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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Access to Primary Health Care: Does Neighbourhood of Residence Matter?

Bissonnette, Laura 16 December 2009 (has links)
Access to primary health care is an important determinant of health. Within current research there has been limited examination of neighbourhood level variations in access to care, despite knowledge that local contexts shape health. The objective of this research is to examine neighbourhood-level access to primary health care in the city of Mississauga, Ontario. Street address locations of primary care physicians were obtained from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) website and analyzed using geographic information systems (GIS). A 'Three Step Floating Catchment Area' (3SFCA) method was derived and used to measure multiple dimensions of access for the population as a whole, for specific linguistic groups and for recent immigrants. This research identifies significant neighbourhood-level variations in access to care for each dimension of access and population subgroup studied. The research findings contribute to a more nuanced understanding of neighbourhood-level variability in access to health care.

Concevoir et habiter un quartier dit durable : injonctions écologiques et dynamiques collectives à Beauregard (Rennes) et Les Brichères (Auxerre) / Designing and living in a sustainable neighbourhood : ecological orders and collective dynamics in Beauregard (Rennes) and Les Brichères (Auxerre)

Valegeas, Francois 25 November 2014 (has links)
Concevoir et habiter un quartier dit durable. Injonctions écologiques et dynamiques collectives à Beauregard (Rennes) et Les Brichères (Auxerre) L'aménagement des villes constitue un enjeu crucial pour la mise en œuvre d'un développement durable. Les discours politiques font désormais de la ville durable l'horizon de la transition des espaces urbains actuels, en cherchant à davantage prendre en compte les enjeux écologiques, sociaux, économiques et de gouvernance. Dans ce contexte, les projets de quartiers dits durables se multiplient en France depuis quelques années, constituant tant des « vitrines » que des « laboratoires » d'expérimentation de ce développement urbain durable. Les concepteurs de ces quartiers dits durables cherchent à créer un « nouvel art de vivre ensemble », s'appuyant sur des modes d'habiter plus écologiques et valorisant la vie collective dans ces quartiers. Dans cette thèse nous interrogeons les principes de conception de ces projets, et notamment la projection des modes d'habiter, que nous confrontons aux pratiques réelles des habitants. Notre recherche croise trois niveaux d'analyse. Les appels à projets, en mettant en avant des « bonnes pratiques » et des objectifs d' « exemplarité », participent d'une standardisation de la conception autour de quelques principes et dispositifs, notamment techniques. Dans ces appels à projets comme dans les projets locaux, les quartiers dits durables ont pour ambition de faire évoluer les modes d'habiter. Ils sont pensés au travers de la figure d'un habitant-type adhérant au projet écologique, responsabilisé dans ses pratiques individuelles et investi dans la vie collective. Dans deux quartiers que nous avons analysés, à Beauregard (Rennes) et Les Brichères (Auxerre), des dispositifs d'incitation comportementale sont mis en œuvre. Leur appréhension par les habitants, et les formes d'appropriation dépendent des trajectoires sociales et résidentielles. C'est en effet selon qu'ils aient choisi ou non de s'installer dans ces quartiers que les habitants adhèrent au projet écologique véhiculé par le projet urbain. Quartiers durables ; développement durable ; vivre ensemble ; injonctions écologiques ; bonnes pratiques ; projet urbain ; mode d'appropriation / Designing and living in a sustainable neighbourhood. Ecological orders and collective dynamics in Beauregard (Rennes) and Les Brichères (Auxerre) Urban planning is a key issue to implement sustainable development. Political discourses make sustainable city the goal of the transition of today's urban spaces looking for a better coverage of ecological, social, economic and governance issues.In this context, the number of so-called sustainable districts projects has been growing in France for the last few years, being both “showcases” and “laboratories” of experimentation of this urban sustainable development. Designers of these so-called sustainable districts are aiming to create a “new art of living together” by relying on more ecological ways of inhabiting and by enhancing a neighborhood collective living. In this thesis, we question the design principles of these projects, and specifically the idea of the ways of inhabiting that we confront to the real practices of the inhabitants. Our research crosses three levels of analysis. Calls for projects, putting forward “best practices” and objectives of exemplarity”, contribute to a standardization of conception around a few principles and devices, especially technical ones. In these calls for projects as in local projects, so-called sustainable neighborhoods have the ambition to change the ways of inhabiting. They are considered trough a typical inhabitant ways, embracing the ecological project, made responsible in his individual practices and invested in the neighborhood collective life. In two neighbourhoods we analyzed, Beauregard in Rennes and Les Brichères in Auxerre, devices of behavior incitation are set. Their understanding and appropriation by the inhabitants depend on social and residential trajectory. Indeed, it's whether they have chosen to move in these neighborhoods that the inhabitants embrace the ecological project conveyed by the urban project. Sustainable neighborhoods; sustainable development; living together; ecological orders; best practices; urban project; mode of appropriation

Childrearing and education as social, political and everyday matters: an ethnography of poor neighbourhoods in the suburbs of Buenos Aires / La crianza y educación infantil como cuestión social, política y cotidiana: una etnografía en barrios populares del gran Buenos Aires

Santillán, Laura 25 September 2017 (has links)
Dentro de las ciencias sociales se produjeron importantes avances respecto al conocimiento de las formas culturales de la crianza y la educación infantil. Sin embargo, en el sentido común y también en parte del discurso académico, persisten importantes reduccionismos que no hacen más que retomar solo algunos aspectos del cuidado infantil. En el siguiente artículo nos proponemos analizar los procesos y las relaciones que atraviesan las iniciativas ligadas con el cuidado y la educación infantil en contextos marcados por la desigualdad. Para ello nos basamos en los registros de tipo etnográfico que realizamos en barrios populares del Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina. Como daremos cuenta con el análisis, las iniciativas ligadas con la socialización y educación de los chicos que viven en las barriadas populares se definen en tramas de intervención a cargo de actores sociales que incluyen y rebasan a las instituciones esperables para ello. nos referimos a actores que definimos como «sociales» y «políticos» en tanto producen significados sobre la educación en vinculación con distintas dimensiones de la vida social y en el marco de relaciones sociales atravesadas por el poder. / Important advances have been made in the social sciences with respect to our understanding of cultural variation in forms of childrearing and education.  However, common sense and certain academic discourses are persistently reductionist in taking only some aspects of childhood into consideration. In this article I analyze the processes and relations that surround activities related to childcare and education in contexts of marked social inequality.  The analysis is based on ethnographic fieldwork in popular neighbourhoods of Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina. I demonstrate how the socialization and education of children living in poor neighbourhoods are embedded in networks of intervention that depend on diverse social actors that include but also exceed the bounds of the institutions that might be expected to relate to this sector.  These actors, discussed as «social» and «political,» produce meanings that refer to education in its connections to different dimensions of social life, in a framework of social relations that are shot through with power.

How effective capacity building allows monitoring and evaluation to improve the delivery of sustainable urban mobility projects: Experience and lessons from the EU Metamorphosis project

Glock, J.P., Apeldoorn, N. van, Dazzo, L., Wong, A. 01 February 2021 (has links)
Sustainable urban mobility is an established target of policy making and planning in Europe. It is associated with, among others, better air quality, less noise disturbance, increased safety and quality of public space. In this regard, one of the EU Commission’s main tools to reach sustainable urban mobility, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP), require the explicit integration of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). Yet, European cities face common barriers when it comes to materialising M&E in practice. To avoid or overcome these barriers, this paper argues for integrating capacity building (CB). We draw this conclusion on the basis of experiences made during the M&E of the Horizon 2020 Project ‘Metamorphosis’. We report our experiences, rating different monitoring indicators used for the evaluation of measures transforming car-oriented neighbourhoods into children-friendly neighbourhoods in seven European cities. We then give advice on how to design and integrate CB for a feasible M&E scheme.

Understanding Residents’ Decision-Making in Urban Regeneration: A Case Study of Kale Neighborhood in Çorum, Turkey

Claney, Ethan January 2023 (has links)
This study examines the decision-making processes of residents in Turkey’s urban regeneration projects employing a single case study, namely, Çorum’s Kale neighbourhood. Çorum is a city with 250,000 inhabitants located in Black Sea Region. The aim is to uncover the factors influencing residents’ acceptance or rejection of urban regeneration and the role of the Turkish government in shaping their decisions. The thesis utilizes a Gramscian theoretical framework and mainly focuses on the fluid relationship between consent and coercion (Fusaro et al., 2017). Methods used in this research include reviewing relevant project documents and newspapers, various types of interviews including semi-structured, go-along and expert interviews, field observations, and photographic documentation of the neighbourhood, along with Tillmann-Healy’s (2003) “Friendship as method” approach capitalizing on the trust between neighbours and the researcher’s grandmother who resides in the investigated urban regeneration site. The literature reveals that the main factors shaping residents’ decisions both globally and in Turkey are the extent of resident participation in these initiatives, the presence of neoliberal authoritarian governance, residents’ socioeconomic positioning, cultural identity, tenure status, informal land ownership and perception of benefits like expanded infrastructure along with enhanced living standards, as well as their fears of forced eviction and displacement. On top of these factors, in Turkey, residents’ decisions are also shaped by fear of expropriation, religious and ethnic disparities, varying laws with different powers and the combination of neoliberal authoritarian governance with Islam. The empirical findings of this thesis suggest that the central issues causing Kale neighbourhood’s residents to reject urban regeneration are the absence of economic advantages provided by the government, which involves undervaluing their existing properties, reselling newly constructed relatively smaller units with higher prices and indebting them with substantial mortgages for extended periods. All in all, this thesis finds that residents’ decision-making process is multifaceted, involving a complex interplay of diverse factors that often affect them concurrently, underscoring the necessity for a holistic examination of their motivations. The thesis contributes to the existing literature by presenting a nuanced analysis of decision-making regarding urban regeneration in a highly polarized and contentious context. Furthermore, it adds to existing studies by presenting research on understudied, peripheral geography in Turkey, offering valuable insights into urban regeneration processes outside of the urban centers.

Områdesbaserad politik – möjligheter till strukturell förändring : Lokalt utvecklingsarbete i marginaliserade bostadsområden i Malmö / Area-based policy – opportunities for structural change : Local development work in marginalised neighbourhoods in Malmö

Karlsson, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
In 1995 the Swedish government launched the first area-based initiative Special initiatives in immigrant-dense neighbourhoods as a response to the current debate concerning the failings of the integration policy. The area-based policy and projects undertake the mission to reverse the trend in marginalized neighbourhoods in Sweden’s major cities from 1995 to 2014. The empirical material is from the projects Area-programs for a socially sustainable Malmö (2010-2015) and Lindängen towards the future (2012-2014), Malmö municipality. Adopting a social constructionist approach the study’s aim is to examine the projects’ assumptions concerning what – and who – should be changed and how.  Based on the policy´s claim to achieve structural change the study also examines if, and if so what, possibilities the projects have to create opportunities for structural change.   The study shows that the area-based projects cannot create opportunities for structural change but rather work to reduce the social consequences of structural deficiencies that are made visible through the reproduction of marginalised neighbourhoods. In the projects the social problem is constructed as consisting of four interrelated factors: long-term unemployment, foreign background, segregation and lack of social responsibility. The strategy is to mobilise public, private and civil sector actors so that they – despite society’s exclusion of people of foreign background in situations of long-term unemployment – take their social responsibility and make available resources to individual residents in order to prepare them for becoming active citizens. As they are not able to reduce poverty, promote inclusive political and economic processes or legitimate relationships between those in power and representatives of civil society with demands for changing conditions, their ability to create opportunities for structural change is found to be  limited. / 1995 implementeras det första områdesbaserade projektet Särskilda insatser i invandrartäta bostadsområden som svar på den pågående debatten rörande samhällsutvecklingen och den misslyckade integrationspolitiken. Den områdesbaserade politiken syftar till att vända utvecklingen i marginaliserade bostadsområden i Sveriges storstäder 1995-2014. Här studeras Malmö stads Områdesprogram för ett socialt hållbart Malmö (2010-2015) och Lindängen mot framtiden (2012-2014). Genom att anlägga en socialkonstruktionistisk ansats syftar studien till att undersöka föreställningar om vad - och vem - som bör förändras och hur. Med bakgrund i politikområdets anspråk om att uppnå strukturell förändring undersöker studien även om, och i så fall vilka, förutsättningar politikområdet och projekt i praktiken har att möjliggöra strukturell förändring.   Studien visar att de områdesbaserade projekten inte har möjlighet att verka strukturförändrande utan snarast arbetar för att minska de sociala konsekvenserna av strukturella brister som synliggörs genom reproduktionen av marginaliserade bostadsområden. Projekten konstruerar det sociala problemet som bestående av fyra interrelaterade faktorer: långvarig arbetslöshet, utländsk bakgrund, boendesegregation och bristande samhällsansvar. Deras strategi är att mobilisera offentliga, privata och civila sektorsaktörer för att de – trots samhällssystemets exkludering av människor med utländsk bakgrund i situationer av långvarig arbetslöshet – ska ta sitt samhällsansvar och tillgängliggöra resurser till enskilda invånare för att förbereda dem för att bli aktiva samhällsmedborgare. Projektens möjlighet att skapa strukturell förändring hindras av att de inte kan minska fattigdom, främja inkluderande politiska och ekonomiska processer, eller bidra till legitima relationer mellan makthavare och aktörer från det civila samhället med krav på förändrade villkor. / <p>QC 20161213</p>

Facteurs environnementaux immédiats et santé des enfants dans les zones de l’Observatoire de population de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

Bouba Djourdebbé, Franklin 05 1900 (has links)
Comme la plupart des villes en Afrique subsaharienne, Ouagadougou, capitale du Burkina Faso, a connu au cours de ces dernières décennies une croissance démographique rapide. Cette situation pose de nombreux problèmes d’ordre sanitaire et environnemental. Pourtant, les liens entre la santé et l’environnement immédiat sont encore faiblement étudiés du fait de la qualité des données qui, lorsqu’elles existent, se révèlent peu appropriées. La présente thèse vise à analyser les liens entre l’environnement immédiat et certains symptômes de maladies, plus spécifiquement la fièvre et la diarrhée ; deux problèmes majeurs de santé liés à l’environnement chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans dans les villes d’Afrique subsaharienne. Cette étude se base sur des données de l’Observatoire de population de Ouagadougou (OPO) recueillies entre 2009 et 2010 dans l’objectif d’étudier les inégalités de santé en milieu urbain (notamment les données de l’enquête santé portant sur 950 enfants de moins de 5 ans recueillies en 2010). La thèse décrit d’abord la santé environnementale en milieu urbain en dépassant l’opposition classique quartiers lotis/quartiers non lotis (zones d’habitation formelles/zones d’habitation informelles). Elle s’intéresse ensuite à l’évaluation plus fine des liens entre l’environnement immédiat et la fièvre en tenant compte des facteurs démographiques et socio-économiques pertinents dans l’estimation. Enfin, la thèse approfondit les analyses sur la co-occurrence de la diarrhée et de la fièvre en mettant en évidence les effets conjoints des facteurs environnementaux et démographiques. À l’aide des analyses spatiales basées sur la distance euclidienne, des analyses factorielles et de classification, cette étude décrit le contexte sanitaire des quartiers formels et informels et analyse la pertinence de la dichotomie entre les quartiers lotis et les quartiers non lotis dans les zones suivies par l’OPO. L’étude effectue également des analyses multivariées en recourant respectivement aux modèles logit simple et ordonné pour estimer les effets propres de l’environnement immédiat sur la fièvre et la co-occurrence de la diarrhée et de la fièvre chez les enfants. Les résultats de l’étude montrent que les risques environnementaux sont variables d’un quartier à l’autre, et que les quartiers lotis bien qu’étant les plus pourvus en services urbains de base sont les plus exposés aux dangers environnementaux. Néanmoins, ce constat ne suffit pas pour rendre compte de la vulnérabilité des enfants dans les quartiers lotis que dans les quartiers non lotis, puisque l’accès à l’eau, l’assainissement, la nature du sol, et le niveau d’éducation de la mère sont des facteurs clés dans l’occurrence des symptômes liés à l’environnement immédiat. On note également une hétérogénéité concernant la santé environnementale, notamment dans les zones non loties. En considérant les effets de l’environnement immédiat sur la fièvre chez les enfants, les résultats montrent que ces effets baissent après la prise en compte des variables démographiques, socio-économiques et du quartier de résidence. Les facteurs de l’environnement tels que la gestion des ordures ménagères et celle des eaux usées discriminent significativement la fièvre. Les enfants à Nioko 2 (quartier non loti), par exemple, ont deux fois plus de risque d’avoir eu de la fièvre par rapport à Kilwin (quartier loti). Les effets conjoints des facteurs environnementaux et démographiques sont également mis en exergue dans la co-occurrence de la diarrhée et de la fièvre, même si ces effets diminuent régulièrement avec le nombre des symptômes chez les enfants. Le fait d’être dans un ménage insalubre ou d’avoir le sol extérieur en terre augmente la propension de co-occurrence de la diarrhée et de la fièvre. En revanche, cette co-occurrence chez les enfants diminue significativement avec l’âge. Les effets de l’environnement sur l’occurrence ou la co-occurrence des symptômes existent, quand bien même ces effets diminuent avec la prise en compte des facteurs démographiques et socio-économiques et du quartier de résidence. Les résultats de la thèse plaident pour un effort méthodologique, afin d’affiner la définition des variables de l’environnement en milieu urbain. / Like most cities in sub-Saharan Africa, Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, has experienced skyrocketing demographic growth. This situation causes numerous problems from a sanitary and environmental standpoint. However, the ties between health and the immediate environment have still not been extensively studied, due to the poor quality of data which, when they exist, appear to be relatively ill-suited for such an analysis. This thesis aims to analyze the links between the environment and diseases symptoms, more specifically fever and diarrhea, two major environmentally-related health problems among children under 5 in cities in sub-Saharan Africa. This study is based on the data from the Ouagadougou Health and Demographic Surveillance System (Ouaga HDSS), collected between 2009 and 2010 with the goal of studying health inequalities in urban environments (including health survey data on 950 children under 5 years collected in 2010). The thesis first describes environmental health in urban environments going beyond the classic opposition between formal and informal neighbourhoods. It then examines the links between the environment and fever, taking into account relevant demographic and socio-economic factors in the analysis. Lastly, the thesis expands on studies on the co-occurrence of diarrhea and fever by underscoring the joint effects of environmental and demographic factors. Using spatial and factorial analysis followed by classifications, this study describes the health context of formal and informal neighbourhoods and analyzes the relevance of the dichotomy formal/informal neighbourhoods from the Ouaga HDSS. The study also performed multivariate analysis (simple and ordered logit models) to estimate the effects of the immediate environment of fever and the co-occurrence of diarrhea and fever in children. The results of our study show that environmental risks vary depending on the neighbourhood and the formal neighbourhoods, while better equipped in basic urban services, are the most exposed to environmental dangers. However, this finding is insufficient to explain the difference in vulnerability in child health across formal and informal neighbourhoods, as access to clean water, sanitation, the nature of the soil, and the mother's level of education are key factors in the occurrence of symptoms related to the environment. There is also heterogeneity in environmental health particularly in the informal areas. Considering the effects of the environment on children’s fever, the results suggest that the estimated size of these effects decline after taking into account demographic and socio-economic variables and the neighbourhood of residence. Environmental factors such as household waste and wastewater management have significant effects on the occurrence of childhood fever. For example, the risk of having had a fever for the children living in Nioko 2 (an informal and the poorest neighbourhood) is twice as high as for those in Kilwin (a formal and richer neighbourhood). The study of joint effects of environmental and demographic factors is also underscored in the co-occurrence of diarrhea and fever, even though these effects regularly diminish with the number of symptoms among children. Being in an insalubrious household or having a dirt floor increase the chance of co-occurrence of diarrhea and fever. Conversely, this co-occurrence declines substantially as children grow older. Environmental effects on the occurrence or co-occurrence of symptoms are found to exist, although their estimated importance are reduced when demographic and socio-economic factors and the neighbourhood of residence are taken into account. The results of this thesis underline the need for a methodological effort to refine the definition of environmental variables in cities in sub-Saharan Africa.

The Strength of Very Weak Ties

Jonuschat, Helga 08 April 2013 (has links)
Städtische soziale Netze wie Nachbarschaften, lokale Vereine oder Bürgerinitiativen bestehen aus eher lockeren, schwächeren Beziehungen, die oft nur zeitlich begrenzt und nur bis zu einem gewissen Grad für die einzelne Person von Bedeutung sind. Dennoch können sie ein Gefühl der sozialen Integration stärken und wichtige Unterstützungsleistungen bieten, beispielsweise in Form von Informationen und Hilfestellungen. In Zeiten von Facebook und anderen Sozialen Netzwerken stellt sich hierbei die Frage, ob internetbasierte Soziale Netzwerke das Potenzial bieten, die Bildung schwacher Beziehungen, also „weak ties“ vor Ort zu unterstützen. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet dieser Frage, indem sie die Kommunikationsstrukturen in nachbarschaftlichen sozialen Netzen mit denen in „Hybriden Sozialen Netzwerken“ vergleicht, die sowohl elektronische als auch face-to-face-Kommunikation nutzen. Hierbei werden die Aspekte herausarbeitet, die auf Unterschiede in Bezug auf den Prozess der sozialen Integration hinweisen. Insgesamt wurden 78 persönliche Interviews geführt und qualitativ über den Grounded Theory-Ansatz ausgewertet. Die empirischen Erkenntnisse lassen darauf schließen, dass es in lokalen sozialen Netzen neben den „weak ties“ zusätzlich „very weak ties“ gibt, die das individuelle Gefühl der sozialen Integration mitbestimmen. Diese sehr schwachen Bindungen wirken dabei sowohl in Nachbarschaften als auch in Hybriden Sozialen Netzen eher indirekt über passive Interaktionen (z.B. Beobachtungen) und bestimmen je nach persönlicher Einstellung, ob sich aus dem jeweiligen sozialen Netzwerk heraus engere Bindungen ergeben oder nicht. Während sich jedoch schwache Bindungen in nachbarschaftlichen und Hybriden Sozialen Netzen in vielen Aspekten ähneln, ergeben sich über elektronische Kommunikationsformen ganz neue Formen lokaler sozialer Netzwerke, die eine Ausweitung persönlicher sozialer Netzwerke vor Ort fördern können. / Urban social networks like neighborhoods, local associations or civic initiatives are bound by loose and weak ties that are usually only temporarily and to a certain degree important for individuals. However, they can support a feeling of social integration and are a source of support, e.g. in terms of information or help in everyday life. In times of facebook and other social networks, we face the question, if internet based social networks could help to support local weak ties, i.e. local relationships. In this context, this dissertation compares communication structures between neighbors with those within “hybrid social networks”, which integrate both virtual and face-to-face contacts. Here, differences can give a hint on new processes of social integration within local social networks that use both virtual and face-to-face communication. The empirical basis consists of 78 personal interviews that were evaluated on basis of the Grounded Theory approach. The results of this evaluation have revealed that in local social networks, a feeling of social integration is not only dependent on weak ties, i.e. active contacts, but also on “very weak ties” that are characterized by passive interactions (e.g. observations of network contacts). According to the individual attitude, very weak ties determine if local contacts will become stronger or not. Whereas weak ties show similar features in neighborly and hybrid social networks, the threshold to knit very weak ties is lower in hybrid networks. Thus, electronic communication can indeed initiate new forms of local social networks and broaden individual local contacts.

an architecture of daily life: the continuing evolution of Toronto's residential fabric

Vermeulen, Stephanie January 2006 (has links)
This thesis envisions a new way of living in the city of Toronto. It is a vision that evolves not from the ideologies on which Toronto was founded, set out over 100 years ago when all multi-family dwellings were called tenements and tenements were considered, among other things, immoral. Instead, it is a vision founded on a city that has seen immense change over the last century, and faces an even greater rate of change over the next. Our city prides itself on its cultural and social diversity, yet, architecturally, we still struggle to adapt within a fabric of single-family homes. The Dutch provide an edifying example of an architecture of daily life, embodied by their attitude toward issues of privacy, toward traffic, toward work and play. Based on a case study of housing in the Netherlands, a country that has successfully and creatively adapted to the demands of housing in a climate of rapid immigration and a diversifying population, this thesis proposes new, high density urban housing typologies for the city of Toronto. This new vision for the city serves not only to add the necessary density to our existing neighbourhoods, but to foster a strong community life and to provoke new ideas about urban living.

an architecture of daily life: the continuing evolution of Toronto's residential fabric

Vermeulen, Stephanie January 2006 (has links)
This thesis envisions a new way of living in the city of Toronto. It is a vision that evolves not from the ideologies on which Toronto was founded, set out over 100 years ago when all multi-family dwellings were called tenements and tenements were considered, among other things, immoral. Instead, it is a vision founded on a city that has seen immense change over the last century, and faces an even greater rate of change over the next. Our city prides itself on its cultural and social diversity, yet, architecturally, we still struggle to adapt within a fabric of single-family homes. The Dutch provide an edifying example of an architecture of daily life, embodied by their attitude toward issues of privacy, toward traffic, toward work and play. Based on a case study of housing in the Netherlands, a country that has successfully and creatively adapted to the demands of housing in a climate of rapid immigration and a diversifying population, this thesis proposes new, high density urban housing typologies for the city of Toronto. This new vision for the city serves not only to add the necessary density to our existing neighbourhoods, but to foster a strong community life and to provoke new ideas about urban living.

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