le passage vers une représentation vectorielle de l'image d'origine et la mise en place d'un formalisme logique fondé sur un ensemble de critères perceptifs permettant le filtrage de l'information inutile et l'extraction des structures linéaires. Dans la deuxième approche, nous avons proposé un algorithme fondé sur la théorie des ondelettes, il met particulièrement en évidence les deux volets multi-résolution et multi-direction. Nous proposons donc une approche de localisation des routes mettant en jeux l'information fréquentielle multi directionnelle issue de la transformée en ondelette Log-Gabor. Dans l'étape de localisation, nous avons présenté deux détecteurs de routes qui exploitent l'information radiométrique, géométrique et fréquentielle. Cependant, ces informations ne permettent pas un résultat exact et précis. Pour remédier à ce problème, un algorithme de suivi s'avère nécessaire. Nous proposons la reconstruction de réseaux routiers par des courbes NURBS. Cette approche est basée sur un ensemble de points de repères identifiés dans la phase de localisation. Elle propose un nouveau concept, que nous avons désigné par NURBSC, basé sur les contraintes géométriques des formes à approximer. Nous connectons les segments de route identifiés afin d'obtenir des tracés continus propres aux routes.

Techniques de conception assistée par ordinateur (CAO) pour la caractérisation de l'espace de travail de robots manipulateurs parallèles

Arrouk, Khaled 12 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les environnements CAO fournissent des outils puissants pour la programmation graphique et la manipulation d'entités géométriques complexes. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d'exploiter ce potentiel dans le domaine de la conception de robots parallèles. Ces robots sont considérés comme une alternative intéressante vis-à-vis de leurs homologues sériels dans différentes applications comme le " pick and place " et l'usinage. Cependant, leur utilisation industrielle est encore restreinte en raison d'un espace de travail limité, de modèles géométriques difficiles à résoudre et l'existence de configurations singulières délimitant leur domaine d'exploitation. L'analyse et la caractérisation de l'espace de travail jouent alors un rôle fondamental dans la phase de conception de robots manipulateurs parallèles. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous proposons des approches géométriques originales donnant lieu à un ensemble de méthodes et techniques basées CAO pour l'analyse et la caractérisation de l'espace de travail de robots parallèles plans et spatiaux. L'espace de travail est généré comme un solide dans l'environnement CAO à partir d'un paramétrage géométrique, d'esquisses et d'opérations élémentaires telles que le balayage hélicoïdal et l'intersection. Nous avons montré que ces méthodes constituent des outils pertinents et efficaces d'aide à la conception des mécanismes parallèles. Ils permettent également la résolution du problème géométrique direct et la génération de trajectoires libres de singularités. Plusieurs types de manipulateurs ont été considérés dans ce travail pour mettre en avant et illustrer les techniques CAO / Géométriques proposées : robots parallèles plans à 3 degrés de mobilité de type 3-RPR, 3-RRR, 3-PPR et 3-PRR, robots parallèles spatiaux à 6 degrés de mobilité de type ou 3-CRS ou 3-PRRS.

Interpolace signálů pomocí NURBS křivek / Interpolation with NURBS curves

Škvarenina, Ľubomír January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with image interpolation. The aim of this work is to study theoretically and then describe the nature of the various methods of image interpolation and some of them implemented in the program MATLAB. The introductory part of this work theoretically closer to important terms that are closely related to this topic of digital image processing sufficient to understand the principle. In the following of the thesis will be discussed all of today's commonly used method of image interpolation. Will hear all about the method of image interpolation using nearest neightbor interpolation and image help of polynimals such as (bi)linear, (bi)quadratic and (bi)kubic method. Then work theoretically analyzes the theory of individual species curves and splines. More specifically, coming to their most frequently used variants of B-spline curves and ther generalizations called NURBS, with addressing the problem of interpolating these curves. The final chapter consists of the results achieved in the program MATLAB.


Huanyu Liao (12880844) 16 June 2022 (has links)
<p>Moving boundary problems such as solidification, crack propagation, multi-body contact or shape optimal design represent an important class of engineering problems. Common to these problems are one or more moving interfaces or boundaries. One of the main challenges associated with boundary evolution is the difficulty that arises when the topology of the geometry changes. Other geometric issues such as distance to the boundary, projected point on the boundary and intersection between surfaces are also important and need to be efficiently solved. In general, the present thesis is concerned with the geometric arrangement and behavioral analysis of evolving parametric boundaries immersed in a domain. </p> <p>The first problem addressed in this thesis is the packing of ellipsoidal fillers in a regular domain and to estimate their effective physical behavior. Particle packing problem arises when one generates simulated microstructures of particulate composites. Such particulate composites used as thermal interface materials (TIMs) motivates this work. The collision detection and distance calculation between ellipsoids is much more difficult than other regular shapes such as spheres or polyhedra.  While many existing methods address the spherical packing problems, few appear to achieve volume loading exceeding 60%. The packing of ellipsoidal particles is even more difficult than that of spherical particles due to the need to detect contact between the particles. In this thesis, an efficient and robust ultra-packing algorithm termed Modified Drop-Fall-Shake is developed. The algorithm is used to simulate the real mixing process when manufacturing TIMs with hundreds of thousands ellipsoidal particles. The effective thermal conductivity of the particulate system is evaluated using an algorithm based on Random Network Model. </p> <p><br></p> <p>In problems where general free-form parametric surfaces (as opposed to the ellipsoidal fillers) need to be evolved inside a regular domain, the geometric distance from a point in the domain to the boundary is necessary to determine the influence of the moving boundary on the underlying domain approximation. Furthermore, during analysis, since the driving force behind interface evolution depends on locally computed curvatures and normals, it is ideal if the parametric entity is not approximated as piecewise-linear. To address this challenge,  an algebraic procedure is presented here to find the level sets of rational parametric surfaces commonly utilized by commercial CAD systems. The developed technique utilizes the resultant theory to construct implicit forms of parametric Bezier patches, level sets of which are termed algebraic level sets (ALS). Boolean compositions of the algebraic level sets are carried out using the theory of R-functions. The algebraic level sets and their gradients at a given point on the domain can also be used to project the point onto the immersed boundary. Beginning with a first-order algorithm, sequentially refined procedures culminating in a second-order projection algorithm are described for NURBS curves and surfaces. Examples are presented to illustrate the efficiency and robustness of the developed method. More importantly, the method is shown to be robust and able to generate valid solutions even for curves and surfaces with high local curvature or G<sub>0</sub> continuity---problems where the Newton--Raphson method fails due to discontinuity in the projected points or because the numerical iterations fail to converge to a solution, respectively. </p> <p><br></p> <p>Next, ALS is also extended for boundary representation (B-rep) models that are popularly used in CAD systems for modeling solids. B-rep model generally contains multiple NURBS patches due to the trimming feature used to construct such models, and as a result are not ``watertight" or mathematically compatible at patch edges. A time consuming geometry clean-up procedure is needed to preprocess geometry prior to finite element mesh generation using a B-rep model, which can take up to 70% of total analysis time according to literature. To avoid the need to clean up geometry and directly provide link between CAD and CAE integration,  signed algebraic level sets using novel inner/outer bounding box strategy is proposed for point classification of B-rep model. Several geometric examples are demonstrated, showing that this technique naturally models single patch NURBS geometry as well, and can deal with multiple patches involving planar trimming feature and Boolean operation. During the investigation of algebraic level sets, a complex self-intersection problem is also reported, especially for three-dimensional surface. The self-intersection may occur within an interval of interest during implicitization of a curve or surface since the implicitized curve or surface is not trimmed and extends to infinity. Although there is no robust and universal solution the problem, two potential solutions are provided and discussed in this thesis.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In order to improve the computational efficiency of analysis in immersed boundary problems, an efficient local refinement technique for both mesh and quadrature  using the kd-tree data structure is further proposed. The kd-tree sub-division is theoretically proved to be more efficient against traditional quad-/oct-tree subdivision methods. In addition, an efficient local refinement strategy based on signed algebraic level sets is proposed to divide the cells. The efficiency of kd-tree based mesh refinement and adaptive quadrature is later shown through numerical examples comparing with oct-tree subdivision, revealing significant reduction of degrees of freedom and quadrature points.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Towards analysis of moving boundaries problems, an explicit interface tracking method termed enriched isogeometric analysis (EIGA) is adopted in this thesis. EIGA utilizes NURBS shape function for both geometry representation and field approximation. The behavior field is modeled by a weighted blending of the underlying domain approximation and enriching field, allowing high order continuity naturally. Since interface is explicitly represented, EIGA provides direct geometric information such as normals and curvatures. In addition, the blending procedure ensures strong enforced boundary conditions. An important moving boundary problem, namely, reaction-diffusion problem, is investigated using EIGA. In reaction-diffusion problems, the phase interfaces evolve due to chemical reaction and diffusion under multi-physics driven forces, such as mechanical, electrical, thermal, etc. Typical failure phenomenon due to reaction-diffusion problems include void formation and intermetallic compound (IMC) growth. EIGA is applied to study factors and behavior patterns in these failure phenomenon, including void size, current direction, current density, etc. A full joint simulation is also conducted to study the degradation of solder joint under thermal aging and electromigration. </p>

Advanced Algorithms for Virtual Reconstruction and Finite Element Modeling of Materials with Complex Microstructures

Yang, Ming January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Reducing Curvature in Complex Tool Paths by Deviating from CAM-Produced Tool Paths Within a Tolerance Band

Naseath, George Benjamin 12 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis develops an algorithm to decrease high-curvature sections in tool paths for complex parts to achieve shorter machining times resulting in higher production rates. In the research sample cases, the algorithm decreased machining times by 1% to 9% for design-induced sections of high curvature and by 16% to 75% for CAM induced ripples using high path tolerances. High-curvature sections in tool paths are caused by complex part geometry, noise, and discontinuities in the model. The curvature is decreased by deviating the tool path within an allowable path tolerance. The feedrate along the tool path is directly related to the curvature of the tool path. High-curvature sections cause the NC machine to reduce the feedrate along the tool path due to acceleration and jerk limits. These lower feedrates increase machining time and slow production rates. This new algorithm decreases curvature, which increases feedrates and decreases machining times, thereby increasing production rates for manufacturing companies. The tool paths are represented by cubic B-splines. The algorithm is based on the basic principle that the curvature of a B-spline directly relates to the geometry of its control polygon. If the control polygon's geometry has many tight corners then the B-spline will have high curvature. If the control polygon's geometry is a straight line then the B-spline will be a straight line with zero curvature. The algorithm deviates the control polygon's points so that they move towards forming a straight line. The control polygon will rarely form a straight line because the spline is limited by the path tolerance. However, as the control polygon moves towards forming a straight line, the curvature decreases, which allows the feedrate to increase. Six sample cases are explored in which the machining time is decreased. Three of the cases are tool paths that contain curvature sections with a range of unnecessary curvature from low to high. One sample is the tool path for the complex geometry in a snow tire mold. Another sample tool path contains ripples caused by noise in the CAD model. The last tool path contains ripples caused by tangency discontinuities in the CAD model. The percent of time saved directly relates to the severity of the curvature in the part. This thesis provides a quick and efficient means to reduce curvature in complex parts, resulting in decreased machining times and increased production rates.

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