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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O mundo dos nerds: imagens, consumo e interação / The world of nerds: images, consumption and interaction

Yokote, Guilherme Kazuo Lopes 26 November 2014 (has links)
O termo nerd tem circulado há algumas décadas em meio aos mais variados lugares e circunstâncias, e seu significado tem oscilado conforme o contexto de seu emprego. Atualmente tem gradativamente deixado de lado um aspecto necessariamente pejorativo em detrimento a uma conotação mais branda, cada vez menos ligada a processos cognitivos (principalmente em âmbito escolar, acadêmico, científico) ou à capacidade de interação social e cada vez mais ligada à relação com um universo de bens culturais específicos. Essa mudança de concepção do termo, contudo, não é repentina e absoluta. Trata-se de um processo de transformação que articula signos distintos, com barreiras que nem sempre são nítidas. Considerando o termo nerd como categoria de autoafirmação e partindo de uma concepção que o interpreta como o indivíduo que possui uma estreita relação com um determinado conjunto de bens culturais específicos, esta dissertação se propôs a investigar a maneira como esses nerds interagem entre si por meio da apreciação compartilhada de bens, sobretudo, audiovisuais. / The term nerd has been circulating for a few decades around the most different places and circumstances, with its meaning oscillating according to the context of its use. Currently, it has been gradually keeping aside a necessarily offensive aspect to move over to a softer connotation, less connected to cognitive processes (specially on academic and scientific environments) or the ability to perform social interactions and more connected to the relationship established with specifics cultural goods. This change regarding the conception of the term, however, is not sudden e absolute. It is a process of transformation that articulates distinct signs, with barriers that are not always clear. Considering the term nerd as a self-affirmation category, and based in a conception that interpreted it as the individual that has a strict relationship with a certain set of specific cultural goods, this dissertation intended to investigate the way those nerds interact with each other through a shared consumption of goods, specially, audiovisual.

O mundo dos nerds: imagens, consumo e interação / The world of nerds: images, consumption and interaction

Guilherme Kazuo Lopes Yokote 26 November 2014 (has links)
O termo nerd tem circulado há algumas décadas em meio aos mais variados lugares e circunstâncias, e seu significado tem oscilado conforme o contexto de seu emprego. Atualmente tem gradativamente deixado de lado um aspecto necessariamente pejorativo em detrimento a uma conotação mais branda, cada vez menos ligada a processos cognitivos (principalmente em âmbito escolar, acadêmico, científico) ou à capacidade de interação social e cada vez mais ligada à relação com um universo de bens culturais específicos. Essa mudança de concepção do termo, contudo, não é repentina e absoluta. Trata-se de um processo de transformação que articula signos distintos, com barreiras que nem sempre são nítidas. Considerando o termo nerd como categoria de autoafirmação e partindo de uma concepção que o interpreta como o indivíduo que possui uma estreita relação com um determinado conjunto de bens culturais específicos, esta dissertação se propôs a investigar a maneira como esses nerds interagem entre si por meio da apreciação compartilhada de bens, sobretudo, audiovisuais. / The term nerd has been circulating for a few decades around the most different places and circumstances, with its meaning oscillating according to the context of its use. Currently, it has been gradually keeping aside a necessarily offensive aspect to move over to a softer connotation, less connected to cognitive processes (specially on academic and scientific environments) or the ability to perform social interactions and more connected to the relationship established with specifics cultural goods. This change regarding the conception of the term, however, is not sudden e absolute. It is a process of transformation that articulates distinct signs, with barriers that are not always clear. Considering the term nerd as a self-affirmation category, and based in a conception that interpreted it as the individual that has a strict relationship with a certain set of specific cultural goods, this dissertation intended to investigate the way those nerds interact with each other through a shared consumption of goods, specially, audiovisual.

Is nerd the new sexy? A study on the reception of the television series The Big Bang Theory / Is nerd the new sexy? Um estudo sobre a recepÃÃo da sÃrie televisiva The Big Bang Theory

Soraya Madeira da Silva 06 June 2016 (has links)
nÃo hà / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar a relaÃÃo das pessoas com a sÃrie televisiva The Big Bang Theory e sua percepÃÃo a respeito de se considerarem ou serem consideradas nerds. Este grupo, durante muito tempo visto e retratado como pÃria da sociedade, vem ganhando fama nos Ãltimos anos e tem sua imagem reformulada nos meios midiÃticos. Este trabalho, em um primeiro momento, procura traÃar o perfil do nerd, analisando seu histÃrico, caracterÃsticas e representaÃÃes midiÃticas, em produtos como sÃries e filmes, para fazer uma reflexÃo sobre o que à ser nerd atualmente. Para esta avaliaÃÃo, os autores Nugent (2008), Goffman (1988), Fernando e Rios (2001) e Bourdieu (1983) sÃo usados para identificar as caracterÃsticas distintivas do grupo, sua estigmatizaÃÃo perante a sociedade e sua relaÃÃo com o consumo e a mÃdia. Em seguida, levanta-se uma discussÃo a respeito da conexÃo entre comunicaÃÃo e cultura, utilizando autores como Caune (2004), Thompson (2001), Schulman (2004) e Morley (1996), dentre outros, para ressaltar a importÃncia dos Estudos Culturais dentro do Ãmbito desta pesquisa. ProduÃÃo e consumo estÃo interligados quando analisamos produtos culturais veiculados em meios de comunicaÃÃo de massa, por isso sÃo analisados as sÃries televisivas, sua classificaÃÃo, relaÃÃo com o pÃblico e a importÃncia dos personagens que as compÃem como elementos de conexÃo entre produto e audiÃncia. Jost (2012), Esquenazi (2010), Seger (2006), Davis (2001) e Field (2001) sÃo utilizados para explanar os processos de produÃÃo de sÃries e de criaÃÃo de personagens, fundamentais para entender o sucesso da sÃrie televisiva americana The Big Bang Theory, exibida pela CBS (EUA) e pela Warner Channel (Brasil). ApÃs uma anÃlise detalha dos personagens destas sitcom, apresenta-se os resultados da pesquisa realizada para este trabalho. Como metodologia, um questionÃrio estruturado, com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, foi aplicado em uma amostra aleatÃria de 600 pessoas, com o objetivo de investigar seus hÃbitos de consumo, sÃries favoritas, conexÃo com os personagens, percepÃÃes acerca da sÃrie The Big Bang Theory e sua visÃo sobre considerarem-se ou serem considerados nerds por outras pessoas. Na conclusÃo desta pesquisa, relata-se que a relaÃÃo das pessoas com os produtos culturais que consomem à baseada por afetos e identificaÃÃo com o enredo e personagens da histÃria. Em relaÃÃo à sÃrie The Big Bang Theory, opiniÃes diversas sÃo apresentadas sobre a estereotipificaÃÃo dos personagens e evoluÃÃo da narrativa. Por fim, conclui-se que ser nerd, ou ser considerado assim, hoje em dia ainda à algo que carrega bastante negatividade para quem nÃo se insere no grupo, mas se torna um fator de empoderamento para quem se inclui. Esta identidade à construÃda atravÃs do alto consumo de produtos culturais que visam estabelecer uma conexÃo afetiva com essas pessoas e oferecer uma projeÃÃo da narrativa de suas vidas. / This research aims to investigate the relationship of people with the TV show The Big Bang Theory and their perception as to whether they consider themselves or are considered nerds. This group, which has long been seen and treated as a pariah of society, has gained fame in recent years and had his image reformulated in the media. This work, in a first moment, seeks to address the nerd profile, analyzing their history, characteristics and media representations in products as TV series and movies, to make a reflection about what means to be nerd currently. For this analysis, the authors Nugent (2008), Goffman (1988), Fernando and Rios (2001) and Bourdieu (1983) are used to identify the group's distinguishing characteristics, their stigmatization in society and its relationship with consumption and the media. Then, a discussion about the connection between communication and culture is aroused, using authors like Caune (2004), Thompson (2001), Schulman (2004) and Morley (1996), among others, to highlight the importance of cultural studies within the scope of this research. Production and consumption are intertwined when we look conveyed cultural products in mass media, so TV series, their classification, public relationship and the importance of the characters that make them up are analyzed as elements connecting product and audience. Jost (2012), Esquenazi (2010), Seger (2006), Davis (2001) and Field (2001) are used to explain the production processes of TV series and character creation, fundamentals to understand the success of an American TV show The Big Bang Theory, displayed on CBS (EUA) and Warner Channel (Brazil). After a detailed analyze of this sitcom's characters, the results of the research carried out for this job are presented. As methodology, a structured survey, with a quantitative and a qualitative approach was applied in a random sample of 600 person, with the purpose of investigate their consuming habits, favorite TV series, connection with characters, perceptions about The Big Bang Theory and their vision about consider themselves or be considered nerd by others. At the conclusion of this research, it is reported that the relationship between people and cultural products they consume is based on affect and identification with the plot and characters in the story. Regarding The Big Bang Theory series, different opinions are presented on the character stereotyping and narrative evolution. Finally, it's concluded that being a nerd, or be considered as well, nowadays it is still something that carries a lot of negativity for those who do not fall within the group, but becomes a empowering factor for who is included. This identity is constructed through the high consumption of cultural products aimed at establishing an emotional connection with these people and offering a projection of the narrative of their lives.

Resan med FC Nörd : Gemenskap i utanförskap / The trip with FC Nörd : Kinship in alienation

Antoncich, Ivan January 2015 (has links)
Jag kommer i denna uppsats använda min egen upplevelse och mitt eget perspektiv för att kunna återberätta det som kan vara avgörande för att ett fotbollslag ska klara alla hinder framför sig. Vad det kan innebära för otränade individer att sättas i en grupp och försöka fungera som en grupp. Vad ledarskapets roll kan betyda för en grupp eller vad det kan orsaka för problem om den som blir ledare inte vet hur en ledare ska vara eller vad dess roll innebär inom fotboll.vad det innebär att vara i en grupp och vad som krävs att en grupp ska fungera som ett lag. / I will in this paper to use my own experience and my own perspective to retell that which can be crucial to a football team must clear all obstacles in front of him . What that might mean for untrained individuals to be in a group and try to act as a group . What leadership role mean for a group or whatever it may cause problems if that becomes the leader does not know how a leader should be or what its role is in fotboll.vad it means to be in a group and what it takes to a group to work as a team.

Resan med FC Nörd : Gemenskap i utanförskap / The trip with FC Nörd : Kinship in alienation

Antoncich, Ivan January 2016 (has links)
I denna uppsats återberättar jag min upplevelse och mitt perspektiv på vad som kan vara avgörande för att ett fotbollslag ska klara av hinder framför sig. Uppsaten fokuserar på hur skilda individer kan skapa en tillhörighet och gemenskap när de försätts i ett sammanhang där de delar ett utanförskap i samhället. Denna gemenskap i utanförskap kopplas till teorier kring etniska grupper och gruppstrukturer. / In this essay i will retell my experience and my view on what can be crucial for a soccer team to clear all obstacles in front of a team. The paper focus on how different individuals kan create a unity and kinship when they share a context when they are viewed as outsiders in the society. The unity in the exclusion connects to theories about ethnic groups and group structures.

Second Skin : en studie i jeansnördens syn på jeans / Second skin : a study on the denim nerds view on denim jeans

Augustsson, Pär, Johansson, Staffan January 2011 (has links)
Jeansmarknaden idag i Sverige är präglad av hög konkurrens med många olika aktörer somverkar där. De senaste åren har en speciell kundgrupp vuxit fram vilka kallas jeansnördar.Dessa konsumenter och deras syn på jeans är i dagsläget inte kartlagt vilket därförhuvudsyftet med studien. Under studien har vi kommit i kontakt med ett svenskt jeansföretagvid namn Pace Jeans som vi intervjuade och fick därigenom hjälp med att identifiera personersom kunde hjälpa oss att uppnå vårt syfte. Genom att ställa oss frågan hur företaget ser påjeansnörden och hur det här skiljer sig från hur den faktiska konsumenten är. Huvudfrågan fördenna studie är vem jeansnörden är och hur denne ser på jeans. Förhoppningen är att se hurväl det stämmer överens eller om fokusföretaget borde tänka om. Studien kan även användasav nystartade jeansföretag som vill närma sig jeansnörden då den visar på hur dennakonsumenten ser på jeans. För att kunna utföra den här studien har vi valt att använda oss aven kvalitativ metod där vi har gjort en strukturerad intervju med grundaren för det svenskajeansföretaget och även genomfört två stycken fokusgruppsintervjuer. Valet av dessa metodervar naturligt då vi vill få fram jeansnördens åsikter och beteende kring inköpet av ett parjeans.För att kunna kartlägga kunden använder vi oss av konsumentbeteendeteorier som bland annatgäller hur informationsökningen går till innan ett inköp och applicerar det på jeansnörden föratt kunna se hur dessa uppträder som konsumenter. Vi ställer oss även frågan om jeansnördenär del av en subkultur och hur en sådan då skulle se ut. Det kunde vi inte hitta något somstödjer i empirin, däremot fanns det likheter mellan dessa och hur en neostam är uppbyggd.En neostam är mindre rigid än en subkultur och tar dessutom in influenser från kulturen somfinns runtomkring den vilket vi kunde konstatera att jeansnörden gör.Som konsument är jeansnörden kvalitetssökande och har en god förkunskap för vilkamodeller och varumärken som den finner önskvärda. Kvalitet är det som jeansnörden sättersom det främsta vid ett inköp av ett par nya jeans. Det behov som framstår som det främstaför att jeansnörden väljer att klä sig i den typen av jeans den gör är att förverkliga sig självoch med jeansen vill dessa smycka ut sig själva. Därigenom minskar avståndet mellanidealjaget och det faktiska jaget och på så sätt får jeansnörden en bättre självbild.Det svenska jeansföretagets föreställningar om hur jeansnörden är kom vi fram till att det härtill en viss del stämmer överens. Vad vi kom fram till var att på produktnivå stämmer PaceJeans och jeansnördens syn på jeans överens väldigt bra.Gällande framtida forskning skulle vi vilja se en studie som svarar på frågan hur mankommunikationsmässigt bäst når denna kund?The denim market in Sweden today is tinged by competition with a lot of different players.During the last couple of years a new group of consumers have grown forth, these are calleddenim nerds. These consumers and their view on denim has not yet been studied. This is themain purpose of this study. During this study we have come in contact with a swedish denimbrand, which we have interviewed in order to identify their view on denim. The interwievhelped us to identify people who we came to phrase as denim nerds and accomplish thepurpose of this study. By asking the question how the denim brand views their costumer andhow well this view match with what we have found about the denim nerds. The main questionof this study is who is the denim nerd and what is their view on denim Our goal is to seewhether company is on the right track or if they need to reconsider their views. The study canalso be used by new denim brands who wants to approach these type of customer. In order toconduct this study we have used a qualitative method and we have done one structuredinterview with the founder of the swedish denim brand and also conducted two focal groupinterviews. The choice of these methods where natural because our goal was to find out thedenim nerds views and behaviour concerning the purchase of a new pair of denimjeans.In order to be able to study the consumer we have used theories concerning consumerbehaviourism, which among other things includes information search prior to purchase, andthen we have applied this on the consumer in order to see how they behave. We also askedourselves whether the denim can be labeled as a subculture, a question that we could notanswer based on our empirical study. On the other hand we found similarities between thedenim nerds and what an neo-tribe is made up off. A neo-tribe is less rigid in its structure andtakes influences from the surrounding culture which we found empirical evidence for in ourstudy.As a consumer the denim nerd is searching for quality and has good knowledge of thedifferent styles of denim jeans which they find interesting. Quality is the aspect which thedenim nerd puts in front of all other things when searching for a new pair of jeans. The needwhich drives the denim nerd to buy a new pair of jeans is above all other self-realisation andthe need to ornament oneself is also important. By doing so the gap between the self and idealself is lessened and denim nerd will get an improved ego image.The Swedish denim brand ideas about the denim nerd is according to the study somewhat inharmony with how the denim nerd acts and thinks, especially on product level. What wefound was that on product level Pace Jeans and the denim nerds view on jeans harmoniceswell.On future studies we would like to see a study which answers the question how this costumerbest should be reached? The study is written in Swedish. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

Is nerd the new sexy? Um estudo sobre a recepção da série televisiva The Big Bang Theory / Is nerd the new sexy? A study on the reception of the television series The Big Bang Theory

Silva, Soraya Madeira da January 2016 (has links)
SILVA, Soraya Madeira da. Is nerd the new sexy? Um estudo sobre a recepção da série televisiva The Big Bang Theory. 2016. 178f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Instituto de Cultura e Arte, Programa de Pós-graduação em Comunicação Social, Fortaleza (CE), 2016. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-15T14:32:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_smsilva.pdf: 3247280 bytes, checksum: 6dcebf3f11041ecdfb9d88b5efa68c2e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-15T14:37:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_smsilva.pdf: 3247280 bytes, checksum: 6dcebf3f11041ecdfb9d88b5efa68c2e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-15T14:37:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_smsilva.pdf: 3247280 bytes, checksum: 6dcebf3f11041ecdfb9d88b5efa68c2e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / This research aims to investigate the relationship of people with the TV show The Big Bang Theory and their perception as to whether they consider themselves or are considered nerds. This group, which has long been seen and treated as a pariah of society, has gained fame in recent years and had his image reformulated in the media. This work, in a first moment, seeks to address the nerd profile, analyzing their history, characteristics and media representations in products as TV series and movies, to make a reflection about what means to be nerd currently. For this analysis, the authors Nugent (2008), Goffman (1988), Fernando and Rios (2001) and Bourdieu (1983) are used to identify the group's distinguishing characteristics, their stigmatization in society and its relationship with consumption and the media. Then, a discussion about the connection between communication and culture is aroused, using authors like Caune (2004), Thompson (2001), Schulman (2004) and Morley (1996), among others, to highlight the importance of cultural studies within the scope of this research. Production and consumption are intertwined when we look conveyed cultural products in mass media, so TV series, their classification, public relationship and the importance of the characters that make them up are analyzed as elements connecting product and audience. Jost (2012), Esquenazi (2010), Seger (2006), Davis (2001) and Field (2001) are used to explain the production processes of TV series and character creation, fundamentals to understand the success of an American TV show The Big Bang Theory, displayed on CBS (EUA) and Warner Channel (Brazil). After a detailed analyze of this sitcom's characters, the results of the research carried out for this job are presented. As methodology, a structured survey, with a quantitative and a qualitative approach was applied in a random sample of 600 person, with the purpose of investigate their consuming habits, favorite TV series, connection with characters, perceptions about The Big Bang Theory and their vision about consider themselves or be considered nerd by others. At the conclusion of this research, it is reported that the relationship between people and cultural products they consume is based on affect and identification with the plot and characters in the story. Regarding The Big Bang Theory series, different opinions are presented on the character stereotyping and narrative evolution. Finally, it's concluded that being a nerd, or be considered as well, nowadays it is still something that carries a lot of negativity for those who do not fall within the group, but becomes a empowering factor for who is included. This identity is constructed through the high consumption of cultural products aimed at establishing an emotional connection with these people and offering a projection of the narrative of their lives. / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar a relação das pessoas com a série televisiva The Big Bang Theory e sua percepção a respeito de se considerarem ou serem consideradas nerds. Este grupo, durante muito tempo visto e retratado como pária da sociedade, vem ganhando fama nos últimos anos e tem sua imagem reformulada nos meios midiáticos. Este trabalho, em um primeiro momento, procura traçar o perfil do nerd, analisando seu histórico, características e representações midiáticas, em produtos como séries e filmes, para fazer uma reflexão sobre o que é ser nerd atualmente. Para esta avaliação, os autores Nugent (2008), Goffman (1988), Fernando e Rios (2001) e Bourdieu (1983) são usados para identificar as características distintivas do grupo, sua estigmatização perante a sociedade e sua relação com o consumo e a mídia. Em seguida, levanta-se uma discussão a respeito da conexão entre comunicação e cultura, utilizando autores como Caune (2004), Thompson (2001), Schulman (2004) e Morley (1996), dentre outros, para ressaltar a importância dos Estudos Culturais dentro do âmbito desta pesquisa. Produção e consumo estão interligados quando analisamos produtos culturais veiculados em meios de comunicação de massa, por isso são analisados as séries televisivas, sua classificação, relação com o público e a importância dos personagens que as compõem como elementos de conexão entre produto e audiência. Jost (2012), Esquenazi (2010), Seger (2006), Davis (2001) e Field (2001) são utilizados para explanar os processos de produção de séries e de criação de personagens, fundamentais para entender o sucesso da série televisiva americana The Big Bang Theory, exibida pela CBS (EUA) e pela Warner Channel (Brasil). Após uma análise detalha dos personagens destas sitcom, apresenta-se os resultados da pesquisa realizada para este trabalho. Como metodologia, um questionário estruturado, com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, foi aplicado em uma amostra aleatória de 600 pessoas, com o objetivo de investigar seus hábitos de consumo, séries favoritas, conexão com os personagens, percepções acerca da série The Big Bang Theory e sua visão sobre considerarem-se ou serem considerados nerds por outras pessoas. Na conclusão desta pesquisa, relata-se que a relação das pessoas com os produtos culturais que consomem é baseada por afetos e identificação com o enredo e personagens da história. Em relação à série The Big Bang Theory, opiniões diversas são apresentadas sobre a estereotipificação dos personagens e evolução da narrativa. Por fim, conclui-se que ser nerd, ou ser considerado assim, hoje em dia ainda é algo que carrega bastante negatividade para quem não se insere no grupo, mas se torna um fator de empoderamento para quem se inclui. Esta identidade é construída através do alto consumo de produtos culturais que visam estabelecer uma conexão afetiva com essas pessoas e oferecer uma projeção da narrativa de suas vidas.

L337 Soccer Moms: Conceptions of "Hardcore" and "Casual" in the Digital Games Medium

Boyer, Steven Andrew 15 July 2009 (has links)
As digital games have become increasingly significant in the entertainment media landscape, the terms “casual” and “hardcore” have become the primary ways to describe gaming audiences, genres, and gameplay. However, these terms are saturated with outdated stereotypes involving gender, age, and class. Focusing on industrial discourse, this thesis examines this dichotomy, emphasizing areas of discontinuity and overlap to question why these terms have become so ubiquitous in gaming discourse and what functions they fulfill for a variety of groups including the industry, advertisers, and audience members. Ultimately, I suggest that these terms need to be replaced in order to move beyond restrictive stereotypes, proposing a new framework for digital games that takes into consideration user motivation, personal investment, and historical specificity.

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