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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Santa María la Real, Sangüesa (Navarra) die Bauplastik Santa Marías und die Skulptur Navarras und Aragóns im 12. Jahrhundert ; Rezeptor, Katalysator, Innovator? /

Müller, Beatrix. January 1997 (has links)
Berlin, Humboldt-Universiẗat, Diss., 1997. / Dateiformat: zip, Dateien im PDF-Format. - Enth.: Bd. 1. Hauptteil. Bd. 2. Anh. Bd. 2. Kataloge.

Aspectos sanitarios del archivo de la Parroquia de Santa Ana de Buñuel (Navarra), 1565-1989

Remón Gil, Julio 22 November 1990 (has links)
Con el fin de realizar un completo estudio demográfico-sanitario de la villa de Buñuel (Navarra), se han estudiado los libros parroquiales (desde 1565) y los del Registro Civil desde su implantación en 1870. Se han analizado 25.823 inscripciones de los libros parroquiales (12.970 de bautizos, 3.203 de matrimonios y 9.850 de defunciones) y 4.568 de los libros de defunciones del Registro Civil. El período abarcado comprende desde 1565 hasta diciembre de 1989. Los objetivos de esta tesis comprenden el análisis de los siguientes parámetros: 1) Inventario del personal sanitario que haya ejercido en la villa o que figure en sus libros ejerciendo en otros lugares. 2) Recuento de muertes accidentales o violentas. 3) Recuento de muertes súbitas no accidentales. 4) Estudio general de la mortalidad (sexos, edades, distribución por meses, ocasionada por acciones bélicas, epidemias, periodos de aumento de la mortalidad). 5) Estudio de la gemelaridad, de los bautizados de necesidad, de hijos póstumos y de los ilegítimos como orientación del ambiente sociológico de la villa. 6) Estudio general de la natalidad. 7) Estudio general de la nupcialidad. 8) Estudio de las profesiones no sanitarias que figuran reflejadas en los libros parroquiales, y de las personas de algún relieve social, como reflejo de la realidad sociológica de la población. La información y su análisis se presenta separada por siglos dado el prolongado espacio de tiempo que abarca el estudio.

Rire et sacré : la vision humoristique de la vérité dans l'"Heptaméron" de Marguerite de Navarre /

Perrenoud-Wörner, Judith. January 2008 (has links)
En même temps: Diss. phil. Basel, 2005. / Bibliogr. Index.

Tillämpning av oskarp logik i GIS-baserad skredanalys : Cuenca del Arga i Navarra, Spanien

Palmkron, Katarina January 2014 (has links)
Målet med denna studie är att framställa en modell för sannolikheten för skred i Cuenca del Arga i Navarra, Spanien, med hjälp av GIS och oskarp logik. Utifrån denna modell framställs en karta som visar områden där det finns sannolikhet för skred. Övergripande har metoden skett i fyra steg. Först har en skredindexkarta framställts, sedan har medlemsfunktioner skapats utifrån dessa med hjälp av skredriskparametrar. De ingående parametrarna har varit sluttningsvinkel, topografisk fuktighetsindex, avstånd till vattendrag, jordmån och markanvändning. Sedan har medlemsfunktionerna applicerats på parametrarna, som sedan slutligen kombinerats genom WLC (weighted linear combination). Detta resulterade i en sannolikhetskarta för skred med fem klasser. / The aim of this study is to construct a model in GIS (geographical information system) for landslide susceptibility mapping for Cuenca del Arga in Navarre, Spain, to identify potential areas for landslides. The model is based on fuzzy logic approach and the parameters are overlaid with WLC (weighted linear combination).

Forest stand delineation through remote sensing and Object-Based Image Analysis

Ortega-García, José Antonio January 2018 (has links)
Forest stand delineation is an essential task of forest management planning which can be time consuming and exposed to subjectivity. The increasing availability of LiDAR data and multispectral imagery offers an opportunity to improve stand delineation by means of remotely-sensed data. Under these premises, ASTER imagery and low-density LiDAR data have been used to automatically delineate forest stands in several forests of Navarra (Spain) through Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA). Canopy cover, mean height and the canopy model have been extracted from LiDAR data and, along with VNIR ASTER bands, introduced in OBIA for forest segmentation. The outcome of segmentation has been contrasted, on the one hand, assessing segments’ inner heterogeneity. On the other, OBIA’s segments and existing stand delineations have been compared with a new method of geometrical fitting which has been ad hoc designed for this study. Results suggest that low-density LiDAR and multispectral data, along with OBIA, are a powerful tool for stand delineation. Multispectral images have a limited predicting utility for species differentiation and, in practical terms, they help to discriminate between broad-leaved, conifer and mixed stands. The performance of ASTER data, though, could be improved with higher spatial resolution VNIR imagery, specifically sub-metric VNIR orthophotos. LiDAR data, in contrast, offers a great potential for forest structure depiction. This perspective is connected with the increasingly higher resolution datasets which are to be provided by public institutions and the rapid development of drone technology. Complexity of OBIA may limit the use of this technique for small consulting firms but it is an advisable instrument for companies and institutions involved in major forestry projects. / No

History and literature: recuperation, renovation and diversity of the historical novel in democratic Spain (1980-1995)

Martínez-Samos, José Agustín 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

El héroe en la novela histórico-romántica Española : (Macías, de Larra; Sancho Saldaña, de Espronceda, y Doña Blanca de Navarra, de Navarro Villoslada)

Dionne, Chantal January 1996 (has links)
Literary criticism has attacked more than once the romantic historical novel condemning it because it was presenting both at a time historical events and historical fiction, what was, according to some critics, encroaching upon the verisimilitude of the historical facts introduced in this kind of novel as well as diminishing the quality of the fictional story while hindering the process of creativity of the writers. Of course, the historical Spanish novel has also suffered from these pessimistic judgements, but it has been accused too of being in no way original for it was taken mainly as an imitation of Scott's works. We do not share this opinion, however, and think on the contrary that Spain has produced great historical fictions which are original from the standpoint of their plots and their characters. / In the first part of this thesis we will show how the Spanish hero of the historical, romantic novel is far from the model of hero typically depicted by Scott. The main objective of this study will be to define the entity or the masculine Spanish protagonist of the genre in question. For this purpose, we will compare three protagonists, Usdrobal, Macias and Jimeno, from three chosen Spanish novels, between each other and with other secondary characters, especially with their antagonists. The physical and moral aspects will be particularly underlined as we examine, for example, Lavater's science and, at the same, time, the actions, reactions and attitudes of these protagonists. As a result, we will be able to establish their profile and personality. Parallels will also be made, whenever useful, with other significant Spanish and European characters. In this analysis it will be made clear that these romantic beings who suffer terribly throughout their lives are vulnerable and original in opposition to both the traditional and the Scottian heroes.

El héroe en la novela histórico-romántica Española : (Macías, de Larra; Sancho Saldaña, de Espronceda, y Doña Blanca de Navarra, de Navarro Villoslada)

Dionne, Chantal January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Heterosexuella skådespel i Margareta av Navarras <em>Heptameron</em> / <em>Heterosexual Performances in Marguerite de Navarre’s</em> Heptameron

Andersson, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Jag vill i den här uppsatsen beskriva hur sexualitet och genus konstrueras, befästs och utmanas i Margareta av Navarras verk <em>Heptameron</em>. Jag utgår från Judith Butlers och Thomas Laqueurs queerteoretiska perspektiv och visar hur de olika maktdiskurserna kristendom, aristokrati, patriarkalism och nyplatonism påverkar och påtvingar olika konstruktioner av sexualitet<strong> </strong>och genus, och kan konstatera att alla dessa diskurser bygger på<strong> </strong>en normerande och<strong> </strong>normaliserad heterosexualitet som ständigt för tillbaka avvikelserna från denna norm, hos såväl devisanterna som i de två noveller jag studerat, till en binär könskategorisering. Huvudfokus ligger på tvetydigheten hos begrepp som man, kvinna, och fullkomlig kärlek. Jag menar att just avsaknaden av slutgiltiga definitioner av sådana begrepp i verket visar på att det inte går att finna något essentiellt ursprung eller någon slutgiltig definition av dem. Det är just därför den heterosexuella normen måste iscensättas gång på gång.</p><p>Jag menar dock att man kan konstatera att det finns en skillnad i fråga om de bakomliggande diskursernas gestaltning i ramberättelse där de slås fast och i novellerna där de problematiseras, vilket också påpekats av Bernard. Det finns med andra ord ett större utrymme för avvikande från sexualitets- och genusnormer i <em>Heptamerons </em>noveller, medan ramberättelsens funktion tycks vara att föra dem tillbaka till ordningen. Likväl sker en ständig upprepning av den heterosexuella normen både hos devisanterna och i novellerna, en upprepning som tyder på att heterosexualiteten inte är vare sig given eller naturlig utan iscensatt.</p> / <p>In this study I am analyzing how categories of sexuality and gender are represented in Marguerite de Navarre’s <em>Heptameron</em>. I have narrowed the object of study down to two of the seventy-two novellas; number forty-seven and forty-three, and to four of the ten devisants; Oisille, Parlamente, Hircan and Dagoucin. The theoretical frame<strong> </strong>is taken from Judith Butlers <em>Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity</em> (1990) and <em>Undoing Gender</em> (2004) and from Thomas Laqueurs <em>Making Sex. Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud</em> (1990). Butler’s aim is to deconstruct terms such as feminine and masculine, which function as imagined normalization categories due to power relations. In <em>Undoing Gender </em>she asks: “If I am a certain gender, will I still be regarded as part of the human? Will the ‘human’ expand to include me in its reach? If I desire in certain ways, will I be able to live?” These questions are of great importance for my study, which presents how the categories of sexuality and gender can be negotiated in the equalized frame Marguerite de Navarre creates for her ten devisants and novellas. At the same time I assess how every attempt to go beyond the boundaries of norms fails due to a norm of heterosexuality, which constrains the binary categories of man and woman.</p><p>There are four main discourses by which the heterosexual norm is internalized by the devisants in <em>Heptameron</em>: the Christian, the aristocratic, the patriarchal and the neo-platonic. I suggest that each of the four devisants that I have studied represents one of these discourses. Since there are no definitive lines or definitive conclusions reached in the discussions among them it would be more correct to say that all the discourses effect all of the devisants to some extent, but<strong> </strong>that all the devisants act through a main discourse when he/she express his/her individual opinions.</p><p>When the devisants in the frame leave it to the reader to come to a conclusion about right or wrong behavior for men and women, they are still rather set in their own opinions and, also, quite unforgiving. It is my contention that the novellas create more room for negotiations of the sexual and gender roles than the frame. In novella forty-three a woman acts within the role of the active, hence masculine, part of a love affair, and novella forty-seven tells the story of a <em>parfaicte</em> <em>amytié</em> between two men. But it is also obvious that these attempts to stress and break the norms of sexuality and gender are unsuccessful, once again due to the fixed norm of heterosexuality which constrain the binary categories of man and woman. In the novellas these very failures put the norms under stress, since they point out the very problem with the determination of sexual and gender categories which were prevalent during the Renaissance.</p><p>I conclude my results by returning to Butler’s question above; “If I desire in certain ways, will I be able to live?” In <em>Heptameron </em>one can always find a chance to try a different way, but in the end only the heterosexual desire in which man and woman are in dichotomy survives.</p>

Heterosexuella skådespel i Margareta av Navarras Heptameron / Heterosexual Performances in Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptameron

Andersson, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
Jag vill i den här uppsatsen beskriva hur sexualitet och genus konstrueras, befästs och utmanas i Margareta av Navarras verk Heptameron. Jag utgår från Judith Butlers och Thomas Laqueurs queerteoretiska perspektiv och visar hur de olika maktdiskurserna kristendom, aristokrati, patriarkalism och nyplatonism påverkar och påtvingar olika konstruktioner av sexualitet och genus, och kan konstatera att alla dessa diskurser bygger på en normerande och normaliserad heterosexualitet som ständigt för tillbaka avvikelserna från denna norm, hos såväl devisanterna som i de två noveller jag studerat, till en binär könskategorisering. Huvudfokus ligger på tvetydigheten hos begrepp som man, kvinna, och fullkomlig kärlek. Jag menar att just avsaknaden av slutgiltiga definitioner av sådana begrepp i verket visar på att det inte går att finna något essentiellt ursprung eller någon slutgiltig definition av dem. Det är just därför den heterosexuella normen måste iscensättas gång på gång. Jag menar dock att man kan konstatera att det finns en skillnad i fråga om de bakomliggande diskursernas gestaltning i ramberättelse där de slås fast och i novellerna där de problematiseras, vilket också påpekats av Bernard. Det finns med andra ord ett större utrymme för avvikande från sexualitets- och genusnormer i Heptamerons noveller, medan ramberättelsens funktion tycks vara att föra dem tillbaka till ordningen. Likväl sker en ständig upprepning av den heterosexuella normen både hos devisanterna och i novellerna, en upprepning som tyder på att heterosexualiteten inte är vare sig given eller naturlig utan iscensatt. / In this study I am analyzing how categories of sexuality and gender are represented in Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptameron. I have narrowed the object of study down to two of the seventy-two novellas; number forty-seven and forty-three, and to four of the ten devisants; Oisille, Parlamente, Hircan and Dagoucin. The theoretical frame is taken from Judith Butlers Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (1990) and Undoing Gender (2004) and from Thomas Laqueurs Making Sex. Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud (1990). Butler’s aim is to deconstruct terms such as feminine and masculine, which function as imagined normalization categories due to power relations. In Undoing Gender she asks: “If I am a certain gender, will I still be regarded as part of the human? Will the ‘human’ expand to include me in its reach? If I desire in certain ways, will I be able to live?” These questions are of great importance for my study, which presents how the categories of sexuality and gender can be negotiated in the equalized frame Marguerite de Navarre creates for her ten devisants and novellas. At the same time I assess how every attempt to go beyond the boundaries of norms fails due to a norm of heterosexuality, which constrains the binary categories of man and woman. There are four main discourses by which the heterosexual norm is internalized by the devisants in Heptameron: the Christian, the aristocratic, the patriarchal and the neo-platonic. I suggest that each of the four devisants that I have studied represents one of these discourses. Since there are no definitive lines or definitive conclusions reached in the discussions among them it would be more correct to say that all the discourses effect all of the devisants to some extent, but that all the devisants act through a main discourse when he/she express his/her individual opinions. When the devisants in the frame leave it to the reader to come to a conclusion about right or wrong behavior for men and women, they are still rather set in their own opinions and, also, quite unforgiving. It is my contention that the novellas create more room for negotiations of the sexual and gender roles than the frame. In novella forty-three a woman acts within the role of the active, hence masculine, part of a love affair, and novella forty-seven tells the story of a parfaicte amytié between two men. But it is also obvious that these attempts to stress and break the norms of sexuality and gender are unsuccessful, once again due to the fixed norm of heterosexuality which constrain the binary categories of man and woman. In the novellas these very failures put the norms under stress, since they point out the very problem with the determination of sexual and gender categories which were prevalent during the Renaissance. I conclude my results by returning to Butler’s question above; “If I desire in certain ways, will I be able to live?” In Heptameron one can always find a chance to try a different way, but in the end only the heterosexual desire in which man and woman are in dichotomy survives.

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