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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representações de masculinidade entre os jovens em Moçambique em tempos de SIDA

Gomes, Laura Maria de Aguiar Loforte January 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho problematiza as representações de gênero e sexualidade dos jovens do sexo masculino em Moçambique e o seu comportamento frente ao HIV/SIDA. Na produção dos dados participaram estudantes da Escola Secundária Nelson Mandela da província de Maputo e utilizei as técnicas do grupo focal e de entrevistas. Este estudo insere-se no campo dos estudos culturais na vertente pósestruturalista, mais particularmente na área dos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. Compreender como é que os jovens do sexo masculino se tornam homens e que mecanismos são acionados na produção dessas masculinidades jovens constituíram elementos que percorreram este trabalho. Durante a pesquisa foi possível perceber que estes jovens têm como ponto de partida e de chegada a família. A família referenciada pelos pais, tios, irmãos e avós ocupa um lugar de destaque na vida dos jovens, e interfere na produção destas identidades masculinas, sem esquecer que outros elementos como escola, religião, mídia, grupos de pares, ONG,s participam e dialogam de igual modo neste processo. A família aparece igualmente como ponto de chegada considerando que todos os jovens participantes desta pesquisa almejam ter uma casa, esposa, filhos e filhas. Ter um emprego que permita aos jovens prover a família é uma preocupação e uma meta a ser atingida por todos, para além de esta ser também uma forma de os futuros homens conseguirem autonomia e respeito perante a sociedade. Estes jovens apresentam identidades fluídas e cambiantes que ora se encaminham para representações mais tradicionais e conservadoras, ora privilegiam questões da modernidade sendo que por vezes e não raras, estão presentes elementos tradicionais e da modernidade em regime de tensão permanente. / The present research problematizes gender representations and the sexuality of youths of the masculine sex in Mozambique and their behaviour facing HIV/AIDS. Students from the “Escola Secundária Nelson Mandela” (Nelson Mandela Secondary School) in Maputo participated in producing the data, by means of the use of focal groups and interviews as techniques. This study inserts itself in the cultural studies field through a post-structuralism point of view, more specifically in the arena of gender and sexuality studies. Comprehending how male youths become men, and which mechanisms are activated in producing these young masculinities, constituted elements that travelled the length of this study. During the research, it was possible to perceive that these youths have their family as a platform, a base from which they depart and arrive. The above mentioned family, which includes parents, uncles, brothers and grandparents occupies a distinguished position in the lives of the youths, and interferes in the production of these masculine identities, not forgetting that other elements such as school, religion, media, peer groups and NGO´s participate and discuss, in an equal manner, in this process. The family once again appears as an arrivals platform considering that all the youths participating in this research aim to have a house, wife and children. Having employment that permits the youths to provide for a family is a preoccupation and a target to be reached for all, apart from this also being a form of the future men gaining autonomy and respect before society as well. These youths present fluid and shifting identities, which sometimes stray towards more traditional and conservative representations, whilst sometimes giving privilege to issues of modernity, being that in not so rare an instance, traditional and modernity elements are present in a regime of constant tension.

A critical assessment of the implementation of performance management in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Ngcelwane, Mnikeli Jackson January 2009 (has links)
The transformation of all spheres of South African government to a more effective and efficient administration became a priority after the election of the country's first democratic government in April 1994. An important aspect of South Africa's democratisation was the promise by the new government to improve the lives of the people of this country, and provide a better life for all the citizens of South Africa. One of the most effective ways of achieving this goal is generally accepted to be the proper management and strengthening of the local government sphere. Local government is the sphere of government that is closest to the people, and generally the performance of National Government is assessed through the performance of municipalities. In strengthening local government, various pieces of legislation were developed since 1994 to ensure that the objectives of Section 152 of the Constitution are achieved. As a result of these imperatives, the Department of Provincial and Local Government introduced a White Paper on Local Government on 9 March 1998, with a vision of working towards a new developmental local government system. Various statutes emanated from this strategic framework, such as the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act No. 117 of 1998, the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act No. 32 of 2000 and the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act No. 56 of 2003. These legislative enactments endeavour to ensure that the local sphere of government is managed more strategically than previously, and is responsive to the needs of communities. Municipalities are expected to deliver efficient and affordable services to the local communities, and failure to do so could result in the recent spate of violent protest that has been recently experienced in various parts of the country. In order to measure the extent of service delivery to the communities, and to assess whether the objectives named in the municipality's Integrated Development Plan (IDP) document are being achieved, municipalities are compelled to implement performance management for all members of staff, political office bearers and service providers, in terms of the Municipal Systems Act No. 32 of 2000. This thesis therefore looks at challenges faced by the Senior Management (i.e. Section 57 employees, Directors and Assistant Directors) in the implementation of performance management within the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, during the first five years of their term in office (i.e. Senior Management appointed after 6 December 2000 local government elections), and recommending performance management steps as well as performance management model that can be used to cascade performance management amongst all levels of staff. This thesis begins by introducing the subject of performance management, briefly discussing the demarcation of the research, the research method utilised, the historical background of performance management, as well as the current status of performance management within the municipality. The introduction of the topic is followed by a theoretical overview of the subject of performance management. This is followed by the discussion of the research methodology followed when conducting this research study. The findings are discussed in detail after the research methodology, giving a synopsis of what the interviewees disclosed during the interview process. The last chapter provides a brief discussion of the findings, and discusses the recommended performance management steps and performance management model, that can be used by the municipality to cascade performance amongst all members of staff.

A critical analysis on how policy and legislation influence the implementation of renewable energy in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Mkhonta, Gcebekile Tikhokhile January 2011 (has links)
Development in this century is facing the critical dilemma brought about by Climate Change and the misuse of natural resources which are being depleted faster than they are being reproduced. Sustainable development offers an on-going call for global action towards mitigating the impact of these changes to ensure that current generations live equitably without infringing on the needs of future generations. Ensuing from Sustainable Development are a variety of initiatives such as Renewable Energy, which are aimed at reducing the amount of greenhouse gases, the main culprits of Climate Change. Many countries around the globe have further tailored Sustainable Development principles into policy and legislation to ensure that development initiatives meet the needs of current generations without compromising those of future generations. This study embarked on a process to evaluate how such policies influence the implementation of Renewable Energy projects in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

A critical analysis of challenges facing developmental local government : a case study of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality

Tsatsire, Israel January 2008 (has links)
This thesis investigates the challenges facing developmental local government in South Africa, using the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality as a reference. The thesis comprises eight chapters. The study is based on the assumption that the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality, like other municipalities in South Africa, is confronted by numerous challenges in implementing its constitutional developmental mandate conferred on it by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996. It is vital that local government understands and contextualises these challenges, so that appropriate interventions may be developed. The widespread recent service delivery protests which, in many instances, have turned violent, have sounded an alarm that cannot be ignored. If local government is already struggling to fulfill its traditional mandate of service delivery, then it would find it difficult to spearhead social and economic transformation and development. This study proposes to provide a brief historical background on the evolution and transformation of local government in South Africa. Issues such as the new status and developmental mandate of local government, the extent to which local government has succeeded in complying with its developmental mandate, as well as the challenges it has encountered along the way, will be addressed. Recommendations are presented on how the existing status quo can be changed to enhance service delivery and development and enable low government to fulfil its developmental role more efficient and effectively, with particular reference to the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality. The empirical survey and research methodology employed in the study is described. This is followed by the operationalisation of the survey questionnaire used for gathering the data needed for analysis. The research findings of the empirical survey are then statistically analysed and reported. The concept of models is introduced, and selected models are explained. This is followed by an explanation of the proposed normative model for monitoring and evaluating service delivery and development in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality, for possible replication in other South African municipalities. Various recommendations flowing from the results of the empirical study, namely the responses made by the respondents during the empirical survey, are proposed in the final chapter. If adopted, these recommendations will enable the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality to deal with the developmental challenges facing it, ultimately rendering the Municipality a more efficient and effective developmental agent.

The role of Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in the upkeep and management of open spaces in Zwide Township

Zonke, Gcobani January 2013 (has links)
This paper is an investigation into the role of the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality (NMBMM) in the up-keep and management of open spaces, in Zwide Township. The study examines the manner in which the legislative framework for waste management is being implemented as prescribed in legislative directives. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996), envisions the transformation of the local government system. Subsequently, policy frameworks and principles have been developed to support the new vision of local government. The Batho Pele Principles and the white paper were passed in March 1998. Both documents spelt out the implementation of the principle and the framework in which the local government system should operate as set out in the developmental local government concept. The developmental local government system’s core ethos lies in working with local citizenry to find ways of meeting their needs, thereby improving their quality of life. It also makes provision for public participation. Ward councillors and ward committees are an indispensable backbone of community participation. It is assumed in this study that a number of environmental, social, economic and health challenges are associated with waste disposal in open spaces. Such hazards range from health risks to the abuse of open spaces by antisocial individuals and groups. The situation is exacerbated by poor implementation of constitutional and legislative directives regarding waste management and disposal to ensure a humane and environmentally friendly atmosphere. The research assumes that the problem cannot be overcome by the NMBMM alone. Well-orchestrated community awareness education programmes such as projects like “trash is cash “and innovative ways of managing waste, including waste recycling, need to be drawn upon. The strategic placement of waste stations and the timeous collection of waste could improve the situation. The observation is that the level of service delivery varies within residential areas and in socioeconomic strata. The previously disadvantaged areas seem to have borne the brunt in terms of poor waste management services until now. The municipality has been accustomed to a situation whereby it removes the waste on an ad hoc basis in selected areas in the townships. The situation is exacerbated by little foresight into the ever growing population, specifically amongst the lower socioeconomic sector of the population. As a result, the ecology and environment is impacted in a negative way. Amidst the challenges of dumping in open spaces, a sense of determination appears within the community to want to prevent the situation; to illustrate: There is an organized group of youths who have cleaned up open spaces at along Qeqe Street in Zwide. They developed a car wash bay as a venture to generate an income. The Green Township Movement is another scheme which is mobilising the community, street by street, to keep their neighbourhood environmentally clean and green. Potentially, the Waste Management Directorate could collaborate with these groupings to halt waste dumping in open spaces. In so doing they could contribute to establishing an environmentally friendly neighbourhood. The NMBMM needs therefore to take advantage of the situation and reengineer its waste management strategy, policies and directives and augment the initiatives that the community have taken upon themselves. The study will endeavour to ultimately advise on viable strategies in an attempt to unravel barriers that have been identified, while simultaneously addressing the challenges to improving the quality of life in the township. This will be done by analysing a legislative framework and thereafter replicating the best practice used locally, nationally and internationally.. It also seeks to associate with individuals within local government in addition to groups that are like minded in combating the concern. The existing environmental regulations and the present economic situation are sound starting points. Together they present an opportunity to change the prevailing attitudes towards recycling. Finally, a number of conclusions that were arrived at during the study will be followed by recommendations. These will be based on the literature review and observations.

The influence of the electricity distribution restructuring on the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Bukula, Mvuleni Joseph January 2009 (has links)
The objective of this research is to assess the impact to the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality due to ongoing Electricity Distribution Industry Restructuring in South Africa as directed by the Electricity Distribution Industry Holdings on behalf of the Department of Minerals and Energy’s adopted Electricity Distribution Blue Print Report of 2001. Literature review of scholarly literature was conducted on privatisation of public utilities that offered an international perspective on experiences of other countries that has undergone similar experiences of restructuring of public assets, the state of Electricity Supply Industry in South Africa with the demonstration of structural financial and physical flows and historical background of the restructuring, proposed future model and strategic plans to achieve the future goals. Research methodology and design was done through combination of the four-research types classification in their order of sophistication except the predictive research, namely exploratory, descriptive, and analytical or explanatory researches with a further inclusion of deductive research. The compilation of data through questionnaires was also employed. Perceptions on internal impact to the NMBM due to electricity services restructuring were solicited from the sample of the top management of the NMBM, the intention was to ensure the economies of scale, greater transparency and competition in terms of service delivery were sustained during and beyond Regional Electricity Distributor establishment. Financial position of NMBM as a critical instrument for its progress has to be protected to ensure it fulfils its constitutional development mandate. The findings of the research were in strong support of ensuring operational financial viability; to meet the legitimate employment, economic and social interest of all employees; development and implementation of change management strategies; and NMBM assuming leading role in the process.

Waiting to die: staging of HIV positive people at the first HIV test - Region A, Nelson Mandela Metropole (January 1991-April 2000)

Cupido, Ynoma January 2006 (has links)
Masters of Art / This project suggested that HIV people in Region A (Nelson Mandela Metropole, formerly Port Elizabeth) health district of the Eastern Cape, seek HIV testing when they are already in stages three (late disease) and four (AIDS) of HIV infection. Data had been obtained from the AIDS Training Information and Counselling Centre in the Nelson Mandela Metropole in 2000. The consequences of diagnoses only in the advanced stages of HIV infection will have a devastating impact on case management. Therefore, this paper yielded important data for South African policy makers to write health and welfare policies that might improve the quality of life of those terminally infected with HIV. / South Africa

An evaluation of the Nelson Mandela Metropole as a location to attract investment

Nonxuba, Philile Zipho January 2006 (has links)
The Nelson Mandela Metropole is the largest contributor to the Eastern Cape Province’s economy and its share of the production of the Eastern Cape is about 41, 3 % per annum. This requires that the competitiveness of the Metropole be improved in order to enable it to meet the challenges of the Province. The objective of the GEAR policy strategy places a focus on the leading coastal industrial locations of South Africa. Furthermore, the national government has shifted the responsibility of service delivery to local governments in an effort to reinforce the integrated development planning process in municipalities. To meet those challenges, the Metropole has focused its attention on improving local resources. To enhance the performance of the manufacturing industry of the Metropole, it is necessary to ensure that the Metropole has locational attributes to attract new investment. Such attributes include creation of closely located industries. This will help the firms to engage in competition as well as engage in co-operative activities among themselves. The study employs a variety of theories to highlight the need to enhance productivity of industries in order to attract new investment. These theories include the new (endogenous) growth theory that argues that productivity growth is determined by introduction of new technologies. Such technologies accrue because ideas that contribute to their development are nonrival, and thus their creation has a fixed cost and zero marginal cost. The property of fixed cost in the creation of ideas results in the emergence of increasing returns to scale. The Porter’s Diamond framework is used in the study to take the issue of productivity growth further. Its thrust is that in particular nations some industries experience high productivity growth rates. It further argues that the locational attributes are responsible for these industries in registering high productivity growth levels. These attributes include the creation of advanced resources such as a skilled labour force. The data obtained from the survey of the research on the manufacturing industries forms part of this study. The findings of the survey reveal that although the manufacturing sector of the South African region has registered some significant success, there is still some room for improving its competitiveness. It revealed that development of the local markets through competition and cooperation among the industries would help to render these industries internationally competitive. This study concludes with some recommendations. These recommendations place emphasis on improvement of infrastructure, quality of labour force, and development of the region’s market. In order to carry out the recommendations effectively, government policy has to be repositioned so as to enhance its visibility among the stakeholders in the economy. Of importance is to ensure the promotion of policy that supports geographically concentrated businesses.

Management of the nutritional care of children under five years old by nurses in the Nelson Mandela Bay Health District

Nyarko, Marian Joyce January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine how nurses manage the nutritional care of children under the age of five years at the primary healthcare level. A quantitative approach with an explorative descriptive design was used. A self-administered questionnaire and was used to collect data. The population was 34 professional nurses working in the child health sections of 16 clinics, all of whom were accessible, but one did not respond. Ten out of the target population were also observed using an observational checklist. Findings show lack of proper implementation of Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) guidelines and incorrect use of the Road-to-Health booklet. Secondly, the nurses at the child healthcare section had a high workload or had little experience in child care. The need for more emphasis on nutrition during IMCI training and the re-orientation of nurses on the optimal use of the Road-to-Health booklet were identified. / Master of Public Health (MPH) / Health Studies

Management of the nutritional care of children under five years old by nurses in the Nelson Mandela Bay Health District

Nyarko, Marian Joyce January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine how nurses manage the nutritional care of children under the age of five years at the primary healthcare level. A quantitative approach with an explorative descriptive design was used. A self-administered questionnaire and was used to collect data. The population was 34 professional nurses working in the child health sections of 16 clinics, all of whom were accessible, but one did not respond. Ten out of the target population were also observed using an observational checklist. Findings show lack of proper implementation of Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) guidelines and incorrect use of the Road-to-Health booklet. Secondly, the nurses at the child healthcare section had a high workload or had little experience in child care. The need for more emphasis on nutrition during IMCI training and the re-orientation of nurses on the optimal use of the Road-to-Health booklet were identified. / Master of Public Health (MPH) / Health Studies

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