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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A toughened composite for improving the anchoring of composite tensile armors of flexible risers / Un composite renforcé pour améliorer l’ancrage des armures de traction en composite des risers flexibles / Compósito para melhoria da ancoragem das armaduras de tração de compósito de risers flexíveis

Pereira Mattedi, Rafael 02 July 2019 (has links)
L'utilisation de composites et nano composites est une tendance croissante dans des industries telles que l'aérospatiale, l'automobile et l'énergie. Pour de nombreuses applications, l'adhésion entre des structures pour bien transférer les efforts est un problème difficile à résoudre. Dans l’industrie pétrolière, par exemple, une technique utilisée pour ancrer les armures de traction d’une conduite flexible est à travers un époxy intégré car elle fournit une bonne résistance mécanique et chimique. Cependant, des fissures et des défauts peuvent apparaître dans le bloc époxy pendant les opérations ou le montage lors de l'étape de cuisson de l'époxy, et ces fissures pourraient affecter les performances d'ancrage, en particulier pour les armures composites en fibre de carbone (CFAs). Dans ce contexte, ce travail propose le renforcement de l'époxy pour l'ancrage du CFA, focalisé sur les propriétés mécaniques et d'adhérence. Un modèle analytique est développé pour le mécanisme d'ancrage du CFA et vérifié par analyse numérique pour évaluer la sensibilité du système aux caractéristiques de l’époxy. Ainsi, l'augmentation de ces propriétés est proposée par l'ajout de nanotubes de carbone multi-feuilles (MWCNTs) et des essaies sont réalisées avec le époxy pur et renforcés pour caractériser l’augmentation des propriétés mécaniques et adhésives. Ensuite, la morphologie des nanotubes et l'homogénéité de la matrice sont investiguées pour corréler avec des résultats mécaniques. La recherche a confirmé une amélioration de la résistance à l'ancrage en renforçant la matrice époxy avec des MWCNTs. / The use of composite and nanocomposites is a growing trend in many industries such as aerospace, automotive and energy. For many applications, the adhesion between structures for efficiently transferring loads is a difficult problem to solve. In oil and gas segment, for instance, a common technique used for anchoring the tensile armors of flexible riser within the end fitting is through an embedded epoxy since it provides good mechanical and chemical resistance. Even though, cracks and defects can arise in the epoxy block during operations or mounting at epoxy curing step, and such cracks could affect the anchoring performance, in particular for carbon fiber composite armors (CFA). In this context, this work proposes the improvement of the epoxy for anchoring the CFA, with a focus on the mechanical and adhesion properties. An analytical model is developed for CFA anchoring mechanism and verified by numerical analysis to evaluate the sensitivity of the system to the epoxy characteristics. Thus, the increase of these properties is proposed by adding multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) and some experiments are carried out with neat and toughened epoxies to characterize the gain of mechanical and adhesive properties. Then, nanotubes morphology and the matrix homogeneity are expertized to correlate with mechanical results. The research confirmed an improvement of anchoring resistance by toughening the epoxy matrix with MWCNTs. / O uso de compósitos e nano compósitos é uma tendência crescente em muitas indústrias, como aeroespacial, automotivo e energia. Para muitas aplicações, a adesão entre estruturas para transferência eficiente dos esforços é um problema de difícil solução. No segmento de óleo e gás, por exemplo, uma técnica comum utilizada para ancorar as armaduras de tração do tubo flexível dentro do conector é através de um epóxi embebido, pois proporciona boa resistência mecânica e química. No entanto, trincas e defeitos podem surgir no bloco de epóxi durante as operações ou montagem, na etapa de cura do epóxi, e tais defeitos podem afetar a performance de ancoragem, em particular para armaduras de compósito de fibra de carbono (CFA). Neste contexto, este trabalho propõe a melhoria do epóxi para ancorar o CFA, com foco nas propriedades mecânicas e adesivas. Um modelo analítico é desenvolvido para o mecanismo de ancoragem do CFA e verificado por análise numérica para avaliar a sensibilidade do sistema às características do epóxi. Assim, o aumento dessas propriedades é proposto pela adição de nano-tubos de carbono de múltiplas paredes (MWCNTs) e alguns experimentos são realizados com os epóxis puro e modificado para caracterizar o ganho de propriedades mecânicas e adesivas. Em seguida, a morfologia dos nano-tubos e a homogeneidade da matriz são investigadas para correlacionar com os resultados mecânicos. A pesquisa confirmou uma melhoria da resistência à ancoragem ao tenacificar a matriz de epóxi com MWCNTs.

Višeskalna strategija strukturiranja polimernih nano-kompozita na osnovu različitih prekursora / Multiscale strategy of structuring polymer nano-composites based on various precursors

Tanasić Ljiljana 22 July 2011 (has links)
<p>Ovaj rad je imao za cilj , razvoj postupka sinteze polimernih prekursora mreža na bazi<br />obnovljivih sirovina. Razvijen je postupak sinteze poli laktida u rastvoru dihlor metana. Vreme trajanja postupka sinteze je 6 h, a uspe&scaron;nost samog procesa je potvrđena metodama identifikacije i karakterizacije dobijenih polimera PLLA. U ovom radu, za ispitivanja dobijenih polimernih materijala, uzimajući u obzir ideju o krajnjoj nameni, kori&scaron;ćene su sledeće metode: GPC ( Gel Permeation Chromarography) za određivanje raspodele molekulske mase; IR spektrofotometrija, prikazuje vibraciju atomskih, molekulskih ili funkcionaknih grupa; i termička analiza TGA i DSC, za praćenje promena pri kontrolisanom zagrevanju i hlađenju.<br />Jedan od ciljeva rada je bio i da se da pregled postojećih teorija ojačanja elastomera punilima sa nano česticama, i ispita pona&scaron;anje nano-kompozitnih materiajala pod dejstvom visoko energetskog zračenja ( gama zračenja). U eksperimentalnom delu ispitivani su elastomerni materijale na bazi butadienakrilonitrilnog kaučuka (NBR) i hlorsulfonovanog polietilenskog kaučuka (CSM) . Me&scaron;anjem CSM i NBR formiraju se umreženi sistemi, koji se koriste kao prekursori mreža za dobijanje nano-kompozitnih materijala ojačanaih česticama aktivnih punilačađi i silicijum (IV) oksida. Kod tako dobijenih materijala ispitivane su karakteristike pre i posle ozračivanja &gamma; zracima. Dinamičko-mehaničkom analizom potvrđen je ojačavajući efekat punila.</p> / <p> This work was aimed at the development procedure for the synthesis of polymer precursors<br /> network based on renewable raw materials. Developed a procedure for synthesis of poly<br /> lactide in solution, dichloro methane. The duration of the synthesis procedure was 6 h, and<br /> the success of the process was confirmed by the methods of identification and<br /> characterization of the obtained polymer PLLA. In this paper, the investigation obtained<br /> polymer materials, taking into account the idea of final destination, following methods were<br /> used: GPC (gel permeation Chromarography) to determine the distribution of molecular<br /> weight, IR spectrophotometry, showing the vibration of atomic, molecular or funkcionaknih<br /> group, and thermal analysis TGA and DSC, to track changes in a controlled heating and<br /> cooling.<br /> One of the aims of this study was to be given to review of existing theories of reinforcement<br /> fillers elastomer with nano particles, and examine the behavior of nano-composite<br /> materiajala under the influence of high energy radiation (gamma radiation). In the<br /> experimental part of elastomeric materials have been studied on the basis of<br /> butadienakrilonitrilnog rubber (NBR) and chlorosulphonated polyethylene rubber (CSM). CSM NBR mixing and forming the network system, which are used as precursors for a<br /> network of nano-composite particles ojačanaih active fillers-carbon black and silicon (IV)<br /> oxide. With so obtained materials were investigated characteristics before and after<br /> irradiation with &gamma; rays. Dynamic-mechanical analysis confirmed the reinforcing effect of<br /> fillers.</p>

Piezoresistive Nano-Composites: Characterization and Applications

Hyatt, Thomas B. 25 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Innovative multifunctional materials are essential to many new sensor applications. Piezoresistive nano-composites make up a promising class of such materials that have the potential to provide a measurable response to strain over a much wider range than typical strain gages. Commercial strain gages are currently dominated by metallic sensors with a useable range of a few percent strain at most. There are, however, many applications that would benefit from a reliable wide-range sensor. These might include the study of explosive behavior, instrumentation of flexible components, motion detection for compliant mechanisms and hinges, human-technology interfaces, and a wide variety of bio-mechanical applications where structural materials may often be approximated as elastomeric. In order to quantify large strains, researchers often use optical methods which are tedious and difficult. This thesis proposes a new material and technique for quantifying large strain (up to 40%) by use of piezoresistive nano-composite strain gages. The nano-composite strain gage material is manufactured by suspending nickel nano-strands within a biocompatible silicone matrix. Study and design iteration on the strain gage material requires an improved understanding of the electrical behavior and conduction path within the material when strained. A percolation model has been suggested for numerical approximations, but has only provided marginal results for lack of data. Critical missing information in the percolation model is the nano-strand cluster size, and how that size changes in response to strain. These data are gathered using a dynamic technique in the scanning electron microscope called voltage contrast. Cluster sizes were found to vary in size by approximately 6% upon being strained to 10%. A feasibility study is also conducted on the nano-composite to show its usability as a strain gage. High Displacement Strain Gages (HDSGs) were manufactured from the nano-composite. HDSGs measured the strain of bovine ligament under prescribed loading conditions. Results demonstrate that HDSGs are an accurate means for measuring ligament strains across a broad spectrum of applied deformations.

Contribution aux développements des technologies de compression polymères chargés pour la réalisation d'inserts métalliques micro-structurés / Hybridation of micro replication processes by hot embossing and roll to roll with loaded polymer for the realization of metallic micro-structured die cavity

Zhang, Jie 18 December 2013 (has links)
Les travaux menés dans le cadre de cette thèse sont focalisés sur les procédés deréplication permettant la transformation des mélanges en composants par les technologiesen séquentiel ou bien en continu, selon les applications visées. Les développementsconcernent la mise en place et l’hybridation de différents procédés de micro-réplication(estampage à chaud de polymère thermoplastique et par laminage circulaire entre deuxrouleaux). Ces deux procédés sont développés et optimisés pour l’élaboration decomposants micro-structurés ou de microcomposants possédant des propriétésfonctionnelles mécaniques ou thermo-physiques requises à partir de différents mélangeschargés en poudres métalliques ou en nanotubes de carbone. Des exemples de réalisationde composants structurés, à base d’un système micro-fluidique possédant plusieurs canauxde 200 microns par 200 microns et des réservoirs de diamètre de 2 mm, sont prises commeexemple tout au long de ces travaux de cette thèse. Différents travaux de caractérisationsont été entrepris pour optimiser les procédés de micro-réplication par estampage à chaud etpar laminage circulaire entre deux rouleaux. / The Ph.D subject concerns the study of two micro-replication processes by hotembossing and roll to roll processes for thermoplastic polymers and loaded polymers withpowders or carbon nanotubes. The micro-replication processes, realized in sequential orcontinuous ways, use some different elaborated loaded feedstocks in order to obtainstructural components or micro-component with high aspect ratio and mechanical orthermo-physical properties.A chain combining hot embossing and roll embossing and powder metallurgy have beendeveloped in our lab and investigated. The different micro mould die cavities have beenrealized with different micro-manufacturing process, elastomeric mould has been obtainedby casting process. Finally, a metallic structured die cavity has been obtained by combininghot embossing and debinding and sintering stages. The second topic is the comparison ofmetallic die cavity mould obtained by roll embossing or rolls embossing. Two demonstratorshave been developed during the preparation of this Ph.D period: first a metallic micro-fluidicsystem with micro-structuration with diameter of 1 mm for the reservoir and 200 microns by200 microns for the channel have been realized and characterized by different methods.Secondly, some functional micro-component has been obtained with carbon nanotube andsome specific properties in terms of mechanic and thermo-physical properties have beencharacterized.


Cheekati, Sree Lakshmi 20 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Investigations Into The Bulk Single Crystals, Nano Crystal Composites And Thin Films Of Ferroelectric Materials For Pyroelectric Sensor Applications

Satapathy, Srinibas 07 1900 (has links)
In this thesis, the results pertaining to various investigations carried out on Triglycine sulphate (TGS) single crystals, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) films, lithium tantalate (LT)/PVDF nanocomposites and LT thin films are presented with emphasis on the characteristics that are crucial for their use in pyroelectric sensors. TGS single crystals (size 68 x 45 x 42 mm3), which have high pyroelectric coefficients, were grown by slow cooling method using newly designed platform technique based crystal growth work stations. The problem of slow growth rate along c-direction was overcome by placing (010) oriented seeds on the platform. The grown TGS crystals were used for the fabrication of the laser energy meter and temperature sensor. One drawback of TGS is its low Curie temperature (490C). As a consequence when the operating temperature approaches the Curie temperature, the crystals start depolarizing owing to the movement of domains. As a result the linearity of the devices gets affected and restricts the use of TGS. Therefore pyroelectric materials possessing higher Curie temperatures and larger pyroelectric coefficients than that of TGS are desirable. LT in single crystalline form having Curie temperature of ≈6000C has already been in use for pyroelectric device applications. However, growing stoichiometric LT single crystal is very difficult. On the other hand PVDF polymer films (Tc≈1800C) have low pyrolectric coefficients and difficult to pole electrically. Therefore efforts were made to prepare LT/PVDF nanocrystal composites to increase the pyroelectric coefficient of PVDF and to reduce the poling field. Nanoparticles of LT were prepared using sol-gel route. Spherical nanoparticles of size 20-40nm were prepared from sol by adding oleic acid to it. These nanoparticles were characterized using XRD, TEM, DSC and Raman spectroscopy. PVDF films with large percentage of β-phase (ferroelectric phase) were fabricated from solutions prepared using dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) solvent. PVDF films (30µm thick), embedded with 20-40nm sized nanocrystallites of LT were fabricated to utilize them for pyroelectric sensor applications. The ferroelectric and pyrolectric properties of nano composite films were studied for sensor applications point of view. As a replacement for the single crystals of LT in pyroelectric sensors, investigations were carried out on oriented LT thin films. The studies on LT thin films yielded promising results which could be exploited for pyroelectric sensor applications.

Etude et développement de points mémoires résistifs polymères pour les architectures Cross-Bar / Development and Study of Organic Polymer Resistive Memories For Crossbar Architectures

Charbonneau, Micaël 19 January 2012 (has links)
Ces dix dernières années, les technologies de stockage non-volatile Flash ont joué un rôle majeur dans le développement des appareils électroniques mobiles et multimedia (MP3, Smartphone, clés USB, ordinateurs ultraportables…). Afin d’améliorer davantage les performances, augmenter les capacités et diminuer les coûts de fabrication, de nouvelles solutions technologiques sont aujourd’hui étudiées pour pouvoir compléter ou remplacer la technologie Flash. Citées par l’ITRS, les mémoires résistives polymères présentent des caractéristiques très prometteuses : procédés de fabrication à faible coût et possibilité d’intégration haute densité au dessus des niveaux d’interconnexions CMOS ou sur substrat souple. Ce travail de thèse a été consacré au développement et à l'étude des mémoires résistifs organiques à base de polymère de poly-méthyl-méthacrylate (PMMA) et de molécules de fullerènes (C60). Trois axes de recherche ont été menés en parallèle: le développement et la caractérisation physico-chimique de matériaux composites, l’intégration du matériau organique dans des structures de test spécifiques et la caractérisation détaillée du fonctionnement électrique des dispositifs et des performances mémoires. / Over the past decade, non-volatile Flash storage technologies have played a major role in the development of mobile electronics and multimedia (MP3, Smartphone, USB, ultraportable computers ...). To further enhance performances, increase the capacity and reduce manufacturing costs, new technological solutions are now studied to provide complementary solutions or replace Flash technology. Cited by ITRS, the polymer resistive memories present very promising characteristics: low cost processing and ability for integration at high densities above CMOS interconnections or on flexible substrate. This PhD specifically focused on the development and study of composite material made of Poly-Methyl-Methacrylate (PMMA) polymer resist doped with C60 fullerene molecules. Studies were carried out on three different axes in parallel: Composite materials development & characterization, integration of the organic material in specific test structure and advanced devices and finally detailed electrical characterization of memory cells and performances analysis.

Injectable formulations forming an implant in situ as vehicle of silica microparticles embedding superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for the local, magnetically mediated hyperthermia treatment of solid tumors

Le Renard, Pol-Edern 06 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente les travaux de développement de formulations injectables capables de se solidifier in situ, formant ainsi un implant piégeant des microparticules magnétiques en vue du traitement de tumeurs par induction magnétique d'une hyperthermie locale modérée. Nous exposons tout d'abord le contexte physique, biologique et clinique de l'hyperthermie comme traitement anticancéreux, particulièrement des modalités électromagnétiques. Les performances in vitro et in vivo des matériaux et formulations sont alors présentées. L'objet du chapitre suivant est la caractérisation des propriétés physicochimiques, magnétiques, et chauffantes, dans un champ magnétique alternatif (115 kHz, 9 - 12 mT), des microparticules de silice renfermant des nanoparticules d'oxyde de fer superparamagnétiques (SPIONs) et de deux de leurs formulations: un hydrogel d'alginate de sodium et un organogel de poly(éthylène-co-alcool vinylique) dans le diméthylsulfoxide. Finalement, nous présentons le potentiel thérapeutique de 20 minutes d'hyperthermie locale induite après injection de l'organogel superparamagnétique dans un modèle murin sous-cutané de tumeurs nécrosantes de colocarcinome humain.

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